The Long Dark

The Long Dark

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Разработчик: Hinterland Studio Inc.

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Яркий свет прорезает ночное небо. Ветер бушует за тонкими стенами вашей деревянной хижины. Вдалеке воет волк. Оглядев скудные запасы в рюкзаке, вы со вздохом вспоминаете дни до таинственного отключения электричества. Сколько еще вы сможете выжить?

Встречайте THE LONG DARK с ее новым взглядом на выживание и исследование — то, что Wired magazine назвал «вишенка на торте всего жанра».

The Long Dark — это продуманная игра, фокусирующаяся на выживании и исследовании, где игрокам придется самим принимать решения, путешествуя по огромной холодной дикой местности, пережившей геомагнитную катастрофу. В ней нет зомби — только вы, стужа и то, что вам приготовила Мать-природа.

В WINTERMUTE, часть первого сюжетного сезона The Long Dark, входит четыре эпизода из пяти. В декабре 2018 года в обновлении Redux мы кардинально перекроили два эпизода: изменили систему заданий, переписали сюжет, диалоги, анимацию — и не только.

ЭПИЗОД 1. «Не уходи смиренно»

Пилот дальнего следования Уилл Маккензи (персонаж игрока) и доктор Астрид Гринвуд оказываются разделены, когда из-за таинственной вспышки света их самолет упал в дебрях северной Канады. Отчаянно пытаясь выжить и найти Астрид, Маккензи приходит в городок Милтон, где начинает осознавать масштабы этой безмолвной катастрофы.

ЭПИЗОД 2. «Световая фуга»

Поиски Астрид приводят Маккензи вглубь покрытых снегами диких земель. Возможно, загадочный зверолов сумеет ему помочь, но можно ли ему доверять?

Первые четыре эпизода «WINTERMUTE» занимают около 30 игровых часов. Финал эпизод включены в стоимость игры и будут бесплатно разблокированы по мере выхода.

Персонажей озвучили Дженнифер Хейл, Марк Мир, Дэвид Хейтер и Элиас Туфексис (третий эпизод). Музыку написал Крис Веласко.

Режим выживания — свободный ориентированный на выживание бессюжетный режим «песочница», был отполирован почти тремя годами в раннем доступе.

Ваша цель — выживание, а смерть — единственный конец пути. Напишите свою историю в каждой игре.


Игра призывает принимать решения самостоятельно, снабжая игроков информацией, но не ответами. Вы должны заслужить свое право жить.


В момент смерти в режиме выживания сохраненная игра будет удалена. Важно каждое решение. [В «WINTERMUTE» функция постоянной смерти не используется.]


Следите за голодом, жаждой и температурой, пытаясь найти баланс между поиском ресурсов и затрачиваемыми на это силами. Каждое действие расходует калории, а время – ваш самый ценный ресурс. Думайте, прежде чем что-то предпринять.


Более 100 предметов снаряжения, включая инструменты, источники света, оружие, средства первой помощи, одежду и многое другое.


Исследуйте 50 квадратных километров диких земель северной Канады в поисках припасов. Зимой. Динамическая смена времени суток, погоды, присутствия диких животных и других факторов только усложняет этот процесс.


Охотьтесь, рыбачьте, устанавливайте ловушки, взбирайтесь, составляйте карты, ищите еду и снаряжение, которое может спасти вам жизнь, избегайте стычек с опасными животными, берегитесь переохлаждения, обморожения, дизентерии (и других неприятных осложнений), находите и ремонтируйте снаряжение. Вы столкнетесь с волками, медведями, лосями, кроликами, оленями, воронами и многими другими в будущих обновления. Охотиться на них или стать жертвой — все зависит от вас.


Четыре уровня сложности дают возможность выбрать подходящий вам уровень испытаний, начиная от «Пилигрима», предназначенного для спокойного и вдумчивого прохождения, до «Незваного гостя», на котором даже самые опытные игроки протянут лишь неделю. Если ни один из них вам не подходит — создайте тот, что будет по душе, с помощью «Пользовательского режима».

Музыка написана Сашей Дикисияном.

Несколько отдельных режимов испытаний предлагают задания, на выполнение которых уходит 1-3 часа. Например, «Белая мгла», где за ограниченное время нужно собрать достаточно припасов, чтобы пережить ужасную метель. Или «Жертва», где вам придется убегать от кровожадного медведя. Выполняйте их, чтобы разблокировать подвиги — долгосрочные улучшения в режиме выживания. В момент запуска игры будет доступно пять испытаний, число которых будет увеличиваться.

В дополнение к выпуску финал оставшихся эпизод «WINTERMUTE» мы планируем, как и раньше, совершенствовать режим выживания (мы выпустили почти 100 обновлений/исправлений за три года в раннем доступе). В цену The Long Dark включены все пять эпизодов «WINTERMUTE» и последующие обновления режима выживания.


Hinterland – это маленький независимый разработчик оригинальных интерактивных развлечений. Наш офис находится в Ванкувере, Канада, а игру The Long Dark создают ветераны разработки ААА-игр, причем ведущие разработчики работали в таких известных компаниях как Valve, Ubisoft Montreal, Relic, Volition, Capcom, Radical, BioWare, Sony London, United Front games и других.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, russian, french, spanish - spain, finnish, japanese, korean, norwegian, portuguese - portugal, simplified chinese, swedish, traditional chinese, turkish, portuguese - brazil, dutch, italian, polish, ukrainian

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 8
  • Процессор: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
  • Место на диске: 7 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Any on-board chip will work.
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10
  • Процессор: Intel i7 CPU @ 2.6GHz or higher
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: nVidia GTX 555 w/ 1GB VRAM or better
  • Место на диске: 7 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Ideally, something with Surround capabilities.


  • ОС: OSX 10.9.3
  • Процессор: Core i5 @ 2.2GHz
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 5000
  • Место на диске: 7 GB
  • Звуковая карта: On-board.
  • ОС: OSX 10.9.3
  • Процессор: Core i7 @ 2.7GHz+
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Dedicated standalone GPU w/ 1GB+ VRAM
  • Место на диске: 7 GB
  • Звуковая карта: On-board


  • ОС: SteamOS or Ubuntu 16.04 or 17.04
  • Процессор: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
  • Место на диске: 7 GB
  • Звуковая карта: Any on-board chip will work.

    Отзывы пользователей

    Не рекомендую 14.02.2025 20:49
    1 0

    An extremely dry survival experience. Simultaneously hyper realistic and frustratingly limiting.

    My first time wandering around the snowy woods was moderately enchanting. Scavenging, looking for shelter, picking up whatever I could find. Opening the menu quickly revealed a nightmare, however. I hate being bombarded with eighteen systems that I have no hope of understanding without dozens of hours of play that are CRITICAL to understanding the game.

    Okay: Get exploring again. The cold keeps you from staying outside for more than about three minutes without taking damage. Found a little lodge to park my butt in. Could I upgrade it? Seal it from the cold? Craft things? Open windows? Put things in the boxes that I found? All the things that I would WANT to do in this specific scenario? No, no, no, no, no. You can't even clean the corpses up.

    From what I can tell, you can only craft vital supplies and tools at specific POIs on the map. Can I read the map I found in the cabin? No, my only option is to burn it for fuel. Fantastic. Love the realism. So after boiling some snow and taking five hours to read a useless book I found, I stumbled over to bed in the pitch-black room.

    The next morning I walked outside to discover that the game had airdropped wolves on my doorstep. No, not a PACK of wolves. Individual, annoying wolves that just follow you around and bark. I have no means of creating a weapon, so I just huck stones at them until they leave. Thrilling gameplay. I hunted some rabbits with the stones, only to discover that the process of skinning, cleaning, and cooking the rabbit consumed MORE HUNGER than it restored.

    I will not be "waiting for it to get good." The only realism this game provides is extra frustration.

    Время в игре: 106 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 13.02.2025 12:47
    0 0

    At this point it's a classic. The story, the visuals, the atmosphere, everything is great. One of my favorite games. It has some more peaceful moments, some action, some times more rough and straightforward, some times more philosophical. It covers a lot of issues but in a annoying way. This game has everything. Really recommend (also love the intro)

    Время в игре: 2960 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 11.02.2025 18:30
    1 0

    I love this game! It is a game where stories and memories happens.

    Время в игре: 8570 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 11.02.2025 05:42
    1 0

    Great community, game setting, and gamplay. Is one of the best survival games i've played. Would recommend 10/10!

    Время в игре: 5291 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 10.02.2025 19:21
    5 1

    i am Finnish so i know a thing or two about winter but the survival in this, as in almost every other game featuring winter survival, has been made artificially harder which just makes it a complete slog to play. In real life i do not freeze to death after a 20 minute stroll to the store in -20c when wearing a freaking sweater and a warm vest, i can do that :shit: in a t-shirt and not get a cold. I can also jump from a ledge higher than 2cm in real life without breaking my WRIST of all things, let alone legs. I also dont need to eat an entire horse every 30 minutes without starving to death. I love winter, i love survival, i love a challenge, what i don't love is poor game design that has to be band-aided with this artificial hardening of things. Yes i am aware the time in the game passes faster, but i am talking literally eating 3 bags of doritoes and then starving again after 5 minutes of IRL time. Or getting hypothermia from an hour outside in-game, then taking 12 hours next to a fireplace to get warm again, to which i dont have enough wood, that i then go outside to collect, prolonging my hypothermia. This game is misery porn for people who like artificially difficult games that step on your balls in high heels. I can't say anything for the story mode as i only tried the survival. Oh yeah, and on the 2nd easiest difficulty, i literally spawned into a f-ucking pack of wolves lmao. So yeah. I will maybe get it on sale, cause theres something about the mood and all, but definitely not full price, and then of course a game this small you'd think wouldn't need loading screens between biomes but it does so that was also pretty disappointing.

    Время в игре: 64 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 10.02.2025 03:08
    1 0

    Getting lost in a cabin at night time is peak snow surivival gameplay.

    Время в игре: 215 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 08.02.2025 22:34
    5 0

    >spend 100 hours trying to understand how to survive on interloper because other difficulties are boring
    >i understand it now
    >spend 150 hours on an interloper save
    >get mauled by a wolf because it spawned to close to the entrance of the cave i just came from
    >axe the bastard
    >he leaves me at <50 hp
    >keep on moving
    >get mauled again by a wolf that spawned right next to me somehow
    >get left with 15 hp
    >a third wolf spawns below the bridge i was next to, runs up a 80 degree slope, mauls me
    >i die
    >use a backup save
    >feel like shit for cheating a bullshit death
    >idk what to do now
    thanks hinterland, 10/10 game ill sink another 150 hours ig

    Время в игре: 13344 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 08.02.2025 18:35
    1 0

    A fun sandbox for survival, with lots of regions to explore. The game lacks a "victory" condition for the survival, though.

    Время в игре: 38572 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 07.02.2025 13:57
    3 0

    Pure, unadulterated survival bliss. This game is brutal, unforgiving, and absolutely brilliant. It's just you against the elements, trying to survive in a vast, frozen wilderness. No zombies, no monsters, just you, the cold, and your wits. It's tense, atmospheric, and incredibly rewarding when you finally manage to snag a rabbit or find a warm cabin. If you're looking for a challenging and immersive survival experience, The Long Dark is a must-play. Just be prepared to die. A lot. But you'll learn from each death, and that's part of the fun (sort of). 9/10, would definitely recommend (if you like being cold and slightly terrified).

    Время в игре: 2123 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 05.02.2025 19:43
    36 2

    Take your tea/coffee and enjoy the freezing winter, hunger, thirst and brutal wild life.

    Relax yourself beside the campfire before the storm cames.

    Enjoy the smell of snow but don't forget bring your revolver and rifle.

    Witness the amazing view of Aurora, but beware of the wolfs.

    Explore the abandoned buildings. Winter is tough, you'll need everything you can get.

    Lastly, don't forget to thank the mother nature for the meats and herbs.

    Время в игре: 1320 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 05.02.2025 19:00
    3 0

    I've just started playing this game but so far I find it quite frustrating. There are just a lot of poor/strange design choises that really adds up and rubs me the wrong way. For example:

    - You can't jump, which means low obstacles that any person should be able to easily pass over force you to move around them. Terrible design choise.
    - To get the option to interact with containers like mailboxes and trash cans you specifically have to look at the lid. It's a small thing but come on why not just make it smoother and make the whole object interactable?
    - You need to use a ducking forge (of which there are only 4 in the whole game) to make the simplest form of improvised blade or chopping tool. That is retarded, you should be able to make the most basic blade just from metal scraps that you sharpen with a rock and wrap some cloth around for that premium grip feel...
    - Also you can't make such a simple hunting tool as a wooden throwing spear (or any ts for that matter). You can't make fire without a technological fire starter such as matches, but on the other hand, you can't use a signal flare to start a fire. You can't melt snow in buckets that you find all over the place; you need to use a cooking pot. I find an oar and think "thats nice, it'll be a defensive tool to fend of wolves", but no, you can only break it for wood.

    I'll stop there but the point is there are a ton of situations that has arose already where the game just does'nt make any sense and feels mostly annoying. It often does not feel like I'm trying to fight the elements and survive by any means and using all my wits, instead it feels like I'm battling the poor game design rather than the cold, hunger and thirst.

    On the plus side the options for game customization options are really comprehensive, and I do like the "less is more" approach of fighting the elements and physical needs rather than constant combat encounters. I don't really feel that the music and graphics do such a good job of enhancing the games feeling.

    I don't really recommend this game. It's not terrible or anything, and I'll give it some more time, but honestly it's really mostly just a lackluster and frustrating experience in my opinion.

    Время в игре: 305 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 04.02.2025 18:58
    1 0

    The only thing worthwhile is that this is an amazing story telling game. They put a lot of work into it and into every little thing which is nice but its not enough. That being said, it lacks a lot of things that make the game exhausting to play and here's my list just from finishing what they have for the story mode:

    You can't skip cutscenes the first time you play and they're extremely long. Mechanics are extremely basic. Harvesting hunted animals needs to be better, no one in their right mind harvests their kill in the cold, allow us to carry them or parts of them to a shelter to harvest them. No fast travel and side-quests are absolutely inconvenient. A lot of the side-quests give you a bunch of supplies and sometimes give equipment that give +5 kgs to carry weight but they're often out of order and away from the main quests and since you can't fast travel you have to run back and fourth multiple times, wasting supplies to bring in more supplies but since this game is in parts and you'll never use those supplies, everything is a waste of time. All stats in the game simply don't make sense. Fishing is just bad. The idea of time in the game is horrendous.

    I liked the game but overall its simply a walking simulator with an amazing story with horrendous survival mechanics.

    Время в игре: 2620 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 03.02.2025 18:47
    11 1

    This is one of few actual survival games. A lot of "survival" games devolve into being action games with a hunger bar. Here, it truly feels like all of your effort is being focused into just staying alive. Your time outdoors is almost always limited, either by your body heat or firewood, and you must make careful decisions on how to use that time. I hope my hours speak for just how engaging I find it.

    Very good difficulty range as well. Whether you want a cozy camping trip where you can gather bountiful stockpiles of food and firewood, or want to fight tooth and nail for your existence, this game can provide both.

    Only thing I recommend against is purchasing the story mode. It sucks, wasting your time with various objectives that are completely disconnected from the core survival mechanics that make the sandbox mode so good. Not at all worth the extra $15. I'd recommend watching the start of the first chapter on youtube for the tutorial, then get on your way with survival.

    Время в игре: 35152 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 02.02.2025 04:06
    7 2

    I got mauled to death by a bear while freezing to death and trying to catch some fish. Then I came back in a new game and turned that furry git and two of his friends into a sleeping bag and slowly became the mad queen of Milton.

    Best game to both stress out and relax at once, actually feels like your surviving and not just topping up some needy player characters arbitrary thirst and hunger meters.

    That Cougar can go do one however.

    Время в игре: 7362 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 31.01.2025 23:18
    9 0

    failed to deliver on promise of completing the story campaign. It's been years, and for years the devs have held the final chapter over our heads like a carrot. They've constantly updated survival mode, then had the nerve to announce this games sequel, before ever finishing the original game. Claims of "were a small team and working really hard because we want to get it right" are complete bullshit. Because if that was the case, they would of worked on the actual story campaign and saved the end game content for, IDK, AFTER THE STORY MODE WAS FINISHED....

    Время в игре: 2571 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 30.01.2025 05:18
    1 0

    The Long Dark's survival mode is definitely the meat of the game, and the part you'll spend most of your hours playing if youre really into the game. its tough, consistent, and slow paced. i cant say ive ever died to RNG. You manage temperature, food, water, and rest in an unforgiving world set in rural canada. you can survive for a while on scavenged loot, but to do that you have to keep moving, so settling forces you to assemble weapons and learn to hunt, which is inherently dangerous. Now, I do have my issues with it, but the custom difficulty settings really let you tailor the experience for what you want. the remaining gripes i hold have all been settled with a couple mods. I'll probably spend another 300+ hours playing this game while waiting for Blackfrost, hopefully hinterland can really expand on the ideas at the core of The Long Dark.

    Время в игре: 18513 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 29.01.2025 00:04
    0 0

    Great survival game/walking sim hybrid. Just be aware that that's what you're getting into. This game can be incredibly intense and heart racing, but only because it has so many calm moments of the crunch of snow underfoot and bird call in the trees to contrast the howl of a timber wolf pack. It's really something special and unique, crafted with care and thought and attention to detail only present in works of passion like Project Zomboid.

    Also the story is mediocre at best. It gives you a great introduction to mechanics and to map zones, and the voice acting and such is pretty decent, but for a game that is at such a snails pace gameplay-wise to have such uninteresting cut scenes and dialogues really puts a damper on things. That being said, it doesn't seem like anyone plays the story mode; that isn't the appeal for the majority of the player base.

    Время в игре: 3748 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 28.01.2025 19:55
    0 0

    best in class, but the ancient engine is really annoying. even with max draw distance, you can be walking across a snow field and have a bunch of wolves magically appear in front of you and make you walk 5 minutes back. seems like it wouldn't be that annoying, but in a game that seems to want to reward planning and punish you for burning every calorie, you'll end up making a lot of mistakes that would have been avoided if your character could see more than 100 yards away in broad daylight. if anyone has a way to tweak an .ini or something to increase draw distance/LOD, please let me know.

    Время в игре: 1932 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 28.01.2025 04:56
    0 0

    Of all the survival games I've become both lost and enthralled in, The Long Dark ranks highest amongst them.

    The game is set in British Columbia, Canada. As a Canadian, perhaps I am being biased in my fondness for the game, but it is an excellent example of the intersection of art and video game. Hinterland Studio Inc. has created a gorgeous, beautiful game; one where the passion of the developers is evident in each journey into it's stylised, frozen unknown.

    Whether you're enjoying the story campaign or its various survival modes, this game has a soul that breathes life into its stoic landscapes and morning skies of painted fire. It's a glorious experience to play in the dark on a cold winters night, perhaps even with an appreciative friend or two. The soundtrack is as fantastic as it is haunting, a continuous chorus of hope and despair.

    If you value an experience over flash, I could not suggest a better game. 10/10 ♥

    Время в игре: 41892 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 27.01.2025 21:43
    0 0

    A long-in-development game i've kept close to my heart, although occasionally stricken by controversies i am not familiar with, i greatly enjoyed playing through the game late at night, wrapped in a blanket with a hot cocoa at arm's length, feeding crackling fires in abandoned shacks, closing my eyes to listen closely to the howling wind, so its a thumbs up for me, i'm awaiting the last episode with anxiety.

    Время в игре: 1902 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 27.01.2025 18:26
    0 0

    Very fun game. A lot of walking, but that's fine once you get used to it. Be sure to set up auto-walk in settings.

    Время в игре: 4431 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 27.01.2025 15:47
    0 0

    I am not a huge fan of survival games, typically. I find games like the Forest and Valheim to be a little bit boring, and I have always found hunger meters and the like to be a distraction from what I enjoy about a game's mechanics, typically. This is of course all personal taste, to be clear, but it is my taste!

    The Long Dark, despite all this, works for me, though, and it works tremendously well.

    The entire point of the game is surviving in a wasteland - one not too dissimilar from the wastelands we have today: there is no nuclear fallout, there are no zombies, only the icy tundra of a planet thrust unceremoniously into coldness. A tundra that is not too far off from the arctic landscapes that exist in our world now.

    I have only played the survival mode, but I understand there is an entire story mode available. Even having just touched the non-narrative experience, I am blown away. Managing my temperature, carry weight, hunger, and thirst is an exciting challenge. Running into carnivorous and hungry animals is an exciting challenge. Quietly relaxing inside the house I have fought hard to made a temporary respite from the cold is a genuinely meditative experience.

    Ultimately, I'm very excited to see what more this game has to offer - I am having a blast! c:

    Время в игре: 199 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 27.01.2025 14:36
    0 0

    Survival could be fun, but the difficulty is focused on the arduousness of drinking water and cooking food with no clear incentives to explore. You'll explore almost an entire daytime cycle walking from one end of a town to another. So the time you spend eating, drinking and sleeping is self-defeating because the passage of time is greater than the longevity or benefit of actions your intended to make. I tried watching expert playthroughs and the only difference was their enthusiasm to just keep repeating the same cycle every day.

    I really wanted to like this game, but it's phenomenally pointless and boring. A game that's 'not for you', if enjoying your time is something you like to do.

    Время в игре: 330 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 27.01.2025 10:40
    0 0

    good game, i woud love for it to have a multiplayer version as well^^
    but other then that, its a nice game chill and relaxing other then being chsed by animals wanting to kill you but fun
    really recomend it:3

    Время в игре: 1519 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 26.01.2025 19:23
    0 0

    I'm very late to the party, and not that good yet - 18 day survival is my longest streak. Voyager level is pretty boring, and I havent managed to get to the end of the first episode of wintermute - as far as I've got it's a pretty lame extended tutorial. But the survival game, that rocks.

    It's moody,a tmospheric, occaionally beautiful, but always a bit scary. I jump when I hear a bark or a growl and even think of the game whenever theres bad weather or I open a can of "soda" or tin of tomato soup. I think this is the best game I've played since freelancer about 20 years ago - and you know what, it's even better than that.

    Время в игре: 4605 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 26.01.2025 14:30
    2 0

    The Long Dark is a Survival type game, but all good survival games need to have an element of horror to it. I think this game does that really well. From the fear of dying of cold, wolves, or the dreaded bear, nature based horror is something so ingrained into our instincts. The story is rich, and the motivation of the protagonists unfolds masterfully through each episode. I'm very excited for the conclusion of the story in Episode 5.

    Время в игре: 8343 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 25.01.2025 19:02
    5 0

    Wintermute no longer works. I have episodes I cannot even finish the story. You cannot even switch to the primary menus without jumping through fixes and hoops that still don't seem to address the problem. This is an uninstall for me. From reading this appears to be persistent for the past 10 years.

    Время в игре: 4074 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 19.01.2025 18:52
    1 0

    PLEASE ADD CO-OP! I know the second game will have co-op, but PLEASE ADD CO-OP to the first game! Hinterland i love you please do it.

    Время в игре: 1057 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 17.01.2025 01:02
    9 0

    I have been patiently waiting for the story mode to be finished. I check back in every few months to see where we are at. As someone who has literally waited years for it to be completed, I was shocked to see they went a head to announce a sequel! Great news but I can't help but imagine how much that takes away from completing your first games story mode, if we ever get it. How do we expect a sequel and a good one when the first isn't 'done' yet? We've waited so long, so so long. This used to be my favourite game but I've waited too long to keep up the support.

    Время в игре: 2685 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 15.01.2025 19:28
    2 0

    This is still easily the best survival game out there and I've had great time playing it! It sounds and looks awesome and the scenery is sometimes very beautiful. The wilderness is for the most part really well balanced and makes the whole experience feel really authentic. The feeling of hopelessness and loneliness is quite unique. I even bought the DLC mostly to support the developers.

    I would say though that the progress the developers have made over the years has been frustratingly slow and it has worked for me mostly due to the fact that I only play the game during the darkest winter months. Sadly also the latest new area called Sundered Pass was a big miss for me while it failed in everything that make other parts of the game so unique. The new area is massively overcrowded with wolves and started to feel more like a first person shooter rather than surviving in the wilderness. Also the whole setup felt a bit too straight forward and lacked the authentic wilderness feel the other areas had.

    Anyway I am interested to see if they actually manage to finally release the last episode of the main storyline with their ongoing other new projects. I really hope they will!

    Время в игре: 10439 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 14.01.2025 06:48
    7 0

    It's a great game if you like survival games. ignore the negative reviews, part 5 of the story mode is due out next month and then the devs will have completed their promises.

    Время в игре: 18566 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 12.01.2025 20:54
    3 0

    It's a solid game, but very basic. There's no incentive for player to keep surviving. No end game, no building, no upgrading, and crating is very basic. No story, no npc, both are locked behind DLC content. It's unfortunately not a survival game, but a slow death simulation game. There's no escape. Maybe it would have been more fun to play it with friends, to see how long you can survive together like "Don't starve together" but unfortunately it is not a multiplayer game. Environmental story telling is poorly executed, the only story most of them tells me is that someone been there, and nothing more. Dead bodies I found mostly feels random, it doesn't really have much story to tell. If they have memento or personal belonging on them, it might be better for the environmental story aspect, but again, unfortunately that is not the case. I don't recommend buying it unless you plan to buy them with all of the DLCs.

    It strives to be realistic, but not enough freedom in crafting makes it not fun, and stifling instead

    Время в игре: 1721 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 11.01.2025 19:51
    9 0

    TLD is in my top 10 best games of all time. It's a work of art and one of those rare games that was built to be good, rather than to make someone rich. With one of the largest maps in gaming history and over a decade of development, direct partnership between development and the community, it's just fantastic. Everyone needs to play it.

    Время в игре: 83005 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 10.01.2025 22:58
    25 0

    I bought this game when it was promised to offer a single player story A LONG TIME AGO. YEARS, and years and years and enormous piles of BS excuses later... here we are in 2025 and that single player story is STILL NOT COMPLETE.

    These guys also the balls to announce that Long Dark 2 is in development when everyone who bought the first game 8 years ago is still waiting for the game to be completed. I will NEVER purchase anything from these scam artist again. They also perma-banned me from their forum because I was discussing these issues and apparently they did not like that since it might discourage people from buying their game. I should be able to get my money back that I spent on this 8 years ago after what these guys pulled.

    Время в игре: 2170 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 10.01.2025 17:05
    136 6

    Leaving a positive review for no reason, because others have left negative reviews for no reason.

    What has happened to the actual gaming community?

    First, I saw someone leave a review, played 0.2 hours of the game, instant negative review because they have "20 different colours on the screen". Do you know anything about computers? Because your 1 year on Steam says otherwise. Try updating your graphics driver or your card or something else. But no, lets act like its the games fault and leave an instant negative review. Ok.

    Then the next one "Pitch black indoors in the middle of the day." Really? What game are you playing? Because in The Long Dark that I play, it is not "Pitch black indoors in the middle of the day." 0.9 hours in and an instant negative review.

    Another left a negative review because of 1 animal that they just added, the cougar, is considered a boss fight, but they didnt like how that 1 animal fight was handled. What about the entire rest of the game that you enjoyed playing 200+ hours of?

    I just don't get it. Its like I walked into the twilight zone a few years back and everybody is a complaining, entitled little brat that thinks everything must be custom made specifically for what they want in every little aspect of a game or they stomp off and pout to bring an entire company and / or an otherwise good game down.

    How about leaving a review for the GAME, the whole GAME, and nothing but the GAME, are you able to do that?

    I wasn't even going to leave a review for this game smh haha

    Время в игре: 3218 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 09.01.2025 19:21
    4 0

    This is a great survival game. Its basic but very well done. Highly recommend if you like non-combat, exploration based survival games.

    Время в игре: 16190 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 03.01.2025 06:48
    5 0

    Ups and Downs, Highs and lows, this game Could be an absolute Masterpiece of survival, I love the art style and it's positives in my opinion far outweight it's Negatives.

    The Art direction is absolutely amazing and I love this style of Watercolor-esque painting-like videogame, TLD is what many would consider to be a "Cold Firewatch" in terms of artistic direction, and I would say the same in terms of artistic intent.
    As for the gameplay it's a mostly standard hardcore-survival crafting videogame, I like it, good for passing time but gets boring if you're someone without patience for this type of game, can't honestly reccomend for action fans but for those like me who enjoy a more atmospheric sentiment this is your cup of tea.

    All is well and dandy and I would give this game a 10/10, however, this is an Unfinished game, and I think it's just a shame that despite the game not even being fully out, the developers still decided to announce a sequel, I just ask from the team: Please, Please don't commit the same mistakes again, it is very clear that this style of game has so much potential, and sadly you won't do any good for the community by taking things this sort of direction, I hope this review was helpful, and I hope to the developers and those working on the game a good development process, don't rush it, and take care.

    Время в игре: 571 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 01.01.2025 20:56
    4 0

    Please fix the auto save feature or give us the chance to save manually as the game in its current state is unplayable losing hours of game play because the save feature is broken

    Время в игре: 27933 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 30.12.2024 19:44
    19 3

    Love the game, but I cannot understand that the developers have not finished the main story line after 7 years of development, releasing a full DLC and announcing the long dark 2. Absolutely incredible.

    Время в игре: 10525 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 30.12.2024 07:04
    5 2

    I dont understand how such an aggressively mid game with so many seeming deliberately annoying features that serve ONLY to aggravate is so well loved.

    Время в игре: 677 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 29.12.2024 15:24
    6 0

    The most tediously boring open world survival craft I have ever played. Probably opens up later on after a bunch of grinding, but having to eat and/or drink every 2-5 minutes of real time is very annoying when paired with the fact there's a prep time and a consumption time, both of which require you to hold still and watch a progress circle fill up. There's plenty of other things I wasn't a big fan of, but it mostly boils down to opinion: I personally didn't enjoy it. Main review is on the Wintermute story mode "dlc" which also for some reason after over ten years isn't finished, launches on a separate launcher, and I have also been told doesn't even have all the mechanics of the survival mode or Tales dlc.

    Время в игре: 101 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 28.12.2024 22:55
    3 0

    I was enjoying the game a reasonable amount until the mission to collect the "legendary spear". The mission itself is silly, more like something from a fantasy game. I have a hunting rifle, hatchet and a flare gun, why do I need a "legendary spear".

    This is also the point in the game when you have to walk for approximately 30 irl minutes with little to nothing happening, one of the maps/areas is literally just a train track that you walk along.

    Managing thirst/hunger/cold/fatigue becomes very easy and it essentially turns into a walking simulator.

    These gripes in conjunction with the game being essentially unfinished means I cannot in good conscience recommend this title.

    Время в игре: 1187 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 28.12.2024 17:02
    5 0

    Over a decade later and the story remains incomplete, despite countless promises... yet we have paid DLC and an announcement for a sequel. At what point does it just become thievery? I really like this game but I have to refrain from recommending it because of these shady practices. Finish what you started! Finish what we paid for!

    Время в игре: 2192 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 26.12.2024 13:49
    3 0

    Yoo i played this game like 5-6 years ago maybe even at the launch, the main story was included with the game when u buy it , now u just buy survival mode without any fucking tutorial... if u want the main story you have to pay for it and its not even finished YET! Game is good tho but this is just stupid

    Время в игре: 10 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 24.12.2024 20:45
    10 1

    I love this game. The slow exploration and constant need to take care of yourself as well as combat the wilderness is extremely well done, but the story still isn't finished. After almost a decade and they've pushed more dlc out and even announced a second game? the fact that they get away with this early access shit but everyone gives them a pass for being an indie company is disgusting. Finish your fucking game.

    Время в игре: 2367 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 24.12.2024 20:15
    1 0

    I've loved this game for years, and I've excited each time there's been an update. But it's been a decade i think, and I'm just tired of waiting for the story to finish. I can't recommend it. At some point you need to commit to your promises. And it's been too long :(

    Время в игре: 32879 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 23.12.2024 14:31
    4 0

    Hinterland Has not fished the story, this is one of those Early Access games you’ll regret supporting, they’re now adding paid DLC for an unfinished game. Although it’s good game,

    “Devs were upfront that part of the reason they were working on the new DLC instead of finishing the main story is that they need the money to keep going” - Not your problem as a consumer, vote with your dollar do not buy, there are other finished survival games. 3/5

    Время в игре: 12355 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Рекомендую 22.12.2024 18:26
    3 1

    I would totally recommend this game (also buy all of the DLC; its def worth it). Its a great sandbox game. I remember playing this game in its early stages when it first came out, The Long Dark has come a long way!

    Время в игре: 315 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 22.12.2024 16:39
    5 0

    It's with a heavy heart that I write this review.

    Listen, the Long Dark is an amazing game. It has a great story, fleshed out game mechanics, a great sandbox for if you want to just "survive", fitting music and stylised graphics... By most accounts, this is a good game that is worth a play...

    Why is this review negative then?
    Well I just cannot support Hinterland as a game studio.
    Similarly to some of the other reviews, I bought this game a very long time ago (5.5 years ago to be exact!) with a promise of the game being completed (the rest of the episodes) in the coming year or so.
    At the time of me writing this review the game is STILL NOT FINISHED.
    Now, I can understand that game development can take a lot of time and the developers wanting to only put out a game that is polished and works as it should, however that's not what Hinterland are doing.
    I don't think I've EVER seen a company go through this much feature creep in a single game.
    This game has received DLCs (paid), a rework, a Nintendo Switch port, localisation and Hinterland have even announced the sequel to this game (and probably more things that I left out as I got exhausted from reading their game updates), WHILST THIS GAME IS STILL NOT FINISHED.
    This is extremely infuriating as a consumer and has put me off from ever buying any more of their games (or buying unfinished games/preordering in general).

    Do I think this game is worth playing? Yes.
    Do I think you should support developers like Hinterland that time and time again fail to meet their obligations/deadlines and almost 10 years later still do not have a finished game? Absolutely not

    If my moral preaching does not desuade you though, I still implore you to at least wait until the game is actually fully finished, which knowing Hinterland may still take a while.

    Время в игре: 1204 ч. Куплено в Steam
    Не рекомендую 22.12.2024 09:42
    3 0

    While this is a great survival game, recent events left a sour taste in the mouth of many players. Instead of finishing the story mode, Hinterland Studio released a paid DLC and recently announced The Long Dark 2. All while the story mode is not yet finished. Still missing an episode. Do not by this game or the sequel until the story mode is finished, then you may think about doing so.

    Время в игре: 8864 ч. Куплено в Steam

    Дополнительная информация

    Разработчик Hinterland Studio Inc.
    Платформы Windows, Mac, Linux
    Ограничение возраста Нет
    Дата релиза 23.02.2025
    Отзывы пользователей 89% положительных (36037)

    Отзывы пользователей

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    Обновлено: 15.02.2025 02:40


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