Разработчик: Terry Cavanagh
VVVVVV — это игра-платформер, которая исследует одну очень простую идею для механики: что, если бы вместо прыжка вы меняли гравитацию?
Игра не устанавливает искусственные препятствия вашему прогрессу. В VVVVVV нет никаких замков, усилений, переключателей — нет ничего, что бы остановило вас на пути к цели, кроме самого пути.
Ключевые особенности:
- Элегантный и минималистичный дизайн уровней.
- Быстрый и увлекательный геймплей, бросающий вызов.
- Часто встречающиеся точки сохранения — вам не придётся повторно проходить одно и то же испытание.
- Более получаса музыки в стиле чиптюн, написанной композитором Магнусом Полссоном.
- Особые игровые режимы, включая испытания на время и режим "Не умирая".
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, dutch, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, portuguese - portugal, russian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, turkish, ukrainian, catalan, irish, welsh, arabic
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows XP
- Процессор: с тактовой частотой 2 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 256 МБ
- Видеокарта: совместимая с Direct X9.0c
- DirectX®: DirectX® 9.0c
- Жесткий диск: 42 МБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: любая
- ОС: OS X версии Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3 или новее
- Процессор: Intel Mac с тактовой частотой 2 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 256 МБ
- Жесткий диск: 42 МБ свободного места
- Звуковая карта: любая
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
- Processor: 2 GHz
- Memory: 256MB
- Graphics:
- Hard Drive: 42MB
- Sound: Standard audio
Отзывы пользователей
good platformer, absolute classic
HORRENDOUS achievements
One of the best indie platformers.
The only game that requires you to look down on your feet, and up into the sky through which things can fly
Is it a good thing when your only complaint for a game is that it's too short for having just introduced such a promising mechanic? Maybe, but this is still a great value for five dollars. 9/10
This game is so good. Don't let the simple artwork foo you; The speed and challenge of the game keep you engaged, and the soundtrack is phenomenal. So many good songs! This is a fun game that never slows down. Enjoy!
VVVVVV is a great precision platformer with amazing level design. I also love the atmosphere and the music, and the story was cute. The controls annoyed me a little compared to other platformers: where they often feel tight and responsive this one can feel the opposite. Expect to die a lot and not feel like it was your fault. Fortunately, unless you're an achievement hunter (god help your soul if you are), death isn't punished very harshly.
upies soup
100%-ed with joy. Short and creative, every level has a totally different way of exploring the same simple mechanics.
A fun little 2D platforming game with an aesthetic that makes me recall the C64, and quite challenging gameplay that almost made me snap my controller in half. I'd imagine that it'd be fun to replay for trying to get faster completion times and a lower total death count.
A fun gravity-switching platform game. What a reference used in GPW3.
a must play precision platformer
Hah! Played it first time 2025 - totally holds up to time and its own reputation as a (indie) game-classic.
Careful though, quite tough. Be ready for challenge if you get invested.
pretty good
This game has been a personal favorite of mine for about a decade now? Very fun, cool music and cool lore, I really love this game and was obsessed with it as a child
Great game :D
Too hard within 5 minutes of playtime for my reactions.
well i dont recommend it
the control is too slippery so it actually made the game really hard
as a precision platformer it should focus more level design using clever traps to increase the difficulty rather than through antihuman controls
I finished VVVVVV after collecting all trinkets and loved it. Then I realised there was an achievement for completing the game with under 500 deaths and most of my deaths were from the veni vidi vici loop trinket so I did a second playthrough not going for trinkets and got the cheevo. Then I did a third playthrough in flip mode (where the game is upside down) because I enjoyed the first two so much. This game is one of the best platformers I've ever played, I'd give it 5/5
this game generally looks much harder than it actually is, except for the "doing it the hard way" section which did take about 30 mins to beat, i didn't end up being frustrated with the game as brute forcing through problems is usually sufficient to solving them,
exploring the map is quite fun and returning to an area is simple so its best to simply enter all the holes you can find
and the music here is also amazing, making the journey a banger all the way through
its quite cheap and well worth the price for the playtime you get, and somehow it still gets occasional updates
It's like a modern atari, and i mean that in a good way. It's very simple to learn and I had a blast playing it, plenty of side content too post main game. Would recommend picking it up!
What can I say? Some people had Mario, others Ori & The Blind Forest... VVVVVV is my platformer.
So, I had just finished Love, and was looking for a similar game, when I saw this. At 5 bucks, I figured I had nothing to lose. Yeah, money well spent. Difficult, but a lot of fun. The soundtrack is crazy good, too.
I gave up, but good game overall if you like suffering
nice game great soundtrack what else can i say?
Best 1 hour of my life.
The game is fun. The difficulty is balanced.
The pixel art graphics are amazing.
Go play it!
Short game with some challenges. I'm not someone who's very into the kind of precision inputting this game features at times, but the design is clever enough that I was compelled to keep playing. I did not bother collecting all of the items in the game, but I think I would come back to try.
Do not let yourself be fooled by the charming characters, or the fun and creative, albeit challenging gameplay. This game was done by someone who deeply resents people and seeks nothing more than to see humanity suffer greatly.
Music is absolute fire tho.
the gravitron makes me dizzy
This game is a challenge to play. I got stuck on "The Tower" level and spent about an hour in the game. It was entertaining for a short period, but I found myself stuck on levels for 5 to 20 minutes at a time. It’s a platformer, so those who enjoy platformer games may like it.
The game is playable on just about anything, as long as you can download it to the device. It might even work on an old MS-DOS machine if you can set up the proper graphics drivers. It also runs on the Steam Deck, which is no surprise.
Would I spend more time playing this game? No. To be honest, I questioned the latency of my keyboard and the game controls while playing. I even considered throwing my keyboard out the window a few times.
As a casual player, this game is not for me. However, for those who enjoy a real challenge, it might be worth checking out.
I'm one of the few people that actually makes custom levels in this game, not to self advertise or anything but go try out "FrenchFryzz's" levels.
its a short but sweet game thats fun and charming, with some extra content for replay value and added challenges
would recommend
I have more hours on 3DS but just wanted to say this is short and simple, yet one of the top 10 best indie games ever made. Easy recommend if you enjoy platformers, or have never played one.
One of the best platformers ever made. If you haven't played it, you should play it.
$5 is a steal for this title.
Charming game. The controls kinda suck for how tight some of the levels are though. Your character decelerates like they're on ice, which is an odd choice for a game that demands precision.
Other than that though, very good game. Sound track is banger, and the level design gets a lot of mileage out of the gravity-flipping mechanic. Every room feels fresh and interesting.
Puzzle platformer where what if your jump button was instead a gravity switch button. It’s alright. It holds up pretty well despite its old age (i thought it was older when i wrote this), and it’s pretty unique. Reminds me of Newgrounds era games. There’s nothing really like this game. It gets pretty trippy, which is nice. There was a bit where I was dodging objects for a minute, that was cool. But yeah, VVVVVV didn’t do much for me. UFO 50 has a gravity switching game called Vainger (super metroid like) that I enjoyed much more than VVVVVV. It’s short and sweet, so if this sounds interesting pick it up. 6/10
peak gaming, jogo insano de bem feito
Very fun yet difficult game.
This is easily one of my favorite games of all time. its short, but really fun and the difficulty is perfect. its perfectly worth the price. The soundtrack is really fitting. Its almost entirely focused on platforming and the platforming is based around one simple mechanic: flipping gravity. you cant jump, you can just flip gravity and move left and right, keeping the platforming really simple. I would highly recommend playing the demo first to get a feel for the gameplay. I couldn't find any flaws or bugs, its just a really simple fun game that I would recommend to anyone, 10/10.
Hard, but fun.
The most underrated platformer I've ever played
This game made me smash both of the handrests on my chair and almost smash my mouse. Recommended if you enjoy raising your blood pressure exponentially and absolutely erasing your will to live.
If you asked me if I'd rather 100% this game or live the rest of my life with my dick inside an anthill, I'd be slathering on the honey before you even finished your sentence
10/10 would flip again
Excellent platformer with great humor. Comes with tons of user made levels, on top of the main game.
Also check out Dicey Dungeons, another amazing game by Mr. Cavanagh.
This is such a classic. Oozes passion and style. There is a true love for games here.
Do you believe in gravity?
cool game
Absolutely Goated Soundtrack and also just really difficult if you're trying to not constantly die, although over half my deaths on my first playthrough were because i was trying to go for trinkets I didn't have to get. This is gonna be miserable attempting to 100% achievements on it but I don't mind the challenge as long as I have the perseverance and willpower to continue trying. Shame I waited over a year after buying the game to finally play it but hey, better late than never right?
Very fun platformer.
like a lot of early indie games, this is good fun despite the agonising pain it gives me on a regular basis
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Terry Cavanagh |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 81 |
Отзывы пользователей | 97% положительных (4244) |