Разработчик: Lion game Lion
Специальное издание
RAID: World War II особое издание включает:
- особую версию внутриигрового внедорожника "красное яблоко".
- Игровой саундтрек и оружие ближнего боя "Парадный жезл".
- Оружие ближнего боя "Адмиральский кортик".
- Бомбу-декорацию для убежища.
- Эксклюзивные куртки для четырех персонажей.
- Доступ к комиксу RAID: World War II в игре и в виде PDF файла.
- Цифровой артбук.
- Обои для рабочего стола.
Об игре
RAID: World War II — это захватывающий кооперативный шутер для четырех игроков, отправляющий вас в Европу времен Второй мировой войны. Только вы с друзьями сможете остановить безжалостный натиск нацистского зверя. Четверо военнопленных — Стерлинг, Ривит, Курган и Вольфганг — получили свободу благодаря «миссис Уайт», тайному агенту британской разведки: ей нужны бойцы, которые раз и навсегда смогут разобраться с Гитлером и Третьим Рейхом. Их задача — сражаться без пощады и правил. Их награда — все немецкое золото, до которого они смогут добраться.
БАНДА RAID - Во имя славы. Но в большей части ради золота
Наша четверка героев собрана с разных уголков европейского театра второй мировой войны - Великобритания, США, Германия и СССР. Каждый персонаж обладает уникальным набором косметических предметов для своей формы, чтобы выглядить неотразимо на поле боя.
КЛАССЫ - Играйте в своём стиле
Выберите один из четырех классов с уникальным стилем игры и оружием.Ликвидируйте ваших противников с точностью Разведчика, утопите их в свинце в качестве Штурмовика, Впитывайте пули как Мятежник или разорвите всех на кусочки подрывником.
Активируйте ваши особые умения - навыки, которые усиливают вас и ваших союзников, чтобы перевернуть ход боя.

МИССИИ - Сожгите врагов заживо!
Совершайте налеты по историческим местам Европы, охваченной войной: величавые зенитные башни в сердце Берлина или Идиллического моста через реку Эльбу - уничтожьте нацистов в каждом углу Рейха.Найдите секретные документы, чтобы открыть особые миссии, где вы действуйте тайно от ваших нанимателей и сфокусированы на краже золота для себя одного.
Приготовьтесь к длительным миссиям "Операциям" - цепочка миссий в знакомых локациях с новым сюжетом и заданиями. Риски велики, но и награда стоющая!
КАРТОЧКИ ИСПЫТАНИЙ — В RAID: World War II мы представляем новую особенность
игроки могут зарабатывать и тратить особые «карточки испытаний». С их помощью можно изменять «правила» миссий в плане усиления/ослабления некоторых параметров. Например, используя карточку испытаний, можно повысить шанс выпадения боеприпасов из убитых врагов, пройти миссию, используя только пистолеты, или проложить себе путь к победе, используя любимую фанатами карточку "Люди-крабы".Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-2300, 2.80 GHz | AMD FX-4350, 4.2 GHz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 460 | Radeon HD 6870, 512 MB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 15 GB
- Дополнительно: Requires a CPU which supports the SSE4.1 instruction set
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-4570, 3.4 GHz | AMD FX-6300, 3.5 GHz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 960 | Radeon R9 280X, 2 GB VRAM
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 20 GB
Отзывы пользователей
Like it cause I'm new to these games. Affords me some comfort in the lower difficulties. Tried to go up and got wrekt. Would play again. Probs tonight with the boyhs!!!
somehow gets more updates than payday 3
the updates really made the game a lot better would recommend now
I know this game has a reputation of not being good when it first launched in 2017, but ever since it got a Resurgence update last year with the M.U.G Team taking over the reigns, this game has gotten so much better since then. The progression system from 2017 has been completely scrapped and replaced with a new, way better one, and lets you have a variety of builds for each class. For a game that goes on sale for 4 dollars normally, its so much more worth it. Play this game.
Do you enjoy a good heist AND killing Nazis?? Then THIS is the game for you!
Bit of a mix between Payday: The Heist and Wolfenstein, I played through it with a friend and had a good time!
Solid 6.5/7
9/10 for the Aussies
$10 is a more-than-fair price for this co-op heisting experience. Weapons feel distinct enough, raids all feel unique without feeling too repetitive, but I'd be wrong to avoid bringing up the various community changes that have been added over time.
I remember playing during the beta in 2017, feeling somewhat optimistic, yet ultimately let-down by that brief experience. With the community bug fixes and revamped skill tree/enemy AI/new raids, this game absolutely feels worth the cost of admission. Goofy and silly enough while still being intense and straightforward enough, much like Payday 2 is.
The only real issue I have with the game currently is its lack of online playerbase. Finding folks to play with online can be tricky, but if you stick together with your fellow raiders, they'll generally stick together with you.
If 4-player Co-op games are your jam, I'd recommend giving Raid: WWII a try. Especially so if you and 3 other friends manage to pick the game up while on sale.
this ish not bad for 4 buckaroonis, also did not know there was still ongoing support for this beauty so that's always a plus in my book
If payday 2 and wolfenstein old blood had a child together. Russian version of the operator is really fun to play as since he sounds like a younger Nikolai from call of duty zombies, guns both sound and look great, each mission is really short but enjoyable, each cutscene is entertaining to watch, loads of different things you can progress like level and skills making the game have loads of replayability, small but loyal playerbase and dev team, game still occasionally gets updates and can run on low end pcs.
All in all, for the price you pay whilst the game is on sale you get loads of content with the only complaint i really see going on from reviewers being that its a clone of payday but in world war 2 and i dont see the issue in that.
Absolutely wow! Proof that games can be fixed if given the proper love it rightfully deserves! As a 2017 player returning in 2025 I have to say I am impressed! Been having a lot of fun and enjoying the game all over again! Highly recommend it! Can be played online or offline, with or without bots! And the price is totally worth it! Thank you for all the hard work you and your team have put into this game! I'm so happy to see it still being worked on! <3
better than Payday 3 unironically
great game
sadly VERY MID A fun payday:ww2
btw pbis lead au is alu
but i payed VERYYY LITTLE and it was worth it
starbreeze would rather update a failed spinoff that was abandoned after launch than fix payday 3. this isnt even worth $4. rip almir.
Dated and Corny WW2 Shooter but there is some fun to be had.
Full stop raid achievments hits different, and achievments with dog tags are terrible.
Game started off as a mixed bag, but now it's definitely a worthy game capable of giving you and your friends dozens of hours of fun! Thank you devs for not abandoning the game and still working on it!
Has better content than Payday 3 and is still updated from time to time without paid DLC as main content
New devs fixed the game, simple fun easy to get into. Good.
Nice to know even after all this time, the game is still receiving updates. Its not a bad game for what it is, though id wait till a sale to buy it
RAID is actualy lives on!
What a time to be alive
this game getting updates more then payday 3 . . .
fun and updated
This game is living proof of what three people with passion can do with a game. The M.U.G. Team revived the buggy mess, and have been perfecting it ever since. Gameplay is extremely fun, raids are cool and can be played many times, challenge cards provide new challenges (duh), and seeing that sweet gold counter tick up after every raid is definetly worth it. Overall, the game has a few bugs (random crashes once in a lifetime, ai pathfinding on maps like Trainwreck) but is definetly worth it! I am waiting excitedly for the next update (Full Stop), and will definetly keep playing the game!
Huge respect and thanks to the M.U.G. Team, y'all are awesome, and actually interact with the community!
Blammo, my fellow raiders!
its got the m1 garand and a good PING sound for it so im pretty much immediately satisfied.
Advertised in the worst way possible but I thoroughly enjoyed the concept and premise and they did fix up a lot. Worth the price now but if you can get it on sale unfortunately mp is dead so get some friends together for a good weekend or two. If you want to get to endgame good luck.
Also who doesn't like killing nazi's.
I quite like this game. It's a spinoff of Payday 2 set during World War 2. The raids can be done in stealth, loud or some are forced to be done in either mode. You can pick among some different weapons like rifles, smg, pistols and revolvers.
I could recommend this game if you wanna play something else for a while if you have played too much Payday 2.
The game is in a great state and as I understand it is no longer abandoned being worked on by a hand full of people. I played this back at launch and was left sorely disappointed.
Picking it back up for what was only a few dollars and I'm impressed. Have just played solo/offline and have enjoyed it.
I like the progression system, the way your HUB is layed out and can be upgraded. The UI is or similar to that of Payday 2 which is fine.
It's not Darktide
who the hell is Jerry
Released a subpar product on a miserable engine, left lying around for years till they let a small passion team work on it now it receives more substantial support than payday 3 at points, absolutely worth the small price of admission if you ever remotely enjoyed PD2.
Edit: Sex with Rivet
Its finally fun
It's great. Development has been taken over by some people who really care about making this game the best it can be, and it shows. Simple, solid, polished, and fun.
It doesn't have any tricks up it's sleeve. It's not trying to be over complicated and jam everything it possibly can into it. It's not designed as a profit machine for investors. This game knows exactly what it's supposed to do - and does it well.
This is one that's worth supporting.
Bought it for the giggles of the theme, immediately blown away by the quality.
Bought the special edition because this game is that well done.
It straight FEELS like an old Xbox 360 CoD Zombies mission set, mixed with some payday elements.
And i mean lets be real. Who doesnt like killing nazis?
OH, as well as an incredibly INGLORIOUS BASTARDS vibe.
Also, 10/10 for the audacity for the live action cutscenes. bravo and a half, i appreciate these IMMENSELY.
Game is a MASSIVE sleeper. ABSOLUTELY WORTH the modest ten dollars asked.
was bought for FOUR dollars during winter sale 2024. no regrets giving these guys the additional twenty for the special edition.
in the year of our lord 2024 this game is getting updated again and its better than payday 3, wow.
Underated co-op shooter, the characters are better and more memorable than some popular games out there, gameplay might be a little repetitive, but on sale is worth grabing with friends.
honestly more fresh for me than modding Payday 2 will ever be (and definitely more fun than Payday 3)
The absolute mad lads who keep updating this game have made it into a much better game than what it launched as.
The game has a very small community, but it's an incredibly fun and significantly easier to pick up and play with the recent updates. Although there's not as much content as their bigger games like PDTH and PD2, the raids are really fun, and the new levelling system is dope
Has had a massive improvement in the last few years. Disregard the old scores - the current game has solid gameplay and progression and ongoing support from a handful of dedicated modders.
It took seven years and a volunteer mod team, but slaying nazis and robbing their gold is now just as fun as cop clicking.
Starbreeze, consider contracting MUG team's services when you finally get around to PD3's skill lines rework
Damn, this game got good?
Crazy to think anyone would come back to this game after 7 years to make it into decent playing experience. For somewhere between $4-10 you can finally indulge in the fantasy of killing Nazis and stealing their gold. I shouldn't need to explain why that's appealing.
Game is in a good state, dev's are not giving up on it.
If you like payday you will like this game as well
It's cool.
True labour of love.
Nominated for "Labor of Love - 2024" for all the right reasons.
People used to say that this is a bad pay day copy but at this point I think it will outlive it in support.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Lion game Lion |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 53 |
Отзывы пользователей | 66% положительных (1442) |