Разработчик: JCP Games Studio

World of Contraptions — это игра на основе физики, в которой вы строите самые разные конструкции, чтобы решать самые различные типы препятствий и головоломок. Проходите десятки уровней с разными типами препятствий. Проектируйте лучшие конструкции для каждого вызова, используя огромную коллекцию блоков с различными функциями.
Каждый этап предлагает уникальные испытания или их комбинацию. Эти испытания могут быть физическими препятствиями, такими как рампы, стены, мосты, узкие проходы, отверстия и т. д. Или разрушительные препятствия, такие как мины, взрывчатые бочки и ловушки. Или даже интерактивные препятствия, такие как рычаги, которые изменяют сценарий, открывая двери, опуская мосты и т. д.
Для каждого вызова, предложенного на уровнях World of Contraptions, у вас есть доступ к гигантской коллекции блоков с разными функциями. Структурные блоки для формирования вашей конструкции, колеса для движения, моторы для оживления вашего творения, а также множество других вспомогательных блоков, которые могут быть полезны для преодоления различных типов препятствий.
Планируйте и стройте свою идеальную конструкцию для каждого испытания легко и интуитивно.
Режим логики:
Создавайте небольшие рутины, используя набор инструкций, чтобы упростить управление вашей конструкцией.
Редактор уровней:
Стройте и делитесь своими собственными уровнями, используя редактор уровней, или играйте в уровни, созданные сообществом.
Режим повтора:
Просматривайте свой последний ход с разных углов, в замедленной съемке или в обратном порядке в режиме повтора.
Основные особенности:
- Набор инструментов для создания устройств:
- Система строительства, основанная на группе соединённых блоков.
- Полный контроль над тем, какие блоки соединены друг с другом.
- Система осей, которая упрощает добавление блоков в различных точках.
- Возможность использовать соединение оси (петля) в любом блоке.
- Возможность преобразовывать группы блоков в элемент инвентаря для лёгкого повторного использования.
- Логический режим для создания процедур с использованием набора инструкций для облегчения управления устройством. - Редактор уровней.
- Режим повтора.
- Интеграция с мастерской Steam (поделитесь или найдите устройства и уровни).
- Таблицы лидеров Steam.
- Достижения Steam.
- Частичная поддержка джойстика XBOX:
- Возможность полностью управлять устройством, используя только джойстик.
- Некоторые блоки чувствительны к аналоговым входам джойстика. - 110+ различных блоков.
- 100 уровней с различными препятствиями.
- Открытая песочница уровней.
- Уровень испытания «гора».
Поддерживаемые языки: english, portuguese - brazil
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 or later (64-bit)
- Процессор: 2.6 GHz Dual Core (64-bit)
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 660 or similar
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 2 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 (64-bit)
- Процессор: 2.6 GHz Quad Core (64-bit)
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 1050 or similar
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 2 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Every time i try to play it, it kicks me out at 75%, please help.
its a fun little game
very fun
This is an engineering complex game, I like it, makes you seek for different perspectives and to analyze specific situations, I specially reccomend to play this game if you are studying an engineering.
Very repetitive puzzles and a lack of some parts that seem critical to some objectives. The gold and silver star secondary objectives don't add much challenge to the levels. They instead make you attach long bits to hang off the map and grab them.
Good game. a few little bugs but great execution on the building part
I get irrationally angry at the camera in build mode auto zooming in to parts that I place and the lack of a chase camera on the companion block.
I disagree with many of the other reviewers about "unrealistic" physics or "extremely repetitive" level design.
I play quite a decent amount of physics and building games (Scrap Mechanic, Trailmakers, Main Assembly, etc) and this is generally on-par with those in terms of physics. None of them have what I would call "realistic" physics, but it's a video game man...the physics are there and generally enjoyable.
There is some repitition in level, but with 2 caveats - the repeat levels are spread out, and they are inteded to be iterations in that each subsequent "version" of the same level is a more difficult model.
I'll admit, some of the levels can be brute forced, but there's some sense of hilarity in that when it happens. But many things across many physics games CAN be brute forced. That's not the point. It's an experiment; can you make it smooth and repeatable?
MOST importantly, in the very short time I've owned this I've seen a massive level of activity and response from the developer(s?). They are active on Reddit, they are taking some suggestions from the player base and implementing them...
And second most importantly...the logic update is SUPER dope. They need to add more levels that require automation like that...but when you get one it's SUPER fun writing your own little python script and watching your bot succeed in the level
Wonky physics with clunky controls and, despite looking everywhere, my laptop does not, in fact, have keys for a "kp 6", "kp 4", OR "kp 8" axis. I tried using my xbox one controller, but it didn't seem to recognize it, so I couldn't get rocket thrusters to work.
Regardless, if you're looking for a "make contraptions with slightly janky 3D physics" game, you should go play Space Engineers.
This is a great game that feels like a combination of Poly Bridge, KSP, and Besiege.
It is really fun creating different vehicles and devices in order to reach the end location.
There are a ton of different blocks, as well as many unique features. There is even the ability to program your vehicles using a drag and drop style programming language in order to automate specific tasks.
Overall, this game is a hidden gem and I definitely recommend trying it out.
Physics feels broken and levels aren't enjoyable.
Generally speaking, I can't get my vehicles to do what I want, because I 'm unable to predict how the physics will behave.
Gravity is too low. Some blocks are .. bouncy ? for some reason.
The steering mechanic is broken. I first thought I was doing it bad, but looking at the tutorial confirmed me that no. Steering is just broken. Plus, I find it to be a bit "hard" to find, I first though there were none.
The levels are repetitive and often no interesting. It could have been a nice puzzle game, but no. You can brute-force most of the beginner levels.
Last, there is a lack of usefull tool to build big vehicles. And the default controls are annoying, and you have to manually change them for each block.
I had some bugs too. Nothing too bad.
Besiege works better, but has less interesting gameplay mechanics, like the automation. Shame.
Nasa uses this
2 + 2 = 22 <==
Mechanics use this
There are 4 basic parts: the lever, the pully, the incline plane,
Read more
and the uh... internal combustion engine. <==
speedrunning is hard
ha ha trebuchet go brrrrr <==
it's free
worth it <==
only if it's on sale
dev's money printer
See less
An extremely fun and engaging puzzle-solving physics game. It's almost as much fun when contraptions don't work as when they do. Comes with 100 puzzles in the campaign, each with its own challenges, and provides a level editor as well.
I especially like the rich selection of components, allowing for a lot of creative freedom in designing contraptions; and the "logic" UI allows automating them in a variety of ways.
Excellent value for money, and highly entertaining.
this game sounds and looks, and feels like a game for engineers so if you consider downloading it.. be ready for a challenge for a dream of a contraption... to a hell of not working functions, but otherwise fun game!
This is basically my idea of a perfect game. English in tutorials a bit dodgy but everything else lovely. Can you guys have a word with the lads at Kerbal Space programme and teach them how to make a building platform?
Some wonky physics when parts are colliding, and some fine angle tuning and suspension adjusting is missing.
But it's a good game for anyone who likes to build contraptions and figure out creative ways to solve a physics puzzle.
Contraption building game like Besieged.
The biggest difference is the fine-grained controls for building:
You can subdivide block faces and use any of the subdivisions as the anchor point.
Blocks can be rotated with small intervals.
You can control which blocks stick together and how - its finally possible to start a level with two adjacent blocks that aren't glued together.
You can have a rotational connection (that can be powered by a motor) between any two blocks.
Motor and hinge controls have more options to choose from too.
Overall the building is much better then they vanilla experience in Besieged.
Also braces have collision boxes and you are no longer able to pile reinforcements between any two points like you can in Besieged.
Sadly, there are no springs (being able to quickly contract between two points) or rope pulleys like in Besieged.
Nor are there any flying-related blocks, which frankly, I don't miss.
The contraptions feel sturdier than in Besieged, and the wheels have a lot of grip.
I think this uses the same Unity physics engine, and it flips out if you have wheels rub any solid block that is part of the same contraption, which is something to keep in mind while building but is usually fairly easy to avoid.
Design is not flashy, the levels are all minimalist white and grays and the blocks have fairly simple brass theme.
All the levels having the objective of getting from point A to point B. But the levels rise in difficulty so you can't just keep using the same vehicle over and over. Though a number of levels are repetitions with a "twist" to make them harder that typically doesn't greatly impact difficulty.
My hope is this will eventually get a nice, thematic coat of paint. Maybe add some quality-of-life improvements like being able to copy a configuration between blocks. And maybe fewer repetitive levels. Otherwise I think this has the potential to give Besieged a run for its money.
it's broken. try turning a wheel via contact to another wheel please. it seems there is no "gearing" functionality.
I love this game. It reminds me a lot of Armadillo run, but with robotics. Worth the price.
The game has so much more potential. The art style of the components would certainly lend itself to a change of scenery, I was disappointed at the constant white and grey levels and white overcast sky.
In terms of building, its very difficult to make smaller devices as the snapping tools (while quite effective) were incredibly limiting. I wouldn't mention it if it were helping with physics bugs, but it certainly does not. I can't count how many times an otherwise very simple machine just floated away due to a clipping issue.
I completed all the levels today, as in I started this morning and now it's noon. I'm at what I assume is 'game end' writing this review. They were not overly challenging, which is fine, it was a fun and casual experience. Although, I wish the game threw some new challenges at me, and forced me to use the more advanced tactics from the tutorial. I know this is gonna be the type of game that is defined by it's steam workshop community, but it's not there yet. I was able to get through basically any level with nice heavy crane with a long arm, and most others with a bike made of two kart wheels and an electric motor.
This ^ all being said: I got way more than my $8 out of it. I spent several hours fuckin around in the tutorial and free play, and I'm happy I did.
But I have one major gripe before I get down to why I recommend this game:
The driving just doesn't feel like driving. When I'm on the flat with a rear wheel drive vehicle, I want to know that it is at least possible to overcome the coefficient of friction on the tires and kick out the rear end a little bit. Same deal with torque steer on a lighter front wheel drive vehicle. Right now a perfectly balanced vehicle still doesn't drive straight, nothing has any weight to it on the controls. Cars feel like I'm back in GMOD, not exactly a smooth ride.
For example: I built a driving ramp that sits flat after the wheels are released using small decouplers. Right behind it was a perfectly symmetrical vehicle. Physics should dictate that when I perfectly line it up to the ramp and hit the gas it should travel perfectly straight and hit the ramp. But that almost never happens, more often that not, 4 vehicle lengths is more than enough for the vehicle to veer off course and completely miss the ramp.
So the driving need works but here is why you should buy it anyway:
-Its a cheap way to get days of fun with hardly any commitment
-You feel good about yourself for accomplishing something
-Flexes the problem solving muscles
-Relaxing to the core, dawg
-The trailer DOES NOT do it justice in the slightest
-It's a fantastic iteration of what we can call "vehicular creativity"
-Despite its flaws, it the most playable $8 game you are gonna find of this caliber
If you have a shortlist of games you keep downloaded on your computers like I do, then I guarantee this will be on it. I have 6 on mine, and I don't see it going anywhere as long as support continues.
*And to the independent dev whose post I saw on Reddit the day before launch: I gotta tell ya to keep up the good work man, this is the exact type of game I was looking for. You've got a foundation in front of you like no other and all the potential to make the shortlist that we keep GTA V, Skyrim, and CSGO on. Truly an essential in the making.*
no pressure ;]
You know a physics based game is good when you haven't got off the easy stages because you keep making crazy stuff instead of actually solving the level. It's similar to Beseige, but I never fully clicked with that game for some reason. Although this doesn't have any flying elements I prefer all of the ground based mechanics in this game.
There are some weird physics bugs as with anything like this, but mostly either when a wheel is rubbing on another part, or your contraption is flying through the air, which isn't often.
All I can say so far is this game is VERY FUN! Total freedom solve things your way. Excellent building environment, physics and control features. Tutorial is just enough to get you ready to be creative with an arsenal of items.
Total freedom to be creative, retry and replay.
The game had a steam issue during Go-Live and the dev was very responsive and got the issue resolved quickly. This is the kind of interaction I like seeing in an early access.
The game itself runs well, and I'm enjoying it. The game is fairly polished, but for a puzzle physics builder, I can see some more refinement making it more enjoyable.
There seems to be a lot of workshop support, I haven't tested any of it, but contraptions + level builder caught my eye.
I only have one complaint. That is, all the early levels (so far that I've played) have proximity mines. I think this is so you'll build more efficient contraptions and fudge less, but it seems a little more daunting than I'd hope.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | JCP Games Studio |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 86% положительных (69) |