Разработчик: StormCube Games
Игра начинается с того, что вас засасывает в "воронку" пространства-времени, и вы оказываетесь на чуждой планете. Исследуйте, приспосабливайтесь, стройте и сражайтесь, чтобы выжить. Вы будете встречаться лицом к лицу с опасностями чуждого мира в различное время дня, в условиях меняющейся температуры, испытывая голод и жажду. Вы можете исследовать впечатляющие и опасные места, где вы всегда будете оставаться жертвой для местных тварей.
Если вы хотите выжить, будьте всегда начеку, действуйте скрытно, стройте и сражайтесь. Тем временем жизнь на Земле кардинально изменилась. Что же изменилось? Вы будете получать крупицы информации в ходе своего приключения. Приготовьтесь к худшему!
- story mode: escape from the island
- survival mode: protect yourself and your injured friend
- a huge, diverse and fully explorable alien island with a unique atmosphere, visuals and emblematic sceneries
- non-generated environment, every location was designed by hand
- dynamic day-night cycle
- crafting system: harvest resources to create equipment by combining them together
- building system: build shelters, fences, storage, fire, etc.
- survival aspects: hunger, thirst, stamina, health, different temperatures, hiding
- living fauna: more than 30 types of harmless and dangerous animals
- collect food, water and hunt
- some of the story elements are available already
- atmospheric music and sounds
- Steam achievements
Inspired by
- The Forest
- Stranded Deep
- The Long Dark
- 7 Days to Die
- Dying Light
- Rising World
- Subnautica
- FarSky
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, dutch, greek, hungarian, japanese, polish, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- ОС *: 32-bit Windows 7
- Процессор: Core i5 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz
- Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 560 / AMD Radeon HD 7790
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно: Integrated graphics cards, such as Intel HD, are not supported.
- ОС *: 64-bit Windows 8
- Процессор: Core i5 / AMD FX 2.4Ghz
- Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 / AMD Radeon HD 8990
- DirectX: версии 11
- Место на диске: 5 GB
- Дополнительно: Integrated graphics cards, such as Intel HD, are not supported.
Отзывы пользователей
During the Greenlight era, many were invited to a group with a promise of a free copy of this game. When they "ran out of keys", they kicked us out of the group. This game was made by a bunch of lying crooks. The game itself is not bad though. Just kidding, it's rushed early access hot garbage that someone decided to put a 1.0 on it and call it done.
i can't even play the game. as soon as the game loads the character is just spinning around. i can't move . thought i was drunk, lol
Vortex: The Gateway
A very good single player survival game build shelters,survival aspects: thirst hunger, escape from the island
plenty of dangerous animals to kill or be killed , water collect water ,food, and hunt, create equipment by collecting resources
I know this will never be read by anyone but I found this game fun. It was abandoned in 2016 by the devs (shitty team from what I have heard), but the game still functions at its core reasonably well. It is very unpolished but has very unique ideas in it and appeals to the people who would like a land version of subnautica.
I will say that I would NOT recommend buying this game as I am probably the only person in the world who still finds this fun from time to time but hey, if you want to pick it up and laugh at the assinine mechanics and the way the bow fires, feel free lol
This is a strange game to write a review about.
I can understand both sides, the ones that don't recommend and those who do.
What I can't understand is the developers. They seemingly pushed out a product that was in very good state, not that polished, a bit buggy but it was immersive, atmospheric, scary and promising with decent graphics at the same time.
Why I say that I can't understand them is because they rushed out the full release of a certainly not finished EA title after a few months of the EA release.
They could have fallow the path of Endlight Games Ltd.'s paths, aka the creators of The Forest, they could have worked on it for at least another 2 years to polish it better, to add new stuff (there is no crouch in this game, the animation is lacking, some sound design options are too repetative) to the game, iron out bugs, sell much much more copies in the meantime than they actually did.
I mean this was a very poor decision by them economically, and left many players, including myself very disappointed about the product, yet I am going to upvote this, barely but I do, not because it necessarily worths it's price, but because I got the price worth it in this game after all and I haven't finished yet what I plan to do.
Building in this game is very similar to The Forest, you chop down bamboos in a similar manner and finish the building's pre-placed transparent blueprints, crafting, //eating, drinking but in a creative way hence the alien world//.
Nights are scary especially at the beginning when you have no base or it's just a barebone one. The happenings and the sounds at night's are pretty creepy tbh. But as you gear up and explore the places, you will get your courage and feel a bit more competitive about yourself.
Anyways. Normally this wouldn't worth the price, but if you are like me and like when you hear ,,survival+alien'' in the same sentence, you gonna like it. But keep in mind it's in EA state in feels, despite being fully released...
Abandoned game that had potential, devs wanted to grab the money and run.During early access, seemed like it was building up to be a fun game. Played it on and off, enjoying them building a world and story.Then, either they figured it was too much work, lost interest, I don't know, they stopped working on it. Claimed it was out of early access while still glitchy and buggy. Ran off to the next game.If you are looking for a crafting survival, wait until it pops up on some bulk side like indiegala or whatever. Do not give them your direct money.
I had this on my wishlist for years, because it can only get better, right? Wrong, apparently.
Made the mistake of finally purchasing this thinking it would make for a good game to follow, in early access, and enjoy. I guess I should have paid better attention. After 3-4 years, it's still about the same. Apparently the game is considered released now. However, the graphics are okay, but the assets seem extremely mediocre. (Maybe it's better later - I couldn't push through the boredom) The animations are on part with a sample pack for a game engine, in the extremely rare situation that they actually exist at all. Movement and crafting mechanics are downright generic. You pretty much slide everywhere. The sound pretty much all comes from the same one direction, so surround isn't even fun for it. This is a game that demonstrates the reason why we can't just accept the low quality of early access with the intent to improve, because not everyone wants to improve their game to release quality.
Crafting is similar to The Forest, while being really janky because everything just teleports everywhere. No effort put into actually making things look real at all. Even trees just sit in the air, for a bit, after being cut, and then.....poof. 3 vertical "logs" appear for you to teleport into your arms.
All of this is acceptable for an early alpha. However, this has been declared as finished (2.5 years ago) with no intent to update, which is unacceptable. So I dub this abandonware (despite the dev's attempt to name it otherwise.) I feel silly doing it, but I'm refunding the $3 I paid for it, because it's just not worth the price, or more of my time.
The only thing I can really give this game is the same comment that has been said at Denny's Restaurant, a few times:
"My compliments to the photographer."
I am enjoying this game! I guess the neg reviews are people who signed up in EA, and expected 'Their game' to be different, EA really is a double-edged sword. And I can never understand why people who sign up in EA think the game is thiers, and the developer needs to make changes to suit them, it cracks me up! LOL
I have almost 9 days in game (6+ hours RT) and so far no bugs nor glitches.
Graphics are well done (some minor things that I picked up on but nothing bad)!
The animations are great!
The building system is great!
The setting is really good!
The sounds are well done.
Well done to the Developers! And thanks!
Dont get me wrong, i'm not usually the grumpy old guy within reviews, but i'm starting to notice alot of Early access games in my library, that i used to praise so highly for their cheap prices and ability to be able to 'be there' when the game first started....This Game seems no different from titles that others moan about becuase they dont feel theyve gotten their moneys worth/ feel lured in and screwed over by the developers.
Another survival game with potential, but currently looking like a rip off.
Dont be fooled by sales tactics and low prices. currently you're better off throwing the cash out of window as the chances of the money turning into a beanstalk are just as likely as the game being finished or even updated. Massive shame.
This game came out March 2016 and since then there has been a few small updates and the last was june 2016. The devs have said there are no plans to update this sloppy attempt at making a game, and havent seemed to explain themselves nor let us know officially, nor written so on store page.
Most consider it to be abandoned without notice nor apology as far as i'm aware.
The other two games that they have on Steam are negatively rated, it would seem like theres only one Developer or small amount of them, trying to spread their time across 3 games that everyones moaning about.
Way to go Stormcube games, you've killed your company before it even had chance to take off.
Watch out for this company carefully in the future.
I will update/ edit review if anything happens.
soooooo, barely played it, but ive played enough to know that it needs alot more work.
its not a bad concept. graphics are ok. but its dead
last update was june 2016. last year. its safe to say that this has been abandoned
I'd like to give this game a 4.5 - 5/10 but since Steam doesn't have a neutral or scoring system it's going to be thumbs down at the normal price.
50% off or more steam sale...? Flip a coin and go with the result.
Reasons why I don't recommend VORTEX.
I know indie devs don't have monster budgets but I'd expect to see some evidence of care and attention beyond "It's stable", everything seems a bit under developed.
Graphics are 10 years behind modern standard - as is animation and world design.
Controls are clunky, sluggish and lack almost all feedback.
Forget melee cobat, you just wave a weapon in front and can't even tell if you're hitting your enemy or not.
Days are short, there doesn't seem to be any sleep option and you need to save at a shelter. Checkpoint saves in an open world survival/exploration game?
Weak story.
Doesn't really encourage exploration.
A game that will never leave early access even though it has. It looks awful, the mechanics are janky and it just isnt any fun. Go play The Forest if you want a great open world survival game. Sorry to the devs, i really wanted to like this but when you released it in its current form as "finished" i had to give a bad review.
First off, Yes this is a Early Access Review and yes I totally understand that it's in development. I applied for a refund, didn't get it so i'm writing a review for others instead.
What really really drove me to give a negative review is the lack of actual content. Now yes early development means not much content but believe me, 80% of it is absolutely useless. This game is literally a game of a guy, who is lost using the same spear, eating same food and drinking the same water, There's no point in building anything other than the tent to save the damn game.
First off, weapons. Your given multiple weapons, Bows, arrows, matchete, club, bombs, spears. Sounds like alot of weapons right?
There's only 1 you will need and ti's the spears and it's the first thing you make with a stick...
The bow does not function properly, no draw back, can't aim down either and arrows are extremely expensive to make.
Bombs are impossible as the item needed is so far away and your bag space is so limited, spears are better.
Everything else is the same, pretty pointless cause the amoutn of attack you need to 1 spear is 3:1.
Second, Buildings - Traps/Fences/Towers/Storage/Totems.
Now survival games you got, the small simple one, some travel one and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger.... This game doesn't provide that aspect, sure the building IS bigger, but the size difference... it's like... going from a tent to a Dumpster (BIGGeST SIZE) and the material you need from 1 to the other... will take 1-2 days of farming the mats. Not even worth it. No extra functions either, purely cosmetics (Barely).
Traps are great, except the mats you need to make them require way too many and I mean... WAY too many. Also SOME traps require very unique mats which is just way too far to get, take a full day to run there and back + food + water + weapons. Your not really protecting anything as nothing hostile ever enters your base... and even if there was there are totems! (explain later.)
Fences... they're way too short and really again provides nothing as nothing ever attacks your base...
Towers... yea nothing attacks your base... again... and mats is way too many, takes a full day to farm that stuff for no reason... you might as well run around throwing spears instead, better aim.
Storage... There's so many individual item storages... that it's absolutely frustrating. I mean it's cute but there are items I had in my inventory that I couldn't store. So.. I had to throw them away.
Totems... Since I said i'll explain later, it's basicly an item to ward off monsters... every monster I killed I got a totem. So... my base had around 30 totems just around... but nothing attacked me so I don't even know if they worked TBH. They were my only line of defense lol. My whole base was open.
So thats why 80% of the buildings are useless. I had a ton of storage... but I never actually took anything off the storage as I didn't need like... 80% of the items I found. All I ever needed was Stick/Spear, Meat and water (First thing your taught when you enter the game basicly...)
Third Combat, Combat is just run back throw spear once spear hits once, stunned throw the rest and they're dead. They just run at u and attack, no abilties not even different run speeds.
To the Devs,
I believe that adding content or improving current content to have some value. Reworking current content is probably the better idea.
Adding abilities or benifits to towers... or actually making towers taller (but your AI already has massive issues vs players on different height levels)
Walls need to be taller too. Kinda weird it's so low. Evolving the walls to have spikes or even holding the heads as totems would be nice as well. Or adding enemy carapace to the walls too.
The Homes could actually be bigger as well, the fancier homes you have aside from the tent is actually really small and would take forever to build them. I mean I can barely put anything inside those homes.
Food could use a huge huge upgrade. At least add a different value for every item... doesn't make sense an EGG feeds as much as a whole rack of ribs. Adding different benifits would be nice, like making u feel full for a while.
Weapons could get a few upgrades too. Spear is the ezest and only thign worth having for a weapon. Arrows are so weak, same distance as spear. Melee weapon is so hard to obtain and not worth the farm again.
I truely believe that 80% of your content actually does nothing and it really really needs a rework to add a significance to the game so that it makes me feel like I NEED or WANT to make it.
This game has been in development for long enough for me to forget that I had it on my wishlist. Why does it still feel so incomplete?
The character models need some serious work, and crafting is rather awkward.
It's like they took The Forest and cross-bred it with a cheap korean F2P MMO. I'm not a fan.
As of right now, it's not worth the half price. The visuals need to be replaced and it's not obvious where you get most of the materials.
When you look at this.. Think The Forest** without crazed, mutant tree jumping cannibals.
Think instead.. somewhat crazed, strange aliens, some who live here anyway.. and some sucked here like you and your companions via a vortex.
Dont get used to the companions.. they dont hang around long.. as in just long enough to get you started.. then.. well things happen.
Unless your playing in Survival Mode, which is you tending to a wounded comrade and trying to survive.. the only difference between the two is that instead of looking out for yourself.. your looking out for him also. I advise you dont start in that mode. I did and it does not include the helpful advice that Story Mode does.
Graphics wise.. Not bad at all.. I have seen better.. but I ve seen worse.. and its not system taxing.
It is a survival game. You save via your base house ( like a lot of them do these days )
Crafting is easy, minus the part that you have no idea where or how to get a few things you need.. but that makes it better. You are on an alien planet, you have no idea what is what. Of course you can just look it up via the information on forum etc.. But my advice.. Dont. Enjoy the not knowing at first. It is not hard to figure any of it out. Normally in the form of pick something up and then you know.
The control setup seemed confusing at first.. as the listed controls are for controler and PC both.. and I could not get them to change. But it didnt really matter because they are all standard setup anyway for KB / M
One thing I have not made up my mind about yet.. you cant sleep time. IE.. I built my house. Trust me.. night is scary right now.. like the Forest when your getting started.. but no way to fast time it. So I spent my first two nights hunkering in fear at the sounds around me, hiding behind my fire.. which thankfully seems to scare off a few critters that came running full tilt at me.. keeping my back to my hut wall.
Its not a bad play at all so far. I am even scared that my next day will be my last.. again.
BTW. Happy Birthday.
** I refer to the Forest, which could be considered a competitor to this game, or vice versa simply to get the idea accross. When I say its like the Forest.. I mean it. If you recall the Forest about midway of it's EA life.. This is that, only the things that want to eat you are different. It is also a bit slower paced here, yes.. easy to die early if you have no clue.. but the enemies are not so unforgiving.
Consider this a bit more low stress. My daughter is scared to death of the cannibals. Aliens she enjoys.
I was excited to try this game out. While there are many survival games out there today, there are few that are built around single player.
My feeling is that this game originally intended to be released as a multiplayer game, however was instead released as a single player game with a weak story line. I'm speculating this, when I consider the almost non-existant story, and the limited set of craftable items that don't make sense in relation to the actual game mechanics themselves.
This is a retail game that feels like one that is in Early Access.
Honestly not worth it.
The Island:
-- The island really is very well done. I'm running a 780Ti and have absolutely no problem pulling 60 frames per second. Its well designed and gives a lot of attention to lighting. There are numerous locations on the map to explore and discover, each with its own set of challenges, creatures, and resources to tackle. In fact, if you're going to build out everything in the game, you're going to have to do some exploring.
-- To me, survival isn't vastly different than most games in this genre. There is hunger and thirst. Hunt for food (at least five different types discovered so far) and collect water. Yes, the game advertises other survival metrics, but they don't seem to play a huge role. Stamina is really only about how fast you can cut things down or throw a spear. You're able to sprint indefinitely. Hot vs Cold (at least in story mode) only seems to apply when walking in fire or in a couple of "cold" locations that you can quickly dip into, get what you need and get out.
-- Aside from the voice acting (which could use some work) the audio is really solid. The island makes so many different noises from regular ambient noise to the various creatures on the island. In fact, early on, until you've learned the noises each critter makes, the audio can really keep you on the seat of your pants.
-- So far, I've found six weapons, I believe, which really helps in survival. So far, I haven't felt the need to build many traps.
-- The story is pretty basic, so far, but it has provided a really nice motivation to the game. Everytime I think I'm about to escape the island, I find I need to solve one more "puzzle". How do i get in here? How do I get one of those? Etc. Its given me reason to explore the island without making things seem easy.
-- If they keep developing the game it will really shine but, as it is, its a good spend for $15ish. I think I'm about 10 hours in and can see myself spending a few more (I really want to figure out how to get off the island). Multiplayer would be a nice touch, but maybe just for survival mode, not the story.
OK so this is a first impression as you will see I don't have that many hours in gameplay. However I have got to say that this game keeps you on your toes. There is no time to chill out and have a picnic. Provided you have the right strategy you should be able to survive. People say they die too quickly, that is just because their strategy sucks. Keep getting thirsty? Then build your base where you know there is a water fruit node nearby! Keep getting hungry? Pull your finger out and do some hunting! Keep getting killed by dragon? Stop prancing around like julie andrews all over the hills and be a bit more stealthy! Everything else killing you? Stop swinging your machete like it's the only weapon you can get and make yourself some spears which are sooooo easy to make! It takes some getting used to I am not going to lie but how boring it would be if there wasn't a challenge!
Something I will say is that while there are a few hours gameplay here and some nice areas to explore it would be so much more fun with a friend, but watch this space because 2 player co-op is planned! Well done devs! Make it happen!
There are downsides too but they seem to be far out-weighed by the positives. This game has the potential to make you jump with some heart-pounding sounds and an atmosphere that a lot of people will feel on edge in. Again this is where people get stressed...it's like trying to teach a kid to sit on the toilet. They flip out because they have to stop have everything done for them and do it themselves.
All in all not a bad game AT ALL. Performance could be better get around 25-30 fps but there are no lags and although the creatures can look a bit strange and not as attractive as some games the atmosphere combined with these is spot on.
--Update for v0.1019--3 JAN 16
Current build is fairly the same with an added alien speeder you can make out of twigs and alien tech.
Here are some newer points of interest:
*Over time the alien sniffing is more annoying than it is scary.
*Storage bins are not classical bags/boxes but rather bins used to throw the items in, which end up being the same as throwing them on the ground and more difficult to pick up.
*Spawn rate of the monsters has gone way up which is contradictory to what, at least I, wanted. By night 3 you are being completely over run.
--Previous Review; All points are valid--13 DEC 15
I fully recommend this game—conditionally for v0.987. My only other survival game experience is ARK and Forsaken Fortress. Thus, my survival game experience is limited to those games, so please keep that in mind.
PROS/Subjective (My Opinion)
-Scary as hell--monsters can freak the living crap out of you. I spent one of my nights on top of a rock surrounded by zombies and other aliens. Sniff* Sniff* Shriek*; is all I heard for the entire night…while trying to figure out what I was going to do in the morning.
-Great Sound Effects
-Good Graphics
-Good storyline
-Well thought out overall game design/foundation
-Structure plotting
-Entertaining resource hunting
-Fairly easy to get the hang of
-Finding Water is not as hard as people think it is, but not being able to drink or even collect beach water and filter it later is wierd to me
CON/Objective (Fact)
-Still fairly buggy because it is early access, just something buyers should to consider and be aware of.
--I have only experienced three to four blaring bugs that need fixed, sooner rather than later.
CON/Subjective (My opinion)
-No player customization
-No player skills/talents/progression of any sort
-No structure customization, just base design (*all structures are pre-designed and only require X amount of resources to build. Player made structure/plotting designs would be awesome and fix this CON for me)
-Very limited weapons choices
-Limited resource selection/variety
-Only one save file
-Currently no multiplayer
-Alien spawn rate needs to be adjustable on "new game" or within an options menu. Possibly an ability to disable it completely for those who want to just “build a base” and get to know the game for a few hours.
Please note that , there has been a lot of prejudice about games like these, because it bears a resemblance to "The Forest"
If your reading this review without an open mind, or are terribly biased with The Forest, against any new games that might feel similar to you, I humbly urge you to look away and ignore this.
There are a lot of things that have yet to be implemented, bugs that still need fixing and optimizations that need to be tweaked, but keep it mind, again, that it is in alpha-early access.
Bashing a game at this current state now is foolish, and many have already done so, at the expense of their own social status.
But if you are here to see what this game has to offer , despite it being in early stages of alpha, then perhaps I can shed some light for you.
Vortex - The Gateway , is another indie-survival adventure game, with a little twist, and perhaps a more unique, surrealistic take to the genre. Basically you start off getting abducted by aliens and transported to an alien world. An island that is absolutely lush-green, wild , alien and devoid of human-contact.
Your goal is to collect resources and hunt for food to sustain your livability , building shelter and protection for the coming nights, where alien dropships will send grotesque experiments to hunt you down and kill you.
It is man vs alien in this Predator-like-inspired jungle survival, where you must struggle to survive, and along the way, uncover the fragments of what is happening on earth, while you fight for your life and explore the island.
Alright at first thought this may be just another survival game with lizards but this one totally caught me by suprise. Here is what I am loving about this game so far:
Performance- Running maxed out and getting about an average of 40 fps (gtx780, 16 gigs ram, i7, etc.). No crashes or bugs as of this posting. While good probably will continue to need optimization as it develops.
Visuals- Game looks fantastic and very atmospheric (great work on the skybox as well).
Sound- This is where the game is a 10/10 already! The sounds in this game will have you on the seat of your pants especially at night. Not to much and not too little just enough to get your imagination running wild.
Environment- Plenty of area to explore, great foliage, various animals to hunt, creatures that hunt you (very scary at night), Resources are available but you do have to venture out and explore. Hope to see island/landmass increase over time as indicated.
Crafting- Works well but UI could use some fine tuning and current carrying capacity should/could be either increased or allow for additional containers to be crafted. You can craft a storage container out of bamboo but doesn't seem to currently offer option to store extra items (bug?).
Resource (water/food)- Food seems to be plentiful but the water is currently hard to find and limited. I do think the water consumption rate needs to be looked at as it depleates too fast in my opinion. Will be nice to see more animals added that you can hunt (really fun).
Story- Yes there is actually a story/plot! While limited now I hope to see this expanded upon...where are we? Why are we here? Can we escape back to Earth? etc. etc.
Here are two videos from my livestreams that will give you a good sense of how the game is as of this posting:
Игры похожие на Vortex: The Gateway
Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | StormCube Games |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 54% положительных (102) |