Разработчик: Boxelware
Посетите Мастерскую Avorion в Steam — здесь вы найдете огромный выбор различных конфигураций кораблей, станций, истребителей, турелей и не только! А также огромную, постоянно пополняющуюся коллекцию модов для вашего уникального стиля игры!
Об игре
Несколько сотен лет назад чудовищный катаклизм фактически разделил вашу галактику на части — в ее центре появилось непроходимое кольцо из разорванной гиперпространственной материи, пересечь которое обычным гипердвигателям не под силу.Со времен этого происшествия никому не удавалось попасть в центральные регионы галактики. Известно лишь то, что в результате катастрофы по всей галактике образовались многочисленные непроходимые гиперпространственные разломы, и что странная инопланетная раса, ксотаны, появилась в ее центре. Похоже, эти инопланетяне нашли способ пересекать разорванную гиперпространственную материю, но никому еще не удавалось установить с ними контакт.
Ходят также слухи о странном новом металле под названием «аворион», появившемся в центре галактики примерно в то же время, что и ксотаны. Похоже, инопланетяне используют этот материал для строительства своих кораблей.
Начните свое путешествие безымянным странником на окраине галактики и проложите путь к ее сердцу. Чем ближе к центру, тем опаснее — но и ценнее награда. Avorion сочетает элементы песочницы из таких игр, как X или Freelancer, с режимом совместной игры и возможностью строить собственные корабли. Вас ждут создаваемые из свободно масштабируемых блоков корабли, которые могут быть сгенерированы процедурно, и которые рассыпаются на части от урона, полученного в космических сражениях.
Установите на свой корабль автоматические пушки, лазеры и другое оружие, чтобы бросить вызов врагам и насладиться зрелищем полностью уничтожаемых кораблей, разрушающихся в тех местах, куда вы их поразили.
Защищайте своих союзников от пиратов, охотьтесь на врагов за награду или даже участвуйте в войнах между целыми объединениями. Одержав победу, собирайте с побежденных врагов добычу и используйте ее для улучшения своего корабля: устанавливайте новые турели с особыми функциями вроде автострельбы, ремонтные лучи или системные улучшения, позволяющие вам иметь еще больше орудий. Стройте ангары и отправляйте в бой отряды истребителей или уничтожайте вражеские грузовые корабли, чтобы похитить их груз.
Летайте через красивые туманности и плотные поля астероидов в поисках спрятанных сокровищ и знакомьтесь с населяющими галактику многочисленными объединениями, контролирующими свои территории. Каждое объединение обладает собственными характеристиками — они могут быть мирными, интеллигентными или агрессивными, — а их корабли и станции имеют узнаваемый внешний вид.
Исследуйте галактику в своем собственном темпе, находите ценные товары в обломках старых кораблей; богатые ресурсами неизведанные астероидные поля; огромные астероиды, которые можно присвоить себе; или ключи к разгадке того, что случилось во время катастрофы несколько веков назад.
Размер и сложность устройства вашего корабля ограничены лишь вашим запасом ресурсов. Есть также креативный режим, где вы можете строить так, как душе угодно. В Avorion вы не привязаны к стандартному воксельному стилю и не потеряетесь в тонкостях микроменеджмента при строительстве крутого корабля.
Вы можете сосредоточиться на создании суперстильного корабля, не беспокоясь о том, что он не будет функционировать. Но всегда стоит помнить о его маневренности и потребности в энергии. Сконструируйте свой корабль в соответствии с его задачей: это может быть как легкое и маневренное исследовательское судно, так и тяжелобронированный боевой корабль с мощными щитами.
И зачем ограничиваться одним кораблем? Нанимайте капитанов для командования своим флотом, управляйте экипажами, оружием, ангарами и истребителями и постройте свою собственную армаду космических кораблей!
Дополните свой корабль грузовым трюмом, находите выгодные сделки и перевозите более сотни товаров по галактике, чтобы получить прибыль и продвинуться вверх по иерархии. Строительство флота специализированных транспортных кораблей с большим количеством места для перевозимого груза поможет вам построить торговую корпорацию.
Расширяйте свое влияние в галактике, основывая астероидные шахты и заводы для привлечения НИП-торговцев, которые будут покупать и продавать свои товары на ваших предприятиях. Устанавливайте торговые системы, находящие торговые маршруты и информацию о спросе и предложении в многочисленных секторах, и станьте богатейшим командиром галактики!
А может быть, вам надоело быть хорошим малым? Тогда нападайте на грузовые корабли, перевозите контрабандой нелегальные товары или станьте охотником за головами.
Все эти испытания не обязательно встречать в одиночку! В Avorion есть режим совместной игры — объединяйтесь с друзьями, вместе стройте станции и уничтожайте пиратов и вражеские объединения!
Второй пилот нужен всем. Вы можете управлять кораблями вместе — один из вас будет рулить, а другой стрелять из бортовых орудий. Работайте в команде, чтобы расширить свое влияние в галактике и построить свою собственную империю.
Ну, или разнесите своих друзей в клочья. Это песочница — вы можете делать здесь все, что пожелаете!
В Avorion вы сами выбираете свой стиль игры. Перевозите грузы, находите выгодные торговые пути и закладывайте фабрики. А может быть, вам надоело быть хорошим малым? Постройте свой собственный боевой корабль, снарядите его мощным вооружением и сокрушите врагов. Будьте агрессором, который начинает войны с целыми объединениями, совершайте налеты на грузовые корабли, провозите контрабандой нелегальные товары и обыскивайте старые обломки. Найдите свой путь к сердцу галактики. Чем ближе к центру, тем враждебнее окружение — но и выше награда.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - latin america, french, japanese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 или более поздняя версия
- Процессор: Intel i5 @ 3.0 ГГц или эквивалентный процессор AMD
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia Geforce 550 или эквивалент (требуется полная поддержка OpenGL 3.0)
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Требуется средняя кнопка и колесо мыши. Для одиночной игры подключение к сети Интернет не требуется.
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС *: Windows 7 или более поздняя версия
- Процессор: Intel i7 @ 3.3 ГГц или эквивалентный процессор AMD
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia Geforce 1050 / Radeon RX 460
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- Дополнительно: Требуется средняя кнопка и колесо мыши. Для одиночной игры подключение к сети Интернет не требуется.
- ОС: OS X 10.11 (El Capitan)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5 2.5 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 3.0: Intel HD 4000 или лучше
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: MacBook Pro (2012) или лучше, внешняя мышь со средней кнопкой и колесом. Для одиночной игры подключение к сети Интернет не требуется.
- ОС: OS X 10.13 (High Sierra) или более поздняя версия
- Процессор: Intel Core i7 2.7 ГГц
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: OpenGL 4.5: Intel HD 5000 или лучше
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- Дополнительно: MacBook Pro (2016) или лучше, внешняя мышь со средней кнопкой и колесом. Для одиночной игры подключение к сети Интернет не требуется.
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04 или выше
- Процессор: Intel i5 @ 3.0 ГГц или эквивалентный процессор AMD
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Nvidia Geforce 550 или эквивалент (требуется полная поддержка OpenGL 3.0)
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 1 GB
- Дополнительно: Требуется средняя кнопка и колесо мыши. Для одиночной игры подключение к сети Интернет не требуется.
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04 или выше
- Процессор: Intel i7 @ 3.3 ГГц или эквивалентный процессор AMD
- Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVidia Geforce 1050 / Radeon RX 460
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- Дополнительно: Требуется средняя кнопка и колесо мыши. Для одиночной игры подключение к сети Интернет не требуется.
Отзывы пользователей
One of the most underrated games.
10/10 would recommend to anyone.
Just did my 3th insane playthrough so I can hunt down rest of achievments for 100% complete.
Game is amazing, gives you so much freedom to play/build/progress however player wants. Might be a confusing at first, but take it slow you will get hang of it.
Co-op is made so well, great experience to play with someone (if you play with friend some of achievments cant be completed in alliance ship, so you dont get confused why it wont complete)
I would recommend this game, if not for the game advertising it's bad DLC "Into the Rift" on almost every step of your base game (without the DLC). You encounter strange structure, well well well, you need to buy the DLC to make use of it. You finish a hard quest to gain 3 star captain, his profession is related to the rifts, absolutely useless without the DLC, go ahead and buy the DLC!
If you like survival games and you like space exploration then this is for you.
hard for me to get into these kinds of games but does seem like a bad game
My initial impression of the game says, no don't buy it.
- You cant save during the tutorial, so I had to leave my PC on all night with the game paused else I would have lost my progress
- The tutorial seems to explain less than the critical basics of the game.
- The default UI doesn't show all the info you need, so there was no way to tell what the power requirements were for certain upgrades, leading me to installing them, then getting unexplained errors.
- Within the first hour of game play I've been on more Reddit pages and Youtube videos for help than any other game, because it just isn't clear or intuitive at all.
- Very little is explained such as the option to permenantly install components, what does this do? What are the long term effects of this? What is the risk of doing this? Nothing explained, at all, unless you are a book worm and want to read through an encyclopedia before playing the game.
- No direction. After the tutorial seemed to be over (go mine some metal and click learn on a skill book), thats it. Game is done. No direction to tell me if there are any missions, quests, anything. Where are they? How do I do them? What can I do in this game? Where can I go? You are shown how to move to a exclemation point on the map once, but thats it... now what? Nothing at all is explained or directed. I am happy with open world, but you need be to shown the basics of what you can do, and how you do it, before you can play. This game fails to do that at all.
I have bought this game based off of good reviews and I already wish I could get my money back on it. It feels like a game in Beta testing. They have a universe and mechanics, but havent actually implimented any of the actual game yet.
Great game. Runs kind of slow for me but lots of fun anyway!
I've been looking for a good space sim, that doesn't have an extremely difficult learning curve. This is it.
Very much enjoyed my time with it but gets grindy later on.
A game of fun space adventures! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! SPACE MOUNT & BLADE!
It's good but the end game gets a little grindy. Buy on sale and enjoy the good aspects that this game does very well.
Build ships, shoot pirates, scrap wrecked ships, mine asteroids and hunt the aliens. Plus quests.... and loot'em all!
9/10 overall. Great modding community. Server multiplayer.
I just finished this game. I will remove it and probably wont play again. I didnt finish because I liked it, but out of spite.
The first third of the game was super fun. You have a galaxy to explore. So much stuff. You can build your ships and they can look great if youre somewhat into it.
The second third was... okay. You can build carriers now, that cool, so that motivates me now.
The last third was just boring. Oh... a new material... lets farm again and upgrade my ships... and again... and again... nothing really new, just 'stronger'.
The game is shallow in every matter. Factions dont matter, trade doesnt matter, enemies dont matter. Looking through some posts on Reddit most of the playerbase left the boat with 2.0 because the devs wanted the game in a different direction and the players didnt like it. You can feel that. While looking for information about the game it feels dead.
A lot of stuff I missed was removed with 2.0. Also there is an obvious out-of-bounds bug that crashes your game every time and its reproducable. Why isnt that fixed?
This game feels like a tasty cake that gives you tummyache once youre finished.
Best space sandbox sim BY FAR. no mans sky? more like NO THANK YOU! Space engineers? more like... well no i kinda like that one. But this beats it by far with the sheer amount of creativity that has boundless CREATIVITY...wait a minute...
Brought to you by the space fairing cyber MafiaDuck
P.S. you get a cookie and a big smooch on the cheek by me if you buy it.
severely needs controller support but the devs refuse to do it. Memory leak issues and crashes from high block counts.
Weapons are extremely simplified compared to the rest of the game and feel out of place (ever ship part is a modular multiblock assembly to determine strength and function, but weapons are just found and glued on to the hull)
the rift DLC gives other players on multiplayer an distinct advantage over people not owning it, and a server can *NOT* disable it. Huge balance issue for MP.
Otherwise a good game.
One of best chill space game i have played with creativity aspect and no stress would recommend to any1 who is interested in RELAXING atmosphire with building, managing, action, strategy, space, combat!!! 9.5/10
I love this game. It's one of the best purchases I've made on Steam. I hope this game develops further. Also, just an idea. I hope they also allow NPCs to join your sector or recruit as an autonomous ship like a mercenary faction that can guard your developed sector or assist you in battle like whenever you use a reinforcement transmitter to ask assistance from your allies which can only be possible after meeting certain criteria like after making significant developments in your sector or when completing certain mission or special missions, in that way, your sectors can be at least be more lively and you don't need to be reliant on alliances with other factions.
Got this by accident, thought i was buying Empyrion. After over 1000 hrs i'm on my 4th playthrough love it Im no good at building ships but the ones you can from the workshop are amazing.
How the fuck is this game not more popular, EASILY one of my favorite games. Boxelware really hit it out of the park on this one, and there's not even 12k reviews? bruh
This is a highly addictive game, i'm actually fairly surprised it isn't more well known and popular! I was rather surprised how much there actually is to do in the game, and there is nearly no hand holding so you really just uncover it only if you actually try new things.
+382 Hours Of Space Hookers And Blow Are Not Enough To Bring Space Captain Harlock's Wild Ride To An End. You Too Can Cruise Through A 14 Day Free Trial Of Minecraft In Space And Gaze Upon The Beautiful Stars Of Screaming Abyssal II Or Mine Asteroids In Your Very Own Player Created Home Sector " PILLARS OF ANIME TITTIES ". Want To Team Up With Your Friends, To Defend The Honour Of You Waifu's From Space Pirates? You Can Do That Too! Why Not Create Your Very Own Space Alliance, " Free Market Capitilism ", And Build Your Very Own Alliance Fleet Of "Ass Clapper 9000's" ?
But Mr. Billy Mayes, We're Broke Boys Who Spent All Our Money On Gamer Girl Bath Water Supplements And Can't Afford More Than Once Ship!
Well Good New Is That Avorion Has You Covered. You And Your Friends Can All Share 1 Sleeping Quarter As You Fly Around Together In The Same Alliance Ship With Your Own Uniquely Delegated Roles To Fill. The Magic Pair Of Ass-less Space Chaps Deems Mikey To Fly, Tommy Is On The Guns, Geoff (It's Pronounced Jeff) Is The ATC, And You Can Be The Captain Or Glory Hole Attendant. The Choice Is Yours ! Lt. Dan Is Assigned To Ravenclaw. The Chaps Have Spoken !
But Remember The Galaxy Is A Dangerous Place, Filled With Socialism And Workers Rights. So Make Sure You Are Ready For Some Serious Action As Your All Cram Your Un-Deodorized Armpits, Body Pillow's And World Of Warcraft Trading Card Collection's Through The Airlock Of Your Alliance's Only Ship, "The Bussy Patrol". Use It And All Your Cunning To Help Help Eradicate The Galactic Threat Equivalent To Sugar Infant Limited.
The Best Part is That You Can Dedicate All Of The Free Exposure To That One Creative Friend Who Loves To Design And Build Things While You Sit Back And Try Not To Stroke Out After Witnessing The Disco Lazers Of Your Carrier's Strike Craft Tear Apart Innocent Space Highwaymen Persons Of A Diverse, Multicultural & Supportive Space Culture.
But Wait There's More. Seriously I'm Only 8 Hours Into The Main Story Quest. The Rest Of My Time Has Been Put Into Designing And Building My Own Ship. At Just Over 2 Kilometres Long ( Suck It Liberia & Myanmar ), With A Top Speed Of Mach 36, And A 26,500 m3 Cargo Hold, The "HMS Toyota Dealer Ship" Has 1000 New And Used Cars To Choose From. That's Right. I RP And An Intergalactic Used Car Salesmen And No One Can Stop Me!
Fun game that will use up time, but if a fun way
Unfortunately, I can't recommend this game because it just doesn't work.
I fired up a Dedicated server on my LAN, purchased the game, installed, and fired it up. All servers (including my own) are unreachable. Can't connect to my own, or any of the test servers. Tried multiple ports, local LAN IP, External IP, everything. I host a dozen other servers, so I'm confident that this isn't an issue on my end.
I think I spent a hundred hours mining rocks with a fleet of ships why is it so addictive
hella fun to play this game also makes it more fun with mods
As of this review I have 0.4 hours of playtime so you can trust everything I say. It's good stuff. All of it!
Great game, when I first started it seemed overly simple, but the more I got into it the more the depth of the game really began to show. Only done single player so far and I am 61 hrs in. Still lots to do, highly recommend checking it out.
I want to recoomend this game, but after a whiile it seems that what you are doing the 1st hour your doing every hour after. The only progression is what colour blocks you use to build your ship. The weapons, ship sysetsm, missions, etc are pretty much the same. Im only on nanite level so maybe things mix up later on?
So many good things in this but a lack of actaul progress to new things just feels a bit disheartening. the storyline is forgetable and feels like a tutorial - in fact ive not interacted with it since the first couple hours playing. and the managing of your fleet and command giving ui is super clunky. So instead of getting stuck into that its just a very surface like expereince.
Avoirion is wonderful! I am neglecting my child, wife and job, but I almost have enough minerals to unlock the Tier IV Xanion Knowledge so I can make my ship yellow, and also use a transporter to sit next to stations instead of having to dock with them. I laboriously destroyed a space station of a faction at war with me. It took hours and was maybe a bit too difficult for my ship loadout. Anyway I got a few resources from it that I can sell on the black market, so that's good I think, although there are probably faster ways to make money. What was I doing? It's 2am.
Its a "yes recomend" with a "But".
It is fun at surface level : combat is fun, looting is fun, exploration is fun (but slow.. so many loading screens, Hyperspace timers too) and building can be real pretty too if kind of clunky Issue is when you go ANY deeper than that the game show its many limitations.
Economy seem to be little more than an illusion. Moneymaking is all about your team of miners getting me millions of minerals i can sell easily... stations and mines give out peanuts but require a lot LOT of time to set up properly and some of their mechanics just are wonky (why can i buy commodities for my stations if they don't matter? THey should help the miners. I should be able to control how much of my cargo is available for XYZ etc). And i am always topped up on resources to sell for both of them; the AI just don'T care to buy stuff off my mines and stations in any meaningful quantities. AI also hate me building a mine in their land to sell them the resources they are DEEP in the red for, which was just silly? Or its about their personality? Dunno. Doesn't matter anyway.
Building own turret at factories is far, FAR too clumsy and slow. Like why is it such a chore? WHy are so many different components? WHy is it that i usually have 1-2 of these component be impossible to find? I don't think i built any more than one or two turrets, ever. Every other time i just gave up after an hour of searching for stuff for it.
Traders are too strict about what they buy from us.. often end stuck with stuff that's impossible to sell so i just dump it all.
Diplomacy: Sell resource, kill pirates, buy their stuff.. they get blue/green. There. Forcing "be an alliance" to be able to buy reds is just unneccesary grind.
Game need diversity in event, encounters, PoI etc. Too much of the same all over, all the time gets dull. Especially pirates. Its always chaingun spam and torpedoes.
Long range combat, while possible, is all about hunting pixels with an UI that fight against me at every steps and get in the way. Can't zoom. No aim-pip. Autoturrets AI can't keep up or aim worth a damn beyond point-blank range.. so lasers and guided rockets become the only things worth using. Cannons and Railguns having massive recoil regardless of my mass/size just got tiresome despite their range utility.
Tech progression is a boring grind. Want to have fighters or shields early, can't because im in Iron but need Blue/green. Fighter factories in all the early areas are thus pointless. Too few tech slots early restrict builds too much. All in all all those limit just get in the way too much, i'm just tired of the grind to get further. Like, the early game should be at Naonite tier to have fun build options from the start.
Your are docked... But you aren't docked. Its an old bug that's STILL in the game even after many years now?
I can't help but hope to see this game do better, cuz its so close to being great imho, despite all my criticism.
I don't get it - the game is SO outstandingly great! It's unbelievably fun, so varied! an incredibly great piece of work! - and then there are the servers - they lag every few minutes, sometimes nothing moves for 20, 30 seconds. How can you build such a great game, but then not bother with the performance - instead you present new colors. We love this game, but the mechanics with the servers make it really hard.
This game used to be great. But with recent updates the lag has become absurd. It is completely unplayable and I am on a machine that far exceeds the minimum requirements.
This is such an underrated game in my opinion. Brings back old memories of playing Freelancer but the universe is the limit as to what you can do. For me it's one of those games where I open it and then by the time I force myself off it, 5 hours have passed and I've not noticed. It deserves a much bigger following and is great if you like to trade, mine, scavenge or just blow stuff up.
Nice little open-galaxy game, like Elite: Dangerous, but low-poly. Very good ship-building mechanics, voxel-based. It could use some work - the inability to move or resize blocks once they're placed is actually quite irritating, but a wide variety of shapes and materials allows for some pretty neat ship designs, and the realities of spaceflight are well represented, requiring careful placement of thrusters and inertia-management blocks to ensure a maneuverable ship.
The plot is "meh" and features heavy use of RNGesus and entirely unpronounceable names and places. Fortunately it's easy to avoid the plot altogether and do some mining, trading, fighting against pirates, fighting *with* pirates, bounty hunting, and eventually setting up your own fleet of ships, with stations, and form your own empire. Lots of gun types and system stat modifiers make customizing your ship to your desired role entertaining.
All in all, for the price, a really fun little game!
92 hodin a porad jsem na zacatku :)
Neni to spacesim. Necekejte od toho Elite nebo Star Citizen. Ovladani je jednoduche a primocare. Fyzika tam je, pokud ma clovek blbe postavenou lod tak klouze atd :D ale neni to proste simulator lode na joystick.
Co to teda je? Je to vlastne takovy Minecraft ve vesmiru. Je to velmi originalni a zajimava hra.
Svoji lodicku a casem i stanici nebo celou fleetu lodi si muzete stahnout z workshopu, nebo postavit sami od prvni kosticky do posledni.
Hru sami bez snahy a znalosti anglictiny asi nepochopite, pokud se nebudete snazit, ten system je celkem komplikovanej, ale jakmile to pochopite je to v celku jednoduchy. Napoveda ve hre je super.
Muzete jen tak bojovat, delat mise, vyrabet, obchodovat.. je to sandbox takze je jen na vas co budete delat a tak :) Hra navic funguje castecne i kdyz jste offline (pokud jste na multiplayer serveru). Takze druhy den prijdete a mate spousta rudy na zpracovani.
9/10 - 1 bod za grafiku, ktera by mohla byt lepsi. Rozhodne to nehrajte solo, multiplayer je vetsi sranda :) a ceske servery jsou.
Klidne mi tu napiste a ja vam rad pomuzu a vse vysvetlim.
For me, this game has some issue after I got the raw mining unlocked, the game could not calculate the mining process fast enough. Like after I have destroyed the asteroid, only the ore slowly dispatched to me, and the game gets lagged after that. This is just optimised as f*ck
It's like Eve Online and the X series had a baby that grew up to be smart and handsome and kind to restaurant workers. There's a surprising variety of ways to play, it can be as forgiving (or not) as you like, and it promotes delightful creativity. The workshop alone is a joy to browse through.
Absolute recommend.
Bought this game not expecting much, the start was slow progress and the controls were a little overwhelming but a couple of hours in I was fulfilling my dreams of being a Borg Cube and destroying the galaxy.
It's just too complicated for me to feel like I can enjoy. I only have a few hours per week that I can dedicate to playing any games outside of work and I can just tell this is the type of game that would take a ton of hours to really enjoy. I ran the (imo way too brief) tutorial, played for a bit and tried to give it a fair shot but the learning curve is just too steep for me. I feel like I would waste endless hours in the shipbuilder only to build something vastly under-powered or missing key components that I never learned about.
The game crashes too much, its fun, its like your own creative version of minecraft but spaceships like starmade but eveonline beauty... but once you start expanding, growing your presidential trump space force... it implodes and crashes every few jumps. its fun, but a game that has been on the market for years decides to come out with a DLC instead of optimizing the game for larger ships, more ships, i want a kessen II amount of ships for my carrier, i want to flood the enemy with fighters and rockets and lame torpedos.
A very incredible game mixing X3/X4 style mechanics with shipbuilding, easy drop-in/drop-out multiplayer and mod support. You can play as cooperatively or separately as you wish, even being able to share a ship with 1 piloting and others shooting the guns.
The main gameplay loop is progression based, as you find harder enemies and better resources to make your ship out of the closer you get to the center of the galaxy. Ship building is simple in a good way, as things like crew and cargo and engines are just different kinds of blocks that do things mostly dependent on their size and how many you build. But also complex in a good way as far as placement and armoring goes. The better you plan and cleverly place your armor while still balancing your mass and power, will make or break if your ship can only fight 1v1 or 1v2, or if it can take on 5+ enemies at the same time as your armor keeps you healthy far longer.
Actual ship fighting and gun shootings is a lot of point and click with a bit of leading your target depending and speed and distance. You can equip your ship with items that will allow you to set your guns to auto fire, which do a good enough job to allow you to focus on flying but will lack in leading their shots perfectly. You start with small rapid fire guns but will start to find much larger and much more variety as you leave the starter "iron" areas and move closer to the center.
There is a loot system for what guns and "subsystems" you find. The latter of which being a limited amount of slots you have to equip different kind of "gear" pieces that can do many different things. You can get AI captains enabling you to give them orders and certain kinds of missions; like mining or trading. Making a new "trade ship" and putting a merchant captain in it will be the best way to make money early on for example. These missions also have danger though, so beefing up your new trade ship or building it an escort will also be needed to avoid pirate ambushes.
On the lower difficulties, losing a ship is no where near the end of it, as any repair dock can "tow" it back and basically resurrect it at low HP. It will cost a decent amount of money and resources, but you get your very expensive captain back. There are many options to shape the difficulty however, so if you want a more dangerous and hardcore experience, you can set the options to do so.
Overall the game has a lot to give if you are willing to put in the time to learn the UI, mechanics, and ship building interface, while also offering seamless multiplayer. Highly recommend.
Fantastic, I recommended all of my friends to play this masterpiece of a game
Cool game, but you need to know up front it takes time, research, and thought to do well in it.
damn good Elite type of game. Good fun if you like co-op . of course there are some learning curve in the begining but its not too hard to handle. I could say that this game is way underated, this games has lots of things to do. You can play as you like. This game is open, no restrictions at all.
It is a Really fun game after you understand the basics its really enjoyable
If you are looking for a space game with empire building and the dream of having your super massive battlecruiser that strikes fear into the hearts of anyone that stands before it, then look no further. My only thing is that i wish some of the ship building controls were a slight bit more intuitive but after messing with them for a bit its fine.
Just... wow.
One of the best space sim sandboxes I've ever played, don't even see the hours passing!
This is truly an hidden gem, GG Boxelware! 👏
Space-lego. It's neat.
Save became unplayable after some 20ish hours in. For reasons I don't know, the game runs a local server when you start a singleplayer game and it has now started losing connection to that server -somehow-. This has now happened twice on two separate playthroughs, I think I'm done here. Avoid this, folks, there's plenty of other great games out there.
Despite having an incredibly intricate ship building system you are essentially railroaded into building a CUBE in order to survive due to a way the parts HP/armour system works - completely negating the attraction I had with being able experiment with different ship designs.
Lots to do here, map is HUGE, literally consists of 1,000,000 smaller maps. Can be played as shooter, or management system, easy to transition.
Oh and the ship building is really good, very in depth.
It's a grindy game but it's fun to just chill and build some stuff or fight pirates, aliens, be a pirate etc.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Boxelware |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 17.11.2024 |
Отзывы пользователей | 90% положительных (7263) |