Разработчик: Ironhide Game Studio
С Kingdom Rush: Frontiers серия стала еще более масштабной и крутой. Неистово быстрый и увлекательный игровой процесс, который сделал оригинальную игру хитом, вышел на совершенно новый уровень. Командуйте войсками в этом эпическом при(зло)ключении и защищайте экзотические земли от драконов, растений-людоедов и жутких обитателей подземного мира — и все это на фоне ярких новых башен, уровней, героев и полезных предметов, которые помогут вам раздавить врагов в лепешку. (Не волнуйтесь, мы оставили все самое лучшее из прошлой игры. Теперь это классика.)
Kingdom Rush: Frontiers разнообразна и богата на возможности, как будто вы, улыбаясь, получаете прямо в лицо артиллерийский снаряд с начинкой из чистого, необработанного удовольствия, от которого текут слюнки... Больно, но как же приятно!
Основные особенности
- Фантастическая игра в жанре башенной защиты, требующая множества стратегических решений. Отличные инструменты для опытных игроков: подкрепления, метеориты, герои и не только.
- Укрепляйте границу в экзотических новых землях: удерживайте оборону в пустынях, джунглях и даже в подземном мире!
- Восемь новых особых улучшений башен! Рубите, жгите и топчите врагов с помощью фортов арбалетчиков, могучих тамплиеров, некромантов и даже машин для землетрясений. Ага, мы же говорили, что решили все перетрясти.
- Более 18 возможностей башен! Выпускайте всадников смерти, чумные облака или убийц, которые грабят и умерщвляют врагов!
- Более 40 врагов с уникальными способностями! Будьте начеку, сражаясь с песчаными червями, шаманами, кочевниками и ужасом подземелий.
- 16 легендарных героев. Выбирайте чемпионов и развивайте их способности! Каждый из них обладает уникальными особенностями, подходящими для различных стилей игры! И многое еще впереди!
- Особые бойцы и возможности на каждом этапе! Остерегайтесь черного дракона!
- Битвы с безжалостными боссами! Эй, мы же говорили, что нужно приобрести улучшения...
- Система улучшений позволяет минимально или максимально улучшать башни в зависимости от выбранной стратегии.
- Долгие часы игры и более 80 достижений!
- Режимы классического, железного и героического испытания помогут вам проверить тактические навыки!
- Три режима сложности! Готовы к настоящему испытанию? Выбирайте трудный режим!
- Пьянящее обаяние с воодушевляющей музыкой, полноценной озвучкой и сделанной с любовью анимацией! (Нарисованная кровь, естественно, прилагается.)
- Игровая энциклопедия! Истинный воин знает своих врагов... и свои башни. Изучайте!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - portugal, russian, traditional chinese, korean, japanese, portuguese - brazil
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP Service Pack 3
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.0 compliant with 512MB of video RAM.
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.0 compliant with 1.0GB of video RAM.
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
- ОС: OS X Lion 10.7.5
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
- ОС: OS X Lion 10.7.5
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Место на диске: 1500 MB
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU (64 bit)
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.0 compliant with 512MB of video RAM.
- Место на диске: 500 MB
- Процессор: Dual Core CPU (64 bit)
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.0 compliant with 1.0GB of video RAM.
- Место на диске: 500 MB
Отзывы пользователей
rate games on a 1-5 scale a la X-PLAY (no decimals)
It’s still very fun just like the first game and there are some cool new things here however I feel there is less content than the original. And unfortunately, the challenge it more annoying than challenging on the Frontiers. I really tried to beat this without having to lookup any help and on two levels I really had to check things out. Also I feel the variety of towers are not as useful as in the past. Overall it is still enjoyable but not as complete as the first.
game is good
Awesome game
good. addictive.
It's fine. I feel the difficulty on some levels are arbitrary.
Great game, not as difficult as the previous one but still a blast
So enjoyable!
Great game really, fairly easy in comparison to the other titles but still a lot of fun!
Pour un jeu casu, je le trouve équilibré de façon très précise.
Et cela me plait autant que cela me déplait.
Je m'explique.
En difficulté vétéran, et sans utiliser les consommables.
Dès le milieu de carte, le jeu nous fournit des ressources au compte goutte.
Les ressources que l'on obtient au début d'une vague, on en a besoin pour la fin de la vague.
Ce qui est très bien, d'un point de vue tactique, il faut bien gérer ses ressources.
Le problème étant que, sur les derniers niveaux, ça en fait un jeu d'apm.
Notamment sur le tout dernier, la composition, je l'ai trouvée, arrivant vague 15 sans perdre de vie..
Et je perds parceque j'ai pas été assez réactif.
Je recommence.
Et en faisant le même build order, pareil, je perds une vie parceque j'ai des apm de boomer.
Donc mon build, je sais qu'il fonctionne, mais à chaque fois je perds une vie bêtement, de façon aléatoire, parceque j'ai pas les apm.
Et j'ai recommencé 20 fois .. pour des raisons d'apm.
Le truc, c'est que j'ai acheté kingdom rush, et pas starcraft.
J'suis pas venu là pour les apm, j'suis venu là pour résoudre des puzzles.
Je suis pas venu là pour tout micro-manage, je suis venu là pour poser des bâtiments qui me donnent du temps.
Et donc, le fait que ce jeu soit si bien équilibré.... bah ça change sa nature, il a transmuté le truc.
Un tower defense devient un jeu en temps réel.
Alors que si le jeu se contentait de te filer les ressources d'une vague pour la prochaine, bah y'aurait pas du tout besoin d'apm.
Ce qui aurait permit de mettre un peu plus l'accent et la difficulté sur les aspects techniques et stratégiques.
Or, ils ont mit toute la difficulté sur le coté tactique, la gestion des ressources en temps réel.
Ce qui est dommage, de mon point de vue.
J'aurais aimé théoriser un peu plus, en vrai ça vole pas très haut.
Et j'aurais aimé ne pas avoir à spam mes raccourcis clavier.
Un tower defense qui te demande de bien réfléchir où tu mets tes tours... c'est suffisant, on lui en demande pas plus.
Tout cela dit, le jeu est bien, je l'aime bien.
Je le recommande.
J'ai pas fait le dernier, mais je pense c'est le meilleur de la franchise.
Evidemment, c'est un jeu casu, c'est pas là dessus qu'on va se péter le cerveau.
Mais c'est pas vide non plus, ça reste stimulant.
C'est kingdom rush quoi.
J'aurais juste souhaité qu'il reste à sa place et qu'il se prenne pas pour starcraft.
Banger as a kid, banger as an adult.
It sucks ass, but i love it. Game has been my childhood
goated like every other KR game, but this one the best ong
This is Kingdom Rush best version by far. A Tower Defense game with all the glory and fun mechanics anyone would like. Deffinetly a must have 9,2/10
- 9 / 10 -
- Gameplay -
☑ Amazing
☐ Good
☐ Average
☐ Bad
☐ Horrible
- Graphics -
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Average
☐ Bad
☐ Horrible
- Audio -
☑ Incredible
☐ Good
☐ Average
☐ Bad
☐ Horrible
- Quality -
☑ Very High
☐ High
☐ Average
☐ Low
☐ Very Low
- Price -
☐ Free
☑ Worth
☐ Worth On Sale
☐ Not Worth
☐ Buy Something Else
- Story -
☐ Awesome
☐ Great
☐ Average
☑ Minimal
☐ None
- Difficulty -
☐ Very Easy
☐ Easy
☐ Normal
☑ Difficult
☐ Very Difficult
- Playtime -
☐ Very Long
☐ Long
☑ Average
☐ Short
☐ Very Short
I enjoyed playing this.
Fun game, only wish there were more levels or expansions.
Another timeless classic tower defense game from the flash era. If you liked Kingdom Rush 1 then this game is for you.
"A Familiar Frontier with Little New to Offer."
"Kingdom Rush Frontiers" left me feeling disappointed and underwhelmed. Having spent countless hours playing the original on mobile, I was genuinely excited to dive into this sequel, expecting a fresh and innovative take on the series. Unfortunately, what I found was a game that feels more like an expansion pack than a true evolution of the franchise.
While the core gameplay is as solid as ever, the changes and enhancements are minimal. The mechanics, maps, and overall design don’t stray far from the original formula, which makes the game feel overly familiar. It’s not that the gameplay is bad—far from it. The tower defense mechanics are polished, strategic, and engaging, but they’re essentially the same as what we’ve seen before. For players like me who were hoping for something bold and groundbreaking, Kingdom Rush Frontiers simply doesn’t deliver.
Visually, the game retains the charm and vibrancy of the original. The colorful graphics are appealing, and the art style is as delightful as ever. The enemy designs and environments are well-crafted, and the animations bring the battlefield to life. However, even with these visual strengths, the lack of innovation in gameplay makes the experience feel stale.
The sense of tension and excitement that defines a great tower defense game is still present, and the game offers a decent challenge for fans of the genre. For those who adored the original and just want more of the same, this game will likely hit the mark. It’s a competent and enjoyable tower defense experience that doesn’t break what wasn’t broken.
However, for players looking for a sequel that pushes the boundaries or introduces significant new mechanics, Kingdom Rush Frontiers falls short. The game doesn’t take risks or attempt to redefine the series, and as a result, it feels like a missed opportunity to build on the strong foundation of its predecessor.
great game. best tower defense game.
This release of the game has the mobile game gem shop. Thumbs down.
Another hit in the series. Keep it up.
Very good sequel to the first game.
Fun and challenging tower defense game that keeps you actively engaged.
This is my favorite game in the Kingdom Rush series. What makes Frontiers so exceptional is that practically every tower is useful and has a complementary role in a defensive setup, but at the same time the difficulty is well balanced. You won't be bored by how easy particular levels or waves are, and rarely is spamming one kind tower the right move (take artillery--the Mecha is a contender for best tower in the franchise, but for steep bends the DWAARP is actually preferable). Arguably, the Templar is the only tower without a definite role; one "useless" tower is fewer than the other entries have. Due to the well-balanced difficulty level and good mix of useful towers, if you're going to play just one Kingdom Rush game make it Frontiers.
one of the best td games
Excellent fun!
Fun game , worth playing .
Not my favorite still a 5/10 and worth it all the same. Got 9 hours out of it :)
one of the best tower defense ever, really challenging and fun. The best is that it has an endless mode!
This is imo the hardest game in the franchise. Really good challenge and the achievements while some tedious are not too difficult to get. If your looking for a challeng definitely pick up this game.
So, here we are! Kingdom Rush, the Great and Magnificent, had a sequel, and that's good news. Or is it?
+ Kingdom Rush is a hell of a Tower Defense. This sequel is no different.
+ Graphics, little details, Easter Eggs: the charm of the first Kingdom Rush has not lost any magic in this new Frontiers Lands.
+ A very good diversity of enemies with some new interesting mechanics (temporary stealth, teleportation...)
+ Eight new four-tier specialized towers.
+ Some missions offer still more towers (Frankenstein tower, Dwarf bastion...).
+ A very decent amount of content.
+ Much better mechanics for leveling up heroes.
- This is not a sequel; more like a stand-alone expansion.
- Same two magic powers as the original Kingdom Rush.
- Many new enemies are just reskins from the first episode.
- Some foes are very trick to beat (Sniper lizards, Mage tortoise)
- One tower specialty seems to be useful (to the point of being mandatory) only in one arc of the main campaign.
- Many issues of the first episode have not been addressed (no fast-forward option, half of the stars just pile up with no use)
Verdict: Is it worthwhile? Of course it is! Aren't we speaking of Kingdom Rush? Have the developers been lazy? Wouldn't say so: the content is still of top-notch quality and the game mechanics worked so well anyway that it would have been pointless to change them.
It's the tower defense goat.
Great tower defense game I love the towers in it.
Love this series. Have been playing all of these Kingdom Rush games since day 1. My favorite tower defense game!
Feels much like the first one but you have a bunch of new ideas. A sequel to a classic you gotta play it, simple as.
A great KR game with new and unique tower abilities and enemies to play with. While many of the mechanics are similar to the first game, there is a good degree of variance and an overall improvement in heroes too.
The difficulty is much more interesting with this second entry. Having the item shop and allowing cheese strat is maybe a bit too much though. But it's still a very interesting title.
Boneheart is probably the most powerful hero in all of kingdom rush franchise
Simply very good
the worst in the series.
Love it
Игры похожие на Kingdom Rush Frontiers - Tower Defense
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ironhide Game Studio |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 95% положительных (2220) |