Marble Run

Marble Run

Steam Store

Разработчик: PS Games

Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot Screenshot


Marble run – это увлекательное хобби, которое захватывает сердца людей
разного возраста по всей планете. Теперь эта игра стала доступна всем.
Развивайте пространственное мышление конструируя 3Dтрассы и лабиринты для
шарика в игровом симуляторе Marble run.

Создавайте трассы любой формы. Сочетая деревянные и металлический детали.
Используйте подъёмники, вентиляторы и другие механизмы, что бы зациклить
трассы. Делитесь постройками с друзьями. Тестируйте и оценивайте трассы
других игроков. Поучайте удовольствие от завораживающей магии бегущего

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, german, portuguese - portugal

Системные требования


  • ОС: XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Процессор: INTEL Celeron, AMD Athlon X4,
  • Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Direct X 9.0c capable hardware
  • DirectX: версии 9.0c
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 250 MB
  • Звуковая карта: Direct X 9.0c sound device
  • ОС: 8, 8.1, 10
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo or better
  • Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: ATI or NVidia, 512 mb
  • DirectX: версии 9.0c
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Звуковая карта: Direct X 9.0c sound device


  • ОС: macOS 10.11+
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo or better
  • Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 350 MB
  • ОС: macOS 10.11+
  • Процессор: Core 2 Duo or better
  • Оперативная память: 1000 MB ОЗУ
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 350 MB

Отзывы пользователей

Не рекомендую 19.06.2023 07:21
0 0

On 2 of the already made Marble Runs my marble fell of the course not my idea of fun.

Время в игре: 8 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.10.2022 05:42
0 0

Marble roll marble get stuck i sad

Время в игре: 119 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.08.2022 03:17
0 0

This game is confusing. Trying to get marbles to stay on the right track doesn't work most of the time. Just get Marble World, you'll have fun playing that.

Время в игре: 29 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.11.2021 10:57
0 0

there are much better marble run games out there if you are willing to spend an extra $4 - $5.

Время в игре: 10 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.09.2021 18:32
0 0

Fun at first, but the lack of content updates is what kills it for me.

Время в игре: 872 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.05.2021 14:25
1 0


Время в игре: 437 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
Не рекомендую 01.01.2021 20:27
0 0

This game has pretty awful controls, and I had some "blocks" of which you build your contraptions of which were missing.
If you can get over the abysmal controls (with no keyboard shortcuts that I could see) then you may have fun with this game, but it's mostly not worth your time.

Время в игре: 35 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.04.2020 20:40
0 0

This game is vary relaxing.

Время в игре: 75 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 25.01.2020 13:45
1 0

This game feels genuinely lacking in multiple ways, almost like its unfinished.

Время в игре: 20 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.01.2019 17:50
2 0

very relaxing and overall a great game

Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.08.2018 20:03
1 0

I'm giving 5 stars to this game! It's cool to build huge and creative marble toy without mistakes and push the start button ^^ I personally enjoyed to see how ball is moving through my very weird looking track. Graphics are very calm and help to relax. Physics are well made and I haven't seen any bugs atm. The cannon is awesome and steam things are pretty creative!

Время в игре: 192 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.04.2018 09:33
1 0

Strangely addictive, even with the issues other reviewers have mentioned, this game shows promise. I hope this is just the beginning of great things from this developer. :)

Время в игре: 77 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.01.2018 02:47
2 1

I can see it making progress! but right now it's just hard to do things like percice placement and custom marbles/textures.

Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.12.2017 03:22
2 0

I really enjoyed inventing my marble run. I think it is highly reccomended

Время в игре: 434 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.12.2017 17:30
3 0

I thought it was pretty boring. In the start it was fun and good, but after 30 min. it became more and more boring. The tutorial was bad and the game was too simple. I think the game could be better if, the tutorial was telling all the controls in the game and if there was more things in the game

Время в игре: 19 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.11.2017 17:50
3 1

very fun, useful for those who cant afford a real marble run

Время в игре: 38 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 04.11.2017 00:47
98 0

With over three years on Steam, 1,250+ games, and well over 100 reviews, there is no doubt in my mind that I have NEVER worked so hard to like a Steam game as I have with Marble Run. Additionally, I have over 75 hours (some offline) in a desperate effort to find that there may be a future for this game, based on a concept that I cherish. Currently, there simply is not.

Had Marble Run been released as Early Access, this review would not be written (now, at least.) Had it been released in a complete state, or had the DEV shown more interest in improvement, I would have waited, then almost certainly praised Marble Run. (And I did buy it for two interested friends.) But nothing that has “burst full grown from the head of Zeus” (so to speak) should ever be so flawed, so incomplete, and so (seemingly) resistant to suggestion. All indications (beyond one change) are that this game may as well be chiseled in granite, as is.

As indication of MR’s shortcomings, it was released with quite possibly the most serious error I have seen in 30+ years of PC gaming: the selection and menu buttons were all transparent to mouse clicks. In other words, if DELETE is active, every mouse click caused anything on the screen behind a button to be deleted with any mouse click on that button (an easy error for beginners), with no knowledge of the deletion due to the view being blocked by that button. In fact, the action to turn off DELETE itself caused, without exception when a construction was on screen, unknown (but permanent) deletions. Clearly, the DEV had never played the game as released, and that is deeply concerning. (Within several days this correction was made, but beyond my own discussion posting there was no attempt to notify players of the extent of the danger inherant with this problem.)

MR lacks an UNDO feature (though it was promised on Day One, and isn’t out of the question, though omitted from the previously mentioned, single topic update.) This is unacceptable for a game that has a compile time on a VR-ready PC of as much as 40 seconds (in my current design. On the complex combined player projects the DEV anticipates (or perhaps almost any project on a slower PC), the compile time could easily be minutes, and be repeated for every run or SAVE.) Any mis-click requires a reload and recompile, and that’s simply unacceptable in a game with small, densely packed components. And even though troubleshooting MR designs is a critical aspect of MR, the run feature has no pause and no rewind. And there is no means to test only certain sections, only the entire design. It can easily take several minutes to get to the place in the design where an error MAY occur, then requires the same process after changes for confirmation. In my current large design it might be over five minutes, multipled by dozens of instances. (With expanded knowledge not indicated within the game, a workaround is possible. But paradoxically, even that shortcut takes time to prepare, times numerous instances. I learned this, and much more, in my time with MR, but no one should be forced to learn a new game or software that way.)

Every game based on player creativity I've yet seen is designed to respond to the needs of the designer/player. Marble Run is the opposite: every design is required to meet the limitations of the game. Measurements fail to sync, and the “variety” of provided parts is so sparse as to turn MR into essentially a puzzle game, to find the one “possibility” that the beginning and end pieces might end up serendipitously connecting.

And how do you learn to operate MR? According to the DEV, I need to watch YouTube videos. (The DEV has promised to provide a video tutorial, but may I remind that this in NOT early access.) He told me this in a comment where he “schooled’ me about physics (in a comment having nothing to do with physics) when I inquired about the possibility of this design flaw being corrected:
“Hey. The game simulates realistic physics. There will never be an absolute ideal. Watch a video in YouTube about how people make a marble machine. And how many balls fly out from them.”
(“Balls fly out….” Don’t I wish! These three marbles are stuck for eternity.)

Ultimately, the gamekiller is a bug the DEV seems hesitant to acknowledge. The means of raising marbles to where they can roll downhill is a choice of several lifting devices. One is an Archimedes screw type. Unfortunately, they frequently eject the marble as soon as the two interact, and ejecting a marble from the device is contrary to everything this game is about. I’ve provided evidence of more than one example as screenshots, AND as a project submission, allowing this failure to be viewed by anyone running the design. (Please see comments for evidence of a 100% failure example with proof.) One can’t but wonder once again if the DEV ever spent enough time on Marble Run to encounter such a common and serious issue. Unfortunately, it seems the DEVs favorite response is silence, plus one other more recent one. After a posting showing other MR designers how this serious issue can be dealt with by way of an exceptionally awkward workaround with varying degrees of success, I found my comments to discussions had been internally curtailed to a minimum (despite the DEV’s Store Page request to “Help us improve the game!”

Anyway, in the event it may be said that I didn’t give Marble Run a fair chance (despite the hours), here is ONE of my projects. It includes in excess of 200 marbles, but I long ago lost count. If you have access to Marble Run (and submission is permitted), I anticipate a name along the lines of “The Big Kahuna” (alternately, a later version may be found as "The Final Kahuna"):

If you’re like me, and spent hundreds (or thousands) of hours playing with Hot Wheels tracks, or can remember dropping marbles down the vacuum cleaner hose, you may find Marble Run worthwhile. (If Marble Run was as expected, I assure you I’d have left my family by now, moved in, and changed my address.) Admittedly, despite the tremendous amount of frustration making this design “sort of” work, I still am deeply fond of it, and likely won’t abandon it. And if the day ever comes that some of my suggestions are at least considered, bugs are fixed, and necessary pieces added, this unfortunately necessary review will become one with history, and a glowing marvel of complimentary literature will take its place.

Thank you.

Время в игре: 4779 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.10.2017 12:10
7 2

Fun game
I believe its early for a full review
but here is a video of what you can do


Время в игре: 184 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.10.2017 01:12
6 1






Время в игре: 8 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик PS Games
Платформы Windows, Mac
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Отзывы пользователей 53% положительных (19)

Отзывы пользователей

10 положительных и 9 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 22.02.2025 23:41


Indie Simulation


Single-player Includes level editor Family Sharing