Разработчик: Ant.Karlov Games

Блейз Раш — наемник готовый взяться за любую работу. В поисках быстрого заработка он принимает сигнал бедствия с таинственной планеты. Прибыв на место, герой сталкивается с неизведанным и ему придется применить всю свою силу, решимость и оружие.
Зомботрон имеет большой арсенал оружия, доспехов и полчища врагов, которые ненавидят друг-друга так же сильно, как и вас, что дает массу взрывного наслаждения!

Зачем стараться попасть врагу в голову, когда вы можете сбросить зомби в шахту лифта!? Или завалить его грудой обломков. А может быть подорвать его взрывчаткой? Или раздавить его машиной?.. Ой, а может быть у вас есть свои идеи?

- Давите врагов лифтами, отправляйте в полет взрывчаткой, крушите их машиной и многое, многое другое!
- Находите и используйте различное оружие, чтобы стать непревзойденным бойцом.
- Раскройте секреты планеты Зомботрон, следуя непринужденной сюжетной линии.
- Используйте различную экипировку, чтобы стать тем, кем бы вы хотели быть.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, russian, french, german, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: 1.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 900 MB
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: 2.3 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Процессор: 1.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 900 MB
- Процессор: 2.3 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
Отзывы пользователей
An Old Flash Treasure
Although it has already been a few years since the release date, it is about time that I give a comment on this.
First of all, I must pay respect to the developer who's faithfully returned to the original concept of the Zombotron trilogy. It is truly heartwarming to see some of these old Flash games remastered and resurrected, as many of us have likely had memorable hours playing them. I'm one of those people and this just struck me right in the sweet spot. The graphics, the physics, the striking visuals, and the recognizable Zombotron soundscape, everything's in place.
The idea of the game is a rather conventional zombie-shooter. You advance through levels by blasting off alien heads, unlocking hidden items and weapons, and finally defeating the evil bosses. Nothing new in particular, but a functional format that's been taken to a diligent standard.
Gameplay itself is solid and satisfying, rather casual, but occasionally challenging. It has also been criticized for being "repetitive". While I definitely see that, this was somewhat true of the original trilogy as well. You get the same concept and game mechanics - in a slightly refined form - and I believe that's much of the game's value in itself. For newcomers, that might not sit well, but if you loved Zombotron in the first place, you know what to expect. And let's be honest, it is an indie game, not an AAA game. For what it is, it's an excellent effort.
I must note, however, that the gameplay does fall quite short and you will most likely complete the game in less than 15 hours, with all of its achievements. I would've also desired a more visible, consistent narrative, something I miss from Zombotron II: Time Machine. Perhaps the upcoming Zombotron Re-Boot will take these into consideration.
In this day and age, Russian video games aren't that widely displayed, which is understandable. Nevertheless, indie developers deserve recognition for their work, and in many aspects, I think Zombotron has received far too little attention.
Zombotron is a modern remake of the old classic and a pure-blooded platform-shooter offering plenty of enjoyment at a reasonable price point. If you're still tempted to buy it, I see no reason not to.
Definitely worth a try or two!
VERY GOOD GAME, but do not expect it to be like the Flash variants.
There are a lot of people misleading buyers. This game does have its similarities but it is pretty different as well.
Remember how many times you died in the other Zombotron Games? Yeah? Guess what, multiply it by 3, that's how many times you're gonna die in this game.
OHHHH, by the way, death is more punishing in this game. If you have no checkpoints, the level will simply restart and you will lose all of your progress.
Even with checkpoints this can happen, but you have a few more lives to complete the level.
I don't recommend the game to people with Anger issues.
This game is very hard and satisfying... but it can be a pain in the butt as well
Play the Flash Games if you believe this game is too hard; it's not worth getting angry over a bloody game.
Sponge Boss.
The game is visually good. Repetitive but good.
The controls are correct. A bit heavy. Especially when it comes to jump.
Secrets may not be reached if you destroyed something or passed a certain place. You may still restart the level from its beginning to get their content.
Musics seems to come from an epic movie. Such as Conan the Barbarian. They are nice.
Then comes the boss. Totally unbalanced with the rest of the game. A grenade sponge that have the capacity to absorb your damages. So, you may damage it but totally randomly. And its armor blocks a lot. You send him 10 grenades in its face, it does not feel anything. So, goes your bullets. You see the message "blocked" popping all around it every times. It blocks most of the damages you inflict. Meanwhile, it populates the very closed space with minions... Uninteresting as possible. You try to jump above anything including itself. Remember the mention above, a barely responsive jump.
On the other hand, it touch you once and goodbye. Restart.
Or the other option, goodbye to the game.
Which I am doing right now. Exit, 5mn review, uninstall, play something else.
Nice, the flash game used to be one of the best.
Zombotron was one of my favorite childhood games. The unique vibe that the game got is fantastic. First, I did not think that it can be as good as the original flash ones was, but it is, or even a bit better. The soundtrack is out of this world, so this is another really good feature. Overall I totally recommend it!
I thoroughly enjoyed this platformer/action game, though I wish it felt a bit less clunky at times. While it doesn’t introduce any groundbreaking ideas, it still delivers a fun experience and provides a few solid hours of entertainment.
I was excited to play this becouse I used to play the flash game, but this game is so anoying. Sometimes when i jump it glitches me and I am flying and stuck in the ceiling and it happened to me many times when i was almost at the end of the stage. I am still planing to finish the game tho its not gonna be fun. Dissapointment.
Pays homage to the flash originals.
I played the remake as a kid and i found it here and immediately bought it. I have yet to regret the purchase.
The most stupid game I have played. Most shootings are labelled as "missing", and few opportunities are provided for upgrading weapon and personality. This costs my pleasure and patience!
the game is nostalgic for those who played back on armor games website but it can get janky sometimes so be ready for not a big challange but an annoying one
Very well-made game series. ^_^ Ant.Karlov has been making this for YEARS and it shows. ^_^ If you want some good old-school sidescroller action, definitely get it. :D Yes, I paid full price.
The perfect sequel of the Zombotron series.
i have got 68 hours and i spent 20 bucks.
I used to play this game before all of this steam as it was a flash game, it was my childhood steam games are my childhood. playing zombotron zombudoy zombie trapper, it was all a good memory.
when this version was in the making i was in love.
Good ol game from the Flash browser games era, Armor Games <333
Not too hard nor too easy (You can seriously just stand directly above the Stone Golem boss on a platform and not get hit lol). But hey, it's more than what I expected from the previous ones. I'd say it's quite an improvement in the art style and graphics. Takes place in about a similar environment with the previous one. Plus it still has the good ol' secret rooms (Not all of them are classified as "rooms", more like a hidden loot) scattered around the stages here and there. I like how each species of enemies has a boss to represent them lol (Except the Stone Golem). Overall, the game still retains it original identity with things they originally did in the previous installments/version of Zombotron. This game may not be the same one I've played years ago, but it still gives me the same kind of experience I had all those years ago. Though it can feel kinda spammy if overused.. but I think Zombotron just did it right I guess?
Alright Enough yapping, Cool ol' game.
I loved this game when I was young and flash games were my main food source. This remakes art direction leaves me a tad torn, I love the old game and its simple but charming art style but the new sprites for guns, aliens, and melee is dope. Please dear god give us a rogue like mode or boss rush. I crave the replayability.
I loved this Zombotron game, really nostalgic, pretty solid even if you never played the previous flash games, and overall it's greatly polished. There are some details on gameplay and physics aspects but besides that i really enjoyed the game. 9/10
I was feeling nostalgic so I remembered I used to play this game series all the time in my computer lab throughout elementary school. I remember playing this game on coolmathgames or another flash website but was only able to finish the first game with the time I had in class. I got halfway through the second game and the third. Until the other day I decided to finish all the games and was surprised that there was another game on steam. I beat all the games going into this game expecting a soft reboot but was pleasantly surprised to find out that this game is connected to the others.
I am pleased to say that all these games are a treat and bring me back. I love the story of the games and how they are all connected. You can really see the developers evolution through the games and how much they have improved in game design, the leap in graphics and the world itself from the first game to this is astounding. They really did a good job using their knowledge of the first games and improving upon it. The music and sound design is incredible too, and you can see they also improved in this aspect as well. The ambiance this game really immerses you. They also keep some of the old sounds from the flash series which is very nostalgic. The animations are very good in this game compared to the first where each gun had the same reload, a pump action reload even if you had a minigun in hand. They really put time and effort into this game you can tell in every aspect: the graphics, the story, the gameplay, the enemy design, character design. A lot of the enemies from the previous games make a return but they have a slightly refreshed design but they keep the main aspects similar to the flash series. Which is nice to see. The core gameplay remains the same with a few new additions of weapons and gear. A huge leap is the gear system. In the flash series you could only buy armour for your character but in this game there is a whole brand new inventory system, and a rarity system for gear and weapons. This is a very welcome change because it adds depth to the game encouraging you to explore and find hidden areas, when you find the secrets it is very rewarding because most of the time the game will give you something better that what you already had. My only complaint is I wish there was a way to increase inventory size because about halfway through the game you dint have much space for new gear forcing you to sell your old stuff to make room for new things or having to get rid of some useful items to make room for some ammo or gear. The UI is very clean, even in the flash series but they definitely polished it in this game.
(I will keep this section short because I don't want to spoil anything but I encourage you to play the flash series to get the full experience.) The story is intriguing and I like how you learn little things about the planet and the main narrative through out the game, using not just text but through environmental storytelling as well. Its just enough information to keep you guessing but it also keeps you in the dark, eager to keep playing and learn more about it.
However these games do have its flaws albeit very few. In all the games even in the especially in the flash series a lot of the enemies tend to one shot aim bot you through the whole game, this game did do a better job at mitigating this but the golden robots are the bane of my existence. Any enemy with a ranged attack just knows where you are all the time, and can flick on you like they are a pro CS player its so BS i'm convinced doing a deathless run on the flash version is impossible but a deathless run on this game is very possible but very difficult. Any mission with a companion is an absolute drag because they get themselves killed and sometimes they get themselves stuck on a platform above you that you cant get to forcing you to restart the level. Sometimes you get killed trying to revive them also forcing a restart. This game does do a better job at this only having 1 level with a companion unlike the flash series which has multiple LONG missions with a companion. Another mission that is an absolute pain is the vehicle missions, more so the big vehicle. In the flash series the cars tend to get stuck on a single box or 2x4 plank even though you are in a huge monster truck or an actual heavy duty construction dump truck, sometimes the vehicle gets flipped over and no matter what you do you cant flip it back so you have to restart. The cars also need more health because sometimes a single explosion brings it down to a one shot pending a restart.
I didn't experience many but at the start of the game I died at a shop and upon restart I purchased a gun but it didn't spawn in, taking my money in the process forcing me to restart. (this was also apparent in the flash series) There is another bug where sometimes you get flung into the air at mach 7 and get phased into a wall where you can't move forcing you to restart. This happened to me on the final mission forcing a restart of the final boss.
As for any improvements they can make on the future games especially the remaster I would say give vehicles more health, improve the handling so they don't get stuck on single items and add a flip over button so you don't have to restart. For the companions give them more health and improve the AI so they actually follow you instead of getting themselves killed and stuck in unreachable places. I hope they fix the rubble mission in the reboot to make it less frustrating because that mission took me forever to complete, because I kept dying trying to revive them. And sometimes the boss would body block me from reviving my teammate and failing the mission because they would bleed out. I would also say make the enemies not one shot you all the time, or at least make the projectiles themselves a 2 shot so you have a change to react. Most of the time you wont even be able to see an enemy and before you can blink a rocket or acid ball is headed straight for your face. I think improving the respawns would be good especially during bossfights because the boss might kill you on the respawn just spawn killing you over and over.
Overall rating
Even with this games flaws I still think the core experience, story, music, UI, and gameplay far outshines any negatives. You can tell the devs put all they had into these games and I hope it gets a sequel because each game ends with a cliffhanger and im dying to see how the story ends for all the characters. With all that being said, 9.5/10 worth your time for all the games. Thank you to the devs for making these games and I'm glad I found this series on coolmathgames randomly at school, Thank you for the time you spent on this amazing game thank you for all your hard work and thank you for the memories, I hope we can see where this story ends.
Wow there is alot to say about this game First off this game series came from flash and now seeing it on steam has really made me happy, I grew up playing these games on flash zombot 1 and 2 and seeing how far this game series has come makes me realize "wow I've gotten much older over the years" That's all I gotta say just play this game its really good beyond 10/10 game
we need part 2 great game
Si bien me lo voy a completar, esta DEMASIADO mal balanceado. No puede ser que la mayoria de enemigos te maten de 3 golpes. Ademas esos robots de los misiles te one shottean y capaz ni los ves
Krátké, zábavné. Příběh nic moc, ale za těch 8 hodin zábavy to stojí, furt se něco děje a přibývá více a více mechanik. Taková hezky udělaná klikačka. Ideální délka, která neomrzí a i si u ní zanadáváte. takových 7,5 z 10
childhood game. need zombotron 2 and 3 on steam frfr
the movement mechanics are a bit janky, and the levels not as well designed as in the browser versions.
however it introduces a variety of new mechanics that work together well, very interesting game and would highly recommend. it adds a bunch of new flavor to the old guns and weapons. i really liked the healing mechanic in specific that it introduced.
further point: there is no level select menu so be careful.
Recuerdo cuando jugaba la version flash en Friv o en Minijuegos(pagina de internet) pura nostalgia aunque me causa mas intriga de que es lo que le espera a Blaze, esta interesante, que lastima que ni DLC haya tenido este juegazo para saber que pasa después.
I originally played the zombotron series druing my IT classes in school, and when I found it on steam I had to give it a try.
And I was very satified with this game actually! There are way more and better weapons in this game! I love the rarity system in the game, the story is very good and the overall game just looks so much more beautiful!
I definetly reccomend this game, and for all ages.
I loved this flash series growing up and to be able to play a modern version of it has been great. If you love flash like indie games then this is one I recommend. This game also gave me inspiration for my user name so that's also a plus.
Zombotron 2 was the best Flash game ever. This one is great sequel.
Amazing Indie game, had to revive childhood memories off this game. Nostalgic.
This game makes me quiver every time i launch it because of how nostalgic it is, i wish they'd release the next one
TL;DR: The game is too short for it's length.
As a fan of the old Zombotron this game was a blast to play through with great visuals and level design... but there is a major issue. 15$ for only 6-7 hours of total gameplay???? Also, I really don't get why the developer didnt add a level select menu. Once you finish the game, you cannot go back to get the collectibles you missed, making it not worth the time to go through the entire game again just to get them. HUGE missed opportunity.
This game is so nostalgic. I've been playing the game on Friv when i was a kid. I recommend you give it a try👍
This game is from my childhood when I used to play it on flash game websites such as Friv and Yepi i recomend this game mostly to people who tried the flash versions first because there are like 3 zombotron games in flash format on google:
Zombotron 1 Zombotron 2 and Zombotron the time machine there is also a mobile version but i didnt like the controls. Very nice game!
Buggy, boring, and uninspired.
While this game maintains the art style of the original Zombotron flash games, it lacks the soul of the original games. There is a limited variety of weapons and armor. Levels are much smaller (something the devs try to hide by zooming in on the main character much more) and mostly linear with secrets here and there. Combat is short and unsatisfying (critical headshots with fast firing weapons is vastly more effective than anything else). Bosses are very basic and can be defeated with minimal effort. Leveling up makes little to no difference on gameplay. Inventory is limited. Weapon slots do not increase throughout the game unlike the originals. The story is very short, limited, and partakes in overused tropes.
The game is absolutely riddled with bugs. For example: spears are seldom thrown in your direction, sometimes faster than bullets; gas canisters, when shot, fly around ridiculously quickly and unpredictably; the vehicle did not spawn properly in the second vehicle level.
For a paid game, I would expect at least as much content as the free flash games. This developer seems to be reducing the franchise to the low quality standards of mobile games - a true shame considering how much I enjoyed the originals.
Yall better make a sequel or ima kms
The later boss fights suck and plot wise it's zombotron 2 but worse, plus the equipment with randomized stats is stupid and in the end doesn't add very much. Art style wise all the characters feel bulky but lack weight and it feels like the camera should be more zoomed out since everything is a bit bigger than the older flash games but nope it's not so it also ends up feeling claustrophobic in a bad way.
its a good game
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ant.Karlov Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 88% положительных (822) |