Разработчик: StarWraith 3D Games LLC
In Evochron, you are free to seek your fortune as an independent mercenary in an adventure directed by your choices, abilities, and accomplishments. Each player can bring their unique skills and interests to the game, forming clans for cooperative goals or remaining solo to complete objectives on their own in true freeform space-sim gameplay.
Key Features:
- True freeform gameplay without plot restrictions, conditions, or limitations. No character attribute/skill limitations to hold you back. Experience ultimate gameplay freedom and play the game the way you want to. Your decisions and abilities define your role in the game and establish your reputations, wealth, progress, and ranking.
- Diverse gameplay choices and activities including racing, spying, mining, trading, commodity shipping, escorting, combat (both in civilian space and military war zones), exploring, asteroid clearing, equipment cleaning, crew management, station building, and ship designing. There are many ways to make money and advance in the game.
- A vast seamless universe that lets you fly anywhere without in-game loading screens. The Evochron universe is not boxed in by 'walls' or 'rooms' that require a jumpgate 'door' to access, there are no required gates or trade lanes to restrict your travel and hold you back. You can travel virtually anywhere you want. Descend into planet atmospheres to land at city trade stations, mine valuable materials, or explore for hidden items. You can escape to nebula clouds for sensor cover or hide in a massive asteroid cave for protection. Fly from planet to planet, star to star, and star system to star system.
- Unified gameplay architecture and profiles let you keep the ship, upgrades, equipment, money, weapons, crew, and commodities you acquire in the game for use in both single player and multiplayer.
- Cooperative multiplayer objectives that pay all linked players. Join forces with other players to complete more challenging activities that can offer much better pay.
- Construct space stations to dynamically expand the game's universe with new trade routes, docking points, and economies. The online multiplayer system stores player built stations with the server so other players can have access to the new stations and trade routes you create.
- Specialized industries and economies provide realistically variable item availability and pricing.
- Use your wealth to design and build a new ship, buy better weapons, hire crew members, recruit other ships, install upgrades, load commodities, and more.
- Advanced physics system features velocity adjusted acceleration curves and accounts for mass, thrust, and vector calculations. Realistic zero gravity inertia based 'Newtonian' style flight model including complete 3-way rotation and 3-way direction control with optional variable input. An advanced inertial dampening system helps keep flight control simple in space, atmospheres, and gravity fields.
- Realistic environment interaction far beyond the genre's typical 'background wallpaper'. Nebula clouds, asteroid fields, planet atmospheres, moons, and more all provide unique options for shelter and strategy. Such environment elements include changes in gravity, fuel consumption, physics, sensor range, and visibility.
- Supports keyboard, mouse, gamepad, and joystick flight control. Use the control device you prefer to play the game.
- Supports Natural Point's TrackIR 3D head control system for managing the viewpoint from the cockpit with all six degrees of movement.
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8.1
- Processor: 2.0 GHz AMD/Intel
- Memory: 1.5 GB RAM
- Hard Disk Space: 750 MB
- Video Card: 128 MB DirectX Compatible
- DirectX®: 9.0c
Отзывы пользователей
This is a great game, for as far as it goes.
Unfortunately compared to other Space sims, there's just not a lot of ongoing content here. Somewhere around the 25-30 hour mark, maybe sooner, you'll simply run out of things to do.
If you can get this for 80-90% off, for a couple of bucks, then I'd recommend it.
Full price? No.
havent played in 11 years but i think i remember it being at least ok. idk about 15 dollars ok tho
I wanted to like this game more, but the complexity and the number of commands and settings and gizmos and bells and whistles you have to manage to simply fly from A to B was too overwhelming for me.
I like simpler star ship simulations, like Darkstar One, Galaxy on Fire 2, Starpoint Gemini 3 and Rebel Galaxy Outlaw, so I guess it´s just a matter of taste.
If you want an Elite Dangerous alternative, this might fit the bill. The graphics are pleasant, and there´s some background music going, which is always welcome.
First, this is not a casual game by any means so if can't handle much beyond point and shoot then leave now or you'll be sent home crying over you're twenty bucks (just read the negative reviews). This game is something I've been looking for ever since I played a little indy flash game somewhere on the internet when I was 14. It had interesting lore, trading and combat in unique space mercenary environment made by someone who had a great idea and new how to code. This game is like the grown up, college educated, athletic, beautiful version of that game. It is so complex you WILL need to get a key binding sheet but everything you can do actually has a purpose. It feels like you are in Star Trek at times when you have to boost forward shields, deactivate the inertial dampening system, all power to canons and deploy counter measures! (I've done this, it's the coolest feeling when you pull it off in combat). The map is massive but divided into indivdual systems to make it easier to handle, each system tracks your reputation and has every odd job to military contract you could want. You can customize your ship and change out and upgrade equipment to tailor your ship to the jobs you want to have. The game is meduim paced from starting out, I upgraded my ship's size about 5 hours in for the first time. I've barely scratched the surface of this game but I have played plenty to give it a good recomendation; that being said I recomend getting a key mapping chart due to the complexity. It is a game that makes you think and feel like you are immersed in this world, added with a backdrop of stunning nebulae and planets with a swelling orchestral sci-fi soundtrack.
Amazing game that a 1 man team has created. If you feel cheated by Elite Dangerous like I did then you should check this out. Yeah sure it's not as "pretty" as ED but it has way more features and you won't pay $60 for another season of updates. Great game from a great company.
This is the first time I've ever bothered to write a review on Steam. Long story short - EM has really struck a chord with me and I'd happily reccommend to others hungry for some immersive, expansive, open-universe space fun.
I'm only just getting started into this game; only 50-odd hours so far - but already I am REALLY liking the experience, and can envision this consuming MANY hours in the future. This game seems to give me what I've been looking for in a space sim game for a long time. The atmosphere, the feel, the freedom and sense of scale - really succeeds in giving the feel of a lone wolf mercenary with the vastness of space just outside his cockpit.
I started slow; some mining, some trading, some exploring, some simple contracts - and have only in the last session or two had a taste of combat. That's part of what's great about this game: you do what you want to do. And even after just scratching the surface I can see there is a LOT to do in this big chunk of space. Love the mood (or moods) of the game; relaxing one moment frantic the next depending on what you want; where you go, what you do.
I'll admit to being personally shallow enough that I needed to get a cockpit and UI mod before really being able to get immersed - made a huge difference and there's tons to choose from. Don't let the first few seconds of the game throw you. There is a LOT of beauty in this game (I've taken a ton of screenshots already), and the feel is top notch.
I've only played singleplayer so far, but the multiplayer sounds great - enough to convince a die-hard singleplayer to be very tempted to dip in.. soon. The community seems active and friendly, and the dev (yes, a single individual is behind this!) deeply involved and interested and responsive. And it would seem he is currently working hard on the next iteration - which seems like it will only make this very good thing even better, much better. Can't wait.. but in the meantime I've a huge chunk of space to explore, so back to it..!
** EDIT: Surprise! Evochron Legacy has now been released on Steam! Saw it - bought it - downloaded it - now it's play time! **
Ok i bought this game during the summer sale and so far I like it!
The Good!
Open world.. You can do what you want to do if you have some imagination!
A large mapped out universe with safe systems.. Not so safe systems.. And just down right Angry systems!
Even more systems that arn't mapped out... Not sure how many so far, I have only found a few of them and their hard to find which is a good thing! Remember Space is a big place so it shouldn't be to easy to find everything!
You can Generate space stations in locations you chose that arn't to close to other stations.. Gives you a tactical advantige or a trading benifit, howerver you wish to use it! Thats kinda up to you to figure out!
You can Mine, Trade, Do Missions from a mission board, or just Pirate cargo from NPC ships to make credit's
Guessing 30 plus spacecraft frames to chose from..Or upgrade to with in game credits if you can find a station that has them!
Upgradeable engins, cargo bays, wings, fuel tanks and Sheilds if you can afford them!
A really Neat wepons lab where you can craft your own version of the perfect Beam or Partical wepons!
A hanger in most stations where you can store a frame for later use..... For a price of course!
Good flight model with inerta or thrust driven modes and even an in atmosphere mode.
Custimazable enough controlls without being just way to much and confusing!
Can land on planets and planet base Locations.
Can fly inside some very large astroids and find some lootable stuff!
Can get a Mech Walker and walk planetside or even fight planetside if you can find something to fight!
Good bit of tech to buy in the stations and with limited space it make's you think and make desisions on how you want your ship to performe, Not enough room for everything so you have to decide whats important for the way you want to play.. The largest ships in the game cant carry everything even! and thats a good thing, makes you think!
I have read some reviews about a hard learning curve.... This is my first space sim since Tie Fighter and it took a while to learn but it wasn't bad and that was part of the fun in my opinion!
Theirs more good stuff but just cant remember it all!
The Bad!
Making credits is to easy once you figure out where to buy low and sell high... Some players think you have to find the lost city but you can make credits really easy just paying attition to prices... On my second Pilot I made 50 Million in just a few hours of game play because I had figured it out on my first pilot.. Needs to be a bit harder to make credits so you can't just get the best gear so quick!
TO HARD TO FIND OTHER REAL PLAYERS TO PLAY WITH.... I have managed to log onto a multiplayer server but I was the only player on it :( Would be nice if you could find others to play with! Seems like not to many people play multiplayer sadly..It might be fun!
Not enough Places to store loot in the hangers...Yes you can use multiable hangers in multible Space Ports but Dang their expensive and a pain being so spread out... Would like to see them let you chose a hanger locaion or build a Space Port to use as your home base and let you store multable ships and alot of looted and Pillaged goodies!
Can't figure out how to create my own Guild? Would be neat if you could start your own guild then search out an uncharted galaxy... then build it up with Ports and stuff and have your own guild Galaxy, If you could name it that would be even cooler but some peeps would do some real silly names I relize sadly!
If you lack Imagination... You will probably get bored after a while... Persionally I keep trying to find new stuff and tinkering around to see what i can do.... I'm still learning the deepth of the game!
Anyway all in all it has been fun even if I havent got to play multiplayer yet! But maybe someone will see this review and we can find a server and start building a universe!
This is a wonderful space sim, emphasis on the sim part. If you are looking for a sci fi story game, this isn't for you. This game is amazing for space flight and combat, and also has planetary descents.
If you like the concept of Elite: Dangerous but at 1/3 the cost, this is your game. Alternatively, if you've never played a space sim before, this is a good jumping off point.
Works well with or without a joystick
Hours of gameplay; whether you're into blowing stuff up or mining, there's something to do.
Light Crafting Elements
Mix and match parts to create a ship you want, not a cookie cutter ship.
Large Universe to experience and lots going on
Not as polished as E:D
Medium Learning Curve - It takes a bit to get used to the controls / config hotkeys for your tastes
Combat and other duties can get repetative if you have gamer A.D.D. (which I do)
Could use more varied types of quests and Steam Workshop assets
Overall this game is well worth the money and is pretty enjoyable. Early upgrades don't take forever to buy and the game doesn't waste your time with silly docking procedures like E:D does. As I said before, it's not as polished as other games in the genre, though it isn't lacking for visuals.
I feel bad that I have to compare it to Elite: Dangerous so much, but that is sort of the stardard right now even if this came out 2 years before it.
First that comes to mind is Holy Sh*t...(been playing this for about 5 hours) , I am a seasoned veteran of these type of games since first Elite on Commodore 64 back in the 80:s and this is the only one compared to that i can say that captures the same atmosphere and immersion..
I have Played Wing Commander series (Including privateer obviously), Federation of Free Traders, First Encounters,New Frontier,X-series and been in EVE-Online since 2008 ...
But now that i have found this gem... Goodbye social life :) Good bye EVE ..See ya later wife... Im off to Olympus Prime with my Pulsar class ship...
I dont want to upgrade my pc for Elite dangerous or Star Citizen ... this is both of them for me and for a good price...
If this truly is a work of a one man ..then 07 For you!!! Please keep on going!!
Sometimes you just have to hold your hand up and say ‘I don’t know how this was done’, and this is a classic example. Apparently this was made by one person, yet it has more depth and ambition than many ‘AAA’ game. Great graphics, absorbing gameplay, realistic physics and yes, full transition from space to atmospheric flight. While games such as the new Elite, promise such delights in the future this masterpiece has already been there.
Thoroughly recommend , one of the gems of PC gaming that is often overlooked
An excellent space combat simulator that has all the bells and whistles of most AAA titles; except it's made by one person. Don't blow this off as some clone or half-assed attempt; this will give everyone who enjoys space combat sims plenty of entertainment. It may not be as polished or in-depth as games like Elite Dangerous or Star Citizen; but it is complete, and works 100%.
The star system is vast, mostly contained within our own Milkyway galaxy. I don't think any person has enough time to completely explore the whole area; as it would take thousands and thousands of hours to do so. There are many unexplored areas that are left for the player to find on their own; but there are plenty of "inhabited" planets and sectors in between to keep you busy.
There are planets with terrain, atmosphere, bases, vegetation, and resources that you will also need to explore, either by ship or on foot. You can customize your vessel almost however you want; from re-arranging the chassis and different sections, to customizing weapon platforms and even your character/crew.
The only "cons" that I have is the small (but active) community, and slow (but consistant) progress to perfection. However, these are easily forgivable since they are mostly my opinion, and theres still 1000x more to this game than just multiplayer and eye-candy.
There's really too much to write about, and I have barely scratched the surface. It's best to support a great and dedicated developer and see for yourself! It's cheap, and even goes on sale from time to time. Check out the official forums and SeeJay's www site for starcharts, information, and mods.
I would have preferred a better reviewing system that would allow me to moderate my point, but this will have to do. If I had to give an honest opinion of whether or not you should get the game, I would say that it depends of what you're looking for, as well as how patient you are. This game actually came pretty close to a good recommendation for me : you're relatively free to do what you want, you can customize your ship on several aspects, you have multiplayer, if you're into that stuff... It doesn't look half bad either, the menus are clear and precise, the gameplay is pretty good, and the combat in particular is quite involving.
The game does suffer from a few flaws, though, one of them being fatal in my eyes. The first one is that even though you can customize you ship, the different modules you get are nothing more than upgraded versions of what you already have. What I mean is that you don't have the choice between a shield that's very strong and one that's less strong, but recharges quickly, that sort of thing. You just have "small shield that's not great but will fit on small frames", and it gets bigger from that.
Another flaw, this one more important : ennemies aren't all that smart, and seem to have access to an unlimited supply of missiles, or at least that's the impression I get. Combat isn't bad in itself, but make one mistake and you're likely to get blown up, so it encourages a sort of "jousting" pattern that can get repetitive. Your fights will be pretty much the same every time.
Last problem I have with this game, and this one is what made me give it a negative recommendation : the reputation system is absolute garbage. So, you have several factions in this game, and doing contracts for them or destroying their ships will impact it. Okay. But your reputation in a sector won't carry over to another, it's just for THAT sector. That means that you can (WILL, if you're following the plot) stumble on sectors where the Navy don't like you. At all. They don't know you, they don't know where you're from, or what you want, but boy do they know they want you dead. And we're not talking about pirates, we're talking about the NAVY. So pretty much every ship you'll come across here are hostiles. You'll want to bribe them, but they won't answer your trade requests. And here comes the REALLY dumb part : you'll want to do a few contracts for them, but for that, you'll have to dock in the station while everyone is trying to kill you, then pay a fee to even be able to bring up the contracts menu, then leave the station without getting shot down on the way out, then reach the mission waypoint. And do you think they'll stop shooting you just because you accepted to do their work ? Fuck no, don't be insane. Good luck trying to do your mission while having to fend off unlimited waves of hostiles and their flood of missiles. And good luck trying to get a good rep with those guys if you have to blow their ships up while doing THEIR job that THEY gave you. Not that you really CAN, since you won't last long against 15 bad guys and their unlimited reinforcements...
I really wanted to like that game, it had so much potential... But as you can see, despite the apparent choice you have to decide what you'll want to be, you'll get shoehorned into investing in weapons and strong shields to even have a chance. That, or ignore the sectors where everyone and their mother will try to kill you for no reason, but that's just really, really dumb...
"I saw a distant planet with rings like saturn, as i flew closer i could see the rings were made of tiny particles of water as i drifted through them in my starship" - 8.5/10
EM is a sandbox space pilot simulator. It provides you with all the tools you need to live the life of an intrepid space explorer as you blast around an (almost) infinite galaxy filled with collossal space stations, glittering nebula, astroid belts, and planets.
How you choose to use this sandbox is very much up to you. Want to be a fighter pilot? No problem. Want to mine and trade precious minerals? You got it. Feel the need to build a fleet and have your own armada? Ok. Wanna explore the farthest reaches of the universe either by jumpgate or just pointing your ships nose at a distant star and pushing on the throttle? Oh yes! Fancy visiting the surface of that giant blue planet over there? Yep. Maybe cruise across mountains and dock at the local trade city for repairs and fuel? Sure.
Whatever you want to do EM has you covered.
However, despite the fact that it is probably obvious by now that I am impressed with this game it is only fair that I point out a few low points and niggles.
Firstly, the graphics. They are pretty dated. Still, what is here is all done pretty well. Distant stars flare light across your cockpit, nebula and gas clouds sparkle and shimmer as electrical storms rage, and giant space transporters lumber across the sky. On the downside the textures are all pretty bland up close. This is not so bad in space but it is on the planet surfaces that this really lowers the immersion. The actual concept of being able to fly from outer space, into the planet's atmosphere, and right down to the tree line is brilliant and the mechanics of it work really well. Unfortunately when you get there you see that the surface is just barren and featureless. A few sparodic trees and one or two cities is not enough to save this part of the game. A real shame as the actual descending to, and launching back up from, the planets is a lovely experience. Its just annoying that there is nothing to do when you get there.
Secondly, this is no hand holder. You will need to use the forums and wiki's to get to grips with this game. My six and a half hours playtime probably equates to about half of that as actual 'game' time. Still, nothing worth having is easy and i found the learning quite fun.
Lastly, the quests are pretty generic. You will make more money in ten mins of mining than by doing a dozen starter quests. Also there is a very limited amount of detail at times as so far as the living, breathing galaxy goes. There are lots of other ships, constant radio chatter, and dozens of busy space ports, but i'm yet to see anything along the lines of real faction interactions. Still, not been playing long so we'll see
Don't let these points put you off, there are a few mods available for graphical tweaks and the community is still pretty active and helpful for the learning side of things.
EM is a wonderful opportunity to just grab a spaceship and jet off to the stars. You'll be glad that you did.
A fairly good game with some nice ideas. It's a bit like Freelancer, but a little more "real" and more involved. The multiplayer is where the majority of the fun is at, but you will find it lacks depth. Once you have enough money to buy the best ship in the game (which does not take long at all), you will struggle to find anything to do except explore.
The control of your ship never seems quite right, and you find yourself constantly "sliding" everywhere. I have no problem playing space games with inertial dampeners off, but something about this just feels wrong - it takes forever to make course changes if you have any kind of speed.
The developer is absolutely brilliant though. I visited their forums to ask some questions and instantly got a reply from the developer, who implemented a new mechanic to the game based on my questions and feedback. I was stunned at how welcoming and kind the community is for this game. That alone is worth its weight in gold.
A good game, that could be a great game.
Jimbo Rating: 6/10
One of the best space fighter simulations out there, Evochron Mercenary gives you the freedom you should expect from space.
Even though it's not perfect feature-wise, those who loved Elite, Wing Commander or Freelancer must try Evochron for sure.
There's a good number of missions to do and places to go, and the seamless universe is a very change of pace considering all other space sims available.
Differently from almost all other space sims, you can fly to (or jump to) anywhere, without loading screens. You can also fly to planets, land on their cities or land anywhere and hop into a mech-explorer, then back to space seamslessly.
There's an economy going on and lot's of combat to get into.
You can also modify your ship to make it most efficient for the role you want (Trader, Miner, Multi-Purpose, etc) or even get a Military Ship that's best fitted for combat.
The flaw of this game is exactly on its strongest point: there's a lot of random things to do, but nothing is really persistent or makes sense in the long run. All existing ships are random, the stations you build are not yours (you own a license that gives you discounts, among other things), you cannot command ships bigger than a fighter and you can't (properly) own and command a fleet. The universe is big and has no boundaries, but the game's scope is actually very limited.
If you ever played the X series (X: Beyond the Frontier, X2: The Threat, X3 Reunion etc), the lack of decent combat, freedom, proper flying model and seamless universe that X has, is fulfilled by Evochron Mercenary.
However, the lack of persistence, fleet control and ownership, consistent and non-random economy and capital ship control is found on X.
Therefore, Evochron Mercenary satisfies those who want a good space fighter simulator with a basic sandbox thrown in, but for large scale economy and anything more persistent, consistent and less random, you should look somewhere else.
Still, as said before, if you're into space games, you MUST try Evochron!
It's a must-have for those who want proper space-flight experience.
I've played now during a while (+500h) and i'm still not bored and apparently it's not going to finish :)
Well I won't repeat what you can do in this game because all is pretty much describe in the page ahah.
I will just say the game is still living with a nice communauty who like help new people.
The game is still uptaded regulary and improved.
I need say it was created and still updated by only one man..... When you see the result final this man is close to be a genius!
Many mod was created by players so you could customize a lot of things into the game as you wish.
Event are regulary organise to creat activity into the game.
Various clan into the mp are still available. PVP are respectfull. Players ask 98% of the time to another player if they want have a fight. Exeption of course clan against clan wich is logic. So it's pretty safe.
A couple of team speak 3 are proposed by players for talk easier.
Exept the trade station you build, Sp and mp are link. Everything you do in one are do in the otherone. So if nice to see some player online. It's not only fight.
I will just say it's the best game I ever played of my life.
(add me on steam for more information or question I will be happy answer your question or help new players)
I can speak english or french as you prefer.
Amazing game. Sorta ilke EVE online but a lot more focus on flying than economy. Economy is still a big part of the game and finding trade routes and exploring new planets for profit is a ton of fun. Exploring is INSANELY difficult and requires use of many tools to find the untold number of secrets in this game. You can even travel to our solar system, Sol, and visit all the planets around us (if you can figure out how to actually get there!). Switching between multiplayer and single player is seamless in that it allows you to use the same pilot if you want, progressing in one will progress your character in both.
Graphics are beautiful, controls are tricky at first but very intuitive once you get the hang of it, and pvp/pve is a lot of fun. The physics aren't exactly realistic, but they do interia well and gravity is a factor when close to a celestial body. You can do whatever you want, but for a little guidance there's a story mission line that will take you through most of the universe and into some expensive secrets!
Playing Evochron has a feeling that I haven't found in any other modern space game yet. The tension of descending to the atmosphere of a planet and waiting for the computer to switch to avionics mode, the docking to a starbase, the realistic newtonian space battles are just some of the features that make me return to the game again and again.
Ive noticed that the people who have not recommended this game have played very little time on it.I myself have spent more time at the beginning watching videos than playing but.....I love this game,i love the atmosphere about it,the way you can land on docking stations on planets,sure the graphics arnt the best (there still very good by the way),but the variety of missions and also the unique way in which your ship uses Inertia is incredible.I also forgot to add that i believe this is the work of ONE man,thats right one man did this .updates are downloaded fairly regular and you can tell that its a labour of love.I was lucky to pick it up in one of steam sales but i would,nt hesitate one minute to pick this up for full price....A great game,well recommended
This game is worth getting for the incredible space-flight simulation. But like the ground-breaking "flight sims" of the 1990's anything past that in this game earns a resounding "eh".
Cleaning solar pannels is a pain as you have to get 100% instead of 90%, so you end up re-cleaning cells you could have sworn you cleaned previously. Harvesting asteroids is such a snore I played another game on my cell WHILE playing this one and harvesting. But the combat is indeed enjoyable and the truly zero-gravity flight is well worth the experience.
If you're a fan of space-flight sims, this one is pretty interesting. It's mostly a sandbox that gives you an option to follow a storyline of missions that will lead you in the general direction of a reward. The learning curve isn't too steep and you'll likely learn something new about the game throughout the time you play it.
The closest to a "ground game" you can get is to buy a terrestrial walker so you can walk around on the surface of planets after seamlessly entering the atmosphere from space and descending down to the surface, of course. Aside from that, you can't actually leave your ship. Better hope your cockpit doubles as a restroom!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | StarWraith 3D Games LLC |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 13.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 76% положительных (340) |