Разработчик: Rogue Snail
Relic Hunters Legend — это быстрая RPG в жанре looter-shooter, где вы собираете мощное оружие, улучшаете навыки и сражаетесь с врагами в напряжённых боях. Играйте в одиночку или объединяйтесь в кооперативе на 4 игрока, чтобы отправиться в путешествие по восстановлению утраченных воспоминаний и свержению тирана, герцога Дюкана.
Захватывающее RPG-приключение в жанре Looter-Shooter
Relic Hunters Legend — это looter-shooter RPG, сочетающая динамичную стрельбу, огромное оружейное арсенал и глубокую настройку персонажа. Побеждайте врагов, собирайте редкую добычу и совершенствуйте свою сборку, чтобы стать неудержимой силой против Империи Дюкана!
Настройте своего Охотника
Выберите одного из множества играбельных персонажей, каждый с уникальными способностями. Каждый из Охотников имеет 3 полностью проработанных дерева навыков, которые можно сочетать как угодно, а также систему распределения атрибутов, несколько слотов для снаряжения и оружия с глубоким пулом аффиксов, а также определяющий сборку реликт, который нужно найти, создать и прокачать... Здесь гораздо больше глубины RPG, чем может показаться на первый взгляд!
Играй, как хочешь
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Динамичные бои и бесконечная добыча
Все активности полностью доступны в одиночку и масштабируются для до 4 игроков, включая мини-области для исследования открытого мира, несколько динамичных миссий с 7 различными игровыми режимами (Стычка, Раскопки, Погрузка, Оборона, Отвлечение, Разлом, Штурм), ограниченные по времени специальные миссии с случайными модификаторами, подземелья с несколькими боссами (каждый с уникальными таблицами дропов), а также карты сокровищ для эндгейма, Неми́зис астероидных подземелий и системы Challenge Mode.
Но на этом дождь добычи не заканчивается: вы также можете подружиться с разными фракциями и выполнять квесты репутации, а также получить доступ к НПС, которые помогут вам создать идеально подобранное снаряжение или оружие для вашей сборки! Предметы не представляют собой поверхностный «фестиваль показателей», с множеством различных редкостей высокого уровня (Экзотические, Усовершенствованные, Наборные, Легендарные и Уникальные), а также с глубоким пулом аффиксов, который может и полностью изменит ваш стиль игры! Присоединяйтесь к Охотникам за Реликвиями и докажите, на что вы способны в этом насыщенном действием галактическом приключении!
Злой император Дюк Дукан каким-то образом украл прошлое и заявляет всем, что он ответственен за все хорошие события, которые когда-либо произошли — давая легитимность своему угнетательному галактическому режиму.
Охотники за Реликвиями, возглавляемые Пинки, путешествуют по Галактике в поисках древних руин и реликвий старой цивилизации, пытаясь восстановить память о настоящем прошлом. Во время путешествия экипаж встречает загадочного союзника: Севена, который не имеет воспоминаний и обладает странной способностью путешествовать во времени.
Хотите узнать больше? Наша история также расширена Комиксами (которые рассказывают о событиях, произошедших до «Легенды») и анимационными короткометражками! Смотрите Эпизоды 1, 2 и 3 БЕСПЛАТНО — ссылки на нашей странице в Steam Community!
Оптимизировано для ПК
Мы настроили Relic Hunters Legend так, чтобы он работал плавно, как хорошо смазанный бластер. Наслаждайтесь разрешением 4K, разблокированными частотами кадров, поддержкой ультрашироких экранов и полностью настраиваемыми управлениями. Хотите плавную игру или максимальные графические настройки — у нас есть всё, чтобы удовлетворить ваши запросы.
О разработчиках
Привет! Мы — Rogue Snail, независимая полностью удалённая игровая студия из Бразилии. Наша миссия? Создавать игры с душой. Мы верим, что когда команда любит то, что она создаёт, эта любовь передаётся и в конечной игре. Каждая игра Relic Hunters создаётся с весельем и сообществом в её основе. Без эксплуататорских механик, без мерзких микротранзакций, без искусственных барьеров — просто сосредоточение на создании самой веселой игры и её создании вместе с нашим сообществом.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, japanese, korean, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, polish, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i3-2125 или AMD FX-4350
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GT 730 1 ГБ или AMD Radeon HD 7570 1 ГБ
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: Совместимая с OpenAL
- Дополнительно: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-7600 или AMD Ryzen 5 2600
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2 ГБ или AMD Radeon HD 7770 2 ГБ
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: Совместимая с OpenAL
- Дополнительно: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- ОС: Mac OSX 10.9 or newer
- Процессор: 64-bit Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Shader Model 2.0 compatible graphic card with at least 512 MB of video memory
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Звуковая карта: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04 or newer
- Процессор: 64-bit Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Shader Model 2.0 compatible graphic card with at least 512 MB of video memory
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Звуковая карта: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
Отзывы пользователей
currently, the game is fun and enjoyable but it is way too easy. there is no punishment for dying so you can try as much as you want which is good in a way but it forces the player to just keep dying over and over again instead of getting stronger. and with the added fact that there is no timer, it doesnt convince the player to get stronger and get better loot to come back and beat it within a specified timeframe.
i really do like that there are different types of missions like payload and king of the hill, but its impossible to lose progress and since you can die as much as you want, so there is no tension or thrill or even risk when the progress bar is so close to filling up while you are at low hp since its impossible to lose.
i personally like skill trees since it gives a sense of personalization, strategy, and you can immediately feel the difference in strength once you unlock certain skills. but from what i see, the game's skill "tree" and even perk tree is so linear, it makes all the maxed out players have the exact same skills with no room for skill expression or any differentiation between any of them except maybe their gear.
as for the balance, im not sure if i got extremely lucky or just average but im only a few hours in and i have more than a couple of legendaries already. i know that legendaries are only the tip of the iceberg of minmaxing but getting these many legendaries this early on de-values the rarity, removing any prestige of getting one in the first place. but assuming that i did only get super lucky with the drops, the game would be too hard because of how many the enemies spawn even in the first few hours of the game (assuming there is a punishment to respawning and you could lose progress).
i do like that there are a couple of playable characters but i do hope that there will be more characters coming soon since a roster this small is going to get stale eventually.
so from my first impression of this game, its fun but way too easy and i hope they take their time to rebalance the game properly and fix other issues i havent come across yet since relic hunters zero was one of my childhood games and i do not wish to see their new game that i really look forward to turn to a shitshow. (and also because i paid for this game xd)
Funny Story
It’s good and all but, there’s alot going on here that looks wrong.
The story is nice, even the characters, artstyle and stuff, but the gameplay is honestly not fun.
It’s been a year since I last played it, to be blunt I lost my interest quickly (If I’m correct I last played it since September 26). As my first purchase it’s not worth it.
The only problem I had is the gameplay and progression as I talked about earlier. Sure it’s good but it becomes repetitive quickly and I have a hard time progressing (last played, since then i havent touched this game so I don’t really know what’s going on as of now. Also why i don’t have the benefits from beta??? If my memory serves right, I did played 1st beta release and gameplay there wasn’t much issues).
Anyways that’s all I have to say here, feel free to correct me if I’m wrong.
It was fun for a short while. A hearty rehashing of the mechanics of the previous game, with your typical garnish of gear-grinding and useless cosmetics. I wouldn't say the story is bad per se, just tedious and forgettable. The combat is fun and engaging, but the exploration for hidden loot can be maddening. Which is rendered mostly pointless once you're a high enough level and inevitably your "teammates" use maxed out Raffs to to speed-run steamroll the entire map and force you to leave while you're still trying to search for things you previously missed. I think this game would be much more fun without Raffs ridiculous movement and power buffs. Right near the end of the game, all the joy was quickly sapped by mindless teammates and forced drops into levels that were already halfway completed. It's a truly subjective experience to be sure. It's decent for what it is and has a lot of charm and polish, but I can't recommend it as an enjoyably well-rounded experience.
Quite an awesome game, where it has reached to better heights in comparison to when it first was released, much of the bugs, needed improvements and the worst downsides were fixed over time however it still needs a bit of time to solidify and patch up the minor negatives but nonetheless it is fun, enjoyable, addicting, laid back and to a degree respects your time if you're a casual player. Still a bit until the full release and we'll see how that will end up.
Not too far along yet, but I'm having fun with the game and don't understand the mixed reviews at the moment. There is clearly lots of love put into it; graphics and art style are excellent, gameplay is fun and fluid, characters and story is charming, seems like plenty of content compared to lots of other EA games these days. Not gonna lie, I just feel kind of bad seeing the mixed reaction and low player count that this game has, because after trying it I can honestly say I'm having a good time and it deserves better. I'll definitely be playing it more, and I hope to see it do well in the future.
Pretty good game, Although there are still a few bugs here and there, I don't think the game really deserves the "Mixed" rating.
Game has really good story line, half of it voice acted even
Really good music and sound effects
Pretty good and casual gameplay loop
And an overall unique art style choice
Yes the game is pretty much "Dead" because of having maybe 3 to 9 players daily, but you can complete the entire game, and enjoy everything it has to offer without ever going online
There are a few personal issues I have with the game that others have mentioned
- Being forced to play Story missions on singleplayer is a big one.
- The game could really use an in game guide of where certain bosses spawn or where some materials are gathered from.
- On the weapon/equipment modding system, your current applied mod shoudn't use an space on the 3 options it gives you, and should instead be a "cancel" button at the bottom, otherwise getting the right mod you want gets tedious since after the first one you only get 2 options to choose from.
Besides that the game is pretty good at what it does, Yes it's very niche, but that doesn't make it a bad game
Game's fuckin good
pretty solid looter shooter rpg game, bit jank here and there but thats early access for ya
I didn't get this for a long time because the reviews sounded bad but I was bored and it turned out pretty good. The only real issue I have is unclear information on some stuff. If I look at a piece of gear I think it should be clear if its a main or offhand gun, on gear, what chars can equip the gear, cooldown of skills, etc. That kind of thing could be more user friendly.
I'm having a blast. The gameplay, art, music and voice acting all slap hard imo. Also, I didn't expect the story to be all that but it's actually got me intrigued.
In a world where live service games get shut down after the devs take all your money and bounce - these guys are a paragon of awesome - they made a dedicated offline mode and removed the in game microtransactions. In a decade, will you be able to play other live service games such as Destiny 2? Probably not. Will you be able to play Relic Hunters Legend? DUCK YEAH.
There are a few minor QOL things that I would like to see out of Early access tho, perhaps a "claim all" button when claiming rebel rank feats rather than going into each chapter. Also maybe have other hunters equipment inventories be in a separate tab perhaps, and finally I would love to see on the world map what bosses are in each area when hovering over the area so I could target grind since the wiki's a bit empty atm.
Otherwise this game is great. If you're unsure whether to get it or not, I would say give it a try especially to support the kind of devs who actually make ethical decisions.
Very good game made by a great company that actually does seem to care about their players, very much so.
Nice! Always online requirement has been removed. Also gameplay in pretty fun. Nice twin stick looter shooter.
Very fun game! Love looter shooters and twin stick shooters, so this is a perfect combo for me!
Better than Concord™
Great game with lots of content and build diversity. Balance isn't perfect yet, but pretty good for an EA game and all characters are perfectly playable in endgame at roughly the same level.
Game still has some quirks and bugs but nothing too serious or gamebreaking, just smaller things.
If you don't mind a little jank in an early access title I heavily recommend this, otherwise wait till release and enjoy it fully polished.
Really fun Twin-Stick shooter, even more fun with friends c:
I had my personal gripes with the game, but after the swap from gearbox to being self published I really enjoy the new path the game is taking.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Rogue Snail |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 83% положительных (333) |