Разработчик: Jutsu Games
Grand Theft... Конь
Rustler - это игра в жанре экшен с открытым миром и видом сверху, которая отдает дань уважения старому доброму стилю и игровому процессу GTA и сочетает его с исторически неточным средневековым сеттингом. Играй в роли Гая, родители которого не были слишком сообразительными. Испытай феодальную несправедливость, инквизицию, охоту на ведьм и присоединись к Большому турниру. Встречай отважных, но невероятно глупых рыцарей. Выполняй множество запутанных миссий и квестов или игнорируй то чего хотят от тебя другие и принеси хаос в деревни и города. Передвигайся на ворованной лошади или своих двух. Сражайся мечом или автоматическим арбалетом. Все это приправлено неуместным юмором Монти Пайтона.
Будь смело-лысым-головорезом в средневековой песочнице
Мир Rustler наполнен юмором, анахронизмами и отсылками к поп-культуре. Тебя никогда не штрафовали за то что коня припарковал под знаком? Хочешь поединок в клетке на арене средневековых боевых искусств? А может прокачай свою лошадь? Как насчет вступления в секту Круглоземцев?
Сей хаос в стиле старой школы
Используй мечи, копья, какашки и арбалеты. Хочешь стать более эффективным? Попробуй святые гранаты или... лошадей. Нет ничего более смертоносного чем копыта скачущие в твою сторону. Или дрифтующая телега.
Уделай каждого, чтобы выиграть половину королевства
Бедному крестьянину нужно проявить творческий подход, чтобы выиграть Гранд Турнир™. Создавай странные союзы, обманывай врагов и выкапывай скелеты динозавров в легком, понятном и сложном для понимания сюжете.
Нанимай бардов для музыкальной поддержки
Бард может быть твоим потным личным радио. Он не только не бросит тебя, даже в разгар самых кровавых конфликтов, но и изменит динамичность своей музыки в зависимости от того что происходит на экране. Более того, ты всегда можешь изменить мелодию, попросив барда кулаком в лицо.
Много лошадок
Запускай коров в небо, наряжайся в стражники или даже саму Смерть, сжигай целые кучи травки, рисуй на полях непристойные формы, отбивайся от стражи, вырезав половину города... И это только часть того что можно сделать в Rustler.
Gameplay Trailer Song: BouzoukXp - Korrigan
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, polish, russian, portuguese - brazil, korean, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, turkish
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: Core i5-3570K
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX 780
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Core i7-4790
- Оперативная память: 12 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GTX 1060
- Место на диске: 5 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Good game even though it's a bit buggy. I recommend it.
Nice spin on the good old GTAs.
Love the medieval settings.
If you like crude humor and funny pop culture references this one is for you.
The Rustler is a distant ancestor of Jimmy Hopkins and you can't convince me otherwise
Just like the early GTA games, except with a plough. Recommended.
awesome gta spoof
Can be fun but has a required launcher now and in game advertising on top of it :/.
I already bought your game, this isn't whats going to get a better review for it.
I love the concept of this and have fun playing it but whats next, a required account with the company? No gamer in the history of games has wanted a launcher to manage a subset of games, Steam is already a launcher. We bought it here because we already have a launcher open. Please do not do this.
It has some bugs to work out but i have a lot of fun just causing chaos so i cannot comment on quests or the like.
Text is hard to read on steam deck but it does otherwise work well there
It's been a while since I first picked up Rustler and now that I played it again after a long time I wanted to share my experience.
I'm sure that one is probably on me, but I couldn't play the game for long when I opened it.
Always had to take breaks after a short time, coming back later.
The dialogs are fun and so are the many weird quests you as a normal Guy are going to complete.
Stealing horses, wrestling with random duded on the street and much more is waiting for you!
Good game, it's like GTA medieval version specially when done with the mission CJ vibe hahah.
What a waist, got a refund. It has a great idea but terrible execution. I really wanted to like it but it is hollow. Start over with the same idea but next time make it playable.
this game is so bugged it will drive you insane, big waste of money.
Downloaded on a 80% off. paid about £3.50. Well developed game, but since it's just mindless thuggery and violence and not a very charismatic lead character i decided to sack it off and get a refund.
Update: This developer clearly is very sensitive about what people say on their game. Instead of having such a thin skin, I suggest they suck up to the fact they made an unoriginal, clunky and shallow PoS. Also try a bit harder next time - and realise the gaming market is not just you and your chavvy mates sitting around a bedsit couch.
I adore the game, its great. I have one HUGE problem though, when you go to close the game you get an In Game POPUP ADVERTISEMENT. Listen.. I purchased your game, not your advertisements. I already have most of your games, I do not need to be reminded that "Hey you could own these others titles from us, just click here!!". This is a boundary crossed that honestly, shows that you as a dev/publisher or both you are clearly Willing to cross lines to make money. This is the last dollar you'll see from my butt until its removed.
A short but fun experience.
Parody of the original GTA.
I liked noticing some pop culture references...I believe every quest had some references to make the players laugh.
The game is pretty cheap too so I do recommend playing it.
The game's a medieval themed GTA2 parody, a very good one at that but no more than a parody.
I finished the whole thing in 13 hours, got 92% completion, literally a day so...
it's a fun take, a bit buggy and unnecessarily heavy on the requirements, given the visuals.
If you get it on sale and you miss GTA2, go for it, if not... not
nice lil gta classic parody. It did waay too many references to pop culture tho.
Rustler is a charmingly absurd medieval simulator that's perfect for a quick laugh or a casual gaming session.
While the core gameplay loop of traveling, delivering, and fighting might become repetitive, if you're looking for a deep, strategic experience, you might find the gameplay a bit shallow. However, the game's blend of humor and cultural references keeps things fresh. The humor is definitely an acquired taste. If you enjoy silly references, slapstick comedy, and a general sense of absurdity, it will be right up your alley.
I've encountered a few minor bugs during my playthrough, but none of them have impacted my enjoyment of the game. I would definitely reccomend waiting for another sale before purchasing; I wouldn't pay full price for it.
The Holy Grail References make this a 10/10
Fun game with great humour
Hello dear gamers.
I would like to thank the developers of this game for producing something which made me laugh out loud. I don't care if my neighbors think I properly lost it!
I think first and foremost its important to rate this game as what it is - a parody, made to be lighthearted and funny. So all the things I will write about are influenced and based on that fact.
!!!ALSO - may contain CONTENT (not story) spoilers!!!
Firstly: graphics. They are colorful, basic and easy to understand. The environments are drawn in such a way that you would understand where you are at all times - be it a town or a forest. There are some nice small elements like plants in forests and dirt roads inside where carts are there to make them. If there are things to be destroyed, like boxes - there are nice small animations to tell the player what they have just done - be it smash a box for wooden splinters to fly, or some "liquidy" stuff to make a splash, or BLOOOOD if you just gutted someone like a kipper.
Secondly, sound. To my ears - quite a big deal in this game. Naturally there are sounds which tell you that this is the parody - like thrown manure splashing against the face of a soon-to-be angry guardsman. Actions correspond to sounds and, given the circumstances, that is pretty much as much as one can ask from this game. Under the same light - there is even some voice acting. It is very basic, without going into spoilers, some of the most basic voice acting that one can get - however - it fits the parody nature of this game, and adds a little bit more of a character to all the characters that get the "lines". Now - the lute-strumming elephant in the room. The soundtrack. I think this is what really drives home the point of GRAND... THEFT... horse. It is music that is set to sound medieval, because of some of the characteristic instruments used, but with gangsta elements, sometimes making pleasant, nicely-placed references to soundtracks of famous games of the genre, or even famous pieces from real life. I like the innovative way that music is used in this game, especially, how the concept of radio - a live playing or beat-boxing bard - is introduced, so that there wouldn't be random background music, and the player can actually control whats being played.
Finally - gameplay. The game is set in a top down viewing style, mimicking, but in a modernized way, the gameplays of previous, now vintage, games of the Grand Theft Genre. We control Guy, the main character of the game, both on foot and on horse and various carts. There are several modes that you can choose on how specifically you would want to control both the on-foot and the "vehicle" (horse and cart) methods of travel. I really appreciate the choice, it allowed me to choose how it is most convenient for me to play and enjoy. I like how there is the stamina modifier for both on foot and not - hey, horses get tired as well, and it adds a little bit of tactical thinking during times where one has to ride fast to chase or get away from things. Combat is surprisingly fun for such a basic game - there are melee weapons of various damage and stamina usage levels, and there is a surprisingly varied amount of ranged weapons. The enemy AI isn't that sharp at path-finding, but they can actually fight pretty well, all things considered. They know when to block and they know how to exploit the situation, if, for example, the player decided to go for a slow, shield-shattering power strike. As there is also horse combat, the AI knows quite well when to strike and can create quite a threat. But not too much of a threat. That is the beauty - the game does challenge you, but just enough to be fun. However, if that is something you enjoy - a challenge - well, no problem - you can tweak the difficulty settings to make the game more of a challenge, and therefore your victories - more of an achievement. More depth is added to the game because of an existing skill point system. You get skill points and you can spend them on various skills, some of which are progressive - you get better at a particular thing the more you spend skill points on it, and some of which unlock skills/features that weren't available before. This is a great way to add some kind of progression into the game, and let the player enjoy the fruits of their labor. I think more could be done with the financial system in the game - you earn income from missions, and there are possibilities to earn passive income from investments that you make, however, the issue is that there isn't all that much to spend that income on. HOWEVER, that may not be such a bad thing if one takes into consideration the intended time span of the game - short. The game tells a story of an up-and-coming medieval criminal, in a very nice and comedic style. Excessive grinding, which IS NOT present in this game, would actually put a damper on things, because it would quickly get boring, due to how basic the game is. There is a main storyline and there are side missions. Side missions introduce the player to a parody version of the middle ages, with various topics which we all associate the middle ages with - be it religion, knights or peasants, witches and the like. This offers the perfect amount of immersion to gently enter the world of the Rustler, but in a jovial, light-hearted sort of way. The map on which the game takes place is varied - in terms of environments you can get, but not too large. The size is just perfect for one to enjoy riding through it, but not too large. One thing that I never felt playing this game is boredom, as either there was something to do, or the periods of travel/doing nothing were either short or filled with nice music.
There is only one piece of critique, that I think is accurate - the mission architecture. This splits into two points: explanation on HOW the mission should be carried out, and the technical issues of carrying out the mission. So, on the first point, although I am not asking for a step by step tutorial, sometimes it isn't clear on how some missions should be carried out - what are the limitations, what one can and can't do, which leads to failed missions and some slight frustration. This does happen rarely though, as in most case, the game is made in such a way that it is quite easy to understand what and how to do. Now for the technical part - sometimes the act of failing a mission and restarting from a previous checkpoint can be problematic, as you respawn in such a way that can and does potentially make you fail the mission, as you are either too far from the objective, or too little time is given for you to reach the objective. Again - happens rarely, but it does happen. Overall, although there are technical issues that can cause difficulties playing the game, they are very few and not gamebreaking.
In brief summary, I think this game is almost perfect because of its fantastic ambience, as painted by the jovial graphics, fantastic soundtrack, and the overall comedic theme of a gangster in the middle ages. It helped me relax, have a laugh (sometimes out loud), and have a very good time recognizing some of a fun and iconic references that were made. Solid 9/10.
Game is funny but controls are horrible.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Jutsu Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 20.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 65 |
Отзывы пользователей | 81% положительных (334) |