Разработчик: SiBear Games

Персонаж путешествует по большому миру, который основан на скандинавской и славянской мифологиях.
- На карте множество различных поселений.
- Корабли пиратов и торговцев.
- Пещеры с сокровищами и руины древних цивилизаций.

В своих путешествиях игрок должен нанимать команду, которая помогает ему в бою.
- Все юниты имеют специализацию: воины и персонажи, выполняющие на корабле вспомогательные функции: повар, знахарь, навигатор и т.д.
- Каждый боец зарабатывает уровни прокачки, получая очки боевой славы.
- Бойцам требуется жалованье, провиант и побольше веселых сражений для поддержания боевого духа!
- Тщательно следи за здоровьем членов команды! Они могут заболеть, быть раненными, приобрести какие-то вредные привычки.

И вот, твоя бравая команда веселых бородатых головорезов высаживается в прибрежной деревне. Нос викингского корабля врезается в скалистый берег, и бойцы во главе с твоим персонажем выпрыгивают на сушу!
- Динамичные сражения в bit'em'up стиле с элементами тактики. Побеждай врагов на суше и на море!
- Под прямым управлением находится только герой игрока, а персонажами-сопартийцами можно управлять с помощью команд.
- Твои сопартийцы имеют свой интеллект - они чутко реагируют на ситуацию на поле боя. Стараются вести бой разумно, но подчиняются командам игрока.

- Прокачивай навыки своего героя, чтобы получить доступ к дополнительным возможностям и квестам.
- Используй множество типов разнообразного оружия и брони.
- Покупай корабли различных классов и оборудуй их под свои нужды.
- Выполняй сюжетные и побочные квесты.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, danish, traditional chinese, simplified chinese, korean, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, finnish, swedish, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: 2.5 GHz Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 960 or Radeon R7 370
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4460 or AMD FX6300
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 1050Ti or Radeon RX 570
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
Отзывы пользователей
Horrible Translation, clunky feeling combat, severe lack of interesting skills and gear... I'm not sure why, but I adore this game. It has just enough charm to make up for its many short comings and I will recommend this title, especially if they keep updating regularly.
Playing on the hardest difficulty, AI companions don't seem very good ( I tell them to stand in formation, because they lack the ability to fight as a team ). The skeleton boss has a spear and shield, and my main character seems to specialise in using 2x 1handed weapon fighting ( axe + sword ), so I'm a Viking pin cushion against the boss.
The party wiped for a third time, and I did not want to retry the entire level. AI companions are supposed to drink health potions, when they are low on health, but they don't do that, and I can't be bothered to figure out why? Poison damage has high lethality, which limits move-sets to heavy attack+ dodge, and not taking any damage. I'm constantly picking my AI team mates off the floor, but 2 KOs and they seem down for the count ( plus a chance of permanent wounds ).
The game warrants a controller ( like a side-scrolling beat-em-up ). The controls are adequate, but having to command crew, and fight at the same time just feels like a hassle ( do you really want to keep telling your archer to use "Rapid Shot", when being swarmed by a sea of zombies? ).
Viking/Norse theme, with aesthetic, cartoony visuals.
Party management but not complicated.
Ship travel and combat, with day and night cycles.
A fantastic game, but there are some bugs.
Also the game is short and the language and dialog is weird/funny. (obviously the game was made by non-native English- speakers.
The game could use some QoL improvements, but overall, and for the price, I quite enjoyed it.
EDIT: Tentatively making this positive. A dev reached out to me to show a major update currently in beta testing, so I'm making this positive for the very quick response and the fact that my concerns might be answered here shortly. I have to give the devs credit here, I appreciate them being public facing and responding to the player base.
This is a strange game. The bones are here for a good "Pirates" follow-up, with vikings in a fictional Norway-type setting instead of the colonial Caribbean. Some systems seem solid and well thought-out. Seems like there's a lot of content. But the systems are pretty shallow. No 2H weapons. Only two classes available to the player, but quite a few follower types. It feels incomplete, like it was half-finished, polished, and then maybe, kind of, abandoned. As far as I know, it is not officially abandoned, but development seems very slow. Check on this later, don't buy it, unless there are major updates forthcoming.
игра про пиратов, так ещё и викинги
надеюсь будете дальше развивать и не забросите!
Incredible game, the Animations are decent, the combat is tight and I'm looking forward to more games made by the devs. If there's ever a proper reboot of the Feudalism game series, this is it really.
I would've written more but I'd rather play more Drakkar Crew.
Very interesting beat 'em up game with some rpg elements and a kind of open-world.
Combos are clean, mechanics are fun and theres still stuff to add as we can see in the road map.
Will update my review once I have time to explore it properly.
Great beat-em-up with level progression/skills + equip + quests + exploration + crew management + cash/loot. What's not to like here? Nice art and sound design, smooth gameplay and animations. I enjoy playing on hardest difficulty as this really brings up the actual management aspects into play. Highly recommended.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | SiBear Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (22) |