Разработчик: crea-ture Studios Inc.
Об игре

Благодаря dual stick controls стики станут словно вашими ногами. Учитесь ими управлять и перемещать свой вес, как на настоящем скейтборде. А поможет вам в этом реалистичная и плавная физика, разработанная для максимального погружения. Начинающему скейтбордисту первые часы, как и в реальной жизни, могут показаться сложными, но стоит вам освоить технику, и вы не сможете сдержать восторг от своего первого выполненного кикфлипа! Session: Skate Sim также дает возможность полностью настроить игру под себя, чтобы ничто не могло испортить вашего удовольствия. Подробное обучение позволит вам встать на доску, а четыре уровня сложности — подобрать комфортное прохождение.

Вдохновленная 1990-ми годами — золотым веком уличного скейтбординга — игра Session: Skate Sim была сделана, чтобы дать вам возможность почувствовать себя настоящими скейтбордистами и окунуться в их культуру: никаких оценок — только вы, спорт и ваше безграничное воображение! Нет нужды в судьях, которые скажут вам, как потрясно вы выполнили ноузслайд или вариал-хилфлип. А чтобы вы смогли сами прокатиться по культовым местам для скейтбординга и проявить себя, разработчики добавили некоторые из них прямо в игру: Black Hubbas и Brooklyn Banks (Нью-Йорк), FDR Park (Филадельфия) — и это только верхушка айсберга.

Кататься и выполнять невероятные финты — это, конечно, круто, но если их никто не заснял, как вы докажите, что действительно их сделали?.. Session: Skate Sim позволяет снимать видео с фильтром в стиле 90-х или объективом «рыбий глаз», а после воспользоваться видеоредактором, чтобы создать собственные видеоролики и поделиться ими с друзьями или другими игроками. Вы можете поиграться с настройками, меняя поле зрения, время суток, фильтр и тип съемки (со штатива, с вращением и т. д.). Session: Skate Sim позволяет опробовать себя не только в роли скейтера, но и режиссера: выполните трюк, затем перейдите в режим съемки, чтобы увидеть его исполнение с точки зрения оператора, и создайте свой идеальный видеоролик.

Проявите собственный неповторимый стиль с помощью широких возможностей персонализации скейтбордиста и скейтборда. Проходите испытания, зарабатывайте деньги и тратьте их в спортивных магазинах. Вас ждут около 200 предметов (обуви, толстовок, кепок, футболок, штанов и еще кучи всего) от лучших брендов, среди которых Fallen, Zero, GrindKing, Thankyou, HIJINX Net, Antilanta, Roger Skate CO, No-Comply, iDabble и не только. Вы также можете менять внешний вид своего скейтборда с помощью более 250 деталей: колес, подвесок и множества других элементов от таких известных производителей, как No-Comply, GindKing, Thankyou и т. д. Кроме того, дизайн элементов вашей доски, например подвесок, подкладок и колес, влияет и на стиль катания. Найдите то, что идеально вам подходит, и покорите культовые места!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-2700K or AMD FX-8370
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti, 2 GB or AMD Radeon R7 360, 2 GB
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- Звуковая карта: On board
- Дополнительно: Your experience with Session will be best at higher FPS. Lower graphic settings to help if you're getting low FPS.
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-4790 or AMD Ryzen 5 2600
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970, 4 GB or AMD Radeon RX 480, 4 GB
- DirectX: версии 12
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- Звуковая карта: On board
- Дополнительно: Your experience with Session will be best at higher FPS. Lower graphic settings to help if you're getting low FPS.
Отзывы пользователей
I hate giving this a thumbs down because I respect the work the devs put into the game. However, I don't enjoy it and I think it's a shame they decided to go to such a hyper realistic skate "sim" approach instead of making a game that had actually fun mechanics that weren't impossible to actually learn. They could have copied Skate's controls and then we'd have more of what we want: another Skate! Skate perfected the controls for a skateboarding game when using human hands on a common gaming controller. There's no need to really do anything different, and they absolutely did not improve on anything here. It's a damn shame, really.
its ok, but for someone who is looking for the "Skate" experience this is not as fun
This game has an insane potential, but IMO this is still to be considered an alpha, there are many bugs and wonky things, like missions that are extremely difficult to complete, not for the skill required, but because the trick detection is quite ass, also some missions have straight up geometry bugs, like philly's mission, where in order to complete it, you have to grind an invisible ledge that was probably there in an earlier build, but someone forgot to change to detection hitbox i guess.
Things like this make me feel like the developers haven't properly tested the game thoroughly for bugs, along with skater animation frequently getting fucked up by clipping geometry, like clothes, or puhing feet into pants, stuff like that.
Also some mechanics like multiplayer is completely missing, which is VERY important in a skate game IMO.
That said, the gameplay is extremely fun, hard to pick up AND to master, but insanely rewarding once you "get it".
I overall recommend it, provided you adjust your expectations, this is not Skate 4, but it is a completely different game that stands on its own.
TBH this kinda sucks to make a review like this. I love this game, it's definitely one of the best skate sims out there right now, the mechanics are great, the tricks are satisfying, the attention to making real life skate spots as accurate as possible, its all top notch. With that being said, I absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt do not recommend purchasing this game. When I made the purchase originally the game was in early-access, and it honestly was a blast, at twenty dollars this game rivaled even Skate 3 for the most amount of time spent on a Skateboarding video game. As an actual skater, there aren't a lot of games that offer a hardcore simulation style game, IE like Skate XL and one or two others are the only ones I can think of. Despite this, the game has had absolutely zero content added since 1.0 release, with the developers basically releasing paid DLC every now and then when you're praying its an actual content, it never fails to dissapoint. I'm going to cut the crap, this game is NOT FINISHED!!! It has been well over a year since the release of 1.0, and despite time to develop terrible DLC maps, they still haven't added a throwdown animation. Sure they can add a TMNT and Liquid Death costume to the game, but they sure can't find the time to expand upon the trick selection or the actual maps that come with the base game. I'm going to keep playing Session, but it may as well be abandonware if they can't simply finish the one thing the game needs to keep any sort of realism or smootheness to the gameplay, not having a throwdown animation while shoveling out multiple **** DLC maps is a direct disrespect to the customers that now have to pay 40$ for what feels like a really solid tech demo.
TLDR; Don't buy this game for full price as the developer spend more time making DLC than actually finishing their tech demo, and someone can't manage to finish one animation after more than a year.
Its a good game. I had it on ps5 and there is a learning curve. One of the best skating game ive played. It just gets boring. would be great if they added a public server or even co-op
Its a great foundation to a game and definitely reminds me of old school skate games with new mechanics.
However, it seems that they are no longer updating this game, and since I consider it an incomplete game it absolutely isn't worth the price.
Take the time to learn the controls this game can be pretty hard but its fun! Best skateboard game out right now!
By far the best skate sim out there.. anyone who says otherwise is just bad at it. Simple as that. 10/10
Still in alpha, all the "updates" we get is them removing more and more content because of licensing issue...
the physics are incredible and satisfying. the controls are awesome, and it makes intuitive sense for anyone who's skated irl. its very difficult but so rewarding, and you can also customize everything about the mechanics and physics in the game for those who want less of a challenge. incredible game, i just wish it was open world and had decent bowl skating
game had/has promise but the devs quit the game i guess? they delete community feedback and such. idk even if the game is decent, the devs can't be trusted.
Welp, the game is dead. Over $100 in DLC and half the core mechanics haven't been implemented. We are going on 6 months since the last update. I did get my $20 out of this, but what a disappointment.
I'm going to be honest and say this game is very mid. The music is mid. The environment is mid, the graphics are great but the lack of NPCs, cars, or overall design makes the game seem soulless at times. The tricks are very cool, but the game is still very buggy, and completing missions is almost impossible. I love skating games, and this one is pretty good to get on discount, but I'll probably be going back to Skate 3. Not as realistic but more fun and full of life imo.
loved the variety of tricks. but don't like the steep learning curve for them. certain objectives require very advanced tricks that are not easily inputted.
Getting tired of constantly crashing into things. Being forced to use the left and right triggers on my Xbox controller to steer absolutely stinks. The controls are so difficult compared to Skate 3, I tried to enjoy it but its way too hard to play and enjoy
i mean, the game definitely has its good points, but it’s not that great. there could be a lot more regarding the customization of the characters and maps overall. there could be a lot of stuff for this game if the workshop was a thing, but it’s not. that’s it.
in resume, you’re wasting your wallet.
It's alright. In some respects it is the best skateboarding game, and in others it is far from it. The Daily Challenges are a good example of bad development in this game.
There was a challenge today that said "Flip into a grind or slide on the 9 stair rail." I had to google it to find out what 9 stair rail they wanted me to skate, which isn't a deal breaker, but is a poor implementation of a system.
Vert is worse than Skater XL. Apparently you can mess with experimental/advanced settings to make it tolerable, but it seems like a strange ask considering they built a skatepark that is mostly vert into the base game.
I don't really like the board control for grinds, although I appreciate what they were trying to do.
No grabs at all, which is a blessing and a curse.
I feel like you have to pop tricks too early, especially nollie, and sometimes it seems like if you're hauling ass toward a ramp the game can't translate input into animation fast enough and just ragdolls you.
It's far from perfect, but it might be the best skate game. It's hard to get the hang of, but at times very rewarding. At other times, it will have you giving up on stuff that should work but just doesn't. I play it now in short bursts, maybe 20 minutes or so, before I get sick of it and quit, but I always come back.
physics is too random.the trick book is confusing and hard to read.basically a falling simulator.
maybe if they update it a bit it could be better but way too janky for the price.
Best skateboarding game out there without a doubt, but full price is too much for what you get. Multiplayer would take this game onto another level but the devs have abandoned it so wait for sale.
Had all the potential in the world, threw it all away.
honestly the joke is on us bc admit it, us skate game marks are gonna buy anyway
how many easy day studio game development patterns are we gonna buy...
that is the only comparison to skater xl this game needs or that really matters
all this game needs is multiplayer! I'd fell less bad about the cash grab maps if i could just play with friends. This game can get boring fast without anyone to play with once you have done the story, and the screen share multiplayer that's featured is pure immersion breaking and to put it politely sucks! mod support sucks! but skater XL feels floaty but if that's the only way to play with friends then so be it!
Ironically was better in early access because it didn't have a tacked on story / mission mode. Since release the devs decided to focus on cranking out incredibly overpriced DLC that rivals the greed of fighting games and their year pass DLC structure. Only should be purchased on a deep sale if you don't want to emulate Skate 3 or buy Skater XL which is the better game with far stronger modding support.
immediately requested a refund they trick you into- thinking its going to be anything like the old skate games by saying its by the same devs but plays nothing like them the controls are completely different and i hate them!
Really fun game, I love how they set up the controls and that you really have to practice to get better. Being able tweak the setting to make it more difficult, requiring more precise inputs to pull of tricks, is really cool. My only problem with it is that there are still a lot of bugs. Weird glitchy animations, tricks not registering for missions, for some reason the switch and fakie varial tricks only work 1/10 times, and many other problems. It feels like it’s still in testing which is a bummer because that means that after years of being out they clearly aren’t doing enough bug fixing. Overall I’m still recommending it because it’s still really fun, but I wish so badly that they would fix these bugs!
Everyone who has put in hundreds of hours into this game has been putting out negative reviews because the devs abandoned the game despite the community's engagement, however I want to counteract these because in its core, this game is the best skate game available.
The environment feels slightly deprived of life, even with the experimental pedestrians activated, but the core game mechanic, i.e. skating, feels so good and rewarding. Each trick you land almost gives the same amount of dopamine landing a trick irl does, grinding feels snappy but not arcady and the missions are a good grind to learn new mechanics and tricks. The game is frustrating at first, it is a real workout to learn all the movement, but that's what makes it a real skate sim, and not a skate arcade like EA skate or Skate XL.
There is some good level of customisation, not on the level of skate 3, but good nonetheless, but I've never really felt the need to create huge diy stuff since the base environment already does such a good job in provide amazing skate spots, sometimes adding only a simple ramp or a rail will get you to continue skating a single spot on the map for hours.
TD;LR, while it is a shame the game got abandoned in a seemingly not-finished state, it doesn't really impact the worth and gameplay the game has atm.
please for the love of god fix the bugs with the missions and add vert, -100000 aura. fuck off with the micro trans. no one gives a single fuck, ill 3.14-8 every bit of your shit-worth dlc too <3
This is probably one of the best skateboard games I’ve played. It’s not smooth on animations, but the board control is really done well. Only thing I wish this game had was Workshop support because it lacks on a lot of cosmetics. A wide range of horses, but limited sizes for those cool boards. And the wheels are just same wheels but different size. Like only 3 bowl wheels and they’re not really bowls. I know a lot would say “just mod” but the modding is not a choice for me in Steam Deck so I cant
o jogo é muito ruim.
A maioria das missões nem funciona direito, ou tem um design ruim, ou não são criativas, ou são muito fáceis, ou são muito difíceis.
Boa parte dos tricks não funcionam direito: Impossibles, horríveis; qualquer double flip + shuv, não funcionam; late shuvs, não funcionam dependendo das suas configurações, etc.
As missões diárias e semanais não tem praticamente NENHUMA diversidade.
As missões das DLCs são muito poucas e curtas
A maior parte das animações como, pular, correr, subir no skate enquanto corre, cair do skate, etc são horríveis ou não existentes.
As opções cosméticas são uma piada e dependem de mods
Mas é provavelmente o único jogo com essa proposta que existe e funciona RELATIVAMENTE bem, ent sim, 200 e poucas horas por pura falta de concorrência.
(PATIENCE REQUIRED) Man. this game is amazing. There is still some work to be done, id like to see a drop in animation as well as better lip trick and bowl riding mechanics. but for now the "experimental" settings are okay. aside from that the mechanics in this game are so satisfying once you get them down. makes me feel like im in FULL control of the board. it took me a couple hours, but now that i got it i flow so well. the vanilla map is decent, main focus is on street skating, and setting up your own ramps rails and objects to make the spot skateable sometimes. overall its pretty good. however someone made a mod manager for this game that includes a hundred maps or more, and its amazing. i never get bored. there are some killer maps out there the guys in this community are very talented. i give it a 4/5 but as updates continue im hoping i move that up to a 5/5.
This game has been rotting in my library for years. Plenty of jank and not in the way you'd like, 3 years to fix jank and instead we get micro-transactions.
Fun skate sim with good spots but it's left half finished and janky af in many areas. Quests are pretty buggy and have a super basic UI and the transition skating is non-existent. Unfortunately developers ditched the game before it could be a masterpiece and only release rare paid DLC.. That being said, if it's on sale, it's worth getting for a fun mess about.
Pretty steep learning curve but once you get it, it slaps! As a game it's not really engaging, but as a skate sim it's freaking awesome. Perfect game for cruising around and listening to audio books / podcasts.
Also the 'Sign up to MyNacon to get a free tank prop' ad on the menu is pretty stupid and out of place. Should be able to disable that in the settings.
fun game if you skate IRL could be hard and confusing to someone new to the skateboarding games/scene super realistic and fun can be super flowy with some hours of play time
this game is nowhere near great but so so much better than skater xl, i had 80 hours on both on my ps4/5 and i would say this is so much better than that of skater xl
super buggy they had a good idea better physics than skate 3 just not a better game than skate 3. Story line is horrible, dead city no life, just overall wouldn't recommend
Really good game and if u r looking to buy it buy deluxe edition to get cool skatepark and for additional 6 euros u can get iconic el toro 20
very good game, if you like listening to music and playing a chill game this is it for you.
I really like the controls of this game, coming from playing a lot of every Skate growing up. This game is more challenging but more rewarding too, good work
Really good for a small company, ive enjoyed days of this game when i cant go out. i highly recommend this to anyone that enjoys skating, sims, just chilling and having fun. cant wait to see what they add.
This games mechanics and style are what ive looked for in a skate game, very good
This game offers a raw and immersive experience for skaters. The controls may be tough to master initially, but once you get the hang of them, landing tricks becomes highly satisfying. The physics are pretty on point, making every ollie, grind, and flip feel earned. The spots in the game are awesome too, with tons of creative lines to ride.
Very solid skate game, the most realistic visually that you can buy. Much more worth its price when on sale but still i think you should still give it a go when its full price. Its quite buggy but if you're looking for a challenging yet rewarding skate game where you can just put on some music and practise different things at some pretty cool spots this game is perfect. Its definitely unfinished and it'd be nice to see the devs do something other than pump out DLC.
Sure, it's better than Skater XL. But, my god, they hardly ever update this game with gameplay enhancements. It's only ever updated with DLC.
After finally getting the controls, I can skate freely and grind. Skate like how I used and some. Now I dont have to risk my body to feel those highs and get those hits.
There is a wierd bug where going down after push is disabled I would have to lean on the nose to reset.
Hard, boring, unfamiliar, and limiting. There's a reason only 51% of players have the "complete tutorial" achievement, its tedious and by the time I finished it, I realized I wasn't having any fun.
i love this game! highly recommend if you are into skating. my favourite thing is how realistic it is, it was really hard at first but once you get the hang of the controls it becomes so satisfying when you finally land the trick you have been trying.
When I first bought this it was just a bare bones skate sim. While it's still a bare bones skate sim, it now has a sort-of "story" and challenges. I really appreciate being able to build a skate spot ANYWHERE with the DIY objects! The controls are crisp and the mechanics are understandable (though a more refined trick list could really help with learning new tricks!).The competitions are pretty cool too!
One thing that could be improved is the map and maybe adding a marker for different spots you want to skate again. Also PLEASE LET US SKIP CUTSCENES! I had to run a competition multiple times and sit through the same cutscenes every single time. Otherwise, there are some bugs that need ironed out, but these do not stop me from enjoying the game.
Great work, devs. Thanks for staying with this. It's what I've wanted for years.
great game. best for skateboarders that enjoy sim games.
very good simulator for people that can skateboard. i imagine it would be super unintuitive and frustrating for casual players, but this is probably the best fakeskating game out
Really unique control scheme that translates real skateboarding to the palm of your hand.
I come back every now & then when I have the itch to skate as I can no longer do so after an accident...So thank you for letting me experience that again....
But please fix your game, this isn't 1.0 and you aren't fooling anyone.
Bugs from alpha still present, goofy animations still goofy, performance issues (even on a 3090Ti) & I could go on but point is this game is far from finished despite the fact they call it "full release".
Tl;Dr buy it on a SUPER sale or just skip this.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | crea-ture Studios Inc. |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (8594) |