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Разработчик: SadSquare Studio

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ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ: данная видеоигра может спровоцировать приступ светочувствительной эпилепсии у людей, подверженных этой болезни. Рекомендуется разумное ограничение игровой аудитории.

ВАЖНОЕ ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: основной акцент в игре сделан на процесс исследования, по мере которого напряжение медленно нарастает, создавая еще более полный и яркий эффект присутствия. Сюжетная линия раскрывается с помощью сюрреалистической визуализации и неявных контекстуальных деталей. Не забывайте, что это во многих отношениях сложная и необычная игра.

Игра Visage — это психологический триллер от первого лица.

Исследуйте таинственный, постоянно изменяющийся особняк в атмосферном игровом мире, где время течет неспешно, а неправдоподобно уютные интерьеры сменяются чудовищно реалистичными сценами, наводящими неподдельный ужас.


Действие игры разворачивается в огромном особняке, где некогда произошли ужасные события. Вам предстоит блуждать по мрачным коридорам, исследуя каждую заброшенную комнату и теряясь в бесконечных лабиринтах, где таятся пугающие воспоминания и призраки тех, кто жил и погиб здесь. Странный искаженный мир, где единственное живое существо — это вы, откроет вам непостижимые секреты, о которых даже подумать страшно.


История этого дома омрачена чудовищными преступлениями. Жившие в нем люди убивали своих родных, сходили с ума, совершали самоубийства и другие кошмарные вещи. Каждая комната имеет свою собственную историю, написанную на невидимых скрижалях. В процессе игры вам предстоит вновь пережить некоторые эпизоды темного прошлого, любой из которых способен ужаснуть и надолго лишить вас покоя. Вскоре вы позавидуете мертвым, для которых преисподняя стала избавлением от кошмара, ибо вам даже сама смерть не поможет отсюда вырваться. Какой путь вы изберете - сбежите или попытаетесь отыскать скрытую под покровом теней истину?

Темные сущности

Вам станут являться призраки людей, погибших в этом доме. Они будут красться за вами по пятам, следить за вами из-за каждого угла, пытаться воздействовать на ваше сознание — или даже напасть на вас. Почему они преследуют вас? Что вы натворили? Выяснить это сможете только вы сами.

Игровой процесс

В игре Visage вы беззащитны; нет такого оружия, которое могло бы спасти вас от жутких существ, подкарауливающих за каждым углом, за каждой дверью или выскакивающих прямо из-под ног. Вы сможете собирать ключевые предметы, осуществлять взаимодействие с окружающей средой и разыскивать вещи, которые либо помогут вам вырваться из этого кошмара... либо еще глубже затянут в него.

Смерть — часть этой игры. Вы должны во что бы то ни стало избавиться от страха, потому что страх притягивает темные сущности. Старайтесь поддерживать свою психику как можно более здоровой, если не хотите пополнить ряды мертвецов. Это будет нелегко, и вы сами должны будете найти способы, помогающие не сойти с ума, например, подольше оставаться на свету.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, spanish - spain, arabic, bulgarian, dutch, greek, portuguese - portugal, portuguese - brazil, russian, spanish - latin america, swedish, ukrainian, german, japanese, korean, simplified chinese, turkish, hungarian, polish

Системные требования


  • ОС *: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Процессор: Intel® Core™ i3 or AMD Ryzen™ 3
  • Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 950 or AMD Radeon™ R7 370
  • DirectX: версии 10
  • Место на диске: 10 GB
  • ОС *: WINDOWS® 7, 8, 8.1, 10
  • Процессор: Intel® Core™ i5 or AMD Ryzen™ 5
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon™ RX 480
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Место на диске: 10 GB

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 20.12.2024 22:50
1 0

I wish there was "meh" rating.

this could've been one of the best horror games ever debatably. Everything in terms of horror is 10/10, actually got chicken skin from one of the moments, shit u experience is actually scary af. Atmosphere is great. Art direction is amazing. but....

The puzzles man, you will be running around circles that house for a while, progression through this amazing horror experience is so tedious & your character runs too slow. Without a guide by your hand i wouldnt suggest playing it at all.

I decided to watch the playthrough of the game on youtube instead of playing.

Время в игре: 345 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.12.2024 17:43
0 0

I’ve played tons of horror games from various titles RE (almost all except 1 and veronica), Aliens Isolation, SOMA, Still Wakes The Deep, etc. This game is by far the scariest I’ve ever played and my progress is barely 1 chapter finished… will keep playing but need time

Время в игре: 192 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.12.2024 23:27
0 0

Great game, smooth atmosphere, runs good (from what I exp). Devs clearly has a ton of fun making these mfin spooks lol, and it shows. Story is good, doesn't overstay its welcome, honestly could be ignored if you want. Just those small snippets where you get some clue into the headspace of our inhabitants, and lets you exp that with the trust that you will piece it together. Love it.

Время в игре: 748 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.12.2024 13:11
0 0

Depending on the kind of person you are, you'll either love or hate this game. There's no in between. If you're into slow, atmospheric horror that takes its time to settle you into an oppressively dreadful setting then, like myself, you'll enjoy it. Otherwise its not for you. For as much as the game does right though, its definitely a very flawed experience. Controls and inventory management are clunky, enemies will sometimes spawn directly on top of you and kill you instantly which can get frustrating, there are certain points where its really hard to tell what you're supposed to do next, and the general quality isn't the most consistent throughout chapters (especially the third one). All on top of a myriad of other small problems that I could ramble on about if I really felt like it. I still think its a good game regardless. The story is interesting, the puzzles for as hard as they are feel very rewarding to figure out, the atmosphere is unmatched, and as a general horror experience it is absolutely the cream of the crop. I've still yet to play a game that has made me as uneasy as this one.

Время в игре: 565 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.12.2024 13:25
0 0

it will be very fun to play if you are in the right environment
and i love horror games

Время в игре: 447 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.12.2024 09:51
0 0

I wish there was a "meh" option instead of yes or no recommendation. I'll recommend it because the good outweighs the bad, at least. The Dolores and Lucy chapters were honestly very good - I kept a guide on hand because I knew it was puzzle-y and I wanted a backup in case I got stuck, the game was too dark and I couldn't see something obvious, etc. Dolores and Lucy, no problem at all (I do suggest playing Lucy before Dolores now, the reverse of what I did - Lucy uses a *lot* of lighters in my experience and better to do it when front loaded at the beginning of the game). The two of their stories both felt like it was the house or something in the house was causing their issues, rather than them as people being the cause of it. Dolores' story felt very real and was probably my favorite (even if I consistently got lost because of the mirror locations) and Lucy's felt nice and spooky, with some spaces "away" from the house but still using assets from it for story beats. They both felt grounded in this world and together, like the house was the villain.

The same, however, could not be said for Rakan's chapter. Rakan's chapter felt like the devs took a nice, long holiday from making the game then came back and immediately found a creepy hospital asset pack. Nothing about his chapter felt like the other two, with scenes of him and random melty-faced people constantly chasing you, as opposed to the quiet stalking of the other two chapters. Almost the entirety of his chapter also takes place in, like I mentioned, a hospital instead of the house. I assumed the house was meant to serve as a hell/purgatory for the player character but surprise, I guess he can teleport to places in the previous occupants' minds now. Not to mention this map was *massive*; while I only used a guide once or twice for Dolores' and Lucy's, Rakan's was almost entirely led by a walkthrough... There were constant jammed doors and nonsensical directions that felt like I was being led in circles. It was an unintuitive map, and absolutely an awful hospital if it was real. Besides, I came for puzzles, not sprinting down a hallway to avoid getting caught by a mob of mental ward patients and having to navigate a maze of hallways to get to one exit faintly glowing red. The one saving grace was that you got a flashlight since, oh yeah, you lose all your accumulated items in the hospital sequence (and you can't save there either), but at this point, I was out of lighters anyway. (Also, it's 2024, almost 2025 - can we please stop with the big bad being someone with a mental illness with lackeys in a mental ward all going crazy? I know the game came out in 2020, but the trope stopped being scary and trendy in 2016.)

The first two chapter I played were better than the one, but Rakan's really did leave a sour taste in my mouth, though there were some consistent stuff between all chapters that I thought could use fixing - small things like adding more lighters at the tail end or spreading them out, actually giving me a use for the lightbulbs (nearly 11 hours and 2 have blown all game), and getting rid of the sequences that you trigger by looking at something and them having to sit through an ungodly amount of time while the game fills up a tub, or does the Harlem Shake in a hospital room or something. My own selfishness asks for a map as well, but I can narrow that down to me having the sense of direction of a coconut.

Tl;dr: Lucy and Dolores stories good. Rakan story not good. Buy on sale.

Время в игре: 643 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.12.2024 06:35
0 0

A great experience. The game has a lot to offer in terms of puzzle solving and the paranormal atmosphere. If you want more action however your looking at the wrong title. Great to play in the right mood and the right time of night.

Время в игре: 333 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.12.2024 04:39
0 0

I have never shit myself this much before

Время в игре: 246 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.12.2024 21:43
0 1

whats next

Время в игре: 155 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 21:38
0 0

One of the best and scariest games I have ever played. 100% recommend without a single doubt.

Время в игре: 430 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 17:39
0 0

Too scary I can't play.

Время в игре: 32 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.12.2024 03:08
0 0

No idea how I never left a review for this game. It's clearly inspired by PT in an almost egregious way, but the atmosphere is SO good. I don't know why but this game fills me with the level of terror and dread that the original 3 Silent Hill games did. Usually I find horror games pretty laughable and/or boring, but not this one.

It shows I have 20 hours which is definitely not accurate and I haven't even managed to force myself through beating this game yet. I intend to do it within the next year though.

Время в игре: 1221 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 19:56
0 0

ta piola

Время в игре: 767 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 03:58
0 0

Going through my steam library and realizing I've never done a review for Visage, and it's still one of my favorite horror games! It forces you into an unplayable environment not because its bad, but because of how scary it is. That's what I've always wanted and love from horror games. It stays interesting, even after third or fourth playthroughs, and is the one game I can say I've had moments that I avoided just because I was too scared to play. If you're looking for something new and scary as hell, this is your game!
Imagine if P.T. and outlast had a baby, then play Visage. :)

Время в игре: 2367 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 20:54
0 0

Loved the game.

Время в игре: 665 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 05:52
0 0

Does a great job of setting a spooky atmosphere. I would say that Controls are a bit clunky but everything else is great.

Время в игре: 182 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 02:18
0 0


Время в игре: 488 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2024 18:59
0 0

Purely from a horror standpoint, this is outstanding.

The environment - its maze-like complexities, claustrophobic spaces, eerie sounds, impossible architecture, and horrific imagery - is captivating, and its one of my favorites out of any horror game I have played. Yet somehow, within this insanely dark and terrifying house there is a story that is even more depressing. The ultimate truth about the world, with its usage of cryptic events and symbolism, is very thought provoking and makes for any amazing psychological horror experience.

Overall, I really enjoyed this game. I would honestly go even further and consider this a piece of art due to its unique methods of storytelling and the depiction of suffering illustrated throughout the character's journey.

Время в игре: 392 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.11.2024 02:36
0 2


Время в игре: 347 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.11.2024 01:54
0 0

Se você é cardíaco nem pense em jogar esse jogo.
Nunca tomei tanto susto nem fiquei com tanto medo em um jogo. Só Alien Isolation chega relativamente perto.
Minhas únicas críticas a esse jogo são o controle meio atrapalhado e a dificuldade dos puzzles/vc entender que ¨#&!$ vc tem que fazer. Tive que olhar na internet 2x pq tem coisa que é impossível você descobrir sozinho, mas ainda assim vale a pena jogar. É um bom jogo de terror, que vai do terror psicológico intenso aos sustos, vultos no canto, eventos aleatórios.

Compre, e não jogue do lado de nenhuma criança pq ela nunca mais vai conseguir ficar sozinha ou encarar o escuro (talvez nem você)

Время в игре: 1890 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.11.2024 22:39
2 0

I regretted

Early in Visage, I hit a wall with a puzzle and shelved the game for months—a decision I came to regret once I finally returned. Picking it back up turned out to be the best choice I could have made, as I uncovered one of the most hauntingly brilliant horror experiences I’ve ever played.

This game doesn’t rely on cheap jump scares; instead, it weaves an oppressive, bone-chilling atmosphere that pulls you into its eerie, nightmarish world. The puzzles are challenging yet immensely rewarding, offering a real sense of accomplishment when solved. Many are intricately tied to the game’s narrative, revealing chilling new story elements or unlocking unsettling areas that heighten the sense of dread. They demand patience and clever thinking, but the payoff always feels worth it. Meanwhile, the story lingers in your mind long after the credits roll. And then there’s the house itself—it feels disturbingly alive, with every creak and shadow working against your nerves.

Visage is everything great horror should be: intelligent, immersive, and deeply unsettling—a true slow-burn masterpiece.

10/10—and yes, I took 150+ screenshots to prove it.

Время в игре: 1080 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.11.2024 00:13
1 0

I've never been so scared by a horror game that I actually started crying until I played Visage. The terror this game made me feel was strong enough to make me cry. Holy moly.

Время в игре: 672 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.11.2024 20:37
0 0

excelent atmosfera prea top si povestea chiar interesanta merita incercat 10/10

Время в игре: 686 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.11.2024 18:25
1 0

TLDR: Exploration, paranoia, jump scares, instant death, backtracking, puzzles that can be very cryptic, poor item management and slow pacing. If you like/don't mind any of those things, this is definitely one of the scariest 1st person games out there. Ever. And I've played A LOT of horror games. Visage reminded me of PT and that's as much a good thing as it is a horrible thing for my now shortened longevity.

Story: As an initially nameless protagonist that basically spawns out of a puddle of nameless liquid, you wander around a house, initially aimlessly, until you find clues as to what to do and where to go next.
There are items that trigger ''chapters'' that change the house slightly, to extremely.
There are only 3 different chapters (excluding the ending and about half a dozen optional ones), and each will revolve around a specific character that will also have their own antagonist. This might sound like the norm, but it is done especially well. They all feel very, very different and will definitely each terrorise you in a different manner. It's also noteworthy that many of the chapters (and optional, for that matter) can be done in any order, but doing so may lengthen your progression as some events cannot take place while another is already taking place.
While there is a story, it isn't your typical beginning to end type of story. You uncover secrets in hopes of learning more and personally, I had to go to reddit to get the gist of it.
Even though there is a proper ending to the game, it is very well hidden and was kind of irritating to find. So if you are going in blind, I strongly suggest that you don't rush things and either read a spoiler free guide whenever you get stuck, or simply keep in mind that the...
WAIT, THIS IS A MINOR SPOILER (Skip to gameplay if you don't wanna read it). Whenever you watch a VHS tape, it will spawn an event in the house that you NEED to complete before progressing in anything else, or else you will have to rewatch the tape later, and do it over again. I also suggest doing this outside chapters.

Gameplay: Since the game is mostly about finding clues to progress and has 0 combat, it isn't surprising that the gameplay is barely fleshed out.
Running is tediously slow, you can easily instantly die, you can run out of very important consumables if you forget to keep the right stuff on yourself and the way you wield items is initially very counter intuitive.
All that being said, it works for the type of game it is.
There is a sanity gauge that slowly depletes depending on your actions or lack there of. Whenever it reaches a certain threshold, you cannot recover from it and need some pills. If you're out of them, you're basically screwed.
Consumables randomly respawn throughout the house and if you drop a key item, it will respawn in a specific locker.
Events are random and vary from chapter to chapter, but they're basically anything between to lights flickering and doors slamming to a baddie chasing you down to insta kill you.
Also, small warning to photosensitive people, there's a chapter that requires you to spam the flash on a camera in a pitch black area, so... Yyyeeeeaaah.
The items you wield might sometimes get stuck by colliding on corners or door frames and while it takes nothing away from the game at all (since they will eventually get unstuck by themselves), it can be annoying when your light source is stuck on the other side of the wall, y'know?
I also strongly recommend switching the way to open doors in the option menu to simple right away as there is absolutely no reason to slowly open doors.

Graphics: While some characters are passable, the vast majority of enemies and environment look fantastic.

Audio: Ambience is great, sound effects work as intended. The music glitched a couple of times but nothing more.

I cannot emphasize enough, this game is definitely a good scare. Also, the easter eggs are noice.

Время в игре: 910 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.11.2024 10:03
1 4

Killing children as a premise for the plot (WTF is wrong with you, SadSquare?!) If you, as a gamer, can accept these terms and have a tremendous reserve of patience, perhaps, you will find something in this game.

Время в игре: 55 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.11.2024 07:28
1 0

I can't understand the hype for this game. I played through the entire Rakkan(?) chapter. It was not scary, tedious, with awkward movement and puzzles.

This game would be a great $15.00 afternoon play, but I can't recommend it at 34.99 USD.

Время в игре: 125 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.11.2024 12:47
1 0

Love this game!

Took me 12 hours to complete the chapters, not including the bonuses at the end of the main chapters, and that's with the use of guides halfway through the game.

Visage is definitely one of the scariest games on the market currently, especially in the psychological department. The atmosphere and slow build-up of a tension has been utilised masterfully. With heavy inspiration from PT, arguably the greatest horror game that never was, you know you're in for a ride with this one.

This game can be quite rough to navigate without the use of a guide, as things aren't necessarily spelt out for you. Occasionally it can take a few strolls around the house to trigger the next sequence of events to progress the story further, and they aren't always obvious. Some of the puzzles can also be confusing, so if you're wanting to go into this game completely blind without the use of guides, good luck to you!

Overall, very much worth the price if you're into psychological horror narratives.

Время в игре: 731 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.11.2024 05:57
0 0


Время в игре: 91 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 10.11.2024 21:31
1 0

very atmosperic scary, its not your usual zombie horror game.

Время в игре: 787 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 09.11.2024 21:58
0 0

Great game. Gave creepy vibes and made you think whats going to jump out at you next. Puzzles are a little weird to figure out, but that's the fun part of the game. Highly recommend buying while on sale though, not while its full priced.

Время в игре: 731 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 06.11.2024 19:50
0 0

I would describe Visage as "boring" or "tedious" or "frustrating" rather than "frightening" unfortunately, and I'm surprised to see that so many other reviewers appeared to find it terrifying.

The pace of the game is painfully slow. Even when you make your character run, he still moves at a snail's pace. There are far better horror games out there in my opinion. Alien: Isolation beats this hands down and is well over a decade old by now. I recently played Still Wakes The Deep, which is much better than Visage too.

I can't recommend this. You can pick which chapters to play at the start of the game but there's no indication as to what order is recommended. I ended up playing the Rekkan story and maybe it's just a poor one to start with, but it was so laborious that I couldn't be bothered to finish even this chapter to see what happened next. It was a yawn-fest.

The Good

  • Ran great. No stuttering or any other issues. I had all the settings turned up to the max and was playing on 1440p (RTX4080, i13700K). There didn't appear to be any bugs and the game didn't crash.
  • The graphics are reasonably good. The textures are nothing special by 2024 standards but they do the job in providing that creepy vibe. The lighting is particularly good - or rather the darkness is. Everything is in shadows and gloomy, lights flicker and you can't really make details out, which is as it should be for games like this. It always feels like something could be lurking in the corners. The basis of a great horror game is certainly here but the execution is just awful.
  • The sound effects were tremendous too. The creaking, the howling wind outside. Devices switch on and off when you're not looking. Your character's footsteps aren't quite in time with your movement, which is unnerving. The sound is definitely the best thing about this game. There wasn't much speech in the chapters I played but the voice acting that I did come across was of a high standard.
  • The opening scene is really good. I thought it set an excellent tone for a horror game and was looking forward to what came next.
  • You can rebind the keys. Yay!

The Neutral

  • There's clearly a story here but I didn't play enough to be able to comment on whether it's any good or not. Other reviewers seemed to enjoy it so I'll defer to them.

The Bad

  • The snail's pace of your character's movement is painfully slow. I found myself yawning just getting from the top of a staircase to the bottom. It's an absolutely dreadful way of forcing you to play the game.
  • The game is an FPS but it reminds me more of the old point and click adventure games. There are lots of pointless things to pick up and turn and view, etc. such as drinks cans but actually useful items are few and far between. It isn't obvious what is dynamic and what isn't so you need to move the viewpoint over absolutely everything. You need to knock a wall down at one point and eventually I found something that would do the trick, but the various wrenches that are lying about, which would do an equally serviceable job, can't be picked up of course. Sometimes you can pick the furniture up, sometimes you can't - there's no consistency.
  • There are lots of invisible walls. Obstacles that are an inch high appear to be enough to block your character because he's incapable of jumping that high. Of course, this makes it easy for the developers to trap you while a monster comes after you. In the real world you'd just slide over the nearest table and get away but here you just need to stand around and wait for inevitable. Perhaps you discover that your character is a 90-year-old pensioner with a hip problem if you play the game for long enough? That would explain things.
  • The game is essentially a maze, most of the doors are jammed and exploration is actually quite limited. You need to walk around the maze, find the key, then walk around the maze some more to find which door it unlocks, and then you can carry on. Occasionally a monster jumps out at you and if you don't run (well, sluggishly wander off) in time then you die. And those murder animations quickly grow repetitive.
  • The control system is clunky as. The inventory management is as slow and tedious as everything else. You've got to press multiple buttons to drop something, you have to swap hands and so on and so forth. I assume that the idea is to stress you out as you try and manage things while a monster chases you but, honestly, it's so far removed from real life that it's an immersion-killer.
  • [*] The game has some sort of system whereby if you stand in the dark too long then you character's "sanity" starts depleting. Great - I'm not scared but my character apparently is so I guess that means I'm supposed to be feeling some sort of stress as well. It's terribly contrived.

Время в игре: 156 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.11.2024 19:35
0 0

It's the dark souls of Horror game.

Its also pretty hard.

Sometimes some missions will want you to rip your pubic hair out.

Overall recommended.

Время в игре: 706 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.11.2024 06:16
0 1

Visage is the definitive horror epic masterpiece that will leave you numb and senseless for weeks on end. An absolutely bone-chilling, soul crushing, nightmarish journey from start to finish which is not quite well describable through words and phrases alone. Outlast used to be the peak in psychological horror but now Visage is. Triple A horror games like Resident Evil don't even come close to this masterpiece in terms of pushing you towards the edge and utter madness and insanity. This game feels like the direct product of a sinful relationship with the devil himself so help me God.

Время в игре: 755 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.11.2024 19:37
0 0

one of the best horror games I have ever played. I loved the story, but loved much more the atmosphere it puts you in. this game's constantly got you being on the verge of paranoia, expecting something or someone to show up at every step you take. great scenes as well, I strongly recommended it, especially to horror fans.

Время в игре: 1329 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.11.2024 15:01
4 0

Let me set the stage: I’ve played or otherwise experienced almost every type of horror game you can name—Outlast, Alien Isolation, watched P.T. on YouTube, RE2 Remake, the original Dead Space/RE4/RE5, Amnesia: The Dark Descent, Little Nightmares—you name it. Plus, I’ve watched all the iconic horror movies, old and new.

I dig this stuff. I know my horror.

So, when I say Visage is easily one of the most petrifying pieces of experience out there, I’m not exaggerating.

What makes it so damn terrifying? It doesn’t rely on cheap screamers or classic jump scares like a lot of horror games. Instead, Visage builds a slow, suffocating atmosphere full of psychological horror. It’s like fear you can’t see but can feel inching closer with every step.

The game trades in the usual scares for something more sinister: dim, haunted rooms, subtle paranormal activity that feels real (think Paranormal Activity levels of realism), and a relentless sense of dread. The scares aren’t all in your face but come creeping out of nowhere, unsettling you on a deeper level. Even with the game off, you might feel the urge to check behind you.

I’ll be real—I couldn’t even bring myself to start it at first. The first minutes in-game had me so on edge I kept putting it off, almost daring myself to finally dive in.

I won’t spoil anything, but Visage tells a cohesive, unnerving story set in one house, and that house has a presence all its own. The story grips you, pulling you deeper into the house’s terrifying secrets.

Only dive in if you’re truly confident in your nerves—this game will push your limits harder than any other piece of horror media that’s legally allowed.

Время в игре: 1038 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.11.2024 17:26
3 0

Best interactive horror game to date. Visage's terrific visuals are only matched by it's equally chilling music and sounds design. It is one of the most polished early-access games you'll ever gonna play. It's very well scripted and the atmosphere it creates is so tense and scary.

Время в игре: 704 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.11.2024 02:47
0 2

Jump scares left and right. After a while it gets old. The game is about "playing detective" and yet I don't know what the mechanics are because there's no guideline. Like for example the game keeps running while you paused the game. YES! YOU DIE IN THE PAUSE SCREEN.

Took me like 2 hours to figure out how to get out of a section because I didn't even know you could lift a chair. The game conditioned me that I could do was picking up small items and equipment them. Would've been great to know before hand, but nope. Figure it out. I uninstalled after a while cause I was getting more annoyed than "scared"

Время в игре: 250 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 01.11.2024 17:07
2 1

ITs a maze of finding keys and other rubbish. Game can be a bt scary but its to mutch like hard work and boring like tomb raider but a badly designed VR version of it.

Время в игре: 246 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.10.2024 13:42
2 0

Probably the scariest horror game I've ever played. I had to play it at daytime because I couldn't face it at night XD
With its atmosphere and sound effects, the tension is always present throughout the game and you can easily have goosebumps at each “crack” you hear or each light that suddenly off.

I definitely recommend it for anyone who likes psychological horror games~

Время в игре: 261 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 30.10.2024 18:15
8 0

I know the term "literally unplayable" gets thrown around a lot nowadays, but I got killed one hour into my first playthrough and it corrupted all of my save data.

Literally unplayable.

Время в игре: 99 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.10.2024 14:47
2 0

easily up there with as one of the most terrifying games ive ever played.

Время в игре: 789 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 30.10.2024 04:04
2 0

It felt like I had really high expectations off of the opening scene. (Will not spoil, but it sets the stage really well of the kind of situation you are about to experience.) Afterwards, it sets up your expectations of gameplay and if you enjoy a horror game with some puzzles it feels very satisfying until some of the more difficult puzzles that seem to only really give you the clues to them cryptically, which is fine if in addition, you also didn't have to complete the others to understand what the clue was for, which even then it isn't super clear. I eventually completed the (was told to me) puzzle heaviest chapter and unfortunately left more annoyed than scared. In addition, to make matters worse we got minor details about the character in the chapter (delores), that could have been inferred relatively easily from the situation we see the house in and her overall actions and attitude.

All in all, if you are in it for some scares and puzzles, it is a game that can definitely deliver for you. But if you are expecting substance through the levels you may be left disappointed as I was and was unable to finish the rest of it, when i continued to get none of the interesting setup resolved. This may be untrue if you complete it but, the overall frustration is keeping me from doing that.

Hopefully this helps you if you are on the fence about it.

Время в игре: 294 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 27.10.2024 17:12
1 0

Don't get me wrong - this Is a decent horror game with great ideas but unfortunately it has many flaws. The chapters felt somewhat disconnected and a game in itself. I did the 100% Achievement run and didn't enjoy it as much because some achievements are ridiculous to find out by yourself. The ending was also meh.
Buy it on sales if you like horror games. This has some very good parts but the conclusion sucked.
Overall it's a 6/10

Время в игре: 811 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.10.2024 15:30
0 2

Freaky stuff! Awesome!

Время в игре: 21 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.10.2024 08:30
0 0

I fucking hate it here

Время в игре: 418 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 24.10.2024 19:42
1 1

Repetivie, boring, not scary at all, it is so predictible... Tries too hard to be like a version of Silent hill the room mixed with PT, but fails miserably. Just a walking spooky sim.

Время в игре: 368 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.10.2024 12:38
1 0

Visage is a decent enough game. It's hard to rate it as a whole because all of the chapters are quite different. I think overall probably a 6.5 maybe 7/10. That doesn't seem high, but it is above average and it loses points for some issues the game has.

Some spoilers below:

So first off, the highlight, Dolores chapter. I would say this is about an 8-9/10. Some of the creeps and scares by Dolores are very good. As the chapter progresses it gets even better right up until the end. I'm not an easy person to scare but Dolores found a way to get me a few times. Overall the best chapter.

Next off, the worst chapter, Rakan's chapter or whatever his name was. This chapter, with the tapes, started off great. Then it sunk and sunk and sunk as it just got boring and repetitive. It felt more like a chore than anything to get through and I wasn't scared by anything. It was very tedious. Maybe if you have a specific type of fear, like, VERY specific, this might get you but, this was terrible for me. 2/10.

Lastly, the mid chapter, Lucy's. Lucy's chapter starts off again, very strong. Utilising the camera to see the path of the shadow, to see in the darkest areas as the lighters stop working at times. Then in the next area, again, it starts quite well, switching between lighter and camera based off need. Then they just make you abuse the camera only. This is where it sinks. You have a good idea, and you over use it to death. It became annoying. It was sore on my eyes and I started to get frustrated with having to use the mechanic. The end of the chapter then is good but that whole middle point where they over use the camera, under use the ghost (its just non existent after the start) just sinks it a bit. I'd say a 5/10 and a warning that if you have epilepsy don't play this game.

So thats my summary. I do recommend the game as long as you don't have epilepsy.

Время в игре: 1257 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.10.2024 22:08
0 0

best horror game to date

Время в игре: 808 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.10.2024 08:07
1 0

pretty good but you need a lot of patience to do it without a guide, the game is sometimes confusing

Время в игре: 681 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.10.2024 20:25
0 0

I can't I can't I can't I cant

Время в игре: 783 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик SadSquare Studio
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 22.12.2024
Metacritic 81
Отзывы пользователей 87% положительных (3716)

Отзывы пользователей

3,215 положительных и 501 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 22.12.2024 18:03


Action Indie Adventure Simulation


Single-player Steam Achievements Full controller support Steam Cloud Remote Play on TV Family Sharing