Разработчик: Hinterland Studio Inc.
Яркий свет прорезает ночное небо. Ветер бушует за тонкими стенами вашей деревянной хижины. Вдалеке воет волк. Оглядев скудные запасы в рюкзаке, вы со вздохом вспоминаете дни до таинственного отключения электричества. Сколько еще вы сможете выжить?
Встречайте THE LONG DARK с ее новым взглядом на выживание и исследование — то, что Wired magazine назвал «вишенка на торте всего жанра».
The Long Dark — это продуманная игра, фокусирующаяся на выживании и исследовании, где игрокам придется самим принимать решения, путешествуя по огромной холодной дикой местности, пережившей геомагнитную катастрофу. В ней нет зомби — только вы, стужа и то, что вам приготовила Мать-природа.
В WINTERMUTE, часть первого сюжетного сезона The Long Dark, входит четыре эпизода из пяти. В декабре 2018 года в обновлении Redux мы кардинально перекроили два эпизода: изменили систему заданий, переписали сюжет, диалоги, анимацию — и не только.
ЭПИЗОД 1. «Не уходи смиренно»
Пилот дальнего следования Уилл Маккензи (персонаж игрока) и доктор Астрид Гринвуд оказываются разделены, когда из-за таинственной вспышки света их самолет упал в дебрях северной Канады. Отчаянно пытаясь выжить и найти Астрид, Маккензи приходит в городок Милтон, где начинает осознавать масштабы этой безмолвной катастрофы.
ЭПИЗОД 2. «Световая фуга»
Поиски Астрид приводят Маккензи вглубь покрытых снегами диких земель. Возможно, загадочный зверолов сумеет ему помочь, но можно ли ему доверять?
Первые четыре эпизода «WINTERMUTE» занимают около 30 игровых часов. Финал эпизод включены в стоимость игры и будут бесплатно разблокированы по мере выхода.
Персонажей озвучили Дженнифер Хейл, Марк Мир, Дэвид Хейтер и Элиас Туфексис (третий эпизод). Музыку написал Крис Веласко.
Режим выживания — свободный ориентированный на выживание бессюжетный режим «песочница», был отполирован почти тремя годами в раннем доступе.
Ваша цель — выживание, а смерть — единственный конец пути. Напишите свою историю в каждой игре.
Игра призывает принимать решения самостоятельно, снабжая игроков информацией, но не ответами. Вы должны заслужить свое право жить.
В момент смерти в режиме выживания сохраненная игра будет удалена. Важно каждое решение. [В «WINTERMUTE» функция постоянной смерти не используется.]
Следите за голодом, жаждой и температурой, пытаясь найти баланс между поиском ресурсов и затрачиваемыми на это силами. Каждое действие расходует калории, а время – ваш самый ценный ресурс. Думайте, прежде чем что-то предпринять.
Более 100 предметов снаряжения, включая инструменты, источники света, оружие, средства первой помощи, одежду и многое другое.
Исследуйте 50 квадратных километров диких земель северной Канады в поисках припасов. Зимой. Динамическая смена времени суток, погоды, присутствия диких животных и других факторов только усложняет этот процесс.
Охотьтесь, рыбачьте, устанавливайте ловушки, взбирайтесь, составляйте карты, ищите еду и снаряжение, которое может спасти вам жизнь, избегайте стычек с опасными животными, берегитесь переохлаждения, обморожения, дизентерии (и других неприятных осложнений), находите и ремонтируйте снаряжение. Вы столкнетесь с волками, медведями, лосями, кроликами, оленями, воронами и многими другими в будущих обновления. Охотиться на них или стать жертвой — все зависит от вас.
Четыре уровня сложности дают возможность выбрать подходящий вам уровень испытаний, начиная от «Пилигрима», предназначенного для спокойного и вдумчивого прохождения, до «Незваного гостя», на котором даже самые опытные игроки протянут лишь неделю. Если ни один из них вам не подходит — создайте тот, что будет по душе, с помощью «Пользовательского режима».
Музыка написана Сашей Дикисияном.
Несколько отдельных режимов испытаний предлагают задания, на выполнение которых уходит 1-3 часа. Например, «Белая мгла», где за ограниченное время нужно собрать достаточно припасов, чтобы пережить ужасную метель. Или «Жертва», где вам придется убегать от кровожадного медведя. Выполняйте их, чтобы разблокировать подвиги — долгосрочные улучшения в режиме выживания. В момент запуска игры будет доступно пять испытаний, число которых будет увеличиваться.
В дополнение к выпуску финал оставшихся эпизод «WINTERMUTE» мы планируем, как и раньше, совершенствовать режим выживания (мы выпустили почти 100 обновлений/исправлений за три года в раннем доступе). В цену The Long Dark включены все пять эпизодов «WINTERMUTE» и последующие обновления режима выживания.
Hinterland – это маленький независимый разработчик оригинальных интерактивных развлечений. Наш офис находится в Ванкувере, Канада, а игру The Long Dark создают ветераны разработки ААА-игр, причем ведущие разработчики работали в таких известных компаниях как Valve, Ubisoft Montreal, Relic, Volition, Capcom, Radical, BioWare, Sony London, United Front games и других.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, russian, french, spanish - spain, finnish, japanese, korean, norwegian, portuguese - portugal, simplified chinese, swedish, traditional chinese, turkish, portuguese - brazil, dutch, italian, polish, ukrainian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 8
- Процессор: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: Any on-board chip will work.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel i7 CPU @ 2.6GHz or higher
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GTX 555 w/ 1GB VRAM or better
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: Ideally, something with Surround capabilities.
- ОС: OSX 10.9.3
- Процессор: Core i5 @ 2.2GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel HD Graphics 5000
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: On-board.
- ОС: OSX 10.9.3
- Процессор: Core i7 @ 2.7GHz+
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Dedicated standalone GPU w/ 1GB+ VRAM
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: On-board
- ОС: SteamOS or Ubuntu 16.04 or 17.04
- Процессор: Dual-Core Intel i5 CPU @ 2GHz+
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Intel 4xxx Series w/ 512MB VRAM or better
- Место на диске: 7 GB
- Звуковая карта: Any on-board chip will work.
Отзывы пользователей
Please fix the auto save feature or give us the chance to save manually as the game in its current state is unplayable losing hours of game play because the save feature is broken
Love the game, but I cannot understand that the developers have not finished the main story line after 7 years of development, releasing a full DLC and announcing the long dark 2. Absolutely incredible.
I love this game. The slow exploration and constant need to take care of yourself as well as combat the wilderness is extremely well done, but the story still isn't finished. After almost a decade and they've pushed more dlc out and even announced a second game? the fact that they get away with this early access shit but everyone gives them a pass for being an indie company is disgusting. Finish your fucking game.
It's with a heavy heart that I write this review.
Listen, the Long Dark is an amazing game. It has a great story, fleshed out game mechanics, a great sandbox for if you want to just "survive", fitting music and stylised graphics... By most accounts, this is a good game that is worth a play...
Why is this review negative then?
Well I just cannot support Hinterland as a game studio.
Similarly to some of the other reviews, I bought this game a very long time ago (5.5 years ago to be exact!) with a promise of the game being completed (the rest of the episodes) in the coming year or so.
At the time of me writing this review the game is STILL NOT FINISHED.
Now, I can understand that game development can take a lot of time and the developers wanting to only put out a game that is polished and works as it should, however that's not what Hinterland are doing.
I don't think I've EVER seen a company go through this much feature creep in a single game.
This game has received DLCs (paid), a rework, a Nintendo Switch port, localisation and Hinterland have even announced the sequel to this game (and probably more things that I left out as I got exhausted from reading their game updates), WHILST THIS GAME IS STILL NOT FINISHED.
This is extremely infuriating as a consumer and has put me off from ever buying any more of their games (or buying unfinished games/preordering in general).
Do I think this game is worth playing? Yes.
Do I think you should support developers like Hinterland that time and time again fail to meet their obligations/deadlines and almost 10 years later still do not have a finished game? Absolutely not
If my moral preaching does not desuade you though, I still implore you to at least wait until the game is actually fully finished, which knowing Hinterland may still take a while.
It's an okay game. Can be pretty fun. Unfortunately I cannot recommend, seeing as the developer has announced The Long Dark 2 BEFORE FINISHING THE FIRST GAME. They also finished their paid DLC before finishing the story of the original game.
Instead of releasing the originally promised campaign, these clowns released another campaign (premium) and now announced a sequel.
charging extra for an unfinished story is insane, I've seen some pretty shady shit from the Devs of this game and although its a great game, If I could go back in time I wouldn't have Purchased it.
Okay so I wanted to love this game, but I ran into a few issues. Some issues were design flaws, while others were technical.
Design Flaws:
1) You can't use anything you find if it is damaged in any way. For example, my character was freezing, but I found a massive parka that I could wear to get warm. The game prevented me from wearing the parka because it needed a small piece of cloth to patch a hole on it somewhere. Thus, instead of wearing a warm parka with a tiny hole, my character was forced to freeze in the arctic environment.
2) You cannot jump, the game does not contain this ability. You wind up getting stuck in places where you have to backtrack or fall down, and if you fall, you will get severely injured and die.
3) You slip/trip and fall everywhere and your character seems to be built out of toothpicks because you always get severely injured, even if you fell one inch.
4) You walk like a 5,000lb truck...extremely slow.
5) You can sprint, but it's limited and is only about 1-2 seconds faster than the slow walking speed.
6) Sometimes you find food that the game lists as edible, but you can't eat it because the game only allows you to eat it in certain ways. For example, I found some mushrooms that I harvested, which were listed as edible food items, but the game prevented my starving character from eating them because the game says it only allows them to be consumed with tea (bro wut?).
7) I walked about a foot out onto a lake from the shoreline when a warning appeared on my screen. My character suddenly died because the game said the ice broke and I drowned. I'm unsure how my character could have drowned in about six inches of slush, but okay I guess?
Technical Issues:
1) I collected a bunch of sticks to make a fire, but they disappeared in my backpack inventory. I wound up finding them in a different place in my backpack inventory where the game had reassembled them into branches that I now had to re-breakdown into kindling sticks.
2) While having fuel accelerants, sticks, matches, flares, and more, the game kept saying that I had zero materials with which to start a fire.
3) The game reuses interaction buttons, which causes you to perform certain actions by mistake. For example, the button used to collect found materials is the same button used to trigger sleep. I tried to pickup a pair of socks on a bed, but wound up getting put to sleep by the game. When I tried to cancel this action by turning the character away from the bed, the sleep timer slider moved to the number two. Thus, my character wound up sleeping in the open cold for two hours, which brought my health down to like 10% when I was at 90% prior to sleeping.
4) The game said that I could not break down branches because I did not have an axe or hatchet. About 30min later, my character starts breaking down branches while an axe/hatchet symbol appears on my screen. I never found an axe or a hatchet, but one somehow randomly appeared in my backpack inventory even though it was not listed for me to see. <--- Never figured this one out.
5) When the game started, my character had a packet of food in his backpack inventory (like an MRE of some sort). It would not let me eat it when my character was hungry. 30min later, the game lets me eat the packet of food. I had about three of these, but after eating one of them, all three disappeared lol.
Final thoughts:
The game is pretty, the atmosphere is spot on, the music is nice, the environment is accurate to an arctic wilderness, but the game ruins itself with absurd restrictions. The worst of these restrictions include the prevention of wearing clothes due to minor imperfections, and the prevention of eating edible food items because the game only allows them to be eaten in specific ways. Thus, the game is actually easy, but is made to be hard by way of an artificial difficulty implemented through nonsensical restrictions. In that sense, I would label this as a synthetic (man made restrictions) survival game. The developers actually even hint at the game being mostly unrealistic by presenting warnings on the game startup screens that say stuff like (paraphrasing) 'This game is just our interpretation of surviving in the cold wilderness, so don't expect the game to represent real life' and 'We know wolves rarely attack people, so sorry if you're offended that we made our game's wolves attack you all the time'. Overall, the game seems more like one person's conceptual view of a winter survival land instead of a pure survival game. With all of that being said, I wound up requesting a refund because, at least to me, the game did not live up to its representations.
''My fingers feel numb.''
That's because I've played this game way too much during the last month, and ain't gonna stop.
This is the most relaxing and challenging singleplayer survival game I've ever played.
Only thing that bothers me is that I can't jump. Otherwise it's an astonishing game!
Good and unique game, but sh*t developer. Been playing this game since beginning on multiple accounts and now multiple platforms. Game runs great, has some neat mechanics and unique artistic style that I really hated once I saw first trailers back in a day, but then come to like it a lot.
This game can be relaxing, or challenging. I have not played a story, nor am I interested in it, therefore can only talk about survival. Mechanics – interesting, however game itself is not realistic at all. If you are in hardcore survival game – you are going to be disappointed. Hunger, thirst, fatigue and day/night cycle go too fast, sometimes (well… many times) its really annoying. Good thing, though, there are “custom” survival mode with custom settings you can tweak (plus you can export those settings as a code and share with others, which I really like). During the years – they were adding more and more “hardcore” features that to me do not make any sense – first “cabin fever”, now “the cougar”. As I said, you can create custom games without them, but configuring this game is annoying. There is no functionality – lets pickup Stalker difficulty and then customise it. If you want to make close-to Stalker difficulty in Custom game mode – you need to do a crap tons of configurations there. This is nitpicking, I know.
Still the game is good, so why negative review? Negative review, because throughout the years I grew completely tired of these developers. As in previous negative reviews – they are greedy AF. Hiding behind incompetence as an excuse for their decisions is getting really old now…
Here are some “pearls” (and I know community will defend them to the end, but ask yourselves is that really how you want to be treated in future before making any comments):
- DLC was announced very early in development, and they said it will be episodic adventure with development span of one year – its way past that and they are still developing it at a same time announcing second game. Well, as mentioned before, I do not care about story, where I am really p*ssed is that DLC also contains mechanics that should be in a base game – now it’s pay-walled (more on DLC later)
- Geforce NOW drama – they took it from Geforce NOW back in a day so that the customers, who already had it in STEAM could not play it without re-purchasing it again (really?!)
- XBOX PlayAnywhere – this one is the reason why I have decided to leave review here in a first place. So, one of the latest stunts Hinterland has pulled of on its customers was XBOX PlayAnywhere issue that nobody is talking about. I do not play The Long Dark on Steam anymore – I am playing it on XBOX since it was released on that platform. They have released it as PlayAnywhere title, meaning, you can play on XBOX and then switch/continue to play on PC via XBOX app with all your progression already synchronized for you. For people, who like to relax on they couch now and then and then continue on PC (especially the case if you are travelling a lot) – this is a game changer. The game works as expected, well at least it did before they released DLC – which they advertised in Twitter and other places as PlayAnywhere title. Recently, I have tried to download it on PC – everything worked. Launched the game – uh-oh – in menu I see – “buy DLC”. And since DLC has sizable amount of game functionality that is not present in a base game for unknown (greed) issues – I cannot play my saves at all. To be honest, before this I never seen a game, which is PlayAnywhere yet its DLCs are separate products on XBOX and PC, so this was new. Decided to check forums – and what do I see – Hinterland admin apologises and says soon it will be fixed… Well... the thread was created by someone LAST YEAR!.. and it still in “we are working” on it. Frankly, I would not care and simply re-buy it as-is just to support development of this game, however, I really cannot stand or support company like this, who does sh*t like that and then keep pretending that everything is OK. Enough is enough.
Overall, 2026 they will be releasing new game in EA – I would say if you have not bought this yet – and can wait – just wait – I can almost guarantee that once that is out – they will sell this at very low price as complete/GOTY edition. As for their future titles – I would be very cautious as well – as they have tendencies for EA “best practices” (pun intended).
It's a decent game. It's quite complex and allows you to do a lot of stuff that most other games in the genre doesn't. The story is engaging (but not finished) and if you give it some time it will grow on you, but duuuuuuuuuuude - you just have to finish the story of the original game prior to announcing a sequel. To me, it does seem a little obvious that if you do it the other way around, you might be forced to enjoy a backlash of a sort. So I hope the devs are not surprised at least. But hey, what do I know?
Very bold move. Quite stupid, but bold!
I have committed a lot of hours to this game.
And what started as a great early access with regular updates has been tarnished over the last few years (since episode 4 released).
The direction the Devs have taken have subsequently tarnished their reputation, ditching the story for a paid DLC, which has taken twice as long as the initial roadmap to finish. The latest update (Dec 24) was released with so many bugs and issues, for me it has broken survival and is unplayable.
Now releasing a trailer for the long dark 2 early access in 26, Devs should've waited until after completing Wintermute, not the DLC (in a broken state)
Whilst i loved the game i do not think highly of Hinterland anymore.
For LD2 i'll likely wait till it's actually finished before deciding if it's worth purchasing. Based on their current track record it
could be 10 years from now!
i'm reluctant to support and get it in early access for something that may never be finished.
Hinterland are truly a lesson in how to have something great and make it worse, lacking direction and are not considerate of its players.
Most of the negative reviews will say this game is unfinished.
For Wintermute, at time of writing, this is true. (scheduled to be finished 2025, with the sequel coming to early access 2026)
However, the devs have not been lazy. I'd argue there is more story-content in the DLC and regular survival mode of the game than there is in Wintermute (the designated story mode). This game is so much more than its story, otherwise myself and many others would never have sunk hundreds of hours into this game. If you buy this game, buy it for the stories YOU make while playing, not for the ones the devs make for you.
No other game I've played has ever immersed me into its world more than this one. If you come into playing with the outlook that every death teaches you a valuable lesson, you'll go far. Other reviews can better describe how amazing this game is, just know it feels and plays like a finished game, because everywhere except Wintermute, it is one.
I can't believe they just announced a CONTINUATION (Blackfrost: The Long Dark 2, you can look it up) to the story when they didn't even FINISH the first game.
This gotta be a prank, it's unbeliavable.
I cannot support this company. Still waiting for the first game to come out and they've not only already released a DLC but now they're announcing the 2nd game. 100% will never purchase another product from these people.
Working on a sequel before even finishing your original game and doing paid dlc for that unfinished game is never a good look
This game is one of a kind. It´s survival game which might be challenging on one hand also relaxing and relieving on the other. Its fairytale atmosphere may change from beautifull walk in chilly snowy forest into desperate run for survival in a second. Its cartoony style and catchy gameplay are piece of art. Overal atmosphere makes it a great game for winter nights at your home and may help to disconnect from reality.
This is a masterpiece: played over 300 hours so far, yes the devs have been a bit perfectionist with the final part of Wintermute, but I personally would rather they get it right, I'm happily playing Stalker on Survival waiting for the last part of the story to drop, it's a REALLY solid game, has never crashed, very few bugs. Recommended 5/5
I love this game. Hate the new revised cougar update. The cougar feels like a video game boss more than just an animal, with it getting a villain opening cinematic and it being marked on the map. Okay, I get it, players should be able to choose to avoid it if they want.
But I finally go to hunt one. Had a fun boss fight, killed it with a little health left. My reward is that SECOND cougar spawns INSTANTLY on top of my base in ash canyon. I packed light so I could move fast while fighting the beast. My options are to stay out at night and die of exposure, or fight a second cougar with no health. There is no reliable way to kill the cougar without taking damage AFAIK. Of course I get smoked.
The cougar in it's current (Broken Silence) state does not work.
It does not work as a normal wild animal, because I can see it on my map and it get an intro cinematic. I should absolutely be able to blunder into cougar territory, and if I miss the bloody marks on trees, dead animals, and CONSTANT screaming, I get what I get. It feels like an out of place video game boss in an
otherwise delightfully indifferent world.
It also does not work as a video game boss. My reward for manning up and killing the cougar is.... more cougars. INSTANTLY spawned on top of my base. Up to three of the fuckers in a single map (aren't cougars solitary animals?). Killing it should feel satisfying, if only by removing a threat for at least a time and re-opening the map.
I'm posting this in the hope that Hinterland see's it. If the cougar get's fixed (again) this review changes in a heartbeat. I was SO excited for the cougar, and the fight itself is fun AF. It is inches from greatness.
From a sincere fan, pls fix.
Also your old logo was better.
Bought this game back in 2017, have been waiting them to finish the main story since then. 7 years later, they have put out multiple episodes of the paid DLC but haven't finished the main game. What kinda crap is that!?!
Will never again give a penny to this developer.
The Long Dark was a fun game, for a while. But any company that releases (and finishes) the DLC before it finishes the main story mode that shipped with the original game is a studio that doesn't have its priorities straight and doesn't deserve further patronage.
The fact that we're still waiting for a conclusion to Wintermute is INSANE.
I do not recommend; there are plenty of other survival games out there that actually got finished.
Feels like we've been waiting for the final episode for 5+ years. I keep seeing posts and updates from the dev team, but for the DLC only. To this day they have not finished the base game's final act. It's unfortunate because the game itself is pretty engaging and fun, but how do you trust a company or dev team that don't deliver on their word? They've released more for the DLC at this point than the main game, and did all of the DLC content in the time frame of just needing to finish off 1 final act of the main story. Cannot recommend.
Incredible gameplay! THE perfect survival game. As hard or as basic as you like, story mode or survival with ZERO story and ZERO assistance. Very smooth and beautiful to look at while also being difficult as heck!
Very addictive, great game.
finish your game. its been 10 years and there's paid dlc. but the game still isn't complete
Holy Scammy Devs, don’t touch this game.
Don’t support this developer with any money. I bought this game at christmas 2017, back then they promised they would deliver the Story to this alleged Single Player game. Rather quickly.
I haven’t played the game since Feburary 2018 and holy heck, they still keep lying to people about the last part of the Story coming a some point in the future. It’s been 6 years and this game still isn’t done or close to being done!
Don’t give these Devs money, and don’t say anything on the forums, for they will censor and ban you!
A work of art in all aspects.
Truly surpasses all expectations to create a unique and beautiful experience
(Please give fox pet)
It's just bad, and it needs to be said more often by people willing to explain the negative elements to other people who might make the mistake of purchasing this due to the enthusiasm of the community around it (as I did).
The biggest and most difficult to explain issue is the gameplay loop. It's difficult to explain the difference between "fun challenge" and "wiping your arse with sandpaper", but you know it when you're playing it. In most games you get a surge of adrenaline, fingers flying, or feel a little happy dance inside when you find the sword of god killing, or a sense of wonder at a newly discovered vista- something. Something that is a positive reinforcement and makes you want to keep playing. Almost all of the time playing this you will feel nothing like that. Instead what you get is a constant, gnawing anxiety. Ever worry about how you'll feed your kids, or have enough money to pay for a doctor because you're feeling off? This is that- the game! That is so, SO far from what I want in a video game it makes me want to burn the codebase to the ground. There are so, so many more open-world survival crafting games that will enrich your experience in this miserable world I cannot for the life of me determine why anyone who isn't a pampered billionaire who has never known suffering would want to do this to themselves.
The graphics would have been laughable in 2014 at EA. In 2024 it's just insulting. I get the impressionist style they're going for and that the featureless, miserable duotone of gray-white is supposed to be the icing on the misery cake that is the challenge loop, but it just looks like they gave up and it's unfinished, at best. At worst you can't tell what's what- rocks, containers, stumps, it all looks like the same set of shapeless poly-starved lumps. The ONLY time I thought "well that looks nice" was a sunrise from a watchtower. You don't have to have the latest engine pushing millions of polys. I have hundreds of hours in Valheim and think that game is beautiful, but the motivating force behind the art design was helping me have a good time. Like almost everything else in this, the barely-above-a-flash-game washed-out low-poly garbage pile that is the art design here feels like another layer of punishment for bothering. I've been in the woods in winter. There's a sparkling beauty to it even then which they CHOSE to strip away. Why, you miserable a-holes?
The UI is dated and clunky. I can't drink a soda straight out of the container I found it in, just one more papercut to the misery pie that is trying to play this. I can't drop an article of clothing if trying to decide to store or compare it. There are a pile of other time-wasting eff ups like that, I just couldn't be bothered to make a list. You will run across them, and they will annoy you every time.
Where is the narrative? That would have been unfair to ask when this was just a miserable survival sandbox, a concept which was pointless and boring even when it was inexplicably hot 8-9 years ago. But now they're selling this with a story. Except for years now that story has gone unfinished. What story IS there is honestly boring and far too tightly integrated with the grinding garbage game loop. If you make the difficulty too easy, your biggest challenges are throwing loot away and running out of sprint. If you make it harder, you're left stuck in a death spiral because you didn't spend dozens of hours learning the maps and how to min-max every decision to try and experience the narrative. The balance is off time and again. I eventually just gave up on the story because I didn't care, couldn't be arsed to fight my way there, and it's not even done anyway. Something like Subnautica has a challenging environment, large hand-crafted map, and a fabulous driving narrative where every run of progress you climb opens so many new aspects and details of the game to you. I listened to and read everything in that game. I couldn't be bothered to check the lore to this because it felt bolted on and half-baked, like everything that isn't centered around you freezing or starving to death, this sadistic POS's one true discernible driving philosophy.
Enh that's enough. Taste is taste, but if you've been on the fence on this one and it LOOKS fun watching very experienced players, try to find someone just starting out. Get a feel for what this curve is like, and then see how precious little fulfilling reward comes from mastering it. If you want to learn about calorie deficit and frostbite go outside for a little while- it'll still be less miserable than pouring your free time hours into this.
With the new update, the game has become get screwed by cougars simulator. They are endless and seem to spawn even more persistently than wolves, which you can at least deal with. You can't disable it, because they turn back on with updates and it breaks your save. What a joke.
Also, whenever I see someone expressing a grievance on the forums, the Devs don't reply very kindly. A lot just gets ignored unless its game breaking, and they tend to ignore most of the annoying bugs and glitches in the game. Just janky. Really tried to like this game, but it kind of gets tiring after a while. Just a frustration fest.
Crafting, Forging, Freezing, Hunting, Shooting and a Story Mode, Unique graphics make this game soooo much fun and enjoyable, if its to hard make it easier if its to easy make it harder and if your crazy play on the hardest diff and love/hate it :) A must play game !!!!!!!!!!!!!
TLDR: Excellent game, terrible dev studio and it's relationship towards its customers/supporters, noticable from not completing game development for more than 7 full years but also in censorship/banning of any critique in official and Steam forums (GAME STORE FORUM!)
It's 8th year since release and game is still not completed. Devs continuously failed to deliver on their own promises. Bought game because of the story mode (since not interested for survival), later bought DLC to help support studio (which is survival mode only). As reward, I never got delivered what I primarily paid for. Developers also suffer from "toxic positivity" phenomena and censors/deletes/bans users for any mention of critique, even when it's constructive. I am personally done with this dev studio, and I can't recommend funding developers which behave that way to it's customers.
One of the greatests I've ever played. Got it on day one, and the updates and DLC just made it 100% better. Relaxing and unsettling at the same time, and endless replay value.
Somehow the game got worse than before. More areas to get stuck in (character can't move because of geometry) or even softlocked.
There's also more bugs, some annoying, others literally game breaking (corrupted save) that was reported more than a year ago and never got fixed. Things that used to work fine now are buggy.
I used to like this game a lot but not anymore, it's just a very frustrating experience now. I regret buying the DLC.
Seven years after release, The Long Dark still hasn’t completed its main story, Wintermute. While the survival mechanics and atmosphere are solid, the lack of narrative closure is unacceptable.
Instead of focusing on finishing the story, the developers have released paid DLCs, which feels like a cash grab rather than a commitment to fulfilling their original promises. Early supporters who backed the game for its story mode are left waiting, with no clear resolution in sight.
If you’re looking for a complete experience, skip this one. It’s a disappointment for anyone who values narrative over endless sandbox gameplay.
Can't even install my game after yesterday's update. Keep getting a "Content file locked" error. Not to mention, WINTERMUTE, EPISODE FIVE still isn't available. Thumbs down till I can actually play the thing I paid for.
EDIT: changed "launch my game" to "Install my game"
New update with base customisation adds a really nice end game set of goals for you, ontop of a very solid and unique survival experience. It certainly has some painful moments like transferring items in and out of the travois when there is a small obstacle between bases and I also dont find the maps very useful without a player marker, but these are all minor things and not the main gameplay thankfully.
Oceanic survival has Subnautica, lush wilderness survival has Grounded, winter survival has The Long Dark. One of the best survival games ever made, and a fantastic game overall.
I only play this during the winter. With wind whistling outside windows and snow falling, this is perfect winter game.
There was a lot of effort put into this game, both graphics and physics of the game. The realism of the games inner working is amazing. I have played a long time and I have not encountered a single bug.
Listen, Hinterland. I've been with you (this game) for ten years now. The YEAR OF OUR LORD, TWENTY FOURTEEN.
Before the player had hand models, I was there.
Before wolf stuggles had animations, I was there.
When I had a group of friends gathered around me with snacks, watching this Early Access Cold Canada Wolf Game, until the run ended to a failed rifle shot, well of course I was there lol.
When there was a surge of discovery to take off all your clothes before you jump in the ice water after goodies on the frozen shoreline, I was there.
You have, with every update, given me everything I've ever wanted in this type of survival game.
We may not always agree on some decisions made, and even when you added a story, the survival mode was treated with equal importance. I saw the changes happen to Mystery Lake, the subtle detail updates, suddenly areas had... MORE. I loved it all. The immersion I feel in this game world is second to none other as far as survival goes. I would like to personally shake the hand of the audio designers. Even back in 2014 early access, you guys had it NAILED.
I may never play Wintermute. It's not the type of game I want. But, unlike many, almost every, other game out there that creates two or more (or like nineteen, WARFRAME) modes, SURVIVAL just always felt fantastic. I even noticed when you would tweak snowfall along the roadsides so I didn't break my friggin' ankles as much when running for my life from wolves or through a blizzard.
So, here's how this is gonna work. I'm gonna buy this Tales from the Far Territory DLC. It's probably going to kill many of my characters. I'm going to keep enjoying this game, and you? You're going to take my money, a second time.
I would have considered this a complete experience when you gave us Desolation Point, and the ability to finally craft our own tools. Now, at the end of 2024, as an early Christmas present, I can PUT PAINTINGS ON THE WALLS.
We can watch, together, all of us, as the collective community begins to photograph bear attacks as close to the last possible moment, as possible, then fills a house with them. Or all the houses. You did this. You have given us the perfect experience. I wish I didn't have to sleep.
They censor their own community whenever we ask about the rest of WINTERMUTE (which is what they used to sell the game initially), now I feel lied to about this product because it's been left unfinished and they are silencing anyone who wants to know when we'll get the rest of it.
These Devs have lost my faith as a result of their choices.
Also Episode 4 of Wintermute was a mess and they haven't touched on it in years.
Honestly such a great game, made by a brilliant team that keeps giving you more for your money. Picked it up years ago, haven't put it down since. Playing it is kind of like sitting indoors when it's miserable outside, makes me appreciate how warm and cosy I am.
I recommend if you want a challenging adventure. Never played the story but survival mode is my the best
The Long Dark is the best survival game that has ever been made.
It's by no means the most realistic, immersive, or the most polished game ever made, but it scratches a particular itch the way no other game does.
If you have ever found yourself watching "building a hut in the forest" video at 3 am on a Friday night on YouTube, daydreaming about what it would be like to take to the woods burdened by nothing but your own self-determination, this is exactly the game for you.
The first survival game I've played that feels like an actual survival game. It's difficult just to stay alive.
Slow but very fun.
Visually beautiful. various ways to play the game. Balancing is good. Even if you feel like you wouldn't be good at this game. the modes are so varied that I think anyone could find a place in this game.
Just loving the game. It's so immersive. (I am playing Wintermute by the way). Just finished the first episode. Gagging to get started on the second. Great Game Devs. Keep the episodes coming too !!
The campaign is a little difficult and weary. Some of its directives are complicated or can take a very long time. However, the survival mode is very relaxing. If you can play a game for a very long time without losing patience, I think this is for you.
this game, while it scares me in some way, makes me feel nostalgic and warm. i love the artstyle, music and mechanics.
I really love this game. Lonely in the Canadian snow. Asserting myself against the cold, the weather, the wildlife. Finding my way to gather the needed recources to survive another day.
Incredible game design, with a great balance of challenge and exploration, while also having a great amount of relaxing and calm moments to deal with the high stakes you can experience.
This is not a game for everyone, and it doesn't try to be. It has a wonderful identity and stylization, several hours of replay-ability, and a great sense of game design. It feels like it was made with genuine enjoyment and love for its genre.
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Разработчик | Hinterland Studio Inc. |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 19.01.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 89% положительных (35698) |