Разработчик: Illusion Softworks
Изучите город Нью-Хевен
Исследуйте Нью-Хевен, раскинувшийся на тридцати квадратных километрах типичный американский город 1930-х годов, в котором воссоздана архитектура и культура эпохи Великой депрессии.Реалистичная история и динамичный игровой процесс
Вас ждёт более 20 увлекательных заданий, вдохновлённых событиями 30-х годов прошлого века. Пройдите карьерный путь в семье Сальери от рядового члена банды до вора в законе, выполняйте заказы на убийства, участвуйте в погонях и перестрелках, занимайтесь незаконной торговлей алкоголем, ограблением банков и прочими преступными забавами.Соответствующие времени автомобили и оружие
Почувствуйте себя водителем мафии, садитесь за руль любого из более чем 60 автомобилей, созданных по историческим образцам. Поведение машин отражает физические характеристики авто тех лет, а повреждения рассчитываются в режиме реального времени.Выполняйте преступные заказы мафии, используя более дюжины видов оружия. Бейсбольные биты, обрезы, револьверы и знаменитый автомат Томпсона — выбирайте сами, как лучше разобраться с теми, кто рискнёт встать у вас на пути.
Примечание: в данном перевыпуске игры Mafia изменился саундтрек, теперь он не содержит лицензированных музыкальных композиций.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, italian, spanish - spain, czech, polish, russian
Системные требования
- ОС *: Windows XP / Vista / 7 / 8 / 10
- Процессор: 1.4 GHz or faster
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: 3D Graphics card compatible with DirectX 9.0
- DirectX: версии 9.0
- Место на диске: 3 GB
- Звуковая карта: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Отзывы пользователей
One of the best games ever made. Still great in 2025.
gabagool simulator
Great game!
me dont like
Absolute masterpiece
The year is 1938, mafioso Thomas Angelo sits down with a detective and makes him an offer he can't refuse. In exchange for the protection of his family and himself, Tommy will tell his story. A story spanning eight years of how an ordinary cab driver fell in with one of the most powerful organised crime families of Lost Heaven, their dealings as well as his own involvement... And his personal conflicts with the business.
Mafia is an American gangster take on the open-world/crime genre that features some of the most interesting mechanics i've ever seen that have never been replicated in other games before or since.
Set over the course of eight years in Prohibition era America, Mafia's story takes a thrilling fish out of water approach with our protagonist as he's thrust into the life of a mafioso and quickly earns favor among his peers and the Don. But the life isn't easy, as threats rise with a rival family in the city as well as the crooked cops that patrol the streets, on the take from both families. Each mission is rife with risk and danger, scaling with the stakes of each job Tommy's tasked with.
Tied in with the Salieri family, Tommy will work alongside Paulie and Sam who are fellow mobsters within the family. Often times Tommy will be paired up with Paulie to build up a friendship between the two characters but Sam will join in on the more bigger jobs that Don Salieri tasks the trio with. The Don himself is a tough but fair leader, rewarding his soldiers with praise and respect for completing work while constructing plans to poke the bear against the rival Morello family. Next to the Don at all times is his Consigliere, Frank, who takes caution initially with Tommy's introduction to the family but eventually warms up as the story progresses. There's also Vincenzo who keeps the Salieri family armed for jobs and stuttering Ralph who keeps looking after whatever cars the crew needs to take out and ones that the player can bring back and save to bring out on story missions.
Mafia's gameplay is certainly a product of it's time with how rough it can be for a new player. From a third person camera that sticks to Tommy's back to the massive amounts of recoil with weapons, the vehicle physics that can be chalked up to how semi-period accurate the cars are and how health is regenerated from rare to find medical cabinets in each story mission. The car physics are put to the real test in one of the earliest missions of the game that puts you in a race with turns you HAVE to slow to a crawl for and other racers that will deliberately smash into your side and cause a disastrous spin out. But once you get used to how Mafia plays, it's a really good game.
The police/wanted system is also interesting to me. Instead of other games of the genre where police will ignore minor infractions of the law and immediately start shooting when you do get their attention, Mafia aims for a more realistic approach. Speeding or running a red light in front of an officer or a police car will draw their attention to try and issue the player with a ticket. Stopping and paying the fine is a good option as the chance of the police upgrading their status to try and arrest you for not stopping is fair and they can be annoying to try and lose. Stay in their sites for too long in a chase and a general alert will be issued meaning nearby police cars will join in on the chase just for you being in the rough area they exist in. The only time police start shooting is if the player shoots first. Having a gun out in your hands just makes the police default to try and arrest the player.
Mafia also keeps track of how much fuel is in your car. Run out and you'll stop dead in your tracks, but there are a few service stations to get refuelled and continue on your way. It's the little touches like this that make me appreciate a game that bit more.
The city of Lost Heaven is a great setting. Keeping in mind that this is a game from 2002, it's impressive with how much scope and thought was put out into it's layout and the era appropriate architecture and set dressing. Streets are fairly narrow and public transport is everywhere. You probably wouldn't be able to go a few minutes in one direction in this game without seeing a streetcar or two going off in either direction. And what's impressive for a game of it's time is that both streetcars and trains can be boarded and take you around the routes they go on. Very rarely does the game take you off the main map but that's only during particular story segments.
But Mafia doesn't just come with it's story, there's also the Free Ride mode where you can earn cash from killing hostile gang NPCs, speeding above 70mph, destroying cars or even going back to Tommy's old ways of legitimate cash and taxiing people around the city. This cash can be spent on saving your Free Ride game, restoring health, repairing your car or buying guns and ammo. Free Ride will also give you access to any car that Ralph or other characters have shown you how to steal. Completing the main story will also unlock Free Ride Extreme which is a separate mode that contains a set of discover-able missions that reward some really uniquely designed or vastly upgraded versions of cars available around town.
There's also an entire "Carcyclopedia" that provides a sort of showroom view of all the cars in the game as well as some basic stats about each car.
However Mafia's not a game without flaws. On a technical aspect, the fog that shields most of the map is gross to the eyes and makes some of the Free Ride Extreme missions a little difficult with how it looks. Two missions in the Extreme mode also completely break if your FPS is any higher than 15-20. Both of these can be fixed with mods, thankfully.
Mafia's also quite a tricky game. Some missions that are combat heavy will just not have a single medical cabinet and your health gets drained quick so death may happen often. Checkpoints can also be few and far between, the final mission in particular can be daunting if you didn't gear up prior to attempting it as it's a bit of a slog until you finally get a checkpoint close to the end of it.
But overall, Mafia is a really good game. From story, to mission structure and gameplay and the little details that sets itself apart from most other games of the genre, i enjoyed my time playing it and recommend it to anyone interested in the series weather from a fresh perspective or comparing it to the Definitive Edition.
one of the worst games ive ever tried to play
These days, mainstream games are slowly declining to being a proper games that players from back then to the golden age where in app purchases weren't really much of a thing... basically when its those days where to say that a game is more of a quality oriented game than a money milker to devs.
Game stores are pretty much flooded with different games varying from very different themes and not all games really care for having a good taste from players due to being more rushed for monetary causes from devs.
Sandbox games are still pretty much the same as it was back then only with the sunny side of it being very beautiful visually and can be narratively compelling or maybe not. There's always ROCKSTAR GAMES that has our backs when we want an upbeat, cool and pretty much a fun sandbox games like RED DEAD REDEMPTION FRANCHISE that i really adore in terms of its lore and the game as a whole.... ofcourse theres also their GTA series.
Personally i really prefer the gangster of the prohibition era vibe when it comes to these types of games. MAFIA the of game here is a very accurate game from its era depicting its world in a very cool way... the devs here really aimed for something . from the core gameplay itself to its depiction of era through music,guns, narration. every box has been ticked and its very promising from the very beginning thats why we got up to this point waiting for an upcoming mafia game later this year.
A fantastic game: a rich storyline, immersive graphics, and well-executed development. Old-school, as they would say - which is to say magical. Really transports you to the time.
I really enjoyed it, the story is also good and interesting.
Still fun and challenging after so many years. Driving mechanics are pretty great even compared to some newer games that don't focus on the driving experience as much.
One of the best Mafia games first time playing just like the remake one and really liked it
i enjoyed, few flaws but good
но с этой командой норм
REG COPY "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Illusion Softworks\Mafia" "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Illusion Softworks\Mafia" /s /f
can't really recommend, gameplay is too stiff
This is my childhood. Don't think any game will ever match this experience. You gotta play Mafia.
Just yes.
driving is a nightmare
Fun and easy to play easy on the computer you use it on and very littel alterations were needed exsept for key maping for me. If you like gagster / moafia games this is for you for smaller pc's use the clssic if you are on a better pc use the definitive edtion.
I guess now the Mafia Definitve Edition (2020) is better than the Original, but back in 2002 Mafia was cult and a top notch atmosphere game.
Back in 2002 Mafia (Classic) = 9,2
Today (in 2025) Mafia (Classic) = 8,1
Today (in 2025) Mafia Definitive Edition (from 2020) = 8,7
Everyone who is interested in (PC) gaming history should have played it in my opinion.
well... it's good game with good graphics and mechanics by it's age but... I had so much problems with running the game, that I'm wondering if it's worth it...
That's a masterpiece from the good early days. A lot of people see Mafia series as a contender to GTA. And I can definitely see why, but to be honest, apart from the genre (open world, on foot/in car mechanics etc) they are totally different games.
GTA is more about modern-world and funny with own quirks.
But Mafia looks like a serious movie-like experience.
Animations here to be honest are much more detailed than in Starfield :D
Also, there are a lot of details, in each mission there are some things game does not tell you. Sometimes there are several ways it can develop or end, sometimes it's smaller things that can help to draw less cops, make car chase easier and so on.
Races. Mafia at first had to be a racing game only, that's why we have an interesting car physics model, a VERY impressive car damage model, speed limits, red light tickets and so on. Of course they could not leave all their ideas aside, so we have got the legendary RACES mission, which at the time of my childhood was almost unbeatable for most of my friends, including me :D Also, at that time we could not skip it. In Steam's version you can choose an option "Skip Race" and move on, so don't be afraid. But I have got first place this time on Normal, so another childhood's demon has been destroyed :D
Story is mostly serious, only sometimes you can have some jokes or funny moments. It's a tough story about criminal world.
Music. It's awesome, songs are very well selected for time period and help with immersion greatly. But I HATE when in purchased product you get some things removed because some "licence" has expired. I don't care that it expired, I have purchased the product in specific state. Make restrictions for new purchases, for example. But good news: just grab a simple mod that restores original music.
Difficulty. There are no settings for that apart from races. I have found that Mafia is pretty easy now for me, except several missions. But the worst part is a final "fight" sequence at the very end, because your enemy is basically cheating. Using Thompson he is 100% accurate if you are out of your cover. Also, after a hit you can't do anything, so if you are being shot at - you are just standing and catching bullets with no way to move or shoot back. And after several seconds it's game over. To be honest, this fight is absolutely stupid in terms of difficulty. I know that it had to be hard, but not in this cheating way.
Mostly problem with difficulty is because of:
- a clunky controls
- a huge recoil from weapons
- shotguns can kill you almost instantly
I was surprised that Mafia works on Win11 without any problems, no need for any patches or mods, impressive.
Overall, I highly recommend to play it if you are OK with older visuals :)
Nostalgia !
One of the best stories ever portrayed in a video game !
Game is still playable , still enjoyable and is just the way I remembered it
Great story and the cutscenes are edited really well, but man the driving and shooting (which is basically the whole game) is just awful, also this version got rid of the original music and that sucks.
The original Mafia may be too old and with unfamiliar mechanics, but as a story it is a true masterpiece. and I highly recommend you try it.
mafia is an amazing classic from the PS2 days. Always fun!
"The guy who wants too much risks losing absolutely everything. Of course, the one who wants too little from life might not get anything at all"
Words cannot describe how much i love this game <3
Absolutely awful and i don't know where to begin. Keybinds are all off, the aim is garbage, you die way too easily, it's not even enjoyable i spend more time replaying the same scenes over and over.
This game is like a bad case of hemorrhoids. One of the few games i've played that made me just quit out of frustration. Play the definitive edition instead of this turd of a game.
It used to be one of my favourite games on PC back in my teenage. It has some nice realistic details for being an old game. It's ugly graphics for todays standard ofc. Play the remake then.
When I first showed this to a friend back in the day, they could not believe that the gameplay looked the same as the cutscenes. That WAS huge in the old days! This was an incredible game, and an amazing world to walk around in. NOw... it feels pretty empty. Most of the world is uninhabited, and the vast majority of the buildings are just set dressing. Still worth a look for the history alone, but not as jaw dropping as it once was.
Jank and janker, but still fun. Story is pretty good and voice acting ranges from great to absolute trash. Driving cars is fine, which is actually most of the game. I suggest using manual instead of automatic since it's more fun. Great deal on sale, just from a bucks per hour perspective pretty good full-priced too. 8/10
short: GTA, but at the rise of mafia era with heavy focus on story and realistic/grounded gameplay. excellent story with rememberable characters and nice dialogs. Graphics and few bugs were some of the bad. A lot of Driving too which can be annoying, but also fun (more info in the review). very good game overall
Long: Only played this as a Demo when i was like 8/9 years old. Decide to play this game to see if it was what i remembered. At first was the controls weird that you did drive with the arrow keys and not with wasd keys, but after some time i got used to it. I came into the game thinking it would be like gta, but just with mafia theme and boy i was wrong. The more i played, the better the story got. You play as Tommy Angelo who tries to live a honest life as a taxi driver in lost heaven, but eventually get dragged into the world of mafia which is hard to escape and harder to resist the rewards. You do all kind of missions for the mafia so no worry that it wont to to repeating. Gunplay is overall good with camera going up in way to simulate recoil on the gun. some may find it annoying, but i found it all right. would be kinda boring if you had no recoil at all, but its more option wise. There is a lot of driving in the game (to be honest like 35% driving of the game) so can be boring depending how you do it. You can change from auto to manual for the gearbox while driving so you can make more fun/challenging if you want it. i have love and hate with cars in this game. sometimes it can be fun chasing mods and just driving around and sometimes during missions, you have no choice but just drive after the objective. shooting out of the car is bad foe the reason you can only shoot if you shooting hand are in line with the target so dont expect to just shoot like GTA. Sometimes i just love driving around in the city with manual to relax or make a chase part more fun than just press w. Normally graphics are at the bottom when it comes to ranking games for me as i play games for the gameplay first and graphics can have a nostalgic feeling for me. I prefer art style over how real graphics looks. But in Mafia the graphics have not aged well. the art style is good, but the objective graphics is bad as you can see the pixels being blurry on the side which is not a good view. had few bugs where i could not continue the story even if i did the objective, but they were very fews. The game as two extra mods called free ride and free ride extreme where i have played a little bit and may continue on sometime. wont say what it is, but it`s worth it. Overall really good game for it time and still is. worth it if you want Mafia with heavy focus on story and more grounded/realistic gameplay.
Play the new one on hard difficulty, race mission will cuck u fr
So much BS game feels likes it built to waste as much as your time as possible, due to its age it suffers from the problem of scattered and non nonsensical checkpoints that along with some old school jank can really piss you off at times. the stories good but no story can make up for game play issues
amazing game from my childhood runs smoothly on the steamdeck had to mess around with settings for driving but other than that its a gem of a game
Best Game For ever
I have nothing to say, this game is just perfect in every single aspect. It was my childhood favorite game, now im 21 yrs old and i decided to buy it and replay it. Maan the nostalgia this game can give you, its insane.
And if you're still wondering to buy this game or not, i encourage you to buy it. Its worth every cent!
Barely any health items on hard missions 😔
Probably most iconic game ever
If there is a pinnacle of nostalgia of 90's kids gaming experience this is definately in top 10. Not only the devs did great job with characters, story, graphics and dialogues but they combined it all to almost "living like" experience. For a short time I was Tom Angelo and thats the highest achievment game could get. Looking back in time now, with way more than 300 games finished (at least), they also did a great job with car physics and especially with the map. The need to explore the whole map with all little details is what modern good open world games are missing now.
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Illusion Softworks |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 17.02.2025 |
Metacritic | 88 |
Отзывы пользователей | 86% положительных (2000) |