Разработчик: Funcom
В Conan Exiles можно играть как в одиночном, так и в совместном или многопользовательском режимах.
Когда сам Конан спасет вам жизнь, сняв с креста, вам придется быстро учиться выживанию. Спасайтесь от песчаных бурь, укрывайтесь от жары и охотьтесь, чтобы добыть еду и нужные материалы. А затем перед вами откроется огромный бесшовный мир: от раскаленных пустынь на юге до заснеженных горных вершин на севере.
Покорите Земли изгнанников и прославьте свой клан. Гибкая система строительства поможет вам создать что угодно, от лачуги до целого города. Используйте в бою мечи, колдовство, луки и осадную технику; на вашей стороне могут выступить даже гигантские воплощения богов, которые обратят дома ваших врагов в руины в грандиозных сражениях.
Одевайтесь по погоде или разведите огонь, чтобы согреться. Не забывайте спасаться от перегрева на жаре. Охотьтесь, готовьте, ешьте и пейте, чтобы выжить. Постройте убежище от страшных песчаных бурь. Берегитесь мрачных развалин: там вас может осквернить черное колдовство.
Собирайте материалы для создания инструментов и оружия. Гибкая и развитая система строительства поможет вам создать что угодно, от лачуги до целого города. Размещайте ловушки, подъемники и защитные сооружения, ставьте в домах мебель, верстаки и другие предметы.
Отхватите себе кусочек Земель изгнанников, даже если придется отнять его у других игроков! Стройте осадные машины и применяйте взрывчатку, чтобы разрушить стены вражеского города. Расставляйте ловушки, ломайте волю рабов и выстраивайте укрепления, чтобы никто не вторгся к вам.
Изучайте опасные заклинания и оскверняйте собственное тело, чтобы применять их. Тех, кто готов поступиться жизненной силой, ждут особые черты. Приносите рабов в жертву, призывайте демонов и нежить и подчиняйте их своей воле. Погружайте мир во тьму, взмывайте в небо на крыльях чудовищ и призывайте молнии на головы врагов.
Теперь в Conan Exiles сменяются эпохи, у каждой из которых будет своя тематика, бесплатные игровые обновления и боевые пропуски. Благодаря эпохам развитие и совершенствование игры остается бесплатным для игроков, а у всех желающих появился легкий способ поддержать игру и получить эксклюзивные косметические предметы.
Исследуйте огромный и бесшовный открытый мир. Вас ждут песчаные барханы южной пустыни, таинственные болота востока и заснеженные горные пики холодного севера. Странствуйте, отправляясь в дальние дали, покоряя вершины и наслаждаясь полной свободой действий.
Сражайтесь со свирепыми чудовищами и другими игроками, используя боевую систему, основанную на связках приемов. Уклоняйтесь, блокируйте, оттачивайте боевое мастерство и станьте величайшим воином этого края. Используйте луки, кинжалы, мечи, топоры и многое другое.
Берите в плен лиходеев и силой заставляйте их защищать ваши земли. Сломите их волю на жестоком колесе боли, чтобы сделать из них лучников, ремесленников, воинов, лицедеев и прочий полезный люд.
От Черной башни на севере до Клоаки на берегу южной реки вас ждут развалины древних цивилизаций, хранящие свои тайны и сокровища. Узнайте о прошлом Земель изгнанников, исследуя их и беседуя с неигровыми персонажами.
Свяжите себя с одним из четырех божеств, например, с Деркето, богиней страсти и смерти. Принесите жертвы на алтаре своего божества и призовите его могучее воплощение, которое окажется в вашей власти. Возьмите воплощение под свой контроль и сотрите своих врагов в порошок вместе с их городами.
Играйте в одиночку или боритесь за выживание и власть на открытых серверах в режиме бесконечной многопользовательской игры. Вы можете создать собственный сервер и пригласить игроков в мир, живущий по вашим правилам и законам. Хотите поиграть тесной дружеской компанией? Попробуйте совместный режим!
Когда вы играете в одиночку у себя или на сервере, то становитесь хозяином собственного мира и получаете доступ к самым разным настройкам. Управляйте скоростью развития, размещайте монстров, становитесь невидимкой, отключайте воплощения богов и делайте многое другое. Станьте главным на собственном сервере!
Скачайте моды к Conan Exiles прямо из «Мастерской Steam», чтобы настроить игру под свои нужды. Вы можете скачать и специальный редактор Conan Exiles Unreal Editor, чтобы делать собственные моды. Модов для игры не счесть, и они стоят вашего внимания!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, italian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or Intel Core i5-10400F
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 or Radeon RX 580
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 115 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 11 64bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 5600X or Intel Core i7-11700F
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 or AMD Radeon RX 6700 or Intel Arc A750
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 115 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Can't login, van't connect to funcom live services, can't properly switch to borderless fullscreen, can't fucking skip shitty company logos at startup.
Can't play offline, can't even shutdown properly.
I do not appreciate not being able to play a game for which I paid due to not being able to connect to Funcom Live Services. I would like to play offline. I do not like other people. I do not need any of your so called online services.
Almost 8,100 hours, Loved the game got into many fights ended up getting spam reported by mrgoodkat and others in order to ban me, I ended up getting perm banned forever. For little to no reason
Best Survival Game out there!
+Best character models and animations in the genre
+Beautiful armor and fun DLCs that add a lot
+Awesome graphics, pvp, and roleplay opportunities
-Lack of new maps or expansion on current 2 maps (original 2 maps get very stale very fast)
-Ingame shop is insanely overpriced and only rotates a few items at a time
-Still no boats/naval combat after so many years now
-Still no skeleton skin for zombies :(
I've owned this game since pre-launch and I have 4400 hours on it. I've left and come back when I got bored, but I've played the game a lot. The straw that broke the camel's jaw for me was definitely when I came back from being out of town to find my structures were still there, but my thralls, including my crafter thralls had "decayed". Maybe I'm missing something crucial here, but that was many hours of work just flushed because of some nonsense timer that I didn't know existed. LoL at this game.
Awesome game. I'm hooked. I enjoy the new features of Age of War. I like seeing the NPCs move around and "live" a bit.
funcom ban our region and accounts Without prior notice !!! and we just take a ' have a nice day ' message from them when we try to solve this problem
Every Pvp Server is packed full of Cheaters! and nothing is ever done about it. We play Official servers and they are just crap!!!!!!!!!!
TLDR: Hackers run rampant with impunity spoiling PVP. The game is very buggy. There are many alternative like style games. Key gameplay requires human sacrifice to demons.
I love this game. But I strongly recommend you take a pass and don't play this game unless you buy the base game only for 5$. It is an old game and there are many newer games in this genre for you to try. BTW to unlock key game elements you will be performing human sacrifices to demons, over and over again.
On the Conan official server, you will be locked out during raid hours with pings showing from 220 to 6000. You need less than 200 to connect. Lag is so bad at times that I've had 4 fps. Bugs include: no stamina regen where you cant' climb, run or use a weapon. Rubber banding back to your spawn location and unable to move. Logging out and back on (if you are able) doesn't help... your character must commit suicide to clear this bug. Thralls you knock unconscious will drop through the mesh and disappear, typically the super rare T4 named thralls. You will get stuck under your horse. Try kicking it, no guarantee.
Conan is not worth your time as a PVP game. And newer games are better for solo and PVE gameplay. On official servers hackers run rampant with impunity. They will teleport instantly to your position and one hit kill you or hit you when outside weapon range. I've been one tapped killed by a level 17 player when I was level 60 with 600 health and 1600 armor. That player then leveled to 60 in 5 minutes. Its possible to level to 60 in a few hours but not 5 minutes. Hackers seem to roll through every week or so. They will kill your named thralls and brag about it in global chat. They can kill your thralls at a distance and through your walls. They will wipe you and vacuum up all your materials also at a distance and through walls. They can use ESP to find your base location, bed and materials and take it all.
Google ***Conan hacks***. Anybody can do this for 40$ and a 5$ CDkey. Players will use Unicode to have a blank clan name but all their FUNCOM ID's are the same: 123@#######. Or they will use the trademark TM symbol in their player name. If you see something like that, know that they are most likely dirty players.
Hackers will spoof your EXACT chat handle in global chat. I have video of someone doing it to me. I've seen hackers spoof something to the effect of: ---I hate all *****s and ***s I wish H***** killed them all--- using another players chat handle / player name. I've spent too much money on the DLC and in game items. I regret all that money and time I've spent playing this game. I do not see what the point of BATTLEYE is. BATTLEYE is a tremendous joke. If you think that will prevent hackers you are seriously misled. Apparently this has been a problem for a long time. I'm not sure FUNCOM has the ability or inclination to fix it.
I was looking forward to DUNE.
There is NO WAY AT ALL I would play another FUNCOM PVP game unless I CAN'T find a hack for sale for it with a GOOGLE search. Dune hacks for sale!
There simply isn't another game like it - I always come back to this game and replay it, and I enjoy showing new players how expansive and cool the game is.
Excellent building game. Allows your own creativity for builds, great social element with clans.
i played this game for 1500h game is full of cheaters guys and admins are sleep dont waste ur money
Played for a long time without a review, but after the "Living Settlement" update I just had to. the game is fun and was the only open-world survival to actually hook me, other like Rust just felt tedious. The constant content being add makes every base build feel unique and now they have scrapped the battle pass system for a rotating store also doesn't make you feel rushed to do thing you don't want to get nice cosmetics. You can just relax in solo play and make nice, fun builds.
Overall, I've played a lot of games worse but very few better. as far as open-wolrd base building goes.
It's really hard for me to give this game a thumbs down, 'cause Conan is still one of the most extensive survival-crafting games I've ever played and of course it had it's great moments, but still, even after 6 years this game feels just unpolished and buggy.
World design, OST, crafting system and improvements through updates (such as enemy waves attacking the base, new bosses or simply- free cosmetic upgrades) were just on point and I highly enjoyed those, but Funcom's hacker policy is just unacceptable. It's nearly impossible to find an online pvp server where hackers are not the majority. It's not THAT fun to spend half a day running around, grinding ressources, building up your clans base and than getting raided by a single hacker monkey flying right over your fort defence and just ripping the whole fortress to ashes. I know it helps to build cubic bases without a proper entrance, but I don't think that's the right “solution” for this problem.
..Well, you don't even have to make an effort reporting such hackers, you already got a great chance meeting the same hacker on another server a few weeks later 'cause Funcom doesn't really care about player reports -even if a whole clan dropping them on the same dude. So, devs are still (6 years later) ignoring their "since the beginning"-hacker problem.
Also, Conan Exiles got really payment- and ad related after devs implemented their new launcher. There's even an in-game cash shop now. I already think the DLCs are way too expensive, but those in-game shop prices are just blown outta space. 10$ for some cosmetics, a hand full of structures and one or two new weapons is just..wow.
The combat system also seems a bit off sometimes. Enemies dealing damage while not even in your range-, instantly despawn after defeated- or will glitch beneath the map-, inside rocks- or simply just get stuck in some structures around. So if you're wandering around your path through the land of the damned, don't be astonished about a wheezing rock or tree. It's probably just an npc that got stuck inside. (:
Fun and Challenging at the same time.
Had this for a while, and i dont really tend to review Every game i like / dislike.
People looking for a single player?, I'ts great.
Co Op is Tethered, But it has Online Pve / Pvp,
Its YOU'RE CHOICE. And its all here :)
Vast open Landscapes of all types, Snow , Desert, Wood, Volcanic, ETC...
And a *Hard-Ass Of Foe.
Not just a hack-n-slash , and More of a Explorer / Survival...
Skilled- swords,Savage,Rogue -dude :))
I just play Single player and Adjust the setting to my way .
The Build mode is easy and i use *Xbox Controller* :)
A lot of Cosmetics and character Creation is in here.
There is all sorts of workbenches, From Armour To Weapons,
Colour dyes, and Alchemy, Cooking...etc, etc.. :))
Why not? its a good time waster as Any, IMO ...Above GOOD :)
Love the game, its fun to play. But Funcom and Steam have not figured out a way to prevent hacking. Hackers have reverse engineered a client that allows them to come onto any server and kill everyone and spawn their decay timers immediately so you lose everything. Then they can wipe all your thralls and pets in a single attack, even ones inside where they "shouldn't" be able to even access. Until the game is made more secure, don't waste your time playing you will only be disappointed down the road.
The game is not good. Ai is janky and don't move. Companions get hit under the map. Great Devs, They did mange to get micro transaction to work without issues. Don't forget to buy their new gaming, it will be better right?
Public servers are riddled with Hackers. Just chilling on a PVE server and suddenly all my thralls and i are dead with a killed by player message which should not be possible. Stick to single player or trusted private servers.
The modding community is a giant coomer cult. Good luck finding normal people who play this still.
The game has many upon many issues with it. My game crashes to an error code when I try to open the accessories panel on myself or the captured/rescued people. It also just crashes for whatever reason while deep in the dungeons and I lose everything I worked for, my people get stuck inside and I have to go through it all AGAIN just to rescue the people standing inside waiting on me. I've lost 3 fighters so far, so annoying.
---{ Graphics }---
☐ You forget what reality is
☑ Beautiful
☐ Good
☐ Decent
☐ Bad
☐ Don‘t look too long at it
---{ Gameplay }---
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ It's just gameplay
☐ Mehh
☐ Watch paint dry instead
☐ Just don't
---{ Audio }---
☐ Eargasm
☑ Very good
☐ Good
☐ Not too bad
☐ Bad
☐ I'm now deaf
---{ Audience }---
☐ Kids
☑ Teens
☑ Adults
☑ Grandma
---{ PC Requirements }---
☐ Check if you can run paint
☐ Potato
☐ Decent
☑ Fast
☐ Rich boi
☐ Ask NASA if they have a spare computer
---{ Game Size }---
☐ Floppy Disk
☐ Old Fashioned
☐ Workable
☐ Big
☑ Will eat 10% of your 1TB hard drive
☐ You will want an entire hard drive to hold it
☐ You will need to invest in a black hole to hold all the data
---{ Difficulty }---
☐ Just press 'W'
☐ Easy
☑ Easy to learn / Hard to master
☐ Significant brain usage
☐ Difficult
☐ Dark Souls
---{ Grind }---
☐ Nothing to grind
☐ Only if u care about leaderboards/ranks
☐ Isn't necessary to progress
☑ Average grind level
☐ Too much grind
☐ You'll need a second life for grinding
---{ Story }---
☐ No Story
☐ Some lore
☐ Average
☐ Good
☑ Lovely
☐ It'll replace your life
---{ Game Time }---
☐ Long enough for a cup of coffee
☐ Short
☐ Average
☑ Long
☐ To infinity and beyond
---{ Price }---
☐ It's free!
☑ Worth the price
☐ If it's on sale
☐ If u have some spare money left
☐ Not recommended
☐ You could also just burn your money
---{ Bugs }---
☐ Never heard of
☑ Minor bugs
☐ Can get annoying
☐ ARK: Survival Evolved
☐ The game itself is a big terrarium for bugs
---{ ? / 10 }---
☐ 1
☐ 2
☐ 3
☐ 4
☐ 5
☐ 6
☐ 7
☐ 8
☐ 9
☑ 10
---{ Author }---
☑ https://vojtastruhar.github.io/steam-review-template
I've enjoyed the freedom of play as a single player survival game for over a 1000 hrs.
"there is no reachable location for the purge to setup their base camp"
meanwhile i intentionally build my castle at a spot with allot of open area
Every time I come back to this game with friends, I'm hopeful it's improved, but mostly they've just added more DLC and cash shop items. The mechanics remain clunky and are often un-intuitive, so it's a p.i.t.a. every time to relearn how to do combat, building, thrall management, so on and so forth.
As someone who has played many open world sandbox survival games, Conan Exiles is definitely one that stressed me out the most. Let me first discuss the aspects of this game that I enjoyed. I enjoyed the building, lore, dungeons, and how large the open world is. My major complaint is how poorly managed the game is especially if you're playing on PC. I've played Conan on both console and on PC and noticed just how differently Funcom treats its PC playes compared to console players. The game can be very laggy, buggy, and glitchy at some times even when playing on a high end gaming PC. I play on an i9 GeForce RTX 4070 Super, which is more than enough to play Conan and still experience issues. I swear my character gets stuck in the most random places. Lots of crashing and disconnecting, the worst thing about it is that it will happen at the worst possible times (in dungeons, during purges, etc). I can't tell you how many times I've lost named thralls because this game decides to kick me out of the server or crash. Playing Conan on PC can give a person a great deal of anxiety because you play knowing that the game can fuck you over at any time. Funcom is also really slow when it comes to responding to concerns, especially if its during the weekend. There was one time back in 2023 where there was a authentication error on PC and literally nobody could login into a server. You would have to try 50 times to log and if your were lucky you manage to enter the server. Funcom took forever to fix this issue. These are some of the issues that Conan PC players have to deal with. My advise is if you want to play Conan exiles, I'd recommend playing on console, don't risk playing it on PC.
What is best in video games? Dick and boob sliders, cannibalism, slavery, sex mods, sacrifice & blood rituals, diety worship, violence & gore, base building, PvPvE, classic pulp sword & sorcery, but the most important thing of all? You can do all of this, singleplayer or together with your friends.
Pick this one up on sale, if you truly know what is best in life.
I love this game but there are just so many bugs that totally ruin the experience completely, I've tried to fix it but nothing seems to work so if you're thinking about playing this one you might reconsider at least until it plays better
I spent all thousand plus hours roleplaying. I do not know a single actual game mechanic and am completely unqualified to explain any of it. I would not play this game if it was not for the roleplay servers.
The requirements don't state it, but you absolutely do need an SSD if you want to play it, especially modded. If you don't have one, I hope you enjoy ten-minute loading screens.
used to enjoy this game but ever since the last update it has a critical fail and i cant play it i uninstalled it and reinstalled it and nothing i verified the files and nothing is missing, i just don't know why its failing
I have never seen a game with so much potential completely wasted by an unimaginable amount of bugs that rather than the devs take time to fix remain in the game after years! I just tried to play this game again seeing it had a new update and not even 30 minutes in not 1 but 2 different items were invisible and unusable in my inventory.
Also combat is a joke, has been a joke, and was never made not a joke. I wish the devs actually cared but all they seem to care about is releasing new skins to make money off the few people who tolerate the bugs for some reason.
Game Troubleshooter has been a journey of ups and downs, with a story line inspired by the famously known Grieving Process.
shock, denial, anger, bargaining, depression, testing, and acceptance
Unless you're some form of Masochist who receives pleasure when being abused by Funcom.
Conan Exlies is like Valheim but you can't dig into the terrain because it uses Unreal4 engine which is arse.
Anyways, that's OK. The game itself is an "open-world-sandbox" and UE4 engine means it has aaaarse-loads of potential. I'm not even kidding!
It's malleable as heck as a result, and there's a TON of mods and workshop mods and things as a result.
Not to mention all the schlock and more on places like "The Nexus".
Anyways, it's basically "Naked and Afraid" but in "Conan Universe".
You can crush your enemies, see them driven before you...and at least "pretend" to hear the lamentation of their women.
Craft and build huge fortress, small village, whatever you want. This is basically "Conan" meets "Minecraft" but with UE4 beliebable graphics and not that pixelated neomaxizoomweeby blocky stuff.
Fight dumb NPCS, chop them in half, like the Obituary song. "YOOR CHOPPED IN HALF!!!..." or de-limb and defile them.
Watch bare schlongs and bazoomas flop about in the trembling winds under a sun scarred scape of lush jungles and majestic ruins worthy of most epic magickry!
OR build a square tower. I dunno.
Just go at it. It's literally "Conan: Naked and Afraid OH CRAAA..."
Much "KRAAAAKING" to be had. Much "KER-RRAAANG!"ing ot be had. Much "THOKK!"-ing to be had.
Can't go wrong. Couldn't go wrong. Shouldn't go wrong. Right?
Loaded with DLC Hell, Bugs, and All. Just like a Cimmerian beast, doth the Devs throw upon you much bounty bearing fangs and claws!
I gave this game a chance, reached level 60 (games maxiumum level with out modding), so many features that wont work in single player: cant mine star metal, yes I tried the explosives. I cant sacrifice tribals for sacrificial blood, rare spice is almost non exsistant, just a few examples. game constantly crashes, you have about a 75% chance it will crash when you access animal pens. an now with the november fourth update fix, the game will no longer even load, locks up every time the game is loading, tried 6 times, I had enough. the game was a great concept, but the company wont fix major issues before they keep changing things.
This game certainly has its good points. Sadly though, I have to say "No" to recommending this game. Why? For the simple fact that the people behind this game refuse to fix bugs that have been around for years. Recently, they improved upon human companions. It used to be that only combat companions could be followers. Levelling up and gaining traits. Whereas crafting NPCs could not be placed in the world and were installed into crafting stations resulting in an NPC visually working at the station. Now, the crafting NPCs can be placed in the world, levelled up, and gain traits (although they seem to be the same combat traits). They will eat, drink, sleep, move between various crafting stations and automatically grant their bonuses to all appropriate crafting stations in a radius (not just the one they are visually working at). Sounds great right? Well, there are issues and many are tied into bugs that have existed for years.
List of bugs
- Companions will just vanish. They no longer apply their bonuses to any crafting stations. They can't be found anywhere around the base. Going to the companion list and selecting the 'track on map' icon results in nothing. The eye icon toggles on but the person icon doesn't show up on the map at all. The NPC still shows up on the list and will sometimes show them as 'returning home' but most often as 'guarding'. Trying to recall them results in one of two messages, 'they were recently attacked and can't be recalled at this time. please wait x:xx' or 'not found'. Even if you wait out the timer on the first message, you will just end up with the second.
- They will often walk around in a 'weapon drawn state' (but with no weapon in hand).
- They get stuck easily as the path finding is rather poorly done.
- Combat NPCs and pets, who's target gets taken out, will often result in them rapidly moving back and forth as if someone is pressing A and D or W and S alternatively and quickly.
- Combat NPCs and pets will often get pushed into the ground and become momentarily stuck while fighting large enemies. The world boss crocs are the worst for this. They also can't hit the target while like this.
- Sometimes the pets and mounts that are following the player will move to the player's exact location, causing the player to get stuck in place.
- This one isn't really a bug but rather a design flaw. NPCs moving around will push you out of the way if you are in their way, like in a doorway. That is fine but the part that is not fine is that the inverse isn't true. NPCs, pets, and mounts can block the player and can't be pushed out the way. It's easy enough to get your own to move but in a multiplayer game, it's someone else's that will block the path.
- Another design issue is that stations and beds can be toggled to allow for thrall use or deny. No problem with that except it is a blanket allow/deny. The biggest issue being the beds. Out of all the items that the thralls will interact with, the bed should be one where thralls are individually assigned. So rather than having a base that operates like the companions in Skyrim (simply find a bed and fall in it), it would be better to be able to assign the NPCs to a bed that they will return to and exclusively use.
- Speaking of Skyrim, NPCs that follow the player will sometimes enter a default stance where they stand up right and straight but with one arm out pointing downward at a 45 deg angle with the body. When they move, they will move like a flame atronach. Gliding slightly above the ground but minus the flames.
- While the recent update introduced a friendlier way of getting more NPCs, the way it was mainly done was to knockout an enemy and drag them back to a wheel of pain where they get converted to your side. Sometimes, when you knock out the enemy, the body falls through the map.
- If they don't fall through the map, better make sure that you keep them on your screen. Turn your back to them and the body will often vanish. Dead bodies do this too so check for loot right away. At least with the dead ones, if you wait around long enough, the bodies will despawn and a sack of their loot will drop. Eventually the loot bag will despawn and a little while later a new mob spawns. When the dead body despawns and the loot bag drops, it'll appear where the body was. This is different for unconscious bodies as they stick around for longer since the NPC will eventually wake up rather than despawn.
- If they down vanish or fall through the map and are left as the player leaves the area and causes the area to unload. If the player returns before the timer on the body expires, the body of the dead enemy will sometimes be standing upright.
- Unrelated to NPCs, pets, and mounts but related to mob AI is the final boss of the first dungeon. It is bugged where it won't attack. Doesn't sound so bad except that it just stays in place where that place is a pool of acid and so you can only use ranged attacks. Normally, the boss would occasionally lunge at the player causing it momentarily beach itself and allow the player to use melee.
There are more bugs than this but I have found that these are the more noticeable and immersion breaking ones. With a new Dune game on the way, I suspect it too will have plenty of bugs upon release and many of them will go ignored just as they were in Conan. There is very good reason why Funcom is referred to as Bugcom. Not only do I not recommend this game, I won't be spending any more money on any expansions, dlc, or new games like Dune, until I see an honest effort on the company's part to fix these bugs.
It's a fantastic game. However, I don't recommend it because if you try to play online on a VAC server, you'll spend 95% of your time fighting with the corrupt pak message and nobody has a good answer for a fix.
Addition: A year later and the game seems to be worse than it was! Forums seem to indicate that Funcom just keeps releasing hot patches that are supposed to make things better (they don't) and then going radio silent.
I want to like it, but it can be buggy as hell. Frequently running into issues with animation (stuck swinging a pickax when you're trying to do something else) or items disappearing or not being able to move items in and out of workbenches. It's fun to play when the game is actually working correctly, but that doesn't happen very often.
It's fun to play with a group when the game isn't being buggy, but unfortunately, that doesn't happen too often.
Got to level 50 legitimately, then lost my best thrall and my horse that took me HOURS to level. So, play at your own peril, the game is REALLY buggy when it comes to entities clipping through the map, whether that be defeated enemies, your own trained thralls, or sometimes even you. Until this bug is fixed avoid playing the game as I am going to do. Thank god I got this game on sale.
TL:DR All of the bugs of Ark, none of the dinosaurs.
I really tried to get into this game but after 2 hours I couldn't take it anymore. Its my fault, really. I ignored the latest reviews for one. Also, I thought single player meant that. What it actually means is there is a single player mode in the server settings. So at its core, its still meant to be an online game. This means you cant do things like...pause. Or exit the game, apparently. You can do things like lock on to an alligator to attack, but then you both end up locked to each other as your two bodies become one in a noclip-induced spinning dance to the death. The progression and skills all look interesting, but I just cant get past the game play loop. Running around with your junk out chasing blacksmith women while wielding a stone club sounds fun. Maybe after a few drinks I'll try it again. Unlikely though because when it came time to fight, build, or craft anything it will ruin my buzz. But hey, at least I got to spend 110 minutes eating bush bugs by the handful.
I think the game is really fun! But i cant really recommend it. There are so many bugs. lets go over a few...
1: Die and respawn at your bedroll? Np Glitch threw the floor of your base.
2: Thralls walk around doing nothing and just glitch on everything. Even if you put them at a station they still get up and do dumb stuff. I have had a lot of them just go in the air 30 feet up and i cant get them back.
3: Finishing moves are glitchy as all hell.
4: Random animals floating in the air.
5. Loading in your base takes forever and some parts takes up to 20 minutes to spawn in. Mind you me and my gf own our own server. It's just us on there. I would understand if there were 50 other people. That makes since but this is just dumb
6. The unit collision is just buggy... when fighting anything you will notice this fast.
7. Lots of sound glitches. When you fight someone they are dead quite then 50 seconds later random sounds. Just very buggy.
I could go on and on and list 30 more. But i think you get the point. I play a lot of Open world survivals so i can get over most of them. But these are game breaking bugs... The kind that make you rage quit for the night because It had nothing to do with skill. ALSO MIND YOU I PLAY PVE i could not image dealing with all this on a PVP server.
I can definitely see that the game is more worried about coming out with DLC than fine tuning the game. They need to buckle down and just do 6 months of bug fixes. So you dont piss off your player base and make them all leave.
Most recent update broke thralls. Crafters, armorers, builders, ext. Anyone that now walks around your base and uses crafting stations is broken as of the launch of age of heroes. They disappear to 0,0 and often even fully despawn. For a game about using thralls to progress releasing an update that can and will despawn the important ones that you'd have to farm and put effort into getting is a huge red flag.
I don't even know where to start, actually no I do, starting the game. I don't know if this is common issue or not however I consistent issues starting the game, and I am forced to watch the same cinematic every single time and wait until it is over to see if the game will even load, sometimes it will just load forever and other times I have to wait until the cinematic is over just to see if it will start up. I even started muting the game before launching just so I don't need to hear it while I use my browser to pass the time.
And what do I get for all my patience? A janky, ugly washed out looking game. Let me set the record straight, I don't mind jank, not at all in fact I welcome it at times and graphics? I couldn't care less, however when everything looks washed out and dull it's hard for me to look past it. I will admit, some places look good, in fact I would say the textures are pretty well made and well detailed, but whatever lighting effects are in play are just... Horrid.
Now the game itself, is... Okay? I think? I genuinely can't tell, I think I like what they tried to do but with constantly getting stuck inside bosses and boring attack patterns with spongy health bars it makes me not want to engage with combat and rather just advance in gear to make it less painful to engage with. The building is decent and I like the idea of getting thralls to do the labor for you (no matter how sick that sounds) since it is a fun idea... However, grinding to get named thralls is just so time consuming, then you have to drag them all the way back to your base and then wait even longer for them to be proper thralls that you can use. Speaking of waiting, that seems to be the goal of the game, to wait. Waiting for things to be built, waiting to get to the next level to advance with gear and waiting to get the right weapon that you actually like using. I would say grinding but I never felt like it was turn your brain off and grind it felt more like waiting until you can play the game next. Finally the bosses, they are both too easy and too hard, all attacks are well telegraphed and some can hit you even though you doge at the only second that it was apparent that it was an attack. Combine that with all good armors being locked behind level 60 (max level) and them being more tanky than they have any right to be with how limited their attacks are, it just becomes a slog.
Now all of this is from a single player point of view and I did tweak and edit the server settings to make it more bearable but balance is almost impossible, it can go from far too easy to normal if you make the settings more in your favor. However if you just slightly tip it in your favor which is what it feels like is both challenging and fair, then you can go from it being fair to you being thrashed with the best gear in the game.
I understand that yes playing alone is difficult but I have to wonder what the idea is behind making so much of the game PvE and adding so many RPG elements along with a story. What was the idea? To make a survival-RPG-PvE/PvP-MMO? I mean sure, I don't hate the idea but the PvE aspect seems very half-baked along with the RPG aspect.
So the base game played singleplayer is a no. A definite absolute no. However the multiplayer aspect? I have no idea, I can't imagine it being much better thanks to how progression is tied to the progression of the base game, aka story and dungeons or PvE. So then I guess you either make it far too easy with more players or make it far more difficult thanks to not having that many people in your clan. And I can't say the idea of losing your named thralls and weapons that cannot be made is very appealing prospect, however I guess the thrill is what makes it fun for some.
Overall I think the game has good bones, but if after all this time I still feel like the game is under cooked then I don't know what to say. I will admit I had fun, I wouldn't have played for 40 hours if I didn't find some fun. But now after all this time the issues are just too prevalent for me to ignore anymore and now I am just bitter that I can see how good this game could be and yet it falls short far too often.
Tldr; This game made me both sad and mad and bitter I had around 10 hours of pure fun and 15 of confused fun and the rest just pained me to play. I would not recommend from my personal experience.
There is a Single player mode, and regardless stated on store page it is running very well on my Steamdeck and on my Linux PC Fedora40/Xeon/RX570.
I love this game and I've been playing it for years, but the Living Settlements update is *broken.*
Crafter thralls keep resetting their home point to 0,0. So no matter where you put them, they end up teleporting to the center of the world map. So you can either keep trekking to the highlands to rescue them, or let them despawn.
Age of Heroes should have been delayed until this was fixed.
Should it even be allowed to release a patch you know will break the game?
The Age of heroes update makes thrall ownership (a major part of the game and progression system) unusable. because npc pathfinding has always been broken for years and thralls now wander your base with this new update, they WILL fall through the floor and dissappear into the bug void because of it. So you capture a tier 4 thrall, spent HOURS waiting for it to finish taming, so you can access the unique crafting recipes that REQUIRE a high level thrall. and the new update will just make it wander into a wall and clip through the floor and go away forever. Now all that time and effort was wasted and you cant even craft the items you needed to! its not like they didn't know this would happen, the newest patch got a beta test and players warned them about this issue.
The short: Avoid the game and funcom until they learn how to bring out a non buggy update (so basically just avoid them)
The full story: Bugcom has failed yet again. This update had brought about free moving and disappearing crafters on all platforms. Free moving meaning walking around constantly playing with the doors and being a nuisance. As for the big issue, disappearing crafters; as in suddenly get deleted with nothing showing in any event log. If I didn't have the game for so long I'd get refunds on both steam and Xbox
I will never buy a funcom game ever again in my life after this experience. The game used to be fun and stable enough to enjoy after they would fix the things they broke. These days its almost always broken. there have been major bugs that dont get solved at all. They just broke the game with their latest update and have been entirely silent about it for days and instead announce a contest in game instead of saying they are working on fixing the game they constantly break.
Fantastic game ruined by many bugs which never get addressed. The latest update has added nothing but more frustration. Whilst I enjoy playing the game very much, I can not recommend it to others. Save yourself a lot of frustration and wait until some of the major game breaking bugs are addressed (which, sad to say, but given past evidence, seems quite unlikely to happen).
This new update has lost me as a daily player. Absolute bust up
I don't recommend this game to any new players until they've cared enough to fix it all.
Thousands of hours into this game and never have I felt so let down. Thralls are a major part of what makes this game. The Age of Heroes update has been released even though the devs were aware of issues regarding disappearing worker thralls. The thrall taker journey is also broken, since you can't assign thralls to benches like we used to.
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Разработчик | Funcom |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 22.12.2024 |
Отзывы пользователей | 79% положительных (35051) |