Разработчик: Silver Cow Studio
A mysterious visitor makes her appearance...
... but what is the enigmatic threat lurking in the shadows?
Join Rose, Kyo, Tessa and Michelle in the second episode of Time Tenshi Paradox, an episodic visual novel series from Silver Cow Studio!
Thanks to your grandfather's secret invention, a machine known as the Time Window, mankind's grandest dream - to travel through time - is now a reality! But only a select few have the power to visit centuries past... and as Kenji Johnson, you'll explore the amazing world of time travel with the group of girls known as the Time Tenshi!
Each episode of Time Tenshi Paradox features a compelling short story, with several choices to make along the way, including a major decision that unlocks an alternate route! There are also six illustrations to discover!
If each episode is popular, then we plan to release additional episodes on a regular basis!
The Time Tenshi series is already famous for its engaging plot and exciting story, and at Silver Cow Studio we work really hard to bring you a high quality production! We're confident you'll enjoy this brand new episode of Time Tenshi Paradox!
Who is the mysterious newcomer and what are her intentions?
Are the Time Tenshi really the only ones with the power to travel through history?
And are the menacing, hostile portals truly unstoppable?
-- -- --
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP or above
- Processor: Pentium 4 or above
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1280x720
- DirectX: Version 10
- Storage: 210 MB available space
- OS: Mac OS X 10.6 or above
- Processor: 64-bit
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1280x720
- Storage: 210 MB available space
- Processor: Pentium 4 or above
- Memory: 1 GB RAM
- Graphics: 1280x720
- Storage: 210 MB available space
Отзывы пользователей
In this episode of Time Tenshi Paradox, we learn more about our mysterious intruder and get introduced to another character. However, this is only episode 2, so don't expect a lot of crazy things happening. Why is she here? Who and what are these new characters? How about Rose/Kyo? Are they okay? Find out in this episode...hopefully.
Instead of recapping events and starting the plot off, this episode focuses on introducing us to new characters and getting you excited for the next episodes. I like the designs of the new characters and the background for the place they traveled to was nice to look at. Also, the effects they are using for the character portraits is nice as well. Not to mention that the secret endings are a nice touch.
The main problem with this episode is that it is too short for me to say a lot about it. For example, just when we could get some more information about a character, it is interrupted and they have to get into action. As an episode in a series, it is decent with all of the new things that are shown. On its own, despite showing all of these new things, it is just there to make the audience guess and question who these new characters are. Before you could get invested, it is already over. Overall, there is a lot of things happening, but at the same time, there isn't.
As of now, it has been two years since this episode released and no new episodes have came out since then. If Silver Cow comes back to this series, then I can recommend this game. Also, if you played all of the other games in the Time Tenshi series and want to buy these as well, then be my guest. Otherwise, you should just stick to Time Tenshi 1 and 2. Both are kinda short, but don't hurt their length by being episodic. These episodes are so short, I wonder how many these developers have planned. In closing, ONLY buy these if you have played the other ones AND if Silver Cow announces that they are making more episodes. Until then, just buy the first two games as these paradox episodes just leave you wanting more, but there hasn't been more for over 2 years. Thanks for reading my review and have a good day.
Because of this, I'll have to say "not recommend" to this game as of now.
I'll start this off with Silver Cow is a bad "company". They've been basically inactive for a year and a half on their Patreon hoping they could continue to milk to pledges while releasing a trickle of "we're totally doing something" updates. Half of the updates never came to fruition and are just dropped projects culminating into nothing. Getting paid to show no results is pretty sweet. HOWEVER! Taking ~800 dollars a month to produce nothing wasn't good enough for Silver Cow. They decided to create a Kickstarter to remake their first game but with the fetish content removed.
The most interesting part (to me) is the stretch goals were all things they were stringing Patrons along with. They said there would be VA work and it would be on the Switch and yet somehow they became Kickstarter Stretch Goals. After a year and a half of inactivity it would also take them ~8 more months to create Time Tenshi Redux But Lamer. This didn't go over that well and they lost ~300 dollars on their Patreon. So how did the Kickstarter do? It failed after getting a "mysterious" last minute donation of ~1500 dollars (their own, I assume) putting them above the all-or-nothing funding goal. It was mysteriously cancelled on the same day it was funded and Silver Cow, being very transparent, didn't address it at all. It took them 27 days to break the silence of sitting on their buttocks collecting supporter money to announce that it would be "self-funded".
That brings us to today. Currently Silver Cow is pushing ahead with Remake which would be whatever but they've also started deleting any and all criticism from their Patrons. No matter how polite it is worded. Criticism is not allowed even if you give them money so they kind of forced my hand. As for the games? They gradually got worse after 2. Paradox is straight up abandoned at this point as they try to chase the normie buck by making shovelware for the Switch. Yes, Bargain Hunter, I mean you. Frankly, I wouldn't recommend anything from Silver Cow. TT2 was their high point and then they took a tumble. If you were here for fetish stuff? Less and less as the games came out and what was there was low quality. Story? Time Tenshi 2 was serviceable but after that there was a pretty big drop going to Paradox and their other non-TT games. In the end, mediocre games helmed by a bad developer. Though this one was probably the most ResidentSleeper.
Following the Whole Time Machine break The Gang Find this Mystery Girl known as Beth Shes from Far Distant Future And she can Predict whats gonna Happen. Although The Time Machine shield broke they still Had to investigate to find out whats going on Little did they know An Unknown Person Named Cynthia Appeared And Shocked tessa for no reason. In the end Another Uknown Person Showed Only her eyes could it be........Nah not gonna spoil it haha Find out still What AN Amazing series And i jsut Found out there gonna be Making New time tenshi Idk what yet But Im excited Still amazing Game again short But I loved it.
Good game :). But do play previous ones first :).
A run-on from Time Tenshi 2 with nothing extra to add.
No, it's not recommended.
I am torn by this chapter. New faces, new challenges and new ideas are beginning to show themselves but once again it's just too short to enjoy. I support this game series and sincerely want to see where it's going but I feel like the "episodes" formula was a bad change and would prefer to wait for a proper sized decent game with all the fun visuals and variant edings included.
Not much to say great dialogue. Awesome strength effect from the time window i hope the effects get stronger and the girls are less resistantin the future. i know that not right but im just thinking of the fans here i hope.
Also i like the new characters added in. From the end of it I think Beth is working with Princess Neufe-re and Cythnia is still alive probably captured by the princess since she is causing the rift portals. Also believe that difference after effects should added to make the game more interesting. Also im still hyping and hoping episode 3 to be about Kenji Rose Tessa Kyo Michelle and Tensai working on and discussing about the quantum guards. And hopefully have practice PVP matches in the time window and hopefully the player(Kenji) can chose which assault mode the girls will have. And hopefully Michelle cam added in this PVP while Tensai maintains the lab with his son Kenji on standby or in the time window as referee.
Thank you very much Silver Cow Studios i truly love all your Time Tenshi series. As well as the other ones.
oh man where to start with this. silver cow studio WTH happened man did the money go to ur guys heads or something else. when the first episode came out i was like all right i'll give it a shot and it was alright but nothing like time tenshi 2. i really don't know whats going on but you guys really need to sit down and refocuse cuz this is just bad. these new episodes are shorter than Time Tenshi 2 and developed in about the same. these new episodes barely even focuse on the original characters i wish i could reccomend this but i just can't, it doesnt really have much of anything that made the first two games amazing just one BE scene thats barely anything compared to TT2 this episodic thing really isnt working.
I really like the Time Tenshi stories and their easy way of explaining some very complex concepts such as paradoxes and causality loops, but the new one that is broken into episodes, I'm not such a fan.
I realise that it's a device to get content to fans quicker as each step is completed, but the episodes are too short and the wait between them too long, personally I would rather have waited a year for the whole game, or 6 months for a 2 part game.
Aside from anything else, I've seen games released like this in the past and it worries me that interest will diminish to the point where it's no longer viable to produce the episodes and then the fans that have spent out on each one never get a conclusion to the game.
Please keep going, it's a good game, but please bear my comments in mind?
Thanks for reading
I think that episode 2 was okay, but the first one was definitely better. It's more focused on the development of the story and the introduction of two new characters, so don't expect to see much fanservice. The only thing I didn't like was the fact that Rose and Kyo barely show up. Hopefully, that won't happen again in the next episode. There are two endings, one for Rose and one for Kyo, and a secret ending for another character. (Tessa)
Some plots were expanded in this episode, and the story progressed some as well.
Another episodic release of Time Tenshi Paradox.
Many questions answered and new ones asked.
The art is good, especially some of the new animations are a great improvement.
The story continues onward.
Good music/sounds as always.
If you are looking for Kyo, Rose, and Michelle, you will be dissapointed as they dont even show up as much (1-2 scenes at most). Also, not enough tiddie.
I actually liked this Episode better than Episode 1, simply because there's more going on. The writing could use some work, simply because some of it felt...well, off. But other than that, it does a good job of introducing new elements to the Time Tenshi universe, such as there being Time Tenshi in the future and enemies other than Chrontek. Also, I like how Silver Cow is pushing the special effects, such as when Tessa blasts a door out of its frame.
Now I've seen some complaints about there not being enough ecchi in this episode, what with only one BE sequence. Personally, I disagree. I would liken a Visual Novel such as Time Tenshi to being a cake; the story and artwork are the cake proper, while things such as fan service and special effects being the frosting. The frosting is there to add some extra sweetness, etc. to the cake, to enhance it. But too much sweetness and sugar will ruin a cake, every single time. You should never sacrifice the story to cram in more frosting, so to speak. Yes, there isn't that much ecchi in this episode, but there is also a lot to cover here. We have the future Time Tenshi Beth and the introduction of her capabilities and technology. We also have Kenji, Tensai, and Tessa asking a lot of questions of Beth, making certain that she is to be trusted. And we have a new antagonist in the form of Cynthia, the continuing threats of the vortex portals, and dropping a major hint as to who's behind the current crisis. To put it simply, there's no real space for extra fanservice that wouldn't result in the compromising of the story.
So while this might be a slow chapter, that doesn't make it bad. Every story has its slow points with things that need to be covered. And this episode sets the stage for much of what's to come.
It's surely better than Episode 1, nice characters and story, 3 hidden endings as well. Recommended for the price.
Time Tenshi is a known guilty pleasure of mine, both for the fetish half and the story half (okay, mostly the fetish half), but despite buying all of Silver Cow's games and continuing to buy the Paradox series it's hard to really recommend it to anyone except other people like me who just want to support them.
The episodic format is just not working; the intention seems to be to make short episodes that can be released quickly, but the last episode was 4 months ago, and I had all but forgotten what happened in it by the time I started this. This episode is about as short as the last, and I had only clocked in 26 minutes before reaching the end (you can replay it to see different choices and get a few bonus end scenes with Tessa, Kyo, and Rose, but that only adds about another 10-20 minutes). That'd be fine if it used the episodic nature in an interesting way, like how Telltale's games at least pretend to honor your choices for an episode or two, but the only choice in the first episode was which girl you get a bonus scene with and the second episode just straight asks you which one you picked, and going forward it doesn't look like there's going to be any sort of way to keep track of your decisions. Most of the story choices beyond the dating only amount to two or three different lines of text before they converge on the same linear path, presumably because they can't keep track of lots of branching paths going from episode to episode. The story is at least interesting, but it feels like it's being sold short by its own design.
I continue to shamelessly support these developers for the sake of huge gazongas and interesting-enough stories, but I feel like they do a lot better when they're just making one big game instead. Even from the fetish perspective, the kink scenes are relegated to one or two per episode, and they seem shy to do anything big with them. I've always thought these VNs were the sort that could benefit from moving away from Steam's restrictions, if only to get away from the vocal outcriers who think anything bigger than D cups is a grotesque deformation (and let us not forget the equally vocal, ever-present "why would anyone play a game with giant cowjugs in it? what are you, a bunch of virgins?" crowd who incessantly swarm the forums of games not marketed towards them in any way to proudly declare their unsolicited and equally unwanted opinions) and give them more freedom to do what they obviously seem to want, but it feels much more limiting in this format, when the scenes can go months between each other instead of less than an hour.
I'm personally going to keep buying these anyways because I'm invested in the series, but I think they would benefit a lot from rethinking their plan for this series, and potentially their future series as well. The episodes are so short that playing them feels like driving in a start-and-stop traffic jam, with every episode ending before it feels like it's even started to establish anything, and it's making the story as a whole more difficult to stay invested in.
I'm a huge fan of the Time Tenshi series, but this episode misses a lot of what the Time Tenshi fans keep coming back for. Both Kyo and Rose get almost no screen time, we got only 1 BE scene, and the rest was story development. I understand that these 'Episodes' are supposed to be smaller segments in order to allow for faster releases but I felt like this episode had almost no content. Time Tenshi 2 was a huge hit because you gave the fans what they wanted: A rich story filled game with BE Ecchi content. This episode managed to fill just under a quarter of that in my book. Overall I give it a 2 out of 10.
The one good thing I noticed from this episode was the attention to additional graphics and effects. But I don't purchase Time Tenshi games to see a door get blasted open.
As a long term fan and continued supporter, I highly suggest the developers refocus on what their fans want. Don't get too focused on what has to make sense in the series.
Thank you.
Very good. A lot better then Episode 1.
More content.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Silver Cow Studio |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 56% положительных (18) |