Разработчик: Bethesda Game Studios
Also included in the Game of the Year edition are Knights of the Nine and the Shivering Isles expansion, adding new and unique quests and content to the already massive world of Oblivion. See why critics called Oblivion the Best Game of 2006.
Key features:
- Live Another Life in Another World
Create and play any character you can imagine, from the noble warrior to the sinister assassin to the wizened sorcerer.
- First Person Melee and Magic
An all-new combat and magic system brings first person role-playing to a new level of intensity where you feel every blow.
- Radiant AI
This groundbreaking AI system gives Oblivion's characters full 24/7 schedules and the ability to make their own choices based on the world around them. Non-player characters eat, sleep, and complete goals all on their own.
- New Lands to Explore
In the Shivering Isles expansion, see a world created in Sheogorath's own image, one divided between Mania and Dementia and unlike anything you've experienced in Oblivion.
- Challenging new foes
Battle the denizens of Shivering Isles, a land filled with hideous insects, Flesh Atronachs, skeletal Shambles, amphibious Grummites, and many more.
- Begin a New Faction
The Knights of the Nine have long been disbanded. Reclaim their former glory as you traverse the far reaches of Cyrodill across an epic quest line.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows XP 64-Bit
- Processor: 2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent
- Memory: 512 MB
- Graphics: 128 MB Direct3D compatible video card and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver
- DirectX®: DirectX 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 4.6 GB
- Sound: DirectX 8.1 compatible
Отзывы пользователей
My second favorite video game of all time overall, and in some ways my favorite. Hands down the best and most creative side quests ever. Buggy and flawed, yet perfect.
Don't believe me? Fine, just play it. Thank me later.
The quests are good , and with few mods( i am using last seed modlist) its very enjoyable even now
if you are playing as a mage, it really makes you feel like you are a true wizard, I have never seen a magic based system as awesome as this game has offered me. 10/10. (get silence as soon as you possibly can)
I have put more hours into unmodded oblivion then anything else ive ever played and i am downloading again on this new pc to log more hours. if i was to recommend any game to get lost in for days it is oblivion hands down
A true classic dungeon crawler with countless hours worth of content.
The greatest game ever made. I got thousands of hours on my OG xbox 360
I know I didn’t beat this game when I played it as a kid but I do have quite a bit of nostalgia for it. Now, as an adult, it was time to revisit the FIRST RPG I’ve ever played and experience it as intended in 2024 and…
It’s great. Not amazing. But I had a great time revisiting and finishing Oblivion for the first time.
The writing and the quests are sublime. The Dark Brotherhood quest line is incredible! The providence of Cyrodiil is so great to explore. From snowy mountains to luscious forests, Oblivion excels in the having-an-awesome-map-to-explore section.
So, why isn’t this game amazing? It’s the mines, gates of oblivion, caves, forts and ruins that make up 70% of the map. They are so bland and dull. Copy and paste bullshit. Exploring on the surface is great. Exploring beneath the earth is shit.
Oblivion is great overall. But Skyrim blows this game out of the water.
Truly a game that has stood the test of time in an age of new fancy game development. 10/5 stars
An amazing experience.
Awesome stories and quests, tons of customization, hilarious and sometimes surprisingly hard hitting writing, huge world that REWARDS you for exploring it, and a beautiful score.
You can play this game any way you want; you can be “Estago storm blade” and play it dead serious with assassin roleplay, name your character “Sheev” and only use lightning spells, or you can be “Sir beef bologna” and kill your enemies using only a fork. Armed with an Xbox 360 and parents that never loved me, i did every build imaginable.
I don’t know if it’s just because it was so good at drowning out every other problem i had in 2007, but nothing makes me feel safe and at home quite like this game; the sights, the sounds, the characters, and the jank all come together into this beautiful mural of everything that made gaming in the early 2000’s great.
Thanks Todd.
probably have over 2000 hours on this game in reality. just play it if you like the other ones. its goofy but beautiful design is unforgettable, just so much heart.
Do not get the "Game of the Year" version of this game. Many mods do not work with this version and need the "Game of the Year Deluxe" version. Very confusing and they should get rid of just the "Game of the Year" and just have the deluxe in the store.
Possibly my favorite RPG of all time, and ABSOLUTELY still holds up in all ways but perhaps graphically - easily fixed by mods, and frankly isn't awful without them anyway
Would be able to recommend this game if I could get it to work. Won't load in and constantly keeps crashing. Trying to get my xBox controller to work with the game is also a tireless effort. That was when I was in the main menu. Crashed before I could even start the game every time. Given it up as a bad job. 😠
First off it is apart of the Elder Scrolls series how ever, what they achieved from the previous game to this one was a massive step up. Multiple quest lines, open world, skill tree pre-curser, and the graphics for the time period of release was mint.
I haven't put many hours into the PC version of this game yet but the XBOX version is my favorite game of all time. Is nostalgia a big part of that? Yes but Oblivion is still a phenomenal game and I would suggest it to anyone that enjoyed Skyrim!
Got on sale, So far I've been really enjoying it you can see where skyrim got somethings from!
Sure its an older game so it doesn't look incredible but thats not always a bad thing.
Lets see how it is as I continue playing.
Stealth archer for life.
Be mindful of which version you buy. Purchased the standard GOTY edition instead of the Deluxe by mistake, and Steam refused to issue a refund. It would be one thing if you could upgrade to the Deluxe edition at a reduced price, but in order to gain access to the Deluxe edition's DLC content you would need to purchase the game at full price again.
main story is complete trash, and leveling is a nightmare, but the dark brotherhood is sick
Buggy to all hell
Terrible graphics
NPC's dialogue is terrible
Leveled Unique's
Hard to level up
Endgame enemies are damage sponges
World is somewhat empty
Absolutely amazing questline with awesome side questlines. Many ways to play. Many customization options.
You can create your own spells. I love this game and many other Bethesda games. Have been playing for years.
Although dumbed down from the epic Morrowind, it's not as badly dumbed down as Skyrim. Compared to the latter, Oblivion has better everything except possibly graphics, and in some respects even the graphics are better here (eg the woods). Closing the Gates can get boring, although one can simply run through or ignore most of them. It also contains probably the best DLC of any of the TES games - Shivering Isles, where surviving the mania of Sheogorath has never been bettered. Yes, it's old but it stands the test of time in ways many games don't and it has plenty of mods to suit all tastes. And there's no Lydia to block the doorways or push you off cliffs, just the Adoring Fan who you can push off Dive Rock at your leisure...
"You have my ear, citizen." Arrrggghhhh, I've two perfectly good ears of my own so why would I take one of yours, you dumb patrolman?
Fa un po' ridere guardare con occhi moderni lo stato in cui riversa l'aspetto tecnico di Oblivion, e anche nel periodo della sua pubblicazione molti dei suoi problemi eran ben evidenti, valendogli la reputazione fin dal principio di gioco scassato nelle sue stesse fondamenta, ma penso che col tempo si sia cominciato un po' a dare per scontato quanto rivoluzioniari fossero alcuni dei suoi aspetti, e come anche nella scena dei giochi tripla A odierna non siano così facili da replicare.
Pensateci: ogni singolo oggetto raccoglibile nella mappa di gioco ha la propria fisica e può essere mosso e spostato a proprio piacimento, con singole stanze che possono possederne addirittura decine senza che la performance ne soffra. Ogni singolo NPC, e ce ne sono centinaia di essi, per quanto esso possa essere insignificante, ha una propria routine da seguire giorno a notte che lo vede mangiare, dormire, lavorare e interagire con altri NPC, una routine che funziona in tempo reale senza interruzioni, indipendentemente dalla posizione del giocatore nella mappa. Pensate alla magnitudine di scenari possibili che un team di sviluppo deve tenere in considerazione per far sì che l'intera struttura delle quest primarie e secondarie non cada a pezzi quando qualcosa va storto. Non solo questo, ma gli NPC in questione sono TUTTI interamente doppiati e la maggior parte di essi ha almeno un paio di linee di dialogo uniche al suddetto, tutto questo nell'antico 2006.
Ovvio, i risultati finali di questa ambizione sono stati un po' un disastro nel caso di Oblivion, questo può dirtelo chiunque ci giochi per più di 5 minuti senza mod, ci sarebbe anche da mettere in dubbio l'utilità pratica nel mettere su tutto questo ambaradam quando la sola ottimizzazione della fisica avrà rimpiazzato chissà quanto tempo e risorse che sarebbero potute andare a limare aspetti del gameplay più importanti (COME IL SISTEMA DI LIVELLAGGIO, BETHESDA), però c'è un non so che di nostalgico nel dissezionare un gioco così e speculare sul quale tipo di ostacoli i programmatori hanno dovuto superare durante il suo sviluppo per renderlo ciò che è nella sua versione commerciale, fra le limitazioni tecnologiche e il fatto che si tratta di un'impresa mai compiuta prima d'allora.
Un team di dimensioni medie, composto da game devs perlomeno competenti e con un budget decente metter su un sistema simile nel 2024, limarlo a regola d'arte e magari renderlo più complesso in una frazione del tempo richiesta da Bethesda 2 decadi fa, grazie al senno di poi e alle migliorie tecnologiche degli engine che chiunque può scaricare gratuitamente su internet, ma sarebbe pressoché impossibile vederlo implementato all'infuori della scena indie, con le limitazioni del caso, dato che i giochi moderni tripla A preferiscono rimpiazzare questo tipo di feature, largamente inutile ma affascinante, con imbellimenti estetici che diventano meno impressionanti e più minuti con ogni anno che passa, spesso al costo di altri aspetti più fondamentali, come stabilità e performance.
L'unica ragione per cui la Bethesda insiste nel creare i propri RPG con questo specifico stampo è che usano lo stesso codice e gli stessi asset dal 2008, e dato che crearne nuovi come si deve da capo costa soldi e risorse e richiede talento, rimangono nella loro nicchia. Una nicchia irrimpiazzabile nel campo di questo genere, effettivamente stabile e prolifica, che li ha resi compiacenti e pigri.
E' per questo che posso rispettare Oblivion come gioco nonostante la sua lista interminabile di imperfezioni, ma non posso rispettare Skyrim. Perché Skyrim porta avanti il trend della casualizzazione della saga, ma non lo controbilancia con niente di remotamente interessante o innovativo in cambio rispetto a ciò che offrì Oblivion nel suo periodo.
Potete urlare fino allo svenire tutte le ragioni per cui Oblivion è una merda rispetto a Morrowind perché l'hanno instupidito per le console, perché c'ha i bug, perché Pete Hines è un uomo che sarebbe dovuto morire in grembo, ma assieme alla lista di tutte le cose che Morrowind fa meglio di Oblivion ne esiste un'altra quasi atrettanto corposa di cose che Oblivion fa meglio, perché è un gioco a sé stante che vive di vita propria. A differenza di Skyrim.
La fisica è migliore, l'AI è migliore, la grafica è migliore, certo, ma non c'è quel salto che è esistito da Daggerfall a Morrowind, o da Morrowind a Oblivion. E' un gioco ompetente, ma permeato dalla una mentalità mediocre e cinica di un team che ha incassato il jackpot e realizzato che non deve più impegnarsi per il resto dei propri giorni.
old graphics and gameplay, great story, wealth of mods to tailor game to your tastes.
Even though this game is almost 20 years old, it still holds up. The music and environment just makes you want to leave the real world behind and escape into Tamriel...
While is it an older game it is still 100% classic and still holds up well today for an RPG. Highly recommend!
i love auto running into a corne while a man sleeps next to me for 3 hours to level sneak 10/10
good ol memories lies in this game with tons of funs. bugs. and modding.
My first RPG ever. played it long ago as a child and it still holds up if you keep in your mind the age and limitations of the time. A must play for any Elder Scrolls fan
Bugs make it very difficult to play. This game needs some tender loving care from a programmer who gives a s***.
Oblivion is just splendid. Plain and simple. Sure, the combat is a little bit dated and it does get a bit of getting used to especially from someone who played Skyrim first, but Oblivion is just marvelous. The story from what I’ve seen so far (as of right now I’ve only progressed through a bit of the main quest, been having too much fun exploring lol) is great, I like the fact that the player isn’t exactly the ‘chosen one’. The colours, the overall vibes of the game, it just depicts fantasy so well. I love this game.
Bonus stars for me being able to create my own spells :3
Morrowind is basically a text based adventure.
Skyrim is too polished and boring in comparison to...
Oblivion, just the perfect blend of old school and modern enough to live with. This comes from the golden era of gaming and is still a technical masterpiece more than 20 years later. How blessed i am to be able to still play this masterpiece in 2024.
I love elder scrolls, even if they can be broken. Chamelleon 100% for 100% do what you want. Fun, but breaks game if you consider difficulty in being seen. Have fun, play how you want.
Its a classic. Entertaining and soothing. It employs all of the classic elements that make an RPG fun. Plus an absolutely warm and soothing sound track. If I dare say, therapeutic.
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition – A Timeless Epic Revisited
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition is a magnificent reimagining of one of the most beloved RPGs in gaming history. Originally released in 2006, Oblivion set new standards for open-world design, storytelling, and player freedom. This deluxe edition encapsulates all the original content along with its expansions, offering both newcomers and returning players a comprehensive experience in the richly crafted world of Tamriel.
One of the most striking features of Oblivion is its vast and immersive open world. From the bustling streets of the Imperial City to the serene beauty of the countryside, the game invites exploration at every turn. The detailed environments are filled with quests, characters, and lore, making it easy to lose yourself in the world. The sheer scale of the game is impressive, with diverse landscapes that range from lush forests to rugged mountains, each beautifully designed to enhance the sense of adventure.
The storytelling in Oblivion is captivating. The main quest, which revolves around the Oblivion Crisis and the threat posed by the Daedric Prince Mehrunes Dagon, draws players into a narrative rich with intrigue and conflict. The game also excels in its side quests, many of which offer deep and engaging storylines that rival the main plot. Players can join guilds, explore hidden dungeons, and uncover mysteries, making each journey feel unique and rewarding.
Character customization and development are another highlight of Oblivion. The ability to create and shape your character from various races and classes allows for an incredibly personalized experience. The skill system encourages players to experiment and find their preferred playstyle, whether it’s through combat, magic, or stealth. The level of depth in character progression fosters a strong connection to the world and the character you create.
Combat and gameplay mechanics have a satisfying balance, combining action with strategy. The introduction of the “Radiant AI” system allows NPCs to behave more realistically, adding depth to interactions and making the world feel alive. Whether you're engaging in a fierce battle or engaging in conversation, the dynamics of the game keep players engaged and invested in the outcome.
The Game of the Year Edition Deluxe also includes all expansions—Knights of the Nine and The Shivering Isles—each of which adds substantial content and fresh experiences. The Shivering Isles, in particular, introduces a whole new realm filled with eccentric characters and thought-provoking quests that expand the lore of the Elder Scrolls universe.
The graphics, while a bit dated by today’s standards, still possess a charm that enhances the game’s fantasy atmosphere. The art direction is compelling, and the music, composed by Jeremy Soule, perfectly complements the epic nature of the adventure, creating an immersive auditory experience that enriches every moment spent in Tamriel.
In summary, The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition is an extraordinary RPG that offers an unparalleled blend of storytelling, exploration, and character development. Its legacy as a classic is well-deserved, and this edition provides a fantastic opportunity for both new players and longtime fans to experience the magic of Oblivion. Embark on your journey in this timeless epic and discover why it remains a beloved cornerstone of the RPG genre!
1) It's terrible this does not have build-in controller support.
2) Great game.
3) Wish more games did spell creation
4) As always, buy on sale. Don't pay full price for a 17+ year old game.
Despite the absolute absurdity that is the character modelling, especially the faces, I absolutely adore this game. The story is great, the DLC's are my favorite in the entire series. Not the horse armor, obviously, but Shivering Isles is fantastic. Knights of the Nine isn't too bad either.
Unfortunately it is the beginning of the dumbing down of systems (combat, crafting), but it hasn't really crossed the blandness threshold yet, in my opinion. Still, for the time, thoroughly engaging game with some great moments.
A classic game i have always loved any of the elder scroll series.
Amazing game, for anyone trying this game after playing skyrim for so long, I highly recommend if you can tolerate the graphics. 10/10
Love the game! You can do all kinds of stuff. I like drinking lots of skooma. skooma :p Played the game til the end at least 5 times and still playing it. So much to explore. Also mods are fun! Love it
Pretty much everything except for the Glitches all around fun game if you have the patience for older games my username pretty much says I'm a big fan of elder scrolls series
One of my all time favorite games. Better than Skyrim. When this game came out I thought the graphics were insane. For a game made in 2006 I think it holds up nicely. IMO the best Bethesda title to date. Not to mention the approx. +100k Mods on the Nexus make this an easy decision. If you haven't played it you're doing yourself a disservice.
Best of the best game/play and UMMO and Best graphics/sound quality DLSS Nvidia/latest UFUHD realistic pixels unreal/frostbite engine and THX spatial audio/MIC HQ/Dolby 7.1/oomph/krisp/bass boost surround sound and next gen upgraded gaming and music listening experience to to sound and gameplay and crossplay merge in different multiple servers and less blurred and slugglish movement and cartoonie and childish-gameplay-graphics and more event and updates and more newer reworks
In my opinion, this is the best Elder Scrolls game in the series. The NPCs are wonderfully written, the quests are fun and intriuging, the difficulty is perfect for both casual and hardcore gamers, and the music/atmosphere is just magical. However, I recommend downloading the "Goons Without Glass" and "No Obselete Loot" mods in order to prevent an overabundance of Glass, Ebony, and Daedric items you may encounter as well as stopping lower level enemies from disappearing. Other than that, this game is a masterpiece
I've been playing this game for over five years now, I had the opportunity to get this or an Aeroplane Flight Simulator, and I am forever grateful for my younger self choosing this game.
I heavily recommend this game to those who are into older games that have fighting and lock picking, as well as a few other series of things you can do in this game. Side quests and all.
Especially targeted for older people around 20 and 40, in my opinion.
Over the years i have spent sooooooooo, and i mean SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO many hours in this game. Tamriel is like a second home to me. from Bruma to Skingrad, from Bravil to Anvil. This world has sooo much to explore, soo many hours of fun and bugs to keep you going.
Magical, Immersive and full of Wondering. I even have not started the story, but like I always heard, It's so rich. One of the masterpieces of the Game History.
Shittiest leveling system ever 10/10
Best advice I can give: Don't level up often
Night and day difference in quality between the insultingly lazy Starfield and this beautiful masterpiece Oblivion. THE REASON that Shattered Space has 'mostly negative' reviews is that the players were expecting Oblivion level immersion, exploration, and maturity in writing, and received instead a wet turd.
TES4: Oblivion on PC with mods... is such a different experience than the bland vanilla version that a lot of people think of when you say you play Oblivion. It's still one of the best action-rpg experiences in existence, by far.
One of the best RPGs I've ever played, I strongly recommend everyone play this.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Bethesda Game Studios |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 25.11.2024 |
Metacritic | 94 |
Отзывы пользователей | 96% положительных (28807) |