Разработчик: Vaulted Sky Games
Неумолимые призраки блуждают по коридорам и поджидают в проклятых местах. Уничтожить их выходит команда охотников, вооруженных до зубов специальной техникой, которая обнаруживает привидений и навеки отправляет их в мир иной. Попробуйте сыграть и за призрака, и за охотника в бою 4 на 4 между живыми и мертвыми.
Играя за призрака, вы можете вселяться в безобидную мебель, чтобы спрятаться от охотников... А как только они отвернутся, направьте окружающие предметы против них! В самом буквальном смысле: направляйте и швыряйте с помощью своих телекинетических способностей. Ни один стул, лампа или напольные часы не останутся не у дел в этом потустороннем безумии.
И веселье на этом не заканчивается. Когда часы бьют полночь, настает колдовской час, и охотники становятся жертвами. Все тотчас меняется, ведь призраки обретают огромную силу. У охотников есть совсем мало времени, чтобы попытаться выжить, когда привидения выходят на тропу войны.
Вы можете играть вместе с командой и координировать свои действия, чтобы добиться триумфальной победы. Давайте союзникам наводки на врагов и усиливайте способности друг друга, чтобы перехитрить и переиграть противника.
Естественно, на призраков не действуют законы и ограничения нашей реальности. Пустите в ход свои сверхъестественные силы, среди которых есть невидимость, телекинез и призыв опасных призрачных миазмов. Призраки могут даже выдавать себя за двойников охотников и прятаться на самом видном месте!
В навыки призраков входят резкое увеличение вашего веса, расширенная дальность вселения, возможность видеть ближайших охотников сквозь стены и так далее.
В распоряжении охотников есть обширный арсенал навороченных устройств, созданных для изгнания призраков из нашего мира. Спектрофон, определитель и «Следопыт» обнаруживают присутствие привидений, ловушка помогает их поймать, а остатки потусторонней сущности подчистит пылесос. Либо можно просто подорвать призраков к чертям спектральной пушкой или уничтожить кувалдами, гарпунами, соляными ружьями и прочим оружием.
Охотники также способны получить дополнительные усиления от навыков. В вашем распоряжении будет дополнительное ускорение, лечение и целый набор других возможностей выйти из этой бойни победителем.
Вы побываете в десятке мест, от которых идут мурашки по коже, в том числе в заброшенном театре, жутком особняке и на проклятом карнавале. Везде есть свои тактические особенности и метательные предметы... а также уйма возможностей обвести противников вокруг пальца.
Медленно подступая к выходу из раннего доступа Steam, Midnight Ghost Hunt обзавелась целым арсеналом важных новых функций, появившихся благодаря обратной связи от сообщества призраков и охотников.
При помощи выделенных серверов и поддерживаемой передачи устраивать матчи в игре стало проще простого, а системы званий и испытаний добавляют охоте еще больше азарта. Хочется поменьше веселого и побольше страшного? Экспериментальный режим «Тьма» добавит холодка по спине. И это мы еще не говорим про кроссплатформенную игру, полную поддержку контроллеров и даже мини-игру GhostMaster, за которой можно скоротать время в дороге к следующему матчу!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, italian, korean, ukrainian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit or later
- Процессор: Newer Intel i3 or AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 3400GE
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel integrated UHD graphics or AMD Ryzen 5 PRO 3400GE integrated
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64-bit or later
- Процессор: Intel 10th gen i7 or AMD Ryzen 9
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: RTX 2060 or RX 5600 XT
- DirectX: версии 12
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
Отзывы пользователей
The game has over 5,000 very positive reviews, but only 8 players....
Still, it is a really fun game.
This game comes recommended - its really fun.
This Hide and Seek game is so good. Even though i just started it, it is my favorite game on pc.
Such a great game with friends and if the game is quiet and/or if you want to learn the game more then you can add bots to your game. If you love prop hunt games you will like this one! 🙂
Just using a 4K monitor makes the game completely unplayable. There is no fix other than using a monitor with a lower resolution.
This game has a lot of potential, I really enjoyed the gameplay, graphics and the soundtrack. Unfortunately all of my matches were against bots due to the low player count. I think this game should permanently be made free to play to attract a wider audience. Instead you could collaborate with movie franchises such as Annabelle, Paranormal Activity or even Casper for paid cosmetics. The backing of movie franchises would signal to the audience that this is THE prop/ghost hunt game to play.
Look ...
You can tell the devs really put some effort into it.
And it actually IS a nice game.
A healthy mix of prop-hunter and TDM.
Here's the problem though:
Why is that?
Well ... it is obviously another attempt at piggy-bagging
the (very much undeserved but still very much real) success of Phasmophobia.
Truth be told: That simply failed.
Because this game is NOT scary at all.
Neither is it a particularly good TDM.
Neither is it a particularly good Prop-Hunter.
HOWEVER: As mentioned, it is a good mix of both.
HOWEVER²: Because it is neither scary, nor particularly outstanding ...
The question must be asked: Why should anyone play it rly ...
For me, it is an alright game to play when I am in the Ghost-Hunters mood.
That is most likely its greatest thematic inspiration in the first place.
But sadly, that's about it.
I give thumbs up because at least it is well done and you can see the devs did put love in it.
The playerbase can 100% be described as dead.
You will only find two to three matches during peak hours.
Finally I want to remark on another issue that is worth mentioning about such asymmetric games.
ALL too often, and sadly here too, the devs go the easy route by foolishly taking inspiration from CS:GO.
As in here: You cannot play as Ghost OR Hunter.
You MUST play as both because a round consists of taking turns.
THAT is a very cheap way to prevent "unbalance".
But the fact is, personally, I'd much rather play mostly as ghost, and I really do not enjoy being forced to play hunter when I don't actually want to and vice-versa.
While it is perfectly understandable that lobbies must be filled somehow,
it would at the very least have been nice to have the ability to at least allow a PREFERENTIAL matchmaking,
as in "Would you prefer to play as Ghost or as Hunter".
If there is a huge asymmetry then it could display the message
"Currently, there is a shortage of Hunters/Ghost, please select Hunter/Ghost."
Couple that with a slight incentive of getting more rewards and that would be the way!
E.g. DeadByDaylight :/
But yeah ... The playerbase is very low and sadly I doubt that this will change anytime soon.
There is a reason why when you look at the lobby-browser, the devs specifically EXCLUDED
the ability to filter out empty lobbies ...
kinda cheap to be honest and I deducted a point out ouf my personal rating just because of that.
Still I can feel the faire share of work which was actuallly put into this game
so thumbs up it gets.
If you are ever in the Ghost-Hunters mood and neither mind the forced turn-taking or the fact that you can only really find matches during peak-hours, then I can still absolutely recommend it :)
It is a fun little game, kind of like prop hunt.
Down side is if you don't move as a ghost in an object because you are well hidden, you get kicked for inactivity :/ even if you are looking around.
Having fun with friends but yeah it's kinda repetitive
Horrible game. Got kicked for inactivity because I had a good hiding spot and didn't move. What kind of prop hunt kicks you for hiding good.
game is completely dead otherwise its a great game don't get me wrong but it has no players sat in queue for 45 min all the servers are empty besides a couple private servers
so bad wast of mony brahhh
As far as I can tell this game is dead. Getting nothing but bots and when I selected the server list there was only 1 server with more then 2 players, and it was locked from people joining. Otherwise very fun, but very very dead. Just went and doublechecked, there are 15 people in game according to steamdb at this moment. I am one of them as I am in game as of writing this.
It will crash half of the time and I can barely play the game. It seems fun but it so annoying just trying to play that it not worth it.
Unfortunately, this game is overrun by cheaters, even with Easy Anti-Cheat in place. My squad and I tried playing for an hour, but the experience was completely ruined by hackers. We ended up uninstalling the game right away. Be aware if you're considering playing—it's not worth the frustration.
BEST prop hunting game! Lots of fun and met new people to play with. However, they need to do sacrifices on certain things or system to get people going and staying. I definitely recommend it to anyone when players are active, though. I miss this game. <3
Good game to play with friends.
The game is dead. A shame, really. It looks like such a great, well-made game.
a masterpiece
Makes you sign into Epic Games and wouldn't close the game when I pressed QUIT/EXIT GAME. It stayed open hidden in my task manager, past 2 hours so I couldn't refund it!! Absolutely annoying.
Players are extremely toxic(if you even find any to play with), game is overall just a boring version of prop hunt.
Incredibly fun and criminally underrated
Criminally underrated. Such a high quality game, very thought through, very smooth and well put together.
The devs should probably make it F2P just so it could get more attraction, but turn most of the cosmetics paid, with an exception of a bunch being available for challenges, while also giving the current cosmetics to the players that have already bought the game as a gesture, as a gesture of good will. Put a notification as to why the game went f2p so people would come to understand and not cry about it.
Maybe add a bundle called - supporters bundle or sth.
Why? Bec nobody wants to pay for a game that they know they might drop after 2-3hrs of gameplay, since this game is so reliant on bringing your friends around, and quite a lot of friends at that, and its esp hard to bring more people to play when the game is behind a paywall. Now if on the other hand it would be free to play, id tottaly gather all those who'd play, and due to the quality of the game, i imagine quite a bunch would buy a quality skin or two.
The only thing that sabotages this game is its genre. Its a prop hunt with an interesting PVP twist, the problem is that you need players for this game. Not to say that servers don't work, but i hope this game will find more attention than it already has.
Highly recommend it to anyone who is looking for some good fun with a group of 4-12 friends.
Not a lot of high quality games like that out there.
This is definitely one of the best prop-hunt style games out there. While you aren't going to have everything unlocked right away, the fact that you can have a team full of people with completely unique playstyles on account of all the customization options makes for one hell of an awesome game play experience.
Great game, just not many players, unfortunately. With prop hunt in Black Ops taking off, maybe now's a good time to get some word out about the existence of this title.
Nice, friendly and team game. Good for fun with friends
Good and simple game
Probably the greatest prop hunt game on the market, but player base during peak was already small. now its criminally low. Worth a pick up if you can get friends to fill a lobby.
Man this game is damn awesome lol not a paid comment etcc.. it's a piece of heaven for my room it feels good when you just continously playing and playing this awesome thinggg
I don't make reviews on games so bear with mee!
This game is so so fun, absolutely loving it so far. They've fixed their bugs since early access so I encourage everyone to jump on board!! Loving the fact that both sides (whether the hunter or the prop) have abilities and perks to make the game play more fun and chaotic (in a good way). It really does keep the game more interesting rather than other prop games I've played! The online lobbies are unfortunately small at the moment sooo people need to get on asap. HOWEVER, there are bots with a range of difficulties you can play with if you're craving and don't have a big enough group yet, better than nothing!
The game is very well done, 10 maps to choose from and they're quite big in size. Keen to get on more games and learn the maps, perks, abilties and all the weapons!!
I'm hoping this game comes on sale soon so it can get the recognition it deserves because its fucking sick!! :D
It makes the prop hunt games so much more fun, both sides are fun unlike how other games make the props more fun then the hunter.
Issues when trying to turn on cross play. Pre-Existing account found would you like to merge, press yes and just pops back up. Have tried unlinking and relinking no success. Game has very low pop on steam only and I was hoping linking would solve that. Will change review if this is ever fixed as i love the game. It pops up and says login successful but then shows the pre existing popup again. Stuck in a loop forever.
very interesting and entertaining game, although I wish there was more content like maps, maybe custom content, and modes.
hands down best prop hide n seek game with perfect theme and so much loadouts that one is never bored either as ghosts or hunters
Very sigma game, caused muchos trauma
Garbage game with non-existent balance. Lobbies sometimes just dies with spontaneous 1000ms+ ping increases.
Fun game
0 playerbase, the game is mid. Worth a try, but I will get a refund.
Its fun, however I would say to anyone who uses the grapple just stop, that weapon needs a serious Helldivers like nerf, reason being, it locks you in place and you can not take a single action, it beats the entire purpose of combat. On the other hand it is a super fun game to play with friends, randoms are usually not great, at least in my experience, but 8/10 would recommend
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Is good
Do I recommend this game? Definitely. It is a really fun game. I played a LOT of the EA. I didn't even realize they had a 1.0 release.
Devs. You guys need to do some marketing like sponsor some streamers and youtubers to play. Having some free play days might help too. I had my GF buy it because I saw it was on sale and we had a blast even with bots. I love to see the continued support but the game is going to fully die soon if nothing is done.
its an awesome game ive enjoyed the game back in the day when my mic actually worked but ever since they updated the mics,(mind you this was back when u updated what system u were using for the mics) i haven't been able to use my mic in game ever since then. I've done every step ppl say that could fix the problem but everything I try no success. is there anything the devs can do to fix this problem. its really a boring game if u cant use ur voice to confuse ppl or be able to communicate with my team mates. so until this problem is fixed im done playing this game. its unfortunate cuz the game itself is awesome but after playing for sooooooo long without any human interaction in the game u get bored real quick. (plus when other ppl talked in game i could see their names pop up but no sound) and would I recommend my friends this game? perhaps not for the simple reason what if they cant use their mics as well then they would have wasted money on a game that u can't use all of its functions. mic problem must be fixed plz and thank you. (I know Im not the only person experiencing this) devs make it right again
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Vaulted Sky Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 18.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (3191) |