Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition

Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition

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Разработчик: Streum On Studio

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Space Hulk: Deathwing - Enhanced Edition ― это шутер от первого лица, действия которого разворачиваются во вселенной Warhammer 40,000. Игра расширяет рамки оригинальной игры и включает большое количество нового контента.

Примерьте на себя роль космодесантника из Крыла Смерти ― вселяющей ужас в сердца врагов 1-й роты таинственного ордена Темных Ангелов ― и вступите в яростную схватку с генокрадами в тесных коридорах Космического скитальца. Становитесь сильнее, приобретайте умения и навыки и овладевайте разрушительным оружием по мере приобретения опыта. Играйте в одиночку или участвуйте в кооперативной игре по сети совместно с 4 другими игроками.




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Новые опасности поджидают игроков в космическом скитальце Олетрос! Вашему отряду предстоит выкладываться по полной в противостоянии с новыми, более разнообразными генокрадами и гибридами с улучшенными боевыми качествами.
Настраивайте по-своему любой класс как в одиночной, так и в сетевой игре, чтобы продемонстрировать свою доблесть в качестве одного из лучших воинов Императора! С помощью персонализации можно влиять как на внешность, так и на игровой процесс.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese, korean

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-2400/AMD FX-8320
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: 2 GB, DirectX 11, AMD Radeon HD 7870/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit)
  • Процессор: Intel Core i7-3770/AMD FX-8350
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 970 4GB/AMD Radeon R9 290 4GB
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 05.03.2025 00:41
          0 0

          Game is not good. Among its faults, doesn't let you assign some normal keyboard keys as keybindings.

          Время в игре: 6 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.03.2025 00:19
          0 0

          Like L4D but in the Warhammer 40000 universe. Wish I had a better pc though so it would run more smoothly.

          Время в игре: 64 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.02.2025 15:41
          0 0

          Good but should have been an updated to the old game

          Время в игре: 1993 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.02.2025 21:02
          0 0

          Doesn't look that pretty, sound design is really poor, dialogues are boring as hell (ok it's a warhammer game I get it but man, it's tough ), and the gameplay... oh by the Emperor, it's really bad executed. Ennemies appear right behind you and sometimes right in front of you, materialising out of fine air (I am not exagerating, with 120 FOV it's badly hidden). The powers system is really blurry, I had trouble understanting what each power does because in the turorial only ONE class is shown, and the UI is crap, no style and bad at given crucial information...
          Plus the traduction are really messy and badly implemented (in french in my experience).

          I tried to play in coop with a friend, knowing that the game was made for group of 4. We thought that were going to be Bots at least. No. Nothing in multiplayer. They exist in solo, but not in multiplayer... What ? Oh and 4 minutes to respawn... every death... to come back to the exact same gameplay... even in MOBAs they don't put that much
          To resume, it's a Paranoia simulator with a slight theme of Warhammer 40k. If you want a "similar" experience (not in the big chunky boy feeling but more in the L4D2) just play Darktide... Ok I can hear that the game isn't perfect but at least it has MUSIC (yea no music in Deathwing, not even bad one just nothing to put you in the mood of killing xenos).

          Время в игре: 87 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.02.2025 22:32
          0 0

          beautiful design. very cool and immersive and DARK
          lots of neat upgrades to grind for, and lots of maps and challenging levels to play

          Время в игре: 1032 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.02.2025 18:09
          0 0

          Good for multiplayer, but no no for single player.

          Время в игре: 564 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 20.02.2025 05:05
          0 0

          This is the ideal dungeon crawling experience as envisioned by Gary Gygax. Your terminator armor is fat so you have to go through hallways single file to have decent mobility, if you want to shoot around the guy in the front he has to stand in the center or left and you have to stick your gun around his right side. In the third or fourth rank? You're not hitting anything unless you use a flamethrower. In order to figure out where to go someone needs to consult their map, during which the team needs to cover said person. You will frequently be attacked from the front, rear, and any connecting corridors. The different guns feel unique and serve different purposes.

          Время в игре: 183 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 18.02.2025 17:23
          0 0

          Movement is really cluncky and moving between areas is a horrible time. Combat is kind of good. But the lack of worldbuilding, lore, story abd mobility of the characters turn the thumb down.

          Время в игре: 107 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 18.02.2025 10:19
          0 0

          if you have friends to play this with then this is a very good game, however if you just want to do things casually and play solo this game can be pretty rough, the AI's are pretty annoying to use an play with. basically, got friends then go for it, if not then dont expect a blast from it.

          Время в игре: 197 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 18.02.2025 06:39
          1 0

          This game is a hidden gem. I'm really surprised it's not more popular. I only got into 40k like 6-7 months ago so a few months ago I went and bought all the different 40k related titles and I just got around to playing this and was really impressed.

          Время в игре: 1347 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.02.2025 23:47
          0 0

          gun go brrr, bugs go splat, we all happy :)

          Время в игре: 220 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 13.02.2025 22:29
          1 0

          Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition is one of the most immersive Warhammer 40K experiences available, delivering intense first-person Terminator combat, an atmospheric setting, and faithful attention to the grimdark universe of the Imperium. While it has its flaws, this is the closest you’ll get to feeling like a walking tank purging xenos in the name of the Emperor.

          The game nails the Warhammer 40K aesthetic. The interiors of the Space Hulks are massive, gothic, and eerie, filled with towering cathedrals, derelict halls, and crumbling machinery from ancient battles. The sound design is phenomenal—bolters thunder, power swords crackle, and the cries of charging Genestealers send chills down your spine.

          Combat is brutal and satisfying. Playing as a Deathwing Librarian, you wield iconic Terminator weaponry, including storm bolters, assault cannons, and heavy flamers, alongside devastating psychic abilities. The sheer weight and power of your armor makes every engagement feel intense, as you slowly but relentlessly carve through hordes of Genestealers. The Enhanced Edition adds more weapons, abilities, and customization, making the combat feel even better.

          The atmosphere is a standout feature. Unlike most horde shooters, Space Hulk: Deathwing leans into horror elements, with dim lighting, labyrinthine corridors, and sudden ambushes that keep you on edge. The feeling of being trapped in a massive, derelict spaceship, surrounded by xenos, is executed perfectly.

          While the game’s AI and mission variety can be hit-or-miss, and movement in Terminator armor can feel deliberately slow, these elements add to the immersion rather than detract from it. Co-op mode is where the game truly shines, as coordinating with fellow Terminators makes every skirmish feel like a true Space Marine operation.

          If you’re a Warhammer 40K fan, Space Hulk: Deathwing Enhanced Edition is one of the best ways to experience the universe firsthand.

          Rating: 7/10 – A brutal, immersive Warhammer 40K experience that makes you feel like a true Terminator. Purge the xenos!

          Время в игре: 621 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.02.2025 00:54
          0 0

          Ultimate power fantasy. wonderful game if a bit clunky at first, but it hits a note no other game can when you have a squad to play with and slaughter xenos.

          Время в игре: 635 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.02.2025 07:29
          0 0

          Fun maps and enemies. Depending how you like to play, you can melee or use ballistic and energy weapons to suit your style.

          Время в игре: 574 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.02.2025 05:00
          0 0

          Pretty fun Warhammer game to play with the friends. I hope one day we pick it up again and finish the campaign (now that the Space Marine games have made me a fan)

          Время в игре: 96 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.02.2025 01:36
          1 0

          i like it, kinda hard but but more a slow deliberate game than a fast paced shooter, like playing a tank that can punch stuff.

          Время в игре: 560 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 08.02.2025 20:25
          0 0

          I slept on this game and holy Terra this is amazing. Kill the xenos.

          Время в игре: 2273 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.02.2025 06:09
          1 0

          One of the worst 40K games I have ever played, I tried to like this game but the ridiculousness of the gameplay at the lowest level is staggering. Largest issue is target selection, game is so full of head wobble, flare, and the inability to see anything much less attack it during a swarm that it is impossible for you to target anything much less kill anything (and yes I reduced the wobble and flare to low via the options screen, while I no longer wanted to puke it still sucked) NPC control is via the spacebar and then point with the mouse to select your action so forget getting healed or healing them during a swarm in any effective manner. Enemy weapons are seriously OP, a light laser/stubber will reduce you to dead in a few seconds while the most powerful plasma cannon takes a few hits to kill lesser infantry? Dialogue is mundane and uninteresting with allot of rhetoric phrases that mean nothing because you re gonna die when you get to a chokepoint/objective anyway due to the game physics. Save points suck because it saves after you emerge from a warp gate and not when you enter it/ so going back and choosing better weapons will not happen. Weapon load out is weak, and locked, so forget choosing the force sword with many of the bolt pistols and others. Thankfully i bought this on sale.

          Время в игре: 699 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.02.2025 13:05
          0 0

          if you told me two years ago i could play as a walking tank with a flamethrower and burn heretics i wouldnt believe you but you can with this game

          Время в игре: 291 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.02.2025 03:47
          0 1

          This game was fucking terrible. Felt like shit, terrible gun play, melee was useless. Instant refund.
          Not even worth the $5 i paid.

          Время в игре: 22 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.02.2025 09:39
          1 0

          One of the best immersive 40k experiences you'll ever have. Excellent campaign both for solo or co-op. Great multiplayer mode with plenty of options to play how you want.

          Время в игре: 1418 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.02.2025 16:56
          2 0

          Environments look good....thats literally it. These devs clearly like 40k as every game they've made has either been influenced by it or been a licensed 40k game.

          None of them are very good. This one is no different. E.Y.E has its supporters, but it's the only one I haven't played so idk but you can't say it isn't obviously jank af. I have played this and hired gun, I couldn't last for longer than a couple hours in both due to them just being awful and I have an unusually high tolerance for kinda jank games, mods, and 90s classics with archaic graphics. I can't, however, deal with dog water gameplay and systems.

          Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.02.2025 13:54
          2 0

          I only played the co-op mode, this is easily one of the worst coop games I've ever tried and I've played a lot of them. The design is a mess; it is full of hilarious bugs though if those improve the experience for you.

          Время в игре: 831 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.01.2025 16:34
          1 0

          if u looking for a story game with cutscenes and story telling this isnt for u
          space hulk is missions are same . spawn in battleship kill tyranids and go next chapter . no cinematic no cutscense just that . i searched youtube for end game and even in that there wasnt cinematic
          maps are too dark and if u increase brightness just make game awful . soundtrack : ha?!?!?
          ai is horrible ur friend in game just walk and die as soon as possible
          only good thing about this game is verity of gun

          Время в игре: 191 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.01.2025 21:03
          1 0

          BROTHERS. if you like the idea of stomping heads of heretics for the name of the emperor than this game is for you... not only is the campaign amazing (and the fact that this game runs smooth on my 2016 HP laptop) the multiplayer is great as well, i highly recommend for a nice little rage induced heretic hobo murder spree... or as a fun game to play as well.

          Время в игре: 208 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.01.2025 04:19
          0 1

          easy to run, looks good, fun gameplay you can play over and over with all the classes in multi. decent story, with good gameplay (even with bots). if you like warhammer or even just how badass terminators are. this is a must have game, especially with friends to play multi

          Время в игре: 11183 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 14:32
          2 1

          The game is OK. I finished the first chapter which culminated in a hold the position type wave assault that went on for far too long. The cut scene at the end of the chapter was a bit underwhelming compared to the cinematic when first breaching the hulk. I am playing on an RTX 4070 Super and the graphics don’t look anywhere near as good as the storefront screenshots do so, I am not sure that they are representative of the actual game considering that the recommended GPU is a GTX 970. I don’t see myself continuing this as there is really nothing here to suck me in. I would recommend this game if you are a WH40K fan and can get it on a steep discount. Full price $29.99 USD is not a value but at current 85% off $4.49 USD it is worth a look.

          Время в игре: 229 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.01.2025 02:49
          0 0

          While not a horrible game, it simply delivers little to no emotion. I didn't play much because at no point I felt true fun, which I HAVE felt with many other games.
          The pace of the game is very slow, specially compared to what they show in the trailers. It's not meant to be played tactically, but it's not nearly as frenetic as other WH games.
          The gunplay is mostly brainlessly pressing M1 until the bad guys are dead, but you can also just spam Q if you prefer to get them close.
          Depending on the healer bot to get your HP back, instead of going for a good 'ol ground-medikit system is truly annoying. Often you will need to get healed, but the bots on your squad will ALSO be near death, so you're gonna have to keep waiting there until the medkits are recharged so you can heal both (or you can risk getting your teammate dead -which you will-).
          The AI is simply embarassing, not even half-an-enemy fights in a smart way, so the difficulty relies on having a bunch of enemies randomly distributed and shooting you from everywhere, which goes agains the limited movement that the game gives you -no jumping, running requires to have stamina and the bar goes empty before you can even cross a hallway-
          Also, instead of everyone feeling strong, they all feel weak. It feels like you're weak, but your enemies are weak too, so it's "balanced".
          In defense of the game, I will say that I had HUGE expectations, and maybe I am mixing dissapointment with disliking.
          If you prefer a slow-paced shooting game, you might enjoy it. But if you prefer something with tons of constant action, I suggest Space Marine (both 1 and 2) or Gunbolt.

          Время в игре: 49 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.01.2025 22:57
          1 0

          The game is pretty dead, but not as dead as those disgusting xenos. FOR THE EMPEROR!!!!! FOR THE LION!!!!!!!
          REPENT FOR TOMORROW, YOU DIE!!!!!!!!!!

          Время в игре: 183 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.01.2025 16:11
          8 3

          Unpleasant shaking of the camera when running, the map has confusing corridors in which it is not clear where to go and this gets boring very quickly.

          Время в игре: 27 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 22.01.2025 05:42
          2 0

          Not the game I expected. Feels pretty clunky. The main character is bulky which is sort of weird playing first person since a lot of the field of vision is obstructed. The intro was also not that compelling. I did not give this a proper attempt to truly rate it, so you should see for yourself if this is your style of game. Felt more like a co-op squad based game versus a solo campaign/story driven game, which is more what I was anticipating/hoping for.

          Время в игре: 10 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 21.01.2025 22:47
          1 0

          Hugely underrated game. If you manage to find people to play with it's really really fun.

          Время в игре: 1146 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 21.01.2025 03:11
          2 1

          I really like the game. That atmosphere is great, textures, lighting and sound are all amazing. One caveat that drives me nuts though is that the controller is nigh unusable. Joystick speed is lightning fast and the tactics do not work with the D-pad. I am using a standard XBOX Controller that Steam tells me is fully compatible, but I could not even finish the tutorial using a controller. I had to switch to mouse and keyboard. Did some digging online and see this is a common complaint. Also, voice lines are a bit stale. I think I heard the same voice line probably 50-100 times in just the first mission alone so some variation would have been nice.

          Время в игре: 71 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 10.01.2025 21:52
          0 0

          AI is really bad, you have to manage other units to heal you while getting blasted.

          I wish Warhammer games like this were not only made for Co op.

          Single player is an awful experience.

          Время в игре: 104 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.01.2025 09:36
          0 0

          Death wing is a great 40k sci fi horror shooter with all sorts of mechanics that makes you come back to play it more!

          Время в игре: 391 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.01.2025 03:23
          0 0

          Nope. Another big miss of a game. Could have been a great game except for terrible controls, awful level design and a bad plot.

          Время в игре: 111 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.01.2025 22:59
          0 0

          A horde game where you have to use your brain, it's a good game that could use some polish
          I like the gunplay and corridor crawling, planning my route towards the objective ( wheter it's campaign or a random special mission).

          The feeling of imperial weaponry is amazing, melee has a blocking and counter attacking mechanic and i love it.

          The AI behave as it should although i would have prefered a way to control their skills as they are not equipped to deal with stalker strains usually resulting in their demise from critical hits from the shadows, maybe a team progression/upgrade for Special missions would have been good.

          The graphic is 10/10, the attention to detail is incredible and you have inscriptions everywhere, even weapons.

          The story is...i mean you have to punch genestealers who cares anyway?

          Not an easy game with a progression curve for both your AI buddies control and gameplay itself

          Время в игре: 8973 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.01.2025 17:56
          1 1

          I put off playing this game for ages, and I wish I put it off for longer because this game fucking sucks

          Время в игре: 305 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.01.2025 04:21
          0 0

          This game is fantastic! A stupid fun time. Endless waves of Tyranids and lots of environmental storytelling. The Black Templar ship recently added is very cool. The weapons and customization are top notch.

          Время в игре: 733 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.01.2025 13:30
          0 0

          this game is not very good single player but and this is a big but if you are able to get some friends online to play this game is great

          Время в игре: 262 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.01.2025 10:10
          1 0

          press q to remove the door - dave the door technician

          Время в игре: 109 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.01.2025 05:10
          0 0

          its really fun with friends in coop lots of customization

          Время в игре: 318 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.01.2025 21:31
          0 0

          Amazing atmosphere, sounds and visuals. Campaign and gameplay is immersive. You really feel like a space Marine in Terminator armour stomping across the space hulk. Multiplayer is a blast with people. NPC brothers can sometimes be annoying, getting the way. Mainly trying to close a door before a sea of Aliens come our way and getting Ganked by them. Either way great game to play solo or with people.

          Время в игре: 860 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.01.2025 09:31
          1 0

          Tried like hell to like this POS. As soon as you die for no reason... You have to start the fuck all the way over.
          Thumbs down on this crap.

          Время в игре: 491 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 15:14
          2 0

          It might be good as a product of its time, but compared to games now, it is lacking extensively.
          the price should have been lower than the sale, brother. My dissapointment is immense

          Время в игре: 219 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 01:28
          1 0

          Buggy as all heck....the menus and buttons randomly stop letting me select them- forcing me to force close the game, relaunch and hope my progress was saved. Annoying beyond comprehension, why has this not been addressed in the decade and a half since its original launch? Unbelievable, I am not happy

          Время в игре: 318 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.12.2024 22:49
          1 0

          While people may say it's a terrible game with a basic story and basic combat I believe this is one of the best 40K games out there. Playing as a terminator is so fun and the genestealers are a great enemy. I got this on sale for $7 and It is a purchase I will enjoy. The singleplayer is really fun however the multiplayer is where this game excels. to bad only 90 people play this game. I believe this game deserves a positive if not very positive rating instead of the mostly positive this game is stuck with.

          Время в игре: 288 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.12.2024 19:07
          1 0

          Main campaign will take around 8 hours, Side content isnt really worth it unless you have buddy's to play with.

          over all its a good experience, I just wish that the game was more open in its loadout customization options. As it is your sort of stuck using a storm-bolter or storm-bolter MK2 if you want to use the psyker abilities* and you get both guns at the start of the game, so for me it never really felt like I got any fun options that weren't a downgrade from what I was already using.

          *You can use any psyker abilities with any of the weapons, however you can only equip the two melee weapons that drastically lower your psyker abilities cooldowns if you are using the storm-bolter or storm-bolter MK2

          Время в игре: 1883 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.12.2024 02:09
          1 0

          Tutorial does not work, so can't actually get through to the new campaign.

          Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.12.2024 02:12
          0 0

          a horror classic love war hammer horror games such as this needs to be more like it and the emperor protects.

          Время в игре: 1335 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик Streum On Studio
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 07.03.2025
          Отзывы пользователей 74% положительных (5418)

          Отзывы пользователей

          4,004 положительных и 1,414 отрицательных отзывов
          Обновлено: 06.03.2025 18:44


          Action Adventure


          Single-player Multi-player Co-op Online Co-op Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Cloud Family Sharing