Разработчик: Real Game Machine
Маркус Питт, студент, примечательный только тем, что его родители оба работают в университете, оказывается в гуще ужасных событий, происходящих на территории университетского городка. Его попытка найти родителей или хотя бы выяснить, что с ними случилось, заведет его в худшие ночные кошмары – учебное заведение превратилось в логово смерти и ужаса. Маркус должен пройти сквозь безумие и отчаянно драться за свою жизнь и рассудок. В его арсенале всего несколько предметов, которые помогут найти путь в тускло освещенных коридорах. Ему придется собрать все силы, чтобы выжить и продолжить поиски родителей. Он понимает, что, возможно, опоздал, но его надежда найти их живыми не умирает – в отличие от других несчастных в кампусе, уже встретивших свою кровавую кончину.
Исследуйте и ищите улики, которые помогут раскрыть тайну превращения университета в мясорубку. Будьте начеку – фонарик может разрядиться в любую секунду и оставить вас в полной темноте. Незаметно пробирайтесь по коридорам, исследуйте комнаты, попадающиеся по пути, и возвращайтесь, чтобы отыскать больше подсказок и получить доступ к новым частям кампуса. Но помните, что бы там ни случилось, зло уже просочилось в каждый уголок огромного университета.
Основные особенности:
- Захватывающее погружение в хоррор на выживание – В кромешной тьме вы никогда не знаете, откуда появится враг.
- Реиграбельность – Испытайте себя в трех режимах сложности, от новичка то хардкорного геймера.
- Не привлекайте к себе внимание – Незаметность – ключ к выживанию... Иногда!
- Исследуйте – Находите предметы, ресурсы и артефакты, чтобы раскрыть все секреты.
- Слышите?! – Атмосферный саундтрек и звуки окружения заставят кровь застыть в ваших жилах.
- Реалистичный опыт в VR (DLC) – Ощутите атмосферу ужаса в виртуальной реальности (доступно для HTC Vive).
- Возвращайтесь – Открывайте новые части карты. Ваши старания будут вознаграждены!
- Смертоносные враги – Они все разные, так что продумывайте план действий до встречи с каждым из них.
Помните, что «FOLLIA-DEAR FATHER» был разработан только двумя программистами
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, japanese, korean, polish, portuguese - portugal, russian, simplified chinese, turkish
Системные требования
- ОС *: WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required)
- Процессор: Intel®Core i5-4460, 2.70GHz or AMD FX-6300 or better
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 or AMD Radeon R7 260x with 2 GB Video RAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- ОС *: WINDOWS 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (64-BIT Required)
- Процессор: Intel®Core i7-3770 or AMD FX-9590 or better
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 or AMD Radeon RX 480 with 3GB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 15 GB
Отзывы пользователей
thumb up
this game would be enjoyed by fans of resident evil, silent hill and outlast.
The game is a bit rough around the edges with that 'indie' feel, but if you can overlook that, there is a lot of great work here.
The story wasn't overly in depth but was enough to keep me going on.
May I have my money back? i was completely disappointed and have barely played 1 hour. You cannot change the game settings so no look inversion for controller and when I substitute the controller for the keyboard and mouse the character doesnt walk right, when you press W to move forward when you press D to strafe to the right it wont work unless you let go of W. The entire game is slow pace, you cant turn off the piano and ill spare you the details of what that continuous game music makes me want to do to my monitor. Please,,,, REFUND and I recommend this game if it is your first scary game, if its your very first one and you dont need look inversion, have at it.. unless you have a keyboard.
I enjoyed this, but it is not without it's frustrations.
The atmosphere and visuals are fab, but the monsters are too much "on you" towards the end. Meaning they should have larger patrol routes so we think our way around them, not for them just to go straight to you and pace back and forth in front of your hiding space.
Oh, and VR doesn't work.
I really enjoyed this game. Is it the most polished game? No. But it has fantastic atmosphere, really good in your face scares and a great story. If you like outlast then you will probably like this. For an indie horror game I thought this was great. 7/10
If you like Resident Evil or Silent Hill then you should like this game. No worries no zombies are in it. Lol It took me almost 7 hours to beat. I had no bugs in this game. I wish the ending explained the story more. I did miss 3 files tho. It has different monsters So you never know what to expect. I enjoyed this game. I give it a 8.5/10
The game does a great job establishing a atmosphere of dread at the start that does a pretty decent job carrying through the game. The locations in the game look great especially when considering how small the team was that worked on this game. During my playthrough which I recorded, I didn't run into any bugs, or issues that kept me from enjoying the game.
However the pacing of this game is wonky at best, with no real clear path as to why you went the way you did, other than the fact the monsters rail roaded you down them. Even still I'd give this game a solid 6 or 7 out of 10. With a 9 on the spooky scale (which could be because my headset was so load... but hey it worked)
Wow what a punch in the face. Game doesn't even start. Stuck at save selection screen. Literally no way to start the game at all. Went to the discussions tab, and seen other people have this problem but the dev has been locking the discussions talking about this. Again do not buy this game as you simply cannot play it. It's impossible to get past the save slot selection screen. Verified files, reinstalled, tested with xbox gamepad and with just mouse and keyboard. There is literally no way to start the game.
This game is seriously scary. No joke. Why all the screaming? Because I lack the dexterous acuity to master the controls. So I just die. A lot. Reeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Follia has it all. Jump scares, blood, psycho killers, puzzles, exploration, gore, gore, GORE!! It reminded me just a little bit of F.E.A.R..
I can't give this a down vote just because I blow at it. I feel like $20 is a little steep... take my opinion with a grain of salt since I was unable to complete the story.
Hopefully one day I can conquer this game. Don't give up on me!
I put 55 minutes in this title and... I dont want to hate, because its pretty obvious that some love was put into the game. Still, fact remains that this a generic, buggy, ugly, 'Outlast'. Not even a Walmart brand 'Great Value' version of 'Outlast', but more like the kid who has to bring their 'special paint eating' sister to go with them to play with their friends because their mother made them, version of 'Outlast'.
I have heard that the story was good, but I just couldnt stick with it. Reminded me to much of having to muscle threw 'Welcome to Hanwell' all over again, and nobody wants that.
This game could have been an interesting game however the gameplay is not good enough the resources are limited especially the flashlights battery it drains fast and it's annoying because it's too dark. It's VR nature makes it hard to be enjoyed from a normal screen.
A shamelessly blatant rip-off of the original Outlast and its DLC (with the occasional Resident Evil-style door-opening animation standing in for a load screen). In every way, shape or form inferior to the material it seeks to "pay homage" to, and yet...quite the entertaining (if slightly overpriced) game in its own right!
You can tell that love went into this one. Not as much talent as Red Barrels perhaps - and in all fairness, probably nowhere near the staff or budget! - but love is love, just the same. In any case, here's a brief list of the less-than-brilliant stuff you should expect:
- The story makes very little sense. That said: the Resident Evil games don't make a whole lotta sense either!
- The writing's fairly weak; the grasp of English mostly acceptable, but occasionally laughable (early on, you receive a "Letter form Father"...at least I presume that's a misspelling/typo)!
- The voice acting is certainly passable, though no great shakes.
- The graphics are sometimes cheesy. Especially the enemy models. But kinda charming, just the same.
- There's no jump button, which is a bit odd. Obviously the gameplay/environments take this into account - and the ever-reliable "E" button exists to enable you to occasionally hurdle over things and whatnot - but it still gives less of a sense of immediacy and agility than the frequently frenetic Outlast. (Fear not, though: there's plenty of ladders to climb, and obstacles to crouch and crawl under!)
- It's often quite unclear what you're supposed to be doing next, or why. The Outlast games have a bit of this too, but generally do a better job - as the highest quality games do - of "hinting" to the player what their next plan of action should be. Bit less of that here, though I've certainly played worse.
- The stealth sections are, not surprisingly, generally inferior to those in the Outlast games, but hey...they're not half-bad either, and throw some interesting curveballs at you from time to time (man, those red double doors early on)! This game also adds something that many people - not really myself - wish the Outlast games had: some small means of self-defence, such as a Half-Life-esque crowbar you can attack and parry with. I personally didn't find it much help: attacks are pretty pointless, and the parrying is only a temporary means to get away from life-or-death struggles...so you're still best off just sneaking and running wherever possible.
- The "running" isn't really running. You just walk kinda fast. Which isn't very morale-boosting when you're being chased down by eight-foot-tall angry dudes missing their lower jaws.
- And last but not least, there's actually one small but arguable improvement over Outlast! For anyone who found the occasional moments of being caught with no light source whatsoever frustrating in that game, this game at least gives you a bottomless lighter to see with. Sure it gives off a lot less light, and goes out the second you start to move fast, but it's a darn sight better than a flashlight with zilch batteries.
Aside from these complaints (and one tiny compliment): an easy recommend to anyone who's been starved for reasonable quality Outlast-style games since that seminal game debuted. I've honestly never seen anyone try so hard to emulate that particular game...and at least partly pull it off! Nice job, Real Game Machine...here's hoping you get some remotely original ideas in time for your next project!
Oh, and if you're a potential punter reading this review and thinking: "But I haven't even played Outlast! This review doesn't really tell me what to expect?" Please, for the love of Satan...GO PLAY THAT GAME FIRST. And its DLC. And its sequel. There's absolutely no sane reason anyone should start with this, especially with the identical pricetag they've tacked on it. It's pretty good, sure...but it ain't THAT good!
Verdict: 8/10.
(PS If you enjoyed this review, feel free to check out my two Curator pages: http://store.steampowered.com/curator/9284586-ReviewsJustfortheHELLofit/
I must say that I did not like this game at first. I thought it was a pathetic parody of the Outlast. The player somehow jumps strangely and you can not immediately focus on the interaction. But I do not regret that I continued to play, because the more I played the more I liked it. I recommend this game to everyone who likes to tickle their nerves and those who like games with a dark atmosphere. Gorgeous graphics and great music did not leave me indifferent. I also liked the story and the huge variety of levels and monsters. I would like to advise developers that if they make a game with a large location limit the player's space where they have already been and where they no longer need to go. This is necessary so that the player does not get confused and understand what he needs to do next. If this game is slightly modified it will be even better than Outlast!
I can thoroughly recommend Follia! The tension, jump scares and atmosphere are perfectly balanced, creating a great blend of mystery and horror. You are drawn along the story without being force fed every minute detail, encouraging you to explore your surroundings to uncover more of what actually happened. The puzzles are well balanced and don't break the flow of the game.
The only downside I would mention - and this is really more nitpicking than anything else - for my taste "sprinting" is too slow compared to walking and at first I could hardly tell a difference. But this is the case with most games, so not really a major issue for me.
If you enjoy games like Outlast or The Beast Inside, you will definitely enjoy Follia.
Loving this game so far. Love the setting of game, music & the monster with the young girl is creepy as hell! Haven't noticed any bugs of late. Maybe needs abit of a hint or guide on objectives but all in all. A great polished game! :D
I almost gave this game a down vote at the start. Because , when the game started and the enemy appeared, very little information was given about how to deal with the enemy. The tip only said, "Do not try to fight, press right click to block." . This gave me a tough time at the start, but people who face this trouble, do not let this put you off. When you block an attack, the enemy stops for a few seconds. Use this window to make your escape. Make sure you have enough distance between yourself and the AI before you hide, and the AI will stop chasing you. Other than that, keep exploring and you will find it very rewarding. Also , there is one door in particular that if you open it, you just die. so if you find that door, I suggest you don't open it again, as its not required to be opened for the progression of the game. Not sure what the devs intended with that door. Other improvements that the devs could make would be:
1)Have a better main menu. It looks too deprecated when compare to the actual game.
2)Have a bit more voice lines. Currently there are too few and talking only takes place at the start. Not sure about the end because I haven't reached there at the time of writing this review.
3)Had some trouble when I turned reflections ON. There walls were glitching in a weird manner. Turning this off however, fixed the problem.
4)Make the running animation feel more like running, and less like fast walking.
After a strange starting bug I finally got to play this game, and I have to say, it was very enjoyable. It would be enjoyed by fans of resident evil, sillent hill and outlast. The game is a bit rough around the edges with that 'indie' feel, but if you can overlook that, there is a lot of great work here. The story wasn't overly in depth but was enough to keep me going and had me in the palm of its hand in the last scene.
I particularly like the old school 'resident evil door effect' being a massive RE fan since I was a child.
The monsters were pretty freaky at some points, their designs were well made and they each even had a little back story to them.
overall, I would recommend this game to any horror fans looking to kill a few hours with something that felt like it had quite a bit of love put into it. Well done lads.
Despite some performance issues, the game is great and I'm enjoying it!
It gives me Outlast vibes with some very spooky moments.
The voice acting is very good. I think that some of the background sounds FX, and music could be little bit louder though.
Considering that this game was developed by an small team, it is polish enough to play it well. The devs have dedicated a lot of time to develop this game and I'm sure that those little issues will be resolved very soon.
Recommend it.
Gore, chases, hiding, sneaking, panic, blood, guts. This game is Outlast but without the Night vision camera, whats not to like? :)
I dont feel the game is super optimized, but its nothing game breaking.
It is scary unsettling horror fun in your face.
I like.
Atmosphere / Environments are super fucking unsettling, Haven't felt this on edge from a horror game for a while.
You can tell it's an indie horror game and has some rough edges. But if your looking to get spooked, then it's definitely worth checking out. Music / sounds / voice acting are great.
After falling through the map three times I think that I am going to just stop playing until this game gets a needed update.
I tried this game on normal non VR and it seems relatively unplayable, the physics are there just its visually unappealing, weird sparkles everywhere. Still going to try and see if it does any better in vr mode and will post an updated review.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Real Game Machine |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 02.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 54 |
Отзывы пользователей | 76% положительных (42) |