Разработчик: Platine Dispositif
Key features:
- 5 levels of bullet hell craziness
- Sweet old-school retro anime-style art
- Two playable characters and an unlockable third
- 6 Matrix Masters to choose from
- 2 unlockable mission modes
- 11 Steam achievements
- Local two-player multiplayer mode
- Steamworks two-player online multiplayer mode
- Full online leaderboards
- New arranged soundtrack by DM Ashura
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- Operating system: Windows® XP, Vista, or Windows 7
- Processor: Intel® 1 GHz Processor (Recommended: 2 GHz)
- Memory: 256 MB RAM (Recommended: 512 MB RAM)
- Hard disk space: 500MB
- Video: DirectX® 9 level Graphics Card
- Sound: DirectSound-compatible Sound Card
- DirectX®: DirectX 9 or above
Отзывы пользователей
The best manic bullet/bullet hell game I played this week. All the characters and and artwork is amazing. The gameplay is awesome and it is nightmare and I love it. Not for the weak thats for sure. Also I love Nagi. She is my cutie pie <3
S0YxSauCe's overall score : 9.5/10
Decent Game, only reason I got it is because I wanted to play a Bullet Hell with a friend. Pretty difficult, wasn't able to beat it (as a reference, I can barely beat TH6-8 on Normal). Would recommend only if your intention is to play co-op, I'd suggest playing Touhou if you wanted to playa single player Bullet Hell.
Upon hearing something about a videogame revolving around little girls flying through the air shooting lots of baddies, most people familiar with the orient's top titles will immediately begin to conjure up images relating to the Touhou franchise. The remaining people who are less acquainted with Japanese gaming culture will likely look on in confusion. As of now, it would seem that the Touhou girls have some competition on the block, courtesy of Japanese indie developer Platine Dispositif and what still remains one their finest games to date, GundeadliGne.
As a direct sequel to Gundemonium, GundeadliGne picks up a decade after the conclusion of the last game. In the 18th century of an alternate universe where magic and machines are both equally common sights in everyday society, mankind discovers the Philosopher's Stones within the deepest depths of the realm of demons, otherwise known as Que Pholith. These magical artefacts enable the human race to advance its current technology far beyond its time. In doing so however, humans also release untold horrors from the demonic realm. It is soon determined that those who hold complete mastery over the Philosopher's Stones hold the key to thwarting the demons' invasion of Earth. These individuals are called 'Matrix Masters'. After successfully leading a counter attack into Que Pholith, Rosenkreuz Foundation agent Eryth Millfall returns to Earth to prepare for a second incursion into demon territory, with the goal of destroying the source of the Philosopher's Stones.
Unlike its predecessor, GundeadliGne presents the player with the choice of three playable characters, each with their own set of pre-defined abilities. Eryth is best suited to players who are comfortable with having to frequently re-position their character in order to make their shots connect, while Elixirel is likely to be favoured by those who would prefer to minimize their character's movement whilst still retaining the ability to attack large clusters of enemies at once. The third playable character; Nagi is for players who have adopted a high-risk, high-reward playstyle and don't mind running the risk of taking a bullet while trying to close the gap between themselves and the enemy in order to make use of her fast and powerful melee attack. Though it fails to deliver the same depth as the character customization system found in Gundemonium, this variety in characters still manages adds significant replay value to the game, and is an adequate stand-in for the aforementioned system.
Each character also has a means through which to slow down time, which can be used to give the player a breather, or simply time to contemplate their next move. Two of the three possess a magic attack, which is essentially GundeadliGne's equivalent to the 'bomb' found in most bullet hell games. These become particularly useful when playing on the higher difficulties when the action shifts from the player exchanging fire with the enemy, to the player frantically trying to navigate through a deadly labyrinth of bullets, energy beams and a ton of missile salvos.
One of the first things a player should notice about GundeadliGne is that it is significantly harder than the typical bullet hell shooter. This becomes evident right off the bat upon beginning the first stage as jack-o-lanterns and witches pepper the screen with fire from both sides of the screen, thus forcing the player to frequently change the direction they’re facing in order to keep up with the action. Even at its default level of difficulty the game can give experienced bullet hell players a run for their money. A major factor in determining just how difficult GundeadliGne is the phase level. As the player dispatches foes in rapid succession, the phase level meter fills. Upon reaching a certain threshold, the phase level increases, resulting in a sudden influx of enemies whilst simultaneously causing those already present to fight more aggressively, which in turn opens up new scoring opportunities for the player. Should the player collide with an enemy's attack, the phase level will decrease by one value. The extra incentive given to the player to avoid being hit stems from fact that maintaining a high phase level is paramount to attaining a high score, essentially encouraging players to attempt that ever-difficult 'no miss run' in order to end the game with the highest score possible and earn their place among the top players on the online leaderboards. This high level of difficulty is also what makes GundeadliGne feel so rewarding. It is impossible not to feel an overwhelming sense of satisfaction after clearing a hard section of a level, particularly so if the phase level hit a high value.
Beyond the main game lies Mission Mode, which is actually two modes labelled as one. The actual 'missions' themselves put the player under trying circumstances in particularly dangerous scenarios not encountered in the main game. These can include facing two Bosses at once, or fighting an upgraded version of an already capable opponent. These tend to be fiendishly difficult and are likely to be something that those who have mastered the main game will enjoy. The 'Tower of Babel' mode in comparison challenges the player to destroy coloured blocks in order to line up those with matching colours into columns. By comparison the ToB mode requires little skill or knowledge of the main game for the player to enjoy the mini-game.
There do appear to be a few control related issues that apply specifically to the Steam version of the game. First and foremost is that official wired Xbox 360 controllers seem to adopt a specific dead zone when used with GundeadliGne regardless of how they were calibrated. The size of the zone isn’t huge but it is bigger than what most players familiar with this sort of game are likely to feel comfortable with. Several Xbox 360 controllers were tested, calibrated and re-calibrated for the purposes of this review. All of them yielded the same result and made it difficult to consistently achieve precise movement when it was needed most, particularly when playing as Nagi – who moves noticeably faster than the other characters. It is also the case that while the d-pad remains fully functional at the main menu it becomes unusable beyond that, even at the character/difficulty select screen. Regardless of whether you’re using a gamepad or keyboard holding the ‘slow move’ key; which facilitates slower character movement without slowing down time; doesn’t get you instant results: it still takes about a full second for the game to actually apply a slower movement speed to your character. Having the ability to slow the movement speed of one’s character for clearing tight spaces is something that has since become standard across manic shooters, but there’s a potential problem here with the way things are set up. The default key binds are set up in such a way that the ‘fire’ key and ‘slow move’ key are one and the same, so it’s possible that this has been done on purpose to enable the player to repeatedly tap the ‘fire’ key when they want to shoot and move at the default speed whilst also enabling them to quickly switch to a slower movement speed by simply continuing to hold down the aforementioned button. However it would be nice to have the option to dedicate a specific key to both of the above functions, independent of each other.
Overall GundeadliGne is a fairly good title that; despite not being quite as flashy or unique as other games from the genre such as Radiant Silvergun and the Castle Shikigami series; should appeal to those looking for another bullet hell game to add to their collection.
Horizontal, bullet hell type of shmup
This is a unique shmup, but not made for everyone. That because of the anime style, some seminudity (removable and NOT needed to enjoy the game, explained later on), fast pace (subjective), and taking a while to getting used to the controls, binding all the many keys to your liking, learning how to use the game features (getting rid of bullets with planeshift, controlling Phase Level), and so on. Once you learn how to play the game properly, it can be really fun, and the online duet revolutionates.
Gameplay: Good
The gameplay is fluid, resposive and satisfying. An issue I do not share, but many people seem to do, is that there are many keys for many functions. Your regular shmup has a fire and bomb key, and sometimes a focus or slow-down and a charge attack key. GundeadliGne has fire, rapid fire, mana shot, bomb, focus or slow down, turn, and even a screenshot key! The best way to play the game seems to be in a controller or an arcade stick. Personally, I have to admit that it took me a while to use all keys properly.
The two initial characters are said to be one for average players, that is Eryth, and one for beginners, Elixirel. Eryth can only shoot straight, is faster than Elixirel and seems to be able to cause much more damage (don't rapid fire too much or her guns will overheat). Elixirel is able to fire to to various places so you shouldn't bother staying in the front of a boss to do damage, but she's slower than Eryth and sometimes it costs you a life. The bosses bring innovative bullet patterns, most of the time, but either they are good or not is subjective. I say they are.
If you're too slow to destroy enemy waves, you'll run out of time and may not be able to finish a mini boss or a boss itself. So the game requires you to go fast, but there's an issue few people might experience. Depending on your computer's hardware, the game may run slower in fullscreen mode and a tad faster in windowed mode. That happened to me, and for some motive I can't get my game to run on fullscreen mode anymore, so I was quite shocked at the difference.
If you're scoring high in the game or pulling out death bombs, you'll raise your Phase Level, making the game harder. If you're not ready for high Phase Levels, try using bombs before being hit or even don't bomb at all. Giving up a few lives to not lose them all is the key. It's not explained in the game, but there's a manual you can check by right clicking GundeadliGne in your game library, and it's recommended you do so, as many other features are also explained there.
Game Visuals and Music: Moderate
The pixelated graphics are nicely worked. A problem is the seminudity of some of the bosses, that can be hidden editing the .ini file in the game folder. The seminudity turns the game down for some people, making they think that this game is trying to sell with sexual content, but that's NOT the case. In my point of view, It's supposed to add to the chaotic climate of the game, just like in Bayonetta. The characters and other bosses are well designed.
The music quality is subjective. The original music is not the greatest out there, neither the arranged version, but they fit so nicely, it seems they are better than they actually are. I was surprised when listening to the game OST on YouTube, as they didn't feel so awesome as in the game.
Game Storyline: Moderate
Not really the focus of the game (so it's discounted from the overall rating). The story is presented between stages of the game, a screen of text alongside with character art. It's not the most enticing way to tell a story, but the story itself isn't shallow, neither badly written and translated. It's a continuation of the previous game, Gundemonium Collection. If you want to read it, you can check GundeadliGne's TVTropes page.
Game Entertainment: Good
As some people would have trouble adapting to the game's many features, and some people would think bad of this game because of the seminudity, I can't say those people would feel entertained playing GundeadliGne. But if you fit the target demographic of the game, several hours of fun are guaranteed. And even better, if you happen to have a friend that owns the game and lives in the same country as you, both of you can experience the online duet at it's best, that is fantastic. However, if you're playing with someone from other country, you'll have connection issues and the controls are going to be far from responsive.
Excellent game for people that are okay with all the items listed in the introduction of this review, and have someone to play the online duet mode properly.
Good game for the standard shmup player, but they might have a bad time adapting to the controls and game features, also if they don't mind the anime style and seminudity.
Moderate game for beginners, people that would give up on trying to understand the controls and game features, and only playing the game to pass some little time, also being or not being slightly triggered by the seminudity.
Bad game for people that dislike the anime style overall, that would like to pilot a ship rather, also that thinks that the controls and game features are unnecessarily complicated and that also thinks that the seminudity is there to "help selling a bad game".
This game has chicks with big heads flying around shooting guns to get the baddies through a perverted amount of bullets. This is the best game I've played in this style and what can I say, I've played it a lot. Sometimes while playing it I close my eyes and can see the patterns of the bullets that have been burned into my retinas.
Like Touhou, you have small bullets, big bullets, curvy bullets, bullet walls, and enemies that want to kill you. Unlike Touhou, you can actually shoot these MFs when they're behind you. -.-
It's extremely forgiving with the number of lives it gives you, so veteran danmaku players might find it a bit too easy, but for most players the frequency of 1-UPs is offset by the added difficulty of handling enemies coming from both the left and right. Oh yeah, and half of the enemies are nude, so there's a plus.
Overall, it's probably some of the most fun I've had with a bullet hell. The game is only $4 and has a free demo so give it a shot.
The 2nd game in the Gundemonium series, about the same difficulty as the first 1, lots of characters and a continuation of the 1st games touhou story-line.
The Arrange soundtrack goes all the way in a way the original fell short. A lot of variation in patterns with maybe a couple boring sections here and there, the over-the-top boss patterns really make up for this and you'll be glad to have a breather here and there. Lots of functional character variation, though not quite so ridiculously configurable as Gundemonium, Great graphics and again, the music is perfect. Overall I reccomend getting this at any price, despite it's short length.
I would give extra points for having online co-op but I've never seen anyone online just randomly, so you'd want to arrange planned sessions with friends.
Note: I recommend this over Jamestown any day,
GundeadliGne at first seems to be a rather competent shooter in the first 2 minutes of gameplay, however the experience gradually dminishes quickly as soon as you start getting into it.
GundeadliGne is at heart a side-scrolling bullet hell (Or danmaku) shooter where you tackle enemies and bosses in order to get a high score. Just like the original, your character is able to throw an item at enemies to slow down time (which is mandatory in many sections), also new to this game are the rechargeable bombs which can be re-used after a certain amount of time and the ability to turn around to shoot enemies behind you. Probably the best addition to this game is the 2-player Co-Op that is both offline and online (never got the online to work though)
Another thing to point out is that the game will either decrease or increase its own difficulty depending on your performance during a session, similar to other games in the genre.
Where the game absolutely fails at is absolutely everything. The game again, adjusts its difficulty depending on your performance, but the way it handles it is a joke. Basically, in order to increase it, you have to either kill a boss or mini-boss, clear waves quickly, or probably the worst of them all; OVERHEAT your weapons. Considering that the alarm that rings when you're about to overheat has a delay and the heat bar is TINY, makes this design decision absolutely atrocious. And the only way to decrease the difficulty is either by getting hit or by using up a bomb, which takes time to recharge. So it is easier to increase the difficulty rather than decreasing it, making the game too hard too fast. I was able to get to the hardest difficulty before the first boss on my first playthrough, which was just evil.
Also, the patterns in this game are pretty horrid, none feel creative or fun to dodge, in fact alot of the patterns are designed to simply kill you cheaply without any good way of relying on reflexes to dodge most stuff, and considering that you have to slowdown the time by hitting enemies with a temporary spell in order to even see what's going on, that makes the experience so much worse than it already is. On top of all this, the hit detection is even more aggravating than the original since it is hard to focus on your character's weakspot (Scarf, bell, whatever depending on the character) when the patterns fly so fast and are basically the same colour.
While Gundemonium Recollection was a really well balanced shooter with some minor flaws (Except the true last boss, he is a pain to spawn and defeat), GundeadliGne has some neat ideas but absolutely fails at implementing every single one of them. For avid fans of the genre who love a good challenge with great patterns and excellent design, this is not for you. I can only recommend this to people who are fans of bullet-hell (danmaku) shooters no matter how well designed it truly is.
the second game in the series, and it improves a lot of the game. like you can fire backwards and adding a close range/melee fighter. the story is simple if you played the first one. the music is awesome like the first one. since this is a bullethell game, its gonna be hard, even on easy. the only con is hardly anyone online to duel play, which is sad. its a fun game. if you enjoy bullet hell games, i suggest picking this up
Tuff Single player and CO Op Multi player challenge mode vs boss's and never ending waves of projectiles trying to hit you use special attacks each character has there own strength
Good luck Beating Gojira's score.
You'll need it.
2nd game in the Gundemonium series. A more standard Shmup style than how Hitogata Happa was. A horizontal shmup with a directional turn similar to how the iOS version of deathsmiles worked. This game does include netplay however, you'll probably need to invite a friend as playing randomly online is probably non existant.
Bomb options are very customizable, and the playable characters have distinct shots. As in the true Shmup genre, your hitbox is the pendant on your character chest.
You look for a GOOD to AWESOME 2D Arcade-like Shooter? Then GundeadliGne and the other parts of this series were just be made for you. Fancy music, simple but addictive gameplay...what does a serious gamer need more? Oh yes! There IS an online COOP-mode this one, making it unique...but sadly, that one has still some bugs making some Coop-sessions crash now and then.
This still gets 9,5 out of 10 total points from me!
Now it comes with the complete soundtrack, so there is no excuse, if you miss this one!
The second game in the Gundemonium series, and my personal favourite, this game is another great example of the bullet hell genre. The ability to turn around and fire in the other direction is a very welcome addition from the first game, and the stages are designed to reflect this, with enemies coming at you from both sides of the screen rather than just rushing you head on. One minor complaint, the gem system is pretty restricting, and gives the feeling that only very good players will be able to see everthing each stage has to offer, although I suppose you could argue that it adds replay value (not that there isn't enough replay value already with all the extra modes). All in all an excellent game, and for the price, well worth buying for any fan of the genre. In fact, if you are a fan of the genre, why don't you have it already?!
If you're a fan of shoot-em-ups, this is a solid game to get. It also has online co-op mode, which can be troublesome due to latency making the controls seem a bit floaty, but you *can* get used to it, and I'm sure the effect is lessened by playing with players who are within better ping range. It's a great idea that has been implemented as best as it could be, imo.
All in all I recommend it. I got this and the other two bullet hell shooters in a bundle for 5 bucks during the christmas sale; can't beat that! It's not the most popular genre, but I wish there were more of this type on STEAM.
I prefer recollection over this. The online is a bit bugged but if you can get past that, this is a great revamped SHMUP for those of you with masochistic intents of death at heart =)
Very fun Bullet Hell series, neat music, and they all have demos. Oh, and it's dirt cheap. You should get this if you have any interest at all in the genre.
Must-play for danmaku fans with good graphics and an awesome soundtrack. Also suitable for beginners^^.
Fun game, excellent sound track. If you're new to bullet hell shooters, this one's a lot more forgiving than others (just remember to set Autobomb to "on" and remember to use the time slow). Also, be warned that this one's surprisingly complex, so a look at the manual might be in order.
Online co-op bullet hell.
This ain't no Touhou though, don't expect to be super small graze box. Your whole sprite gets hit, but you have a life bar so it's okay I guess?
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Platine Dispositif |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 08.02.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 84% положительных (74) |