Разработчик: 4Fishing

Эй, ты! Да-да, ты! Тебе хочется влачить жизнь сухопутной крысы? Или, может, ты мечтаешь о том, чтобы сколотить состояние, скитаясь по опасным морям и изучая секреты ловли королевских крабов? Не страшишься ли риска, штормов и крабовых клешней? Если у тебя хватит храбрости, отправляйся со мной в Датч-Харбор!
Каждый год ловцы крабов, закаленные ветераны и зеленые новички, несколько дней сражаются со стихией, рискуя здоровьем и жизнью. Их цель - заработать как можно больше и стать лучшими ловцами крабов. Теперь среди них можешь оказаться и ты!

В игре Deadliest Catch: The Game у тебя будет возможность принять участие в опасных морских гонках за добычей и поймать столько крабов, сколько тебе и не представлялось возможным! Задача у тебя не самая простая - придется бороться со временем, квотами на вылов, миграцией крабов, и, самое главное, с самим морем. Такова твоя судьба в водах Аляски!

Твой корабль будет в тех же условиях, что и всякое судно, отплывающее из Датч-Харбора каждую осень в надежде, что морская пучина одарит его своими сокровищами. Он будет на плаву в любую погоду - что бриз, что сильный ветер и даже шторм - тебе все нипочем. Беспокойное море, насквозь промокшая палуба, качающееся на волнах судно - ты со всем сможешь справиться!

В твоем распоряжении будет не только рыболовное судно, но также и бортовое оборудование: кран, лебедка, гидростол, система намотки. Шаг за шагом ты научишься всем этим управлять. Помни, что никто не рождается с рулем или крабом в руках. Ты будешь на судне и капитан, и ловец крабов одновременно. Игра проходит в режиме от первого лица для лучшего обзора того, что происходит вокруг. Также у тебя будут достоверно реализованные крабовые ловушки, благодаря которым ты сможешь поймать всех крабов необъятного Берингова моря.

Помни, что от тебя требуется следовать законам Аляски. Не всех крабов можно ловить и продавать! Реалистичная 3D-модель поможет тебе определить, поймал ли ты красивого и дорогого самца, или же это самка или детеныш. Анализируй воду и дно, чтобы понять, где лучше ловить крабов.

Природа не единственный твой противник. Соревнуйся в мастерстве с компьютером и другими игроками! Приглашай своих друзей побороться за звание лучшего ловца крабов. Загружайте на судно свои ловушки, вставайте за штурвал и определяйте лучшего в ловле крабов!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, polish, german, spanish - spain, russian, turkish, italian, portuguese - portugal, simplified chinese, french
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 8 or 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i3 3,20GHz / AMD Phenom II X4 955 3,2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 4GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX® 11.0 compatible
- Дополнительно: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 8 or 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-4790 3,6GHz / AMD Ryzen 5 1600 3,2GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX® 11.0 compatible
- Дополнительно: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
Отзывы пользователей
could be updated and inprovments but fun game
so good fell like im actual crabin g
The idea of this game is great, but it is unfinished - and probably never will be. There are only two ships to choose from, no customization, all crew members are the same, no serious competition - and worst of all: the game is the buggiest thing I have ever played.
i found it fun you may not i cant deside for u
Exactly what you would expect for a $0.99 game. Fun for passing time.
Total waste of money even for $1. Full of bugs and doesn't explain what half the stuff is.
Game is riddled with bugs and now unplayable. Keep in mind these bugs will now not be fixed as the game is no longer being updated.
Do Not pay attention to positive reviews, they are just simps. This game is horrible and abandoned. I Started playing this when it was supported years ago and have only managed to stomach 20 hours because I really wanted a game like this to work and be good. there is no progression its a buggy mess that will never get fixed (it truly is abandoded with the last update being years ago its even been through mulitple devs). I am more upset with the simps that score this positive than the devs at this point because they are just part of the problem. trust me dont but and if you do than feel free to give me a nice I told you so.
Devs abandoned the game. Basic game is good though.
it good
I'm often a big fan of simulation games. I like playing around with the system, figuring out different ways to do things, setting things up to be good at different tasks.
This is an extremely narrow, dull simulation game. From the way the controls are set up, you plod around. The game wouldn't let me bind the run button to the same button as move forward, nor would it allow me to remove the turn speed limit that makes it feel like there's input lag.
The tasks you have to do are also extremely narrow. You interact with things in exactly the intended way, within the intended slots. You stand at the right part of the boat to throw your crabs. You stand at the right part of the boat to drop your bucket.
You go out to sea, set your crew to do everything, and watch. You can't helpfully do anything other than keep an eye on the boat movement and occasionally shove bait in, because you'll get in their way and they'll stop working. You can't help sort crabs because the giant table only has room for one person to sort crabs. And when you're sorting crabs, the game doesn't teach you what to look for. You awkwardly rotate a 3D model until the dials are filled.
The map seems largely superfluous - the game gives you some parameters to find crabs and then you go there and dump all your cages. Spreading cages out didn't seem to be worth the time, fuel or effort.
It's a tedious game that's mostly about waiting. You wait for the crew to deploy the cages. You skip time. You wait for them to gather the cages. You skip time. You sell, you buy upgrades, you go again. It's a bit of a shame, because there's the framework of something that could be a bit more fun. But it seems like the game exists to meet the minimal amount of support to "be a crab fishing simulator".
A lot of other reviews talk about bugs - I didn't hit any bugs that interrupted my experience, it's just a big, empty game.
if you like the show you will get addicted
Bugs make unplayable
It's not a bad game, the tutorial is not broken in my experience, nor did it take a lot of time to complete and was very straight forward. There is a few bugs while in career with some crabs that are male for some reason the game is saying it's a female, so i might lose a couple or few crab during the sorting process cause of this, and one instance where the pot was stored but visually was still on the launcher. For the ones who bring the fact in about it being only crab fishing, uhh well no shit what did anyone expect that's what the show was about. It is a very good game, but before anyone buys this game, they need to understand that this game is about crabbing in the Bering Sea, therefore you will be doing the same thing over and over and just upgrading the boat to max potential (in the game which is not max potential in real life, in game it's much less on the pots and storage capacity for the crab.) So before buying this game you need to ask yourself, can I enjoy just crabbing and do it over and over and only so, the only thing that's ever truly different and changes is exactly where you decide to go to drop pots and getting slammed by a massive storm, if that is good enough for you then you might enjoy this game. But yes some bugs, they might not ever get fixed, it seems the game is left by it's devs, but after reading through the reviews after having played I mean yea I see why, there's definitely people who are way over playing the bugs or quality of the game, it has issues yes but it is not unplayable not even close to unplayable, just messes up and you need to save it then load that save it has fixed a bug for me a couple times now. Hopefully this review helps, and anyone who buys this game after reading this hopefully they find it to be true for their experience as well.
Absolute garbage, game is riddled with bugs making it unplayable.
For example, i just upgraded to the smart winch block thingy. Now neither my crew nor myself can do the minigame to catch the pots and reel them in. making the entire game effectively unplayable.
After upgrading my vessel to 24 pots, there was a constant collision sound playing that did not went away untill all 24 pots were in the water.
The crew, even with only 2 working, also constantly get in each others way. would make much more sense to let them handle certain stations instead of handing them tasks.
Not a bad game, but it's pretty much just crabs all the way through. You’re mainly grinding to make more money, but at least you can AFK and let your crew handle most of the tasks.
its a rather fun game just a bit of bugs but its really fun 8/10 would recommend
fun game always enjoyable to me anyways i recommend it
its a fun game just wish it would be update more
Devs. abandon the game, no updates sense 2021
I found the game not fun there is only 2 ships and not much to do with them and them game did not look that realistic to me.
Only fun for a couple hours.
Bought this as a bundle with a game that I actually wanted. Figured I would grab it regardless of the bad reviews. Couldn't even make it through the tutorial. Not playable, not enjoyable. Glad it was only like $0.50. XD
vary good
not really bad game, but yeah only Crabs you can get, and you just grinding for make more money, at least you can just afk and let your crews do the tasks.
game is still riddled with bugs and what makes it worse the bugs are the same ones they claimed to have fixed a couple years ago
might have potential, but horrible currently. Absolute waste of time and money.
Fishing games are one of my favorites. The old Deadliest Catch game was also one of my favorites. My enthusiasm ended when I had to start sorting all three hundred crabs separately. Just spending time endlessly spinning crabs isn't the best way to start the game. This time, for me, interest in this game ended very quickly, unfortunately. I hope that those who play the game beyond spinning the crabs will enjoy this game more than I did, because the idea of the game is very cool
look this game is bad i wont sugar coat it. it bugs out and crashes the tutorial is broken and cant be beat but after you watch some videos and learn how to play its honestly pretty fun in a mind numbing kind of way. if you like the show youll probably atleast think the game is alright. I just finished the first season and am having a good time.
tldr dont have high hopes its bad but bad in a fun way
This is one of the worst games I have ever played what a POS, thank f*ck i got it for 1.39...its not even worth that
no updates since 2021, could have been very fun but instead it's repetitive and buggy.
the game is good and i love it but it keeps on bugging after so long of playing it i hope it gets sorted
Game is awesome when it works but it hardly fucking works
no updates since 2021, developer seems to have abandoned the game not worth playing anymore, too repetitive
Buggy mess regret buying it
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | 4Fishing |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 50% положительных (748) |