Разработчик: 800 North and Digital Ranch
Dino D-Day — это неистовая, футуристическая многопользовательская игра, которая перенесет вас во Вторую мировую войну. Вы и ваши друзья можете сражаться по Интернету, выбрав команду союзников или нацистов. Сторона союзников включает семь персонажей, в том числе и Триггера — протоцератопса, спасенного от рук нацистов. Расстреливайте Дилофозавров с помощью верной винтовки M1 Garand, взрывайте камикадзе-Птерозавров со своего пулемета Томпсона, пока они находятся в небе, или бросайте мертвых зайцев, чтобы заманить Раптора в смертельную ловушку.
В игре за нацистов, на выбор у игрока есть три человеческих класса и три класса динозавров. Тихо и быстро убивайте врага за Раптора, безжалостно расстреливайте врагов с помощью 20мм пушки за Десматозуха, или врывайтесь в толпу врагов при игре за Дилофозавра, хватайте врага и кидайте его в другого врага, чтобы сделать двойное убийство! Или, если вы предпочитаете винтовки, выбирайте один из трех классов немецких солдат и поддерживайте в бою своих товарищей-динозавров.
Вы играли во многие игры по событиям Второй мировой войны... но играли ли вы когда-нибудь во Вторую мировую войну с участием динозавров?
Ключевые особенности:
- Неистовый многопользовательский шутер с участием нацистов и динозавров
- 7 играбельных классов динозавров: Велоцираптор, Дилофозавр, Десматозух, Стигимолох, Протоцератопс Триггер, Тиранозавр Рекс и Стиракозавр.
- 9 играбельных классов людей
- 26 видов классического оружия времен Второй мировой войны и большое количество невероятных атак динозавров!
- Работает на движке Source от Valve, на котором были разработаны такие мегахиты, как Half-Life 2, Team Fortress 2, Portal, Portal 2, Left 4 Dead и Left 4 Dead 2!
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows XP/Vista/7
- Процессор: Pentium 4 с тактовой частотой 3 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ
- Жесткий диск: 5 ГБ свободного места
- Видеокарта: со 128 МБ видеопамяти и поддержкой шейдеров 2.0 (ATI 9600, NVidia 6600 или лучше)
- Звуковая карта: совместимая с Direct X 9.0c
Отзывы пользователей
Dino D-Day
Has a total of 7 trading cards.
Лучше, чем Dota 2 и CS 2 вместе взятые.
Fun, fast paced casual shooter! Not many players but the bots are decent.
Buy this game so you can play it with me. It's dead and I love it.
Not Recommended
PTSD by the Hitler's Dinos deff worth it. 10/10
I am the 14-year-old son, probably one of the youngest players of this game. I’m a single son to my 45-year-old father. I got this game for Christmas in 2023 from my uncle, so we installed it on my computer, and by the end of the week, he had 24 hours on it. This was hard for him, as it was already tough to find time with him since I was always out with friends or watching YouTube. So, he created a Steam account, got the game, and tried to play alongside me. He was stuck, so I hosted a game for him to join. He loved it, as it was the best time he'd spent with me since his wife passed. Since then, this game has brought us closer, and now we spend time together outside the house, too. It reminded him that there's fun in everything and created many happy memories for both of us.
Best Fps classic game built on source, few bugs but overall good.
just needs more players.
dino goes brrrr
10/10 game great concept fantastic controls new engine and graphics this game could be popular easily
please remake this
Pretty fun and nostalgic
theres no hitsounds or visuals so its near impossible to tell if youve hit your opponent unless you see their healthbar actively go down making the game extremely boring, no wonder its servers are dead.
good idea but the execution is awfull.
dinosaur game
As a guy who bought this because it looked like a interesting game online is maybe bad but bro this is good even with bots because you can change them to hard.
Best Game Everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think this is historically accurate?
Didn't play as a suicidal compy. Increased my suicidal tendencies 75%.
hehe funny
Super fun and silly first person shooter, but with dinosaurs (and humans). With each team (Allies and Axis) having their own unique classes to play as, Axis being the ones who brought the dinosaurs back, having the most dinos to play as, each class with it's own little story to read about.
However, after updating to windows 11, the game breaks (For me atleast) when trying to join a server/picking a class in-game, the game will freeze, audio will get stuck and then game stops responding. I have not been able to find a fix to this problem, only finding people with the same problem.
If you know how to fix the problem, please comment, i wanna play this gem again :(
this is a very cool game because of dinosaurs and dinosaurs with guns!
We should try it instead of SCP
the best 11 hours of my life
you can only play the axis in solo or iam dumb and i dont know how to do it
Shame to see that this game is dead. I had a lot of fun playing it as a kid :(
There is not a single genre that is not improved by the addition of dinosaurs. Go on, try to name one. I’ll wait.
You can’t, can you? Just imagine how much more fun it would be if it was “Crime and Punishment and One Very Annoyed Triceratops.” “The Iliad and the Migratory Herd of Apatosaurs.” “Animal Farm, Except Some Animals Are Velociraptors.”
What we have here, though, is the epitome of that project. This is WWII, but with dinosaurs.
Dino D-Day exists in the realm of not quite parody, but not quite sincere vision of a war FPS game. It is immensely silly, but undergirded by actual mechanics and thought into balance, gameplay, and being a legitimate addition to the genre.
Dino D-Day follows a similar gameplay design to Team Fortress 2. Players play on one of two teams (the Axis or Allies), and as one of several classes. Teams are given a variety of goals to accomplish, ranging from capture the flag, to king of the hill, to just having an out and out bloodbath in the streets of some unnamed north African town. Interestingly, the classes differ across teams, meaning a player who is most comfortable in a particular role is confined to a particular team. This may, on the surface, seem limiting, until you consider the sheer variety of classes available.
Also, that the Axis are almost entirely dinosaurs. That makes a difference.
Dino D-Day invests more heavily in its story than might be expected for a game that very much bills itself as skirting the edge of parody. Every loading screen is lovingly plastered with a letter or telegram describing a war fought with pterodactyls and deinosuchuses, while still capturing the melancholy of a soldier longing for home. This love of world-building is reflected in the game’s mechanics themselves. The majority of the dinosaurs are on the Axis team because it is the Axis who developed the technology to clone extinct dinosaurs in a sort of Mesozoic Manhattan Project. The lone Allied dinosaur is the result of careful espionage and scientific discovery, and is a partner rather than a substitute for the Allies’ human ingenuity. Each character has a story, and each story helps put together the grander narrative of a world gone wrong, and of a war on the edge of an Axis victory.
That there is clearly so much love put into building a full and complete world does not mean the game itself is perfect. The teams are not necessarily well-balanced, with the humans’ guns being (unsurprisingly) ineffective against dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs’ abilities are finnicky at best, while others are able to run roughshod over the entire map, roar loudly outside the enemy’s spawnpoint, and then do it all again. If it’s fidelity to class balance and a deep meta that you’re looking for in a game, this is not the place to find it.
Similarly, the maps themselves can get a bit repetitive, and are themselves not necessarily balanced. As an example, some maps have a giant tyrannosaurus that becomes a boss for the Allies to fight, while others just have a range of abandoned souks. The tyrannosaurus is always an exciting addition to the battle, but can make it disappointing when the map is instead just another souk.
Despite the balance issues and the potential tedium of having to rip the throat out of yet another American pigdog in yet another north African village, the game is just undeniably fun. The maps are filled with propaganda broadcasts, the cries of the characters taunting the other team, and the joy of scampering around a map as a tiny dinosaur. It’s delightful and silly, and always a good time.
This makes it disappointing, then, that when I play, I’m almost always playing alone.
One of the greatest risks of any arena-style multiplayer FPS is the risk that no one actually plays the game. This is, of course, a risk with any game, but with this style of game, there isn’t a game without players. There is a dinosaur scampering around an empty map, slaughtering goats and growing increasingly saddened by the lack of outlets for its bloodlust.
Dino D-Day has a chronically low playerbase, to the point that new servers populate with bots by default. Public servers are almost entirely empty. During the play session I did for this review, my friends and I used a public server, having a grand time shooting at one another, and being left more or less to our own devices until joined half an hour later by three other players. Those players seemed delighted that there were actually people playing the game, and all of us had a magnificent time.
What makes games like this work is both the game itself and that there are others who want to engage with it. Dino D-Day is a raucous and silly good time, and I love it every time I play it. The unfortunate downside of it, though, is that that raucous good time has to be with a party I’ve assembled myself. Dino D-Day is tragically abandoned. Its last dev update was in 2016, and there are very few players online at any given time. The experience of playing it is of that lonely dinosaur, skittering through an empty souk, greeted by mirages of itself.
Dino D-Day deserves better. It is fun and an absolute delight every time I find enough people to play it with me.
Developer: 800 North
Genre: First-person shooter
Year: 2011
Country: United States
Language: English/German
If you enjoyed this review, check out my other reviews and my curator page. Thanks for reading!
beat up dinos with bare hands. good game. buy it
A fantastic shake-up of an older and overdone genre, Dino D-Day doesn't really play like any other WWII shooter. Part of that is being on the Source engine but even then it has less of the traditional mechanics one might see in Day of Defeat: Source.
The game has 2 teams being the Allies and Axis. You think the main selling point being you can play as dinos would make everyone wanna play as the Axis right? WRONG. I enjoyed being the Allies way more because of the wider variety of human classes with different weapons, abilities, and personalities. Playing as the dinosaurs is cool and a lot of fun but taking both reptilian beasts and fascists down feels great.
There are some issues with the game in it's current state however. Many servers crashed whenever I would choose a character, and the game is pretty much dead unless you go into it with friends or manage to host a server over the internet (good luck with that btw). It's pretty much fully playable locally except a few achievements require other human players.
Overall, don't get this game in this state unless you get it for really cheap. Still if you play it locally or host a session, you're in for a great time shooting Nazis and playing as dinos.
would be better if setting up private lobbies didn't require summoning the gods.
this game is dead but i still sort of recommend it but not really
if ur buying it for the multiplayer dont buy this
Wish it wasn't dead
hidden gem
thats an order! make this baby grow and keep it alive.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | 800 North and Digital Ranch |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 17.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 53 |
Отзывы пользователей | 88% положительных (4620) |