Разработчик: Puppet Combo

Stay Out of the House — это основанный на стелсе слэшер-хоррор в стиле VHS. C низкополигональной графикой, характерной для эпохи PS1, это игра, которую всегда хотело Ваше "Я” из 90-ых!
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Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, spanish - spain, japanese, portuguese - portugal, russian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1+
- Процессор: x86 32 bit
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Graphics card with DX10 (shader model 4.0) capabilities
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- ОС: Mac OSX 10.13+
- Процессор: 2 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 MB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 mb video memory, OpenGL 2
- Место на диске: 500 MB
Отзывы пользователей
i would tap
the dog lived thank god
While the developer was thoughtful enough to provide a safe "exploration mode" to try and figure out the puzzles without threats, I was still left stumped and eventually decided to just use a guide. Yes, many of these puzzles truly ARE way too cryptic and ridiculous, and I don't regret using a guide one bit, but once I memorized the steps, this became my favorite horror game. Stay Out of the House does a lot of things that normally might be considered too tedious for modern games, but all of it feels completely necessary and improves the experience. You can't use save states or save often, instead you'll need to scavenge the house for VHS tapes and carry them to the one save room, and each of these saves are single-use. Inventory space is very limited UNLESS you find the backpack halfway through, and reloading the revolver is a lot more complicated than simply pressing a key and letting an animation play. These sorts of design choices are great since there is actually a lot at stake, making progression extra rewarding and death punishing and something to be genuinely feared. The atmosphere and presentation is great, and the game is very intense and a lot of fun.
This game is fun, but the down side is that the chase is not a loud as old versions.
Stay out of the House is one of puppet combos most challenging games so fun to play such a great story and such
great atmosphere the butcher is a great horror character and probably one of the smartest that's what makes the game so challenging and fun to play you can also change the game mode if you find it too hard. The game is also very repayable with the addition of the bunker which basically gives you different tasks to do and gives you a whole different experience which also gives the game so much more depth.
Such a great game, I loved the visuals and the story and gameplay and just everything. For 15$ this game is a STEAL and not to mention when sales happen so if this game is on sale and you've been wanting it, GET IT
I pissed, shit, and came all over my pants when playing this. 10/10
This game is art. It has so much depth. There's like a whole new and completely different demonic thing around each corner. Watch out for grandma.
its so difficult but in a good way. keeps you playing and entertained. love the graphics and vhs aesthetic. puppet combo W
I liked the gas station section far more than the infuriating unfair hide-and-seek, over-compkicated house puzzles sequence which encompasses the majority if the game. It feels like the game is much scarier and more atmospheric with the gas station. Sure, the house part is tense, but that feeling of tension quickly dries up and turns into a giggled mess of inundated design choices.
The game for the most part is pretty decently well done, but I would recommend Nun Massacre from Puppet Combo instead. I found this game to essentially be Stay Out of the House but SIGNIFICANTLY better. ALL of this is obviously my opinion, and you can feel free to disagree with everything I say.
This is a Granny-esque horror game (game similar to the other horror game 'Granny' which is a gameplay loop involving you solving puzzles with objects/environment to escape the house while an enemy is after you), but the puzzles in the game (essentially the main gameplay core to any Granny-esque game) fell a bit flat on its back. I really disliked the puzzles in this game, found them not engaging at all, and just sometimes a bit ridiculous and lack-luster.
I also really disliked the environment of this game. The visuals are done amazingly, but to actually play and get around, the house is so tight and imo not organised well for a thrilling chase-style gameplay with the killer..... comparatively if you look at the map for Nun massacre, it is designed essentially perfectly and uniquely for extremely intense chase-scenes, giving the player all opportunities to keep on running in a wide open corridor leading to the staircase/next building, whilst also giving them the choice to enter the rooms or tight spaces or one of the many unique spaces in the map Nun Massacre offers. The game maintains the claustrophobic/trapped feeling with the environment I think this game was going for, but also works practically to allow for long but intense chase-scenes with a lot of quick-decisions to make in the thrill of it.
This is not to mention that the killer I found was not scary AT ALL. This would vary via person, but I found no fear factor in the killer. I felt no sense of genuine fear while walking around in this game.
Yes, this review is basically meat-riding Nun Massacre, but I would genuinly encourage people who wanted to try this game to play Nun Massacre instead. The puzzles are significantly more engaging with a great progression and difficulty balancing. The sound-design I found is done significantly better too. The map design I prefer SIGNIFICANTLY over this game's. Most importantly, the game is GENUINELY more fearful and scary. The atmosphere and the antagonist of Nun Massacre is far more menacing than Stay Out of the House, and it is frankly scary to walk around the map not knowing where the Nun could be. Its genuinely terrifying, and this game completely fails to achieve this atmosphere. This just makes Stay Out of the House a sort of annoying but goofy puzzle-game.
EDIT* To explain my short play-time, I played this game via .exe download from their Patreon a lot more.
cool game, would recomend.
just got past the intro
Scared the shyt out of me even on explore
Hell na this game is down bad but its ight
The real horror is the flashbacks I get to my childhood of my step-father screaming at me to STAY OUT OF THE HOUSE, TWINKLE TOES! while he flicked lit cigarettes at me.
For a game called "STAY out of the House", it seems much more focused on escaping. :^)
Whoever is in charge of the merchandise website needs to be reevaluated due to how they handle inquiries about our purchases.
I sent one email about why it’s taking over a week to even ship the CD-ROM. I asked if the website is even active anymore because it’s like It’s like I was scammed. Then which I assume puppet combo himself replies and says “I’ll cancel it for you”
which I NEVER once asked for. I don’t understand how the owner of puppet combo can’t get someone else to do the shipping for him since he claims he is “very swamped” with game development.
Unless you want to walk on thin ice and god forbid you have an inquiry with this guy, I don’t suggest buying from his website. You will not receive any updates after you buy from it.
nice game
Very interesting game that has cool lore and a fun but thrilling experience
muy bueno
I like getting chased by a big brolic prob named requis then get this trust
granny 4
Give that chill running down the back of your neck a thrill and get this one.
You don't need a better reason than that.
game good
finally beat this cursed game.
this is probably puppet combos best work, years went into this and you can tell. some of the most advanced horror gameplay ive ever seen, giant map and really good killer AI. This is right up there with murder house for me.
easily one of the best slasher games ever made, would recommend to anyone that's a fan of the genre
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☐ Beautiful
☐ Good
☑ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☐ Teens
☑ Adults
☐ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☑ Potato
☐ Decent
☐ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☑ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☐ Big
☐ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☐ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☑ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☑ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☐ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☑ Never heard of
☐ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☑ 9
☐ 10
---{ Author }---
☑ https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template
probably puppet combos best yet, incredibly fun and scary, occasionally buggy tho!
hard game but rewarding and fun too
never beating this thing on hard again
Very disturbing and entertaining. I had to look up a walkthrough for a few parts but that didn't take away from the gameplay and terror. Really enjoyed the concept and story
Muito bom
Texas Chainsaw Massacre but the rabbit hole goes deeper than expected. Mad science and otherworldly implications. The story element is well developed though I still have questions about what happened.
this game depicts the average experience of living in Oklahoma.
Most stressful game ever even though i was playing on easy mode every small thing i did i ran to hide under a bed and feels like a dream that I beat it 10/10
its like granny but emo
i love puppet combo. so scary
Suffers from some serious problems. I have a high tolerance for difficult games. Stay Out of The House had enough bad decisions in it that I had to put it down.
Firstly: The Visuals. I've played both games from the late 90s and games with low-res graphics which take inspiration from the era. SOTH uses this visual style, too, but it is designed in a way that makes playing the game unpleasant. Small items, even with the occasional glint, can still be easily missed. I thought I was softlocked twice because I didn't know items were there. I had the fact that the butcher holds a key spoiled for me, which I'm positive would have made me believe I was softlocked a third time if I wasn't spoiled. When stylistic decisions get in the way of the game functioning to someone who plays a lot of games, there is a large problem. Additionally, the thirstier and hungrier your character gets, the more blurry your vision becomes. Typically, obscuring vision in games for long periods of time is not a good idea.
Self-defense is difficult. Aiming the Revolver causes your character to be frozen to the ground.
Then there is the Butcher himself. What caused me to put the game down was the fact that (at least on Hard Mode), the Butcher seems to be on a very tight leash to the player. It was rare that the Butcher wasn't in my immediate vicinity. Most frustratingly, the Butcher would camp. I would be spotted and flee to the vents, and the Butcher would turn on the gas to flush me out. The game tells you in a note that the Butcher is forgetful and will lose aggro after some time. If you emerge from the vents to turn off the gas, the Butcher will often be close by to catch you. So, I hid in the safe room for a few minutes before going out to turn off the gas. The butcher was still there. "Ok", I thought, "I'll just try again but wait even longer". I came back after fifteen whole minutes and the Butcher was still camping the exit. There is another exit from the vents, but you do not have enough oxygen to make it. I was literally trapped. There were also instances where the Butcher would spontaneously check under the bed where I was hiding even though there was no indication I was in the area.
A small nitpick: the intro is way too long. It took me about 40 whole minutes to get to the actual game. Go the route of making there be an "Intro" button on the Main Menu so people don't have to wait to play the actual game. In addition, the Intro's first part is based on time. No matter what, each player will be sitting there waiting for something to happen.
To clarify, I've played games like this before. I've beaten all 3 Granny games (something I regret), as well as beating Amnesia: The Bunker on Hard. I very much have the capability to beat games of this type and at this difficulty, but I also don't like wasting my time. When this game is working properly, it is a good time. It is working properly around 40% of the time. 48/100 DNF
Insanely well designed horror game combining elements of cat-and-mouse horror with classic inventory puzzles. A bit derivative of Granny but it does genuinely elevate everything it takes from it. The design of everything is just perfect and creates moments that are simultaneously really tense while also being entirely emergent and unique to your playthrough. This is definitely the best and most complete Puppet Combo game.
so scary that i busted
Lowkey fire and gets less scary and more fun
Pretty enjoyable experience that I'd recommend to anyone who is a fan of horror.
I think it currently suffers from it being released episodically originally. I would love to see a redux that fixes the pacing of the first, second and last chapters. The game starts very slow and atmospheric and then builds to something quite good with an engaging loop but the wind was taken out of my sails with the last chapter as the setting became monotonous and felt tonally off from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre-esque high points.
That being said, when it's good, it's as good as any other modern horror game.
Another gem from Puppet Combo, indie kings of survival horror.
It hard
i started playing when i had constipation and this game was so scary it cured my constipation by making me shit my pants to no end
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Puppet Combo |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 93% положительных (711) |