
Разработчик: Studio Wildcard
ARK: Survival Ascended!
Respawn into a new dinosaur survival experience beyond your wildest dreams… as ARK is reimagined from the ground-up into the next-generation of videogame technology with Unreal Engine 5! You awake on a mysterious island, your senses overwhelmed by the blinding sunlight and brilliant colors bouncing off every surface around you, the azure waters of a verdant Island lapping at your bare feet. A deep roar echoes from the misty jungle, jolting you into action, and you stand up – not afraid, but intrigued. Are you ready to form a tribe, tame and breed hundreds of species of dinosaurs and other primeval creatures, explore, craft, build, and fight your way to the top of the food-chain? Your new world awaits… step through the looking-glass and join it!
ARK: Genesis Part Two!
Your quest for ultimate survival is now complete with the launch of ARK: Genesis Part 2! Survivors will conclude the ARK storyline while adventuring through exotic new worlds with all-new mission-based gameplay. Discover, utilize and master new creatures, new craftable items, weapons, and structures unlike anything you have seen yet! The saga is now complete, and hundreds of hours of new story-oriented ARK gameplay await you!
Purchased as part of the ARK: Genesis Season Pass you gain access to two new huge story-oriented expansion packs -- Genesis Part 1 and Genesis Part 2 (new!) -- as well as a 'Noglin' Chibi cosmetic, a ‘Shadowmane’ Chibi cosmetic, a new cosmetic armor set, and an in-game, artificially intelligent companion called ‘HLN-A’ who can scan additional hidden Explorer Notes found throughout the other ARKs.
Features the voiceover talent of David Tennant (Doctor Who, Good Omens) playing the villainous Sir Edmund Rockwell, and Madeleine Madden (The Wheel of Time, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Dora and the Lost City of Gold) as in-game robotic AI companion HLN-A/Helena Walker.
Об игре
Будучи выброшенным голым на берег таинственного острова под названием ARK, замерзая и умирая с голоду, вам придется охотиться, собирать ресурсы, создавать предметы, выращивать урожай, исследовать технологии и строить укрытия, чтобы противостоять погодным условиям. Используйте свою хитрость и ресурсы, чтобы убивать или приручать и разводить громадных динозавров и других первобытных существ, населяющих остров, и объединяйтесь с сотней других игроков или охотьтесь на них, чтобы выживать, властвовать... и преодолевать трудности!Нижеследующие особенности присутствуют в игре с первого дня запуска в раннем доступе. В долгосрочном плане разработки игры у нас запланировано намного больше возможностей и усовершенствований, а вот что уже прямо сейчас вам доступно в ARK:
Динозавры, прочие существа и их разведение! – более чем 50 существ в раннем доступе и 100+ к финальному релизу – можно приручить с помощью сложной системы захвата и привязанности, включая ослабление неприрученного зверя до полного оглушения и затем уход за ним с кормлением соответствующей пищей. После приручения, вы сможете отдавать команды вашему питомцу, выполнение которых будет зависеть от того, насколько хорошо вы его приручили и обучили. Питомцам, уровень которых будет расти, потребуется пища, они могут нести вещи и снаряжение, например, броню, могут нести добычу обратно в ваше поселение в зависимости от их силы, а на более крупных животных можно ездить и непосредственно управлять ими! Пролетите на птеродактиле над снежными вершинами горами, перебрось союзников через стены противника, гоняйся сквозь джунгли со своей стаей рапторов, прорвись на вражескую базу на гигантском бронтозавре или преследуй добычу, сидя на спине яростного Ти-Рекса! Стань частью жизненного цикла динамической экосистемы со своей собственной цепочкой питания, где вы всего лишь одно звено, среди многих видов существ, борющихся за господство и выживание. Питомцев также можно разводить, спаривая с противоположным полом, проводя последовательную селекцию с помощью системы черт, основанной на рекомбинантном генетическом наследовании. Этот процесс включает в себя как инкубацию яиц, так и и развитие беременности у млекопитающих! Или, проще говоря, разводите и выращивайте детенышей динозавров и прочих существ!
Вы должны есть и пить, чтобы выжить, используя разные виды растений и мяса, включая человеческое, имеющие различные питательные свойства. Насущной проблемой также является обеспечение пресной водой вашего жилища и ее запас в инвентаре. Все физические действия потребляют параметры еды и воды, поэтому дальние перемещения сопряжены с угрозой выживанию! Груз инвентаря заставляет вас двигаться медленнее, а цикл смены дня и ночи вместе с капризными погодными условиями бросают еще один вызов посредством колебания температуры окружающей среды, в результате чего ваши голод или жажда усиливаются. Разводите огонь или стройте укрытия, изготавливайте разнообразную одежду и доспехи с изменяемым внешним видом, чтобы защитить себя от физического урона и экстремальных температур, использующих динамическую систему расчета сопротивления жаре и холоду, как внутри помещения, так и снаружи!
Вырубая лес, изобилующий деревьями, и добывая металл и другие ценные ресурсы, вы можете изготавливать различные элементы для возведения массивных многоуровневых построек, состоящих из сложных связанных частей, включая рампы, мостики, колонны, окна, двери, люки, ворота с возможностью дистанционного управления, водопроводные трубы и краны, генераторы, провода и все виды электрических устройств, лестницы и многое другое. Многие постройки и предметы могут быть покрашены, чтобы разнообразить внешний вид вашего дома, а также к этому можно добавить попиксельно раскрашиваемые таблички, билборды с текстом и другие декоративные объекты. Укрытие снижает влияние экстремальных погодных условий и обеспечивает безопасность для вас и вашей добычи! Оружие, одежда и броня также могут быть покрашены, чтобы подчеркнуть ваш образ.
Подбирайте семена дикорастущей растительности вокруг вас, сажайте их в размещенные грядки, поливайте и подкармливайте их удобрениями (после переваривания пищи, все какают, эти фекалии затем можно компостировать, причем некоторые удобрения лучше, чем другие). Ухаживайте за своими посевами и они будут расти, производя вкусные и редкие фрукты, которые затем могут быть использованы для приготовления множества продуманных рецептов и при создании полезных тоников! Исследуйте и занимайтесь поиском редких семян растений, которые имеют самые сильнодействующие эффекты! С такой возможностью освоить и завоевать ARK ненасильственным способом, вегетарианцы и веганы смогут процветать!
Используя достаточное количество редких жертвенных предметов в специальных местах призыва, вы сможете привлечь внимание одного из мифических богоподобных существ ARK'а, которое прибудет для сражения. Только самые опытные игроки со своими армиями питомцев смогут победить этих чудовищ и получить ценные предметы для продвижения по конечным целям игры.
Создавай племя и добавляй в него своих друзей, и все твои питомцы смогут управляться и станут союзниками для любого из вашего племени. Вашему племени также будет доступно возрождение в любой из домашних точек возрождения. Повышайте членов племени до администраторов для уменьшения бремени правления. Распределяйте предметы и ПИН-коды, чтобы обеспечить доступ к общим поселениям!
Все предметы создаются по чертежам, которые имеют различные характеристики и качества, и требуют соответствующих ресурсов. Более отдаленным и суровым локациям ARK, как правило, свойственны лучшие ресурсы, в числе таких мест самые высокие горы, мрачные пещеры и глубины океана! Повышай уровень своего игрового персонажа, получая опыт за исполнение действий, повышай уровень своих питомцев и изучай новые "энграммы", чтобы иметь возможность создавать предметы по памяти без использования чертежей, даже после смерти! Настраивай физический облик своего персонажа, изменяя цвет волос и глаз, тон кожи, наряду с множеством модификаторов пропорций тела.
Все, что вы изготавливаете, имеет прочность и изнашивается во время длительного использования, если это не ремонтировать, и, когда вы выходите из игры, ваш персонаж остается "спящим" в игровом мире. Ваши вещи, находящиеся в ящиках или при вашем персонаже, могут быть разграблены и украдены, поэтому для достижения безопасности, вы должны укрепляться, набирать команду или заводить питомцев для охраны вашей добычи. Смерть необратима и означает потерю всего, и вы даже можете оглушить, захватить и насильно кормить других игроков, используя их для своих собственных целей, таких как извлечение крови для переливания, собирать их фекалии для использования в качестве удобрений, или использовать рабов в качестве корма для плотоядных питомцев!
Таинственный ARK - грозная и внушительная среда, состоящая из множества природных и искусственных объектов, размещенных на земле, под землей и под водой. Исследуя его тайны, вы найдете самых экзотических процедурно сгенерированных существ и редкие чертежи. Также могут быть найдены заметки исследователя, которые динамически обновляются в игре и были написаны на протяжении тысячелетия предыдущими человеческими обитателями ARK, которые творчески описали существ, а также предысторию ARK и его животного мира. В полной мере заполняйте свою внутриигровую карту посредством разведки, отмечайте интересные места на ней, и используйте изготовленные компас или GPS, чтобы встретиться с другими игроками, с которыми вы можете общаться с помощью локального текстового и голосового чата или дальней радиосвязи. Стройте и раскрашивайте указатели для того, чтобы помочь вас найти или сбить с пути других игроков... И еще... как, в конечном счете, вы сможете бросить вызов Создателям и покорить ARK? Определенный конец игры уже запланирован.
На серверах с количеством игроков порядка 100 человек, ваш персонаж, ваши постройки и ваши питомцы остаются в игровом мире, даже если вы вышли из игры. Вы можете переносить вашего персонажа и предметы между серверами ARK, используя терминалы обелисков для загрузки (или выгрузки) ваших данных со Steam! Целая плеяда миров, каждый из которых немного отличается от предыдущих – для того, чтобы вы могли оставить свой след и завоевывать их по одному. Специальные тематические события будут проводиться в ARK в течение ограниченного времени с соответствующими ценными предметами!
Вы можете играть в одиночную игру и перемещать вашего персонажа и предметы между неофициальными серверами игроков - туда и обратно. Модифицируйте игру - полностью поддерживается мастерская Steam и настраиваемый редактор Unreal Engine 4. Посмотрите, как мы создавали наш ARK, используйте наши карты и материалы в качестве примера. Создайте свой собственный сервер и настройте его точно по своему вкусу. Мы хотим видеть то, что вы создаете!
Невероятный супер-реалистичный образ существ мира ARK приводится в жизнь с использованием тонко настроенного Unreal Engine 4, с полностью динамическим затенением и глобальным освещением, системой погоды (дождь, туман, снег, и т.д.), реалистичным объемным моделированием облаков, новейшими передовыми методами визуализации DirectX11 и DirectX12. Все это дополняет музыка от признанного композитора игры "Ori and the Blind Forest", Гарета Кокера!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, czech, danish, dutch, hungarian, polish, swedish, thai, traditional chinese, turkish, ukrainian, finnish, japanese, korean
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7/8.1/10 (64-bit versions)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320 or better
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 670 2GB/AMD Radeon HD 7870 2GB or better
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 60 GB
- Дополнительно: Requires broadband internet connection for multiplayer
- ОС: OSX 10.9 or Higher
- Процессор: 2 GHz Equivalent CPU
- Оперативная память: 4000 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM
- Место на диске: 20000 MB
- ОС: Ubuntu Equivalent Distro
- Процессор: 2 GHz 64-bit CPU
- Оперативная память: 4000 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3 Compatible GPU with 1GB Video RAM
- Место на диске: 20000 MB
Отзывы пользователей
This is a very fun game. 10/10 Very glitchy. Lots of mods. Lots of servers.
This is an amazing game for people who want to play Minecraft with the graphics of Spider Man 2!
W game. Takes a second to get working with mods, but if you are patient, it is a great game. Just don't blame me when you rage quit.
Extremely fun game with surprisingly good graphics for a game 10 decades old. Holds up well and for only $20AUD! Difficult, but was the spiritual predecessor to Palworld so it gets bonus points.
its very good and fun loudest menu music ever made anyway lets change topic to the The F-22 Raptor: A Flying Masterpiece
The F-22 Raptor is not just a fighter jet; it's a technological marvel, a symbol of American airpower, and a testament to human ingenuity. This sleek, powerful aircraft has dominated the skies since its introduction, leaving its mark on the world of military aviation.
Born from the Ashes of the Cold War:
The F-22's story begins in the late 1980s, as the Cold War was winding down. The United States Air Force recognized the need for a next-generation air superiority fighter, one that could outmaneuver and outgun any potential adversary. The result was the Advanced Tactical Fighter (ATF) program, a fierce competition between Lockheed and Northrop. Lockheed emerged victorious, and their design, the Y-22, evolved into the F-22 Raptor.
A Symphony of Innovation:
The F-22 is a masterpiece of engineering. It boasts a unique "supercruise" capability, allowing it to fly faster than Mach 1 without using afterburners, significantly extending its range and endurance. Its advanced stealth technology makes it incredibly difficult to detect by radar, while its powerful twin turbofan engines provide unmatched acceleration and maneuverability.
The Raptor's Arsenal:
The F-22 is armed with a formidable array of weapons, including:
Air-to-air missiles: The AIM-9 Sidewinder and AIM-120 AMRAAM, designed for close-in and long-range engagements respectively.
A 20mm cannon: For close-range combat and ground attack.
Beyond the Battlefield:
The F-22 is not just a weapon; it's a symbol of American technological prowess. Its development and deployment have pushed the boundaries of aerospace engineering, leading to advancements in areas like materials science, avionics, and stealth technology.
A Legacy of Excellence:
The F-22 Raptor has a proven track record of success. It has been deployed in numerous operations, including the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, where it has demonstrated its superior capabilities. The F-22 remains the world's most advanced air superiority fighter, a testament to its exceptional design and engineering.
But what about the future? The F-22 is a remarkable aircraft, but it's not immune to the relentless march of technological progress. What challenges and opportunities lie ahead for this iconic fighter?
Love this game!!
Great survival game:
- building epic buildings
- tame dinos and other "animals"
- solo and multiplayer game
- upgrading gear, weapon and other things
and so much more!
I've played the game on and off for several years now on multiple consoles. On paper, it has absolutely everything you could want out of it. A sandbox survival with extremely interesting biomes, creatures, structures, and mechanics. If you want to sink hours into exploring a fun and rich world with fun animal companions, ARK should be a perfect game. In practice though, it's a complete nightmare. The gameplay is hours of dull grinding with annoying limitations, and only small highlights to reward you. Everything you could want to do in this game is a complete chore unless you tweak the settings to make it more bearable. Taming Dinos, for example, can take hours without including prep time and actually hunting for the dino itself. All this could be forgiven though, if it wasn't for the gamebreaking glitches that seem commonplace. I've lost countless hours of progress to glitches, including an entire single player save being deleted. If you insist on getting the game anyways, I highly reccomend waiting for a sale to avoid paying full price.
i love this game very much,its a lot of adventure and is my copilary game.I recommend it to anybody and it worth
I wish there was an in between like and recommend button. It is ASTOUNDING how disproportionate the build settings are in comparison to the massive building list. You would think, with a build list like this game has, that it would at least work well and easily. Shoot AI generated humans that come along are smarter than the build options. I have an early access game that does 1,000 times better. Looking around online for help from Steam comments to Reddit, the same problems I am experiencing others have too, and some of these posts are from YEARS ago. I am trying my best to enjoy the game, but something needs to be fixed with the snap foundations and other finicky issues, like adding the ability to rotate the items. I am simply starting with a stone fence and I spend around 5 minutes just trying to get the snap to rotate where I need it to, UGH. The ad shows these beautiful fortresses and I am trying to build something just as beautiful but have no access to rotate things where I need to. I understand it is only 15$ but again, with an extensive build list and blueprints, that should be a detail that is spotless.
TLDR: Game could be good, lots of crashing issues, a bit grindy and building doesn't feel good.
This game could be really good if not for all the crashing. I've tried looking up solutions and almost all the comments are just "Because it's Ark". With graphics turned up, the game looks incredible but I can't even run it on the high settings because it crashes so much. Running it on the lowest graphics, which makes the game look very dated, helps a little bit with the crashing but not by much. The game constantly just freezes randomly and then your get some shooter game error. The game is also a bit of a grind fest. If you don't mind grinding hard for resources it shouldn't be a big deal. Building system in this game is pretty bad in my opinion. It's pretty hard to build any structures that look remotely nice, sometimes you can build parts in the same exact spot as another piece so they just end up overlapping. Building across water by making a bridge is incredibly frustrating as well.
spawns in first the first time ever, see a cool looking dino with massive claws. Approaches said dino with cool looking claws. It instantly kills me.. learns Therizinasaurus is not friendly even though its a herbi. finds open spot for a base, builds a hut. is crafting a door frame when a raptor enters hut and kills me. respawns in a random spot, more raptors... dies. spends time taming Lystros since its the only thing that wont kill me. has army of lystros, lystros and self die to raptors. cries over greg,stacy,becca,amy,bert, and george. finally tames raptors in honor of lystro army. dies to carno.. 10/10 game
This game is not perfect by any means. Programming wise, not particularly well omtimized. Bugs still happen, creatures do weird stuff etc. With that in mind, I fucking love this game. I have met so many great people and communities with this. Been with it since before breeding was a thing. I've had laughs, cries, love and heartbreak. And all the dinosaurs. All the adventures. The long nights fooling around in this world. Many hours, such worth, very good. Absolutely worth it.
This game is a beautiful master piece. With me having countless hours on other accounts and other devices i can say this game is worth it, with all the memories i have made throughout the years even with it being discontinued. This game is great for a PvE experience and and PvP experience , with PvE being able to be adjusted to the players liking with countless mods to enhance the players experience (S+ is a must) . PvP is also a whole new experience taking the base of PvE and morphing it into a whole new beast. In 2025 and the years to come i would recommend that you play this game at least once.
i've played 500 hours, it's a strong repetitive grind that always manages to bring new problems and fun opportunities, mods makes it even better
its takes so many attemps to load but overall good game
fun recomend primal fear mod one of the greatest mods in the game or the pangia mod
THIS GAME IS AWESOME!!!, this type of survival game is awesome and i love the design of every map and every creature.
Amazing game! Thought it would be a good idea to take a joyride on my parasaur into the swamp. Little did I know, I would proceed to get rko-ed into the leech infested water beneath me by a kaprosuchus. 10/10.
Fun game and there some much you in solo and with friends !.
everytime i play this game on an online server i loose everything this game took over 404 hours of my life away and i would recomend not playing it i spent over 80 hours in an ark server just to loos it all to raiders in a blink of an eya and even if you dont play online you will still loses stuff offline so i would just find a diferent game to play but ascended ark survival is beter try that one instead
Its damn near impossible to play singleplayer since your save will just not save and youll have to completely restart cause of these lazy fucking devs not fixing a year+ old map
Pretty good game. Very fun, especially if you really get into it. PVP is comp as hell, but playing with friends is crazy fun. unless a fucking Raptor RAPES YOU OFF SPAWN. Would Recommend
I love the realistic experience of what it could have been like in the primeval era. like the survial and crafting. not giant mostrous gods and monkeys
At first i didnt like it because i kept dying from everything. But honestly, It turned out to be one of the most thrilling casual games ive played.
i had fun in this game played 4-6 hours on average with my buddy there a ton of stuff to do making it very fun it is very time consuming and difficult sometimes but overall a great experience 9/10
i have reviewed this game before but apparently it got removed. the devs have discontinued the official servers and resold the promised free graphical update as a full priced "different game" and are in the process of reselling the expansions too. the modded servers were fun for a while but it is probably only a matter of time before they get shut down too knowing these devs.
l love this game but also hate it. Its so broken and frustrating. My world completely gone. Everything i spent hours doing just gone. The game didn't update. Nothing happened. Its just gone.
A great game for playing with friends or alone with plenty of custom mods created by players that can keep you busy for hours on both PVP and PVE whatever works around your schedule best.
its so much fun and you must try it the bugs make it funnier and its overall has a good story
Cool dino game. Very fun but sometimes can annoy you. Mods are very difficult to figure out. Would recommend to others though.
Pretty fun game, good way to have a chill relaxing and also enticing, and exciting game!
Not sure why, but Dinos won't attack on command for me. Tried numerous things, un-grouping of dinos, adding mods, clearing all mods. resetting controller functions, whistles, you name it. Upon asking for a refund with a genuine reason why (big part of the player experience doesn't appear to work). I was told i had breached the 2 hour limit and therefore was not eligible for a refund. Considering I spent that time trying to figure out how to potentially solve this, I feel let down. I played this a few years a go on a console, was excited to play again.
great game and really fun to play with freinds and family. espcially if you like survial and building games
Game is not for me. Character creation is hideous - ugly basic features, no real customisable options. Gameplay is clunky and boring and feels like a hard slog. I have tried to play this game twice now, and each time its felt like a massive chore.
Ark Survival Evolved is a beautiful yet confusing game. A survival game about dinosaurs which everyone must love. However, the only reason this game cannot be this high up is due to the many bugs, glitches, and unfair balancing of things like spawning high level dinos. Ark is a game that you have to love otherwise it's not for you. Only the biggest Ark supporters will grind this game no matter of how rough the expierience will be. And i am one of those people unfortunetely. I love this game, it's beautiful, this should be more popular than it is, and we can only wonder if this game had fixed it's horrible issues like optimisation, and possibly remove developers which have some screws loose. Iv'e played for quite a while now, and i believe that this game is great. Even if im still going insanse trying to find high level dinos.
remove bugs, add mini nuke minigun
Definetely a game that requires a decent device to work well. It's all about exploration, discovery, and just having fun. Obviously, it is not a simple game but it does not take long to understand the basics of. I enjoy how there is always more to explore in the vast world, and the whole concept of taming dinosaurs is very unique. It's like realistic minecraft with dinosaurs that you can tame for transporation, resource gathering, and combat. I recommend it for people who are bored of modern game styles.
"I honestly don’t even know where to start—this game has been such an incredible experience from the very beginning. I was completely drawn in the moment I started playing, and it’s kept me hooked ever since. The gameplay is so engaging, the design is absolutely stunning, and the little surprises around every corner just make it impossible to put down. Every aspect of this game feels so thoughtfully crafted, from the way the world feels alive to the unique mechanics that keep things fresh and exciting.
What really stands out to me is how much variety there is. Whether I’m exploring, solving challenges, or diving into the story, there’s always something new and fun to discover. It’s one of those rare games where time seems to fly by because you’re just so absorbed in it. I’ve caught myself thinking about it even when I’m not playing—whether it’s strategizing my next move, remembering an amazing moment, or just appreciating how much fun it is.
I also love how it gives you the freedom to play your own way. It’s immersive without being overwhelming and always leaves me wanting to see what’s next. It’s honestly one of the most enjoyable and memorable gaming experiences I’ve had in a long time. I’m so glad I gave it a try because it’s brought me so much joy, excitement, and entertainment. It’s one of those games that I know I’ll be recommending to people for a long time!"
Do not buy, unless you want to set up your own server. Bought it based on reviews from when the company provided servers. I even tried paying for a server so I could play with some buddies and its a big mess and I/We were not able to play. To quote David Ramsey this game and paying for a third party server for a month was a "stupid tax".
it has good graphics and it has very good mods
Will never understand the appeal of this game. Spend 30 hours feeding a dinosaur berries just so it can shit out some new material that improves the strength of your walls or something. Plus it runs like garbage
played for 3 hours, died to a titanoboa 5 times, amazing game 10/10 would definitely play again.
Amazing Game! I love this game and it is the best survival game out there. For those who cannot run ascended get this.
I love this game but I wouldn't recommend buying at its full price. Try to get it for free from an epic games sale or maybe a steam sale for less than 5 dollars. I would NOT support these developers. They left this game a buggy, unfinished mess, and went and made an updated version of it and sells it as a different game. The developers should take some notes from the devs of The Isle; they also abandoned their game and made a new version, but added it as a version in the steam page so players can switch to it for completely free. But Wildcard have always been greedy and do not care about the playerbase. This is why the best part of ark is the mods, and the game is nearly unplayable without them. I want the DLCs but hate the devs too much to give them a cent ever again.
-Challenging but fin! The survival mechanics can be tough at times, but i really enjoyed the dinosaur collecting aspect. It's a great mix of exploration and strategy.
This game is 7 years old. In 7 years they have not fixed so many of the bugs or QOL issues. Not only that, the game is over 300gb. Non-dedicated sessions still run horribly, the graphics are mediocre. I REALLY want to like it but I can't justify it.
Its a good way to spend time playing with others or working hard on your solo account. ! really good thing has to be play as a dinosaur which is a smart move from the developers to add. Overall amazing game.
This game is simply amazing. From the gameplay, to the different worlds, the lore and story is just beautiful.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☑ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☐ Big
☑ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☑ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☑ Good
☐ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☑ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☑ 8
☐ 9
☐ 10
good survival game with a sense of accomplishment when ur base is good i havent tried servers but servers are probably cool
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Studio Wildcard |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 23.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 81% положительных (242091) |