EVE Online

EVE Online

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Разработчик: CCP

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What Steam curators have to say about EVE

Об игре


EVE Online — самая масштабная бесшовная космическая ММО в истории. Бесплатно погрузитесь в контролируемую игроками вселенную с почти 20-летней историей: вас ждут 7000 звёздных систем, беспрецедентные PvE- и PvP-сражения, добыча ресурсов, исследования, промышленность и многое другое.

Станьте бессмертным капсулёром и отправьтесь навстречу судьбе, управляя маленьким проворным фрегатом, грозным линкором или фрейтером колоссальных размеров, — выбирайте любой из 350 звездолётов с возможностью персонализации. В одиночку отправляйтесь в самую гущу событий w-пространства, формируйте могущественную промышленную империю и переворачивайте экономику вселенной — или же вступайте в ряды единомышленников, готовых завоёвывать далёкие космические просторы! Кем станете вы в Новом Эдеме?

Исследуйте необъятный мир этой космической ММО бесплатно в статусе альфа-клона, позволяющем управлять фрегатами, эсминцами, крейсерами, линейными крейсерами и линкорами любой державы. Предпочитаете неограниченные возможности? Тогда приобретите омега-статус и получите полный доступ к кораблям и удвоенную скорость освоения навыков.

EVE Online — это бесшовная ММО с сервером, объединяющим множество геймеров из разных временных зон. Присоединяйтесь к сообществу тысяч игроков в самой массовой в мире песочнице. Любые ваши решения, выигранные битвы и завоёванные системы оставят след в грандиозной истории Нового Эдема. Чем этому миру запомнитесь вы?

Ступите на путь капсулёра и добейтесь небывалых высот! Игре EVE Online принадлежит рекорд Книги Гиннесса за самую масштабную PvP-битву среди многопользовательских игр: в одном сражении приняло участие сразу 8825 игроков. Заявите о себе в громадных космических битвах с первого дня или проходите обучение, чтобы потом самому занять пост командующего флотом.

Экономика EVE Online не знает себе равных. Вселенная игры стирает границы, поэтому тысячи космических станций находятся в пределах одной экономики. Занимайтесь торговлей на местных рынках, сооружайте новые корабли и оборудование, планируйте инвестиции, опираясь на политическую ситуацию, — в этом мире для вас нет ничего невозможного!

Посвятите себя исследованию космоса, войнам, накоплению состояния или всему сразу! Выбирайте любые из 350 кораблей и персонализируйте их на свой вкус с помощью тысяч уникальных модулей. Модифицируйте корабль по типу проворных и быстрых истребителей или с нуля создайте грозное бронированное судно для схваток с другими игроками. Любите рисковать? Примените неизученные технологии для модификации из глубин Мёртвой бездны — может, вам крупно повезет.

Вселенная EVE Online непрерывно развивается и дополняется на протяжении уже 17 лет, поэтому эта игра заслуженно считается одной из самых живучих ММО в истории. Станьте частью этого живого мира и создавайте историю вместе с миллионами других игроков!

Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, russian, french, korean, japanese, spanish - spain, simplified chinese

Системные требования


Минимальные системные требования:
  • Версия ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Процессор: двухъядерный, пр-ва Intel или AMD, с тактовой частотой от 2 ГГц и поддержкой набора команд SSE2
  • Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon 5450 или NVIDIA GeForce 420 (или любая другая с объёмом видеопамяти 1024 MB VRAM)
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
  • Версия ОС: Windows 10 64-bit
  • Процессор: семейства Intel i7 или семейства AMD Ryzen 7 1700 (с тактовой частотой от 3.6 ГГц)
  • Оперативная память: от 16 ГБ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 1060, AMD Radeon RX 580 (или любая другая с объёмом видеопамяти от 4 ГБ)


Минимальные системные требования:
  • Версия ОС: Mac OS X 10.15
  • Процессор: д Intel i5 @ 2.5 GHz | Apple M1
  • Оперативная память: 4 ГБ
  • Видеокарта: Intel HD 4000
Рекомендуемые системные требования:
  • Версия ОС: Mac OS X 12
  • Процессор: семейства Intel i7 (с тактовой частотой от 3.8 ГГц) | M1 Pro
  • Оперативная память: 16 ГБ
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon Pro 5700 (или любая другая с объёмом видеопамяти от 8 ГБ)

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 15.12.2024 12:06
0 0

It‘s too freaking big to complete and it doesn't end until you quit and sometimes it might be hard to unless your computer explodes.

Время в игре: 2792 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
Не рекомендую 15.12.2024 06:40
3 0

This is a spreadsheet with a screensaver.

The community is toxic, the game is an asymmetrical PvP cesspool. If you try to play, you'll just get ganked by griefers and sealclubbers.

You can't get anywhere unless you spend money on a subscription.

The game gained notoriety from the toxic community with scams and large corps betraying each other... this is not the kind of toxicity anybody should subject themselves to.

Время в игре: 2101 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.12.2024 03:08
0 0

The game has shifted to a monthly subscription fee, but if you like complex games with high customization I highly recommend it. It used to be less dependent on monthly subs or farming but has shifted to where all the cool stuff you need a sub.

Время в игре: 21162 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.12.2024 19:50
3 0

200 hours and still have no idea what im doing tbh 👍

Время в игре: 12976 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.12.2024 17:58
0 0


Время в игре: 160838 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 05:21
0 0


Время в игре: 30216 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 05:01
0 0

its a game i play to much, the end

Время в игре: 39339 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 06:13
0 0

Still Eve but now with a Damage over time weapon

Время в игре: 228919 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 00:47
0 0

Just give me my Steam badge.
Don't play this game. It will suck the life out of you while you're spinning ships in the dock.

Время в игре: 254232 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2024 03:27
0 0

Spread Sheets in Space. YES!!!

Время в игре: 29562 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2024 23:36
0 0

It can get frustration but is fun

Время в игре: 43565 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2024 19:06
0 0

The amount of freedom regarding gameplay is wonderful in this game. There is no inventory cap, almost nothing is character-bound, and the game world is beyond expansive. No matter your play style, there's a way for almost any style gamer to have fun in Eve. Fly Safe!

Время в игре: 69153 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2024 18:06
1 0

War, war never changes...Wait that's another game
I highly recommend this game so much stuff you can do and play how you want to play

Время в игре: 55540 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.11.2024 20:31
6 0

As someone who has played EVE off and on since 2003, just don't. The game is a shell of it's former self and with the recent "expansion" the emphasis of it's former glory days are on display. The recent expansion isn't so much an expansion but rather a patch.

EVE is a sandbox MMO. you can't pretty much do whatever you want from day one. you can be a hauler, miner, builder, do faction warfare, join a high sec corp, be a pirate in a low sec corp, join a null sec corp/alliance. you can do whatever you want to do. But how do you fund all this? with Plex. don't let anyone tell you otherwise but CCP steers players towards buying plex. With one of, if not the, most expensive subscription fees in gaming today (over $30 a month Canadian) CCP wants it's players to buy plex. Plex can be traded for in game currency or sub time. People will tell you "oh I haven't paid for an EVE sub in years" but what they will also tell you is they have multiple accounts, 10 to 20+ that farm in game isk to pay for said subs. Doing that solo as a free to play player is all but impossible and several online guides and countless reddit posts asking "how do I make ISK in EVE?" will always point to "get a real job, buy Plex with a credit card".

The game just isn't fun anymore. It's either play it a certain way or don't play at all. pay with real currency or struggle. It's expensive, the content is lacking, and expansions are pointless.

Время в игре: 125128 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.11.2024 03:31
0 0

Eve is next level gaming at its best. Its...so much. Words can barely describe it. Eve is like life. It has so much that years can tick by and you still wouldnt of played everything the game has for you. Its amazing.

Время в игре: 790234 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.11.2024 22:39
0 0

Yes, you can pay to skip 3 month queue times to get skills to fly better stuff, but a lot of people nowadays don't have 3 months (Some ships can take 1 year to be able to even have the skills to fly) to sit around waiting to fly the ships they want.

But other than that it is a genuinely amazing MMO. It is genuinely packed with things to do, the game really is an ocean wide but a mile deep, unlike other Space MMO's which are a ocean wide but a puddle deep.

Join a big alliance like Goonswarm, Pandemic Horde or any of the others and it will really open the game up to you even more, everyone is super friendly and happy to help you learn. I'm still learning things after playing for 8 years.

Время в игре: 12526 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.11.2024 21:16
0 0


Время в игре: 53393 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2024 10:55
2 2

Never ever ever EVER give these people your money. DON'T EVER!!!!

Years ago I got into this game HARD so i invested a LOT of money into it. Eventually I was locked out of ships that I wanted to fly because the training would take YEARS. So I subscribed to a monthly deduction for what I seem to remember being about $15/mth AUD and qued up months and months of training, I wanted to fly a CAPITAL ship. Fast forward to a year - two years maybe, of paying because I knew my skills were still training. All of a sudden my priorities changed and couldn't afford the sub so i stopped it.

Years and YEARS later, today to be exact, I log in tosee how far along the skill tree I am and have a play around in some of my favorite ships I could already pilot. Namely, the Nemisis. Now I need a SUB to even fly the damn thing!!!! I never did before and now you're demanding I pay money to fly something I already invested in to fly through PLEX PLEX PLEX. And now you want more money just to give me something back that I already had!?!?!?!

I'm so furious that I'm actually going to contact a lawyer and do some research on how to get my pound of flesh! I hope you're scared CCP.

Potential gamers.... you have been SERIOUSLY warned!!!

This isn't even a "buy at your own risk" this is me saying very clearly... "buy at your own detriment"

Время в игре: 17587 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.11.2024 17:44
6 0

I miss the days when EVE Online was a titan in the gaming world, back when even non-players would sit up and take notice. When something monumental happened -- an epic battle, a political coup, or some bizarre scheme -- you’d see videos, deep dives, and endless chatter. It wasn’t just a game; it was a living, breathing universe.

But ... somewhere along the way, the magic got snuffed out. Developers started playing favorites, meddling directly in-game, spawning items for their buddies or whichever corp they felt like boosting. Yeah, we could’ve written off those moments as poor decisions, but when you pile them on top of the dumpster fire that is recent game development? It’s just sad. This was a game I grew up with, a game that consumed my thoughts and time. Now, every few months, I return, hoping--foolishly, maybe -- that things have turned around. Spoiler alert: they haven’t.

Gone are the days of wild stunts like "The Orca Battle Fleet" or my personal favorite "How many stealth bombers does it take to start a war?" EVE Online has devolved into a contest of who can burn through the most real life cash. It's not about strategy or cunning anymore; it's about which corp has the deepest wallets and the most time to burn.

As it stands, I can’t, in good conscience, recommend EVE Online to anyone -- not to the pilots I flew alongside, not to the smug traders in Jita who still haunt my nightmares for always outbidding me on those contracts (it was mine damn it!), and definitely not to the new generation of gamers who have no idea what EVE once was.

Once upon a time, EVE Online was a true social sandbox, a universe where every action, every betrayal, and every alliance meant something. Now? It’s just a glorified wallet-measuring contest. The spirit of exploration, strategy, and sheer lunacy has been replaced by who can swipe their credit card the fastest.

I hope one day I can delete this post and laugh about how wrong I was... but hope doesn’t exactly have a favorable exchange rate these days.

Время в игре: 65147 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.11.2024 22:18
3 1

Don't wait your time.

Время в игре: 1725 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.11.2024 22:25
0 0

Game still going after years. It definitely poses a challenging exploration experience if you want one.

Время в игре: 93624 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.11.2024 17:17
1 0

What can I say, I have put 1774 hours into this on and off for over 10years.

I love the game but due to personal and financial reasons I have never been able to commit long stints into it which means I have never been in an active organization or alliance so my experience is 99% solo play. I love all aspects of this, I have done plenty of mining, missions, done a bit of PvP and industry etc. There is something for everyone.

The graphics are great, effects are good and the new player missions have come a long way since I started. You can play for free up to a certain amount of skillpoints with some skills locked out. But it is enough to get involved in every aspect of the game. I still hop on from time to time in the free mode just to fly around and do some activities. And every so often (Usually on an offer) I re-sub for a few months and get stuck in to some higher level stuff.

I love the music, I even have a Youtube playlist I listen to when not in game as I just like the background noise.
I recommend this to anyone to give it a try, check out some youtube videos to help you decide what you want to do after playing the tutorial missions and most important rule that everyone will tell you.. Do not fly anything you can not afford to replace, the game is ruthless and you can and will get shot at and destroyed eventually.

Highly recommend.

Время в игре: 106487 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 15.11.2024 01:24
2 0

I spent a long , long time playing this back in 2005-2014 and thought i would have a little look back in to see whats changed. Monthly sub seems about the same but seeing skin packs for up to £500 is just crazy, I understand that they need to encourage newer players to join up and give them some sort of catch up mechanic but it just feels like a bit of a cash grab a bit too late in the games cycle for my liking. gonna sit my 100mil SP Nyx pilot off for another 5 years lol.

Время в игре: 178055 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 13.11.2024 00:57
1 0

Was nice 10y ago, after everyone would think, time to see inside the ship, walking into station ? slowly develop to be a x4 ? noooooo the useless CEO decided to create a full of projects who failed. ALL OF THEM. EVE is boring, full of bot and not intersting.

Время в игре: 4740 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.11.2024 16:10
0 0

Spreadsheet spaceships! The best ship is friendship! Brave for life!

Время в игре: 41914 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 09.11.2024 15:10
3 1

Activities that will get you killed by another player:
Literally everything.

Do not waste your precious time or money.

Время в игре: 7145 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.11.2024 12:45
0 1

Копал камушки в клайм нулях, пошутил в мамбле альянса про бейтовую копалку. Через минуту копалка и правда оказалась бейтовой

Время в игре: 65818 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.11.2024 09:55
0 0

fun chill space game

Время в игре: 5818 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.11.2024 06:55
1 0

Good for men with midlife crisis.

Время в игре: 4251 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.10.2024 04:19
0 0

For those who are into MMOs and like Science Fiction, then you might like this game. The grinding can be a bit tedious at times, though as training new skills happens in real time (if it says 2 days to complete, that is 48 hours in IRL).

Время в игре: 15265 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.10.2024 22:27
0 0

Great sandbox game not sure if there is anything else out there that can compete

Время в игре: 13920 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 27.10.2024 00:38
2 1

this is a rip off the game is free but to play is 19.95 per month and you dont know you are agreeing to the charges

Время в игре: 19 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.10.2024 23:16
0 0


Время в игре: 39512 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.10.2024 02:57
0 0

The best MMO ever!

Время в игре: 35957 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 24.10.2024 01:30
0 0

best game in the world... you do your game... enjoy it your way... find your own path... take your time, try it all

Время в игре: 368874 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.10.2024 21:39
0 0

the most deep game into spreadsheets and feeling like lost a car if lost in pvp or pve

Время в игре: 218356 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.10.2024 14:49
1 0

You never really quit EVE, you just take really long breaks
7/10 would unsubscribe and resubscribe again

Время в игре: 62460 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 18.10.2024 13:14
4 1

Alpha yaay. Play free. Only thing is..
Every good / medium tier ship is locked behind paywall. Want to grind resources with a good ship. Fk you. Want to have good/medium mining tools. Well fk you.
Want to get good PVE/PVP ship. Well fk you again. Monthly subscription at 24 dollars for this? Are you loco?

For those who consider playing. If you survive the worst tutorial ever made by a human, you may want to consider turning back. Cause:
1) Time to train and get enough skills to fly decent ship will take up to 2 months real time.
2) Your ship will be blown up by some clown. (Who most likely lives in mamas basement from 2003 when game was released and buys ingame currency with her debitcard.) Ingame money is hard to get for new players. You will be devastated by loosing ship worth week of grinding. If you dont like loosing stuff on regular basis. AVOID!
3) Gameplay is boring as hell. Missions types are - Kill/deliver/mining.
4) PVP - Lets say you are 1 year old infant drafted to an army. And your opponents are guerrila veterans, killing for 20 years wihtout breaks. Or maybe its even worse than that.
4) If you got so far, then. Open your skill menu, by now it has to be filled. On average it will show you 800 REAL TIME DAYS to finish learning all those skills. And thats only 1% of all skills. 800 DAYS CARL! Ahaha gtfo.
If you are prepared for this. Enjoy the game.
Hah got you, you wont play longer than a week.
5) Gameplay is as old as it can get. It is morally and technicaly outdated. Dont let the fancy graphics fool you. Many people say that you can play this game by opening excel. They are not wrong.
6) Travelling by gates. You cannot go from point A to point Z. You will have to travel A-B-C-D-E-F and so on. Also you willl be destroyed on the way there, cause people in this game have no life. They can stalk others players at the gates for days-weeks just to destroy you in most unfun way ever. 5 vs 1.
7) There are no safe zones. Game is designed to be predatory against new player. If new player has something of worth it will be immediatly taken from him, buy veteran player. Getto simulator.
8) If for example game would finally introduce, after 20 years, FTL travel that doesnt require gate system. It would destroy all those rich corporations who established themselves on the edge of galaxy and dictate their will on rest of playerbase.
9)Introducing zero tolerance against violence (weapons dont work in this radius) 100km around NPC stations would remove 99% of ganking in game.

Devs got completely separated from reality. They want you to buy Nokia 3310 in an age of Smartphone. Playerbase is diminishing every week. New players are not ready for that hard reality to put years and years to train skills NECESSARY SKILLS TO PLAY GAME.

In my opinion, developers are trying to kill the game, but dont know how. Or dont want to upset small hardcore community that still plays this ancient relic.

Hope it helped.

Время в игре: 11585 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 16.10.2024 17:26
3 0

Sort of like space job the game. Seems to be pretty good at what it is but it is not for me.

Время в игре: 1774 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.10.2024 08:30
5 1

EVE held such promise for me at first. A vast cluster of star systems to explore, inhabited by thousands of players. A diverse array of ships in both function and form with near endless ship build experimentation. A fairly sophisticated manufacturing pipeline that mixes with a player run economy. NPC empires and factions that have varying political structures and backgrounds. I was enthralled.

I like MMOs because, with players running to and fro about the place, the world feels alive. But when you play EVE for a while you realise that most of the players you see in a system are just names and pre-rendered faces in a chat window or icons in the overview. The presence of players in the game space is their ship and that ship is usually so far away that it’s just an icon on the screen, unless you change the focus of the camera. So it feels like you never really meet anyone and there is a sense of disconnect. There are thousands of players online, yet I feel alone.

There are a few ways to earn Interstellar Kredits (ISK) in EVE.

I tried using probes to scan down archeological sites and encrypted data sites which was fun at first but got stale pretty quickly. The reward was poor, but the risk was minimal. The sites almost never had a narrative component to them. So when I analysed archaeological sites or cracked open data vaults I never really felt like I was discovering anything.

I tried running combat missions for corporate NPCs. But I found these missions to be highly repetitive and boring. The story for these missions was forgettable. The combat involved fitting the right tank and damage modules to your ship for the specific NPC faction you were facing, targeting their ships, pressing the fire guns button and waiting until they blew up. There are player ships that do things other than damage but they have no place in these missions. I was never asked to heal a friendly NPC ship or use electronic countermeasures.
Just go to this area, blow up the enemies, then move on to the next area.

I tried mining and it was so boring it’s not worth talking about.

I tried harvesting and transforming planetary resources and selling them on the market.
Finding suitable planets and then laying out the planet based harvesters and factories is a problem you solve once and then it’s just passive income with little maintenance.

I tried manufacturing as a way to make ISK. Buying resources and transforming them into ships and ship modules. The tech 1 ships and modules, as it turns out, are worth less on the player market than the minerals they are built from. So I thought I’d try manufacturing tech 2 ships and modules. This involved a MASSIVE leap in complexity and in the end I could not confidently calculate if I was making a profit from the materials required to make the tech 2 products. So I gave up.

At some point I found myself asking what the ISK I was making was for.
And then I realised, EVE is really about PvP. Everything else is just a means to make ISK so you can afford the ships and ship modules to participate in PvP. And while I appreciate what EVE online is doing there, it’s just not for me.
My impression of the PvP is that it’s a thinking man's game and the outcome of the fight is often determined before engagement. When engaging in PvP one of the following things is likely to happen.
You either fell into a gate camp or someone has fallen into your gate camp
You have tricked someone into fighting you that has no chance of coming out on top because your build is superior
You have been tricked into fighting someone that you have no chance of winning because their build is superior
The other problem I have with EVE PvP is that it has a long iteration loop, whereas I thrive on short iterations. In a short iteration loop, like in Titanfall PvP, you fight, kill and die over and over many times in short succession, learning from each kill and death. You improve on a moment to moment basis. In EVE first you must decide on a build, go to the market to buy the ship, modules and ammo, then you spend time travelling to where you can look for some PvP then spend ages looking for a fight that you think you can win then finally you engage someone and die because you’re still new at this and then you need to build another ship again. So much time is spent not fighting.
The other issue I have with PvP in EVE is that it’s not viscerally satisfying because I don’t really feel like I’m piloting my ship so much as I’m like the captain on a bridge giving orders to its crew that takes time to action. Part of this is because the latency between Australia and the server in London is horrific. It also does not feel satisfying because for the most part I spend the fight observing from afar and so the ships are just icons on the screen with bars going up and down.

I do not regret my time with EVE.
I don’t think it is a bad game, I appreciate what the developers are trying to do.
It’s just not for me.
At the very least I walked away with a stellar soundtrack.

Время в игре: 40439 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.10.2024 22:23
1 0

An awesome MMO. If you like space and MMOs then you should try it. Took me ten years to come back to it after not getting into it initially, but it is awesome.

Время в игре: 5992 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 13.10.2024 13:11
0 0

EVE has a very special place in the universe of games, it is immense, complex, yet feels like home to those who have spent enough time immersed in it.

Время в игре: 7985 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.10.2024 12:25
0 1

It's alright I guess

Время в игре: 171261 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.10.2024 14:42
2 0

Game is fun but ends up being a second job at some point if you want to do anything great. Used to play back when you could be wardecked without structures. Now they need a structure but you still have the gate gankers killing you all the time. I was playing just for the industry/mining and pve. Game will throw you into pvp even if you don't want to.
With the new updates you cant build or mine anything good without going into low or null sec. High sec (PVE Zone but not really) is pointless.
Came back a month ago to see how things are still a toxic game for any casual players.

Время в игре: 21610 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.10.2024 06:46
1 0

It's not a level playing field. Some people are out for your ISK and blood.
This game is a sweet learning experience on how not to be a sucker.

Время в игре: 13846 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.10.2024 08:31
2 3

I got banned! Reason: RMT
I have 150kk ISK and 10 PLEX. RMT? Are you serious?
Support is not responding!

Время в игре: 67370 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 02.10.2024 23:02
0 1

There is no game like Eve Online.
Nothing as epic. Nothing as cut throat, cruel, and rewarding.
The only game to ever make my heart beat faster than skydiving.

"It's not about the ships, it's about the crew"

Время в игре: 2291 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.09.2024 20:39
1 0

You get a space ship and do space stuff

Время в игре: 187 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 22.09.2024 22:55
1 1

It's a 20 year old game that has no equal....it is also the most frustrating BS game in existence, no recourse on pirates because they have skill points for days and you will never catch up, solo play is impossible and the worst grind out there in my opinion. Not worth it, they got my money twice, the second time only because after 7 years away from the game I had rosey memories.....but now I remember why I left.

Время в игре: 11034 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 15.09.2024 23:01
0 1

Yeah, it's an alright game.

Время в игре: 116290 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик CCP
Платформы Windows, Mac
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 18.12.2024
Metacritic 88
Отзывы пользователей 79% положительных (5134)

Отзывы пользователей

4,059 положительных и 1,075 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 17.12.2024 16:57


Action Strategy RPG Massively Multiplayer Free to Play


Multi-player MMO PvP Online PvP Co-op Online Co-op Steam Trading Cards