Разработчик: Little Rock Games
To The Rescue! — симулятор приюта для собак, в котором от вас зависят жизни десятков замечательных бездомных собак. Однако вам предстоит не только гладить их и умиляться. Держать приют — непростая задача. Вам придётся удовлетворять нужды собак, чтобы увеличить их шансы быть принятыми в семью.
Каждый день будет приносить новые испытания и награды. У собак есть предпочтения, они могут заразиться различными болезнями, а также приобрести негативные черты. Но с другой стороны, вы сможете устраивать благотворительные встречи и получать случайные пожертвования. А если постараетесь — найти кому-то нового лучшего друга. К несчастью, места всегда не хватает, а собак становится всё больше и больше.
Некоторых собак забирают быстрее других, но если у вас получится прождать достаточно долго, вдруг получится найти дом для каждой.
Приобщитесь к реальной благотворительности. 20% прибыли разработчиков от продаж To The Rescue! направляется в настоящие приюты для собак при посредничестве нашего партнёра PetFinder Foundation.
Каждая собака уникальна. Каждая собака создаётся со своими предпочтениями и особенностями, что делают каждого пёсика необычным и запоминающимся.
Подбирайте собак под нужды усыновителей. Люди, желающие завести собаку, часто будут искать что-то конкретное. Подберите животное, соответствующее их предпочтениям, чтобы максимально увеличить его шансы на усыновление.
Улучшайте и украшайте свой приют. Если у вас будут лишние средства, вы сможете улучшить приют, поставив в нём роскошные вольеры, наняв помощников и многое другое!
Двери приюта должны быть открыты. Порой будет сложно ухаживать за всеми собаками в приюте. Вам придётся проявлять бережливость и иногда принимать трудные решения, чтобы продолжать помогать собакам находить семьи.
... и да, конечно же, собачек можно погладить!
Каждая собака уникальна — Каждая собака создаётся со своими характеристиками, предпочтениями в еде, личностью, особенностями здоровья, именем, способностям к дрессуре и многим другим, что делает каждого пёсика необычным и запоминающимся. В игре есть 28 различных пород, за которыми нужно ухаживать и которых нужно показывать усыновителям. Эти люди, желающие завести собаку, часто будут искать что-то конкретное. Подберите животное, соответствующее их предпочтениям, чтобы максимально увеличить его шансы на усыновление.
Удовлетворяйте их нужды — Собаки нуждаются в еде, воде и приюте. Кроме того необходимо следить за их частотой и счастьем. Ответственность за них лежит на вас, как на главном работнике приюта. Будет непросто, но при виде собаки, находящей свой настоящий дом, понимаешь, что оно того стоит.
Мини-игры — Кроме напряжённой рутины, есть и другие способы заботы о собаках. Существует 4 мини-игры: Перетягивание каната, Чух-чух!, Апорт! и Время купания
Управляйте бюджетом — Приют живёт благодаря пожертвованиям и усыновлениям, а потратить средства можно по-разному. Вам придётся управлять своим бюджетом, чтобы денег хватало на еду, вакцины и другие непредсказуемые расходы.
Каждый день несёт новые испытания — Помимо ежедневных заданий и расходов, могут происходить случайные события. Например, в приюте может начаться эпидемия или в самый неподходящий момент появятся новые собаки. Из-за этого приходиться принимать трудные решения.
Расширяйтесь и развивайтесь — Улучшайте свой приют, чтобы приютить больше собак, более эффективно кормить и поить их, да и вообще сделать приют настолько комфортным, насколько возможно. Это ваш приют — вам решать, как его развивать!
Увлекательный сюжет — В режиме кампании To The Rescue! вы пройдёте путь от крошечного приюта в собственном гараже до огромного центра для содержания бездомных собак. Кампания наполнена непредсказуемыми событиями и сюжетными вехами, которые они создают.
Передержка и усыновление — Самое важное для приюта — это помогать животным найти дом. Подбирайте собак с характеристиками, соответствующими предпочтениям посетителей, чтобы максимально увеличить их шанс найти дом. Находите опекунов, которые будут временно заботиться о собаках, для которых у вас нет места.
Общественное мнение в игре — Вам придётся управлять не только делами в самом приюте, но и тем, каким он предстаёт в глазах общества. Организовывайте встречи, рекламные и образовательные акции и старайтесь поддерживать положительный имидж.
С самого рождения этого проекта нашей целью было показать, с какими проблемами сталкиваются реальные приюты. К сожалению, нуждающихся в помощи собак и котов в мире намного больше, чем мест в приютах. Приютам, которые отказались от усыпления, крайне сложно принимать каждое животное, нуждающееся в помощи.
Некоторых собак очень сложно пристроить в семью, вылечить или просто найти для них место. Никто в здравом уме не желает прибегать к эвтаназии, но мы хотим донести до людей, с чем приходиться справляться приютам, а потому не можем притворяться, что это не является потенциально частью работы. Она не одобряется и не преподносится, как простой вариант решения проблемы, но она важна для понимания жизни приютов.
Несмотря на это, для тех, кто не желает сталкиваться с этим, в игре есть возможность отключить механизм эвтаназии.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7+
- Процессор: 2.2 GHz Dual Core
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512 MB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- ОС *: Windows 7+
- Процессор: 2.2 GHz Dual Core
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 512 MB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.8+
- Процессор: 2011 or newer Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia or ATi GPU with 1GB Memory
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- ОС: Mac OS X 10.8+
- Процессор: 2011 or newer Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia or ATi GPU with 1GB Memory
- Место на диске: 6 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 16.04
- Процессор: 2GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: (OpenGL ES 2.0)
- Место на диске: 1 GB
Отзывы пользователей
buggy and just boring. could not recommend it less.
really enjoyable game, easy to pick up the controls even if you werent paying the most attention in the tutorial. While this game can have sad elements to it, i like that it has the option to send dogs away to another shelter for those who might be a little more sensitive to the topic. Art style is charming, i would recommend this game to tycoon and dog lovers
Not optimized for smooth play on steam deck or switch. Needs major bug work!!!!!
This game is such a cozy and cute game. While it's very relaxed, there are issues.
1. mega lag when you upgrade to max speed boost and you're walking around
2. dogs cover the food and water bowls making it hard to tell if they need to be filled or not
3. dogs will be hungry or thirsty when they have full bowls (I fix this by giving them to a foster parent so I don't lose money)
4. there are like 5 characters to choose from and that is what you get. No customization or clothes or anything (for the people that care about that)
5. I find myself getting stuck in the food area right between the blue mountain balance and the wall
6. if you drop an item in the food area, it is so annoying to walk around to the other side of the wall to get
7. there was many times where I was just idle for 3-4 minutes doing nothing because the dogs were satisfied and all the notifications I got where about donations (maybe add side quests or smth)
8. there aren't enough dogs that come in everyday to fill even 10 kennels (this makes expansion useless and kennel also a bit useless)
9. adopter people will come in ask for a dog that is large and trained, then proceed to pick a medium dog with no traits when there is as large and trained dog right next to it. Makes no sense.
1. Side quests (maybe have the dog pet you pick at the beginning give you quests or have quests from a call in)
2. make the summary page better (have the exact numbers when hovering graph dots, fix the top left - or + money that doesn't make sense to the total, and make it so you can collect milestones manually instead of automatic to make it more engaging)
3. have a how to do button for things. I accidentally "x" ed past how to give owners their lost dogs back. Took trial and error to figure it out.
4. more avatar customization
5. add event where people find strays and you gain some dogs in the shelter
6. make more dogs come in based on amount of kennels and progression
7. make dogs have requirements for the adopters too
8. option to deny the adopter the dog they chose
9. ability for visitors to adopt multiple dogs
10. back to 9, add dogs who are bonded pairs (these dogs would have to be in a 2 dog crate as well)
11. add the ability to go out and rescue dogs
12. add training so you can train bad traits out or add good traits and more
13. add decorations we can put up to make the shelter look pretty
Overall, I like this game and I will continue to play! These are my thoughts that I hope the developers see so they can make the game even better :)
I played this game a while ago I think when it first came out and it was really awkward to play so I decided to wait until they updated it to give it another go again. I was going through my steam games and found it and decided to try it again and it's waaaaay easier to play now, and really fun! If you like casual/time management games you'll probably really enjoy it
Very buggy, even in other consoles. I play on the Mac and Switch, and both versions of the game are unplayable; my switch version can’t even load a save properly. I’ve had this game for a while now, and let me tell you: the devs never update. Only ONE update in like the last 3 years. And it didn’t really fix anything on Mac or Switch. Which sucks because if this game was at least playable, I would easily sink over 100 hours in this game just endlessly taking care of dogs. But instead, we get more crashes and endless bugs to where you can’t play. Trust me, it’s a good concept but don’t waste your money.
puppy :)
This game is so adorable and I love it! I really recommend it if you need something to cheer yourself up.
i love to the game
The game is REALLY FUN!!!! However, I've run into some pivotal bugs immediately into the game that has made it impossible to play or use the tools how it was meant to. Hopefully, as the game gets further developed it will be fixed, but 3.4 hours into the game it's been difficult to play because of these bugs.
Very buggy, but a charming and fun game. Most bugs will go away if you close the game and open it again. I think it's still worth playing! That being said, I have A LOT of ideas for things that could really really make this game even more engaging!
Some improvements/features I would love to see would be:
- Ability to rearrange things once placed. Seriously, why is this not already in game? I'd love if I could fully rearrange the shelter or at least move the medical/supplies rooms around as the shelter gets bigger and bigger (or at LEAST let me add an additional medical room so I don't have to travel what feels like miles just to bring a dog from the complete other side of the building)
- Making the foster network/dog log, leashed in/staff management, and barkbook/events their own tabs on the computer. There's room for more tabs down at the bottom, so I don't see why they can't have their own tabs.
- The ability to encourage good traits to develop by playing with the dogs or something like that
- Some kind of training minigame
- More floor/wallpaper options (I would adore a little bone-themed wallpaper fr)
- Allow metal upgrades to the run kennels
- Ability to choose the playtime minigame maybe? There could be a tugging toy or in the play pens and maybe if you just click on the dog without anything while loose, it would start the petting game. I think this would pair well with giving each dog/breed their own favorite game (favorite would give the most happiness while others would give 2/3 or half, I imagine)
- More player speed upgrades (that could just be a me thing though, since I like to play at the fast tick speed lol)
- Treats to give dogs to increase happiness (or start the aforementioned training minigame) - there could even be a consequence of making a dog sick if you give them more than 1 in a day or something like that
- 7 hours in, I'm rolling in cash and would love to have some money sinks! Decor for outside kennels, toy upgrades, cute beds or fancier bowls, cute uniforms for employees, front desk/entry furniture upgrades. This could come from another sales NPC or shop even that you can unlock on leashedin
- I'd love to be able to buy advertisements rather than just waiting for a pop-up asking if I'd like to promote fosters/adoptions
- Ability to send an employee or the player character to a timed rabbit hole up to once a day/3 days/week to perform a rescue event to bring back 1 or more injured/sick dogs. Being a rescue could be its own trait as well. Sometimes the shelter is lacking and I'd love to have more control to intentionally find dogs if I'm low (although I've been lacking less since I expanded to 60+ slots and now have around 30ish at a time)
- Search bar in the dog log for traits (or anything, but especially traits. It's not that bad, but it'd be great not to have to scroll through 3-4 pages of dogs to find which ones are intelligent, lol
It's a lot of suggestions, but I also don't think any of these are NEEDS (except maybe rearranging things...), just more things that I really think would make this good game a great one.
its great
I really enjoy this game. Once you get past the tutorial (I am not a huge fan of reading the storylines because I am weird like that) the game play is great. A few bugs here and there but the developers have a splendid way of allowing players to report them. 12/10 would recommend this game.
Its fun,however I still run into quiet a few bugs. The helpers get frozen on tasks or just sit in the break room all day. Then the dogs get stuck outside with the kennels that go outside, which I can only seem to get them back by going outside and getting them from the outside.
dogs :D
Very relaxing game! Really recommend if you need a game to relax to and just sit and chill with!
It's a very cute & wholesome game, it just crashed a lot.
So damn wholesome, addictive, and just good. It's hard to balance everything out at first, but then you get used to the pace and it gets really easy.
This game is filled with more bugs than your average street dog. It's unplayable and there's no middle of the day saves so if you can't access the medicine in game all of a sudden, you have to either take a penalty for an uncared for dog or start all over.
love it
I bought this game because it looked like a lot of fun, and it can be... when it works. The first time I had this downloaded, I played it regularly for two days until I noticed a bug with the leash. I joined their discord and it was a common bug they were working on. I ended up deleting the game because it was borderline unplayable. I noticed today that there were some patches and bug fixes so I decided to try again. I couldn't even fully complete the tutorial because the dogs all kept getting stuck and being inaccessible to me.
It's just too slow and repetitive for me.
I bought this game on discount for 60% off. I knew it would be buggy. I'm happy to say I was still able to have a good experience, despite the many glitches. Some things I experienced include: dogs getting stuck in outdoor run kennels, dogs not getting adopted in adoption events, helpers getting stuck, helpers getting stuck while holding a dog, a syringe floating in the air, door opening into a wall (that one wasn't fun, had to delete the whole room and remake it so the door would link properly), getting stuck behind the food station, being unable to pick up the prize ribbon, accidentally adopting out a lost dog, grant interface scrolling off the edge of the screen, wallpaper always reverts to default after exiting the game, play areas glitching out, dogs escaping play areas and being unwilling to relocate to their kennels (started flying around). So, needless to say, it's got some rough edges.
But if you're like me and you love animal shelter games, I think it's worth a spin. The ending of story mode made me cry happy tears. Maybe I'm just a sentimental sap for a happy ending. I'm not sure what the point of the foster system is. I'd like it if helper tasks were a bit more streamlined, as it's difficult to work with and gets confusing really fast. I wish there was a faster way to vaccinate all the dogs - and it took a while for me to realize that was a thing I could even do. I'd love it if there were more customization options and events, too. Stuff like getting a whole litter of puppies was quite fun to manage. I also think the art and UI are extremely cute and well-designed. I love all the dogs and finding out there's so many breeds was a pleasant surprise. Kudos to the team for making a sweet game! Just needs some bug-b-gone doggy shampoo and some more reasons to grind, and I'd probably be playing it for weeks.
I'll be looking forward to more bug fixes in the future. <3
There were a couple minor bugs in the beginning, though after playing a couple weeks I'm proud to say that I love this game! I saw that it had mixed reviews but i was excited to give it a shot. I'm glad i purchased this game and will strive for completion.
Way too glitchy to the point i didn't finish the tutorial. it didn't let me place the dog where it wanted me to.
the controls suck
but nobody wants to read a paragraph so here are the pros and cons :)
-Variety (including the types of dogs, your character, your shelter, and the overall game
-Almost never need to put down a dog, or send it to another shelter
-Hard to watch a video of (boring)
-dogs are easily duplicated by the A.I
-yeah i cant think of anything, if i do ill edit!
It's got a couple issues, but nothing world ending so far. Very fun and cute.
This game is super enjoyable over all!
Such a good game! ive only had one glitch: that is when a person has wanted a dog and they come to look at the dogs.when they found a dog they just get stuck standing there.
very cute and fun, can get a little boring after a while so i wish there was updates of new things but i would still buy again!
i absolutely love this game! the art style, the whole idea of it, the dogs! i only have a few issues. after awhile the game gets repetitive after awhile. you see the same npcs over and over and over again. i'd wish they would also do more updates on new content like new dogs types, new dog colors, more diseases and ways to treat them. andddd maybeee potentially other animals because real shelters often have cats, small rodents and sometimes chickens and turtles. but i still adore this game and hope in the future it gets more stuff added to it!
Now that bugs seem to have been squashed i can recommend this game. it's cute and got a good concept. Hopefully the change in hands means we might be able to expect some more content too!
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Little Rock Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 17.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 69% положительных (1424) |