Разработчик: Prideful Sloth
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Расслабься и насладись спокойным течением жизни с Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles, приключенческой игрой в открытом мире.
Действие Yonder разворачивается на райском острове под названием Гемея, разделенном на восемь областей, от тропических пляжей до заснеженных горных хребтов.
И все же с некоторых пор дела в Гемее обстоят довольно скверно: ее окутал зловещий и таинственный туман!
Возьми на себя роль героя Гемеи и отправляйся на поиски сильфид, скрытных и причудливых созданий. Только с их помощью тебе удастся рассеять туман и вернуть местной природе ее былую красоту.
В Гемее тебе предстоит выменивать у местных жителей полезные предметы, заниматься поиском уникальных материалов для ремесел, приручать очаровательных животных и многое другое. А может, ты захочешь построить собственную ферму?
С Yonder ты погрузишься в необыкновенный мир — мир, полный находок и приключений.
В этой игре есть множество возможностей и функций, которые перечислены ниже:
- Динамичный открытый мир, полный находок и интересных мест.
- Играйте в собственном темпе: путешествуйте по всему миру или осядьте в приятном местечке, чтобы заниматься фермерством и рыбалкой.
- Обширные возможности для создания персонажа.
- Освойте профессию плотника, повара, портного и многие другие, чтобы помочь жителям Гемеи.
- Создавайте и продавайте предметы, чтобы решить головоломки и изгнать зловещий туман с острова.
- Дружите с очаровательными созданиями и приручайте их.
- Стройте множество ферм и выращивайте урожай во всех восьми климатических зонах, среди которых вы найдете тучные пастбища, густые леса, тропики и многое другое.
- Устройтесь в дружелюбном мире, который вам захочется посещать снова и снова.
- Смесь индивидуальных и запланированных сценарных заданий.
- Множество необычных маршрутов, необходимых, чтобы достичь целей.
- Динамичный живой мир: смена времен года влияет на маршруты и миграцию животных, смена дня и ночи, а также погодных условий, затрагивает весь мир.
- Развлекайтесь как вам угодно: займитесь рыбалкой, фермерством, ремеслом, выполнением заданий, собиранием камней... Выбор за вами!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, simplified chinese, japanese, korean, russian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2400S @ 2.5 GHz or AMD FX-4320 @ 4 GHz or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX660 / AMD R9 270X (2GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or better)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 (64-bit versions only)
- Процессор: Intel Core i7- 3770@ 3.5 GHz or AMD FX-8350 @ 4 GHz or better
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX970/GTX 1060 or AMD R9 390/RX480 (4GB VRAM with Shader Model 5.0 or better)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 4 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX compatible
Отзывы пользователей
Cute, pretty fun, wish I would've realized there was fast travel wayyyyyy earlier than I did though.
Open world, non-violent, cute, very relaxing
It is a relaxing good time. It is like a G rated Breath of the Wild. It helped me through a very stressful time in my life a couple years ago by providing a chill world to escape into. I haven't played since and sadly I feel no pull to return. If you like mysterious little open worlds with low stress, character customization, homestead building etc then give it a go. You'll know before the 2 hour return window.
Such a wonderful game that I, the parent, became addicted to it and played it thoroughly. It's a bit complex for younger kids, so I would recommend for 8+ at least, although my kid loved the captured pets at the farms. This game has a lot of content for the price, I recommend.
Heard great things, graphics on steam make it unplayable. Requested a refund outside the 2 week window (22 mins of game play into it) and was denied refund. It is unfortunate there is no support for these issues. Can't recommend it.
i love this cute and cosy game so much i cannot reccomend it enough i used to play it on playstation back in 2017 or 2018 ish and didnt realise it was on steam until recently and have been addicted to it since!! i wish it was a more popular game so there could be merch made like i would buy a groffle plushie or backpack so fast <3 also the amount of love and detail put in to this game is so cute like the hidden sign saying u cant be there i remeber finding it while sneaking over the wall lol and the hidden ufo too is so cute its proberly the only game i can grind and play non stop without getting bored, i just bought grow song of the evertree and im so exited to play that too !! much love to the creators and if ur thinking of getting this game do it its perfect -lilybun7024
I've been curious about the game for a while now. With it being on sale, I finally decided to give it a try. It's been a nice experience so far. The graphics are nice, as is the music. There's no combat to my knowledge. It's simply a relaxing game to play. If I had to find something negative about the game. It would be the lackluster create a character in the beginning of the game. As well as not having a place to live in and decorate. But those are minor complaints. You can get a few cosmetics throughout the game. So that's something at least.
Loved the vibe of this one but I got seriously motion sick after playing this so much so I psychically couldn't play this sadly.
Very chill and cute game, I did not expect to enjoy it so much. It's a bit of a shame that it went under the radar of many reviewers and gaming websites, it definitely deserved more attention. The main quest is rather short by today's standards, but still perfectly acceptable. It took me 23.5 hours to 100% the game, and it never felt like too much of a grind. Truly a good pick for every age to just chill in a charming world.
Very cute and relaxing to play. Puzzles and story were simple and with the absence of combat think that a young audience could enjoy this.
This was one of the first games I played that introduced me to cozy vibes and it was so nice to have something where I could adventure explore without any anxiety of being attacked.
Nice, but it could be so much more. Definitely nothing close to e.g. My Time at Portia/Sandrock...
Wonderful game but only for a certain type of gamer. The games exploration and crafting. There is no combat at all and very few extremely simple puzzles. If you like exploring to find resources, crafting things from those resources, using the crafted things to complete quests you will enjoy this game(this is the only gameplay loop). The farm keeping aspect of the game is extremely rudimentary. This game is not challenging at all but is super relaxing. The graphics are very cheer and bright and all the character dialog is very silly and kid friendly. Its the type of game were you can turn you brain off and just collect things.I would rate it an 8/10 for what it is as long as you have realistic expectations. There is no tension in this game. My recommendation would be to grab it when its on sale. For a game that released in 2017 $25 is a little steep. I definitely think its a must buy at $15.
I started playing this after Growth song of the evertree and this appears to be a prequel they made before that... The world build map is huge.
My only downside is that their lighting effects for the PC turn the gamma and brightness up so much for day/night changes that it can trigger migraines and turning the gamma way down still isn't quite enough. They don't have an option in visual settings to adjust it. Isn't much of a problem on the steam deck though.
The game is cute and you have multiple farms and locations to keep track of so that can be a plus or a minus. There are a lot of terrible puns in the text, but that is a plus for me because I read them to my partner.
My daughter absolutely loves this game. There is no better game for unbridled exploration.
Love it, cute cozy wholesome game.
One of those games I wish I could play for the first time again!
The game follows the protagonist of choice who has been called by his family on a navigational quest to uncover secrets from his past on the island of Gemea and destroy the ancient darkness that terrorizes the region.
Terrifying is nothing to say about this game, because the most you'll get out of it is the intense need to farm and build in order to fulfill various objectives. The game begins with the typical cliché of a character who has too many items and ends up losing them in an “unexpected” storm (apparently you can choose the genre of the character, but in the end of the game it has a feel that the developer has let slip on the script).
Centered around 8 different regions with changing climates and seasons where you can build 6 farms and collect different pets based on their biomes. As well as planting tree seedlings and horticulture. The better you manage your farm, the higher its quality percentage will become. This also applies to each of the 8 regions, where you will have various options to turn them from bad to exceptional. These options include planting trees, carrying out quests, clearing the darkness, finding spirits and improving your farm.
Yonder The Cloud Catcher is a game that doesn't permeate the idea of surviving and dying trying, because from start to finish your immortal journey is focused more on building, resorting, destroying, creating and discovering (apart from the Altair case or Tommy Vercetti Water Syndrome). If you like lush, paradisiacal landscapes with a distinctive cute nature and a focus on building and exploring, this game is for you, as you'll spend a lot of time collecting many, many items to achieve and build.
!Note:! If you want to platinum this game, I recommend that you focus on the fish collection achievement as soon as you get the fishhook, as it is by far the most difficult, and once you have passed it, you are already on the path to peace and quiet.
Very nice game, worth to buy for an adventure that awaits for you.
Outstanding! Beautiful graphics, relaxing, and fun. No fighting! Begging for more games like this!
Adore this game, its so cosy and atmospheric
good game <3
I got Yonder for my 7 year old daughter to play, only the second PC game she's played (after Old Man's Journey). This has been a *MASSIVE* hit with her. The open world is gorgeous and fun to explore; the tasks are interesting and varied. We've been completely thrilled with our Yonder experience. She's now 8 and continuing through the game and we cannot recommend it highly enough for younger players.
Ignore the time in my steam profile. From the moment I first beat this game I instantly tracked down the switch port through ebay actions just so I could play it again.
I'm chronically ill. Every time i'm too sick to get out of bed or or too medicated to think or even breathe I reach for this game. I've beaten it dozens of times now and im still not sick of it. I love the music. the bugs. The graphics. the farming mechanics and the absolute lack of pressure on your shoulders. This is a game that lets you fuck off from the very start and it never punishes you for it. You can beat every single side quest before ever touching the main plot and the game just lets you. I love that. I love this game.
Whenever I recommend it to my friends (which I do often) I jokingly call it 'side-quests - the video game.' Thats not an insult. I adore this game. I have over fifty hours in this game. I'll likely keep replaying this across its multiple ports until I die. Its the first game to really fully understand my need to just wander around and explore. Theres so much hidden lore in this world that i've yet to figure out. Why does the tinker guild master have beef with the bakers? Why are the constellations lost? What is the compass made of?
Some answers are hidden within the game, some i'll never know. I often come back to this store page just to check if theres been any update. Even just a new cosmetic pack. A mod. A new guide. New theory just because of how much this game means to me. This game makes me want to create. I want to draw for it. Write for its world. Understand it just a little better.
Theres no combat. Theres no risk. But a game doesn't need to have that to be good.
For me, this game is home. I really, genuinely think more people should give it a go.
A cute casual game. Wander around collecting as many fairies as you can to clear the areas of murk around the map. Collect items by foraging, then trade these for other items you need. Complete quests for people, build up your farm, and learn how to craft. Not the best casual game I ever played, but not the worst either. Decent enough for a few hours.
This is a tough one - I got this during the 2024 Steam Summer Sale and def got my monies worth - the game itself isn't bad, it's really enjoyable in the beginning and I did complete the main story line - but after I beat it, I realized that I didn't use a lot of the mechanics they put into the game, which made me feel bad, because you can tell a lot of thought was put into everything:
Multi farm locations are given to you to use garden & tree plots, animal houses, ect...but i never had to really use any of them, 3 or 4 farms are given to you, but I barely used the first one so i didn't bother with the others. There is no eating as far as I know, so i felt on urge to farm or gather animals. I liked that I didn't have to manage most of the plots, just plants seeds and keep going, no watering every day.
I had so many resources when I finished, and no big pull to really make anything. There are a few quests (other then the ones to build bridges) where it wants you to craft things to progress, but 99% of the time I had what they wanted already on me, or was able to trade for it from a merchant. There was so much stuff to make, and I very little of it, I don't even think I unlocked all the professions.
There is zero combat or bosses in this game, no weapons and the clothing that you collect is cosmetic only. I'm not sure if this was good or bad, but it made the game feel it was lacking something as a whole.
Animal Collecting:
I liked that there were cute animals around to collect, not that many different kinds, and a few different colors, but I liked that you could bring one along with you on your journey, but once again, I found no real reason to collect them because I was able to make due with what was on my first main farm - 1 cow thing, and 1 fox thing. Having my fox follow me was neat, but mostly cosmetic, and he kept getting lost or stuck, although, I did have a sound issue that was amusing - that when we would meet up again, he would "talk me ear off" with just a barrage of fox sounds.
Misc & Basic Game Play:
No stamina - this was awesome, not having to worry about sleeping or getting tired made the game a lot of fun to just go exploring and collect things.
Inventory & Storage: I really liked that everything went into one chest and that you could carry a lot without weight restrictions, An "add all to chest" option would have been great, but it wasn't too bad to move items from your inventory to your chest.
Movement - Jumping on or over anything was frustrating because your jump pushing you backwards, really hard, when you jump against anything, you also don't jump very far, it felt more like a hop.
Fast Travel - I wish the giant stone heads you used were more clear on where they were taking you, and not just decorated like the area they are in, having to remember the kind of trees in the area I want to go to was hard because a lot of the areas felt exactly the same.
Questing: The questing was one of the best parts about this game, with the use of the compass, it made finding where I was going very easy. I think I only got stuck one or two times looking for something.
Overall, not a bad game, very stress free for the most part and it's really a beautiful world to explore - I would say this is more of a beginners cozy game for younger kids, or someone who wants to play a game like a farming sim without all the pressure of having to manage their time, food, health, stamina....
I'm going to try to 100% it by going back and building the last of the bridges I need, I have a bunch of "Old Kingdom Coins" which they make seem important during the game, but I beat it without ever finding where to spend them.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Prideful Sloth |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 70 |
Отзывы пользователей | 82% положительных (1500) |