Разработчик: Studio Wildcard
ARK: Survival Ascended!
Respawn into a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams… as ARK is reimagined from the ground-up into the next-generation of videogame technology with Unreal Engine 5! You awake on a mysterious island, your senses overwhelmed by the blinding sunlight and brilliant colors bouncing off every surface around you, the azure waters of a verdant Island lapping at your bare feet. A deep roar echoes from the misty jungle, jolting you into action, and you stand up – not afraid, but intrigued. Are you ready to form a tribe, tame and breed hundreds of species of dinosaurs and other primeval creatures, explore, craft, build, and fight your way to the top of the food-chain? Your new world awaits… step through the looking-glass and join it!
ARK: Genesis Part Two!
Your quest for ultimate survival is now complete with the launch of ARK: Genesis Part 2! Survivors will conclude the ARK storyline while adventuring through exotic new worlds with all-new mission-based gameplay. Discover, utilize and master new creatures, new craftable items, weapons, and structures unlike anything you have seen yet! The saga is now complete, and hundreds of hours of new story-oriented ARK gameplay await you!
Purchased as part of the ARK: Genesis Season Pass you gain access to two new huge story-oriented expansion packs -- Genesis Part 1 and Genesis Part 2 (new!) -- as well as a 'Noglin' Chibi cosmetic, a ‘Shadowmane’ Chibi cosmetic, a new cosmetic armor set, and an in-game, artificially intelligent companion called ‘HLN-A’ who can scan additional hidden Explorer Notes found throughout the other ARKs.
Features the voiceover talent of David Tennant (Doctor Who, Good Omens) playing the villainous Sir Edmund Rockwell, and Madeleine Madden (The Wheel of Time, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Dora and the Lost City of Gold) as in-game robotic AI companion HLN-A/Helena Walker.
Об игре
Будучи выброшенным голым на берег таинственного острова под названием ARK, замерзая и умирая с голоду, вам придется охотиться, собирать ресурсы, создавать предметы, выращивать урожай, исследовать технологии и строить укрытия, чтобы противостоять погодным условиям. Используйте свою хитрость и ресурсы, чтобы убивать или приручать и разводить громадных динозавров и других первобытных существ, населяющих остров, и объединяйтесь с сотней других игроков или охотьтесь на них, чтобы выживать, властвовать... и преодолевать трудности!Нижеследующие особенности присутствуют в игре с первого дня запуска в раннем доступе. В долгосрочном плане разработки игры у нас запланировано намного больше возможностей и усовершенствований, а вот что уже прямо сейчас вам доступно в ARK:
Динозавры, прочие существа и их разведение! – более чем 50 существ в раннем доступе и 100+ к финальному релизу – можно приручить с помощью сложной системы захвата и привязанности, включая ослабление неприрученного зверя до полного оглушения и затем уход за ним с кормлением соответствующей пищей. После приручения, вы сможете отдавать команды вашему питомцу, выполнение которых будет зависеть от того, насколько хорошо вы его приручили и обучили. Питомцам, уровень которых будет расти, потребуется пища, они могут нести вещи и снаряжение, например, броню, могут нести добычу обратно в ваше поселение в зависимости от их силы, а на более крупных животных можно ездить и непосредственно управлять ими! Пролетите на птеродактиле над снежными вершинами горами, перебрось союзников через стены противника, гоняйся сквозь джунгли со своей стаей рапторов, прорвись на вражескую базу на гигантском бронтозавре или преследуй добычу, сидя на спине яростного Ти-Рекса! Стань частью жизненного цикла динамической экосистемы со своей собственной цепочкой питания, где вы всего лишь одно звено, среди многих видов существ, борющихся за господство и выживание. Питомцев также можно разводить, спаривая с противоположным полом, проводя последовательную селекцию с помощью системы черт, основанной на рекомбинантном генетическом наследовании. Этот процесс включает в себя как инкубацию яиц, так и и развитие беременности у млекопитающих! Или, проще говоря, разводите и выращивайте детенышей динозавров и прочих существ!
Вы должны есть и пить, чтобы выжить, используя разные виды растений и мяса, включая человеческое, имеющие различные питательные свойства. Насущной проблемой также является обеспечение пресной водой вашего жилища и ее запас в инвентаре. Все физические действия потребляют параметры еды и воды, поэтому дальние перемещения сопряжены с угрозой выживанию! Груз инвентаря заставляет вас двигаться медленнее, а цикл смены дня и ночи вместе с капризными погодными условиями бросают еще один вызов посредством колебания температуры окружающей среды, в результате чего ваши голод или жажда усиливаются. Разводите огонь или стройте укрытия, изготавливайте разнообразную одежду и доспехи с изменяемым внешним видом, чтобы защитить себя от физического урона и экстремальных температур, использующих динамическую систему расчета сопротивления жаре и холоду, как внутри помещения, так и снаружи!
Вырубая лес, изобилующий деревьями, и добывая металл и другие ценные ресурсы, вы можете изготавливать различные элементы для возведения массивных многоуровневых построек, состоящих из сложных связанных частей, включая рампы, мостики, колонны, окна, двери, люки, ворота с возможностью дистанционного управления, водопроводные трубы и краны, генераторы, провода и все виды электрических устройств, лестницы и многое другое. Многие постройки и предметы могут быть покрашены, чтобы разнообразить внешний вид вашего дома, а также к этому можно добавить попиксельно раскрашиваемые таблички, билборды с текстом и другие декоративные объекты. Укрытие снижает влияние экстремальных погодных условий и обеспечивает безопасность для вас и вашей добычи! Оружие, одежда и броня также могут быть покрашены, чтобы подчеркнуть ваш образ.
Подбирайте семена дикорастущей растительности вокруг вас, сажайте их в размещенные грядки, поливайте и подкармливайте их удобрениями (после переваривания пищи, все какают, эти фекалии затем можно компостировать, причем некоторые удобрения лучше, чем другие). Ухаживайте за своими посевами и они будут расти, производя вкусные и редкие фрукты, которые затем могут быть использованы для приготовления множества продуманных рецептов и при создании полезных тоников! Исследуйте и занимайтесь поиском редких семян растений, которые имеют самые сильнодействующие эффекты! С такой возможностью освоить и завоевать ARK ненасильственным способом, вегетарианцы и веганы смогут процветать!
Используя достаточное количество редких жертвенных предметов в специальных местах призыва, вы сможете привлечь внимание одного из мифических богоподобных существ ARK'а, которое прибудет для сражения. Только самые опытные игроки со своими армиями питомцев смогут победить этих чудовищ и получить ценные предметы для продвижения по конечным целям игры.
Создавай племя и добавляй в него своих друзей, и все твои питомцы смогут управляться и станут союзниками для любого из вашего племени. Вашему племени также будет доступно возрождение в любой из домашних точек возрождения. Повышайте членов племени до администраторов для уменьшения бремени правления. Распределяйте предметы и ПИН-коды, чтобы обеспечить доступ к общим поселениям!
Все предметы создаются по чертежам, которые имеют различные характеристики и качества, и требуют соответствующих ресурсов. Более отдаленным и суровым локациям ARK, как правило, свойственны лучшие ресурсы, в числе таких мест самые высокие горы, мрачные пещеры и глубины океана! Повышай уровень своего игрового персонажа, получая опыт за исполнение действий, повышай уровень своих питомцев и изучай новые "энграммы", чтобы иметь возможность создавать предметы по памяти без использования чертежей, даже после смерти! Настраивай физический облик своего персонажа, изменяя цвет волос и глаз, тон кожи, наряду с множеством модификаторов пропорций тела.
Все, что вы изготавливаете, имеет прочность и изнашивается во время длительного использования, если это не ремонтировать, и, когда вы выходите из игры, ваш персонаж остается "спящим" в игровом мире. Ваши вещи, находящиеся в ящиках или при вашем персонаже, могут быть разграблены и украдены, поэтому для достижения безопасности, вы должны укрепляться, набирать команду или заводить питомцев для охраны вашей добычи. Смерть необратима и означает потерю всего, и вы даже можете оглушить, захватить и насильно кормить других игроков, используя их для своих собственных целей, таких как извлечение крови для переливания, собирать их фекалии для использования в качестве удобрений, или использовать рабов в качестве корма для плотоядных питомцев!
Таинственный ARK - грозная и внушительная среда, состоящая из множества природных и искусственных объектов, размещенных на земле, под землей и под водой. Исследуя его тайны, вы найдете самых экзотических процедурно сгенерированных существ и редкие чертежи. Также могут быть найдены заметки исследователя, которые динамически обновляются в игре и были написаны на протяжении тысячелетия предыдущими человеческими обитателями ARK, которые творчески описали существ, а также предысторию ARK и его животного мира. В полной мере заполняйте свою внутриигровую карту посредством разведки, отмечайте интересные места на ней, и используйте изготовленные компас или GPS, чтобы встретиться с другими игроками, с которыми вы можете общаться с помощью локального текстового и голосового чата или дальней радиосвязи. Стройте и раскрашивайте указатели для того, чтобы помочь вас найти или сбить с пути других игроков... И еще... как, в конечном счете, вы сможете бросить вызов Создателям и покорить ARK? Определенный конец игры уже запланирован.
На серверах с количеством игроков порядка 100 человек, ваш персонаж, ваши постройки и ваши питомцы остаются в игровом мире, даже если вы вышли из игры. Вы можете переносить вашего персонажа и предметы между серверами ARK, используя терминалы обелисков для загрузки (или выгрузки) ваших данных со Steam! Целая плеяда миров, каждый из которых немного отличается от предыдущих – для того, чтобы вы могли оставить свой след и завоевывать их по одному. Специальные тематические события будут проводиться в ARK в течение ограниченного времени с соответствующими ценными предметами!
Вы можете играть в одиночную игру и перемещать вашего персонажа и предметы между неофициальными серверами игроков - туда и обратно. Модифицируйте игру - полностью поддерживается мастерская Steam и настраиваемый редактор Unreal Engine 4. Посмотрите, как мы создавали наш ARK, используйте наши карты и материалы в качестве примера. Создайте свой собственный сервер и настройте его точно по своему вкусу. Мы хотим видеть то, что вы создаете!
Невероятный супер-реалистичный образ существ мира ARK приводится в жизнь с использованием тонко настроенного Unreal Engine 4, с полностью динамическим затенением и глобальным освещением, системой погоды (дождь, туман, снег, и т.д.), реалистичным объемным моделированием облаков, новейшими передовыми методами визуализации DirectX11 и DirectX12. Все это дополняет музыка от признанного композитора игры "Ori and the Blind Forest", Гарета Кокера!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, czech, danish, dutch, hungarian, polish, swedish, thai, traditional chinese, turkish, ukrainian, finnish, japanese, korean
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 60 GB
- Дополнительно: Requires broadband internet connection for multiplayer
- ОС: OSX 10.9 or Higher
- Процессор: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
- Оперативная память: 4000 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM
- Место на диске: 20000 MB
- ОС: Ubuntu Equivalent Distro
- Процессор: 2 GHz 64-bit CPU
- Оперативная память: 4000 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM
- Место на диске: 20000 MB
Отзывы пользователей
Game play is clunky, the build method is slow and way to complex, maybe others will enjoy this but not me.
Very good game, but if you don't own it already just buy ASA it will be a lot cheaper and if your computer can run it.
Game has been in early access so long they already made a sequel and the original is still early access
Very good game, insanely fun, more players should play this amazing game.
really good game to play with friends and just in general a great game never gets boring.
my steam hours may not reflect it, but i've been playing ark since its release. its one of my all time favorite games. recently downloaded on my steam deck and runs great (looks ok)
wasnt really into dino's before but playing this made me go w t f every death and research what that thing that just killed me. base game are actual animals, dlc monsters are mostly fictional so that sucks/good depends for you
Super addictive game but god awful devs, so many bugs and un-optimised and the ascended version is worse, the servers have been closed now so I can only recommend this game for single player and if you really like the concept enough to ignore all the bugs, like me. I'll still recommend it regardless.
Great game few glitches here and there but overall amazing. you can do anything from taming dinosaurs and dragons to fighting titan class monsters with gigantic mech suits. it'll be hard but its worth it.
look the game was fun......a bit broken but fun.
I would have loved to get into Ark 2
but these are my issues...
The marketing department is Killing it to Executives for TV shows and whatever else they are going to put out.
But the truth is they can't complete a game
I'll never by another studio wildcard game for more than $10 because they don't follow through or finish games before moving on to the next/ or re skinning another unfinished game
1. didn't finish ark in early access
2. ark 2 has had a teaser and no release date for years
3. they surprise us with ark ascended randomly and make us buy the same game in early access again for another 30-60 bucks that is 95% a re skin of ASE and still buggy AF
They could've been great they chose to be trash
See ya in the 85-90% off discount bin Wildcard
Spent an hour and a half trying to get an argy just for it to get killed by a alpha carno right when it was tamed. Great game 10/10
i always remember watching my dad play this game and to me this game is one of the only that's actually fun to watch. since i got it i've enjoyed it even more, this game will last you hundreds of hours on one save it never gets old. graphics are amazing and it runs perfectly on my gtx 1650 i would definitely recommend this game to anyone who loves a slow paced, unpredictable and sometimes really exciting game, i could never recommend this game enough.
skibidi game ive been playing for years and pc is much better than xbox and way better with the mods.
Very fun unless you have a really bad atention span and it can get a little grindy
This game is so addicting. I sat on this game for 3 hours when I thought I was only playing for 30 minutes.
My family loves to play this game together. We have so much fun taming the animals, building the fortresses, and fighting to survive and defend your homestead. We have over 600 hours into playing this game and we have only been playing for a couple months so that tells you how much we look forward to playing!! What we really like about this game is its depth, meaning, there are many stages in the game. It is not a game that you just run through and beat within the first week or so of playing. The other thing we really like is how versatile it is. Not every one likes to do the same thing in a game. I like to build, my husband likes to fight and gather, my son likes to reap resources, and my daughter likes to breed the animals ! Its a good time for all of us!
-desmaiei de fome
-morri para uma galinha de olhos amarelos que pula
-renasci de novo
-morri para uma gangue de dinossauros verdes com crifrinhos
-Renasci de novo em um lugar supostamente facil
-morri para uma gangue de insetos sanguinários
-nunca pensei na vida que iria ser perseguido e morto por insetos.
20/10 baixem recomendo muito e um bom simulador do inf... Você só sofre o jogo todo kkk
Personally I hate this game, my dad has grilled his laptop playing this, the optimization is absolute ass, it WILL eat up your whole disk for the least amount of content, but its addictive and who doesn't love the idea of making pets out of apex predators. From my dad you have 10/10, from the laptop he's running it on 1/10 (a pitty point) and from me? I have uninstalled this game in 2020.
+rep goated game used to play with my dad it was so much fun with mods
really good game however multiplayer capability with friends is dog shit wish it worked tho
its fun and you can add mods. you can play it with friends and also alone.
Good game i have played it for a few years its a bit annoying at times but its super fun when you get bulit up
this game is so good ong its like my favorite game of all, its not like a basic survival game with some lame fps tech, NAH! its the ONE THE game you need if you wanna develop your sense of whats essential, because this game has many mechanics, like hunger, thirst, the dinos u gotta keep close or far from you, the feeding, breeding of the creatures, and many more.
its super great, i suggest everyone to play, (less for the people who have stress issue, because.. hum.. this game is like 92% stress reaction-instinct based. its the only game that made my hands sweat, and the only game that made me worry about a lizard to die.
Game is a ton grindy but once you get used to doing things for a few minutes its a very fun game.
this is a awesome game if you love a Dino and play a craft game and you need to start or play game with your friend you must play this game and this game is very good choice for play and i play very too many craft game and i can say this game is very very better than other craft game and i can say this is the best of craft game for ever ...
ty for reading :FH5Crown: :FH5Superstar: :Origami_Murder_Bird:
One of the best games every played an made. Exclusive experience you can't get from any other game.
Much fun to play with friends and play all day long!!
This game is just too much amazing in matter of graphics gameplay and overall. But the thing you will at least need a decent pc to play this game smoothly
loved this game since I got it in ~2016, I've spent roughly $110 total on it through just the base game and the dlc, and this is when I was a kid and didn't have a job. The gameplay can be grindy and not for everyone but I love spending hours bouncing from project to project, that said, even with all my loves for the game theres some things I don't enjoy, the breeding system isn't my favorite and I wish that ASA was just an update or was a $10-$5 upgrade if you already had it, although that last point isn't a fault of the game itself, I'd recomend just getting the game on sale if you want to try it out, unfortunately if you want a good idea of the gameplay you'll need to play past 2 hours so I don't imagine you'll get a refund and a solid grasp on the game
Singleplayer still has so many issues with save files. its ridiculous. game crashes and poof 6 hours of work down the drain. how is this still a thing. fix your shit ark.
A really good game, good time spent, unfortunate that not a lot play it like it used to be. I recommend playing
For such a old game its aged like fine wine, truly a masterpiece and even now the graphics are still amazing, overall i recomend it to anyone who loves games that have a complex story while also being a survival game.
ARK has flaws, very large and buggy flaws. Yes it's a mess on a fundamental level but god damn is the game fun. No other open world survival game will give you what ARK gives you. Roaming around the map with your large, definitely inbred, on steroids dinosaurs will never NOT be fun. Being able to go from map to map, save to save with your items, dinos and character is fantastic and ties everything together allowing you to just be one dominating giant from ARK to ARK conquering each boss and finding better gear.
My only piece of advice is avoid public servers, or at least PvP ones. There are clans of people who dominate everything day 1 of a reset and WILL make sure you know about it.
I'd like to start off with a request to the positive reviewers: Please blink twice if you're being held against your will.
There's games I like in spite of themselves - coughGothic 2cough - but I'll still happily admit that they're not good in any objective sense; Ark seems to breed the sort of blind loyalty you normally only see in toxic relationships. It's buggy, it's horrendously optimized, and the developer clearly has no respect for either their customers or their supporters.
I will say this for Ark: Survival Evolved - it's the only game made by the only developer that I have such strong negative feelings about that I wiped the game from my library without bothering to seek a refund. The lost money was just the price of a lesson learned.
This is one of the best games I have ever played. It is also very fun to play with friends if you have any. very recommended.
My favorite survival game of all time. No open world survival game has ever immersed me in the way that ARK did when it first came out. Even with the various issues over the years, the lost tames due to server crashes in the early stages of ARK, the lack of optimization, the many deaths, and the many times my butt cheeks clenched or I squealed into my friend's ears because a carnivorous dino jump-scared me. It was all just part of the ARK experience, and I'll never not recommend it. It will forever be my favorite survival game. I love the exploration, the building, the challenge to survive, the realism of the creatures and their interactions with one another, the beautiful biomes, the taming and breeding mechanics, etc. It's a game I always go back to and thoroughly enjoy. I can't say the same for a few of my friends, though. The ones who suck at survival tend to rage quit, but most of our group has been playing for 7+ years and never tire of the game. xD Wildcard, I know you guys get a lot of shit from the community sometimes, but I hope you guys know what a masterpiece you created.
My Hellish Journey Through Ark: Survival Evolved
I don’t even know why I’m writing this. Maybe it’s because I need to get it off my chest, or maybe because I’m still trying to figure out how the hell I let myself get sucked into the *nightmare* that is *Ark: Survival Evolved*. This game, man… It’s like some cruel joke, an endless cycle of frustration, betrayal, and broken promises. I thought it would be this fun survival adventure where I could build cool bases, tame dinosaurs, and just have a good time. Instead, it turned into one of the most soul-crushing, sanity-destroying experiences I’ve ever had with a video game. And now, months after I’ve quit, I still can’t shake the trauma.
At first, it seemed simple enough. "Survive in a world full of dinosaurs." How hard could it be? You gather some resources, build a shelter, and eventually, you can tame a few dinos to help you along the way. Yeah, well, that *simple enough* idea shattered the moment I hit *start game*.
The controls were a mess right from the get-go. I’m not the biggest fan of overly complicated control schemes, but this was a disaster. The UI felt clunky and unintuitive, the movement was stiff and awkward, and I found myself spending more time just figuring out how to craft a basic tool than actually surviving. It’s like the game was designed to make you suffer before you even had a chance to *play*.
Fine. I wasn’t going to give up that easily. I’m a survivor, right? I can make it through the grind. So, I ventured out, looking for some food, some materials, and maybe a peaceful corner of the map where I wouldn’t get killed every five minutes. But no, Ark has a cruel way of teaching you that the world doesn’t care about your plans. Within the first hour, I was already dead—twice.
The first death came from a *level 5* Dilophosaurus. A tiny, puny little lizard thing that shouldn’t have been able to kill anyone. But no, it poisoned me, and before I could even blink, I was lying there, unable to move, as it tore into me. That was my first taste of Ark’s BS mechanics. I didn’t even know what hit me. I respawned, determined to get my gear back, only to be killed by a random *Level 20* raptor. **A LEVEL 20 RAPTOR**. As soon as I saw it charging at me, I knew there was no hope. The game didn’t even give me a chance to recover, to gather myself.
That’s the thing about Ark: Survival Evolved—it thrives on *hopelessness*. You can spend hours building a base, taming a dinosaur, or collecting resources, only to have it all ripped away in an instant. The sheer *randomness* of it all is maddening. One minute, you’re out there gathering berries, the next, a massive T-Rex decides you look like lunch. Oh, and don’t even get me started on the *weather* system. Ark is full of random weather events like heatwaves, storms, and the dreaded “extreme temperatures.” You can’t prepare for it. You can’t plan for it. And when you’re already struggling with basic survival, the game hits you with some arbitrary disaster that sets you back hours of progress.
I tried to *tame* a raptor once. I thought it’d be this cool achievement. I thought maybe—just maybe—I could have a loyal companion to help me through the wilderness. I spent hours knocking it out, feeding it, and babysitting it while it slowly accepted me as its master. But of course, just as I was about to get that beautiful, sweet reward, a wild *spino* decided to come along and destroy everything. My poor raptor, the one I’d worked so hard for, was *killed in front of me*, and my heart broke. I didn’t even feel anger at that point, just this deep sense of hopelessness.
By the time I realized that the game wasn’t going to give me a fair shot, I was already too deep into it. Ark becomes an addiction. You keep going, not because you’re having fun, but because you’ve invested so much time into it that quitting feels like surrender. You try to push past the constant setbacks, the raids, the bugs, the crashes. The *crashes*. **The game crashed on me at least 20 times in a single session.** I lost count of the hours I’d spent building, only for the game to decide it was done with me and *crash*. Or, even worse, the random desync where I’d think I was safe, only to appear miles away from where I thought I was, surrounded by enemies I had no hope of outrunning.
I can’t even talk about the multiplayer aspect without getting angry. I thought joining a tribe would be the answer. I thought I’d find a group of people who would help me survive, maybe even protect me from the griefers. But no. What I found were players who treated the game like their personal playground for cruelty. I built my base in a remote area, thinking I’d be left alone, but no—some high-level player decided it was funny to come by and *destroy my entire base* with their high-powered dinos. Hours of progress—gone in a second. My carefully crafted fortress reduced to rubble. And then they sent me a message, taunting me. "Nice try, loser." That was it. I deleted the game for the night, but even then, the frustration lingered. I couldn’t escape it.
The worst part, though, is the emotional toll Ark takes on you. It starts as a game, but by the time you’re deep into it, it feels like a second job—an unpaid, abusive, soul-crushing job. I’m not even joking. The constant stress of being raided, of having to constantly rebuild, of knowing that no matter how hard you try, there’s always something waiting to ruin your day—it wears you down. There’s no *fun* in that. No sense of reward. Every time I thought I was making progress, something came along to knock me back down. After a while, I couldn’t even enjoy the game. My mind was constantly racing, thinking about the next attack, the next disaster. It felt like I was living in a constant state of fear.
And now, months after quitting the game, I still feel it. I still remember that pit in my stomach every time I logged in, knowing that it could all come crashing down. The panic, the dread, the constant anxiety—it's like PTSD. I get flashbacks just thinking about the game. I used to love survival games. Now, whenever I hear the word “survival,” my brain short-circuits. *Ark* broke me.
I don’t know who *thought* this game was fun. I really don’t. I get that it’s meant to be challenging, but there’s a difference between a challenging game and one that just *torments* you. Ark is the latter. I wasted so many hours, so much mental energy, just to be constantly punished for it. It's not fun. It's not rewarding. It’s a grind that takes away more than it gives. If you’re thinking about playing *Ark: Survival Evolved*, I beg you: don’t. Save your sanity, your time, and your mental health. This game will tear you apart piece by piece. I know it did for me.
i punch raptor, he kills me. I go back to revenge. He not there. Look behind, whole pack of alpha raptors. Great experience, would recomend
Pure Art. this game is perfect. apart from the hundreds of bugs, but that's what makes Ark Ark. I'm very sad to see ASA in the state it is in currently, and its a poor excuse for a sequel, especially how badly the original game got treated once ASA got announced.
Ark Survival Evolved is a game like no other.
Great game to play with friends. Makes for good laughter and endless time wasting. love the storage system as well as the breeding of dinoes. The game also made room for creativity in the building aspect.
100% Would recommend
Friend's can't join game after trying for an hour while it crashing every single time. What is the point of having a online aspect without it even working once. I swear my all 88 hours on this shit was just trying to get it to work (even have a fairly beefy pc); not worth the money even if it's on sale. If ark 2 is anything like this then i feel bad for anyone who is a fan of this game. Has great potential but even after all these years it still runs like ass and multiplayer is worse than any game i've ever played.
amazing game love playing with my dad and friends enjoy the awesome concept of surviving a reloaded world with dinosaurs and modern weapons.
Best game OAT, I love how fun it is, and meeting new people. Highly recommend you buy this game.
I've played this game way more on Console but playing with a good old friend and with mods is real fun. Game can be janky but that's the fun of the game sometimes. I love this game and recemend any bored person who likes survival games to try this game. really hard to learn all the things in this game though but you'll get used to it
For a moment in my life is really loved that game. It is not perfect. The game isn't very beginner friendly, offering no guide, no quests, difficult mapping and building, not to mention getting eaten all the time, but overall one of the best, most realistic dinosaurs survival games. I highly recommand trying.
Unable to find anything about fixing the lighting. everything down to the loading menu are washed out and way to bright.
A year and a half. After playing casually for nearly 3000 hours, on May 9, 2023, I finally decided to try and beat this masterpiece of a game, going from The Island, through each story DLC map, and finally ending on Genesis: part 2. Now, on November 16, 2024, I have finally beaten Rockwell Prime. While this game can be a bit buggy at times, I have only experienced visual glitches and a few incidents with climbing picks on the Aberration DLC. Despite the bugs, this game is by far one of the best I have ever played, and sets a very high bar for other survival games I play henceforth. Now I eagerly await Ark 2's release.
one of my best games of all time.. literally spent 1000+hr including mobile and epic game version still love to play the game ..i hate it and love it
I love this game, but why the actual Hell did the install go up from 132GB to over 400GB! It took me over 3 days straight to download this! I have a decent PC so it's not a problem in that area, it's just the size!
very fun to play with friends and family definitly reccomend.
the best dino game EVER I bought ark or my brother did and i would akways use cheats but now i see that the game is actully good props to wildcard
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Studio Wildcard |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 18.12.2024 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 81% положительных (240518) |