Разработчик: Nicolas Bernard
New from Nicolas Bernard
About the Game
in 2073, the greatest show of all time playing with the lives of the participants to the delight of spectators.The game is really very simple. The player must collect the balls and survive for 5 levels. Red balls give him rocket and green balls give him health.The show keeps on getting harder level by level.Runners , Spiders , Mecha , turrets ,Human clones want to play with you.
Every level is a procedural construction and can be destruct a lot.
You can become a star of the show !
Controls are classical FPS keys.
" In this game , i wanted the player have fun and fury in the same time."
BERNARD Nicolas , Developer
Поддерживаемые языки: english
Системные требования
- OS: 7 ++
- Processor: Dual Core
- Memory: 2000 MB RAM
- Graphics: FX
- Sound Card: ANY
- Graphics: FX
- Sound Card: ANY
- Graphics: FX
- Sound Card: ANY
Отзывы пользователей
this is one of the "it's so bad that it's good" type of games. it's absolute garbage in every aspect you can think of.
You want a FPS with running from cover to cover?
You want a FPS with weapon mods/attachments/sights?
You want a FPS when you need a degree to know the different skillsets/abilities and optimal usage of skills?
As long as you
know how to move your character (WASD!)
The usually black looking thing with a string attached moves your view
Left button on the usually black looking thing shoots
Right button on the usually black looking thing throws a mine/rocket/explosive charge
You are good to go!
Absolutely zero learning curve!
I lied.
5 seconds learning curve.
Green balls heal
Red balls give you boom boom
Run and shoot
Turn often
Ok, that's it. Seriously!
Almost like an idle clicker but more fun!
MAN, not much tutorial, such a low budget OR asset flip?
OR so many questions?
the frame rate drops like crazy if you shoot too much, OR is that slow-motion focus?
it looks pretty good.
the enemies can one hit you. OR was there one behind you that you didn't see?
but the arcade-like 'one more try' is a buy for this game. at $2 OR less?
the walls are full of electricity by the way.
If this is the entertainment show of the future, we got a worrying development ahead of us.
A looped Electro track, cloned enemies that kill you with a few hits, weird hitboxes and shooting as a terrible "emergency only" idea because you'll eventually just hurt yourself. Outrunning isn't an option either, but I still managed to get 98/100 orbs - I simply didn't care for the last two. Neat for a few minutes, but spending money for this is asking too much. The Pacman mechanics really didn't need this update. 3/10 at best.
I bought this game ages ago and finally played it. Let me tell you the pros and cons of this game.
Despite only one song, the song fits the theme of the game and never gets old in it's unqiue way.
- I'm always kept on my toes and always needing to look behind me to make sure no Ai is after me. This game randomly spawns ai. They can come out of nowhere.
- it's a unqiue shooter. i find the concept of your lasers bouncing off walls to be rather fun.
- Ai is bland and will randomly pop out of no where. level 4 is a nightmare for this and honestly makes me want to quit the game.
- The Levels are bland and very boring. you can get bored very fast with the game.
- Level 4 is the only level that will keep you on your toes and make you hate this game. The other levels are a breeze.
- The enemies are bland and not very interesting what so ever.
- I sometimes get hit by an Ai when I wasn't near the Ai.
- I sometimes die near a wall when I am not even near it.
- Sometimes when I go pick up a ball, it doesn't register. This was a huge annoyance on level 4.
- Only one song.
- The end game credit's say new content will come in 2016. It's nearly 2019. New content when?
- The lack of guns are boring
- the enemies with the same color scheme and bland design are boring.
- The Ai has a tracking system. They do not attempt to cut you off or ambush you. they simply follow you every where despite the random spawning to your side or behind you.
I feel like this game is a wasted opportunity for something great.
It's fun, it's limited, it's cheap. If you want a cheap shooter this one is cheap for sure. Once I make it through my libarary I can re-visit it to find glitches and exploits for my own enjoyment. It's definitley one of those games you buy to look for glitches and exploits as opposed to looking for any kind of meaningful content. You run, you shoot, sometimes you die. I think that $1.99 is a fair price for it. It's not a wealth of content. You're getting what you pay for here.
It has a learnihng curve like any game. Learn to juke the AI. Learn it's weak spots. Become a Showtime 2073 wizard.
Unfinished crap.
Doesn't even have a proper gamemenu, and the game slows down randomly, and that's totally annoying.
Definitely don't buy it!
The elements of the game system are very basical and simplistic. You fight with unlimited number of enemies with two weapons (one assault-rifle-like laser gun and one rocket launcher), while trying to obtaining 100 orbs in the maze-like map.
The enemies come out of no where, and your very fragile, so I felt boring and gave up after 10 minutes.
This game had a lot of potential and I believed in it. However, since its very launch, the developer keeps promising a very much needed update and he never delivers.
Cool as the concept may be, the game is basically unfinished, with very basic functions still lacking and a gameplay that seems just a proof of concept but doesn't really go anywhere.
If you look at the message board, you will see that for more than a year, everytime there is a sale or some other event, the developer will come back and promise that this time the update is coming for real, but then he just forgets about it. Or some times he wants us to support his new game. One time, in order to get people to finance his new kickstarter, he even told us that multiplayer was in the works and we could betatest it.
I used to think that the developer had just made the mistake of overpromising, and was now desperately looking for a way of making everyone happy with the obvious limitations of a one-man team. But at this point it feels more like a fraud.
Great game very fun! It runs great on both linux and windows... and yeah i love to play with footsteps so we know when someone is behind us! ;-) or maybe reply on how it went wrong.
Great crazy music also.. love it
Good price also... thanks developer!
It's a quick and simple game. It can certainly be challenging, and not all of that is fair- touching the outer walls kills you instantly, and enemies love to kick you into them. Overall, though, it's just simple fun. My only problem is with the sound: the music needs to be turned down and the enemies be given audible footsteps, I can't count how many time an enemy snuck up behind me while I was dealing with the ones in front of me.
Don't really understand why this game is so highly rated. Feels extremely unfinished.
- Pickups are literally just placeholder spheres
- Crosshair reticle and bullets do not match up
- Bomb shoots 90 degrees SIDEWAYS from the direction you are facing
- Enemies seem to spawn with no regard to your position, meaning sometimes right behind you
- No variety in enemies
- You often randomly die at 100 health from what I assume is enemies spawning on top of you
- You can get stuck on debris from blowing up walls
[*]There is a rediculously annoying slow-motion effect when you kill something, I thought the game was lagging out at first
This should be in early access, and even then it's not really presentable. I honestly feel like all the positive reviews where bought by the developer or something, it's completely perplexing.
Very fun fast paced game. Fun to listen to music and chill out on.
Pros: +Fast paced
+ Addicting
+(surprisingly) Hard Gameplay
+Awesome Idea
Cons:-No Multiplayer
Cheap, get it
i litteraly just bought the game and im shocked. i saw this game on pepsimanvsjoe steam profile. i have to say im very happy with it and im glad i get to be a part of this game. seeing where it goes and what it will become. it reminds me of super smash TV. for only 2 bucks i recomend everyone supporting the dev and seeing what he/she does.
does what you would expect for 99c
improve damage feedback, to make the player understand what killed him (probably give a chance to react), add some skills and/or equipment management elements and the game will be gold.
8/10 Would watch to quench futuristic bloodthirst
The game makes you feel as if you're a simple man (Most likely named Daniel Matrixx or sth) that was framed and forced to contest in a Sunday Night gameshow on a psychotic cyberpunk future; and it is amazing.
Half naked women dance in glass cages while running dudes with spikes in their hands, autoturrets and the terminator-like machine that couldn't do stairs in Robocop try to kill you as you run around and blow shit up.
+Fantastic time killer.
+Great fun/price ratio; totally worth buying.
-Minor bugs, nothing too serious.
If you're a fan of blockbuster futuristic utopia movies of the late 80's and early 90's you will love it.
Ps: You may find yourself going "Blaagh, laagh, raarwh..." in a Schwarzenegger voice.
definetely fun, minor issues, you can shoot a hole in the floor and then fall through ending the game, but it needs more maps, sound tracks the same two songs over and over kinda kill it, and i dont know why but the enemies stopped spawning rather quickly. so good game, has great potential. more guns would be cool, maybe a katana too. 4 out of 5
Alright, so I'm no writer or anything but I like voicing my opinion when I find good games, and this, is a great game.
1. Cheap
2. Fun
3. Great for non gaming pc's
4. Lightweight download
5. Unlimited Ammo
6. Ability to slow down time
7. Rage inducing (which I personally like in a game)
8. Distructable enviroment
1. No Invert mouse option
2. No in game menu
3. No weapon shop or costumability
4. No Multiplayer
5. No Multiple game modes, some would be Survival, Hardcore, Multiplayer, Team Deathmatch, and others, I understand that this is not a FPS game like Call Of Duty or Battlefield, but I really do love this game and I think it would be more fun with these options.
So, if you like a game like Call of Duty, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, or Battlefield, then this is not the game for you, but if you like simple fun games that you can just hop on and play, then this is the game for you... :D
Excellent arcade game. Mostly polished, utilizes unity's physics for entertaining destructible environments and ragdoll, and very enjoyable gameplay.
This game is underpriced at .99
The developer also seems very responsive, and I have high hopes for future updates.
Kinda like a FPS Pac Man
This is another one of them little time killers ! The game is like Pac man and the movie The Running Man lol You need to run around blasting all that moves or blast anything in your way. You then collect the orbs White Points , Green Health and Red Rockets.
The Dev or Devs are still adding and Tweaking it atm but it runs pretty sweet as is. I think for the $0.99 cents price tag this is one you might want to pick up and im sure in time they will add more but if not its fun as is .
So for the pirce i say pick this up if you are a fan of cheap neat games or what i like to call time killers!
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Nicolas Bernard |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 75% положительных (151) |