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Разработчик: Naked Sky Entertainment

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RoboBlitz™ — забавная, основанная на физических законах игра, полная изобретательных приспособлений, оружия, персонажей и элементов окружения. Игроки почувствуют себя в роли Блитца, многоцелевого робота, который должен активировать древнюю Космическую Пушку, чтобы спасти свой мир от банды воинственно настроенных пиратов.

  • 19 уровней, полных головоломок и высокоинтенсивного действия в семи уникальных окружениях
  • Забавные персонажи и уникальное оружие
  • Геймплей полностью построен на физике
  • Передовая симуляция работы механизмов и роботов
  • Игра построена на движке Unreal® Engine 3

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, italian, japanese, korean, traditional chinese, simplified chinese, spanish - spain

Системные требования


Эта игра построена на Unreal® Engine 3. При установке RoboBlitz, вам, возможно, потребуется загрузить и установить последние драйвера для видеокарты.

Минимальные: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2, Intel® Pentium® 4 2.0 ГГц или AMD Athlon™ XP 2000+, 512 МБ ОЗУ, 400 МБ пространства на жестком диске, видеокарта nVidia® Geforce® 6600 или ATI Radeon® X800 Video Card с 256 МБ ОЗУ, DirectX 9.0c

Рекомендуемые: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2, Intel® Pentium® Extreme Edition 3.2 ГГц или AMD Athlon™ 64 X2 3800+, 1 ГБ ОЗУ, 400 МБ пространства на жестком диске, видеокарта nVidia® Geforce® 7800 или ATI Radeon® X1800 с 256 МБ ОЗУ, DirectX 9.0c

Поддерживаемые видеокарты:


  • Radeon® X1950 XTX
  • Серия Radeon® X1900
  • Серия Radeon® X1800
  • Серия Radeon® X1600
  • Серия Radeon® X1300
  • Серия Radeon® X850
  • Серия Radeon® X800
  • Серия Mobility™ Radeon® X800 XT
  • Серия Mobility™ Radeon® X1800 XT
  • Серия Mobility™ Radeon® X1800
  • Серия Mobility™ Radeon® X1600
  • Серия Mobility™ Radeon® X1300
  • Серия Mobility™ Radeon® X800


  • Серия GeForce 6600
  • Серия GeForce 6800
  • Серия GeForce 7600
  • Серия GeForce 7800
  • Серия GeForce 7900
  • Серия GeForce 7950
  • Серия GeForce Go 7400
  • Серия GeForce Go 7800
  • Серия GeForce Go 7900

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 21.02.2025 00:56
0 0

For the first Unreal Engine 3 game this is pretty good while being experimental in a way I've haven't seen since like ever since most of the game logic is seemingly just physics. I also know it's Xbox 360 port is hilariously optimized even by 2006 standards. What I didn't expect is for the game's credits theme to some strange rap about the game by some rap group I've never heard of. Overall it was pretty fun and worth the 9 bucks I spent on it

Время в игре: 320 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.06.2024 23:30
0 0

Super cool

Время в игре: 98 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.05.2024 20:06
1 0

Most NOED boss fights are broken and prevent you from beating the game.
Some of them have broken AI for the boss leading to a softlock, some of them just crash the game.

Время в игре: 67 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.06.2023 13:44
0 0

One of the best games I ever played when I was a child for the XBOX Live Arcade back in the 2000's. (Same for N+ and Marble Blast Ultra)
And I still play Roboblitz from time to time, I really enjoy all of the unique level designs and game-play mechanics entirely.
The one where you use beams to pull place to place like a grappling hook, or the slow-mo back-flip.
I just wish this game becomes popular again very soon and gain main traction to people from different media platforms.

Время в игре: 2216 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.05.2023 16:33
0 0

Played way back on Xbox 360 arcade. What a great surprise to learn its on Steam!!! Played through it all on the Steam Deck like a charm (Proton 5.10 got it running flawlessly!!) Thanks for such a fun game!!

Время в игре: 236 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.09.2022 05:24
0 0

Back in 2006ish when this game came out for 360 it was ground breaking with its physics engine.

Today, it isnt bad at all. Puzzle fun, the soundtrack is great and its a rather good time. Give it a roll on one of the most obscure games around.

Время в игре: 236 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.01.2022 15:34
1 0

Thinking back in to 2006 I was the proud owner of a 7900 GTX and the Robo Blitz disc was a promo material that include with the graphics card. I used to run it for hours even for days, wandering through levels and enjoying the first tech demo of the Unreal Engine 3, all supports redering "advanced techniques" such as HDRR, per-pixel lighting, dynamic shadows and other cool stuff.

It was great, definitely.

Время в игре: 158 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 10.09.2020 03:01
2 0

This title features a clunky robot who is able to smash up stuff. The game quickly throws Blitz into action with detailed instructions that have to be followed. I like how the game is layed out with three components to each of the six objectives for a total 18 levels. While the objective are made clear its up to the player to work out the various puzzles.

The level design was adequate but uninspired and lacking originality. There isn't enough character to get me hooked. I thought the grey space ship environment was lacklustre. Moving Blitz or stacking objects can be tiresome. This game was developed with a good underlying base but the enemies feel like they were tacked on after the levels were designed. While I haven't found anything wrong with the game nothing is drawing me back. 6/10

Время в игре: 113 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.04.2018 16:19
0 0

Even though i read many reviews stating the bossfights would be buggy, i experienced only one freeze frame at the endboss everything else went smoothly
The game is short but really fun puzzling
Just don´t get shooed away from reviews saying it isn´t possible to complete due to bugs

Время в игре: 191 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 07.02.2016 22:34
0 0

Great little game. I consider it a classic. It was the first game made in UE3 to be released and it does some really nifty things with physics. It has a lot of charm in the writing, a neat art style, and a bop of a soundtrack. (Besides the credits theme, bleh)

You'll need to limit the framerate to 60 FPS for it to play correctly. There's a guide on that here.

Not everything will still run the way it was originally intended, but it's still plenty playable. And it's worth taking a look at this wonderful piece of history, imo. - 4/5

Время в игре: 430 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.10.2015 23:25
2 0

A very unique physics platformer with a variety of puzzle elements. Great level editor for anyone interested in game design.

Время в игре: 5458 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 23.01.2015 22:52
0 0

While this is a negative review, I want to stress that I don't think this is strictly speaking a game that doesn't try to earnestly be good. That is, this isn't one of those games that are remarkably bad that you see on Steam so often. I played the Xbox 360 Demo back in very early Xbox 360 Arcade days and thought it was fun. And for the most part? Its actually not really straight up bad, its just below par and it has a number of issues that make it impossible to reccomend.

-The game itself might not be amazing, but when it was made on the 360 it was only 50mb in size. The PC port obviously doesn't have the same strict size limitations that early Xbox Arcade titles had of course (and they seem to have increased the game's overall size to over 300mb, probably higher quality sound and textures were the result). But still, considering that it originally was very small and yet still a fairly pretty game for its time is an engineering feat one can at least apreciate.
-Has good music.
-Very pretty art design.
-Core gameplay concepts for a 3D physics Puzzler are at least amusing and it has a generously wide selection of weapons and tools.
-Has a sense of humor.

OK, now the reason why despite those things I can't reccomend this title:
-The game crashes. Only an hour and a half into it I seem to have run into a part of the game that constantly ends the game and brings up an error code.
-Incredibly bad difficulty curve, some of the levels are absolute boring cakewalks (namely combat) and then the game will throw you into a 'boss puzzle' that will have you pulling your hair out in frustration as you try and figure how to beat a boss that constantly curb stomps you with plasma fire.
-Glitchy and inconsistent physics which make getting around in the levels a bit of a pain at times. This isn't that huge of an issue though.

With all this in mind, I am going to jump back into the game and see if I can't complete it anyway despite the game ending bug.

EDIT: I was able to get past that part that kept crashing but only 30 minutes later I ran into another issue, a door that was supposed to open at the end of a boss fight failed to open (I think its because the boss got stuck on some level geometry and the door just never triggers) So yeah unfortunately I'm not going to finish this one.

Время в игре: 131 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 02.11.2014 02:50
1 0

I do like the game I realy do i played it on xbox when I was a littel kid but on the pc virson there is a bug with the nodes i thenk they only aim for your head so the don't go down enoth for the gears that the tutoreal robt tells you to do don't work :( plz fix it

Время в игре: 93 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.05.2014 09:43
0 0

Terrific physics-based puzzler. Well worth its full price of £5.99 even now, and an absolute steal at its current price of £1.79.

Время в игре: 418 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.05.2013 20:21
0 0

Really fun game. Even comes with a in game level editor. A must buy for all physics engine lovers.

Время в игре: 218 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.09.2012 19:34
0 0

At a glance, this game looked like it would be similar to a standard platformer such as Ratchet & Clank or Jak & Daxter. Alas, it doesn't really play like a platformer. It's more of a physics based, puzzle game. It's definitely an indie title, but it's solid & clever. It has descent graphics & it looks great!

It is a bit challenging, especially at first before you start upgrading Blitz. You start out with a rudimentary stun ray, which felt akward but once you get him his first offensive laser after the first level, it picks up right away.

It has it's minor quirks but I was able to overlook it all (mostly finiky navigational nuances when precision control of Blitz is demanded). It is a rather short game; you can beat it in about 10 hours. For me, that was part of it's charm. Every now and then, I just enjoy a quick game & RoboBlitz delivered.

Время в игре: 81 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 20.07.2012 02:21
19 4

I just bought this game only to write a review on Steam. I finished it years ago and I still remember how fun, addicting and joyful experience it was. A game full of humor, action, and puzzle solving. If there only were achievements... I would have got 'em all for sure!
I remember I cried when I finished it. Just don't remember was that because of fun or drama... You know what, I gonna replay this gem title once again just to find that out.
Ten stars.

Время в игре: 33 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.03.2012 16:31
0 0

The game idea isn't bad, but its pretty buggy. One boss you have to kill with console commands because when they ported the game over the physics changed a little bit, making him never run into a grinder like he is supposed too. It also sometimes crashes. The difficulty levels aren't well thought out either.

Other than that, the game is kind of fun.

Время в игре: 368 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.12.2011 22:04
0 0

This is surprisingly fun. It reminds me of really old-school console platformers like Rocket: Robot on Wheels. And it had a hilarious physics-based tether long before Just Cause 2.

Время в игре: 3 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 14.12.2011 09:59
1 0

RoboBlitz started off being a pretty cute puzzle based game with occasional shooter elements, then it flipped 180 into a crazed action frenzy challenged by 6 different enemy NOEDs. They didn't bother to make them easy to kill, nor did they make it obvious how to go about killing them. Beyond that subtle difficulty, the game holds interest with its basic story, handful of weapons, lasers, a spin move, barrel throws, tractor beam, levitation gun, and a few additional power ups. The game play is very consistent making it a tolerable game, but nothing stood out that would make me recommend buying it.

Время в игре: 510 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.07.2011 17:12
5 0

Ok, I will not lie, this game IS short, very very short, but its mechanics are very nice, and even not being long and hard it can give you tons of fun, about 5 Hours of gameplay only, what is pretty sad =/, but even those 5 hours are very enjoyable, also, it comes with a level editor what makes it even more enjoyable, I dont know if you can download and play user made levels but you probrably can.
Even with all the bad aspects such as short and kinda easy I certainly recommend that game. =)

Время в игре: 674 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.11.2010 19:36
0 0

This physics powered game has an interesting backstory based on a giant station that comes under attack from pirate robots. No people in this game, just robots and more robots. Upgrade yourself with various fun tools, and apply your wits to work your way through the puzzles and fight the big bad robotic beasts at the end. It'll take far more then just raw firepower, be observant and study your surroundings. A fun independant game, with alot of good gameplay. The physics are an epic and big part of the game, and very fun to play around with when you aren't trying to solve puzzles or avoid being blasted.

Время в игре: 19 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Naked Sky Entertainment
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 07.03.2025
Metacritic 80
Отзывы пользователей 77% положительных (31)

Отзывы пользователей

24 положительных и 7 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 02.03.2025 06:11


Action Indie


Single-player Partial Controller Support Includes level editor Family Sharing