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FARHOME перерождается в Space Ops VR

Space Ops VR объединит в себе два проекта. В связи с этим разработка FARHOME будет остановлена.

Теперь можно будет пройти старые миссии FARHOME по-новому и поучаствовать в мультиплеерных состязаниях Space Ops VR!

Владельцы FARHOME получат копию игры Space Ops VR бесплатно.

Об игре

FARHOME – приключенческая, научно-фантастическая игра для устройств виртуальной реальности с фокусом на совместное прохождение заданий и использование специальных способностей персонажей. Вам предстоит отправиться в полное опасностей путешествие к системе Wasp-21 Ариадна, исследовать ее планеты и выяснить, что скрывают следы древней цивилизации.

В начале XXIV века люди с истощенной Земли ищут новый мир для жизни. Игроки станут членами элитного отряда специального назначения, который сопровождает большую космическую миссию. Цель экспедиции - развернуть базу, наладить добычу ценнейшего кирия, а также подготовиться к запуску Портала, с помощью которого земляне смогут перебраться на новое место жительства. Однако, новый мир таит свои угрозы и вызовы.

Миссии рассчитаны как на кооперативное прохождение, так и на сражения в одиночку. Комбинирование сильных сторон оружия и специальных способностей членов отряда позволит сделать каждое прохождение уникальным.
Геймплей FARHOME сочетает различные стили прохождения: здесь вы найдете и бои с обилием перестрелок и неторопливое исследование миров других планет.

Игра поддерживает несколько режимов перемещения (телепортация на длинные расстояния, перемещение короткими прыжками, обычное перемещение скольжением вдоль поверхности). Мы постарались сделать систему перемещений максимально комфортной без эффекта укачивания в виртуальной реальности.


  • Различные классы бойцов в отряде, каждый из которых укомплектован своими видами оружия и уникальными способностями
  • Альтернативные режимы стрельбы у всего оружия
  • Разнообразие видов врагов с уникальным поведением и реакцией на разные виды оружия
  • Возможность экипировки отряда с учетом специфики миссии и предполагаемых врагов
  • Открытые уровни на планетах разного типа: джунгли, подземелья, пустыни, миссия на космическом корабле и в открытом космосе
  • Движок Unreal Engine обеспечивает потрясающий уровень графики

Приятной игры!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, russian, japanese

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7+, 64 bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-4590 / AMD FX 8350
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 970 / AMD Radeon R9 290
  • Поддержка VR: SteamVR or Oculus PC
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7+, 64 bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i7-6700K / AMD Ryzen 5 1600X
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 1070 / AMD Radeon RX Vega 64





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 26.09.2021 04:41
          0 0

          The game I really wanted was Space Ops which comes with this game and it's halfway decent. But Space Ops doesn't work.
          Farhome works but it's poo. Space Ops is halfway decent but it doesn't work.

          Время в игре: 12 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 15.05.2019 19:52
          9 2

          Very little content, abandonden by the devs.

          Время в игре: 76 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.12.2018 13:01
          15 2


          Время в игре: 107 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.06.2018 06:35
          12 1

          UPDATE 01July 2018
          Completed all missions with Engineer in Hard Level. Thoughts are as follows:
          - I finally figured out why the end of the 2nd level was so freaking frustrating. It seems when you die, and reload checkpoint, you often get dumped right back into the mess you just died in, which can lead to a quick death again.
          I experienced the same thing in level 4, when at the final boss stage.

          - When you respawn, you pick up almost right where you left off. While this is nice in that you will get a sense of constant progress, it can also take away any sense of tension in trying to complete the level (it comes down to a matter of patience in this situation).

          - Level 3 was a lot of fun,and the sense of scale was awesome. Something that would have really upped the tension would be that if the 'minion' enemies could knock off the sonic cannon of the boss. This level had something in common with one of the levels in Farpoint (nothing bad, it's just that I played Farpoint before this).

          - Level 4 was, to me anyways, heavily Halo-influenced. At first the level was pretty fun, but soon became a test of patience (see previous comment on respawning). When I got done with the level, it was a mixture of 'yes! I did it!' and ' hey! Only 47 respawns to get this done'.
          I'm not sure what the answer is here. I like not having to restart the level, but knowing that you'll reach the goal eventually even if you're dying a lot robs it of a true feeling of accomplishment.

          - Please speed up the rate of reloading for the Pulse Rifle. Around 30% of my deaths revolved around searching for cover while waiting for the rifle to reload.

          - Only Hard difficulty gave me a challenge.

          BOTTOM LINE: I believe in this game. The variety of what was attempted, the sense of scale, the general gamepla, is all to be commended. Of course I have my gripes, but I can say I'm glad I played this game.
          For the $22 I payed for this game, I would sayit was a bit expensive. For the 5 currently availble levels, around $15 would have been a fair price.
          The main thing that would 'break my heart' on this game is if no more levels were released for it (and an actual story mode would not be unwelcome).

          A Beautiful Game, With Some Frustrating Gameplay.

          This game has been on my radar for awhile, but did not buy due to limited reviews that were none too favorable. Aftre missing out on the 5-key giveaway on the Vive Reddit, I bit the bullet and bought it during the 2018 Summer Sale.

          The game's graphical style and appearance is amazing. For myself, it's a mix between Halo and FarPoint (PSVR). They have created a rich world that I enjoy exploring, if for no other reason that it looks so fine (something I wish I could have done on Arctika 1 for the Rift).

          So far I have completed the Training, 1st Mission (Forest), and 2nd mission (spaceship). Here are some thoughts on each:

          Training Level: Love the in-game video guide, but it would benefit greatly from a text explanation as well. This is a game where the training level should be mandatory for each weapon (how to fire, reload, etc) before you can start any level. If you were to jump into the game without the training level, it would have turned out to be a more frustrating experience.

          1st Level (Forest): A very nice intro to the game (if you went through the training level), although after defeating the initial wave, the 2 guys I saved said 'I've got your back'. After turning the corner, they apparently forgot I even had a back. Discovering the enemy could spawn behind you kept me on my toes.
          I seriously wanted to strangle the 3rd guy I rescued; he has this imprenetrible force field to protect himself, leaving me to fend for myself. Learning to switch between the two weapons makes the level more tolerable.

          2nd Level (Spaceship): The zero-g portions of the level were frustrating. While I can deal with having only one thruster to move around with (on my left hand), I could only grab onto walls with the same hand. Not being able to grab onto walls to propel myself with both hands was an immersion breaker. Even though the majority of the level was zero-g, apparently you have magnetic boots which makes it possible to walk on the floor, at times practically defeating the purpose of being in zero-g.
          Traveling outside the ship was fun (despite the issues above), but the starry background felt very 2D. It was also nearly impossible for me to tell when the asteroids near me were about to clobber me. The end of the level (destroy 4 generators to take down a shield) was so frustrating, I nearly quit the game. Getting killed almost immediately after re-spawning, along with completing the level without knowing exactly how I did it, was very unsatisfying.

          General Gameplay comments:
          - Love that you use both smooth locomotion and teleport.
          - Wish there was a left-handed mode.
          - Love the reticules on the weapons; gave a great sense of depth and range.
          - At times on the first level,it almost felt like a wave shooter, but the periodic re-spawning of enemies all around you kept it fresh.
          - Give text description on how to re-load your weapons. Fro example, using the grenade launcher on the Pulse Rifle (1st level) only allows you to have one round in the chamber; if you try to stick a 2nd one in, you drop the round and cannot pick it back up.
          - Easy and Normal difficulty levels are too easy. Only Hard gave me a challenge.

          Overall, I enjoyed the game, but they are some parts that were frustrating; almost to the point where I almost gave up. I hoping the 3rd mission is not as frustrating as the 2nd mission.
          Thank you for making the game.

          Время в игре: 70 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 30.04.2018 23:16
          2 5

          I didnt even could start to play really. I started the tutorial and it wasn't very explaining. Then I tried the mission and is wasnt explaining, too. The controls are still strange and not intuive. I loosed interest because I want to play and not explore the normally easy handling. The gear is not explained or I didnt found it. Actually I cannot recommend the game - even for a Early Access game is much too unpolished.

          Graphics of the very first parts of first level are OK but not great.

          Время в игре: 26 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 28.04.2018 13:54
          7 1

          So far I can't play much of the game. The controls need a lot of work for me to be able to go any further than the training ground. There is no option to switch to left handed which is a huge problem for me. Movement is tricky to get to grips with. I cannot recommend this game until these features are both implemented and fixed. However the visuals are spot on and cannot be flawed

          Время в игре: 10 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 19.04.2018 15:05
          10 2

          This game is a Farpoint/Starship Trooper clone, really nicely designed for VR !

          An unreal engine game with a lot of features (weapons modes, skill, class, Multiplayer) and a good content & gameplay for Early Access !

          I recommend this game, if you love Serious Sam VR with Full locomotion then buy it ! ;)

          Время в игре: 92 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.04.2018 21:53
          42 3

          Overall: I highly recommend this game on sale, and still recommend at full price, especially because so much is done well, and the few issues will be easy to fix. DEVs have already put a lot into the game, and are active in responding to comments.

          This is a very good, and almost excellent, VR game. I like the variety of missions. The first real one is against giant alien insects, and the next is in space dealing with zero gravity and more puzzle based, then to another planet area with different insects including a boss, finally to underground caves. Very well done. Most of the textures are great, but some of the larger ones on the outside of the space craft are too basic. Overall, the graphics and scale are very enjoyable and a lot of fun.

          The creature AI is spotty (playing on easy, maybe better on difficult). The game runs smoothly with no crashes. The save system is great, using automatic checkpoint saving throughout the mission.

          The voice acting is acceptable. It sounds professional but not much emotion in the voices.

          The story campaign is disjointed, since there doesn't seem to be an overall plot or goal. It's like you are a mercenary sent to do a variety of rescue or exploration jobs. I would prefer an overall plot that ties everything together.

          A solid addition to any VR game library!

          Motion Sickness Note: There is teleportation in all missions, but one. The mission in space with zero gravity has floating and some free locomotion, and may be an issue for players sensitive to motion sickness. The DEVs will hopefully add a comfort mode for this level.

          Время в игре: 400 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик DEVCUBE STUDIO
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 07.03.2025
          Отзывы пользователей 38% положительных (8)

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          Обновлено: 06.03.2025 20:18


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