Разработчик: Valve
«Самая веселая многопользовательская игра» — PC Gamer
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Самая высокооцененная бесплатная игра в истории!
Являясь одной из самых популярных многопользовательских экшен-игр всех времен и народов, Team Fortress 2 постоянно развивается вместе с непрекращающимися бесплатными обновлениями, вместе с которыми в игре появляются новые игровые режимы, карты, предметы и, самое главное, шляпы. Девять игровых классов откроют доступ ко множеству разнообразных тактик.
Новичок в TF? Не переживайте!
Каждый класс по-своему уникален и не даст заскучать даже самому искушенному игроку. Мы подготовили специальный курс обучения, а также игру с ботами, которые помогут вам отточить свои навыки, прежде чем сыграть в один из множества режимов игры, таких как захват разведданных, контрольные точки, сопровождение, царь горы и многих других.
Создайте свой собственный образ!
В игре есть огромное количество вооружения, шляп и всего остального. Предметы могут выпасть вам случайным образом, или же вы можете их сковать, купить или обменять. Вооружите ваш любимый класс так, как вам хочется. Не обязательно покупать предметы в магазине Манн Ко — их можно получить бесплатно во время игры.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, danish, dutch, finnish, french, german, italian, japanese, norwegian, polish, portuguese - portugal, russian, simplified chinese, spanish - spain, swedish, traditional chinese, korean, czech, hungarian, portuguese - brazil, turkish, greek, bulgarian, romanian, thai, ukrainian, spanish - latin america
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP
- Процессор: 1.7 GHz Processor or better
- Оперативная память: 512 MB ОЗУ
- DirectX: версии 8.1
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- ОС *: Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)
- Процессор: Pentium 4 processor (3.0GHz, or better)
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- DirectX: версии 9.0c
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- ОС: OS X version Leopard 10.5.8 and above
- Процессор: 1.7 GHz Processor or better
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce 8 or higher, ATI X1600 or higher, Intel HD 3000 or higher
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12.04
- Процессор: Dual core from Intel or AMD at 2.8 GHz
- Оперативная память: 1 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: nVidia GeForce 8600/9600GT, ATI/AMD Radeon HD2600/3600 (Graphic Drivers: nVidia 310, AMD 12.11), OpenGL 2.1
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- Звуковая карта: OpenAL Compatible Sound Card
Отзывы пользователей
Classic and endless fun with a great community
One of the best Hero Shooters I've ever played.
I'm not particularly a fan of this type of game, but this was one of the only ones that really caught my attention due to the dynamics of the characters, the gameplay, the open and strategic maps. This specific game really has something different that I think you should try. In any case, it's free.
And that's why Team Fortress 2 is, to this day, the best of the best.
Bardzo dobra gra można strzelać do osób każdej karnacji, narodowości niemieckiej, rosyjskiej, francuskiej, amerykańskiej i szkockiej. Polecam wszystkim
It's heartwarming to know that this game has now been around long enough to give at least three generations of people irreversible brain damage.
My comfort game. Old but gold. It's a very fun game to play by having different maps, game modes, and characters to choose from, whom the player can customized to change their play style. And it gives free backpack expansion every Christmas. You can get one again even after receiving one already. There are also item drop-outs. So, players who do not want to buy any in-game items can survive, just like me who only bought The Orange Box to upgrade my free TF2 account.
Also, I don't like the communication tools becoming unavailable to F2P players, but I'm not certain if this is still the case...
Pretty cool, reminds me a little bit of call of duty if the graphic were not as good, but really funy game o play
you know, after i receive a spesial terminal because destroyed the Institute, this is my first game was i playing. thats is so fun, funny dan idk. anyway i has report to Elder Maxon because i see synth remnant in boot camp. AD VICTORIAM
лучшая игра которе я играе патаму ша паравазик и ваще класов многа ест ими игра можна и лучше нравится чем нет паэтаму 5 звизд лаик падписка сосися пипися уинсталите не пажалаееетете
One of the best FPS games ever made, and I feel alot of people would agree with that. The Steam market is honestly pretty good for the game but if you want something cheaper then go to (https://marketplace.tf/). The game almost never get's boring and you'll always have fun with it even when your losing.
Now that the majority of bots are gone, this game is back to being a complete masterpiece that everyone should try at least once, and most should play for years.
This is in my opinion without a doubt one of the goats of the first person games real estate. IT has all what you need. Guns, Hats, Iconic characters who are all abosulute Cinema. Truly a game that has aged like fine wine. It may have problems but that what every game has. THe gunplay is fun every gun feels meaty to shoot. Every explosive. I can almost feel tremors benetih thow feet from the shock and awe. The Music. Truly classic. Cant go wrong with a classic. Hopefully this game stays alive for along time. (thanks valve for making this awsome game)
After playing this game for close to 200 hours I can safely say that this is the best game I have ever played. All the maps, cosmetics, aesthetics, and overall feel of a 1960's war between red and blue mercenaries packed into this glorious game. Each match feels unique and with rare exceptions 98% of the people I've played with have been awesome and chill guys. Obviously there are problems with the game like having to pay to talk but all in all this game is amazing and if you haven't played it yet then you should join the TF2 Community and help yell MEDIC!!!!!!!.
P.S. - I'm a medic main so just know if you spam MEDIC! I might take your kidney. :)
Valve willingly broke the game over 8 years ago with matchmaking (which coincides with the time the majority of talent left the company), and now instead of fixing things they broke with their crooked hands they're just giving up by releasing sdk.
I guess profiting from hats doesn't oblige one to actually work on a game. Valve is rotten and spoiled and needs to face a reality check, people should wake up.
After playing this game on and off for over a decade (even though the playtime wouldn’t really suggest it), I have come to the conclusion that this game should be taken off life support, something Valve would obviously celebrate, as evidenced by complete disregard of the player base time and time again.
Team Fortress 2 is so, so painfully a product of its time, where “its time” is every single time Valve pushed out a large update. We got cosmetics (also limited-time ones, given for arbitrary reasons) and microtransactions, then matchmaking and some perverse version of achievements with rewards (Jungle Inferno contracts, anyone?) Finally, we settled on rampant cheating. If I could, I would instead write a review on Valve Anti-Cheat, but here we are…
Botting on TF2 got so bad that it was impossible to play, which is something that Valve doesn’t care about anymore if there’s profit in there somewhere. It was only after the community rallied together that Valve “fixed” the issue, but, to this day, if you play long enough and pay enough attention, you will run into more “subtle” cheaters every few games, because commercial solutions exist to cater to such audiences (see: LMAOBOX). Valve’s “anti-cheat” can be completely bypassed by existing open-source code snippets, leading us back to the point that TF2 is truly a product of its time, where basic detection techniques were good enough and everything else past that was duct-taped on top. Now, with the game being maintained by a skeleton crew, there is simply no hope of the situation ever improving. There might be further instances of grand ban waves, but, in the end, it's a war of attrition that Valve will lose.
Taking a small detour on to other things stemming from the game’s age - if you’ve played Quake about as long as TF2, you’ll be experiencing a familiar aura of “the meta must not be broken” throughout several game modes (“ye intel shalt not be capped” in CTF and “thou shalt not suck” in Mann Up), not to mention getting destroyed by players with thousands upon thousands of hours spent playing, who may or may not be cheating. Despite all that, there are always new players to be found. Bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, they try to have fun in whatever way they see fit, but the more grizzled veterans know that having newbies in your team means getting stomped in a match.
“Why?”, you ask, “doesn’t the matchmaking system use some sort of rating to balance things out? Aren’t teams rebalanced if someone leaves or joins?”
Ничего кроме громкого имени у этой игры нет! Отсутствие баланса сторон и игроков в команде не распологает к чесной игре, как пример: у синих может быть пол команды человек которые играют от силы месяц, а в противолопожной команде кучка задротов что света белого не видели, исход очивиден - если ты от природы не мамкин задрот либо мазохист любищий когда тебя дерут анальный проход 24/7, то лучше обходить ТФ2 стороной!
it is fun and action packed and has character. timeless
This game increases the voices!
They tell me to keep playing!
They tell me to keep spending money on cosmetics!
They tell me to listen!
Great gaming experience 10/10 would recommend
very good game, got it with the orange box
moving is a bit slow on my laptop tho 3:
Really fun till this day, community still grows no matter what, incredible game but too many losers.
I love the game but it has major problems.
1. It's too old, and a bit clunky, so not only are there an abundance of people who are hundreds of hours into the step learning curve, its also soul crushing to start playing.
2. Broken and quite outdated tutorial
3. In terms of game development company support this game is well past end of life, and the life support is lacking. I honor the Developers that work on this immensely though, and cannot thank them enough for the necromantic labors of love they continue to put in.
4. Microtransactions, they're just bad.
5. The community management is lackluster at best, banning some cheaters is good, but anyone who slings slurs like the sniper's huntsman arrows should be held accountable for that. It isn't *that* hard to make the steam profanity filter also flag accounts for saying slurs.
Man, looking back at it now I just realize just HOW MUCH have been taken from us over the last 10 years of or so. I remember going through all the various community seervers which were always a delight to play in and some of my earliest memories of developing as a youth date back to them. Everything wasn't perfect but there was life there... Ever since Valve has gone on a crusade to butcher everything about this game that made it unique and made it have a soul in order to turn it into another E-sport cashcow, it has declined in all of those aspects until today where it is a shadow of its pre-Meet Your Match state. I can't in good faith recomend a product which is treated with such hatred and spite from its creators. You've dropped the ball on TF2 Valve...
very good, but very hard at the same time
it has a great community, the classes are iconic, and im shit at this game
team fortress 2 mods on steam now! no more going to https://www.moddb.com/games/team-fortress-2 for tf2 mods... well... for the new mods.
Despite the lack of new content getting added, and the various issues that have come around through the years, this game is a wonderful piece of art that deserves all of it's praise, Of course there's issues but despite them I've always found myself coming back to it, even if I am gone for years at a time.
Best hero shooter of all time. Bad connection makes it basically unplayable but as it is overall, not just now, one of the best games ever made.
I think tf2 is the best multiplayer game ever made, It exists since 2007 and continues to be played to this day,
it's a timeless game who made the history for the game genre.
I don't play any online game, i hated them, but tf2 was one of the first games that gave me a sort of addiction to the game because of how much fun it was.
So if you haven't played it yet, do it, it will be worth it
At some point I just needed to stop playing this, and now is that time. I used to love this game, but it's clear through valves neglect that they don't and I can't either anymore. WHen i spend more time trying to find a game that ISNT a stomp than actually enjoying the fucking game you know you have a massive one. In one hour of trying to play I've experienced the worst experience I have ever had. Even community servers like uncletopia are like this now. seriously fuck this game
team fortress 2 is an awesome game where you kill someone with a crit and their body gets flinged across the map. 10/10
It's honestly surprising how well made this game was, how it designed to be the best experience
Sadly that carefully designed gameplay was twisted and deform into something completely different, not for the players, but for people who wanted to make money out of it.
Althought i have never experienced what TF2 was made to be, the gameplay was so carefully crafted that you can still experience a sliver of it, but it is sadly not worth to invest your time into anymore.
It's better than overwatch 2 and it's cool. (But no big update D:)
I can't in good conscience thumbs up this game. Eight years of bots solved by an unaffiliated part time contractor over two years is clear evidence Valve willingly let this game rot. The developers of this game no longer work at Valve and it's clear the current staff only want a modern Esport game they can use to sell gambling boxes with.
It's a free game so as a consumer you're spending nothing but your time here but with bots seemingly creeping back in and knowing full well Valve is intentionally ignoring it's player base, I don't know why you'd want to at this point.
Imagine viewing a slow preventable train crash over the course of YEARS and have the news report that everything is fine and in the end although you just viewed a precious gem of a train be destroyed, now you watch it's corpse be left to rot. Welcome to Team Fortress 2 and it breaks my heart to say it. From glorious beginnings to the wreck it is today, valve you can fix it although that goes against the years long status quo. I hope my optimist view can be changed but after viewing "TF2: You will (not) play" (harsh but great retrospective/reality check) that doesn't seem likely.
After over 4 years with other games, I decided today to play some TF2 once again. It wasn't fun. As spoiled food won't give you anything but food poisoning, so this game is no longer what it was, and will never be again. 2016 has ended 8 years ago. It's time to move on.
I love this game. It really is one-of-a-kind. Too bad the soul is gone.
Good job fixing the bot issue, Valve. Took you long enough.
Bots are back. The system is a joke. Valve does not care or listen. They are nothing but a husk that rides on their former glory from 20 years ago.
If you decide to play TF2 DO NOT buy any cosmetics or pay for premium. Trust me it is NOT worth it. The game is in a horrible state.
Return to Quickplay and admit Casual is total failure that never should have been implemented into the game
It’s easily one of the best FPS games ever made.
Every character has its own personality & charm,
Graphics are almost timeless.
Gunplay & movement is top tier.
Also it has goofy cosmetics.
"Team Fortress 2" is a timeless multiplayer game that has managed to stay relevant for years despite being released in 2007. Its unique blend of humor, class-based gameplay, and strategic depth has created a dedicated community that still enjoys the game today. The colorful, cartoony art style and witty writing make it stand out in a sea of more serious first-person shooters. Every character feels distinct, with each class bringing something different to the table. Whether you prefer the heavy firepower of the Heavy, the tactical precision of the Engineer, or the speed and agility of the Scout, there’s a playstyle for everyone.
What sets "Team Fortress 2" apart from other shooters is the teamwork aspect. Each class is designed to complement the others, meaning successful teams need coordination and communication. It's not just about getting the most kills; it's about supporting your teammates, setting up defenses, or pushing forward as a group. The game rewards team-based strategies and encourages players to think about the bigger picture, rather than going solo.
The game's balance between casual fun and competitive depth is another key element. While it’s easy to jump into a match and enjoy yourself, there’s also room for serious players to refine their skills and master each class. The constantly evolving updates, new weapons, and maps help keep the experience fresh, with each update adding new content or gameplay adjustments to keep things interesting.
One of the most enjoyable aspects of "Team Fortress 2" is its community. The game has a rich history of fan-created content, from custom maps to user-made skins and mods. The game’s accessibility and open nature have allowed it to grow into something much bigger than just a simple shooter. Despite its age, "Team Fortress 2" continues to be an enjoyable and engaging game, filled with quirky moments and memorable experiences that keep players coming back time and time again.
this game is the best game i have ever played, the emphasis on single fire, burst damage weapons makes it feel very rewarding to hit your shots and see that you've done massive damage, it also makes missing shots more punishing making every kill feel deserved. (except for random crits but that does not belong in a discussion of the game's core balance) it is the perfect casual shooter but also the perfect competitive shooter as it is very mechanically dense allowing for you to be constantly learning of new tech that you can pull off.
im writing a review to level up my community badge cause im bored but uh this a pretty good game needs more support from valve but like ngl pretty swazzy like yuh good game
This game perfectly combines style and functionality.
I main Pyro :p
If i see any of yall saying this game has bad graphics not even god will be able to save you from me.
i want to love tf2, i really want to play and have fun with the game, but every time the game tells me no
This game is peak FPS hero shooter. I wish they whould update more and everything was less expensive. This game is amazing. (Pyro is the best chahacter
The main reason why I have over 600 hours in this game,thanks to one Gmod video called "Team Fabulous 2" by Colin Waycoff AKA Kitty0706 (1994-2015) (RIP).
as for my favorite classes are: Scout,Soldier,Engi and Sniper.
this game means the world to me since i watched that video back in 2012.
Thank you Valve for everything!
I've been called several slurs by some soldier mains, which would be a complaint if it weren't so true to the character. I adore this game despite it's influx of bots, and how bad I am at it. Seems they're fixing that ever so slowly, I managed to be able to touch up on my skills on being a sniper at least two days, I love the community projects that have come out of it, and highly recommend the comics as well
Amazing online game. This the first Source game I ever played, and it gave me an amazing impression of the Source engine. And it's FREE to play! It's really funny to see how chaotic the servers are sometimes. And, if your internet goes out, it has an offline mode! This game is perfect in every way, and I HIGHLY recommend it. Definitely play if you have the time.
Easy to install, setup, tons of characters, nice people and basically no cheaters or bots anymore
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Valve |
Платформы | Windows, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 27.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 92 |
Отзывы пользователей | 71% положительных (24851) |