Разработчик: JoyMasher

Люди в Blazing Chrome находятся на грани вымирания, тщетно пытаясь урвать хотя бы крохи власти у своих безжалостных стальных хозяев, захвативших мир. Освободите человечество на пару с другом в классическом, но от того не менее ураганном «Беги и стреляй»!

Армия разумных роботов захватила мир, и в мясных мешках никто теперь особенно не нуждается. Люди в страхе дрожат по своим норам, пока на них идет охота. Небольшой отряд повстанцев получает данные об огромной электростанции, питающей ИИ роботов, но их лагерь почти сразу уничтожают. В огне, как обычно, погибают не все — и отважные мстители отправляются на самоубийственное задание. Играть можно за нереально крутую и клёвую революционерку Мавру или за не менее крутого, клёвого и смертоносного робота Дойла. От успеха революцию отделяет всего-то несколько тонн потенциального металлолома. Который пока даже не знает о том, что он металлолом.

Вас ждут 5 апокалиптических пейзажей, на которых с комфортом расположились сотни стальных врагов. Надирайте блестящие металлические зады блестящих металлических боссов при помощи летающих мотоциклов, огромных боевых роботов и это еще самые цветочки.

Blazing Chrome пышет той самой харизмой классического «Беги и стреляй»:
● 16-битный постапокалипсис
● Тот самый термоядерный «Беги и стреляй»
● Эпические боссы и целая куча мини-боссов
● Аркаднее не бывает
● Можно кататься на байке и летать на реактивном ранце
● Царский пиксельный дизайн

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, korean, japanese, portuguese - brazil, russian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 32-bit
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 or AMD Phenom II X2 550
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 9600 GT or Radeon HD 3870
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- ОС *: Windows 7 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E8400 or AMD Phenom II X2 550
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 9600 GT or Radeon HD 3870
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 200 MB
Отзывы пользователей
Classic arcade-style, run n' gun. If I have any complaints - sometimes the deaths feel a little cheap.
I'd recommend going for a custom control map where you have the roll attached to a trigger instead of down-A. I also wish melee actions weren't context sensitive and were just a button press. Though, continues and checkpoints make it easy to beat the game. You can easily clear it in 1-2 hours.
As 90's kid, loved retro style 2d game. Just i couldn't finish it, too hard for modern busy life. No time to struggle in games as in 90's.. I wish it had an easy mode option.
Better than metal slug, awesome game.
Blazing Chrome is definitely one of the most polished and enjoyable modern run-and-gun experiences.
With stunning pixel art, tight controls, and relentless action, it captures the spirit of games like Contra while delivering a fresh and exciting new challenge.
JoyMasher’s dedication to detail and passion for the genre shine, making it a must play!
Great throwback
An enjoyable Experience. not a masterpiece but by no means slop.
It's a good contra like game if you just need to kill a few hours. The weapons are a bit meh though. The boses could benefit from some better tricks. other things just seem a bit off. It lacks something you can't put your finger on, but you know it's missing. sections ending to abrubtly, miniboses that are beaten just a tad to quickly that sort of stuff.
The good
- Enemies offer an actual challenge. you would be surprised to find out in how many games the enemies rarely fight back.
- You have to concentrate to win. this isn't a ubisoft open world game where you can just blindy press buttons and win.
- Varied levels. from an artwork perspective.
The Bad
- The weapons are a bit meh. you have a flamethrower/laser whip that feels like an afterthought and not made with level design in mind.
- At times the AI seems bad, like it's not really aware of it's weapons limits. like it's firing diagonally at the player while it's obvious it's not going to hit in a million years.
[*] Something just seems off in parts of the level design. can't quite put my finger on it. they just seem underdesigned at times.
Run n' gun fun! Nothing about this game sticks out as "special" or "must have". It is a fun game, looks nice, sounds good, and is a nice challenge. Grab this when it is on sale and you're tired of playing through your typical side - scrollers.
It's a good contra-like game, but a bit limited with the choice of weapon. Beside normal gun with rapid fire and machine gun from a robot, you can only have a flamethrower kind of weapon, grenade launcher and laser. You have a robot that can shield you for 2 hits and that's all the weapon.
My problem with this game is that there's a roll/dodge by pressing down+jump, yeah, the same command where you think you can drop from a platform to find out you can't, you just roll to you're death.
Should have make this input on another button and let you drop of the platform. Find this a bit stupid.
My other problem is while this game have kind of beautiful 16-bit graphic, lots of time, enemies or about to dies and they start making flame or explosion and you will think it's an attack while it's not and other times, you think you're safe, but not, you just die because there was an attack in disguise. Also, some boss have invincibility frame and there's no tell to when or not you can attack the core or need to wait for an animation to finish, specially the boss in the train. Balls spinning fast, you cannot hurt the core, balls move slower, ho! now you can attack the balls and the core, but wait, new balls spawn and spin fast again, core is invincible again. Like give me a break, close the eye of the core for when it's invincible at least, jeez.
Difficulty is alright, but find some bullets and some enemies to fast. It's easy to get f*** by surprise.
Other than that, it's a good game with nice music.
Such a great Indie game that will bring you down the memory lane of Contra III, Sunset Riders, etc.
It's fairly short but yet still very challenging where each mission there will be a different gameplay addition so you are never bored of just doing the same thing all the time.
Score: 8/10
- Music: The soundtrack stands out and perfectly complements the action.
- Limited playable character variety: There are 4 selectable characters, but the differences are minimal. Two characters have long-range weapons, while the other two are melee-focused. The melee characters are only unlocked after completing the game for the first time.
- Good variety of game modes: Includes a normal mode, Speedrun, and Boss Rush modes. You can also change the enemies' skins to a Halloween-themed version, adding a fun twist.
- Bosses: Each level features multiple boss encounters. The fights are challenging, creative, and well-designed.
- Gameplay: While the main gameplay pays homage to Contra, some levels feature different mechanics, like Space Harrier-style stages or dynamic motorcycle sequences.
- Story: The narrative is basic but effective, with a classic Terminator-style vibe.
[*]Difficulty: The game offers three difficulty options, ensuring players of all skill levels can enjoy the experience.
Don't buy this shit unless you want to lose your mind.
A decent run n gun primarily influenced by Contra. It has a solid foundation, and yet, it's exceedingly unremarkable. Does close to nothing innovative or new both in terms of being an indie game or for it's genre. It needed more creative ideas or an interesting way of extending it's playtime.
Score is easily grindable, for some reason, so that's also just a moot inclusion.
good stuff
Beautiful tribute to the arcades of the 80s. A game that is fun to play and can be completed in one sitting with enough skill or continues. Worth every quarter.
This game is the best Contra game in years. Take some notes, Konami.
Incredible bosses, npc and gameplay in this run and gun game . It is one of the few good run and gun games I've played lately in coop over remoteplay with my friend. I had asked for recommendations of run and gun games when Contra Operation Galuga came out and this was one of the games recommended to me, rightly so i'd say.
con - the save and progression system is a pain in the keester, ruining an otherwise mindblowing game.
It plays like a blast from the past 2D, 16-bit Contra games.
It's got the difficulty, the visuals are great, and the controls are tight.
A must-play for anyone who's into run-and-gun.
A good spiritual successor to the legacy of Contra III and Contra: Hard Corps— very fun and hard as fuck.
Very fun run n gun
Excellent Contra styled game that adds to the formula and has some very creative takes! I would highly recommend it if you like these types of games. I would suggest running through the game on 'easy' rather than 'normal' just to get a feel for the game, not to mention, if you beat it, it will unlock a bunch of stuff and may end up being more fun than hitting a wall on normal like I did over a year ago and putting the game down for a while. I am glad I returned to actually complete it! The achievements are really fun to hunt for as well!
This game is a must-have if you like Contra.
Authors made a run and gun version of Mega Man X4-6, as hinted by the damage/block effects and sounds, boss defeat effects, ride armors and a very clearly overpowered melee attack (read: Z-Saber), but didn't want to admit it. That's the reason I won't try that new Moonrider game because they're clearly at it again - I actually like both Contra and Mega Man X series, but not how they are mixed here.
Feels like a quarter-gobbler arcade: enemies get cheap shots most of the time, damaging explosions aren't much different from non-damaging explosions. 3D tunnel section looked way better on YouTube. Weapons feel weak - the game forces you to learn melee but I just don't want to (that's when I understood this is not a Contra in fact), characters feel slow like if the Speed Bot bonus was supposed to be their actual speed. Pixel art and music are top-notch, though.
On stage 5, you can lie down on the floor, but you can't crawl, and the game forces you to move through a tunnel in small bursts while attacked with enemies from both sides - what the heck, who designed this awkwardness?
Impressive neon grid/"virtual reality" GFX and a cool song in the end, but this game just can't be recommended to those who seek what the game markets itself to be - it plays mostly like, I don't know, a Shinobi 3 with a weak set of Contra-ish rifles (laser whip? grenade launcher with 1 grenade limit per screen???) and no built-in double jump which feels so much missed. I don't know anyone I can recommend this to. Not in 2024+ at least. Could have been a huge hit back in 2004 or maybe even 2014.
Really liked this one. Great controls and very fun.
Exactly as advertised. Best Contra-like game currently on Steam. If you are looking for an awesome retro shoot-em up, this is it.
Perhaps the best retro-style side-scroller I've encountered thus far. The game is exceptionally well-crafted and a delight to play, both solo and cooperatively.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | JoyMasher |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 79 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (445) |