Разработчик: Team Cherry
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Глубоко под угасающим городом Грязьмут лежат руины древнего Королевства. Многих влечет под землю тяга к богатству, славе или ответам на старинные загадки.Hollow Knight – классическое двухмерное приключение в огромном взаимосвязанном мире. Исследуйте извилистые пещеры, древние города и смертоносные пустоши, сражайтесь с порчеными тварями и заводите дружбу со странными жуками, раскрывайте древние тайны в самом сердце королевства.
Особенности игры
- Классический боевик с промоткой кадра в сторону и всеми характеристиками современной игры.
- Тонко настраиваемое 2D-управление. Прокладывайте себе мечом путь сквозь строй самых страшных противников.
- Исследуйте огромный взаимосвязанный мир забытых трактов, заросших пустошей и обратившихся в развалины замков.
- Станьте хозяином своей судьбы! Мир Халлоунеста огромен и открыт. Выбирайте свой путь – какой тропой идти, с какими врагами встречаться.
- Развивайтесь, приобретая новые мощные умения и навыки! Пополняйте запас заклинаний, силы и скорости. Воспаряйте к новым высотам на волшебных крыльях. Рвитесь вперед, словно сверкающая молния. Обращайте врагов в пепел с помощью «Пламенной души»!
- Надевайте амулеты! Древние реликвии хранят в себе необычные силы. Выбирайте то, что вам по душе – и ваше путешествие будет уникальным!
- Невероятное количество милых и страшных персонажей оживает благодаря традиционной покадровой 2D-анимации.
- Больше 130 противников! 30 эпических боссов! На пути вас ждут схватки со свирепыми зверями и победы над рыцарями древности. Выследите всех до единого чудовищ и внесите их в свой охотничий журнал!
- «Гвоздь грез» позволит проникнуть в чужой разум. Откройте для себя обратную сторону персонажей, с которыми встречаетесь, и врагов, с которыми вам предстоит биться.
- Великолепные рисованные пейзажи с экстравагантным параллаксом рождают необычайное чувство глубины мира.
- Наносите свой путь на карту с помощью разнообразных картографических инструментов. Покупайте компасы, перья, карты и булавки, чтобы лучше понимать многочисленные «закрученные» пейзажи Hollow Knight.
- В пути игрока сопровождают полупризрачные, трогающие душу мелодии Кристофера Ларкина. Они – эхо величия и скорби павшей цивилизации.
- Пройдя Hollow Knight, вы откроете доступ к режиму «Стальной души» – вызову из вызовов!
Выразительный игровой мир ручной работы
Мир Hollow Knight полон живых и красочных деталей, в его пещерах обитают необычные и страшные создания, вручную оживленные художниками в традиционном двухмерном стиле.Каждая новая открытая вами область – странна, по-своему великолепна и полна новых существ и персонажей. Будьте внимательны – и в стороне от проторенных дорог вас ждут новые чудеса.
Если вам по душе классический геймплей, милые, но страшные существа, эпические приключения и красивые миры в готическом стиле, тогда Hollow Knight ждет вас!
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, korean, simplified chinese, italian, portuguese - brazil, russian, japanese
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows 7 (64bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
- DirectX: версии 10
- Место на диске: 9 GB
- Дополнительно: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- ОС: Windows 10 (64bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 560
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 9 GB
- Дополнительно: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- ОС: Mac OS 10.13 (64bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i3
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 470
- Место на диске: 9 GB
- Дополнительно: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- ОС: Mac OS 10.13 (64bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 570
- Место на диске: 9 GB
- Дополнительно: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- ОС: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core 2 Duo E5200
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce 9800GTX+ (1GB)
- Место на диске: 9 GB
- Дополнительно: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
- ОС: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (64bit)
- Процессор: Intel Core i5
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 560
- Место на диске: 9 GB
- Дополнительно: 1080p, 16:9 recommended
Отзывы пользователей
I love this game. There aren't many games that I have been able to return to, however I find myself coming back time and time again to this absolute masterpiece of a title. I have fully completed the game, all 112% of it, and yet I am left wanting more and more, like a gluttonous little boy. If there is anything you could do RIGHT NOW, spend the 15 dollars and play this masterclass of a game, you won't regret it at all.
This is comfortably one of my favorite Metroidvanias of all time, with a plethora of replayability that allows me to revisit any time I so wish.
Smooth and functional controls makes for exquisite gameplay that allows the player full control of the Knight that they play as. Tons of fun and epic boss battles, a vast and exciting world to explore that stretches far and wide to be uncovered. The soundtrack is really great as well, and a lovable cast of characters. This game has it all so you can't really go wrong with this masterpiece of a video game, I totally recommend it.
Got this game on switch but later bought on steam so I could mod it, everything about this game is perfect.
perfect atmosphere
perfect combat
perfect platforming
perfect customization
perfect bosses
perfect game??? 12/10
(ignore my Steam hours, in game I've put in 19 hours plus like 15 hours on console.)
Hollow Knight is a timeless gem in my opinion but it takes some patience and determination to play. A lot of people quit at around the Hornet fight in Greenpath (the first semi-difficult bossfight) which weeds out the game journalists who are playing. My advice is try to understand that it's trying to teach you how to be good at fighting and exploring and not just being hard and punishing for no reason. Try to find fun in the challenge (and take breaks if you're getting stuck). The game definitely benefits from long play sessions too, since you'll be exploring far beyond your last checkpoint sometimes and will need to remember where you've been.
The game becomes an open world for the player to explore and becomes more exciting after the Hornet fight. As I've become more patient as a person I've had more fun in this game, and it never stops giving there is still a lot left for me to do. Haven't beaten the whole game yet but it's been damn fun so far. The art and music is fantastic and once the bleak vibes of the start went away the game started to become really beautiful.
One of my favourite games of all time - and I'm not a platformer person, and am much more comfortable with turn-based combat. This game is what got me into the metroidvania genres, with its stunning art style, intriguing worldbuilding, and enthralling gameplay.
Peak indie gaming. The best hands down, its crazy how much love was put into this, and the free content updates are proof of it.
The characters, world building and ambiance in general that this game has cant be topped imo,
10/10 Silksong has a very unrealistic standard to surpass
One of the best games I've ever played. The storytelling, the graphic, the music, the gameplay, all perfect.
I've only one question left...: WHERE IS SILKSONG??????
I know I’m very late to the party, but hey, better late than never, right? Hollow Knight is my first-ever metroidvania, so I went in with little experience in this genre or any real idea of what to expect. I’m happy to report that it has far exceeded my expectations.
If I had to describe Hollow Knight in a few words, I’d call it a 2D souls-like platformer. The combat and platforming are challenging but fair. The world and story are dark and depressing, yet brief glimpses of hope and bittersweetness pierce through the void. It’s honestly incredible how the developers managed to create such a deep and thought-provoking world with philosophical and mature themes—all while using "cute," hand-drawn designs and bugs instead of people.
In short, this game is a masterpiece. No matter your experience level with platformers or metroidvanias, you should give Hollow Knight a try. I regret not playing it sooner, but at least that means I won’t have to wait as long as others for Silksong. Surely, it’ll release within the next couple of years… right?
I played through the game with a cracked version, now I have bought the game:
The game is a masterpiece, it has a unique art style and the story is beautiful with lots of interesting characters. Plus the soundtrack is insane and it really immerses you into these places. Please play this game if you have the chance.
Hollow Knight is basically Dark Souls but you are a bug.
Gorgeous hand-drawn art? Check.
Haunting music? Check.
Dying repeatedly to a mosquito with anger issues? Also check.
The bosses will crush your soul, but you'll thank them for it. And just when you think you're safe, surprise! Spikes.
It’s brutal, it’s beautiful, and it’s somehow fun to cry over a tiny bug wielding a nail.
10/10 an absolute Freakin Masterpiece.
*extremely southern belle intoxicated and about to confess in a rage that she's been cheating on her beau for years voice:*
Yes, I played Hollow Knight again, on Steam. And I plugged it full of easy mode mods like a child getting their vaccines. Stronger nail attacks, faster focus, and respawn in the same room when you die! Why does there even have to be a whole charm taking up a whole slot necessary just to see where you are on the map? Just have it be there all the time! I'm not even sure what else I threw in there, to be honest. And you know what, I liked it, okay? I'll say it again, I LIKED IT! You don't have to put Dark Souls-style gameplay into a search action game, you THINK you do, but you don't! It took me 40 hours to beat it last time, and of course by “beat” I mean “get to the first final boss that gives you the bad ending because I know my limits and I’m not bothering with that.” You know how long it took to get to the same spot last night? Twelve hours. TWELVE! I'm just tired of keeping up appearances. Everyone on some video game website wants me to act like everything is fine, that I like arbitrary difficulty just because it's there, but I can't pretend anymore, okay? I don't even know these people, why do I need to act like I like respawning all the way to a bench fifteen rooms away to a boss? For them?! What have they done for me? I lost 28 hours last year, and what have they done for me?!
And guess what? I still get all the achievements. Oooooh, whoop de doo! The game doesn't know any better! It's just glad you're playing it, Steven!
As a person who is a biggest fan of Metroid Series, I've found Hollow Knight was my second best Plat former, metrovania style game I've ever played, enjoyed the game from start to the end! I do enjoy myself in complicated maps and story lines so this was the perfect game for me to play. I really like the concept of the whole game and the idea where you must track down each story-vine and connect it to make it whole sprout, which you must figure out what is really going on in the game. Also the art of the each stage/level was really beautiful and unique. The game system and the control was not that difficult compare to other platformer imo; though there are some tough place and boss' you gotta push through (decent difficulty i must say).
I had this game in my wishlist for 2 years and I finally got to play and finish it and now I know why people was so desperate over for the second game, the Hollow Knight Silk Song. Now that I'm in the same boat with those people, I'm going to join them stressing and "desperate-ing" all over for the second game.
controller glitched out and the fucking Vessel killed himself.
the game is so relatable, even the character in the game wants to end his life.
Insane soulslike game, has alot of fun gameplay mechanics and has alot of ways to play it. Cool bossfights (varying in difficulty) and overall just alot of game content. Really recommend!!!!!
Good high quality games, gives you a feeling of improvement after every death and is really addicting only bad thing is that silksong isnt out]
If You're seeing this and wonder: is it worth buying this game, the answer is a very confident YES. I wasn't expecting a whole lot myself when i first started to be honest. Now that i'm further in, the bosses, abilities, nail arts, and just exploring i find very entertaining. So in summary, as many others agree, Hollow Knight is an insanely cool game.
Hollow Knight combines platforming and boss fights masterfully with the addition of beautiful art. The progression of the platforming is done very cleverly where it strips all the abilities that we are used to in platformers and makes you start with the basics of a walk and a jump (which it is a puzzle itself!), then slowly earn abilities, fight tougher bosses and explore the world that team cherry has created.
A really cool Game with an interesting approach to it's characters. The Soundtrack the Background Art and the overall Art Style are really good and enhance the atmosphere of the game. If you like platformers or Metroidvania this is a great Game for you, with it's unlockable movement techniques. With the DLCs it can also be pretty difficult (Pantheon), which ist also a big plus. Go play it.
Holy crap this game is peak. Tried it once a long time ago, it didn't stick. Pretty sure a lot of players get lost and confused in their initial time playing and are discouraged from putting in the time. It picks up after you defeat the first boss. That's when the lore hooks you in. Don't be ashamed to not understand everything on the first playthrough!
Got stuck 18 hours in and a friend who had 110%ed the game went through the entire map with me and couldn't find where to go. Can never seem to want to pick it back up, so I'm just not going to.
As my first foray into metroidvanias as a genre, I think I can say it's my last. While I definitely enjoyed the combat, the platforming, the aesthetic, and the music, I will always absolutely despise the lack of actual ability to notate your map. It's beyond absurd how I can't write on a fucking map and I have to use credits so I have the privilege of using 4 different types of tokens to signify 8+ different things.
Great game, great atmosphere, loved it. The only bad thing about it is THE WAIT FOR SILKSONG COME ON ALREADY.
easy 9.5/10
lots and lots of walking. each new area is cool for a second but then you have to keep walking through the tedious platforms without really having the most clear direction. i kept getting on because of how highly it's reviewed, but i just couldn't keep forcing myself to give it more and more chances to be fun. some of the boss fights are fun when u get to them, it just takes a lot of walking first... maybe in the future will watch a video for suggestions on how i should be playing this game and give it another chance because i would like to like this game, but i do not.
Man this game is a GEM! Definitely one of the best indie games. My first metroidvania was Super Metroid and i loved it. That was the only metroidvania i touched, until Hollow Knight. There is something about these games, that i totally forgot . When map design is done well, these games become so addicting. In this case the map is really well layed out. Most of the areas are so well connected. You explore and try to find out where to go and some areas are just blocked where you need an ability. Those blocked areas are not necessarily important for your progress in story, but for items that are so rewarding. Health is really limited and you want charms that helps out on your gameplay, so you better check areas that are blocked when possible.
I've heard that this game is difficult and can be compared with souls games. That is in my experience not the case. Its also not super easy and definitely has a fair difficulty. Some bosses and events can be really hard like the COLOSSEUM OF FOOLS. FUCK THE THIRD STAGE OF THAT. SERIOUSLY ALMOST BROKE MY CONTROLLER. And Nightmare King Grimm, holy shi i spent some time on him. There are some parkour that can be frustrating like the white palace and some hidden areas. Other than that i would say this game is a bit of a sit back and relax game lol.
As for the lore, its interesting. Usually i don't really care about Lore in games except for souls games. this one got me interested. I mainly wanted to find out why there was an infection going around . Never found out why exactly it showed up but that got people messed up. I think its funny that the mendorbug are the happiest in the game and all they do is repair signs you break. I also love that all of the endings are your own cannons, so its up for you to decide which is the best or the most cannon.
One of the most important things in games is atmosphere imo. THIS GAME HAS THAT AND THE MUSIC... THE MUSIC. Maaaaaaaaaan just great.
I really have almost no complaints and this game is really SPECIAL. I do not really like Isma's tear ability, for me atleast it takes away the little adrenaline you get on some of the parkours, but thats just me. If you have ever been curious about metroidvanias, this is a GREAT start and you will love it. I highly recommend this game
This is definitely my favorite game of all time. It's absolutely beautiful visually, the story is amazing, the music is incredibly immersive, and it's replayable as fuck. I come back to it all the time and I still never get tired of it. I've been playing this game for 6 years at this point. An absolute masterpiece.
DO NOT PLAY! Game is riddled with bugs. Unplayable!
great game, great graphics one of the best games i have ever played bit of a challenge but worth my money if you like this game i really recommend ori and the blind forest and ori and the will of the wisps. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! and if you like hollow knight wait for silksong to come out.
Hollow Knight is an exceptional game that only gets better on a second playthrough.
The intricate world of Hallownest feels even more immersive the second time, as you notice details and foreshadowing you might have missed initially. The combat remains fluid and challenging, but with prior experience, it’s deeply satisfying to master boss fights that once seemed insurmountable.
Exploration is where the game truly shines. Revisiting familiar areas with fresh knowledge and new abilities enhances the sense of discovery. The layered storytelling and subtle lore become even more impactful as you connect dots you might not have seen before. The melancholic atmosphere, accompanied by Christopher Larkin's haunting soundtrack, continues to captivate.
Overall, replaying Hollow Knight feels like peeling back another layer of its beautifully crafted world. It’s a masterpiece that rewards both new players and returning fans with its depth and charm.
It's fucking hard but yet its so fucking addictive. I'm not sure if I love this game, probably more into my liking. Yeah this game is like a love and hate relationship. But you know I will never give up. I might have failed many times, but I'm not gonna be a failure until I achieved what needs to be done.
If I had to curate three titles to represent not just Metroidvanias, platformers, or indie games, but video games as a whole, this masterpiece would be one of them.
very cool bug game, also very hard (like me)
This game is a vibe. A Masterpiece. Soundtrack, World, Story, Gameplay...everything is perfect! Love this game.
This game is amazing. Even though no silksong yet :(
Some of the achievements can be a little annoying though.
I've 100%ed this game and imo it's a high 9/10 maybe even a 10/10. Combat is decent but not complicated at all, you've got your basic sword hits and some spells with 2 movement options, a dash and a jump. Combine all of then and it becomes fluid. Enemy encounters aren't difficult for the most part, excluding some late-game bosses, everything is decently easy. Hollow Knight being a metroidvania relies quite heavily on backtracking once getting key upgrades like the dash, wall climb, double jump, a longer dash and an option to break certain walls. It also relies heavily on exploration and getting adequate upgrades before fighting major bosses so make sure to explore everything, and even if you do you'll probably return back to it when you get an upgrade that allows you to access some hidden part of the room. My only downside is that there's no achievement for completing Steel Soul, the game's permadeath mode, with 112% completion.
There's a vast amount of bug designs that I'm quite fond of, enemies included. Most bosses are unique but they do have a slightly similar alternate form of themselves that you fight once you get a certain weapon.
For a $5 game it's worth the money spent.
After all no cost is too great.
Played on Switch, PS4 Pro and now finally PC. Triple-dipped and still feel like got it cheap. Not many games out there that you can say the same thing about.
Beloved, beloved Hollow Knight.
I had little experience with platformers before this game, only really through various Super Mario games. Luckily this game has a nice learning curve when it comes to its platforming. Quite easy in the start, with no real penalty for messing up, with more challenging sections in the late game (and an extra punishing extra section, which I never managed to beat).
The combat, however, has a steeper learning curve. Although I love video games, I’m not exactly great at them. I had a strong feeling I would struggle, and so I did. Many bosses I had to fight 20-30 times before finally being able to beat them, but when I did it was super rewarding. I never felt frustrated because of punishing moves from the enemies, it mostly came down to my own faults. Each death I learnt something new. I got better and better, and now I can beat almost all the bosses with no problems, even some of the optional ones!
This game, overall, has a great sense of progression, and the learning curve feels good.
This game is stunning. The designs of the characters and the scenery are equally stunning, and the soundtrack perfectly complements it. It’s perfectly melancholy when it needs to be melancholy, it’s dark in just the right way.
The art style suits the grim tone of the story and the overall game. Because the story is grim. Little is told outright, mostly given in fragments here and there for you to piece together. And I love it. It really makes you want to engage, both with the game and the fans.
The game runs smoothly, the only bugs I encountered were the ones that lived there.
If I must present one negative, it’s that the next game, Silksong, is taking so long to be released.
One of my all-time favourite games, heavily recommend.
Hollow Knight is close to a genuine masterpiece, with a satisfying amount of difficulty, but it is absolutely needlessly punishing in other ways with tedium, chores, and ways to frustrate the player for no reason other than to be punishing for the sake of being punishing.
I've had lots of fun playing Hollow Knight (I've put 35 hours into it so far), but if I'm being sincere I have to admit that nearly half of that time was spent feeling more frustrated or annoyed than like I was having fun. I absolutely understand the appeal and the acclaim of Hollow Knight, because there is a TON to like here, but it genuinely at times feels like the developers hated players or reveled in their misery (example: what purpose other than just to be annoying does sealing off the two passageways when the Crossroads become infected serve?).
Maybe Hollow Knight will be for you, but personally I'd caution that if your tolerance for frustration, tedium, or BS is low, your experience may end up being as mixed as mine.
Hollow Knight is a masterpiece. If you want a beautiful journey, exploration and of course challenging boss fights with fun game play mechanics then this is the game for you. This games world is beautiful and dark and the lore is really interesting. The characters are all cool and exciting to interact with as you progress through the game. I can't possibly explain how worth this game is. You simply have to just play it. And DO NOT stop playing because you're lost and don't know where to go. That's the point. You're meant to get lost and enjoy it since its part of exploring. Don't let the challenging fights stop you either. We all start of terrible at this game but you'll get better and better (wherever you realise it or not) as you progress through the game and unlock new abilities and items/charms. So if you haven't already and you're somehow reading this, go play it. I would do anything to experience this game again as a new player. Not that it isn't fun to replay because it is. But nothing beats the first play through. Hope you enjoy this masterpiece and thank you Team Cherry!
The first Metroidvania I ever played to it's end, and oh boi what a journey
This has been the first 2D game in many years to grab my attention and not letting it slip
I've rarely felt so encouraged to explore the world on my own and just see what lays behind the next corner
The combat feels snapy with a lot of depth even most 3d games don't offer
Artstyle and soundtrack outstanding making this a game you can spend hours just absorbing and immersing yourself while facing the games challanges
No matter how often I died, I always felt the want to push further, never really frustrated since everything feels like a fair challange with consistent rules and no bs
I can't recommend this game if you seek a fun challange in a beautifully crafted world that makes you want to explore every corner there is on it's own.
One of the best indie games ever. Amazing visuals, graphics, boss designs, and soundtrack. Still waiting for silksong though.
Lowkey best 2d indie metroidvania game on steam, great art style, great music, great enemies ofc great bosses, great lore, it's so satisfying when u git gud and no more struggle to kill bosses in new runs for platinum, also goated dlcs, great overall challenge level.
The game is very, very unfriendly to players who use a keyboard instead of a controller
But the relatively high difficulty also gives the game a very strong playability
It's just, I want Quilo can be survived
Hollow Knight is a great game, I enjoyed my time with it and got all the achievements. The start is somewhat slow with no movement but as you get more abilities the world really opens up. The bosses are challenging but fun to face, the final pantheon took me the longest but man did it feel great when I finally got it down. I highly recommend you give this game a try if you can.
Surprisingly, I haven't left a review on this masterpiece yet.
This is, without a doubt, my favorite game ever created. The art, music, atmosphere, sounds, quirky bug dialogue noises, and the subtle storytelling through environments and cryptic dialogue creates one of the most beautiful realms you'll ever dive into.
In terms of gameplay, Hollow Knight is a Metroidvania. It'll see you frequently using the fast travel system to visit previously travelled areas. You will find movement abilities throughout your journey in Hallownest that will allow you access to things you never did before, creating a web of progression through the game that you CHOOSE the path of after the game teaches you the basics in the first couple areas.
One of the best parts of Hollow Knight is its boss fights. Your character gains a large selection of spells, nail abilities, and equippable charms you can use to spice up your combat and counter each boss's weak point. A tip for new players: spells are extremely powerful especially early on, use them efficiently and never waste soul.
There's plenty of content in every crevice of the world, and the 2 free DLCs pack it full of even more.
My personal favorite way to play Hollow Knight and how I have replayed it so many times is in randomizer format - shuffling items amongst themselves to random locations and forcing various unique paths and exploration every time.
Overall, this is just a phenomenal game I think anyone should experience at least once. It is well worth the money. And you can join the rest of us in the eternal ordeal of waiting for Silksong :)
It is a good game with a great art design and it has challenging bosses and creatures to make sure that the game is not to easy. It also has a big map which you need to discover and explore and there are many mechanics so you feel exited when getting new things. I love the game and would recommend
Absolute masterpiece.
Would recommend for the vibe alone.
Since the game is quite difficult you may want to cut your teeth on something like Ori 1 & 2; both are amazing games as well and they'll help you gather the skills you need to properly experience Hollow Knight.
Amazing, 10/10.
Surprised I never left a review for Hollow Knight. It's easiest the best metroidvania out there in recent times. Stylistic artwork that will last the test of time. Tight mechanics, infinite acceleration, instant movement. Music is a wonder. The lore combined with the exploration makes an excellent story.
My only complaint would be the frustration mechanic of losing your currency on death. You can even lose it permanently if you die again. I believe that frustration mechanics do not belong in single player games, it doesn't make gameplay any more challenging, it just makes it longer and more tedious.
This game can be a bit slow at the start but other than that great and fluid gameplay with banger music.
The best metroidvania/soulslike ever made. It's pretty hard sometimes but nothing impossible for what regards the main campaign, some of the side stuff is brutal tho.
This game is absolutely beautiful in every conceivable way. The story is well written, the art is phenomenal, and the play just feels beautifully cohesive. Absolutely love it.
Игры похожие на Hollow Knight
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Team Cherry |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 18.01.2025 |
Metacritic | 87 |
Отзывы пользователей | 97% положительных (122463) |