POSTAL 4: No Regerts

POSTAL 4: No Regerts

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Разработчик: Running With Scissors

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Чувак возвращается!

Прошло несколько лет после событий, опустошивших некогда гордый город, известный как Парадиз. Только Чувак и его верный товарищ Чамп смогли вырваться невредимыми из этого катаклизма, теперь бесцельно едут по раскаленным пустыням Аризоны в поисках нового места, которое можно будет назвать домом. После того, как случайная остановка на заправке закончилась тем, что их машина, трейлер и остальное их имущество были украдены, все, что у Чувака осталось — это его лохматый компаньон и его халат, и ни один из них не пахнет приятно. Однако, на горизонте они замечают незнакомый, ослепительный и манящий город. Что ожидает их там? Слава? Удача? Может быть, биде или даже два? Эденсин ждет.

POSTAL 4: No Regerts — это сатирический комедийный шутер от первого лица с открытым миром и долгожданный настоящий сиквел игры POSTAL 2, которую с любовью называют «The Worst Game Ever™»! (P.S Третьей части никогда не выходило.)

Ключевые особенности

  • Свободное перемещение, открытый мир, геймплей с элементами песочницы: с понедельника по пятницу в любом порядке выполняйте свой ежедневный список поручений, будь то незаконный ввоз мигрантов через границу, участие в ралли на местной спортивной арене, задротство в виртуальной реальности или просто сбор подписей для старой доброй петиции! Также ищите дополнительные побочные квесты, испытания "Going POSTAL" и коллекционные предметы Кротчи, чтобы получить дополнительные награды! Или забейте на все, и просто творите хаос на своем пути!
  • Выбор озвучки Чувака: Jon St. John, ветеран индустрии и легендарный голос Duke Nukem, дебютирует в роли Чувака! Также возвращаются любимые фанатами Rick Hunter (P1 и P2) и Corey Cruise (P3), голоса которых можно выбрать опционально, теперь Чувака больше, чем когда-либо, на кончиках ваших пальцев!
  • Совершенно новый город: Добро пожаловать в Эденсин. Исследуйте его и раскройте мрачные секреты этого игорного города! Посетите местную тюрьму, но не в качестве обитателя! Познакомьтесь с таинственными и необычными местными жителями на мексиканской границе! Путешествуйте по дорогам на своем модном скутере! Защитите свою кожу и любые неприкрытые отверстия от горных жителей в загадочном Темном Домике! Испытайте свою удачу в казино в элитной части города "Заг" под бдительным присмотром монолитной башни ERC!
  • Пацифизм или Насилие: Наслаждайтесь полной свободой выбора действий! Новое оружие и другие средства для мирного урегулирования (или, по крайней мере, не летального) конфликтов, но насилие по-прежнему никто не отменял!
  • Новые друзья и враги: Встречайте Кунни, лучшую часть (в зависимости от ваших предпочтений, конечно) Кротчи! Зацените биты, и, возможно, некоторые другие подпрыгивающие части DJ Carter Cruise! И размотайте возвышающуюся империю туалетной бумаги ужасного П. Тинклейджа!
  • Много оружия: Начиная с классики второго постала, как легендарную лопату, газовый баллончик и знаменитый мачете-бумеранг! Так и абсолютно новые пушки, такие как АК, четырехствольный обрез, и сверхмощный M60! А при помощи новых птичьих клеток вы сможете устроить пернатый хаос! Spurt’n’Squirt позволит побаловаться с разными жидкостями: наполните его водой, чтобы потушить огонь, бензином, чтобы создать импровизированный огнемет, или мочой, чтобы устроить золотой дождь прохожим в Эденсине!
  • Паверапы: Разбавьте свое прохождение такими уникальными вещами, как классический кошачий глушитель, замедляющая время кошачья мята, и энергетический напиток для взятия пушек в обе руки! А если хотите руки как у Джеки Чана, ноги как у Чака Норриса и уретру как у слона, то примите дозу витамина X (осторожно вызывает уменьшение яичек)!
  • Комбинирование оружия и другие возможности: Безумие или нет, но пойманных кошек можно комбинировать с гранатами или ракетницей, взрывной характер этим кискам обеспечен! Бахнув кошачьей мяты управляйте пулями через снайперский прицел! Хотите достигнуть новых высот? Задействуйте крюк!
  • Кастомизация Чувака: Хотите поностальгировать? Переоденьте Чувака в плащ из POSTAL 2! Возможность смены скинов на оружии! И это еще не все способы для кастомизации!
  • Интерактивность: Соберите смертоносную собачью армию, просто подкормив пару дворовых псов собачьими лакомствами! Переносите предметы на уровнях, чтобы забираться в различные места, или бросайте их в прохожих! Приобретайте оружие и паверапы в торговых автоматах! Впервые во франшизе, функционирующие унитазы, но не забудьте смыть за собой!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, polish, russian, simplified chinese, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, spanish - latin america, turkish

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 8 and 10
  • Процессор: 2.5 GHz quad core processor
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: DirectX11 compatible graphics card w/ dedicated 2GB VRAM
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 25 GB
  • Дополнительно: 30FPS frame lock recommended for these specs.
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: Windows 8 and 10
  • Процессор: 4.0 GHz quad core processor
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: DirectX11 compatible graphics card w/ dedicated 4GB VRAM
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 25 GB
  • Дополнительно: SSD Hard Drive is recommended. Above specs are for current build and will get lower as we optimize further





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 01.03.2025 23:34
          0 0

          The only satire thing about this game is the description calling it comedic

          Время в игре: 402 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.02.2025 10:54
          0 0

          Very few regerts will be had playing the only numbered sequel to Postal 2.

          Время в игре: 3057 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.02.2025 20:11
          0 0

          Postal 4 is not as horrible as the critics claim it to be, yet also not as amazing as some people try to defend it as being. I think with as much care as they put into postal 2, this game could eventually be a solid 9/10, its just kinda at a 7 right now, the point of postal 4 is to be buggy, however restarting missions because of unity crashes is only super funny the first three times it happens. The gameplay and story are amazing, just needs a bit of touching up.

          Время в игре: 688 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.02.2025 16:33
          2 0

          This game just sucks, plain and simple. RWS captured lightning in a bottle with P2 and have been trying to recapture it since to no avail. The visuals here are garish and cluttered, the writing and cutscenes are passable at best, the daily tasks are mind-numbingly boring, the bugs are too numerous to count, and it feels like nobody sat down and playtested this mess. All I see is copy-and-pasted glossy and soulless Unreal Engine 4 assets. The biggest crime of all however, is the machete. Look how they massacred my boy. In P2 the machete was a dopamine printer. You'd enter a room full of NPCs and you'd leave with a pile of viscera in a matter of seconds. Now it's a faint shadow of its former self, as dismemberment has been pushed aside in favor of floppy UE4 ragdolls. We do live in a different era than 2003, but I sorely miss the humor of the devs at the time. It's way too on the nose nowadays and will age very poorly compared to the timeless gags of P2. Slingshotting Mexicans across the border is cool and all, but that's nothing compared to infiltrating Tora Bora and getting your hands on a WMD.

          Время в игре: 324 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.02.2025 22:31
          4 0

          I reallllly wanted to like this, I had so much fun in Postal 2, but honestly this game needs a lotta work and revising of the main formula from missions. I feel making it as Postal 2 was (the factions you are now hostile with progressively growing in number) would help this feel a lot better. Aside from the base game bein mostly underwhelming, I can't even finish tuesday because the graffiti mission has me softlocked each time I run it.

          Время в игре: 259 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.02.2025 15:48
          1 0

          DO NOT BUY. I had to use an extra 3 hours of my time just because of the autosaving/zoning into limbo issue. In addtion, automatic things do not trigger, meaning I have to keep reloading the game and when I do, I am in a totally different place where I´m supposed to be, my inventory/skins etc etc are gone and what not. I knew the game was going to be buggy, but this is just crazy.

          Время в игре: 806 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.02.2025 08:05
          2 0

          I don't get why this game loses when compared with Postal 2, performance is bad even after all this time after release, the A.I. and interactions don't hold a candle to the ones from Postal 2 and the humor looks to be toned down a bit because "muh wider audience", who is this game for exactly?

          Время в игре: 1119 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 22.02.2025 07:59
          1 0

          HUGE Postal 2 fan, but this game just simply has none of the charm to it.
          Performance is pretty awful, the map is inexcusably ugly for a modern game. All the characters/NPC's look like they've been drag/dropped from an asset library. Art style isn't really that consistent.

          I've tried multiple times to try and get in to it but I just can't.

          Shame because I've always wanted RWS to succeed.

          Время в игре: 142 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 20.02.2025 01:34
          9 0

          This is absolutely bullshit. Poorly optimized, stressful missions and the map is ridiculously big and lifeless, especially the NPCS walking around aimlessly. I'm a fan of the Postal series, I have all the games (except Postal 3) and I tried everything I could to like this game but at the end of the day, it's just bad. The cutscenes, the story, the weapon animations, the music and the Dude's design are fine, but the rest of the game is... just purely bad.
          I regret everything!

          Время в игре: 1215 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 18.02.2025 03:38
          1 0

          Even if this game isn't perfect or as great as POSTAL 2, there is still plenty of fun to be had and this was made with much love and care by RWS as they did with POSTAL 2 and all the other games they made. It ain't perfect, but still fun as any POSTAL games... except 3...

          Время в игре: 2513 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 18.02.2025 00:57
          7 0

          So bad it’s bad.

          I’ve played my fair share of janky garbage. Heck, my favorite guilty pleasure is Duke Nukem Forever. It sucks hard, but captured a certain flavor that makes me come back every other year.

          Postal 4 on the other hand is like vanilla ice-cream covered in shit sprinkles. Even if you outmaneuver the crap it’s still a bland, tasteless experience that’s not worth the effort. Everything this game does Postal 2 did better twenty years ago!

          --- Terrible Open world ---

          The devs made the classic mistake of going the “bigger is better” approach and bit off more than they can chew. The map is huge and empty, which many copied assets and so little to do. Traversing the map was a chore and there are too many buildings with nothing worthwhile. The world is so static you can’t even pop balloons or run over signs on your scooter.

          NPCs just wander around aimlessly. Rarely do you see them use scooters or do something interesting. Where is the fun stuff like the marching band from Postal 2? It’s all so lifeless und barebones.

          --- Terrible Inventory System ---

          The inventory is a nightmare to navigate because it hordes every single item you pick up including the many collectibles, which have no purpose outside of selling them at specific vendors. If you’re smarter than me you’ll probably rebind some keys sooner than I did to minimize the tediousness.

          Every so often when picking up an item it overwrites the one you had previously selected, so now you have to cycle through so much clutter that the fastest way is to pause instead and select the item you want directly.

          This game seriously needs to get rid of those redundant items so I don’t have to scroll through them every time I’m trying to find my healthpipes.

          --- Terrible Combat ---

          Postal 4 gives you many weapons and too be fair they are well animated – but most of them just lack oomph! NPCs barely react to you, can survive half a dozen pistol shots and melee is downright useless. It takes several swipes with your machete to chomp of limbs, so what’s the point?
          Enemies rarely get amputated and usually ragdoll after getting shot and that’s just not satisfying.

          When I shoot a NPC in the face with a shotgun I want them to explode like a fckin piñata!

          Even running them over with the scooter is not as entertaining as it should be. Nothing has any impact.

          --- Terrible Optimization ---

          My rig is powerful enough to play the latest Resident Evil and Cyberpunk in stable 60fps on Ultra, but Postal 4 is in a league of its own. It’s so badly optimized I had to turn off most post-processing effects, switch to potato-resolution and most settings went down to either medium and lower.

          This game looks like total ass and still my rig was struggling. And this is after years of updates. I shudder to think how bad it was at launch.

          Constant glitches, crashes and soft-locks haunted my playthrough.
          I managed to trap myself in a closet because the door wouldn’t open, I’d get stuck walking up stairs, textures taking their sweet time loading in, guns shooting continuously after respawn, enemies popping into existence, cutscenes not playing properly, after the mission were the dude get’s turned into a cat it wouldn’t turn me back – so many big and small issues…

          The last section in particular deserves special mention for how positively awful it is:
          You have to reach the maps exit by using the longest way imaginable and while every single NPC is shooting at you constantly. All you can do is drive, spam the heath-key and hope you don’t die. Adding to the frustration are stupid UFOs that will abduct you causing the game to glitch out or entrap you. I had to savescum my way to the credits.

          No wonder this game gives you 5 autosaves. It’s barely functional.

          --- Terrible Humor ---

          The writers completely missed the point of Postal 2. Most of its humor came from the juxtaposition of the mundanity of life and the absolute insanity that would ensue. You’d patiently wait in line at the bank to cash in your cheque when suddenly robbers shoot up the place. It slowly built up the wackiness.

          Postal 4 on the other hand wants to be Mr. Funnypants. It tries so hard to make you laugh and nothing really works. Same with the satire. Postal 2 was dumb and edgy, but it has become a wonderful time capsule of the 2000s and the war on terror.

          Now the devs play it so safe it’s not even safe-edgy – it’s just lame.

          I don’t know how many of the OG devs were involved in this, but let me remind you that in the very first game you could unalive actual Kindergarteners. It was vile, shocking and ballsy as fck.
          You’d think that in these dark times of PC wokeness the devs would go all out and create something magical, but alas with old age their balls must have shriveled away so now all we have left are lame reddit-tier jokes about mobility scooters. A punchline so lame Postal 3 did it first.

          Speaking of old age, you remember Bane from The Dark Knight Rises? You know, the movie by Christoper Nolan from over ten ago? Well, you meet a parody of him early in the game. There have been 5 Batman movies since then, but I guess the overused voice gag was too good to pass up.
          There’s also a recurring character who’s clearly supposed to be the G-Man from Half-life 2, a game that hasn’t been relevant in two decades. The only thing funny about this is how hilariously dated it is.

          The game makes fun of covid, but in the safest way possible. All we get is an unfunny announcement and NPCs wearing facemasks. Is that it? Why not have comical large covid bacteria roam the city infecting people and when you shoot it from afar it explodes making everyone around vomit blood. Or how about giving the player covid-grenades so we can spread the Shanghai Shivers ourselves? At least have NPCs fight over toilet paper or something.

          There are no jokes about the Orangeman or Sleepy Joe. The closest I could find was a Trump Halloween mask I couldn’t wear. The devs don’t even have the guts to make fun of the obnoxious woke crowd. Imagine if you could cancel people by pointing your phone at them and they shot themselves on the spot. Now that’s comedy.

          A mission set inside an amusement park could have been the perfect opportunity to make fun of Disney and their dominance (and ruination) of western entertainment – but of course nada. The writers couldn’t think of anything clever; so poop jokes it is.

          I’m actually insulted by the absolute state of lameness in this comedy game.

          --- Terrible Game ---

          The graphic designers did a fine job with the posters and vending machines. Cutscenes look good and are nicely animated. And as I mentioned before, the weapon animations are great.

          But all that talent is wasted because even if it was properly optimized the game still remains tedious unfunny slop. A shallow imitation of a game from twenty years ago. Playing this was exhausting.

          Postal 4 is complete utter waste and I regert paying full price for this.

          PS: Oh, and RWS? That running joke about making fun of Postal 3? Yeah, that doesn’t work if your own sequel is arguably worse.

          Время в игре: 988 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.02.2025 23:54
          5 1

          Well it's definitely not anyone like the second game. It's a watered-down version. These devs aren't edgy anymore, and it's clear they just replaced the humor they once had with over repetitious poop jokes. We get it, haha poo poo poo.....

          Время в игре: 1646 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.02.2025 17:43
          1 0

          First game ive had issues with running on my PC. The developers need to optimize the game for better frame rate. The game either breaks or the frame rate drops so low its hard to do anything.

          Время в игре: 82 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.02.2025 15:58
          10 1

          Clearly a child of love. Only mother could love that face.
          Play as a Postal Dude, a lovable crackhead, embodiment of chaos and intrusive thoughts.

          Overall less janky than a Postal 2. A little. A little more stable than Postal 2 too. Also, a little.
          Runs like crap regardless of graphical settings.
          Autosaves are often, but unreliable. Feel like the last holdout of game breaking glitches too.
          Guns no longer feel like it's 1997: they hit where you aim them, they have more animation frames than in Doom 2, headshots actually work.
          Money is more important than in Postal 2, where it was only useful for crack and akimbo powerup. You can buy pretty much any item in game now, and various quality of life upgrades like more inventory space or open carry licence.
          Definitely could use more Fast Travel points, because map is a lot bigger, and getting between jobs sometimes means plenty of loading screens.
          Pick your Dude: You can choose Jon St. John, Rick Hunter, Corey Cruise, or Zack Ward to voice Postal Dude. What a service!
          Has rampages, like PS2 era GTA. Damn, I miss PS2 era GTA.

          Время в игре: 2300 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.02.2025 20:47
          0 1

          This game kinda gets a bad rap. Postal 4's weapons pack more of a punch than Postal 2's.

          Время в игре: 3216 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.02.2025 19:06
          0 0

          Like all of the Postal games before it, this entry is raunchy, over the top violent, and hilarious. Although none in the series have been without their flaws, Postal 4 is very buggy which can make it difficult to play and somewhat frustrating. I still had fun, but the game's issues really detracts from the overall experience.

          Время в игре: 868 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.02.2025 19:59
          1 3

          Hey, i'm old skool postal and have played these games since day 1 back in 97 with the plastic and cardboard game boxes we had to physically buy!

          Not a bad thing to say, its a great game, has all the crazy sh-it we love. No woke sh-it and fun to play.

          Few UI bits to improve etc but its a great game.

          These negative heads are kids with no life's, who go and review every game they play, thinking they are critics being paid millions and never touch grass. Ignore them loosers and check it out yourself. Come back after an update and check it out some more!

          Just buy the game dickheads and support an old skool dev company who have always been on the communities side!

          Время в игре: 777 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 09.02.2025 23:53
          3 0

          - There are lots of stuff we liked since Postal 2
          - Better Graphics
          - Lots of guns
          - You can midfinger people

          - Poor Optimization. It's so BAD.
          - Finding path quite often broken and sucks
          - Worse civilian AI than Postal 2
          - You can't cut people head by one single machete swing
          - A LOT OF GLITCHES

          Время в игре: 904 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.02.2025 11:20
          0 0

          in my two decades of gaming, this is the first title to give me motion sickness. i really wanted to like postal 4, and running with scissors have proven that they take a lot of pride in their work, but they're still chipping away at sorely-needed optimization improvements years after release. to date, the framerate is choppy and constantly has migraine-inducing palpitations, like the heart of an average american. performance issues aside, there's a level of inspiration that just feels lacking here compared to the game's predecessor, postal 2. a few points of comparison:

          postal 2 had a vast weapon selection to experiment with and visit all sorts of harm on people. in postal 4, the arsenal doesn't get much more exciting than the utilitarian workhorse weapons and a couple of dismemberment-capable melee weapons. even then, this game's dismemberment is very limited, and you'll barely be able to begin torturing a pedestrian before the light passes from its eyes.
          postal 4's story follows the same formula as postal 2, but otherwise has little to no connection with previous events. al-qaeda, perhaps the most thoroughly-developed faction in postal 2 and 3, are conspicuously absent here. RWS staff Mike J & Vince Desi once again appear as themselves, but their self-inserts explicitly lack continuity with their postal 2 counterparts. the game might as well be another coma dream, for how few plot threads persist from Paradise Lost. returning the world of postal to the status quo isn't a bad idea, but postal 4 makes the same mistake as postal 3 in sweeping postal 2's events under the rug as quickly and conveniently as possible to roll back what little character development and worldbuilding the series has had.
          postal 2's side content relied on creative scripted sequences that invited the player to step in with whatever sort of violence one pleased. the tora bora raid is one of the game's longest and most unique shootout sequences, explains the extreme taliban presence in town, and goes completely unmarked as an objective. in postal 4, there are gamey challenges to complete that usually follow a pattern of "use [weapon A] on [quantity B] of [set of targets C] in [D seconds] to earn [$E]". also sprinkled around the map are a large amount of collectible krotchy dolls and paintings, which can be redeemed for cosmetics and some other minor rewards. both activities quickly begin to feel like box-checking exercises. i spent most of my playthrough hunting for krotchy dolls, and in the process discovered a fundamental issue with postal 4's resource management system.
          in postal 2, resources like health and money pickups only respawn after each ingame day, pushing the player to be increasingly clever with his movement and weapon use as difficulty increases in order to avoid running out of these finite resources. in postal 4, pickups respawn every time a map is loaded. due to all the time i spent collectible hunting, i quickly became so inundated with crack pipes that, despite playing on Very Hard, the highest non-gimmick difficulty setting, enemies could only kill me (and even then they struggled) if i wasn't able to take cover during the full second it now takes to smoke up. ammo is so plentiful (and perhaps bugged) that i finished the game with over 6,000,000 units of gasoline in my gas can despite my efforts to intentionally waste as much as i could on innocent civilians. in addition, postal 4 attempts to nerf the police disguise by introducing a suspicion meter; if the player commits too many crimes while disguised as a cop, the disguise becomes ineffective and the player is no longer protected against earning a wanted level. however, this nerf comes with another infinitely-respawning pickup: the police badge, which, when consumed, immediately clears the player's suspicion meter and wanted level. as a result, the player can cause a "sovereign citizen incident" at the police station, run into someone's house and simply eat a badge to make the cops call off the search for the impostor who just offed 40 officers on their last day before retirement. the effect of all this is that the game inevitably becomes a cakewalk outside of challenge runs.

          if you've played Two Weeks in Paradise ad nauseum, you've made it through both Corkscrew Rules & Eternal Damnation and you're still desperate for a new week of postal, postal 4 does have the same gameplay and sense of humor as its predecessor, and it's not a bad choice to pick up at a steep discount, though i'd recommend turning the difficulty way up and playing straight through the main story without going too far out of your way for side content. for my money, though, the third-party spinoff postal: brain damaged feels like a truer successor, with creative, content-dense level design that builds on the same sense of surreal cynicism that inspired postal 1 & 2 in its own way. if you're new to postal, i shouldn't have to tell you that postal 2 is the definitive postal game and an incredibly entertaining game in its own right.

          Время в игре: 4109 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.02.2025 03:17
          2 0

          My game doesn't even launch anymore

          Время в игре: 423 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.02.2025 08:50
          6 0

          Not as good as Postal 2

          Время в игре: 192 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.01.2025 07:46
          3 2

          Crashes harder then the Daytona 500 February 18 2001

          Время в игре: 942 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.01.2025 03:09
          0 0

          not super long at all, silly and chaotic, can beat in a day or two, solid postal entry

          Время в игре: 1284 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.01.2025 21:02
          0 0

          10 дропкикнутых полицейских из 10

          Время в игре: 579 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 26.01.2025 11:43
          0 0

          Generally not as enjoyable as the previous title, the humor doesnt land as well and the gameplay itself feels repetative, and not to mention the poor optimization

          Время в игре: 388 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.01.2025 23:51
          0 0

          Yes its still postal 2 but still it wont out match The REAL postal 2. But duke FUCKING nuke'em him self is the FUCKING dude

          Good Dude Bad Arizona

          Время в игре: 94 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 23.01.2025 10:03
          1 0

          Plays like a postal game, is a postal game, this is basically what I want from a postal 2 successor. It feels right, even if though it's so deliciously wrong. Been a fan of this company and their products since the postal 2 demo came out and I was playing only the demo for months on end. Don't buy this expecting like a grade a shooter, but I'll definitely say it's a grade a postal game that's still missing some beloved features like the get down button (as far as I know) but Running With Scissors is constantly actively talking with the community on steam as well as on reddit as far as I've seen. Just get it, if it's not for you you can always refund.

          Время в игре: 657 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 20.01.2025 15:29
          0 0

          bugs and crashes

          Время в игре: 1016 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 16.01.2025 17:14
          0 0

          It's Postal, with some new weapons and a fresh coat of paint. Still offensive and over-the-top with more dumb hilarious nonsense. New setting with the same dumb world as before. Either you like it because it's postal and it's goofy or you hate it because it's postal and you're either a snowflake who gets offended at the tongue in cheek crap going on or you are an elitist that can't handle jank.
          This game ain't for kids and it ain't for snowflakes. It's for Postal fans.

          Время в игре: 1210 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.01.2025 07:34
          0 0

          As a long time fan of the series I enjoyed it for what it was. The map is big, the interiors are cool, and there's good variety in the missions. I enjoyed the main campaign. The game is funny and has a lot of fan service. It is buggy and imperfect, and poorly optimised. If you're a fan of Postal 2 then get this, but wait for a sale, it's not worth full price. Do not play this if you haven't played Postal 2.

          Время в игре: 838 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 14.01.2025 23:58
          4 1

          postal dude is hot

          Время в игре: 624 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 14.01.2025 02:54
          1 0

          when your "patch" stops the base gameplay of FUCKING SHOOTING A GUN IN FUCKING POSTAL, Plus the missions go from boring to bad, you have out did Postal 3 in shitty at this point, gg RWS lost a long time fan forever.

          Время в игре: 1120 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.01.2025 13:20
          6 0

          As a big Postal fan i didn't liked this game.
          Because it has some optimization problems even tho i played with Nvidia GeForce RTX 4080.
          Missions feels empty and they're not that fun to me.
          And game feels like it's not finished yet.

          But of course there is positive things too.
          I liked animations (radgolls are mid) , humor (of course i'll like it, its a Postal game) and weapons.

          And when i compare it to Postal 2 i would say that Postal 2 is still better that day.
          But when i compare it to Postal 3 (worst game ever) it's better then postal 3.

          My rating is: 6/10.

          Время в игре: 151 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 23:10
          0 1

          This game is not good.

          No, not in the "ironic" way fans want you to believe that this game is "so bad its good", its just not good. None of the jokes are particularly funny, and honestly the writing felt egriously masturbatory at times with how often they punched down with "hey at least we aren't postal 3!". It plays identically to how it did when it was in early pre-alpha. I get that they wanted to play it safe and not experiment too heavily after how disastrous postal 3 was, but did they really have to copy postal 2 so closely to the point this very well could be marketed as a (poorly done) remake of postal 2? its "the force awakens" level unoriginality! except they forgot to actually copy the fun parts of postal 2 but they did make sure to keep the dated humor and terrible level design, which was forgivable for Postal 2 which came out in 2003, but this is just slop for full price. In fact they could have just as easily tweaked a few things and made this as another DLC for postal 2 with how much they repeat the same ideas as that game except 20 years later.

          in conclusion, buy postal 2 if you want a mindless juvenile humor simulator. Its cheaper, runs better, and far more enjoyable despite its age.

          Время в игре: 336 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 10:38
          2 0

          og postal 1: insane
          redux postal 1: fun
          postal 2: best
          postal 3: buggy russian mess with charm
          postal 4: tr00n bs

          Время в игре: 16 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 08:09
          0 0

          Really wanted to like this game, but it's extremely buggy

          Время в игре: 1131 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.01.2025 20:36
          0 0

          guzel ama optimisasyonu kotu bide tam postal oyunu olmamıs 2. oyun en iyisi

          Время в игре: 458 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.01.2025 09:05
          0 0

          This game is very nice and I find it very fun playing it. But for some reason its really laggy even when I change the settings around to try and get better fps. Other than that the game is really good and I will continue playing it.

          Время в игре: 253 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.01.2025 16:54
          0 0

          killing people with hatchets and whatnot

          Время в игре: 644 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.01.2025 12:46
          0 1

          Postal 4 is a shit game, but its filled with so much love from the devs that i can't put on a negative review. Ranging from multiple voice actors for our dude so that everyone can pick their favorite, through little easter eggs and references to the postal community, to multiple interactions and animations that are there just because they could add them, and of course, full developer support and patches even 2 years after release. Postal 4 sucks, it has a lot of glitches, bugs, bad map design, shit optimization and it's postal for god's sake, but there's so much love put into this one i can't even be mad.

          Время в игре: 216 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 08.01.2025 14:03
          0 0

          i really wish i liked the 3 hours i've played... the entire game is unpleasantly over-saturated, the jokes don't punch, and the missions are boring.

          it's toned-down in edge compared to redux, 2 AND 3;
          there's much less cohesion than there is in redux, 2, and, indeed, 3;
          uglier than redux and 2;
          the characters are less interesting than 2's;
          and overall, it's not worth the money i paid. get redux and postal 2 with its DLCs, you'll have way more fun.

          Время в игре: 180 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 07.01.2025 21:53
          4 0

          For 5 and a half years now the devs have promised to add co-op.
          The game hit EA in october of 2019 without it,
          2025 and they can't even give an ETA on when/if it will ever come.

          I'm not sure if i remember this right; but I'm pretty sure coop was promised to be in the game upon entering EA and was abruptly & "temporarily" postponed.
          It was frustrating then, but understandable that they had hiccups and had to focus on more crucial things.
          5 and a half years later this is obviously no longer an excuse.

          For me the promise of co-op was the only reason i bought this.
          It's inferior to Postal 2 in pretty much every way and it feels a bit watered down in some way.

          Just play Postal 2 instead.
          IF this ever gets co-op it might be fun.

          Devs responded with the latest news update; co-op should be close to being released now.
          Still no ETA can be given, but now it should REALLY almost be there.
          Fingers crossed then.

          Written response from dev to me regarding lack of an ETA:

          Zeron(dev) wrote:

          It's mostly down to unpredictability of development. Open world games have a million different things that can break and we thought at the time it was far more important to fix bugs, add commonly requested small features and improve performance rather than just drop an even more broken and unstable co-op experience that would just sour things even further.

          Время в игре: 72 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 07.01.2025 03:33
          0 0

          Cant even play it. load in for about 4 seconds and crashes. tried about 15 times. high end spec pc with all features in game turned right down. biggest waste of money ever.

          Время в игре: 20 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.01.2025 18:54
          1 0

          reeeaaally needs some improvements before i can leave a positive review

          stopped playing at the 3rd or 2nd day because of the really boring parking tickets i had to put
          can see the potential, just needs a LOT MORE updating. hoping all of you at RWS can provide a great final product!

          Время в игре: 284 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.01.2025 07:58
          3 0

          Yes regerts

          As a big Postal 2 fan I wish I could review Postal 4 positively. I've been reinstalling the game for the 4th or 5th time since the Early Access, and it's been the second time since the 1.0 (today was the last time) so I consider the current state of the game final, minus very small tweaks and bug fixes (no problems about this) ; My reasons for uninstalling each time was that I got pissed off by recurrent issues, from controls, to UI, or even gameplay that prevented me from just having fun ; but as I said I'm a good fan, been patient and all, and came back from time to time to check if these issues, and other things like physics or NPC's AI had been improved over the time. Guess why - Because I want to play this game ofc, and I want to say that Postal 4 was in many aspects much better than Postal 2 !!!! (spoilers ahead : it's not).


          - The team gave us fans some awesome things, let's be thankful for that. Like all the Dude's voice actors in one game (including Zack fucking Ward from the movie!!). This is the kind of efforts that makes my heart melt and want to support you more. Thank you for that, please continue.
          - The music tends to get repetitive because there aren't many tracks - BUT for a casual listening they are really good and I believe this is the best thing to say about the game. (The OST is modern music that carry Postal spirit and humor). Good work.
          - The artistic direction does the job, and when we stop by to read and watch all the little panels and posters and art pieces, there are tons of funny things to uncover. Thank you for this effort. (though I wish the decor was more equally designed, like some items that could be expected to have interaction did not, or sometimes they're just weirdly designed). But overall it's not a game breaker so it's OK.
          - I'm happy with the humor presented during my play time - I did Monday and Tuesday daily chores and it was just as fun as I expected, and I have no reason to believe that it will get worse over time so that's cool.
          - Some technical / graphical issues I had in older versions seemed to be fixed. Cool. If only the game were fully fixed.


          Now I'll post a list of features I wish are going to be fixed once for good if you guys want me to review this videogame positively.
          - The controls : there are options that reset to default each time I play : I noted "crouch toggle" and "mouse sensitivity" (both). Forces me to get back to the option menu on every play to change them.
          - The audio balancing is all over the place (I'm not kidding!). There is not a single audio line or SFX track or whatever in the world that works accordingly to what's shown in the audio menu. Gun shot's too loud even though I turned it low ? Somehow the Dude's voice becomes loud, but some of his lines only - while some other lines are so low to the point being almost inaudible (then back to loud again) ? Sometimes I hear some sounds very close to my ear when they're supposed to be farther than that ? UI audio has issues too ? The game is possessed or what ?
          - Speaking of UI : it plays and feels like a badly designed browser interface. It's clunky as hell... Like Crotchorola sometimes can't let me click on the top bars buttons so I have to do the monkey and do shit until it's back to working again ; and Crotchy's Tips bar is always up when you go to check a new message, so you're always forced to scroll down, every time.
          - The game controls still feels like worse than Postal 2. They are "floaty" so to speak, most often they're imprecise, that I can't get myself to enjoy a hour-long session without pesting on the controls. Postal 2 was much, much better.
          - Also, the NPC's behaviour is terrible. Like in being close to win a competition against Cyberpunk 2077 for "Worst Crowd Control In a Video Game" level of genius. We're basically facing empty shells with human form, shells that sometimes happen to react, but most often not accordingly to the situation. If the coders did think that being so lazy with the AI could be called a feature, well did you play your OTHER games ?? Postal 2 did present a very restrained list of interactions, yet it was enough to "let the magic in". This should've been the BARE MINIMUM for Postal 4. I'm sorry guys but there's no excuse to do less and make this game pass the Early Access state.
          - This review is too long, so let's wrap it up for the end : horrible ragdolls (they look like half-stuffed plushies) not to mention the animations that are still ridiculous (women walking like cowboys, I mean pretty much everyone in the game has weird ways of bending their bodies).
          - The scooters are a cool addition to the previous games (I mean, Postal 2), but somehow they got to make its controls WORSE than during Early Access...
          - Whenever you reload a save, everything in the world gets reloaded back to default, which means you can evade cops and get a maximum amount of an item from only one unit (for example, you can easily max your number of catnip since there's one right in the debut).

          I hope you don't get mad at me for this, I want to enjoy your game, so make it enjoyable to play. Games are meant to be fun. Thanks.

          Время в игре: 1981 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.01.2025 04:18
          9 0

          this game is fucking awful
          RWS, "haha postal 3 was bad" isnt funny when the shit you make is just as bad

          Время в игре: 175 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.01.2025 23:03
          0 0

          tamamen çöp bir oyun olmuş 3. oyundan ders almamışlar 2. oyuna grafik güncellemesi ve birkaç yenilik ile cilalayıp çıkartsalar daha çok ses getirir ve kazanç sağlar bir boku becememişler
          It's a completely garbage game. They didn't learn from the 3rd game. If they polished the 2nd game with a graphical update and a few new features, it would make more noise and profit. They couldn't do shit.

          Время в игре: 8 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.01.2025 14:44
          5 2

          postal 2 is more fun,
          postal 4 should be double as good as
          postal 2 but
          postal 4 is only 2/4 as good as
          postal 2 ,playing
          postal 4 was less fun then writing this review.

          Время в игре: 890 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.01.2025 05:28
          1 1

          IGN Was absolutely right, 2/10, best game I've ever played!

          Время в игре: 555 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 12:53
          4 0

          Games Broken . Fast travel doesnt work half the time and then theres a bug that leaves You stuck as a cat

          Время в игре: 10655 ч. Куплено в Steam

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          Разработчик Running With Scissors
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 12.03.2025
          Отзывы пользователей 73% положительных (6079)

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          Обновлено: 02.03.2025 07:49


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