Разработчик: Bombservice

В игре Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight вы будете исследовать зачахшую землю, на которую опустилось проклятие. Зло проникает всё глубже, мёртвые возвращаются в мир живых, повсюду воцарился упадок. В сердцах людей уже почти не осталось надежды. В сердцах каждого, кроме одной — Кахо, жрицы из деревни Лун. Аудиенция у её величества королевы непременно должна помочь остановить проклятие, но времени остаётся немного, а каждая ночь темнее прежней...

“Reverie Under the Moonlight” – четвёртая игра в серии Momodora, платформер с упором на экшн-геймплей, комбо-атаки и увороты, а также огромное количество предметов и заклинаний, которые можно использовать против врагов. Вы можете выбрать как лёгкий уровень сложности, чтобы насладиться проработанной вселенной и таинственной историей, так и более тяжёлый уровень, чтобы устроить своим рефлексам по-настоящему безжалостное испытание.

- Великолепная, прекрасно анимированная графика
- Захватывающий экшн-геймплей – используйте комбо-атаки, уворачивайтесь и пронзайте врагов стрелами
- Напряжённые, интересные и эпические битвы с боссами
- Уровни сложности для каждого, от любителей игровых миров и сюжетов до заядлых фанатов экшн-игр
- Множество предметов, комбинации которых открывают новые стратегии
- Богатый игровой мир, полный секретов и сокровищ
- Причудливые, интересные персонажи — как союзники, так и соперники
- Богатое прошлое и таинственное настоящее мира игры, раскрывающиеся через игровые события, диалоги и описания предметов

Когда мы работали над четвёртой частью Momodora, приквелом к предыдущим играм серии, в первую очередь мы хотели тщательнее проработать геймплей и графику. Боевой геймплей по-настоящему эволюционировал со времен третьей части, а сами персонажи на экране теперь гораздо крупнее, и лучше анимированы.
Мы также постарались добавить больше нюансов, проработать историю игрового мира и сделать битвы с боссами более увлекательными.
Я считаю, что эта игра вышла самой лучшей и, определённо, самой проработанной в серии Momodora.

Привет! Меня зовут Дэн, и я — старший контент-менеджер в Playism. Мне очень сильно понравилась Momodora: RutM, и я хотел бы сказать о ней пару слов.
Я играл в видеоигры ещё со времен запуска NES, и все эти годы экшн-платформер оставался одним из моих самых любимых жанров. Я обожал такие серии игр как Castlevania, Metroid, Ninja Gaiden и другие ещё задолго до того, как “метроидвания” устоялась как жанр. Но игры в моём любимом жанре стали выходить гораздо реже примерно к середине жизненного цикла первой PlayStation.
Инди-разработчики, однако, оживили жанр, а вместе с ним и волшебство спрайтовой анимации. Игры rdein’а объединяют то, что я всегда любил в двумерных играх с замечательными новыми концепциями из современных игр вроде Dark Souls – я, кстати, сейчас её прохожу. То, как нужно рассчитывать свои движения, чтобы вовремя закончить анимации атак, невероятное напряжение во время битв с боссами, эпичность того, что здесь я — герой, преодолевающий всевозможные препятствия, внимание к деталям мира, анимации, дизайна — всё это просто невероятно, и rdein здорово объединил всё это в одной игре.
И, конечно, мне понравился сюжет — странный, таинственный мир, населённый отчаявшимися душами, которые мы пытаемся спасти. В каждом предмете, в каждой реплике - множество нюансов. Ваше отношение ко всем этим персонажам постоянно меняется. Вы пытаетесь их спасти, но хотят ли они спасения? Может, лучше стоит обратить внимание на странный, зловещий тон в их голосах?..
Я бы не назвал Momodora: RUtM метроидванией или игрой в стиле Souls, но в ней явно есть элементы и того, и другого. Эта игра — сама по себе, и она — одна из лучших в необъятном жанре сайдскроллерных экшн-игр. Она мне очень понравилась, и я уверен, чёрт возьми, что понравится и вам.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, japanese, french, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, german, italian, russian, simplified chinese, danish, korean
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: 1.2 Ghz or superior
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- ОС *: Windows 7
- Процессор: 2 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1 GB (with Pixel Shader support)
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- ОС: OSX 10.12 Sierra
- Процессор: 1.2 Ghz or superior
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- ОС: OSX 10.12 Sierra
- Процессор: 2 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1 GB (with Pixel Shader support)
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- ОС: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Процессор: 1.2 Ghz or superior
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 256 MB
- Место на диске: 200 MB
- ОС: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
- Процессор: 2 Ghz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 1 GB (with Pixel Shader support)
- Место на диске: 200 MB
Отзывы пользователей
dont let the titties stop you from playing they only show up like 2 times so play this game please its a relly good game i swear I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER I AM NOT A GOONER
Momodora: Reverie Under the Moonlight
this is one of my favourite 2d platformers of all time, it's amazing, the atmosphere, the music, immaculate. the game play isn't revolutionary but it doesn't need to be, the game tells a simple story through a hand full of npc and does a great job doing it, it even has a few secrets that i highly recommend looking for or even to follow a guide because it is worth every second.
overall 11/10 master piece
5.5/10 Mild Recommendation.
Its important to get this out of the way. This game has almost no real flaws to it. It is a chill, easy, somewhat fun and welcoming metroidvania experience. If you choose to view it as a bit of a souls like since it borrows from that as well this is an excellent introduction to souls like games since its not brutally punishing.
The reason for the low score is simply a case of better options. Nothing about this game is bad. I had a good time with it. Never got bored. Anything I'd consider to be a downside was really a minor nitpick. I might even play it again in a few years it was a short fun time. At the same time I can probably name 20 metroidvania's I've enjoyed more than this because of how they stand out of the pact in terms of ideas, boss design, feel of combat, hype of upgrades, and all sorts of other things.
I got this with a bundle that includes the sequel. I understand the sequel is a pretty big step up. Looking forward to playing it next.
The amount of harm the Souls games have inflicted on the Metroidvania genre is incalculable. So many games are concerned with being "difficult" nowadays, and, rather than crafting interesting enemy encounters, just opt to overtune enemy damage and call it a day.
Momodora: RutM is one such game. Attacks for both standard enemies and bosses are very straightforward, but the damage they deal is over-the-top: a boss can dispatch you in about two hits, and standard enemies can in about three. Sure, I guess this makes the game "hard", but does it make the game FUN? No, not really. Losing over a third of your health to a stray attack from a basic enemy feels like a case of bad balancing more than intentional design. It creates this awkward dynamic where enemies demand your full attention, because their attacks are so punishing, but paying attention to them isn't particularly engaging, because their attacks are also pretty boring.
I know, I know, I hear you: git gud. But my issues with M:RutM are not about difficulty in absolute terms; they're about how difficulty is executed in this game in particular. Difficulty should come from complex, nuanced enemy attacks, not just taking a simple enemy attack and cranking up the damage. This game, unfortunately, opts for the latter. Combined with relatively unremarkable level and item design, and this game is a miss overall despite its nice pixel art and good controls. I'd skip this and play something like Blasphemous or Order of Ecclesia instead.
Nice atmosphere.
Nice hitting feeling on combat.
Nice music.
Bad sfx. (could be better)
Lame story (didn't expect a better one, so that's not a problem)
Extremely bad save system (if you don't save after killing a boss and then die, you re-fight with the boss. instant red flag for the game)
This game could be a lot better with a better level design. It didn't feel so much fun to pass through levels. Almost nothing felt new. "Transforming into a cat" mechanic is only used couple of times, and it felt forced. This is not a good metroidvania game.
This is a pretty good fun game.
Classic metroidvania, on the easier side, multiple endings.
Also you can turn into a cat, I think thats pretty cute tbh.
Quick Review
Momodora: RUTM is the 4th game of the series and you play as the priestess Kaho as you venture forth to find the Queen and put an end to a curse that plagues the lands.
It features Metroidvania gameplay (more Metroid-like and less Castlevania-like; no RPG elements here) with a decently sized map and many discoverable items. The gameplay feel is nicely tight with good responsiveness in a way that is similar to Hollow Knight. There are difficulty options for varying skill levels.
The graphical style is a nicely done pixel art that I think looks quite well. Music is also good and leans a lot on atmospheric tone.
Story wise, it feels a bit bare though as if there is something lacking to better connect the events and characters that appear. Cool characters will just appear and then are gone after their one appearance. There are several NPCs around the map that just don't do anything and could have been put to better use in expanding the sparse lore.
Overall, it's a fun, relatively short metroidvania type of game and I give it a recommendation.
I first heard about this game through Limited Run Games. Although I don’t play many 2D platformers these days since my hands hurt afterwards, curiosity eventually won and I gave a quick try to see how far I could go.
It took me 3.5 hours to complete the game, with 95% of the map revealed. Despite being a 9-year-old game, my overall experience of this game was decent.
The exploration is basic. You don’t have any grappling nor dashing abilities, just double jumps, meaning areas that are too high, too far or too narrow are intended to be explored later. The area design is not complicated and you’re given a map from the beginning. In my opinion, the map could be improved as it only shows unexplored locations with a small open slot but missed the locked doors. For me, after obtaining the garden key I forgot where the locked door was, and I almost gave up midway.
The portal/fast travel system could be polished. While a save can be made at the bell, the portal ability is always grayed out. I was worried I’d missed an important item but it turns out that the portal only unlocks after collecting all 4 fragments, which happens after 2 hours of gameplay, and I really wish this could be explained earlier. Additionally, fast travel is only available at certain locations, not all the bell spots. Another frustrating aspect is that the cat form which allows access to narrow corridors, is available too late. There were plenty of pipes I couldn’t go through before gaining the cat form ability, which were annoying.
As for the difficulty - the bosses aren’t too tough, but I die quite a bit against regular enemies. The boss that grants the cat form is a bit challenging, but the final boss is a real pain. With 3 phases and the last one features an energy ball that can instantly kill, I tried over 10 times to defeat the game.
Art and music are decent for a 2016 game, it’s a bit aged but holds up to today’s standards. This game frequently goes on sale and has cheap keys, if you enjoy 2D platformers and can take the downsides I mentioned above, you should be able to enjoy.
My curator page
everything I want in my Metroidvania.
This is a fantastic metroidvania, guaranteed to challenge you if you decide to go for 100% completion.
It's a fairly hard game, if you're able to beat the bosses without taking damage, you'll get a bonus item that will help you beat further bosses. It's a nice incentive beat each boss flawlessly, and its super fun to do so. Beating insane mode where pretty much everything one shot's you is..... pretty insane!
I'd say it's a solid 8/10 at full price, it's a steal at a discount.
An excellent Metroidvania, and one of the more overlooked in the genre. Gorgeous pixel art, tight controls, and great map design.
One of my most favorite metroidvanias of all time. It is an experience that is boiled down to near perfection. The only frustrating parts would be the instant death spikes and pitfalls that can sometimes be irritating but honestly doesn't detract too much as you learn to navigate the various combat and platforming challenges sprinkled about. It is a short but great experience and I can't recommend it enough.
Limited Functionality and just overall horrible design
Good music, character designs, and exploration. One worth playing and revisiting. And please Dev, please kindly make Cath a character in another game :)
To me this is the quintessential intro metroidvania game , short with secrets to find and bosses that require to change your tactics . If you have never played a metroidvania before try this its good.
2D anime girl Dark Souls. Highly recommended
Charming pixel art and animation, weighty combat fundamentals, some surprising and clever mechanics, good length overall.
The save system is brutal! Something I take for granted from Souls-inspired games is that death is part of the adventure, like it actually happened to your character, and everything you opened or discovered or picked up before you died actually happened, even though you revive at a checkpoint. In this game, it's as if time resets, and nothing you've done since your last checkpoint has happened yet, even the items and secrets you found. Bummer! Comparing my time played on Steam to the in-game clock, I lost about 2 hours of playtime just from dying without finding a checkpoint.
But that just goes to show how fun this game is, since I kept coming back until I beat it despite the setbacks. I recommended this to all indie MV enjoyers. Momodora is simple and compelling.
Yes! Yes! Yes!!!
The game itself is fine, I guess. The main reason why I down-voted it is because that the initial walk-through took less than 4h and when I started unlocking achievements, I noticed that the're just not registering. First it looked strange to me that I didn't get any achievements for beating the final boss with a green leaf (I supposed that this would be a "Normal"/"Happy" ending, opposed to the default "Bad" one). And then I tested it with the Imp npc - gave her the shroom and didn't get an achievement.
Short and sweet metroidvania! Super atmospheric with fun combat and a decent item / equipment system. I wish I got to learn a little bit more about the characters - that's really the only detracting factor for me. I'll definitely need to go back and 100% this sometime.
Gorgeous little metroidvania with the mood that is just delicious, can't recommend it enough.
The ending (and I mean true one) is quite a bit anticlimactic and lazy tho. Would it kill you to create a pictire or two to show us the fruits of our labor a little?
Momodora Reverie Under The Moonlight is a surprisingly competent but also difficult metroidvania game. Took me around 4.5 hours to finish this and have played it exclusively on the Steam Deck in which this game runs like a dream.
Gorgeous pixel art style and animations in which I cannot imagine how long it would have taken the artists to make it look very seamless from the start till the end.
Movement is also very tight and you do get additional movement buffs later in the game. Didn't feel clunky to play using the analog stick at all.
Combat is a little bit of a mix for me. I felt like there is at times where common enemies were a lot more annoying to deal with even on normal difficulty because of the lack of Invincibility frames on the main character. Perhaps if there was Invincibility frames, it would have made the combat much more tolerable. I would honestly play on the easier difficulty unless you are a masochist.
The music was pretty cool as well considering the dark themes around the game. Very focused on ambience and it worked in the game's favour.
Can't wait to continue this series' journey once I have the funds to get em!
you get to slap a giant's breasts with a maple leaf
Everything about this game says meh. Keeps sending me back to the beginning of the game. Combat mechanics are awful. Just not a fun game.
Well worth the price, but if you're a fan of metroidvanias and you see it on sale, snatch it up and give it a try.
Awesome mix of a metroidvania and 2D platformer. Just finished up getting all the achievements and I must say this is probably one my favorite games in the metro/platformer genre. The pixel art is very cute but also does an amazing job of setting a perfect mood as you progress through each area. I could see why some say the story is a little barebones (and while I don't disagree entirely) there are some parts that hit pretty hard. The combat is very tight (and very easy to get the hang of) and I saw some reviews complaining of the melee attack moving you forward, but I didn't really have any issues with it. Boss fights are varied with each one feeling like a completely different challenge than the last. The OST slaps overall, but the pardoner fight stands out in a league of its own. The boss fight itself was so well done in terms of design/mechanics, but man the OST that plays during the fight is just immaculate. Also you get to turn into a cat so how can you say no. Highly recommend all the momodora games.
Great Metroidvania. Very solid and responsive. About as long as Symphony of the Night.
fun game. like the giant boss lady you have to slap in the tiddies with a maple leaf
Decent little game. Don't pay more than $5 for it.
was good fun art style is amazing the vibes of this game are immaculate tho i do cant say i'm that into big sexy blue lady boss but on the other bosses my oh my the boss fight are so much fun they all keep in the game play them will being different and refreshing personal fave was fire mage it was so cinematic ost nice not best not worst just nice for me levels tho are great i love how none liner the game can be and how free you are to explore the map its always a joy hunting for items and enemies tho at times rather brutal to fight are also good fun and there is such wide range of this creatures to fight as for side charetures they where okay there design where nice skeleton guy was charming and story of knight lady was very dark souls in good way
over all this game has cute pixel style a rather grim story good game play tho id advise you to change your key binds to wasd but that is a personal preference so not really a complaint
this game took me 11 hours or so to play tho there is a new game plus and if the achievements are any thing to go off fare more secrets to uncover probably looking at 14 to 15 hours beet hole thing bar the no kill and death runs that's going take you way way longer
cute metroidvania that i would say is probably one of my favorites overall for its solid gameplay and gorgeous art style.
not so fun on the harder difficulties they made me squeal
- You can turn into a cat
- Charming 2D graphics
- Consistent damage output from start to finish
- Lackluster story, very generic
- Horrendous combat gameplay. Delay in dodging, no dodge in air until the very last portion of the game, your 3-combo attack moves you forward, making you out of position 99% of the time in boss fights.
- Very uninteresting BGM.
- You cannot warp until at least 60% map completion, which still require an ability to actually enable the warping system.
Overall, it's a short game with infuriating combat system. You might get some enjoyment out of it but I will only recommend getting it on sales as a bundle with the sequel.
wasnt fun to play
One of my favorite metroidvanias
Genre : 2D Metroidvania Platformer, Fantasy Pixel Style
Overall Score :⭐⭐⭐⭐❌❌/ 6
Story/Writing :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❌/ 6
Controls/Combat/Movement (with Controller) :⭐⭐⭐❌❌❌/ 6
Exploration :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❌/ 6
Music/Sound :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐❌/ 6
Design/Graphics :⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐/ 6
Duration : 5h
Difficulty : Beginner
My Playthrough : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0aXA8ZdVpOj8Sc8DcQDS7nmhWVm32Jun
Extremely charming 2D platformer. world is full of lovely characters and monsters, feels simply magical. beautiful art and music, and pretty good combat makes for an enjoyable and deeply replayable game.
also cats wow very meowcore
The game that got me into Momodora
Music: 10
Graphics: 10
Gameplay: 10
Replayability: 8.5
Story: 7.5
Recommended focus: 5
Length: 1-6h
im in the credits as i speak and it was pretty good
Quite short and simple, yet good metroidvania. Had fun with it.
Fun, tight, and short metroidvania with a cute art style. Worth learning and replaying to meet the in game challenges and achievements
short and sweet game. good play to let a few hours pass
Cute and cozy Metroidvania. Simple, well-balanced and short, it was a pleasure to play.
8/10 Recommended
Beautiful Pixel Art, Satisfying Combat and Good Music... A fun little experience that I would definitely recommend! Will also probably check out Moonlit Farewell if I have the chance :)
Alabaster is one of the best game songs I've heard.
dark souls, but in 2d
not a fan. i got about 4 bosses in and m bored out of my mind. Its difficult in a non rewarding kinda way.
one of the best metroidvanias i've played
Игры похожие на Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Bombservice |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 09.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 82 |
Отзывы пользователей | 93% положительных (3953) |