Разработчик: Funcom
В Conan Exiles можно играть как в одиночном, так и в совместном или многопользовательском режимах.
Когда сам Конан спасет вам жизнь, сняв с креста, вам придется быстро учиться выживанию. Спасайтесь от песчаных бурь, укрывайтесь от жары и охотьтесь, чтобы добыть еду и нужные материалы. А затем перед вами откроется огромный бесшовный мир: от раскаленных пустынь на юге до заснеженных горных вершин на севере.
Покорите Земли изгнанников и прославьте свой клан. Гибкая система строительства поможет вам создать что угодно, от лачуги до целого города. Используйте в бою мечи, колдовство, луки и осадную технику; на вашей стороне могут выступить даже гигантские воплощения богов, которые обратят дома ваших врагов в руины в грандиозных сражениях.

Одевайтесь по погоде или разведите огонь, чтобы согреться. Не забывайте спасаться от перегрева на жаре. Охотьтесь, готовьте, ешьте и пейте, чтобы выжить. Постройте убежище от страшных песчаных бурь. Берегитесь мрачных развалин: там вас может осквернить черное колдовство.

Собирайте материалы для создания инструментов и оружия. Гибкая и развитая система строительства поможет вам создать что угодно, от лачуги до целого города. Размещайте ловушки, подъемники и защитные сооружения, ставьте в домах мебель, верстаки и другие предметы.

Отхватите себе кусочек Земель изгнанников, даже если придется отнять его у других игроков! Стройте осадные машины и применяйте взрывчатку, чтобы разрушить стены вражеского города. Расставляйте ловушки, ломайте волю рабов и выстраивайте укрепления, чтобы никто не вторгся к вам.

Изучайте опасные заклинания и оскверняйте собственное тело, чтобы применять их. Тех, кто готов поступиться жизненной силой, ждут особые черты. Приносите рабов в жертву, призывайте демонов и нежить и подчиняйте их своей воле. Погружайте мир во тьму, взмывайте в небо на крыльях чудовищ и призывайте молнии на головы врагов.

Теперь в Conan Exiles сменяются эпохи, у каждой из которых будет своя тематика, бесплатные игровые обновления и боевые пропуски. Благодаря эпохам развитие и совершенствование игры остается бесплатным для игроков, а у всех желающих появился легкий способ поддержать игру и получить эксклюзивные косметические предметы.

Исследуйте огромный и бесшовный открытый мир. Вас ждут песчаные барханы южной пустыни, таинственные болота востока и заснеженные горные пики холодного севера. Странствуйте, отправляясь в дальние дали, покоряя вершины и наслаждаясь полной свободой действий.

Сражайтесь со свирепыми чудовищами и другими игроками, используя боевую систему, основанную на связках приемов. Уклоняйтесь, блокируйте, оттачивайте боевое мастерство и станьте величайшим воином этого края. Используйте луки, кинжалы, мечи, топоры и многое другое.

Берите в плен лиходеев и силой заставляйте их защищать ваши земли. Сломите их волю на жестоком колесе боли, чтобы сделать из них лучников, ремесленников, воинов, лицедеев и прочий полезный люд.

От Черной башни на севере до Клоаки на берегу южной реки вас ждут развалины древних цивилизаций, хранящие свои тайны и сокровища. Узнайте о прошлом Земель изгнанников, исследуя их и беседуя с неигровыми персонажами.

Свяжите себя с одним из четырех божеств, например, с Деркето, богиней страсти и смерти. Принесите жертвы на алтаре своего божества и призовите его могучее воплощение, которое окажется в вашей власти. Возьмите воплощение под свой контроль и сотрите своих врагов в порошок вместе с их городами.

Играйте в одиночку или боритесь за выживание и власть на открытых серверах в режиме бесконечной многопользовательской игры. Вы можете создать собственный сервер и пригласить игроков в мир, живущий по вашим правилам и законам. Хотите поиграть тесной дружеской компанией? Попробуйте совместный режим!

Когда вы играете в одиночку у себя или на сервере, то становитесь хозяином собственного мира и получаете доступ к самым разным настройкам. Управляйте скоростью развития, размещайте монстров, становитесь невидимкой, отключайте воплощения богов и делайте многое другое. Станьте главным на собственном сервере!

Скачайте моды к Conan Exiles прямо из «Мастерской Steam», чтобы настроить игру под свои нужды. Вы можете скачать и специальный редактор Conan Exiles Unreal Editor, чтобы делать собственные моды. Модов для игры не счесть, и они стоят вашего внимания!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese, traditional chinese, italian
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10 64bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 or Intel Core i5-10400F
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 or Radeon RX 580
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 115 GB
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 11 64bit
- Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 5600X or Intel Core i7-11700F
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 or AMD Radeon RX 6700 or Intel Arc A750
- DirectX: версии 11
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 115 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Steam Review – Conan Exiles
Rating: 7/10
A great survival game in a brutal world, but if you run into hackers or a dominant guild, the game can turn into a nightmare.
Conan Exiles does an excellent job combining survival, building, PvE, and PvP. The constant progression, tons of weapons, armor, and items keep the game engaging, and there’s always something to do. Combat is raw and satisfying, whether you’re fighting NPCs or other players. The building system is deep, and the ability to enslave NPCs adds a unique twist to gameplay.
✔ + Great survival experience with strong progression
✔ + PvP and PvE are both fun, with a huge variety of armor and items
✔ + One of the best building systems in the genre
Now for the bad parts…
The biggest issue is hackers. If you’re playing in a small group (2–3 players), you have no chance against them. Flying, speed hacks, and wall hacks are a massive problem because, in an open-world game, there’s simply nowhere to hide. Another frustration is when a large guild takes over a server—at that point, it’s almost impossible to play since they control everything, leaving new players with no real chance to progress.
✖ - Hackers ruin the PvP experience, and there’s no real way to defend against them
✖ - If a guild dominates a server, new players have almost no way to survive
✖ - PvE could be more challenging; at a certain point, you become nearly invincible due to weak bosses and poor AI mechanics
Conclusion: Conan Exiles is a fantastic game with massive content and great progression, but if you encounter hackers or a dominant guild, it can become frustrating. PvE is enjoyable but lacks complex mechanics to keep it challenging in the late game. However, if you find a good server, you’re in for one of the best survival experiences out there.
a nice building and adventure game
At this point, I have owned this game for a few years. It's one of those games I've had a hard time finding the motivation to play. I have recently given it another shot and I can't say I feel any better about it now than before.
The primary thing that this game is missing is the feeling that you are impacting the world. I mean, you can build up structures and there is a nice crafting system. But what you can't do is ever really clear out the land. You kill a monster and it'll be back again as soon as you turn around. Clear a camp of bandits? All reset the very next day. The lack of permanence is what I dislike about the game.
I will say though, it works great with controller. It has fantastic graphics as well. But it's not for me.
I used to enjoy this game a lot, but the bugs are just too much now. The quality as of this posting is the absolute worst that I've ever seen. The final straw for me was that all of my thralls are gone. Many hours of work to find and capture named thralls, and they are all just gone. Good job guys.
One of the best crafting game I’ve played. (nearly 3 year ago)
The mood of the game, map, music, animations, vast world… everything is great here. I had so much fun building, crafting and exploring alike. It is quite grindy though.
Building is nice and gives you many options despite looking basing at the beginning. You need to learn how it works to unleash its full potential. But after that - you can build so many things. The problem that you have to overcome is that you can’t alter terrain in any way. This can be frustrating. On the other hand you build whatever you like and wherever you like.
The slaves mechanic is really nice and helps in populating your base. Even if you don’t need some of those NPCs, it just feels better to have a base that looks somewhat alive.
The stress is put on exploration and it really delivers. Going through the map gives a lot of pleasure.
Best with a few friends.
The map is excellent. The base building is addictive.
Conan Exiles: The Ultimate Barbarian Experience (Now With Extra Sand in Your Shoes!)
If you’ve ever dreamed of waking up nearly naked in a scorching desert with nothing but a strong will to survive and a questionable ability to punch trees, then Conan Exiles is the game for you! This game is a masterclass in survival—one moment you’re celebrating crafting your first weapon, and the next, you’re getting drop-kicked by a rhino.
What to Expect in the Exiled Lands:
✅ Survival of the Sweatiest – Stay hydrated, find food, and try not to get heatstroke five minutes after spawning.
✅ Base Building Bonanza – From humble shacks to massive fortresses, you can build the barbarian dream home you never knew you needed.
✅ Thrall Collecting (Not Kidnapping, I Swear!) – Knock out NPCs, drag them home, and put them to work. They won’t complain… probably.
✅ Creatures With Zero Chill – Hyenas, giant spiders, and the occasional sandstorm will remind you that nature hates you.
✅ Combat That Makes You Feel Like a Warrior (Until You’re Not) – Wield swords, bows, and even magic (eventually). Just don’t get too cocky, some enemies hit harder than your Wi-Fi bill.
✅ Exploration & Dungeons – Discover ancient ruins, battle monstrous bosses, and loot treasure that makes all the suffering worth it.
If you love survival games that let you go from “desperate scavenger” to “unstoppable barbarian warlord” (or at least someone with a cool house), Conan Exiles is a must-play. Just remember: always carry extra water, and never assume that scrawny-looking animal won’t ruin your day.
I built a house, it looked so neat,
Then a crocodile bit my feet.
I tried to fight, I tried to run,
Respawned in desert—guess I’m done.
The games seems to bee on perpetual beta testing, missions that cannot be completed or dungeons that cannot be entered etc
Yes it is one of the older games on Steam. I love it !!! The basic survival while learning to play the game right off the bat. The community in the game are very helpful after I get to the point where I do ask for help is great.
goog god... so i started playing a few months ago, and ive seen nothing but hackers amnd cheaters. there was a really cool server where everyone got along... they talked about cheaters and stuff but i kept building. i thought they were exaggerating. they werent. they had been fighting off hackers for months. i had my whole base destroyed with battering ram and bombs within 2 hours of these guys logging in and starting from level 1. we always keep an eye on the server list. i seen their levels when they came on. one guy even said he didnt know how to play but then said he had hundreds of accounts. funcom does not care about these people. nothing has been done. unless you play on an unofficial server, you will be really aggravated. unofficial servers are modded, but the official servers, ironically, are not at all monitored. could be a realy really good game. it is a really good game, IF you want to play single player or pay to rent a server
Insane game, you can let your creativity run wild, do whatever you want. You keep coming across new things that you can explore, fight, build or do. The multiplayer/co-op mode is even more perfect.
There are small bugs, but for me personally they don't affect my rating.
I recommend it to anyone who likes adventure, building and wants to invest a lot of time in a game definitely worth the money!!!
Conan is by far the most engrossing game ever produced. If you play the game you will be hooked but in a good way. The rules are easy but the game is quite complex. It will eat up your time and you will constantly look for the next time that you can sit down to your computer to play. Best wishes Ray
Now, while I do recommend this game, I really only recommend it under certain circumstances. In my opinion, this game is best played with a friend or two. There's so much fun to be had preparing for an adventure and then riding out to conquer a dungeon or boss. With that said, I find it can get pretty tedious alone to do everything IMO. Fairly easy to get the achievements because of the in game menus/options as admin, the "Tower of the elephant" however is a pain and requires multiple people (I'm still trying to get that one, it's my last I need lol!) so if you don't have friends to play with you may need to make a post and hope to find others wanting to get this done.
I love the various animals and mounts in this game and there's definitely a lot of fun you can have hunting and exploring, but again, I would say best played with friends.
Initial review, I said the world looks decent... No! It looks frickin' awesome! I finally made it to the northern lands and it is really nice.
Definitely NOT beginner friendly. Not only is the game vague, but any "info" online is lacking. Found a Beginner's Guide on YT, but many things have been changed or bugged out since it was made.
I really like the idea and concept of the game and hope they don't give up on it.
great survival game love building things up from scratch!
This had a positive review, but I am making this a negative review now. Reasons below.
By the hours I have, it should be seen that yes, this is a good game and it can bring you many hours of fun. The adult themes and mature atmosphere puts this apart from other survival games and in my own mind makes it superior. It is also good that you can make your own settlements, rather than having to live like a hermit like many other games force you to do in the survival genre.
The issues come in the bugs and crashes that used to not be a thing, but have now become a prevalent and sometimes game breaking part of the game. Much like ARK where they add new buggy content on top of already buggy content causing a bug fest, Conan Exiles is following that same path and becoming a mess of bugs and performance killers. It used to be on their onset that they fixed their bugs and made their game work smoothly and perform well, but over the years as they add content, they seem to have all but stopped trying on both those fronts.
These past few major patches are nice and all, but its so poorly optimised that its competing with ARK for the bug fest performance award of the year. Its gotten so bad, that sometimes you cant even log into a server. Why should we have to go into binary folders, or reinstall the game, or start with specific VPN's just to have a "chance" to log in? And when you do log in its so bloody poorly optimised that your 3k gaming computer still struggles to see anything but a flat fuzzy body because the games struggling to load in the images. Take for example the Dungeon set, while it looks great, building any more than 100 pieces causes sever issues with RAM. Meanwhile you can build 1000 pieces with Storm-glass and still only be half the RAM usage.
And the Living Settlements. Its a great idea, and when it works it looks bloody beautiful, but its got this horrible memory leak issue due to chaining commands for each thrall that the RAM usage continually builds over time until the server either crashes or you restart it and start the process all over again. It was so bad the official servers had to disable the function even until they could get it into a workable state, but that "fix" did not actually fix it, it just slowed down the issue. The same thing happened when Taverns were introduced, just not as bad.
Its a great game when it works, but that's the problem, its gotten so buggy and badly optimised that it does not work as intended most of the time anymore. That is the reason for the negative review switch, because its too un-optimised and buggy as it is, and its only getting worse as time goes by, not better.
Best co-op adventure game. So much to do and explore. Building is great as well!
fun easy to play. advance at your own pace and do your own thing. Great community on the servers i play/played on, always helpful with information and such. If you like building this is the game to play.
In Conan Exiles, you have the freedom to explore a diverse range of roles as you navigate the brutal world of Hyboria. Whether you choose to be a slaver, a fierce warrior, or a powerful sorcerer, each path offers unique challenges and adventures.
The game’s expansive world allows for creativity and strategy in how you build your empire, manage resources, and conquer territories. It’s a sandbox survival experience where your choices shape your journey.
I enjoy the building mechanics, and recent upgrade to make your followers roam around so you can create your own little settlements or cities. Also very nice art style and runs well, with lots of customization options to your play.
Great game! Love the mechanics and map, the graphics, and the music! Just PLEASE add cross-play with consoles!
Still the best building survival mmorpg type game out there, if you are a builder that is, the game is so fleshed out and well optimised, it willl take you years to fully discover the The Exiled Lands map
Its a bit buggy, but most of them are hilarious. Examples i have run into:
- Cant shift click dung out of anything
- Elephants (and only them that i have found so far) while your sprinting if you run out of stamina, will just keep running pass you and off into the distance and then appear behind you once they "despawn"
- Bodies and items being stuck in the air if they "land" on a moving object, like an enemy and making it impossible to aquire the items within said bodies
They can be mildly annoying at times, but I really do love this game. i like that its kinda like a souls game (which i love but cant seem to get the hang of) but with sandbox creativity. if you like both of those genres, i definatly recommend this game.
BUT, the one gripe i do have, is that a lot of good content is locked behind paywalls. For example, All of the better building items are behind paywalls. and you would think that oh then they must require different things like materials and such to make it more interesting. after buying ALL the DLCs they all require the same stuff, shape wood, steel reinforcements, and harden clay. Same with the armors too. The cooler armors dont really add anything, cost the same as the basic stuff. I have been finding that the ramdom armors i find (like the master cultus one; which i think is base, but it might just be in the isles DLC, i dont remember) is way more interesting to get the materials for. it needs perfect medium padding (still havent figured out at this point how to make it, i just keep finding it when raiding) and i think ivory silk (i havent even figured out silk yet, let alone ivory silk) which makes things more intriguing to me cause i have to go figure it out and seems way more satisfying once i complete the set.
It's a really fun game. The combat is well done with a lot of variety of weapons to use. Having thralls that can assist you in battle is also a really good idea. There are many layers to this game but the most fun of all is the building. You can create small buildings, large castles, or even small towns surrounded by a protective wall. Best way I can describe it is Minecraft on steroids.
I love the game. There are a few issues with game play reactions and mobility during encounters that make the combat in this game a bit stiff, but over all this game is great.
This will always be my favorite open world survival game. The building is second to none and the combat whilst a bit clunky can become incredibly addictive.
I just wish for the love of god they would do a graphics update. If you're running on this on a much higher then recommended spec, Unless you turn on AA the game has this awful artifacting and jagged textures. But with AA on it makes everything at a distance look blurry. I would put so many more hours into this game if they just add some more graphic options.
I have played Conan for sometime... left and came back after trying other games. I love the content, the building ability and having something to actually do in game.
I was introduced to this game on PS4, and i enjoy it just the same as I did there. The real difference is the amount of mods available on pc that completely change the experience from the console version.
Finding a server is kind of an odd thing.
The game does have a good community though in some servers. Most people are willing to help from what I'm seeing. And the game dev's just put out a thing stating they are stopping the making of extras' to refine what they have, and to me what they have already is pretty good.
For a discount I got this, it's definitely worth a shot. Requires patience.
Runs good on most low end stuff too. (4060 rtx on a laptop is running it with almost no effort. 20% usage on max.)
For those looking for an alternative in their experience with Role Play in other games, give this a shot but look carefully for your server choices. There are some really great people that make this game's atmosphere and story all the more fun.
One of the better survival games out there, action RPG combat and more PvE content than most other games of the same genre.
fantastic sandbox RPG with all the elements of building, crafting, adventure quests, pvpve, and exploration you're looking for.
hard to get in, hard to get used to, hard to love...
but when you do, its one of the best on its genre.
really good graphics, fun gameplay, also like that you can recruit npcs, would recommend
I played this game a long time ago on console i saw it was on sell on steam gotta say i love the fact that the game is still active and the devs are still active if you never really played this game i highly recommend this game as its alot better than some of these newer games that's out! A+++ give this game a 8/10 check it out while its on sell
This is a great game and I highly recommend it if you like crafting, building and exploring. I like the world/gameplay settings so you make the game as hard or easy as you wish. Plays great on Steam Deck, handheld.
Играется кривовато, боевка всратая. Баланс убогий, завязан на циферках лвл. Интерфейс недоделанный, особенно в крафте - ты не можешь увидеть в игре до создания предмета его характеристики. Рабы кривые и всратые.
Ну и самый большой минус для меня лично - это жанр "развлеки себя сам" - какой то четкой цели нет, разве что исследовать мир. А исследовать его желание пропадает из-за общей всратости игры.
It has a few minor quirks, but this is one of the better survival type games. There are so many things that can be done.
After so many years of development game acquires more content, it becomes more and more unstable. To a point where it performs worse than the beta version.
-Constant crashes, sometimes up to 10-20 withing few hours
-Loading into black screen...
-Potions are not registering but are spent
-Cant skip into most of the times
-Mounts/NPCs fall through the textures and disapear
Good game if you play on your own server. Had 50 hours into a game and the server owner locked the server. Huge waste of time and energy.
Love this game, and recently picked it up on PC after playing it on console (XBox). Sadly consoles dont get the same level of support from the developers (XBox didnt get the Age of Heroes patch, that attempted to address bugs introduced into the game after the most recent update).
The devs overall lack of support really punishes the community, and holds the game back. Hopefully their recent blog post (Producer's Letter: 2024 and Ahead) which has prioritised fixing bugs and stablising the game, rather than releasing new content will fix the game. But I feel the devs really need to communicate better with the game's community, detail a roadmap of fixes, and regularly provide updates, to rebuild the trust in the game and its developers
I really enjoy the building part of this game. Seeing your base from afar everytime you go exploring grow more and more really gives you the feeling of progression. Totally recommend.
really fun survival games, i have gotten a few of my buddies together and just messed around for most my time one it, but the servers are mostly active
Ai is bad graphic is not really good the only thing i like about this game is kinda like mixed minecraft with rpg open world game + workshop, also 90% of this game is DLC so you need to spend so much money to have everything in this game (except workshop) so,
This game is a lot of fun. When you are not frustrated to death because of the lack of support from the Dev's at Funco. This game has so much wasted potential. There are bugs that have existed since game release that the devs refuse to acknowledge or repair. They release "new" content from time to time. But, as with everything in this game, all of their content comes with built in bugs that are game breaking and Funco refuses to acknowledge or fix said bugs. For example: Newest content is Age of Hero's. Which was released Oct 17th 2024. There are bugs that do not allow you to complete the quest lines for BOTH new followers. And they are currently not supporting any issues that are happening caused by Age of Heros and are ignoring requests for support on any of the bugs caused by said released new content. They actually delete posts concerning the bugs for both followers.
I would not recommend this game to anyone because of the lack of support from the developer Funco. They are ;worse than Bethesda.
really good game for pc tho the sorting could be fixed but all in all its a good game to play with friends
For many years this is still my perfect base-building/survival game.
its fun asf.
i mean i play on 2x servers (PVPVE) myself but i cant be fucked actually spending a whole day building a base.
i havent played on that many servers but my experience with the other players on them was great.
so if you want to do mass slavery, building golems, praising the flying death squid. then this game is for you.
loved this entire game, playing 100+ Hours now, and will be play more so far.
Loving the entire freedom of the open world, and my total love for the community mod for being able to Dress more cloths in a costume way♥
Very fun game. It has a huge amount of content. The design of the gears, item and drop system feels like a non-grindy MMORPG that also works for singleplayer.
Of mixed opinion about the game in as much only the main application, and the fact that in order to fully leave this game you have to exit through the main menu then you still have to tag stop in the steam screen for game list otherwise the game still continues to run. Thereby continual death for your character and scores reflect this. Then should you be playing normal or higher you have the character dying time and again at your spawn point if you remember to create it. Only thing then is do you collect for each death, and wind up with a multitude of collected material? I do recommend this game, and even more to those who do not mind the bump and grind routine.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Funcom |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 79% положительных (35327) |