Разработчик: Rebelia Games

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02. Вы можете использовать несколько типов автомобилей для исследования мира и перевозки металлолома

03. Перевозите брошенные машины на эвакуаторе, а затем превращайте их с помощью пресса в небольшие кубики металлолома.

04. Ищите старую мебель, электронику, запчасти для автомобилей и многие другие предметы, которые вы можете восстановить в своей мастерской.

05. Вы можете продавать все найденные и восстановленные предметы на Бирже металлолома.

06. Путешествуйте пешком или передвигайтесь на машинах. Вы можете использовать несколько типов автомобилей для исследования мира и перевозки металлолома.

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Junkyard Simulator – это игра с открытым миром, которая позволит вам перевоплотиться в работника огромной свалки.
Сколотите состояние, работая на свалке. Сначала у вас нет ничего, кроме похмелья, и вы начинаете медленно продвигаться к успеху. То, как вы заработаете деньги, зависит только от вас. Предпочитаете исследовать мир пешком или управлять одним из автомобилей? Хотите искать металлолом или спрятанные сокровища? Любите восстанавливать предметы? Или предпочитаете управлять тяжелой техникой? Хотите продавать мелкий металлолом, или любите более амбициозные задачи, например, восстанавливать классические автомобили? Что бы вы ни выбрали, если это связано с хламом, мы вам поможем!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows (64-bit) 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2500 @ 3,30 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 14 GB
- ОС: Windows (64-bit) 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i7-6700 @ 3,40 GHz
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia GeForce GTX 1070 8GB
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 14 GB
Отзывы пользователей
this is a great game
There is some glitch in the game if I go out by car I walk I can't run
game is boring and needs work and content before it will be fun
Fun game, and devs are super responsive if you find a bug :)
Good game to pass the time
Fully Customization of key binds inbound.
Lets go!
This game has no tutorial and to be honest, seems quite confusing. A lot of tedious tasks that seem to carry on and on. There is no story line to follow and none of it really makes sense. It's been in early access for a very long time and honestly, still has a very long way to go! If I could refund this game, I would.
Runs like crap, graphics is bad, I try to Adj best I can but nothing works so I say thumbs down
Well I played around with it some more and done so tweaking in the settings and got it a lot better
so I do recommend this game It is grate
Hard to Control, without the basic ability to rebind keys. I sit between my mouse and keyboard with ,y keyboard being on my left side controlled naturally with my left hand and mouse on the right controlled by ,y right hand. Therefore I always rebind “wasd” to the arrow keys, The game does thankfully allow me to do that, but for some weird reason they chose to HARD bind a few keys, for example "e" to operate just about everything, this makes the game very difficult to play! That is just one basic example of poor software design (Not building in support for keybinds from the outset, this is just basic software engineering these days.)
I have seen the Developer respond to others trying to arrange work arounds to other issues cause by this and I do appreciate the responsiveness. But they have stated that a fix for this is not a priority, I can tell you it is for me, as it hampers everything I try and do. There are other keys that are issues as well, but E is used so ubiquitously that it is the worst.
The other issue is that one of the very first things the game does is force you to go 2 million in debt to buy a recycling yard, and then wants you to go and make $50 buck here and there. I read in the patch notes that they wanted to show off the more interesting parts of the game earlier but I think that was a mistake, there is no direction on what you are supposed to do or how to do it, the tutorial videos do not cover anything to do with the operation of that part of the game. You should leave that till later after people have finished the guided part of the game. I am wondering why I would ever leave and experience any of the other parts of the game when I should be working to pay off this massive debt you just put me in. :(
Sadly at his point in development I would suggest people hold off until they work out the bugs and refine the tutorial and most importantly optimize the game hugely.
Too bad as I think there is an engaging game hidden in here somewhere.
please for the love of all things holy dont waste your money on this game very very poor like a 10 year old has designed it
I want to like this game, I played it for over 7 hours at this point looking for something to like. This game has quite a bit to do.
Problem is, it lacks focus.
You can take apart a car piece by piece... only if it is one of these 8 cars specially scripted in the game, in a specific mode only
You can remove engines out of cars.... If you find the right one and play its short mini game to "restore" it, only for it to "poof" sell itself.
You can paint/clean/buff/sand/restore items.... If it has a little "restore" icon on it... at which point once completed magically "poof" its sold.
My point here is, there are many things you can do here, but every item has a pre-scripted method of completion. You are not deciding to do something, it told you to process it this way. The game lacks focus on any one of these ideas, almost like you got a bunch of cell phone games and put them all in the same world.
At the end of the day, I cannot recommend this game because every mechanic is so shallow, and scripted, its just not that fun. Please developers, go play car mechanic sim and add THAT game into yours with your additional content, truly let us build cars with this scrap and sell that.
This game is pretty fun, destroying and renovating is good, driving is eh, controls are a little clunky on some machines, but overall, great game.
I didn't actually play this game, I just left the title screen open long enough to write a review. The reason for this is the keybinds, for some really really strange reason you can rebind most of the keys but left shift which is bound to dash with no option to change that particular binding. The issue with that is due to the shape and size of my left hand, constantly contorting my pinky finger to hold down the left shift key causes instant and severe pain to go shooting through my hand, so in my 40+ years of PC gaming I have adapted to this by changing the bind to either left alt or caps lock, and BOOM none of the keybinds cause mind shattering pain, and the game is fun! I have no idea why this oversight is there but I refunded, and DEVS have a tiny bit of common sense and add keybinds for EVERYTHING in your "simulation" games.
This game pretty rough around the edges, but it is continually worked on, and honestly I wouldn't expect anything less from a team of two! What you do get is a game that lets you do as you please. Want to work on cars, then do that. Want to build a scrap yard that rakes in the cash, then do that.
It's an interesting little aside from the generalized gameplay format found in most other games. The controls for the machines, for instance, can be awkward or perhaps eccentric. However, once you work with them a bit, they are quite serviceable. This is also helped by the automation of some systems after a certain point while upgrading things.
The graphics are gorgeous, and can also be pared down for the Steam decks needs. And might add that they just added steam cloud saving, so you can now jump between your PC and your steam deck.
While I'll agree it's not for everyone, I think with time and some streamlined controls, and further optimization, this game will be quite the gem. And with the dedication of these Devs, I have no doubt that will be the case.
Give it a try!
65 hours played, great game to play and just zone out. Really isn’t much of a story to the game and is basically just a bunch of random missions thrown together in an open world.
Big open world, physics can be a bit janky, and driving controls could def use some improvements but it’s Fun to find car parts, buy containers and restore cars in the shop which I wish they added more. Just missing the last three Steam achievements!
Game is a bit grindy , the leveling and point system can be confusing, I think a smaller open world would have suited the game better but it’s def worth checking out.
A great game with a lot of content and even more potential.
I really enjoy the fact of having Automatic Modes with certain things as it gives you
the ability to mix up tasks that you need to do being manual and automatic.
Pickup Truck Upgrade - Upgrade the ability to recover 4 vehicles/wrecks or even have an
18-Wheeler Transporter to be-able to recover even more.
Car Renovation - Be able to restore cars without putting them into the Car Hanger so you can still restore and sell them without having to sell the one you currently have which will help if people want keep the ones they already have as a collection instead of having to sell them each time they want to earn money.
Workers - Be able to hire workers to go pick up vehicles/wrecks for you so then you can do other tasks in the mean time such as operate the crusher etc.
Vehicles/Car Wrecks - More models/vehicles as Car Wrecks to recover, Adding a variety will keep the game more interesting as you'll not be able to predict what car you are going to find as at the moment they are all the same type of car.
Vehicles such as Trucks, 4x4's, Different type of cars, Motorbikes or even Scooters could be interesting.
Pawnshop - More items that you can sell to the Pawnshop, Maybe different gems (For example like the Topaz/Sapphires etc that you can find), Jewellery and even other type of relics such as ancient coins etc maybe?
Workshop Upgrades - Another car lift, Shed/Storage upgrades, Another item renovation area, upgrades to make the car storage in the back bigger too.
Vehicle Garage Upgrade - Having the option to be able to have all the player vehicles that are used together in the same garage or having the option to store/drive the vehicles you restore.
Can't wait to see the future updates for Junkyard Simulator ^_^
Excellent game. I bought it a year ago, played for 1 hour and left it until better times. Now I came to play and realized that this time has come. Thank you!
i love this game but my only thing is when you get in the truck and drive your looking is slow but everything else is great
An interesting business-simulator. Pretty standard, but if you like the low-slow improvement of your area, business style-sims, and a rather charming level of scrap; try it.
It's a little janky, a little weird, and a lot of personality.
a lot of stuff to do on this game i like the part you can find out stuff and repair
This is a great game for sitting back and relaxing as you accomplish goals and make tons of money.
Its a lot of busy work but thats the whole point of the game. make sure you upgrade to automated things as soon as possible to make it more fun and expand your inventory early too! tools aren't tedious with the "hit the middle mini game"
I purchased this game on it's day of release. It's been amazing watching it evolve over time. It was pretty rough at first, but the devs kept improving it over time. It's finally in a state that I think makes it money well spent.
The tutorial is very confusing, and the game doesn't run well. However this game got massive potential, and the customer service is UNMATCHED.
Honestly its pretty good from what i played so far but ofc some of the mechanics are clunky and the driving imo is the worst part i do love destroying and renovating items. haven't run into any bugs so far and performance is okay. def worth the sale price of 8 dollars i can see that this game has a ton of potential cant wait for even more content and things to do.
seams to run very poorly for what goes on
There are some things that still need work, but overall this is a really fun game if you enjoy in depth simulation.
Everyone buying this should keep in mind that it's still early access.
The driving is clunky, cars turn weirdly, but for early access you can get used to it.
The game is very repetitive, doing a lot of the same again and again.
That being said, it is relaxing, gives me a lot of enjoyment and i love to play something that i can do on my own pace and listen to something on youtube. I love similator games. There are little quests here and there. Diferent ways to earn money. AND when you buy you own place you can set money earning dificulty, keep an eye out for workers wages, happy workers, better production.
I love this game and the devs are fantastic to respond to problems and are really quick help with anything. I would recommend this game, I think it's great.
Game crashed due to Unreal Engine, then deleted my save file.
This game is very tedious, they say they did a big update for performance but it still is nowhere near playable.
I don't know if the game tries to do too much, but I couldn't get it to run at more than 50fps on a very decent computer, that can run cyberpunk and other demanding games without much issue at 60fps or more (and at more than low everything settings).
I tought since I love car mechanic sim this would be even more fun, but it is 100x more tedious, maybe I'm too casual for it or I don't have the wish to fiddle it.
After 2 hours of playtime I still hadn't finished the tutorials of everything due to the game running badly, fiddling with setting to be able to play it half decently.
The mixed reviews do say it all, my brother in law bought game and said he liked it. I beta tested the game and very exited to test the game in this far along state, I off work ready to enjoy, I was wrong it is as terrible as the reviews has pointed out! I really enjoyed everything but the driving part is very awful I cant even go up the slightest hill , had to drive in reverse all the way up. I kept getting stuck which was annoying me more, I am sadness to the bone about this game, 5 years and I will give it another go for 2 dollar price tag. 2030 I will edit this review
Is it perfect - no, but the basics are there. Just needs some polish, and that is what EA is for.
The basic gameplay is fun, and they are adding features, and expanding the gameplay.
If you love car mechanic, then this game has some of that. You can take cars apart, restore them, and rebuild, then keep in your collection, or sell for profit.
If you can look past some of the jank, it is worth investing in this game!
This game is so broken… don’t waste your money
is very fun even though is so bugs here and there and you can make your own little bisenis inside the bisenis, is fun a little grindy but thats how it should^^
fun and relaxing
It is fun to restore the vehicles and other items at the same time as having fun in the game, because there is always a new task to do.
Pretty fun. I like how there's basically a way to make things easier or harder for yourself and its on the user's prerogative. 21 hours in. I've had fun with it. I've trialed it long time ago and came back to it after seeing some updates and I really like the progress they've put into the game. That added with the fact that the dev was active enough to respond to my post to help, and really had no reason to even look at that post and let others eventually help was really nice. Cant wait to see what else is in the horizons. Recommend if not now I think theres definitely something for the future.
It seems like a lot of negative reviews are from people who want more of a focus on one activity rather than having a range of activities that you can engage with on your own terms. The variety offered by this game is precisely why I love it. If I get bored gathering trash I can switch focus to renovating items. If I get bored renovating items, I can go search for cars to crush. If I get bored with the search, I can go to my junkyard and work on cleaning up another area. This makes the game perfect for someone who loves variety. I find a lot of depth in this. The tutorial is a bit lengthy and I was antsy about getting some freedom, but it does help you understand everything the game has to offer. If you want something direct where you are expected to focus on just one type of task, this game isn't for you. If you love menial task games, making old things look good again, and variety, you'll enjoy this.
ETA: I just saw that this is still in early access. I thought it was complete because it is so engaging and extensive. For an early access game, this is absolutely great.
ok i got this game two day ago the game feel so broken like make up your mind what you want to be.
the npc sounds like they are on crack
I have over 1400 games on Steam and this may well be the worst. And I wanted to like this so badly. It seems like something I would love, but to say this game is clunky and broken doesn't begin to get the point across. It is flat out terrible in every way. The controls are horrid, and the information the game gives you (or doesn't give you) is inadequate. One of my first quests was when a woman came and told me she would pay for a few items if I could find them. So I accepted the quest and all the items became marked on my screen, so I ran around and picked them up and went back to her, and instead of accepting the items, she gave me the quest again. All the items respawned, and I went around and picked them up again and went back to the woman. She gave me the quest again, and all the items respawned. I was already frustrated before that started, so I just decided to quit and refund this trash.
I will not be keeping an eye on this, and I will not repurchase.
This is by far the most regrettable purchase i have ever made, holy fuck the controller support is absolutely dog shit between inputs being spammed like fuck ing crazy to my controls somehow inverting themselves, the color and brightness makes this game an absolute eyesore to look at and the tutorial is just horrid it gives you a destination and you have to figure it out for yourself, i wish i could refund this trash
I am relatively new to Steam because until recently I managed to get by with a game pass and my laptop. However, I wanted to play GTA V after all these years and Steam offered the best way to do so. While I was browsing the games available I stumbled upon Junkyard Simulator and my curiosity was piqued. I bought them both and now after 80+ hours of finding junk, crushing cars and selling pawnable gold to an old lady I am still to even start playing GTA. I have greatly enjoyed the game so far even though there are a few mechanics that I have struggled with (the mini-crusher can be very frustrating and the furnace leaves me boiling over from time to time). I hope that there are more additions made in future - there seems to be a lot of NPCs standing around doing nothing and there are roads that hint at more to come. It would be good if more old cars could be made available to renovate back to their former glory and even better if it was possible to cruise around in them when all the hard work was done. Maybe even another business venture (like sorting out the caravan area for instance or any of the old abandoned buildings) would be a nice addition but even without these things the game has been thoroughly enjoyable so far and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who just wants to renovate old chairs and watch the rain fall outside the workshop late at night. Many thanks to the developers for keeping this going.
Really chill, hunt around for resources in a really good looking open world. There are several components to this game like crushing cars or renovating items etc but at the end of the day there are no real pitfalls, just take your time and get work done!
The game is still being actively developed from very attentive developers and I'm really keen to see what more is to come.
I dont even understand how there are so many positive reviews. This game is trash. Its so confusing, nothing makes sense. The tutorial is god aweful. Its as bad as the demo, and I played that like 2 years ago. I got it on sale and still want a refund. What a pile of sssshhhh
I had this game on my wish list for a very long time even before it came out
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Rebelia Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 61% положительных (794) |