Разработчик: Runic Games
Ключевые особенности
Четыре различных класса позволят выбрать именно тот стиль игры, который подходит именно вам. Можно создать мужского или женского персонажа и сделать его по-настоящему уникальным, настроив внешний вид.
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Torchlight II поддерживает работу с Мастерской Steam: автоматическую подписку на модификации и их синхронизацию. Более тысячи модификаций позволят вам изменить игру до неузнаваемости. А если захотите создать что-то свое и поделиться этим с другими игроками — используйте редактор GUTS!
В режиме «Новая игра плюс» игра не закончится, пока вы сами этого не захотите. После прохождения основной кампании Torchlight II вы сможете начать игру заново тем же персонажем на более высокой сложности. Все золото, снаряжение и навыки, добытые тяжким трудом, останутся с вами!
В Torchlight II вы снова найдете, чем занять свободное время. Ваш питомец все еще будет бегать за вас в город, чтобы продать добычу — но теперь он научился и многим другим полезным вещам.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, japanese, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, german, polish, russian
Системные требования
- ОС: Windows XP с пакетом обновления 3/Vista/Windows 7
- Процессор: совместимый с x86, с частотой 1,4 ГГц или лучше
- Оперативная память: 1 ГБ
- Жесткий диск: 1,2 ГБ свободного места (информация может измениться)
- Видеокарта: совместимая с DirectX, с 256 МБ доступной памяти.
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- OS: Mac OS X 10.8, 10.9, 10.10
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo, 2.0GHz or faster processor
- Memory: 2GB System RAM
- Hard Disk Space: 1.7GB free space (subject to change) on a case-insensitive volume
- Video Card: OpenGL 2.0 compatible 3D graphics card with at least 256MB of addressable memory (ATI Radeon x1600 or NVIDIA equivalent)
- Internet: A broadband internet connection (for Steam download and online multiplayer) - Online multiplayer requires a free Runic Account
- OS: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (or similar, Debian-based distro)
- Processor: x86/x86_64-compatible, 2.0GHz or better processor
- Memory: 2GB System RAM
- Hard Disk Space: 1.7GB free space (subject to change)
- Video Card: OpenGL 2.0 compatible 3D graphics card* with at least 256 MB of addressable memory (ATI Radeon x1600 or NVIDIA equivalent)
- Internet: A broadband internet connection (for Steam download and online multiplayer) - Online multiplayer requires a free Runic Account
*See Valve's steam-for-linux github readme for further information about Linux video driver support
Отзывы пользователей
TLDR: Simple and friendly dungeon crawler with a simple leveling, inventory and spell system. But while it is simple, it doesn't mean that it always works well and is of top tier quality. There are better dungeon crawlers out there of the same age and price range. Still, if the aesthetic and simplicity appeal to you, by all means, the game is just fine.
Story: I'm obviously missing Torchlight 1 story bits here since when the campaign starts, things already seem well underway and have gone to shits.
As a new hero taking on the mantle of goodie two shoes, you will go around doing whatever is asked of you, all in the ultimate objective of stopping the alchemist, whoever that really is, I don't know, I guess I had to play the first Torchlight to know.
Gameplay: HP and the usual Mana pool with selectable pots to heal up.
Left click for standard attacks, right click's an assignable spell (which can be hot swapped with tab).
All keys are customisable which will allow players to have up to 12 spells equipped at any time (1 through 10 + the hot swap or the right click).
While there seems to be a lot of gear left for me to discover (sets for instance), once I was lv 52 I was done with the end boss and the drive to keep leveling was very low. The game doesn't seem deep enough for me to bother.
Action is pretty smooth, though the game does seem to freeze up every now and again (for very short and with big intervals I should mention).
There is a pet companion (even when playing multiplayer) that can carry your gear, sell it, or even purchase potions and scrolls when sent to town. It can also help you fight, of course.
I only played as a Berserker and the way that the leveling system works makes it so I could only try so many spells for them to remain efficient. In the end, it was very redundant to only be able to do the same attacks over and over again... There is a need to have a better rotation between skills to keep the game from getting boring.
You can fish, it gets you consumables for your pet and sometimes gear. You can use dynamite to speed it up, though with poorer results.
Graphics: A bit too cartoonish to my taste, but it works well for the world around it.
Audio: Good audio, though my berserker wouldn't stfu while attacking. It was like having a pet wolverine on cocaine.
I had fun with it, but Diablo 3 was released around the same time and is definitely more polished.
you were a diablo clone when the world needed a diablo clone
nice and simple ARPG, all classes feel unique most spell a fun to use and there is even mods support with the steam workshop, if you get it on sale its definitely a bang for your bucks
Torchlight 2 is a very solid, if basic arpg in the vein of classics like Diablo and Path of Exile.
Every class has a unique mechanic based on meter gain and three subclasses that you can freely invest points into and mix and match skills from. I appreciate that there are very few class locked weapons, this game has great kit diversity because of how many options it gives you.
The only Issues I have with this game are ones based on vibes, I can't fully describe why but the game really looses steam midway through in a way its contemporaries don't and I couldn't bring myself to finish the campaign with any characters I've made.
Workshop support for mods is really nice.
This is what Diablo 4 should've been, only 12 years earlier.
If you don't have this game yet, you HAVE TO get it.
nice little game
Мабуть, найкращий з Діаблоїдів, простенька казочка, мало зайвого, на відміну від інших подібних ігор типу "Grim Dawn", "Titan Quest", "Van Helsing", де величезні набори навичок і класів, але ти пройдеш гру раз за когось і більше ніколи не зайдеш. Є якась...віддача, якесь відчуття фізичності від ворогів, активно, приємно.
Good old school RPG. I'm enjoying this so far.
A lot of similarity between this and Poe 2. Enemies spawn from the environment, you can socket for elemental resist or damage, you can enchant items, the equipment is visible on the character, you have weapon swapping, a stash and a shared stash.
The combat is a little slow, but the progression is fast. Its really easy to pick up and play and you are always getting better loot. A underrated game that most dont even mention. I love it.
good dungeon crawler, but unfortunately the company is dead and took their mp servers with them
Torchlight 2 is very much like Torchlight 1 except with more varied and expansive environments, better balancing (for the most part), and A LOT easier to mod due to having Steam Workshop support. If you're on the fence then the game does have a demo so that you can get a taste of the game. To be honest, if you loved Diablo 2, and even possibly Diablo 3, then you will most likely enjoy this game.
One of the best old school hack and slash ARPGs. After many years still fun to play.
Fun game, mods and co-op make it better
It just feels like its more for kids, like a rated E hack and slash
Accessible, Fun, has mods to add complexity, and I could run it on a toaster.
Great comfort game
Just a lot of fun.
A fun and easy game to pickup and play.
cant play it anymore and looking it up didn't help
EDIT: restarted my computer and reinstalled it which worked. 10/10 game
It is just a lot of fun. Simple interface, uncomplicated, good graphics with a lot to explore. It is not Diablo, it isn't meant to be. It is just fun.
If you like diablo, you probably love this
great classic game that still holds up, lots of great mods
Its a blast old school. Unfortunately with all the mod choices, I have never finished a game. LOL
Life before death.
Strength before weakness.
Gameplay before graphics.
good game. easy to learn. fun. drawings are good. i will replay.
It's an ok game. Probably good when it came out, but I prefer Grim Dawn
How have I not reviewed this game yet??
Sober 10/10
Drunk 9/10 (sorting inventory is best done sober)
High 11/10 (rare over 10 rating given for exceptional sound engineering)
the art is great, and the ideas for the game are fun. Sometimes a clicker like this could be relaxing and its a great alternative to Diablo if you dont like Diablo games being too dark in the palette. Good little app.
This is a great game.
So much better than the original, this is a VERY satisfying RGP with great loot, a pet that handles the tedious process of running back to town to sell it and wonderful builds, I am playing a Prismatic bolt-centric Embermage for my first playthrough.
best torchlight game hands down. all the other ones are p2w mobile-like trash.
Fantastic gameplay, classes and replayability! Controls are smooth and what a joy to play this! A decent game for its time with captivating npcs and quests.
8/10 and GO PLAY!
Very solid and fun game. Still holds up.
It's not like Torchlight 2 is BAD, there's just too many other ARPGs out there that do everything this game does, but better.
multiplayer doesn't work due to buggy coding...firewall won't let you play online even with permissions through firewall....only solution is to go into the games files and change values, and this only works once..solid no. this seems to be a persistent issue in a lot of "multiplayer games". we all just need to let devs know that like any other industry you can't release junk and get paid for it
Fun in the way that all ARPGs are fun (the little dopamine hits, the random reinforcement, offered by loot drops), but shallow customization compared to Diablo II, Grim Dawn, or Path of Exile 2. There are only four classes, and they each have three rather small skill trees, with few synergies between skills. There isn't much room for theorycrafting or innovation here. The cartoonish aesthetic, and the limited options for customizing a character's appearance, only add to this feeling of over-simplicity. This game feels strictly less interesting and less rewarding than Diablo II or Grim Dawn or Path of Exile 2 to me.
I was looking for a game that was similar to Diablo in play style, character advancement, and customization and this fits the bill. I'm glad I searched for games similar to Diablo and this one came up. Though I have yet to explore the multi-player mode and extended play that comes after you finish the standard plot, I anticipate that both will continue to provide challenge, fun, and continued development and customization of my character(s).
The game that first made me love 'Isometric Hack & Slash Looter ARPGs'.
Great starting point for anyone interested in the genre.
Your boredom has returned. Seriously though, too little of everything, classes skills etc. painfully slow pace and just not fun after like 1 or 2 hours, tried to get into it with different chars a bunch of times now but its just too slow to stay fun.
As simple as these games are, there are exceedingly satisfying.
If you prefer simple but deep customization and skill progression (i.e. controlling stat growth), as well as snappy but simple click = 1 attack gameplay, Torchlight and Torchlight II are easy to recommend.
If you want more complicated skill interactions from an RPG, then it may not be the move.
So like, if you played this with friends after picking this up on sale, then mayve you'll find this game enjoyable and worthwhile. But in 2025, you're more likely to get more out of PoE, Grim Dawn, or Diablo than you would this. Personally found the game kinda whatever, and had more performance issues out of this game then I'd ever expect from a game from 2012.
This is basically like "Diablo II" of Torchlight series.
Very solid Hack&Slash Action RPG with magnifecent modding support and replayability.
Big no, been playing on Hardcore Elite like 10 times over and over, always to die due to some dumbass bug forcing me to delete character and start all over again to get same income
Last time I played I died when last boss in Chapter 1 was turning to NPC to finish quest, that shouldn't even do any damage and yet it did 65k killing me
Also some creeps do idiotic damage, why the fuck would a mage creep do one shot crit kill with one hit of his fucking wooden staff, totally bad balance
I've been playing lots of other games on hardest hardcore mode but this one is just pure bullshit
I've been playing through the Torchlights 1 to 3, 2 immediately gets a thumbs up for amazing coop online game play. Very smooth feeling, and nicely done. Looking forward to playing this one more in the future. Has modding capabilities like torchlight 1 did also.
There is 0 reason to pick this up in 2025, there are tons of better ARPGs out there. When it came out it was decent but not great.
Excellent ARPG. As great as Diablo II, with evolved mechanics (also using SynergiesMOD feels like what it always should had been). Graphically is like Warcraft III's mod - Diablo III.
Ps. To increase the in game cursor' size, change it on Windows Settings' Mouse Pointer.
Torchlight 2 is, to say the least, a decent idea. A nice little package with tons of content and inspirations from previous hack and slash games like Diablo.
However, while the premise of this whole package is interesting, the contents are blander than a boxed pair of socks... And you don't even get to stay warm with them.
The gameplay is rough. Very rough. While there are tons of skills and interesting ways to build, the game forces you to stay on those paths. You can only reroll your last 3 points worth of skills, and that's it. No experimentation other than having to replay the game all over again.
Not only that, but even the interface and controls are clunky as all heck. For example, who in their right state of mind would make a channel ability target a monster, but also not locking the player in, so whenever you press the ability, the character just does milliseconds worth of damage and then just runs into the danger? You have to deliberately hold your ground with Shift, then press the channel skill button to have the skill behave how it's intended to be used.
The pet system is interesting, except when it just doesn't do anything worth talking about. The main usage of the pets are 1. Tanking for a few seconds, because the enemies will shred through them no matter what you do, 2. Buying a consumable just in case you forgot while in town, 3. Holding trash in inventory and selling it by making it unable to be used for a few minutes. Otherwise, the pet system is pretty pointless in the 20 hours I slogged through.
Looting isn't that much more fun either. Fighting monsters felt sluggish and unrewarding. The environments are bland, and the presentation mediocre. I played a bit in Veteran, but never managed to reach more than level 20 out of boredom, in the multiple tries I gave to it.
If you're really desperate to play a Diablo-like, eh, give it a try if it's on heavy sale. But do NOT expect anything that made them good in this game. You'll be very sorry if you do.
This is the perfect ARPG. finding items feels rewarding through out the entire game. You can actually finish the game and finish your characters. Most ARPG's it's not even possible to finish one character because the game loop never ends. My only issues are that the multiplayer sucked, and the story writing sucked. The end game could have been a tad more challenging too perhaps. That being said this game is still better than almost every other ARPG that has ever existed. I would put maybe only skyrim above this one.
Looking for a fun ARPG, TL II is great.
Short but Great.
Terrific character design and artwork.
I enjoyed the quests and action to complete them. Exploring gets rewarded.
Did you ever think to yourself: "Diablo II is great and all, but I would've loved it to have a Dreamworks coat of paint?"
Игры похожие на Torchlight II
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Runic Games |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 13.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 88 |
Отзывы пользователей | 93% положительных (16972) |