Разработчик: Sumo Digital

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Себ Лизе, победитель самого первого конкурса разработчиков Sumo Digital, придумал Snake Pass как дань уважения любимым играм молодости и как память о своем питомце из детства. После победы в конкурсе Себ создал полноценную демоверсию игры, которую множество раз показывал на различных выставках. И каждый раз ее неизменно тепло встречали игроки всех возрастов. Когда воодушевленная команда вернулась в офис, началась работа над полной версией игры. Snake Pass по-настоящему уникальная игра с далеко не самым очевидным героем — змеей!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 8/10 (64-bit OS required)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-750 2.68Ghz / AMD II x4 945 3.0Ghz or equivalent
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GTX 560 2GB/AMD Radeon 6870 HD 2GB or equivalent (Integrated graphics not supported)
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
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Remove 60 FPS cap[7]
Go to the configuration file(s) location.
Open GameUserSettings.ini.
Change FrameRateLimit=0.000000 to the desired number so 240.000000 for 240hz.
Remember folks check pcgamingwiki
Fun and challenging platformer
where you control a snake in
creative ways to solf puzzles
Worst controls and no auto save
An incredible 3D platformer. This is why I love indie games so much, no triple A developer would try and make a game where you play as a snake winding and weaving for platforming. It makes you feel like a snake. Gives me 3D worms and Spyro vibes visually that makes me feel all warm and fuzzy. I hope they work on a sequel, I feel like there is more they could do with this formula.
Snake Pass is pretty flawed: It has a less polished presentation than you would expect, and the camera sometimes struggles with some of the more intricate challenges. And the optional collectibles feel unrewarding and only serve to encourage the player to linger in levels that are already a bit bland.
However, the unique movement controls work well, and coiling across bamboo scaffolding feels way more expressive than one would typically expect from a game character with such a slow, deliberate movement. I think that this is just enough to compensate for the flawed game built around these core mechanics.
This game is very good
you wibble wobble like a snake through clean cozy and fresh environments to collect shiny things. That's it, if you don't wanna move like a snake it's not for you but I like to wibble wobble and squeeze so it's my thing o3o
Unique game where you play as a snake called Noodle
Once you understand the controls and movement, this is a very fun game
Visually it looks very good and I quite liked the music
I wouldn't mind a sequel for this game.
If you like 3D platformers, I definitely recommend this game
this game is peak platformer design because it has zero jumps in it i love the physics and the snake is adorable
Seriously fun, and enjoyably challenging!
This is my personal favorite 3D 'platforming' game.
Don't worry about hunting down collectibles too early on.
Perfect for Steam Deck!
:-y sss...
Probably the most unique traversal system in any game I've ever played. Had so much fun trying to figure out the best route to take for each collectable and it got quite difficult in the later levels. If you're into 3D platformers then this is a must play. 16hrs for the 100% achievements.
Very fun and challenging platformer with a unique mechanic that really does make you think like a snake. Don't expect too much story- and the few unskippable cutscenes are kind of annoying- but the rest of the game more than makes up for it! HIGHLY recommend changing the control scheme back to the 'default' option as it allows for much more control to the point that I don't even know if the last half of the levels are even doable with the 'easy' default controls lol
I found Snake Pass to be an enjoyable platformer to learn and master. Slithering and wrapping around obstacles felt rewarding throughout the game. I appreciated the design, which seemed to be inspired by N64 titles. Adding to this, the graphics were excellent. The music, which is composed by the same person who composed the music for Donkey Kong Country, also adds to the overall vibe.
The main objective in the game is to retrieve keystones and fix portals, with optional collectibles which you can collect to 100% a level. I find that collecting everything is worthwhile until you near 100% completion of a level, where it turns into a frustrating game of hide-and-seek to find the final collectables. This could be mitigated by an ability to find the final collectibles, but you only ever receive such an ability after beating the game. Completionists are incentivized to collect everything before finishing a level, because completing a level means that you need to collect every keystone again the next time you go into that level, wasting your time.
Another con for me is how sparse the story is. For a character-driven game, it is an odd choice to have so little story. Besides Noodle and Doodle, there is only one other character in the game. I noticed assets being reused in addition, which made the experience feel less immersive. As a result of these shortcomings, the world felt hollow and disjointed at times. I think that with a greater focus on the story or characters to interact with in the levels, the setting would had felt more vibrant.
Overall, I think that the core gameplay of Snake Pass makes up for the aforementioned issues. The platforming is simply pleasing. I would recommend Snake Pass to anyone who likes physics-based platformers or collectathons.
i hate that snake
Pretty satisfying mechanics once you get used to.
Snake Pass. It’s got retro platformer vibes—but, surprise, no actual platforming. Instead, you’re a snake. Just a long, noodly snake trying to wrap around stuff and not fall off things. It’s weirdly fun, though. Like, the kind of fun that sneaks up on you while you’re busy muttering, “Why am I playing a game where I’m a sentient pool noodle? These controls are bonkers.”
But then, out of nowhere, you’re into it. Like, really into it. Sure, it makes you feel like you’ve forgotten how basic motor skills work, but that’s kind of the point, I guess? It’s frustrating in a way that feels almost... rewarding. Against all odds, yeah, I actually had a good time. Give this a shot.
High skill cap, but very rewarding dopamine high when you land the perfect snake move.
The way you move is really unique and takes a bit of time to fully adjust to, but once you do, it's deeply rewarding. Towards the end I wished there were a few more gameplay gimmicks to mix things up a little, but the total length of the game still felt just right. Music and graphics are excellent as well. I would've liked there to be some sort of boss fight and for the biomes and songs to vary from level to level instead of grouping them together. That said, I imagine bosses might've been hard to design around the more deliberate pace of the controls and keeping biomes consistent per world does make it feel more cohesive. Overall I had a great time.
This is a human soil.
A fecal matter of a game.
Don't be fooled, this is no platformer or puzzle game.
It's a fighting game. You fight the controllers (that can't be mapped btw), you fight the checkpoint system, you fight the camera and you fight the urge to throw the controller through the screen everytime you die because of the one of the above problems.
And you move at a snails pace unless you tilt the stick left and right all the time, just annoying.
When you fall off the map, you're thrown back to the last save checkpoint, losing all the progress that was made.
Collectible progress is not saved unless you circle back to the last activated checkpoint.
Because the checkpoints are few and the snake moves slow, half of your time is spent trying to beat the challenges and get the item and the other half is spent slithering back to the checkpoint before circling back to the next challenge.
This is just tedium for the sake of it.
The monologue from your sidekick, and camera panning can't be skipped, which gets annoying fast.
Unskippable cutscenes.
Unacceptable in a game where you will be restarting levels so much.
Most unforgivable, when you're slithering into tight spots or up and around the level, the camera will move seemingly at random or get stuck behind objects, obscuring the view of your character.
I found myself having to readjust the camera constantly while controlling the snake.
For a game that requires absolute mastery over its controls, this more than any other point made me decide it wasn't worth it.
Worst movement in any game I've ever played.
Movement itself is very slow and unresponsive.
There wasn't a single second of this game that was enjoyable.
Movement game with imprecise controls, wonky camera that you are constantly fighting against, is harder to run than warframe, collectables that don't provide any rewards, slow movement.
Fun idea, execution so poor that it's just not worth your time.
I was excited for this game because I thought it would be fun to be a snake.
Turns out, being a snake is incredibly frustrating.
I'm not a rage gamer, but this game made me angrier than any other I've played.
I could not get the hang of the controls.
If you're looking for a relaxing, collector style game, this isn't it.
very cool game! but the controls are not for me.. :/
Bought it on sale for around 2 euros, worth it.
It's a pretty straightforward puzzle platformer with the gimmick of you being a snake, which means sliding around and twisting yourself around bamboos to scale and traverse levels filled with two kinds of collectibles, placed sometimes in very challenging spots. It's a small title with no annoying dialogues, a very light story and it's pretty forgiving with its checkpoints.
I didn't find the controls hard at all, managed to get a grip pretty fast, I played it with a controller.
Don't buy if you lack any patience, I hated the last level btw.
The Snake's name is noodle.
Cute snake.
Ahem. There is a lot to improve from this game, it really isn't friendly for people who don't play games often. The controls are the biggest challenge imo, once you learn them it gets easier but I imagine it won't "click" for a lot of our limbed friends. The weird controls are also the main reason I play this game.
The worst part might be the save system, you only save your progress after finishing a level (that can take from 10 minutes to a few hours depending on your skill and goals) and if you miss a collectable you have to start the level all over again to get it.
Also it's insane that I can't zoom in or out.
Still, I really enjoyed the bit of game I played so far, I'd recommend it if you want a different experience from the usual games, pretty unique oddball here, just take it slow when it gets frustrating.
It's a game I would give a neutral rating. The controls are the biggest challenge in this game, then the camera, and finally the environment. The graphics are decent, and the story is barely there. It's a 5/10 game for me.
Great controls, cute snake, nice levels. I really enjoy this one.
Awesome, I'm almost done so I need more games to give me the same hit
A big hard casual "good!"
A collectathon platformer that would be boring if the mechanism of movement wasn't so damn novel and compelling. Cute little game to burn through in a day or two. Growing skill at the climbing and jumping is very fun and satisfying and fun to see; but that's about all there is to this one.
Interesting concept with poor execution. The mechanics are clunky, camera is bad, and the controls are all wrong.
The controls are very limited, inadequate, and mapped all retarded like for claw grip. Having to hold down right trigger constantly is giving my finger a cramp. Not giving players analog height control makes the platforming that much more finicky. What does grip really even do? Not want you want it to do.
The camera is also not very helpful. It does not do the see-through-dithering thing or the snap-to-fixed-point-of-view thing. But it does do the constantly-readjust-to-sit-directly-behind-the-player thing which is perfect for being obstructed or getting stuck on obstacles. It is also a physical entity. Controlling the camera is absolutely impossible in confined spaces. Basically, you will be fighting against default angles at all times the snake is in motion. Also, there are two buttons reserved for camera controls and they do nothing particularly useful.
The movement itself is weird and inconsistent. Holding the trigger to go forward really just pushes the rear half of the body towards wherever you were just at, when you expect it to push the front half towards where you are currently looking. This means when you look over an edge, there is a good chance it is already over. There is no reverse key. The only option is to finish pushing the rest of yourself all the way off the edge or hope to cheese it back on abusing the tail lift and incredible chin wiggling mechanics. Slithering to gain speed also messes with physics and airtime in a bad way.
This game is short, repetitive, and it feels unfinished. Could genuinely be better.
garbage control garbage camera garbage yap sessions with NO skip button. maybe i'll play again in 7 more years
It's really hard. Cool atmosphere and physics though
Might be good if the controls and camera weren't garbage. And they might not be a problem if the snake wasn't covered in lube. You can wrap yourself around something twice, only to have it fall off by the time you get your camera oriented despite holding "grip". Do these guys even know how snakes work?
If you're a casual person that doesn't feel compelled to collect everything give it a try. If you're a completionist... hope you have plenty of hair cos you'll be pulling it out.
Hmm, that's weird. It says right here that player controls are supposed to be, *checks notes* "not abysmal garbage". Weird. Must be a pibby glitch.
Cute but tough snake game.
When I first heard about Snake Pass, it confused me. How is anyone supposed to control a body without limbs? Turns out with a lack of limbs comes a surplus of unique ideas and challenges. Instead of jumping from platform to platform, you have to carefully coil your snakey body around bamboo rods to make it from one area of the level to the next. Spinning obstacles are disastrous in many games, but Snake Pass makes them even more of a problem, but with practice I was easily able to navigate around the spinning structures. Water levels are actually fun in this game, which is better for me since I don't have many issues with them in the first place. To top it off, instead of enemies to attack you, you have to watch your body, because it's your greatest asset, since it's what you need to climb, but it's also your main enemy since you only have partial control of it. Overall, Snake Pass is a platformer and puzzle game like no other, and I would gladly play it many times over.
Movement game with imprecise controls, wonky camera that you are constantly fighting against, is harder to run than warframe, collectables that don't provide any rewards, slow movement. Fun idea, execution so poor that it's just not worth your time
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Sumo Digital |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 87% положительных (832) |