Smalland: Survive the Wilds

Smalland: Survive the Wilds

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Разработчик: Merge Games

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«Когда-то мы свободно жили под светом Луны и Солнца, покуда наш мир не заняли гиганты. Столетия минули с той поры, но истории о чудесах жизни на поверхности еще передаются из уст в уста. Теперь гиганты сгинули... Пришла пора вернуться! На вас, первопроходцы, возложена важнейшая миссия. Вас ждет дальний путь по диким землям. Будьте отважны и не дрогните перед лицом опасности...» 

Исследуйте огромный «Крошечный мир» 

Преодолейте лужи размером с озера, взберитесь на исполинские деревья до самого неба, пройдите через каньоны дорожных трещин и взгляните на привычный мир глазами крошечного существа. Отважьтесь проторить свой путь по густым лесам, топким болотам и загадочным руинам, оставшимся с незапамятных времен! Обретите навыки выживания на поверхности, повстречайте друзей и врагов и узнайте больше об этом незнакомом мире. 

Приручайте и седлайте животных 

Отыщите способы прокатиться верхом на стрекозе, кузнечике, пауке и других неведомых существах. Отныне этот мир и его обитатели в ваших руках. 

Выживайте вместе 

Позовите до девяти союзников в многопользовательскую игру. Вместе исследуйте окрестности, сражайтесь с врагами, стройте базы и помогайте друг другу выжить.

Стройте убежища 

Добывайте и обрабатывайте ресурсы, чтобы укреплять свою базу материалами различного качества – от листьев и веточек до прочного камня. Найдите подходящее местечко на земле или постройте убежище в густой листве деревьев. 

Создавайте доспехи 

Сочетайте различные предметы экипировки, чтобы защититься от многочисленных угроз, приобрести новые возможности или просто освежить гардероб. Научитесь мастерить крылья, чтобы безопасно планировать с высоты, и освойте искусство цепляться за ветви деревьев при помощи крюка. 

Будьте начеку 

Жуки, муравьи, пауки, тараканы, осы... Большинство загадочных существ с поверхности будет видеть в вас низшее звено пищевой цепи. Берегитесь! Добавят хлопот изменчивая погода и смена времен года. Научитесь справляться с любыми трудностями и будьте готовы ко всему, чтобы пережить еще один день. 

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, portuguese - brazil, russian, korean, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 7 SP1
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-9400 CPU @ 2.90GHz or equivalent
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 or equivalent
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 20 GB
  • Дополнительно: Connecting to Epic EOS is required for online multiplayer
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit versions)
  • Процессор: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-9700 CPU @ 3.00GHz or equivalent
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 or equivalent
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 20 GB
  • Дополнительно: 1080p 60 fps on Ultra settings





          Отзывы пользователей

          Рекомендую 11.01.2025 06:36
          0 0

          Pretty cool. I don't understand the 100 days videos. I've been doing a pretty decent job of knocking this thing out in 36 hours. Kicked the shit out of the King Stag Beetle, Black Hornet, Rhino Beetle, Wasp Queen, and the Spider Matriarch all in five hours without dying, plus a level 95 gecko at the bottom of the sewers and a level 95 hornet at the other end of the secret door.
          And I do it all for Queen and country.

          Время в игре: 2191 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.01.2025 20:24
          0 0

          I kept telling myself that I didn't really enjoy this game and wasn't sure if i was going to continue playing, that was at 5 hours, i said the same at 10 hours, but it keeps sucking me back in when I unlock and make enough good gear to explore the next part of the map.

          It reminds me most of grounded because of the shrunken vibes and the fact its a survival crafting game, but that's about as far as the comparisons go. Combat wise, it is more like a dumbed down elden ring or souls like game where timed parry, roll and learning attack patterns is essential. Combat can be brutal in the same way where an enemy you have killed many times can catch you slipping or not getting your parry timed right and mess you up pretty good.

          The amount of times I was fighting one thing, and 3 other bugs came and joined the attack on me was frustrating because it's nearly impossible to take on a whole mob of different insects. All you can do is run and try and thin them out. Then re-fight the one you were originally fighting.

          Overall it's been enjoyable, but it doesnt tell you what to do, what you're supposed to do, or basically anything at all, the story progession is slow, nearly aimless, and interrupted by long sessions of grinding materials for better gear to be able to survive the next area. The beginning of the game (first 5 hours or so) is brutal and confusing. Once you start getting the hang of things and once you unlock and build the glide wings it makes your life waaay easier.

          As for taming and riding things, i still have no idea how to ride anything and at 14 hours in figured out how to capture and tame things apart from just getting eggs and incubating them.

          I would give it a 6.4/10 , it's enjoyable, but a little janky, the animations are wonky and silly, and it doesn't tell you how to do anything really. The only instructions are through little statues that you might find, but will probably miss entirely. Base building is done well enough, but your house needs to be massive to keep your crafting tables inside. You are also basically forced to build in the tree tops so that you can easily move your base once you start getting into new areas. Which also has it's ups and downs, but being able to run through the tree tops and glide down is fun.

          Время в игре: 960 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.01.2025 02:08
          0 0

          It's a fun survival game. Tames are a bit lackluster though. For example, when you're hatching eggs, sometimes the tames in your base will attack them, sometimes they won't. Beetles that can attack, cannot attack when you mount them, even though they could in previous versions of the game

          Время в игре: 1181 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 07.01.2025 23:21
          0 0

          Im enjoying this game so far. Open world, open building and bugs. Great graphics and soundtrack.

          Время в игре: 1595 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 04.01.2025 18:53
          3 0

          This game may not be 100% complete, but it is a blast to play. It's almost like Grounded but MMORPG map and grpahics with a taming feature. I love this game as its own and hate comparing it to another game. The game itself obviously still has issues as it's still being developed, but it also has so much potential and I hope that the devs can make this the masterpiece it can be!

          Время в игре: 1238 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.01.2025 18:22
          0 0

          Grounded was exciting, at first. But then it became obvious you'd have to grind in circles to get to the end of the game(personal opinion). Smalland, on the other hand, felt quite open-world! You can follow the story or go off on your own journey. Great when playing in coop. Nothing feels too grindy, if there is a grind then it actually feels rewarding (level/stats, better armor, etc), the pets are great fun, and very surprised how good the base building is. Would recommend!

          Время в игре: 1724 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 22:40
          0 0

          So the learning curve is a little steep, but once you adapt to the controls it's incredible and the premise is epic enough to keep you hooked in the meantime. Love it!

          Время в игре: 270 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 09:52
          0 0

          Just needs cross-platform, at least for Xbox and PC.

          Время в игре: 2445 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.12.2024 22:03
          0 0

          Game is fun, but i wish it was crossplay so i can have friends to play it with. Also not gonna do a Grounded comparison because they're both very different games. I like the idea of being able to have a gang of insects to help me fight. Pretty good game for early access. Can't wait for more content on the way.

          Время в игре: 962 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 31.12.2024 00:49
          0 0

          I love the aesthetic of being tiny in a familiar setting. It changes the whole vibe and makes the game feel more supernatural. Once you get used to the progression system it feels pretty natural to play.

          Personally, I'd love to have more story elements to explore as it feels like the game wraps up too quickly. With two friends we completed the game in about 30 hours (a pretty rushed play through).

          Время в игре: 3444 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.12.2024 09:20
          0 0

          Amazing game, its fun not pay to win and such a fresh breath of air with all the crap that is out,

          Время в игре: 1850 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.12.2024 00:52
          0 0

          It's like the comic series Bondage Fairies but instead all the bugs want to kill you. And the game is much more focused on crafting and building.

          Overall feels great, looks beautiful, and gives that Pikmin feel of being a small lil thing in huge world ^_^ need more games like this

          Время в игре: 110 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 29.12.2024 16:45
          1 1

          I really do not recommend this game. While it was good at first, the more when you come to the ending, the more boring it is. The server sucks, we get disconnected too many times and we lose items due to that. Farming items is quite tiring. The game play is boring, fighting in game is not as good as some other similar games. This game is just not my thing.

          Время в игре: 3361 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.12.2024 07:54
          1 0

          Story's a bit short but the game's pretty entertaining, quests don't hold your hand and exploration pays off often, party creature budget's a bit limiting but it's somewhat understandable given how critters like the scorpion are strong, a party of 4 of them might be overkill, overall enjoyable game for how long it took to finish.

          Время в игре: 1578 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.12.2024 06:05
          0 0

          Great story, great characters, and a lot more creatures to face and tame than Grounded. But if this version has that we can name our tames, the Xbox or Playstation versions should have that as well. If there's another update for Smalland on the Xbox and Playstation, let it that we can name our tames on those platforms as well.

          Время в игре: 4777 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.12.2024 02:44
          0 0

          this game is fun but has some draw backs, when building base and trying to upgrade, you cant move chests or any other equipment around. you have to destroy it and rebuild it. which is problem because when you tear down your stuff you only have so much inventory space. trying to upgrade my base. well in doing so destroying all the stuff dropped resources on the ground and then after i got the foundations set up and went to restore the stuff it was all gone. there also isn't any way to restore a save that i have found and i have looked. I do not know why there isn't a move function built into the game when it comes to base building. its very tedious to constantly have to rebuild and destroy stuff if you want to move stuff around and than to have the resources disappear when you are at your own base and not in the wild is just ridiculous.

          Время в игре: 1088 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.12.2024 23:07
          0 0

          This game is pretty amazing! At first I thought it was kind of a rip-off of grounded, but it absolutely is not. Edited to include additional info about glitches
          Great graphics, tons of crafting options, rich diverse world, surprisingly large map, online multiplayer or singleplayer
          Cons: story is not very interesting, and there is at least one game-breaking glitch. The glitch is gravestones disappearing. My friend played for just two days, and on the second day, while playing, he died a few times, and the gravestone that had his belongings disappeared. This is a completely unreasonable bug to have, as all his items were lost. I also have had issues with gravestones, where my gravestone was in a place that was inescapable, so if I went to retrieve it, I could only jump off a precipice and die again, since I hadn't unlocked the wings yet. I think spawning the gravestone or just spawning items by default back at the player's spawn point should be implemented, as the game is losing peoples' belongings, which I mean is pretty game-breaking.

          I think the story being kind of boring and the glitches are the only downsides, and I'm a gamer that generally buys games for the story, as stories are generally the most important aspect of a game, however, for this game I make an exception. The other aspects of the game are so amazing, it just doesn't need a very rich story. Since you spend your time surviving, crafting, exploring-a story simply just isn't necessary. That being said the story that the game has, isn't bad exactly, there just isn't much story there, and there is very little dialogue. I give the game a 8/10, since its fantastic, but has game breaking bugs.

          Время в игре: 2446 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.12.2024 17:35
          5 1

          I'll be honest, I played for half an hour and immediately knew the combat and building would be ass. I found random invisible walls and untextured terrain within the tutorial area itself. (I do mean invisible walls as in, I reasonably should have been able to go there). The combat was clunky, and unfun. Just left clicking, occasionally pressing block, and rolling as if rolling was useful against the horde of bees and ants sent in the starting portions of the game.

          Considering it's not Early Access, I have no reason to give it the benefit of the doubt or any leeway. Refunding it I think. The price tag without the sale is insanity. 35 USD for this. You could get Grounded for a little more and have a better time of things if you really want the 'tiny' aesthetic.

          Oh yeah. Performance wise? Already out of the gate pretty shoddy. Seems like bad optimization considering I have no issue with far more intensive games. This game isn't particularly a miracle of graphics or anything, I shouldn't be going from smooth frames to jittery 30-40 every couple of minutes.

          This game seems like it could be very good, but I also feel like I could spend my money elsewhere for far more accessible fun. Again, prices set expectations and my expectations were rather high for the default price. I bought it on sale, but that doesn't change what they are asking.

          Время в игре: 32 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 20.12.2024 13:03
          0 0

          Great game. Can be very challenging if you choose, or leisurely if that suits you. I played it shortly after playing Valheim and can't decide which I liked more. Worked very well on my PC and the fighting was good with my keyboard.

          Время в игре: 9996 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 18.12.2024 17:10
          1 1

          Honestly, just tired of repeatedly fighting ants every time I leave my home, then being attacked by creatures that destroy my base everytime I try to incubate an egg. What's the fking point of hatching eggs for creatures that are killed in one hit by wild insects?

          Время в игре: 286 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 17.12.2024 01:50
          0 0

          Really fun game. Not bad if you are on your own. I really hope they continue with more content.

          Время в игре: 5345 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.12.2024 17:23
          0 0

          Fantastic game! Beautiful world, combats fine, music is great, so many creatures and you can tame all of them and make an army. So fun to explore. Playing with my husband and having a great time.

          Время в игре: 1083 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 14.12.2024 14:24
          0 0

          An interesting twist on the survival game genre as you play a (1/2" tall?) tiny faerie character. It has the usual explore/harvest resources/base building elements along with some degree of base defense. It also has pet taming, where pets can fight for you, act as beasts of burden or even as mounts. Storms are occasional hazardous events and there are seasons in the game.
          There are also storylines to follow which give you some goals and structure if you're not one for just exploring the world and surviving day to day. And there are faction groups to earn rep with and to collect rewards from as well as bosses to defeat at various times as the storyline develops.

          Время в игре: 4400 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 14.12.2024 07:14
          0 0

          Its not what I expected when it said survival. There is a nourishment meter, but two hours into the game I seemingly had enough food to last the entire game. there was a comfort meter that didn't seem to change, regardless of the weather. What they meant by survival is that you will be fighting nonstop. this game is like a hack n' slash except every enemy takes 2 min to kill. I don't mean they are strong or difficult, just tedious; attack, attack, dodge, attack, attack, dodge. Weapon durability sucks, I had to repair my weapon after almost every fight.

          At one point, I'm getting chased by 6 bees. I accidentally ran into these bees because I was running away from a sawyer beetle (not hard to fight, they just take forever and i didn't need their materials at the moment) I accidentally ran into the sawyer beetle because I was running away from some ants (again not hard, I had just killed like 50 of them already and was over it) Anyway, I find a friendly structure to hide out in, and these bees are just mean muggin' me, waiting for me to leave. I ask the person inside "what's with all these F*****g bees?" This SOB tells me "they are my friends!" Cool, can you tell them to leave me alone then? So eventually I leave and the bees kill me. All I wanted was a screw so I could progress the game a bit.

          I absolutely adore Grounded. This not so much.

          Время в игре: 184 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 13.12.2024 04:32
          0 0

          Combat could improve. also, there was a lot of walking. storyline/quests could've been clearer with a completion list/check box etc. definately rec a hornet ASAP otherwise a lot of time will; be spent walking. Overall very creative and fun to play! i liked the game a lot

          Время в игре: 1909 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.12.2024 16:13
          0 0

          FernGully-themed survival-crafter, what's not to love. The game has one helluva curve though, it's pretty brutal until you get geared up and assemble your team. I never thought riding a grasshopper would be a special moment, but it was genuinely enjoyable.

          Время в игре: 568 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.12.2024 02:42
          0 0

          I've really enjoyed playing this game. Once you learn to tame creatures or build a tree base and begin hatching them it opens up a lot of possibilities. Flying on hornets and riding on geckos is a lot of fun. It has a feeling of being early days, however, the game is actively being updated and I'm eager to see what comes next.

          Время в игре: 4480 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.12.2024 01:31
          0 0

          This game managed to mesh together so many good progression elements from the Survival genre it's actually astounding.

          The feeling of accomplishment and progression is real, and you can carry it anywhere, everywhere. It lacks a couple of quality of life improvements for sure, but overall a nice little package. If you ever played Valheim, this game is very much the same, but it feels more alive because you have quests, NPCs and you can hop into servers carrying all your stuff between worlds.

          Quite expensive at full price though, get it at least 50% off and you will get your money's worth.

          Время в игре: 3072 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.12.2024 16:40
          0 0

          For a game that Is still in early stages of development i am loving it, playing solo or with friends can be extremely fun. the building mechanism is what i love the most we can go crazy with building a base that we have in our head try it and see i am sure everyone would love it.

          Время в игре: 622 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.12.2024 00:52
          0 0

          Good game but is it not that big
          20h very enough to complete every thing

          Время в игре: 1796 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 02.12.2024 21:02
          0 0

          Absolutely chilled and fun, entertaining game, very nice gameplay perspective of everything being giant size, a touch o Valheim in style but it surpasses Valheim in freshness and innovative concept. Graphics are lovely, the ability to tune the gameplay to be as challenging as you are able to meets hardcore gamers to those who need a bit of more chill to their game, best game in a longtime,

          Время в игре: 912 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.12.2024 22:02
          0 0

          Great potential.
          Some improvements and polish and this could be a really good game, especially together with friends or family

          Время в игре: 48 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.12.2024 18:45
          0 0

          Game is a little clunky, but the game-play is fun. I would not pay 34.99 for it. Wait for a sale! Oh and playing co-op is the way to go with this game.

          Время в игре: 6851 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 30.11.2024 17:43
          0 0

          Cool ass game, great combat, but the building system sucks so much its ridiculous.
          And these morons need to figure out what temperature means ffs...
          I'm starting to get pissed at the incompetence.
          What the fuck is wrong with devs these days not testing their shit before release anymore? If this EA is ALPHA,(EA is generally Beta tier not alpha), when did they quit notifying people ffs, this shit's busted AF, so maybe let us know because... ewww brother ewww...
          Don't they realize that's behind 90% of their fails? Test Your Mechanics. I do this shit too, you can run it in a box, boom, you know if it functions correctly... You can even make a set of boxes to put them through as you finish them, to make sure they work in different settings...Maybe don't make a game if you are too stupid to put one together coherently.
          Boy do I miss actual Video game testers... Because these clowns cannot sus out whats supposed to be happening...
          Fucking end fucking rant.

          One more major fail and this review will flip. It's still fun enough to make me ignore the bugs as they occur, but now this shit is getting embarrassing, if I was a dev on this I'd make sure you black my name out in the credits for this shit jfc. So I can at least find another job afterwards...

          Время в игре: 589 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.11.2024 08:12
          0 0

          Really fun PvE co-op game with some innovative ideas and well designed distinct map areas. Highly recommended.

          Время в игре: 7425 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 29.11.2024 00:34
          1 0

          The game certainly has potential, but in its current state, I can't recommend it. The combat and RPG elements of the game are downright criminal. Fights are mostly about whether or not you have enough healing items to beat what you're fighting, and leveling up has virtually no impact on your combat experience. I honestly don't know why they have stat points if those stat points don't give any meaningful increases. Until they fix those, this game is DoA.

          Время в игре: 65 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.11.2024 14:22
          1 1

          A cozy albeit janky and quite grindy survival game with fantastic art direction and solid design. I wish you could mount the flying pets, but jumping around on my lubber is still a great experience.

          Время в игре: 1712 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.11.2024 15:59
          1 0

          Honestly, I have never played a game more fun than this one. I haven't played the multiplayer version yet, however single-player is pretty awesome. I play this game when I wake up. I play before I go to bed. I play whenever I have free time.

          There is just something magical about this game and I highly recommend everyone try it out.

          SPOILER: You can tame critters and glide through the air! It's awesome!

          Время в игре: 1475 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.11.2024 21:51
          8 0

          Sadly, I can’t say I’d recommend, at least not in general.
          Smalland felt like it had so much potential, but got a bit fumbled and jumbled. That’s not to say it can’t be fun, I think it started and ended rough, but for the most part, in between I enjoyed it to at least some extent.

          - General Gameplay: Smalland follows the cycle of Fight, Grind for resources, Build/Craft, repeat. The quests likewise follow the basic rule of find person -> Fetch/Fight for them -> get thing and get pointed to the next person -> repeat. Basic, a bit monotonous, but it's fine for facilitating exploration. Most aspects of the game can be adjusted from the world load/creation screen: making it peaceful, keeping items on death, or even the strength and health of enemies.

          - World: I think it's really neat! From what I gather, we are plopped into a post-apocalypse world and traverse what I think is a park, riddled with the remnants of human activity. The further you explore the darker it gets with you even coming across the remains of these long gone giants. How did it happen? No clue! But its pretty cool, wandering this sort of landscape as a borrower style character, that likely also knows nothing of what happened.

          - Crafting: very standard, does what it needs to do, Get x/y/z to make what you want, sometimes make/refine a couple things first. The gathering is the main annoying part.
          Building: Simple but at times frustrating. You can freely place as you like. I’m mostly frustrated by the foundation rotation being restricted, you can’t freely rotate it, unless I’m missing something. Occasionally it gets finicky over clipping, while other times it is completely fine with it. I like that you can move your main base from tree to tree whenever you want.

          - Farming: Such a pain. If you want to build a grand base, you’ll need a lot of wood/bark/rock/clay/bug-bits and optionally Seeds to make oil to refine wood, and also optionally many other bits for other furniture. There is no fast traveling, so mark where things spawn and get ready to run/ride out there often. If you’re lucky a tree base is near it that you can set your base to.

          - Companions: This one is big for me. I love games that allow players to have pets/mounts, and this game allows for both. You can catch as many as you want, but are restricted in how many can follow you based off of a point system.
          I think Smalland’s companion system is ok… But I do wish the companions would innately do more for/with the player. Like having them help with gathering materials naturally, maybe based on the tools they are naturally equipped with: like bugs with mandibles can harvest plants, those with horns can mine, bees collect nectar and honey passively. Likewise, they could produce materials based on what they are (Spiders make silk, bees make honey, etc.) or if they introduced farming the companions at home could be assigned to farming roles. Give them something to do other than sit there and wait to either be picked by the player or wait to defend the base. My main inspiration for these suggestions is the Rune Factory series.

          - Combat: Barebones, basic, clunky. Hit registration isn’t always the best, especially if there is a difference in elevation(try not to fight on hills). There is a block mechanic, but I didn’t really use it. I mostly rolled away, hit, rinse and repeat. I felt a lot of it for me was finding ways to cheese it, and then late game I got a Scorpion and it trivialized most fights until the end. Then the final boss I blasted with a hand cannon, while just keeping myself constantly bandaged/healing. Took maybe 11 shots.

          Overall, Smalland is not for everyone. I feel like it’s considered a fantasy Grounded. I’d say it’s along the lines of an Ark Survival x Grounded baby that took an interest in RPGs/MMOs, with it having an active storyline(With things locked behind it), and seeming to very much want to be played online.

          I sincerely hope the devs continue to add more and keep updating, just recently they did a quality of life update that was very handy. This game has a lot of potential, and can be fun! I’m kind of hoping they lean into the fantasy, maybe add some magic, do some more companion updates, or make the ending a bit more satisfying.

          Время в игре: 2403 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.11.2024 14:57
          0 0

          I personally really enjoy it BUT there are a couple of points you have to keep in mind there is a story hinted at one of the first things you should do is visit 3 ppl but a) the story is like none existend only after visiting all 3 i learned that my job was to investigate agressive bugs and not just the one in the begginning and b) the story isnt the main drive you NEED to make a base and craft/upgrade your items unprompted right at the beginning unless you want a soulslike experience. Its also important to craft everythiing asap because you mainly unlock new items and recepies via collecting new items or crafting new items/workbenches. ps all bug vs bug combat (i only ever tamed one grasshoper felt like god for 5 minutes) is a fight glasscanon vs glasscanon be careful

          Время в игре: 805 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 22.11.2024 16:26
          0 0

          The negative reviews are too harsh. Smalland has a lot of potential and I want to see it live up to that one day. It already has all the ingredients it needs to become a game like Ark and Valheim combined. Definitely worth playing with friends if you already enjoy those two games.

          The building system is snappy and great. Taming is really fun, with a huge variety of creatures.

          Время в игре: 3035 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 21.11.2024 16:48
          1 0

          I enjoyed the game!


          • - Graphics are really stunning sometimes.
          • - Creatures are fun to deal with and you can tame everything (or almost everything) -- Side note to this: YOU CAN EVEN FLY.
          • - Combat is fun, creatures have their movesets and timings, which you can parry/dodge and it feels good to actually do well, I've become a parry master.
          • - Character design is nice - you get a choice of some facial tattoos and different antennaes and their colors (which show up on radar if you're far enough), the armor is good/cool looking.
          • - Wings you get throughout the game get more interesting as you progress.
          • - Map is pretty big, I'd recommend exploring every nook and cranny (some are dungeons, some are not, it's slightly difficult to differentiate them).
          • - You can make markers on the map and subsequently track them to help you orientate (needs a icon variety though)
          • - You can make a base anywhere, but also you have these major bases which even travel throughout servers. So say you make yourself a really nice base, you play with 1 friend and after some time, you play with a different friend, your base and all of the stored items travel with you (including the tames, I think).
          • - There's also events, which give you points towards factions - I had issues with finding some of the events but that was because they were high up in the tree tops.
          • - Settings to make the game easier and less of a chore exist, so feel free to tweak it out, there's no shame in it. Settings to make creatures immortal: They won't die permanently, just pass out and stay there, which is perfect.
          • - Armors and Tames can get different traits, there's a rarity system to armor which improves it's defense rating + you can upgrade it. Tames have only a few different traits, also with a rarity, however they're not too different (yet?)


          (some may enjoy, some may not)
          - The game does NOT hold your hand, but you can read the dialog and get enough info that way. Inspires you to explore and seek stuff on your own.
          - There's difficulty settings: more hp/dmg to enemies, satiety levels and such.
          - Areas are usually well contained, you can tell where each area ends and begins, it makes it easier to search for stuff and you will be able to tell where the difficulty may spike (higher level creatures, different attributes)


          1. - The game feels a tad bit unfinished/polished, if they do keep working on this then it would really warrant the price, otherwise only get it on discount
          2. - Surprisingly demanding, since the game is not all that popular, I'm not sure about the best technical settings, some can really make your processor work.
          3. - I've encountered a few bugs, the sky would for example be VERY BRIGHT and it was sorta enticing. Going to the main menu and back fixed it though.
          4. - Smaller fanbase so if you do need help, you have to seek it out by asking, this should hopefully get fixed soon enough though.
          5. [*] - Arachnophobia settings exists but it's kinda stupid, it starts by removing sets of legs, and in the end, just makes them into floating blobs, which makes it creepier and more unnatural in my opinion - do as other games have done please, change their textures if you can.

          With that all said, I really did enjoy the game (no, I didn't play Grounded, but I'm not too demanding on games).
          I played Ark and was sad whenever my dinosaurs would just be gone permamently, so I'm happy that this game has that figured out.
          If they do keep working on the game: I wanna see more creature traits, more fletched out systems, the concept and idea is there, you're on a very good path, so hopefully you manage, good job so far.

          Время в игре: 3268 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 20.11.2024 19:41
          0 0

          Great survival craft experience. Rich upgrade system and environment that is pretty different from most survival craft.

          Well made and solid game play. Polished and thoughtful design.

          Время в игре: 1704 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 20.11.2024 17:51
          2 0

          When this game appeared on my Steam recommendations page, I was unsure about trying it out because I wanted a game with fairies, and this game was the closest I could find to a Fairytopia experience. I decided not to judge a book by its cover and to give the game a chance. After playing the Smalland: Survive the Wilds for a few hours, I quickly realised I judged it too harshly!

          Smalland has been an enjoyable experience so far. There are different areas to explore, places to build and decorate a base, challenges to face, and creatures to befriend. The taming mechanic is my favourite, especially since you can have endless creatures on your base. My favourites are the lizards and geckos.

          Another part I greatly appreciated is that the game is targeted towards a multiplayer and single-player audience. I can play the game with my friends but do not feel pressured to play with others as a requirement.

          Give the game a chance; you will be surprised at all its features, and there is much more the game offers than what you would expect. ♡

          Время в игре: 3488 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 17.11.2024 09:26
          1 0

          I think the best way to describe this game is by drawing some comparissons. This is the love child of Palworld, Valheim, Green Hell and Grounded. And to me it is better than all of the above.

          You can say this is a survival, exploration, pet collection, crafting, home building, cooperative third (or first) person melee or range story based sandbox game. It has everything and is everything and is awesome above all.

          You are some sort of pixie in a world devoid of humans but with remnants of humanity and you are the size of a small ant. So the world is a big place... well, everything is big but you are not resourceless. You can craft weapons, armor, tools, create buildings, special tables, improve your stats by leveling up, tame pets, grow pets, heal pets, mount pets, fly on them, shape a party of varies insects and reptiles, and you can even tweak the setting you like the less.

          Particularly I have crafting times and to lose my inventory so I play without those and the game is so enjoyable. With my wrife we play it as an adventure with exploration and crafting and we enjoy it a lot. Each has it s own base on a tree and this way we can customize our stuff at will :D

          Played only in private mode so have no idea how this will go with strangers.

          And the world is gorgeous, everywhere you look there is something to see, and you better see it before it sees you or you will die pretty soon. You can go hardcore and play without mounts or pets but if you like exploration I do not recommend it. We play with 200% creature damage to spice it up which make wildlife very dangerous but at the same time makes your pets also dangerous. I play it so my pets fight while I work as bait for the big stuff that is attacking us. Sometimes I die, sometimes I rise victorios but it is a joy to play.

          The most common comparisson is grounded but I believe this game is WAY better. Tons of creatures and the locations are way more interesting.

          About performance, well, it varies. On nvidia with dlss works smooth with an initial preloading lag, on radeon, well good luck... there are very few games that are well optimized for amd... which is a pitty but I see the difference as my wife has amd with radeon while i have intel with nvidia. Still manageable but sometimes a bit laggy.

          Also you might get stuck on places but no worries, there is an unstuck button in the menu that basically hits you with 9999 damage killing you instantly so I recommend if you are going into battle you make a spawining point close to the action. Right now you can have only one outside your tree and there are some on the npcs you find in the world.

          Anyway, a review of this game can go super in depth with tons of pages to be written but will leave that to streamers in youtube.

          What I can say is that I recommend this game to anybody with a sense of adventure and awe. This is a beautiful thing and hopefully the devs will continue adding stuff as they are currently doing to make it more spicy. So give it a try.. thats the wornderful thing about steam.. you have 2 hours to play and see if it is of your liking or not... We LOVE IT!

          Время в игре: 1292 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 17.11.2024 02:52
          0 0

          This game has amazing building infrastructure, the bugs look amazing, and combat is pretty smooth. I would say this is an amazing blend of Ark, Grounded, with an amazing map exploration. There's lots of things to find and explore, and many things to see.

          Between the Wild Life, Bug vibrancy, the lighting, everything the game has to offer is an amazing small bug 3rd or 1st person experience. Where you can be anywhere in the map and be amazed by what is has in store.

          The only things I would say for this far in development is that there's little to do with NPC's, story is relatively short, and once you get to a point where you have done all the NPC's, tamed a few good bugs, you're basically done with the game unless you want to delve deeper into base building.

          Until we get into a later stage of game, if you're looking for a quick game to indulge yourself in, for a good 30-40 hours of gameplay, tame bugs, live as a small person, and have an amazing time exploring the game and finding cool things, I would 100% recommend this.

          Can't wait till they add more World Events, and more small things to do, because right now, even though the game is amazing in all the things I said before, there's still things that are missing to keep you interested in playing at this moment.

          Время в игре: 1920 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.11.2024 15:24
          1 0

          I do not think this game is getting the level of love it deserves. This game is great for the price. If you like craft, survive, and build games, this is good one. It has a good deal of polish on all that it offers. Crafting, Survival, Multiplayer, Pets/Taming, Well crafted world, and Biomes. The setting is unique and fun with a Honey I Shrunk the Kids or A Bugs Life feel to the world.

          This has the best building system on a technical level I have seen in any game of its genre.

          It also has more depth in its combat system than most in this genre.

          I have looked at several reviews, trying to figure out why it is not consistently at least a step above mixed. So far, none of the negative reviews I have read have helped me decide whether to spend the money on the game or not.

          My conclusion was that 85% of these negative reviews are people knocking the game for things that these types of games never are. It's almost like a vegan leaving a bad review for a BBQ restaurant for cooking real animals. The same people knocking the graphics and animations are the same people who will turn around and gush over and love the pixelated and rough animations of Valheim or Kenshi. I'm not sure what these critics want in graphics. It has an artistic direction that is consistent and good.

          Then there are people knocking the lack of a story. I am not the most versed in this genre, but so far, none of them have much of a story. My mindset is that I do not need a story, just a world with enough lore to create my own story. This game definitely has this. The bad reviews seem to be stemming from players again looking for another game, like they are expecting voice acting with cut scenes and diverging story arcs. Again, this is not the genre for that.

          Finally, the other 15% are people upset with the bugs. Most of these reviews were in the early parts of the 1.0 release, so I assumed these were all credible back in April. I started playing in August 2024, and while there are some bugs, it is much more polished. Hell, you could argue it's more polished than a lot of AAA games coming out these days, so kudos to this small Dev team.

          I had a great time with this game. It borrows many mechanics from other games in the genre and delivers well on all of them. Again, this is a great game for this genre.

          I recommend the full price. Just know what the game genre and type are before you buy it and knock it for something it was never supposed to be.

          Время в игре: 3037 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.11.2024 16:41
          1 0

          This game unlocked a childhood memory of a beloved movie titled Fern Gully. I'm also newish to the survivor genera but this game is fun. Only downside is that roaches and spiders look too d@mn real! lol

          Время в игре: 6492 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.11.2024 15:57
          1 0

          Really liking this game even as an escapist solo player experience. The developers were so thoughtful to provide a Peaceful option so that all creatures ignore you unless you're the one looking for a fight. Perfect if you just want to dive into a fantasy world after a stressful work day without getting further stressed by things being out to kill you.

          There is plenty of stuff to do to keep a solo player engaged without having to constantly defend themselves. The map makes good use of the third dimension so there is plenty of paths and places to explore and discover. There is a progression that keeps you motivated to unlock new crafting recipies or upgrades. You can build and decorate yourself a home (or several), hunt creatures or tame them to fight with you or serve as mounts to get around the map more quickly. On Peaceful setting It almost plays like a Farming Sim experience (sans the actual farming or materialistic NPCs demanding a constant stream of gifts just to like you).

          Время в игре: 775 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 15.11.2024 11:29
          1 0

          Another survival with no thought. The fall damage is stupid and will try without it but ffs the devs clearly did not think this out, a cheap copy of Grounded.

          Edit: Combat is trash, movement is trash, constantly glitching over ground and edges, falling of simple platforms.

          Время в игре: 192 ч. Куплено в Steam

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