Разработчик: Donkey Crew
Путешествуйте по миру на шагоходе — деревянном механизме с ветряным двигателем, вдохновленном кинетическими шедеврами Тео Янсена. Шагоходы — это мобильные базы, которые можно приспособить для путешествия, грузоперевозки, добычи ресурсов и боя. Смастерите уникальный шагоход под собственные потребности: к вашим услугам множество элементов, дополнений и улучшений!
Солнце выжигает западные земли, обращая все в прах. Чтобы спастись от убийственного жара, кочевники движутся на восток, где новые территории постепенно освобождаются из-под слоя льда.
Масштабный катаклизм остановил вращения Земли, и теперь планета разделена на два равно непригодных для жизни полушария. Жизнь теплится лишь на тонкой полоске между горящей и замерзающей зонами. Эта полоска медленно сдвигается из-за орбитального движения Земли, и все живые существа движутся вместе с ней. Чтобы двигаться и выжить, остатки людей построили кочевые механизмы и шагающий город — Флотилию.
Выживайте, используя все, что осталось от мира. Найдите источник воды, охотьтесь на диких животных, прячьтесь или отбивайтесь от пиратов, готовьте снадобья, меняющие разум, и открывайте скрытые технологии шагоходов. Постройте автономную машину и приручите ветер. Пройдите путь от нищего кочевника до вожака наемников, командора флота или неприлично богатого торговца.
Между исследованными оазисами протянулась целая сеть торговых связей. В этой международной экономической системе, организованной игроками, умные и хитрые торговцы могут отлично поживиться на спросе и предложении. Впрочем, есть и другие возможности: мастерить нужные товары, добывать редкие или труднодоступные ресурсы. Но всегда полезно оценить потенциальную конкуренцию. Действуйте мудро. Если вы помешаете сделке другого клана, то можете стать их следующей целью.
Большой открытый мир состоит из множества взаимосвязанных оазисов, каждый из которых занимает площадь более 100 квадратных километров. Одновременно может существовать несколько тысяч оазисов: количество автоматически подстраивается под размер игровой базы. Исследуйте оазисы в поисках новых уникальных биомов и прибирайте к рукам ограниченные ресурсы. Одни кочевники останавливаются, только чтобы пополнить запасы воды. Другие разбивают лагерь на некоторое время. Но в конечном итоге всем предстоит собраться и двигаться на восток, спасаясь от безжалостного выжигающего солнца.
За пределами обитаемых оазисов раскинулись пустынные области — Пустошь. По этим безжизненным просторам можно перемещаться от оазиса к оазису, а еще здесь можно спрятать свой шагоход со всеми припасами и безопасно выйти из игры.
В игре Last Oasis вас ждет динамический направленный рукопашный бой на основе навыков. Кочевники могут выбрать оружие из целого арсенала: одно- и двуручные мечи, булавы, топоры и боевые посохи. А если вам по душе убивать врагов на расстоянии, превратите свой шагоход в боевую машину: установите баллисту, дробовик, магазинную пушку или даже гигантскую пращу. Освойте одно оружие в совершенстве или станьте бойцом на все руки, используя весь арсенал.
Стройте передвижные базы или постоянные укрепления, которые защитят вас от враждебных кочевников и опасностей окружающей среды. Каменные стены обеспечат максимальную безопасность, зато более легкие деревянные конструкции можно погрузить на шагоход и использовать в другом месте.
Клан дарит множество возможностей для процветания, но мелкие группы и даже отдельные игроки тоже могут преуспеть. Кланы контролируют большие территорию и играют ведущую роль в экономике. Но хитрые торговцы, умелые наемники, ловкие охотники и пираты могут добиться потрясающих результатов, играя в одиночку. Играйте соло в удовольствие, но все равно не забывайте пользоваться социальными функциями: в голосовом чате всегда можно найти новых друзей или собрать команду и поохотиться на крупную добычу.
Соберите могущественный клан и достигните политического и экономического влияния. Возьмите под контроль целый регион, и множество кочевников будет снабжать вас местными ресурсами. Ищите союзников и объединяйтесь, чтобы защитить свои богатства, ведь война не за горами. Вражеский клан так и ждет возможности бросить вам вызов и отобрать все нажитое непосильным трудом.
Освойте вертикальное движение. У каждого кочевника есть крюк-кошка — замечательный инструмент, который пригодится для любого стиля игры. Выбирайте, что вам по душе: карабкайтесь на скалы или пролетайте через леса, обгоняя самые быстрые шагоходы.
Песчаные черви — их еще называют длинные — самая страшная угроза для кочевников. Они хищные, прожорливые и безудержные. Почуяв добычу, червь бросается в погоню, и ничто его не остановит. Чтобы одолеть червя, опытные кочевники-охотники собираются большой группой. Сунуться к червю без подготовки — верная погибель. Но уж если охота удалась, это повод выпить бару бочонков кактусовой бормотухи. Ведь песчаный червь — источник редчайших и нужнейших ресурсов, так что удачная охота может озолотить всю команду.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2400
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 770, AMD Radeon HD 7870
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 40 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64bit versions only)
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-3770
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 1070, AMD Radeon RX Vega 56
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 40 GB
Отзывы пользователей
I just wanna know why there's so much lag in the starting oasis? Like I rubber band constantly and can't move anywhere. Any fix?
1, if you come back to the game they punish you! No easy zone so you cannot progress, if you move to a different server, again they punish you! no easy zone cannot delete any charters. It is too hard to progress with out the help they used to give the game sucks!
Too bad because it it could be amazing!
do not play even if you some how get it for free it still wouldent be worth it. you need schematics to make anything on top of unlocking it from your character. so you never unlock crafting permanently. on top of that the schematics are in the hundreds no generalized categories you need specific schematics. which causes your inventory to always be overflowing with stupid schematics. forcing you to drop stuff to carry them, but oh no you needed those bone splinters you just dropped to build the schematic you just pick up you FUCKING IDIOT! so now you need to run out to go get more. further more you need a ridiculous amount of materials to build basic stuff. hope your ready to farm 4 different resourses and craft 2 more things just to make a fiber bench. oh but wait you thought that was it no you need a different crafting bench to build the 2 things you need to build the fiber bench, so guess what... thats right BETTER GO FIND THE DAMN SCHEMATICS FOR IT YOU ABSOLUTE NERD!!!. this is by far the worst game loop i have ever experienced in a survival game.
shouldve kept the old system instead of having to find a specific schematic not even worth the download even if it was free which is sad be it used to have great potential but now its just a heaping pile of trash
One of my favorite games of all time :))
I like the atmosphere and the vibe. Some parts are genuinely great, some parts are broken and retarded.
Has its problems but even more important it has potential to be a great game.
great game
the game was cool but the map and the items we can craft it's too hard to find some stuff and it's hard to level up
This game used to be AMAZING. 100% trash now. They fixed something that wasn't broken. I can't stress enough how crappy this game is now.. I mean, it was SOOO FUNNN. Now it's just an arbitrary grindfest to nowhere slowly with zero community and deadness everywhere. It is a completely different game from when it started. I can't even be bothered now, it's still poorly optimised. I used to be able to look past the lower frame rates, but now it's not even worth it. I mean. Im running ryzen 6300, radeon RX6600 and 32gb ram. I have to play this jankfest on medium settings and it still looks like shit. I installed the game to try it out after over a year, NOPE.
A constantly changing game, going from not so good to always not so good, I played with a long-standing team, and this seniority gives them the chance to be abused by other players through bugs and exploits approved and encouraged by the development team. I haven't played much of this game, and even if I've had a good time on it with my team, it's always ended in a bad experience due to a development or administration error making the game unplayable or the experience complicated. I don't think I'll go back to this game unless I have a good reason to waste my time.
unplayable, crashes 98% of the time on start up. when it does start it crashes within 20 seconds because of a different reason, if you do get to play for 20 mins then it will crash for another different reason which then you cant get back in because of the first two crash issues leaving your body on the map to get killed because you cant do anything to stop it. used to work. prealpha and looks abandoned. DONE with this game
This game goes in good direction sezon 6 test was Amazing I can't wait for official sezon to be released.
This is best metaverse pvp game ever I hope soon this game will blow up once again
Even the tuturial is annoying. the concept of the game is great.
came back to see what changed to the game but the basic tuturial has me deinstalling it again.
Hi guys,
A game with potential but which becomes rubbish from year to year that becomes rubbish from year to year, "donkey crew" The studio is unfortunately not competent enough to be able to take over the game or do something else, pay attention to this studio, a lot of bad reviews on them, they named a new developer "BryanTheHacker" who plays with a team who uses bugs or trashtalk to be able to destroy our bank and there is no reaction to this and regarding the game no advertising of the game to bring players back, no help from new players and I will do more and more bugs definitely don't buy this game I spent a lot of time on this game + 5000H and I recommend that you don't set foot there if you want a good vision of survival games the mentality of the community that remains doesn't bother you will not suit everyone.
I am disappointed by the current Developers (not Donkey Crew, they sold it) and don't think the current developers are interested in making the game thrive, rather making the game better for their own clans. When I make suggestions in LO Discord, I am met with a 20:1 mentality (usually, by the developers clan) and I am constantly called a "Karen" when I point things out that don't agree with their opinions. I do not think they are actually interested in making the game better and getting the population back. I believe they are looking at what will make it fun for them. They tell their clans what to expect prior to sharing it with the "gaming community", and have been seen spawning items in game when their clan needs specific items. I don't have a problem with the developers playing, per se, but I believe that if they are going to do it, they should at least play with different clans so they can get all perspectives, not just the perspective of one or two (one for US, one for EU) particular clan(s).
best game ive ever played when it released during covid and it had ten's of thousands of players.. very sad.. but always hold a dear place in my heart
glad they are working on the game I really enjoy it is worth saving.
Can't stop, for real, send help
best PVP system worldwide
3k + hours.
Can this game rise from the filthy burnt ashes to begin its place in pc game history?
it all hangs in the balance, does Mr hacker (new Dev) have what it takes to truly put this game where it belongs.
Last Oasis Is the pinnacle of melee pvp, full loot survival game everyone thirsts for. build walkers, bases, claim territory's and have large scale pvp content. Not many games could come back from a history like Last Oasis. The Bitter Sweet Truth Is, imo that this game has an unparalleled potential in so many ways. The Passion from the community is a testament to this. This game will always be in my heart, as those 3k hours are filled with battles, both victories and losses. Building massive walker sheds, so much farming and meeting random nomads along the way. that i still play games with to this day.
Time Will Tell If Last Oasis Can Beat All The Odds And Thrive Like It Was Always Supposed To.
dead game and i cant give it back
Although some people don't like this game, I do.
i disliked the mod pack they added
Recently came back to try the game with a mate after all this time and can't even play longer than 10 minutes as the server keeps crashing and rolling back (ON THE OFFICIAL SERVER).
Donkey Crew how did you go so wrong and in so many ways.
This was such a great game idea, it looked great and had so many fun mechanics.
I doubt S6 will fix/save the game, but it'd be nice if it did.
the concept is great, the actual execution and especially the combat regrettably really is not.
it is AWFUL!
feels really clunky, sluggish and unpredictable in general, add any kind of server lag and it's essentially infuriating.
getting up close for melee is a two hit death sentence each and every time against the basic rupu monkey grunts. put 20 leveling points in health, doesn't matter, maybe they manage a 3rd hit before you die anyway... whoopdie doo...
trying to avoid them you just get stoned to death when you get in agro range and unlike your terrible aim, they CAN hit you and they hit very hard.
i shudder to think what a player can do when they even remotely manage to get anything other then a wooden stick or stone hatchet... throwing stones are not exactly worth it for a player.
oh wait, i know what happens when encountering such a player, you die in a single hit... and they wait until you give up or stand back up to finish you and force a respawn...
anyhow, the moment one or two rupu monkeys agro on you you're essentially dead (and they do not lose agro on you either when you run away 9/10 times! dying will lose agro, but if they're close they just go beat you up for round two and god forbid there's a ballista tower nearby, just give up then).
the melee system feels very sluggish and random. hitting and blocking is supposedly camera direction dependent, but acts on it's own without much rhyme or reason and feels unplayable. trying to control that nonsense is... well i'd rather do melee in STO hahaha.
the crafting system seems well done if not tedious and the learning of new stuff isn't exactly intuitive. couldn't get past a later "tutorial" stage (you get dropped in the game with some guiding "quest" text and that's it for a tutorial really) to get a "simple" blueprint (the one asking you to make a water purifier rock) since i just get murdered by anything that might drop that. and without those you're stuck at the lowest crafting level.
oh, when you start out. do punch a cactus, then eat the chunks to get water otherwise you die shortly anyway (use a stick/stone hatchet to not lose health acquiring said cactus)... if you can build a bottle then build a campfire too and cook the cactus for some better water... the bottle does require rupu monkey skin, and they do not drop that consistently... have fun with death...
additionally don't ask for help in chat because the few people that are there ingame, either unresponsive or not exactly friendly either to my experience. dare i say toxic in many instances... same for the steam discussions i noticed though there's some voices stating otherwise at least.
clans/tribes... maybe fun, as playing with friends/as a group usually is at least... but with ~8 players on the server i was on and 16 on the second populated server... group play seems quite unlikely to be anything substantial i'd wager.
i'm a solo player, usually not much lost in not being able to play in a group anyway, so this doesn't matter much to me. that said, this game is obviously made and for larger groups, yet is pretty much dead and empty with you being alone. you will die A LOT and not make any progress beyond your initial sandbag hut.
i cannot recommend this game despite the supposedly awesome walkers which i haven't been able to see once sadly...
not in the mood to "not progress" while dying countless times to random homing missile rupu monkey guys.
Plenty of crafting options. Still buggy but getting better. Enjoying the harsh and beautiful scenery
survival, crafting and the thrill of pvp
Feels like a joke, and the joke is on you. First few minutes, die of thirst... Why? Cause you need leather, that you get from monkey things, but, its a drop, you can't skin it, and the drop seems like a low drop. (from monkeys that HAVE skin, every time)
make it make sense.
great concept and is a work in progress
cool idea, no follow through
Years ago it was a game that we embarked on with friends and at one point it had an incredible impact achieving a great rise then it was turned into a lousy game by a terrible company and disappeared. It was unbelievable how such incompetent people could manage games like this.
Now it s being revised by a promising company to rekindle the fire i hope it returns to its former glory
Tried my best to keep playing this game solo, but nah, I can't continue playing this.
Last Oasis holds, and probably still holds, a lot of promise.
Both PvP and PvE were simple, skill-based and a ton of fun, and I loved the concept of 'The Burn' and the nomadic life.
Note: It is not kind. It is not easy. It is not fast. But, it is interesting journey, especially with some friends.
Season 1-3 were some of my best gaming experience to this day.
The last two were not bad per se, just not what I expected or hoped for.
In part I think the decline, for me, was due to the devs listening to much to the community and in doing so, lost sight of what they set out to do. Then they attempted to correct that but by then it was too late.
I still dip in and out to see what changed, but I don't think I'll break the 3000 hours any time soon.
I recommend giving the game try, if only for the combat system and the experience of the nomadic lifestyle it offers.
We need this game back. Still makes me mad to this day.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Donkey Crew |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 18.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 70% положительных (10798) |