Разработчик: Raba Games
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Вы когда-нибудь мечтали побывать в космосе? Я уверен, что да! Мы также мечтали об этом, поэтому создали игру Space Battle VR, которая осуществляет эту мечту. Это полная приключений игра, действия которой происходят в космическом пространстве, игра с великолепным графическим дизайном. Игра поддерживает VR-контроллеры, благодаря чему вы действительно можете почувствовать себя пилотом космического корабля. Вы втянитесь в эту чудесную Вселенную благодаря удивительному сюжету и великолепным персонажам.
Звучит прекрасно, это правда, но будущее не выглядит таким безоблачным. Вы станете участником настоящей галактической войны, которая изобилует страданиями и смертью. Справьтесь с этим и помогите людям восстановить мир и счастье, которые они так желают получить. Примите вызов!

The REAL VR controlls!
Space Battle VR имеет уникальную систему управления, в которой вы «физически», с помощью контроллеров, дотрагиваетесь до устройств управления в кабине. Благодаря этому потрясающие ощущения и погружение в игру гарантированы. Но не только - эта система, прежде всего, приятная, и для того, чтобы привыкнуть к ней, требуется несколько секунд!

Боритесь, бросайтесь в самую гущу боя за свободу!

Выбирайте из доступных кораблей и приобретайте новые, каждый со своей собственной статистикой.

Путешествуйте по специально разработанным местам.

Выполните доверенные вам нестандартные миссии, и покажите, что на вас можно положиться в любых условиях.

Мы являемся инди-студией, а это значит, что мы выслушаем каждое мнение и улучшим игру так, как вы хотите! Мы создаем эту игру со страстью, и будем рады делать это вместе с вами.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, polish, russian, spanish - spain, italian, portuguese - brazil, french, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: 32/64-bit Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4590/AMD FX 8350
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, AMD Radeon R9 290
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: Standard
- Поддержка VR: SteamVR
- Дополнительно: VR support is required
- ОС *: 32/64-bit Windows 7 / 8.1 / 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4590/AMD FX 8350
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060, AMD Radeon RX 480
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: Standard
- Дополнительно: VR support is required
Отзывы пользователей
This is another one of those games I wish there was a "neutral" rating for as it is just alright.
It ran well enough with the graphics being okay - but how the interface was over where textures of the mesh itself in the cockpit makes me feel like the cockpit model this developer used weren't originally intended for this usecase.
The sounds were lacklustre and it didn't feel like I had terawatts of laser in my arsenal, but it was realistic in the sense no music played during the battles.
The gunplay itself had fun moments, but I think I had more frustration or indifference throughout the entire session: the story is bizarre and isn't the best (even for a B-movie), and the main thing that irritated me is the enemy AI loved hugging the planets in each engagement - so I either died trying to follow them to shoot my lasers, or (especially later on) it becomes a missile firing simulator as I am so far away from the planet I can't just collide with it. Why the AI always headed towards the planet and not open space is something I don't understand.
So in conclusion: I don't want to be too harsh with Space Battle VR as it is giving me serious "first game" vibes, and for a first game it's pretty good - It just needs more refinement! It's not worth the asking price of £8.50, but I got this at an 81% discount (£1.61) during the last Winter Sale, and at that price it's alright; but Space Battle VR hasn't quite scratched the itch like I wanted it to.
bought this for £2 and it's so bad that it's not worth it!
Graphics are bad and I mean bad.
Controls are absolutely horrible. I am using index and these are the controls which you CANNOT change!
grip is change target...wtaf
trigger is shooting cannons...ok
the sprint button which is thumb stick pushed in is shooting missiles...WTAF
and to release throttle or flight stick you have to move your hand away so far in real life for the game to realize that you want to move your hand away...
Let's move on...
I think in 4 hours i would have finished whole game, but its so bad i didnt continue.
4 spaceships in total....and 8 missions in total and this short time i finished 3 missions onn hardest difficulty and didnnt die once...
ship bounces of planets and rocks.
This is just horrible game which is nnot even worth 2 quid...not even 1...
Great Idea, but the controls are just about impossible to control
The game is extremely simple with auto aim.
The controls are very poorly implemented.
I do not want to play any more of this game after completing the tutorial.
I love the way how Raba designed cockpit it looks amazing, finally I can feel like a real pilot! The cosmos also looks very natural, you can find a lot of stars, nebulas, asteroids, abandoned ships, etc. and as the player you can choose the various weapons and the ships. I know that this is obvious but I appreciate that I can play this game only by sitting on my own chair, so I dont have to walk around all my room, it is very comfortable especially if your legs hurt. Ship control is simple but it takes time to master, although it's a satisfying experience :). I am waiting for more game from this company, well done guys! Btw. Please add a radio to the cockpit I want to set some music :D!
I got this on sale for just £4.50p and I was not expecting much. But do you know its a really great game. The controls take a bit of getting used to but the graphics and sound are excellent. The ship designs and cockpits look really good. Its not Elite Dangerous but its very good for the money
It's a good game and doesn't have any technical issues but it's lacking in some areas.
First, it lacks in content but being that it's a VR game thats quite common as VR can be limiting for many dev teams. I finished all the levels and unlocked everything in less than an hour and ended up refunding it.
Second, it lacks variety from level to level and in it's enemy types, or rather "type", as there only seems to be one enemy type that never changes from the start to the end of the game. The only difference from level to level is the environment and the number of enemies.
Third, it lacks in story as it's a somewhat lame and cheesy story. The main bad guy's motives nor origin are never explained and it's just kinda there and doesn't really improve the game in any way. Although it is a VR game so I suppose I shouldn't really expect much.
Overall I'd say if you have money to throw away and you love space related things then give this a try but otherwise don't buy it or buy it and refund it bc, like me, you'll likely experience everything the game has before you even hit the one hour mark.
Originally i was looking to purchase Elite Dangerous but sought out a cheaper option, read the reviews thinking this game would be basic and boring, however not the case:
- Hand Controls are way more immersive than other of Elite Dangerous, which you need a joystick of controller.
- Worth its price.
- Has replayability if your a space sim fan.
- Decent Graphics.
- Missions have some story.
-Interchangable weapons, ships and 2 cockpit options to unlock.
-Missions are good however it is just a dogfight each time.
-Although a space fighter game, it has no real exploration.
-Not multiplayer.
The game in total is great, its well worth the money and has so much potential - i seriously hope the devs expand the game, perhaps some more missions, cockpits, maybe exploration and story or multiplayer - coop missions would be awesome. This game would benefit some features like stations and takeoff animations, the fact you can be outside your ship such as Elite Dangerous, nevertheless this is a fantastic game on its own!
I usually play offline so ignore the time listed as being played by me.
I have about 12-15 hours in this game.
The good:
Good graphics.
A feeling of really flying a spaceship in space.
The combat feels real and immersive.
The bad:
Too short. the entire campaign can be completed in 2-3 hours. Although, there is an open battle creator, you can create as many enemies and allies as you like, determine their strength, but even that becomes boring after a but and its too easy, i chose to battle 20 enemies on hard levels alone, and it was not hard to beat them.
What I would like to see:
More missions.
Players working together against common enemies.
I think 10 euros (current price) is fair.
Played with WMR (odyssey), 1070 card. i7 cpu
Just ok. Simple space shooter with no voice acting where every mission is the same. Shoot the bad guys. Wait for a sale, not worth the current price with better games on the market for the same or lower.
A fun game about flying around in space and shooting down enemies.The cockpits of the ships you unlock are well-designed, though they're full of panels, buttons, and switches that don't actually do anything. The canopies allow you to look around and see enemy ships above or to your sides, which is good in VR. You can also unlock ships and weapons as the game's story progresses.
The camera often doesn't position itself right. This can be fixed by opening the pause menu and selecting the Calibrate option, which resets you to a sitting position in the ship's chair.
One issue I have with this game is how it controls, at least with the accelerator. The accelerator works by you pushing it forward to speed up and pulling back to slow down. However, you can push your controller past where the actual accelerator stops. If you then pull your controller back slightly, though still in front of where the accelerator has stopped, the accelerator will still go back the same distance you moved your controller. The result is that the accelerator starts moving disconnected from where the controller actually is. I would've preferred it if the accelerator would only start moving back when you pass the controller over its maximum position. As it is, I find myself going faster or slower than I want most of the time during a fight.
I've only played a few of the Missions so far, though I imagine I'll be spending a lot more time in the game
I give this game a positive recommendation, however I reluctantly refunded this title for one main reason: The game felt too simple and didn't seem to require much effort... That said, this is the best feeling flying simulation I have used in VR. The cockpit is wonderful looking, and the two motion controller steering is just wonderful. Nice to be able to use motion controllers in a flying sim. I loved the feeling of just flying around, but things like planets felt fake (you bounce off them) and I swear I flew right through an asteroid. Aiming feels funny as well - but again, this game came out on top as far as the feeling it gave me.
The spaceship it well designed for the most part but don't be fooled with the flashy trailer they give you.
Pros :
-looks kinda nice?
-a few loadout options, but ultimately pointless
-good for inducing motion-sickness in the worst way (I never get motion sickness but after 5 mins i needed to lie down)
-the missions are short and uneventful.
-there are models in the game with un-finished textures.
-the controls are wack and unresponsive
-"your standing on a damn chair" me from the menu 2019
-you bounce off planets as if they were rubber
-you bounce off ships as if they were rubber
-the sound design was so appalling i wanted to take my headphones off.
-feels like your in a clone war with all the same enemy ships!
and the biggest sin in a flight game
there's no target reticle to make it satisfying to take down an enemy ship. it auto targets for you. just follow them and shoot and that's all there is to this game. no music, no ambiance, and a crappy lazer thats so loud it will burst your eardrums.
The tin can of a ship makes me want to eject to stop the motion sickness. And… hey… hey WHO SUPER GLUED MY HANDS TO THE JOYSTICK AND THROTTLE!?
After the few minutes i played I knew I made a poor purchase and will be getting a refund.
Now excuse me while i fly into the sun… but knowing this game, ill bounce right off.
4/10 bouncing off of planets simulator.
+ The spaceship cockpit looks cool in VR for the first 5 minutes.
- There is 1 (ONE) type of enemy ship that you'll be fighting over and over.
- Somehow each new unlocked weapon feels worse than the previous one.
- Scale of the universe is flushed down the toilet. Some planets are ridiculously small, others are just static flat textures on the skybox.
- Spaceship controls were designed for a HOTAS joystick, not for VR tracked controllers, making you feel like a drunk monkey in a washing machine instead of a space pilot.
Three problems here, controls need to be tighter, there's no target ridicule to aim with and here's the crazy one, I actually bounce off a planet when i got too close, since when is it possible to bounce off a planet ? This is my kinda game , so if and when this is fixed I will purchase again, right now refund.
I bought this using the Samsung Oddyssey, I saw there wasn't official WMR support, but I figured since most games work anyway this would too, and this game does work fine in WMR only ONE problem i encountered was i have no gloves, everything i grab i have to eyeball it, Ive only played about three missons and one battle mode games, and everything works fine, If the developers could make a fix for wmr controllers appearing as the gloves, that would be great.
I've only played one other space vr game "Everspace" and it looks awful in VR but this is beautiful compared to that, I have alot of hope for this game in its improvements.
One problem is the aiming, that needs to be fixed wayy to wonky
This Game Could Be the Start of Something Good
It's a space-ship shooter that has some outstanding features, and a few downfalls:
- The VR cockpit is amazing. Good sense of scale, and makes you feel like you are in a cockpit.
- The cockpit has a good lock-on feature once you get used to it.
- A good implementation of using Touch controller orientation to control the motion/speed of the ship, instead of using the joysticks. The default sensitivity/dead zone were just right for me.
- The asteroid field level was great in how you could fly around the asteroids (very remininsent of the huge asteroids in the Star Wars Battlefron VR Mission). This level was close to replicating the Asteroid Field sequence from The Empire Strikes Back.
- While you could fly into a planet's atmosphere, it was easy to fly around a planet. This was done so well, I almost thought I was on the Starship Enterprise.
- Fighting against enemy fighters was a mixed feeling. How close those ships could get to your cockpit was pretty cool, but it wasn't easy to consistantly chase after them (even with adjusting the speed). Too many times it felt like I was spinning in a circle to catch up to a ship.
- Liked the missile lock warning I got when a ship locked onto me.
- While some of the background starfields felt a little 2-D, the near-field elements felt great, and gave a good feeling of flying through space.
- Being an old Eve Valkyrie player, I really like the viewpoint windows on the bottom of the cockpit. Having them here would increase the immersion when flying over an object (instead of wondering if you are going to hit it).
- Having the option for a target reticule attached to the window would aid in knowing how close you are to hitting the target (compared to relying on the lock-on feature).
- In the asteroid level, I noticed some pop-in/pop-out of asteroids. Occassionally immersion breaking.
- There weren't Carrier fighting levels. All large ships were pretty things to fly around with no interaction otherwise.
- The enemy's orbital cannons were like minature Death Stars. What a shame they just sat there in space.
- The missions are incredibly quick to go through (I got to the last mission in 54 minutes), so the game length to price is out of whack ($10 would feel like a justifiable price), but the quality of some of the experiences were worth the cost.
- The campaign missions could use an adjustible difficulty setting.
Overall, the game is a bit expensive, but delivers some incredible moments I'm glad I could experience. If some of the Cons could be addressed, this game would be a no-brainer buy for myself.
The game is cool as a casual arcade space shooter. Don't expect a spaceship simulator but it is really fun to play.
Shooting is ok, flying through space feels nice, I like it.
I think the game is not suited for hardcore players but will be a great game to try what VR is capable of.
About the price (USD 20): for me at the current state the game should cost a little bit less. Maybe if there would be more missions or another mode in the game the price would be ok.
At $20, this game is overpriced. I played through the missions in less than an hour. There's not much to do beyond that point. Combat was boring. Graphics are ok. Just not much to it. This game is something that a noobie in a VR arcade could appreciate for the limited time of a booth.
The price is a bit too high for the amount of content. 27 minutes in and im done with half the missions. This game is simple, but fun, and could not be more intuitive. Unlike Elite Dangerous, you do not need an engineering degree to play this game.
This game tries to combine space exploration with an action game and there is a little story on the top of it.
Well, this might not be the best space exploration or best VR space shooter ever. However, this combination definitely works for me. Most missions take us to the brand new locations, which looks like from another universe. You can just fly around and enjoy beautiful surroundings or go straight ahead for intense battle.
This is not a space shuttle simulator, but the controls feel good and natural (you grab joysticks and lever with your VR controllers). Generally, it just fun and pleasant experience, the graphics are very good.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Raba Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 69% положительных (55) |