Escape: Sierra Leone

Escape: Sierra Leone

Steam Store

Разработчик: Reborn Games Inc.

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Эта игра в настоящее время находится в бета-версии в раннем доступе и не может

содержать все особенности, перечисленные здесь, или они могут быть лишь частично

реализованы в качестве держателей. Там будут некоторые ошибки и недостающие

материалы. Окончание последовательности в настоящее время отсутствует и НПС.

Дополнительные функции и особенности будут добавляться по мере развития!

Побег: Сьерра-Леоне представляет собой одиночную разведку на основе выживания игры от

первого лица. Сосредоточеная вокруг полная свобода и взаимодействие с ярким миром, он

является прототипом реальной жизни Банановых островов, вдоль побережья Сьерра-Леоне.

Существует около 21 квадратных километровов местности, чтобы исследовать, бороться,

выжить и спастись. Вы начинаете без оружия, без припасов, без понятия, куда идти. Никаких

волшебных стрел квест указаний, куда идти, не заставляют идти к цели или миссии.

Разворачивается во время Гражданской войны 1997 года, главные антагонисты

Объединенного революционного фронта, небезызвестная группа восстает против

правительства. ОРФ заняли на банановых островах и обьявили охоту за бриллиантами;

вербовка, которые они могут и убить, нанесение увечий, или поработить тех, кого они


Вы играете как гражданский,который пытается сбежать с острова. На протяжении всей игры,

вы будете вынуждены принять ряд решений, которые в конечном итоге приведут вас сделать

свой побег. Все зависит от того, как вы подходите к вашей попытке к бегству, как вы

взаимодействуете с другими людьми,которые,могут повлиять на то, как все закончится в

итоге. Игра является совершенно открытой и вам не дают "задания" или "цели" в стиле-

просто выбраться. Вы можете иметь встречи во время игры, в котором вас просят помочь

кому-то. Это полностью открытые квесты, вы можете выполнить их просьбу, или просто

игнорировать их или даже убить их, если вы захотите.

В релизе 1.0, есть как минимум четыре способа сбежать, и как минимум 8 разных концовок,

которые зависят от выбора, который вы сделаете на протяжении всей игры. Обе эти цифры,

вероятно, возрастут по мере развития. Компактная и простая система инвентаризации

заставит вас думать о том,как распределить продовольствие, боеприпасы, оружие или

предметы, которые вы хотите взять с собой. Борьба, в то время как не является

обязательным,в любом случае, довольно реалистична и очень жестока. Каждая попавшая

пуля,раны вызывает соответствующую анимацию и звуковой эффект, как для НПС и

соответственно игрока.

Основные Особенности:

  • Плавно исследуйте весь остров,что бы найти то что вам нужно, чтобы выжить, от

    банана к АК-47. Никаких невидимых стен или экранов загрузки.

  • Драться с помощью реалистичной системой боя...или нет,выбирай сам,если ты головорез .

  • Около 21 квадратных километров.Ручная роспись пейзажов и растительности, дает вам

    тонну места для изучения.

  • Используйте простую и интуитивно понятную 12 слотовую систему инвентаризации,

    принимайте тяжелое решение о том, какие пункты оставить, а какие убрать.

  • Реалистичная физика пули, которая учитывает гравитацию, ветер и скорость в каждый

    отдельный выстрел – все, что может повлиять на проникновение, урон и точность.

  • Смерть приходит в нескольких формах-

    пули;болезни;обезвоживания;голод;автомобильные аварии;дикая природа и другие

  • 24 часовой день/ночь цикл система погоды, которая включает дождь разной силы, ветра, и

    28-фаз лунного цикла.

  • Обнаружить и защитить убежище, он-твой единственный шанс сохранить вашу игру и

    служит хорошим местом для запасов товаров или чистки оружия.

  • Найти топливо для различных видов транспортных средств, от дизеля-приведенная в

    действие мотор для катера, работающий на газе. Ходьбой не уедешь далеко и быстро!

  • Взаимодействовать с окружающей средой; от открытия замков отмычкой, чтобы открыть

    дверь, до приготовления пищи на костре, в погоне за куском рыбы, на охоту в местную

    фауну, есть много способов, вы вовлечены в динамичный мир вокруг вас.

  • Затеряться в гуще джунглей, или прогуляться вокруг широких пляжей.

  • Подробное обращение с оружием, включая погрузку и разгрузку сыпучих патронов в

    магазины, очистку вашей пушки, устранение замятий, и опция "быстрая перезарядка",

    которая теряет ваш старый магазин на землю, но перезаряжается быстрее.

  • Изучить неумолимый, хотя и обманчиво красивый остров. Никогда не забывай, как легко

    могут убить.

  • В руку помещай бабло,которое позволит использовать логическое размещение

    экспонатов, вместо того чтобы оставить его в системе случайного респавна.

  • Никаких рукопожатий или волшебных GPS навигаторов-используй карты или компас,

    чтобы придти к успеху, зависит все от тебя!

  • Очень ограниченный HUD и акцент на погружение и реализм.HUD отображается только

    при приглашении, чтобы оно появилось.

Поддерживаемые языки: english

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: X64 Windows 7, 8, or 10
  • Процессор: Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.6 GHz or faster
  • Оперативная память: 6 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia 760
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 25 GB
  • Дополнительно: System requirements are high in early access, but should come down with time. Nivida cards seem to perform much better than their counterpart AMD cards. Linux, Mac, and 32 bit OS will be supported at a later date.
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС *: X64 Windows 7, 8, or 10
  • Процессор: Quad-core Intel or AMD, 3.2 GHz or faster
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: Nvidia 970
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Место на диске: 25 GB
  • Дополнительно: System requirements are high in early access, but should come down with time. Nivida cards seem to perform much better than their counterpart AMD cards. Linux, Mac, and 32 bit OS will be supported at a later date.





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 09.07.2019 07:26
          5 0

          The game is not finished and the developer say that probably won't be finished.
          Fair enough: the game is raw, with a terrible combat mechanic and essentially a HUGE void (with plenty of grass) and... ok, it's simply unfinished.
          Don't waste your money, this is a straight 3 on 10...

          Время в игре: 88 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.07.2018 09:02
          9 0

          Escape: Sierra Leone

          Abysmal performance , sluggish controls , poor animations , bad AI ...( in short it tries to be a poor man's Far Cry 2 clone with no success )...refund !

          Время в игре: 111 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 07.11.2017 04:59
          3 0

          First off this game does not hold your hand and is not very forgiving.
          Does that bother me? Nope.
          You are a civilian trapped in a warzone in jungle environments trying to escape.
          Simple premise, not so simple game.
          How you escape is up to you. There are various ways (which I have not accomplished yet) to make your getaway.
          The main game can be very tense as you trek through the jungle, scavaging for food, water, and weapons to survive.
          Making your way hoping an angry hostile isn't creeping around the next turn.
          Just because you shoot someone does not mean they just intantly die. Numerous times I have shot an enemy but it was not a fatal shot and they got back up and killed me.
          Same goes for you, you may think you died but you stumble up, screen tinted red as you try and find where the shot came from.
          The game has some interesting mechanics that reinforce the fact that you are not some military tough guy.
          Some things that I do not like though are how you can't put a pistol from an equipped slot back into your inventory without first dropping it.
          You can only have 2 equipped weapons and no ablility to put large weapons in inventory (which makes sense)
          A way to unload a gun would be nice as well.
          There is another part to the game called Operation Freetown which is a more "shooter" experience.
          You are a soldier behind enemy territory all alone. Pretty fun, let's you play around with the mechanics and guns without risking anything on your survival playthough.
          Be warned when you start the game it loads everything, so depending on system it could take awhile.
          Putting it on an SSD sees massive loadtime improvements.

          Fun game, shows promise. Dev seems to care about his game (solo dev team)

          Время в игре: 455 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 03.06.2017 22:41
          7 0

          Well I played the game for a short period of time and I am requesting a refund. Graphics are just ok. Frames are low under 30. Far to much thick vegatation. I have people shooting me that I can even see!!! Sounded like a great concept
          but I can justify payment $15 for it.

          Время в игре: 43 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.04.2017 14:40
          5 2

          Bought this game on sale for less than $10 and I can not say it was worth it. Given the game is out since early Dec 2016 would think that in 6 months time it would be further along. Still it is rather empty and boring. Set to easy I only encountered on AI with a shotgun easily took him out. Then it was a lonely world. Found another island and still falling asleep.
          On Normal difficulty AI with handgun is easy to take down unarmed. If you can pick up his gun is a crap shoot as you can not find it in the thick bushes. Guy with the assault rifle seems to be able to see through the brush to kill you before you can get to a point where you see out the bushes.

          I will not recommend this game at this time. I understand very well its EA and a WIP but the Progress does not seem to be far along. Substinence is another EA of the same type and that game is moving along well. More to do more danger to avoid. So even try to say this is a one man Dev.....that does not fly as Substience is also one man.

          I gave my opinion here its up to the reader to choose what to do with my opinion.

          Время в игре: 163 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.04.2017 04:30
          14 0

          One of the best games I have played in years...
          Escape: Sierra Leone is a tough game in its own way, the AI is accurate and deadly, Balistics are well simulated, food and water are scarce, the protagonist is Joe Average with no special skills or a gift of divine destiny. What makes this special is that it puts you the player into a mess of trouble where you and your actions really make the success or break it. Stealth is the order of business and a gung ho frontal assault is not going to get you much but a bullet in your gizzard, however in the right moment with luck and surprise on your side it might be just the thing needed to move forward. Be warned, realism is a pain in the rear. You can carry about a dozen items and will have to make some hard choices about what to take and what to leave behind as you travel. I guess the best I can do is list some pros and cons and let you decide for yourself whether this game is your flavor.

          Smooth graphics
          immersive environment
          simple controls (though see below in cons for some comments)
          interesting crafting as well as hunting and fishing
          challenging but attainable goals
          Developer is VERY active and interactive, take constructive criticism well and CARES about the game and players.
          Open world / sandbox that does not hold your hand or give you beacon style goals.

          Inventory system: The inventory can be frustrating in that unless you follow a very precise sequence of action you will constantly be tossing items on the floor as you attempt to switch items. While most games have an 'auto rotation' that automatically puts away one item when switched for another, this game does not really work that way. Sometimes small items will rotate into the pack sometime not (and the when or why is not very clear).
          The inventory has slots for roughly a dozen small items (backpack) and then a single large slot (hands) that is your ONLY hot slot. What I mean is that it represents what you are carrying in your hands and while you have two items available in this large slot (one holstered and one active / in hand) they may be a combo of large items like rifles and a small item like a pistol. If you have in your hot slot two 'large weapons' (rifles, ammo boxes for extra items, shotguns, fishing rod, sleepingbag etc) and you pick up an item or rotate something out of your pack that is classed as a weapon you will toss the in hand item on the ground. many times I had my pistol in hand (fits in my back pack) and my rifle holstered yet when I picked up an item it did not put my pistol in my pack, it tossed it on the floor.
          I could then pick up the pistol from the floor and it went directly into my backpack....
          there is a key to drop items but no key I could find to put something from your hands back into your packnor can you drag and drop from the hand slot to a pack slot.

          Lets say I have a pistol in my backpack, a rifle in my hands and no second item in my hot slot / hands. If I decide I want to use the pistol I must open my inventory, then 'holster' my rifle, select the pistol in my backpack and thenchoose 'use'. This moves the pistol into my hand. No problem, now I can use my mouse wheel while in play to switch between the rifle and pistol. However when I open the inventory, the item that shows in my 'hand slot' is the holstered item, not the active item. This is counterintuitive and can lead to confusion. Furthermore it is not uncommon to pick up a weapon only to have the weapon in your hands thrown on the floor even though it would fit in your back pack (proven by the fact that one can immediately pick the item up and have it go directly into one's pack). Frankly after 8 hours of play this confusing pack - floor - hands system had me frustrated as heck. The interface needs two hot slots / hand slots, one that is highlighted as the active item and one for the holstered item, in addition it needs to allow a drag and drop movement between slots.

          This said, I would still concider this one of the greatest games I have ever played.

          Время в игре: 703 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 24.02.2017 02:34
          5 0

          This Game is Truly fun to play. My biggest reason for supporting it is because the Developers listen and take notes of issues and work to keep the game going. In the 3 months since it has been green lighted, it has changed greatly. Early Access titles that keep the updates rolling and work towards a balanced and fun playable expierence deserve the support and recognition thats due. Yes bugs happen and Yes sometimes things break or go wrong, but thats why this is Early Access, as a gaming community we need to accept that. I personally a fun time with this game evening when its finding a helicopter and thinking I was going to rain a hell fire of death upon the bad guys only to attempt to take of and flip over....Best time ever!

          Время в игре: 248 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 14.02.2017 06:18
          5 2

          The UI is clunky, interacting with objects is slow and tedious. The enemies move like they might as well be sprites. After playing for about 50 minutes I couldn't find a save spot and I was already growing tired of it. The extremely limited inventory space meant I was going to be running back and playing the inventory management mini-game I've come to hate in games.

          This isn't an exhaustive review, I couldn't bring myself to play it long enough to find out if it has hidden depths.

          Время в игре: 54 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.02.2017 15:25
          5 0

          This game already features fantastic gunplay and brutal realism, so if you are OK with that and also navigating jungles which limit your vision, pick up this game. Since release, the developer has done an amazing job talking to the community and adding features into the game. Definately worth a look.

          Время в игре: 212 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 01.02.2017 19:17
          25 1

          An intense game. This one will not be for everyone. Of my friends, and no cut on them, I can safely say it wont be a large number of them enjoying this.

          It is an EA I noticed sometime ago. Like most of us these days I try and watch a bit before I grab one. That doesnt always work out still, but every now and then.. yeah, it does. This is one I am glad at this point I grabbed. Even in the worse case scenario, its got enough going to make it worth the while now. But on that, the Dev is active ( yeah, also normal during the early days.. ) But! This Dev is not only acknowledging and commenting on bugs, and suggestions, he is working them. The record so far is " That is a great idea.. I am adding it " and it happens. " Wow, thats a bug I totally didnt think of.. " and its fixed. Plus he has been brutally honest. Its a one man show. He is working on this project. He does not have $$$$$ to use at once. But what he is doing, is using it wisely so far. So.. Far.. I stress that because looking over the information, the guy wants to make this game. He is making this game. He has not been distracted so far.

          Now onto the game. It is indeed a survival type game. But unlike that term thrown out so much of late, it really is getting about as close to the RL type of survival that has occured before. Sure, it is still a game, but it's one that hits close to being life like.

          To start. Our hero has no uber special talents. No magically acquired skills at building a full blown base / house / fortress. He doesnt know how to craft machineguns out of a pile of rocks and bubblegum. He is not a wonder ninja. He is just a guy who worked at trying to get by day to day, and was aware of the bad events going on in the RL Sierra at the time frame.. and was hoping to not see the storm of trouble come his way. But it did.

          The guy is just trying to walk home to fix his boat, and finds the war has come. Now here is where the RL intense stuff starts.. he has nothing. Zip. Nada. The only things he finds at first are what you might indeed find in RL. An ignored handgun, a few dropped magazines, some small food items.. etc. You get the idea. No one man army start. No map, no compass, no GPS etc.
          The only ' unusual ' skill our guy has... he can fly a heli. He only can do that because he was a very basic pilot for a tour company before. Doesnt help in the slightest tho' at first... since he has no access to a heli just sitting around.

          Now, survival. He has to eat, drink, rest, heal and watch his mental state. None of it is magical. If its not food he finds, he has to create it. He doesnt heal instantly from a bandage to a gunshot.. and getting shot hurts.. he staggers, falls.. fails to aim correctly. But so do the bad guys. On the badguys.. they are not some ' how the hell ' ones. They have a reason to be there, they are not uber soldiers, not amazing at what they do.. but if you approach a conflict like a normal game, you die. Simple. Run in like a guns blazing FPS hero... hope your save was not long ago. Because you are dead. Better figure a way to get by, or kill more of them before they gang up on you.. and they dont appear from thin air.. you get the jump on 4 and kill them. They are dead. You get the jump on 4 and forgot to find the guy on gaurd by the trees.. oops.

          Gameplay.. is hard. I looked in on Easy, and played on Normal. No way am I trying out the Hardcore yet. There is a pacifist mode.. which is geared to explore, survive. But honestly, I dont see that holding many peoples attention long. Sure it is all about living minus the rebels.. but there is not that much to craft yet.. and even then, its not a base building survival game. Its a build to survive to get the hell away game. But that mode is great for learning some of the trickier things.. like INVENTORY.

          Inventory. Its tricky at first. Its ' kind of ' realistic in limits. You can only carry so much, which is handled in management vs bulk. You can add to that amount and transport things for storage etc with extra things like an ammo can... but you have to sacrifice a hand.. The inventory is a bit tricky to learn to use also tho'. For example, to use the ammo can you have to hold it. then press fire. Not really complex.. but no documents about it yet.

          Crafting. Its pretty basic. But so far only in the scope of realistic on what you can make. You can make your common mans items. Molotov / food / clean weapons / break things apart. No uber bases or auto cannons...

          He can hunt, find fruit and food left, make a rain catcher ( he cant boil water yet, tho' he can cook. Boiling is coming )

          Graphics are not bad at all.. the jungle is thick.. and while a great way to try and sneak around, the enemy cant see you. But you cant see them either. Step out of the dense bush, and dont be shocked to surprise a group standing around. Unreal 4 is the engine at work BTW

          Now on the gameplay. Totally open. As in really and truly open. Do what you want. No maps. No quest target arrows. You are simply trying to either escape the conflict and no one is guiding you on how to do it. Or you are simply trying to get by and live as long as you can .. Also with no help from the game, quest etc.

          Your HUD is not there. Yep. No HUD. Which is good. You have to know how many rounds are in your weapon. You have to know what direction you were facing. You dont know how to read a map? Better figure it out. Plus you better find one. You dont start with that. How many of us walk around with a map and a compass of our state in our purse / pocket?

          So yes. I am loving this concept. Even at this state of EA, missing things, and not being complete. Its worth it to me. Will this be a much loved game? Doubtful. But not because of the game being bad. Simply because this game is saying.. I am not a game of FPS. I am a sadistic journey into how much life can suck if you decide to buck the RL type situation and play one man hero. I will kill you. Often.

          I am liking it. ( Saves can only be done in found safe houses / shacks at this time. Death does go back to last save. So its not perma death.. )

          Время в игре: 353 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.01.2017 05:48
          1 0

          I've only played about an hour. So, my first run-through I got shot at by a guy in a hut on the beach roughly SW of the starting point...a mile and a half maybe. So I flank around to the other side. He's still looking where I had been. Damn the hard tiki floor! As soon as I stepped on it he turned around and shot me with a pump-action. I run through and go a bit more right this time and came up on a burning hut/small village of three huts. A dead chick with a battery in her hand and a hole in her head is lying on the ground between the first two. I grab the battery and circle around to get inside the big hut where I discover another dead body holding a .45. Aha and it has three rounds in it! Yay! I head back towards pump-action Al, only this time I come up over a ridge from the other side where I can look down on him better. I see no one else. I sneak as close as I can with my gun aimed at him until he begins to turn around. I fill him with lead! Inside are another pump-=action, fully-loaded, (8 rounds) fuel and lots of food. Not bad, but I had to quit so I can work-out and get ready to crash. So far, it needs work, but pretty fun and definitely, if you think someone can see you but they haven't fired yet...back off and try to get around them from behind. YOU'VE BEEN WARNED!

          8/10 Will play and die again and again...:P

          Время в игре: 147 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 21.12.2016 22:36
          17 2

          This game needs serious work. 5 hours in I've seen one enemy very early in game, who I killed with a knife. It's says this is realistic, it has never stopped raining, I died of dehydration. Lots of empty bottles available you can't fill them with rainwater, a cooking pot does not fill up.? You pick certain things up, you drop your weapon and can't pick it up again. The whole inventory system is just hard work. when you do pick something up you then need to go into the inventory to find out what you've got. I have one item, I still don't know what it is. If you're expecting crafting forget it.
          I'll keep this in the hopes it will improve but knowing what I know now I wouldn't have bought this for the price.

          Время в игре: 561 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 18.12.2016 04:12
          5 0

          not happy with this game i play alot of survival games and this is just not made the way i figured it would. i play stranded deep, rust, 7 days. its just nothing like them its a direct game that i just dont like. but thats me others really love this game so maybe give it a try and you might.

          Время в игре: 36 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.12.2016 22:03
          5 1

          If you like running around like a headless chicken through miles of undergrowth then this game is for you!!

          CONS- graphics not great, weapons fire glitched, crafting system cr@ppy, lack of tasks, half of the time you cant even see the A.I but they can see you from miles away, no multiplayer, movement slow (strafeing and turning 180) I fell like pulling my eyes out. AND AT £14.99 A BIT OF A CON I THINK
          PROS - this game does have potential and whilst I am giving it a bad review and what you get for your money is terrible I do think this game is on to something.. I cant escape the Island in under 20 mins.. NO TASKS.. need I say more uninstalling and asking for a refund

          Время в игре: 69 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.12.2016 07:25
          12 0

          Wasn't a fan at first, just because it looked like your typical janky survival game. I planned on refunding it due to the price point being a bit steep with where its at (version0.5.10). But actually taking some time with it, im starting to really enjoy this game. Reminds me of a more hardcore Far Cry 3. For now the survival aspect seems a bit too easy with safe houses containing everything you need, atleast on the normal difficulty. With that said you can always play on hardcore which I dont dare to play yet, due to the firefights being pretty intense with even just one enemy. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times, one screw up and thats it, you go back to your last saved location. My favorite feature of this game so far has to be the gun play mixed with the true first person camera, it feels great. Overall a pretty intense/stressful survival game with realistic aspects, definitely keep your eye on this one.

          Время в игре: 148 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 07.12.2016 06:47
          18 1

          An amazing premisce to a probably amazing futur game.

          What i love already :

          -Unreal Engine 4, really mastered by the dev, day and night cycle, beautifull sun effect, reflections, lightning and foliage, etc etc.
          -The sound, audio in general, music, gun sounds, everything is top notch.
          -The exploration of the island which is huge, and could even get bigger with time.
          -The nostalgic feel of games like far cry and with next gen graphics now.

          Overall i strongly recommend !!! Will play more and discover more, really am happy with my purchase !!

          Время в игре: 47 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.12.2016 12:05
          8 1

          This game has a long way to go BUT it is not bad in its current form. Little things like the picking up mechanic are wonky as well as some others. Somethings I found great about the game are . . .
          - Movement as decent. Did not feel clunky
          - Scenery in game is beautiful
          - Combat isnt horrible

          Now for the things I found bad/annoying
          - Picking up feature isnt great. Takes a few taps to get things to pick up
          - When changing key bindings, my game stopped working and I could not start a game. Had to quit out and restart.
          - When the character is tired (which is always) he breathes heavy which is annoying. All you can hear is him breathing.
          - Picking up things while things are equipped is awful. You cant really switch things out
          - Couldn't figure out how to unequip my gun.

          Just little things like that are annoying but can easily be worked out. Again, I only played for about 30 minutes so I could just of not spent enough time with the controls.

          If you're interested in seeing the first half hour of the game here is some gameplay.

          Время в игре: 46 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 06.12.2016 09:46
          0 0

          A decent game so far, really enjoying the firefights, they can get terrifying in the jungle.

          I've experienced a bug, but after talking to the dev(Who's a pretty friendly bloke btw) I was assured it was known and already being worked on.

          Edit: I take it back, the dev can't be arsed to work on the game anymore from the looks of it

          Время в игре: 271 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.12.2016 07:36
          4 0

          Tryed to launch this game and it does not , so take a warning and do not buy this, but if you have a good pc then get it my graphic card is old so the better ones will run it but not for mine

          Время в игре: 6 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 06.12.2016 05:55
          9 1

          Played the game for about an hour an with what I have seen this game has promise. The shooting felt pretty damn intense (mostly being shot at) from the AI. Everytime I heard the first shot go off I jumped running to the nearest Rock or Tree trying to hide for cover. Another thing is getting to a weapon trying to kill off the enemy AI they are persistant in keeping everything including there guns but the shooting either with the RPG or Shotgun is very fun. Did a youtube video for what my experience was an I do like this game hopefully more guns or any new ideas are put into this game in the near future...

          Время в игре: 89 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик Reborn Games Inc.
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 07.03.2025
          Отзывы пользователей 54% положительных (26)

          Отзывы пользователей

          14 положительных и 12 отрицательных отзывов
          Обновлено: 28.02.2025 09:06


          Adventure Simulation Early Access


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