

Steam Store

Разработчик: Geoff Nagy

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What Can I Expect?

Hypergate includes a 2-hour single-player campaign, and an Instant Action mode for building your own custom battle scenarios. Instant Action can be played single-player or over LAN with friends. The campaign includes a brief, simple tutorial mission. Additional game mechanics are introduced over the first few missions.

The game includes 14 different space-based battle locations, 24 different upgrades for your ship (6 for each category: shields, guns, missiles, and coolant), 6 other upgradeable enhancements, and 3 fighters to fly. Both 1st-person and 3rd-person view are supported.

Enemies belong to either one of two different factions, and include fighters, turrets of various sizes, large cruisers, and reinforcement gates. The largest possible space battles can include dozens of cruisers and hundreds of fighters. Customer reviews for this game have stated that Hypergate's combat style is similar to Freespace 2 or Star Wars: X-Wing.

Hypergate includes full controller, keyboard, and mouse support. Controls can be customized to suit player preference. Monitor support includes 13 different resolutions, including ultra-widescreen formats. Fly with auto-leveling, or control pitch, roll, and yaw manually. Considerable player feedback has been taken into account to provide a solid in-game flying experience.

The game also includes 30 Steam Achievements, a global Steam Leaderboard, and Steam Cloud Saves to sync your mission progress and upgrades across your devices.

What Can I Not Expect?

Hypergate has no grinding, resource balancing, or asteroid mining. In as little as three mouse clicks, you can begin a mission and start earning points by scoring kills against enemies. Flight style is non-Newtonian. Dual HOTAS is (currently) not supported.

Does the Game Have Online DRM?

No. It used to, but it was ultimately removed March 2020 on player requests. Ultimately, I want players to enjoy Hypergate and not be punished for having Internet problems.

Are Updates Planned?

Yes. Two major updates have already been released: Content Update #1, and Content Update #2. Most of the content in these updates were prioritized based on player requests and interest.

An additional 2 hours of single-player campaign missions is also currently under development for Content Update #3. The planned release date of Content Update #3 is some time in late 2021. Updates are regular game updates and not separate DLC.

Want to Learn More?

The best way to see upcoming content and features is to check out my Twitter page, which is almost exclusively dedicated to Hypergate GIFs. I post new GIFs roughly every few days. Similarly, my development blog highlights important updates and outlines my development philosophy. Please also consider joining the newly-created Hypergate Discord Server to chat with myself or existing players about Hypergate.

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • OS *: Windows 8
  • Processor: 2 GHz, Quad-Core Processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7660G or Intel UHD Graphics 630
  • Storage: 420 MB available space
  • Sound Card: OpenAL-capable sound card


  • Processor: 2 GHz, Quad-Core Processor
  • Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • Graphics: AMD Radeon HD 7660G or Intel UHD Graphics 630
  • Storage: 420 MB available space
  • Sound Card: OpenAL-capable sound card

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 03.01.2025 23:26
0 0

Worth the price. Good game feel, easy to pick up, a bit easy at times, and some of the later missions feel to long. Would love to see this updated lots of potenial

Время в игре: 220 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.07.2022 14:53
0 0

Big fan of Freespace 2, I was hoping for a similar experience.

Unfortunately, controls are a mess. I spent apparently 17 minutes in the settings page without being able to find the configuration I want. Mouse control is weird. Move it and the ship will turn towards the cursor indefinitely, so you have to recenter the cursor in the middle for the ship to stop turning. Why not simply turning with the mouse? if the mouse stops moving then the ship should stop turning as well. I was hoping something like a FPS or Freespace.
Keyboards and controllers are fine but not precise enough. I gave up.

Время в игре: 17 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.01.2022 15:09
0 0

This is a great space combat game!

Some reviews likened it to TIE Fighter and Freespace etc. I think that's misleading, this game is much more casual -- which is good thing if you like flying a space ship and blow things up from your couch using only a controller.

Some negative reviews complained about always-online-DRM. This has been removed by the developer a while ago.


  • Fun space combat with tight controls
  • A lot of ship upgrades to unlock
  • Nice visuals
  • Native Linux support
  • Runs on potatoes and still looks good (like my old i3 laptop with integrated HD5500 graphics)
  • Responsive developer


    [*] Short campaign (but you can create your own battles)

Get it and watch your six!

Время в игре: 466 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.07.2021 16:07
0 0

It's a very basic but decent space shooter if gotten on sale. Campaign is only 10 levels and very easy so far. Good mindless fun but not much else. 6.5/10

Время в игре: 58 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.03.2021 00:00
1 0

Honestly, for the $5 I got it for on sale, not a bad purchase.

It's a simple arcade space combat game, as it says:
- NO always-online DRM anymore
- 10 missions + 1 Training Mission
- New ship purchases, basic upgrades for your ship and new weapons (Should have an option to access hangar directly from campaign mission menu too).
- Basic gameplay/controls, which feel very good, with basic main weapons and secondary missiles; Similar feel to FreeLancer. The windscreen wipers are an...interesting addition to your weaponry hahaha
- One objective in each mission; Destroy all ships and capital ship sub systems/turrets. The story is sort of just tagged on for the ride.
- AI isn't really a challenge, even played with a joystick as I did (Thrustmaster T.16000m). I was demolishing A.I. even late game with relatively weak upgrades. Also lacks a good variety of ships to destroy besides fighters, capital ships and portals.
- Graphics wise, it's pretty good, the style is a bit bland but it gets you by. I love the broken glass distortion when you take major hull damage, nice touch.
- Audio and voice acting are quite good too.

One thing that did bug me a little was not having a throttle axis. You're always moving forward, and can either press a button to slow right down (Though not stop) or a button to boost forward. This makes hitting stationary targets like capital ship turrets or portal power coils a bit cumbersome as you have to make multiple runs.

Overall, it's not a bad purchase for 2-3 hours of quick, space-combat fun.
However, I wouldn't pay more than $10 personally, so wait for a sale if you want to pick it up.
I doubt it's a game I'll personally come back to after I complete the main campaign once or twice, at least to unlock more ship upgrades, bit it's a good bit of fun for a short play time.

Время в игре: 96 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.12.2020 18:43
0 0

Don't normally review on steam but for the price, this game is super fun, just jump into instant action blast at the other fleet and watch the pretty spaceships make prettier explosions!

Only thing I would add is a bomber to really nail the capital ships with!

Время в игре: 28 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.05.2020 22:18
1 0

A somewhat short campaign with fun gameplay. While the gameplay and skirmish modes are not as deep as X-wing Alliance, the game offers exciting dogfighting and a small variety of guns and missiles to help give the game some flavor. While I will recommend this game, I do want to point out that the really only mode there is currently is fighter vs fighter without any defensive objectives.

I would like to see the addition of defensive protection missions, hit and run missions, the addition of more unique looking fighters (right now all the enemies look very similar to the player ship) and a larger (more than 4) types of the larger unplayable corvettes. More variation in corvette size and design would greatly help this game.

Время в игре: 196 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.03.2020 05:19
2 0

It's got plenty of polish in some places, I like the cracked window, and the way radio chatter gets noisier when you're far away; aside from the occasional crashes to desktop when loading a mission and the poorly designed mouse steering that needs to be recalibrated sometimes (it's pretty bizarre), I don't really have any polish objections here.

However, the gameplay itself is very basic. I've encountered 6 enemy types so far, they are: fighters that fly around and very occasionally shoot you or launch a missile at you; turrets that sometimes (but rarely) choose to aim at you when you're blowing them up; and defenseless, stationary things that need to be destroyed to keep your side winning. When you get shot with bullets, what you have to do is stop attacking your target and instead wiggle around for six seconds to dodge long enough to regenerate. When you get shot with a missile, you have to keep an eye on the missile distance number and press a button when the missile gets within 500 meters. There are stronger pieces of equipment you can buy, but all the ones I've seen have been just slightly better versions of the same thing, no real effect on your strategy.

Время в игре: 73 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.02.2020 21:46
1 0

A really well made and fun space shooter, it feels very much like the old star wars classics to me with better visuals... also the devs actually listen and will make happen if possible any features that the players may suggest, I am really looking forward to the coming soon update.

Время в игре: 249 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2019 04:14
1 0

This a fun, casual, linear (mission-based) arcade shooter. No juggling weapons/shields/engine levels; just fly in and blow stuff up. There is a bit of a story but so far the action has all been pretty much the same (blow up fighters and capship turrets) with upgradeable primary energy guns and missiles. The upgrades are purchased with points you earn during play. You can also upgrade shields and coolant systems, allowing you to shoot and boost longer. The game reminds me a lot of Project Freedom: Space Interceptor, but without ground attacks and less storytelling within the game (so far almost all lore comes from mission briefs).

The flight model is accessible and it works great with my joystick. M+K and gamepads are also supported, but I have not tried them. HOTAS would be overkill; I don't even use all 8 buttons on the joystick. The campaign is pretty short, but you can replay any mission. You can also set up single player skirmishes and LAN games, but I have not yet tried those either.

It appears that this was developed by one individual who is actively adding content. More ships and campaign missions are expected next year.

Время в игре: 269 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.11.2019 01:41
2 0

Since Terminal Velocity and the two Freespace games, I have not played anything remotely similar to Hypergate (I mostly play RPGs), so I don't have a lot of points of reference... Be that however it may, I can definitely recommend this game. The campaign is short, but sweet. Very old school, both in feel and design. After playing all the missions multiple times on the lower difficulties, I shall now do so on the highest setting.^^ Hypergate is not very difficult by any means, but you do have to keep moving and tackle large targets from the right angle, unless you have a death wish^^ While the "story mode" is very short, the battles do play out differently each time, giving the game quite a lot of replay value. I can totally see myself coming back to this game for a round or two every few weeks. As for the "random" battles and multiplayer matches, I haven't tried those yet, but I'll do so eventually. Lastly, I have not experienced any crashes, obvious bugs or anything of that nature. Well done ! I like games that don't crash every 10 seconds or annoy me with random sound and physics glitches all the damn time. Whoever made this game definitely playtested the hell out of it.

One more thing:

I'd be more than happy to spend some money on additional content, such as new campaign missions, weapons and the like. Just sayin'...

That is all. Buy this game. Hypergate is fun.

Время в игре: 256 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.10.2019 18:28
0 0

Since there are so few reviews here, I thought I'd leave my thoughts on the game. Firstly, the price of the game is, in my opinion, fair for the short campaign. After all, if a game is less than the price of of movie ticket, it only seems fair that the game is around the length of a movie (roughly 2 hours). The game play is decent and is certainly impressive for a small scale indie developer. However, I did find the game play to become somewhat tedious towards the end. In fact, I ended up switching to an easier difficulty not because I was dying a lot but because I was bored with how long the repetitive combat took. The story could have been so much more but it seemed to be glossed over due to the short nature of the campaign. The story line was about as in depth as the story line in an arcade game (but I think they were going for an arcade-like space shooter so this critique doesn't hold too much ground). Having said all that, it's still a good game. It runs well and you can tell a lot of time and effort was put into the game. For the price, it's a fantastic and underappreciated diamond in the rough.

Время в игре: 92 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.10.2019 00:17
2 0

A solid space shooter. The campaign story is pretty typical of the genre but I found the controls and action were just the right mix to make it challenging but a lot of fun.

Время в игре: 190 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.06.2019 21:34
1 0

Excellent low-fat dogfighting in space. It's got controller support, an upgrade system and a fully voiced campaign. It also has an Instant Action mode that is even more instant than the almost instant campaign.

What attracted me to this initially was checking out the dev's twitter and his plans for the game. It felt like a solid investment in what was to come but it's clearly worth the asking price as it stands and anything new that comes will be a glorious bonus.

If you want to fire up a game and instantly be a heroic pilot in space warfare this is a solid choice.

Время в игре: 37 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 30.06.2019 03:20
39 0

Refunding since this game has always online DRM and doesn't specify it anywhere on the store page. Scummy tactics like this should not be allowed on Steam.

Время в игре: 64 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.06.2019 02:37
2 0

If you like House of the Dying Sun, Strike Suit Zero, Arc Savior, Everspace, Star Conflict, or the combat in Elite Dangerous, you'll like this one. Trust me.

Take the time to fiddle with the controls. Once you get them to your liking, it's a lot of fun!

Время в игре: 89 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.03.2019 20:47
3 0

Super fun game, simple and enjoyable... I haven't even touched the campaign yet due to the awesome battle maker. Kind of reminds me of the combat from X-3 AP. If you haven't yet and you enjoy space sims shooters like Freespace or Xwing... give it a go!

Время в игре: 91 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.01.2019 01:56
5 0

This game is in the style of the Old T-Fighter and X-Wing star Wars Games ! This is my king of game ! LOVE IT !

Время в игре: 117 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2018 22:22
14 1

Word soup. Don't want it? There's more reviews.

I wasn't really planning to review the game this early without an impression of the entire campaign, but I figured by mission 4 I've seen enough to say all that's necessary. If anything stands out later, I'll post it here. I may produce a basic gameplay guide (as that is a bit lacking, although to be fair, the game is quite self explanatory) and a suggestions/questions thread for the forum. For now, the review.

I don't really like the recommendation system because what I recommend a game depends greatly on the person I'm recommending it to, and what they want - and that is completely different for different folks. Yes, yes, I'm getting to the point. This review is in blue because I don't feel the money was a waste, although I could see why people would want something more for $12. On its own merits it is a fairly simple game with, as mentioned in other reviews, arcade like mechanics that dispel any claim of being an actual simulator. Still, that's a valid way to design, and the game does well for what it's designed to be. Don't aspire for much. However, if clean gameplay, well achieved large scale space battles (perhaps not so much variety) and quite solid performance for even a potato machine is appealing, you've come to the right place.

The closest comparison I can make is that this game represents a take on the spacefaring angle of Star Wars Battlefront 2, the old version. The tech is basically at the same level, and the gameplay is strikingly similar to me.

What will disappoint is,
- diversity of your own ship (there's one, and then you're done)
- diversity in enemies
- any expectation of mindblowing graphics
- depth of gameplay

Game runs well on Windows 7, but good luck if you want to make recordings. The game is designed for controllers, but with some practice and perhaps a few shifted hotkeys, the keyboard works perfectly well.

A few boons for the game include,
- Simple + well executed gameplay
- A simple, but solid plot
- No glaring issues with the premise (though you may be somewhat disappointed at the raw capabilities of these spaceships)
- Solid voice acting. I won't accuse it of perfection, but it is well done for an indie production.
- Easy to pick up and play
- Makes you feel good when you want to play easy mode and making you feel like shit when you tempt the top difficulty, and plenty of offerings in between - in other words, the difficulties are solid
- Ridiculously communicative developer. He's a human being and he's in the forum. They just don't make that stock anymore in AAA >.>
- Paired with the above as of my return in July 2019, he's still there and he will reply if you post something.

All in all, I would say if you have the money and want to pick up something small with a tiny, but decent community and decent gameplay, go for it. If you're looking for strong bang for your buck, revolutionary concepts, a unique twist or a bug free and polished game (bear in mind, this is a recent release and more updates are in the works), I'd advise you either come back later or move on.

Время в игре: 1605 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2018 17:26
4 0

A super fun space fighter pilot game

Runs on just about any system
Massive space battles
Upgrade system (a bit bear at the moment but should be getting updates)
Campaign (missions are nearly all different)
Lan multiplayer
Great retro style
Great voice acting
Active developer

No online multiplayer
Controls are a bit wonky at times (but this should change)
A bit pricey

I think that this game is amazing and will get even better the longer into its development cycle

Время в игре: 357 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.12.2018 00:17
35 0

Dev has been upgrading this, and taking in a lot of feedback from the community. I'll update my review later on, but I wholeheartedly recommend this.

An ok space shooter, I wouldn't call it a "spacesim", though. (Read bellow)

On the plus side, you got tight controls, amazing space battles and good sound and voice acting. Also de skirmish mode (that supports LAN multiplayer) gives this game another half point (would be a full point if it had online multiplayer).

On the down side, you can only pilot one ship (even in skirmish mode, which means players can only play one side out of three), graphics are Ok but not terrific (explosions are great though), and it feels a little underpolished.

Your space fighter "feels" more like a plane than a spacecraft, it moves all the time forward and it only has 3 speeds, slow, normal and boost. Another down for me is that you don't control the roll, just the pitch, so your fighter will go back to a "horizontal" position, sometimes messing your sense of direction (no biggie, you get used to it fast).

All in all the game is fast and fun to play (arcadey), the campaign is Ok but kinda short. I'd really advice to play with a controller. If you are looking for a spaceSIM though, look elsewere.

I appreciate this being released for Linux

(I'd advice the developer to lower the price a little bit, but it appears updates are comming so the game could change for better)

Время в игре: 469 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Geoff Nagy
Платформы Windows, Linux
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 88% положительных (33)

Отзывы пользователей

29 положительных и 4 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 06.03.2025 19:05


Action Casual Indie


Single-player Multi-player PvP LAN PvP Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Cloud Steam Leaderboards Family Sharing