Разработчик: Permadeath
Отправляйтесь в величайшее приключение на Планету Центавра! Исследуйте новые биомы и скрытые подземелья, захватывайте и приручайте монстров, стройте и защищайте деревню НИПов, создавайте собственное оружие и изобретайте магические заклинания! Спасайте и защищайте коренной вид Хлоридианецев от злых Ночных Странников! Развивайте Планету Центавра, превращая ее в колыбель новой цивилизации!
Поймай их всех! Захватывай и приручай монстров!
Ваши новые компаньоны будут поддерживать вас и развиваться, чтобы стать сильнее! Каждое пойманное существо сохраняет свои уникальные особенности, будет эволюционировать по мере получения опыта в битвах рядом с вами и даже сможет завести потомство, если найдет себе пару!
Пойманных монстров можно запечатать, что позволит вам превращаться в практически любого из них.
Некоторые монстры обладают уникальными способностями, которые вы можете использовать себе во благо, к примеру летать или перемещаться сквозь землю.
Пойманных монстров можно поселить в небольшие домики, представляющие из себя карманное измерение, которое можно обустроить по вкусу его обитателей. Когда монстры счастливы, они будут получать опыт и время от времени, при соблюдении всех условий, откладывать яйца.
Потомство наследует черты родителей, что позволяет вам вывести идеального монстра.
Суффиксы, характеристики и руны
Используйте руны для наделения вашего снаряжения различными свойствами и эффектами!
Прокачивайте снаряжение, убивая монстров, или используя магические кристаллы.
Оружие и броня имеют 7 уровней редкости! Более высокая редкость всегда означает более сильные и уникальные эффекты и характеристики!
У монстров также есть уровни редкости, более редкие монстры гораздо сильнее и опаснее обычных, с уникальными способностями и усиленными характеристиками.
Испытайте свою удачу, используя специальные валюты для получения идеальных характеристик вашего снаряжения.
Широкий спектр навыков позволяет сражаться с невероятной ловкостью.
Некоторые навыки можно объединять в комбо.
Стихийные мечи хорошо сочетаются с некоторыми навыками. Вы можете открыть навыки для каждой стихии (огонь, лед, камень, электричество, тень и свет), получая широкий спектр возможных комбинаций.
Экипировка полного комплекта брони открывает новые навыки и способности, делая каждый вариант полезным по-своему. От шахтера до теневого охотника, откройте все классы, создав все части брони!
Снаряжение можно прокачивать, чтобы оно оставалось полезным на протяжении всей игры. Ни один комплект брони не будет навсегда заброшен в сундуке после получение нового!
Создавайте собственные магические заклинания!
От контроля траектории полета огненных шаров до простого улучшения собственной выживаемости - создайте массу магических заклятий на свой вкус.
Каждая стихия имеет свои достоинства и недостатки:
Огненные разрушительны и могут поджигать как врагов, так и окружение
Ледяные могут заморозить или пронзить несколько целей
Электрические очень быстры и могут наэлектризовывать местность
Каменные могут хорошо оттолкнуть недоброжелателя или превратить его в камень
Световые хороши для лечения самого себя
Теневые могут преследовать врагов и проходить сквозь них
Можно комбинировать несколько элементов в одном заклинании, и монстры могут иметь слабости к части из них.
Для написания новой магии предусмотрен интерактивный редактор со множеством доступных опций.
Готовыми заклятьями можно поделиться с друзьями обычным текстом в формате base64 через буфер обмена. Это так же просто, как копирование и вставка.
Сельское хозяйство и кулинария
Поговорка «Чем больше пожуешь, тем дольше проживёшь» нигде не была так близко к правде, как на Планете Центавра. Употребление различных типов пищи позволит вашему персонажу стать значительно сильнее и развить свои способности.
Извлекайте волшебные эссенции из различных растений, цветов, овощей или частей монстров, чтобы объединить их в мощные зелья.
Каждая эссенция связана с определенными эффектами и может использоваться для создания соответствующих зелий: жизни, магии, энергии, регенерации, жизненной силы, сопротивляемости, силы и скорости.
Постройте деревню и назначьте жителям цель в жизни
Спасайте коренных жителей Планеты Центавра, Хлоридианецев, и постройте для них поселения. Подружитесь с ними и найдите для них призвание: повара, воины, маги, исследователи и многое другое!
Индустриальная эра начинается
Стройте ветряные мельницы или порабощайте беззащитных кур для генерации механической энергии, чтобы питать ваши машины посредством системы шестерней и ременных передач.
Перерабатывайте материалы, создавайте уникальные ресурсы и заменяйте несовершенные деревянные шестерни вплоть до стальных.
Создавайте механические системы с использованием:
Генераторов (Ветряные мельницы, беговые колеса, рукоятки)
Различных видов шестерен (односторонние, двойные, переключатели)
Ремней для соединения шестерен, создания передаточных механизмов для увеличения крутящего момента или скорости
Трубопроводов для транспортировки предметов
Циркулярных пил для аннигиляции деревьев и всего живого
Нажимных плит и механизированных дверей
Различных машин, таких как мельницы, дробилки, настольные пилы, создатели блоков и т.д.
Творите без ограничений с уникальной системой МагиТех!
МагиТех (MagiTech) позволяет вам разрабатывать различные логические системы, от простого автоматического освещения до калькуляторов и даже процессоров!
Это достигается с помощью уникальной системы труб для передачи энергии душ, несущих вплоть до 9 бит информации на канал, и большого количества компонентов, включая:
Генераторы, собирающие души из окружающей среды
Кристаллизаторы, способные собрать из душ кристаллы, способные генерировать еще больше душ
Батарейные системы для хранения душ
Лампы, пиксели и дисплеи
Датчики и различные типы входов
Логические операторы (НЕ, И, ИЛИ)
Математические операторы (сумматоры, деление, остаток деления, компараторы)
АЦП, ЦАП, энкодеры, декодеры, мультиплексоры
Память (триггеры, 8-битные регистры, счетчики)
ПЗУ, использующие блоки, размещенные в мире, в качестве хранилища двоичных данных
И многое другое!
К примеру, работающая реализация классического клеточного автомата, игра «Жизнь».
На Планете Центавра вас не будет беспокоить обязательное обучение, линейное прохождение или какое-либо принудительное основное задание.
Исследуйте все, что хотите, в любом порядке, главное - выжить.
Дерево прохождения и страницы обучения будут только направлять вас в исследовании всех возможностей игры.
Специальные испытания и руины
Мир наполнен древними руинами. В большинстве из них вас ждут особые испытания.
Откройте неизведанные подземелья, полные ловушек. Возможно, там вас ждет что-то уникальное и невероятное.
Более чем с 500 различными типами блоков и декоративными предметами дайте волю своему воображению, создавая разнообразные детализированные сооружения.
Любому блоку можно придать форму в виде множества различных уклонов или покрасить в любой из множества цветов.
Фигурные блоки можно комбинировать с другим, получая 2 блока в одном.
Объединяя двойные блоки и краску, возможности становятся безграничными.
Творческий режим
В творческом режиме у вас есть доступ к инструментам разработчика, командам, терраформированию, бесконечным предметам и т.д.
В Планете Центавра сложная система событий, которая позволяет создавать ловушки, порождать врагов и создавать сложные мини-игры без программирования.
На данный момент существует более 20 различных типов событий и триггеров.
События работают как функции и выполняют определенные действия. Триггеры могут передавать различные типы сигналов и подключаться к любым другим событиям/триггерам:
Zone triggers: Coming / Leave / ViewEnter / ViewLeave / ComingZone / LeaveZone
Combat triggers: Spawn / KillMonsters / PlayerGetDamages / Challenge / Open
Misc triggers: Counter / Switch / Chrono / ChronoLocal / PreciseTimer / Dice / HourChanged
Event dispatching triggers: Hub / HubFilter / Dispatch / TimedDispatch
BlockPattern to detect shaped structures (useful to make puzzles)
CreateBlocks / DestroyBlocks / CreateDecorations / DestroyDecorations / Indestructible
SpawnRope / SpawnTree / SpawnBall / SpawnLava
Unlock / GenerateItems / ObjectAttributes / TriggerAttribute / AddAttributes / DisableLight
SetPortal / WorldLocation
SpawnOverride to modify permanently (or not) the world spawn tables
Мастерская Steam не поддерживается, но игра может быть гибко модифицирована.
Любой предмет в игре можно отредактировать через текстовые конфигурационные файлы в каталоге PlanetCentauri/assets/moddable.
Вы можете добавлять блоки, декорации или любые визуальные элементы, без необходимости уметь программировать.
Для более сложных систем, таких как монстры или сущности, используется язык программирования Lua (как в Factorio, Hades, Don't Starve, Roblox и многих других).
Текущее ограничение - отсутствие менеджера модов. Это может приводить к потенциальным проблемам и конфликтам при установке нескольких модификаций, и вам придется распространять и устанавливать моды вручную.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, german, spanish - spain, dutch, portuguese - brazil, russian, swedish, portuguese - portugal, korean
Системные требования
- ОС *: windows vista 64 bits
- Процессор: DualCore 2GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Card with 256MB and support Shader Model 1.3
- Место на диске: 400 MB
- Звуковая карта: /
- ОС: Os X 10.7+
- Процессор: 64bit intel CPU - DualCore 2GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Card with 256MB and support Shader Model 1.3
- Место на диске: 250 MB
- ОС: Ubuntu 12 +
- Процессор: DualCore 2GHz
- Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: Card with 256MB and support Shader Model 1.3
- Место на диске: 250 MB
Отзывы пользователей
This game is 50% good 50% bad and 100% peak
Well... there isnt much i can say about this game besides the fact that its not a finished product despite the fancy 1.0 that was stickered on it a while back (without really changing much with said 1.0 release). The combat is fine, but its more often than not just ends up being jank, The "class system" in the form of different armor sets makes progression feel pointless because the next tier armor you had to waste a lot of time in can just end up being too uncomfortable to use and not that much better in terms of stats, and magic system feels complicated and useless because most modifiers just end up being a burden on your mana supply for a mediocre effect that mostly just hurt your aim instead of giving benefits while ALSO costing you the grind time. At the very end its essentially just a version 0.14.4, disguised as a full release so that the dev could potentially abandon the game in the future when they completely burn out from developing this overly ambitious mixture of loosely connected features that host this dry youtube video "i remade terraria in a month" type game. Am i being too harsh? Maybe. But then again, said terraria costs just a little bit more and gets constant support from the devs, even starbound that was abandoned already has more content and mod support in case you want to make it feel complete.
It actually hurts for me to say that I can't recommend this game. I have over 200 hours in Planet Centauri and have enjoyed playing it quite a bit in some cases. I can't recommend it because the class system they implemented just seems rather shoe horned in onto existing armor rather than making new armors that could form up the class system better and a lot smoother. Another thing is that the combat gets significantly worse later on and if you don't have the full means to take those enemies out you will suffer a LOT and there's only so much that healing items can do when you are swarmed by enemies. is it a decent game? yes it's decent but it's not as good as terraria (and this game showed so much promise to be as good or better than terraria) but at least it's not as bad as starbound.
Starbound graphics with Terraria gameplay (just a little more difficult)
It's a good game. I like it. Just missing new weapons and new combos. I really want the game to update quickly. I will support you.
Can't wait to see the full game.
เกมนี่ดีจัด ถ้าอัปอะไรใหม่ๆมาเร็วๆต้องดีมากแน่ๆ อันนี้จากผู้เล่น Terraria กับ starbound มากกว่า 300ชม. เกมนี้ตัวเต็มมาต้องเล่นมากกว่า 500ชม แน่ๆ
As someone who has played a lot of Terraria. this one seemed very much my kind of thing.
but where the heck is that learning curve? its a straight up wall that teaches us nothing. no guidance no instructions nothing.
Im entirely confused as a vet Terraria player.
i hvnt managed to get very far into this game as one might have expected.
it could really use with a few instructions here or there. or just watch a yt video explaining everything to ya. otherwise, goodluck.
Oyun zaman kaybı oynayıp paranızı boşa harcamayın.
the game itself is fun, but the problem only on the UX side.
A Terraria like inspired platformer with Farming, Customize your own spells, Monster catching/breeding, Dungeon based progress system for crafting weapons and armor
Can't wait to see future updates!
*Review as of 1.0 Release
Fun game, crazy deep if you're a completionist.
All monsters spawn with a rarity modifier and random passives which can be absolutely busted, you can catch them, ride them, breed them, have them fight for you or power your machines palworld-style. Every weapon and armor comes with a damage type or element, a level of rarity, enchantments, runes and glyphs that can level up or be rerolled. You can build your own custom spells by picking an element of your choice, then add effects, movement patterns, adjust the damage and range (in exchange for manacost). You're also strongly encouraged to build factories, there's a whole system with cogs, pipes and power sources that can be used to automate food crafting I think? Havent touched it yet. There's a crap ton of ingredients and meals, crops to be grown, and eating each of them for the first time is how you increase your max HP. Also you get a skill tree and your inventory is infinite.
That was the good part.
The bugs... JESUS christ. 2016 Ark Survival Evolved looked like a finished, well polished AAA game compared to this mess. The amount of times I've had items fall through the world or just vanish from my inventory, the weird hitboxes, the crashes every 2h and then you lose your last 10 minutes of progress..... shameful. 15 minutes in my new game and my character just keeps dying and respawning at high speed, my buddy says he sees a fire animation on my character? Oh but I'm not losing any essence (basically xp), im actually gaining a lot of it! Great, I guess I found an infinite xp glitch? 15 minutes in?
Sometimes I cant interact with blocks that I placed, in MY house for no apparent reason, but closing and reopening my world fixes it. Sometimes my friends can see mobs and I cant, sometimes its the other way around. Sometimes dungeons spawn without loot, or with challenge instructions that only some people can see.
Enough shitting on the crappy programming; the DESIGN:
How can anyone think that you want to get BLASTED with the intro music at 10000 Db when you open the game for the first time is beyond me, but even better: the title screen doesnt even have an "options" option. Thats only in the ingame interface. And that interface... oh boy.... have fun opening your inventory and have it take 8/10th of the screen (cant be resized btw), in a game where you're gonna be opening the menu every 2 seconds, thats just terrible. And scrolling in your inventory (or any menu for that matter, be it the skill window or the tutorial) also scrolls your hotbar, same for clicking. I mustve set my base on fire at least 6 times because I was unknowingly scrolling to a fire staff/spell (that I couldnt see, see comment about the huge inventory) and clicked on a menu item which made me shoot a fireball in my chicken coop.
The loot is so unbalanced my friend and I found these crystals in a chest, 48 of them in the same chest. Using them sends us to the SAME dungeon, every time. We cleared it, it keeps sending us there. We now have 600 of those crystals. You also get crystals to upgrade your gear to a certain level. 1h in and I had 20 of those crystals.... 2 of them are enough to max out any piece of late game gear....... but hey you wanna max the RUNES on your gear? LOL that'll take 4 to the power 7 (16,384) runes of the same type, ideally you'll also want 3 runes per piece of gear. And they also need to be the same TYPE of rune (out of like 13 types ive found so far, there's probably more). These runes have a drop rate of about 1/200. Enjoy.
Not to mention the absolute absence of guidance, need a blue orb to upgrade your anvil? Alright have fun looking for that lol (its dropped by the green monkeys in the jungle(wtf)). Oh hey, here's a random gate that'll cost you 2000 essence. I looked everywhere, there's nothing beyond the gate, just an empty prairie. Wanna go home? 2000 essence.
The NPCs dont do anything, dont even bother trying.
I first played this game 7 years ago on my brother's computer and thought it had a lot of potential.
2 weeks agoI saw it released for good and bought it but.... this is the same game I played 7 years ago... wtf did the devs do since 2017??
10000/10 concept, very ambitious, lots to do (especially when you keep losing your stuff to bugs), 3/10 for the execution.
I still enjoy it, I think.
Has... had potential, but left early access as incomplete/unpolished/buggy 1.0 release with all its cons.
+ Terraria-like
+ Music
- Bugs
- Unfinished
- Unpolished
- Lack of ingame-info, tooltips are very generic
- The tutorial system (aka quests) feels: a) stupid (lots of work for nothing) b) useless (not informative, unhelpful most of time)
- The action bar is weird with that switching/exchanging to have both mouse buttons assigned
- Lack of hotkeys (e.g. 4 hotkeys for left/right skills)
- The progression is poorly balanced, I could find bronze hammer needed to upgrade anvil to craft bronze items while already got iron and steel one
- The variety of enemy buffs is ridiculous, the easy enemy suddenly become OP with health regen or some nasty periodically cast spells
Can't tell a single thing about this game what makes it outstanding compared to other Terraria-like games.
Avoid, even on discount. The game is boring.
P.S.: another wasted early access tittle..
Releasing the 1.0 version of a game is to say "yes, all the features and functionality for the base game have been completed and implemented". Nowadays, there is of course the potential for extra features to be added later via updates, but the point of a 1.0 version is for all purposes, a finished game the way it was intended.
Not the case here. This game is being pushed to version 1.0 missing many features intended for the base game. This is being done for the sake of "increasing sales". The developer said so. The developer has stated that the missing features are planned to be implemented eventually. Even if this is the case, pushing an unfinished game to version 1.0 and out of early access like this is just plain wrong, no exceptions.
Kinda barebones but thats expected for a 1.0 version, really fun and i have high expectations for future updates. Some sprites and sound effects could get some touch-ups, and the UI needs some major redesign. The game has a fun concept and the content in the game are fun to explore, ranging from biomes to dungeons with bosses that have unique attacks.
7/10, big fun and big expectations for this game. Might even come close to something like Terraria! (or even surpass it..?)
The game is pretty fun but really hard to get started
The game is lovely and is a lot of fun, but needs a ton of polish. It's buggy and sometimes unbalanced, but i love it nonetheless
so 1.0, currently the game has a mixed review on steam, half of the reviewers dont even have 20 hours ingame (not saying their review is invalid) and the game is practically invisible on steam right now. This is the context of my review to which ill get back to later.
Personally i bought the game on 1.0 and played it since, made a character in nightmare mode and currently im holding close to 69 hours (nice) in the game. I dont really have a base, any real farm or anything, just a platform with crafting stations, some crops i harvest and give to cooks to make food and thats it currently though im post gold armor and killed a bunch of bosses including the mummy (very hard boss) , next up im facing the master (pretty important boss). this is to show the game doesnt really enforce any real rules to your playstyle which i like, the game would want you to make a windmill, or something to farm for food, life potions or crops better but you dont have to so the "sandbox" part where theres no real playstyle enforced checks in.
The parts that feel the most fun for me right now are really the dungeons and bosses but it is to note that its not the only thing there is to this game, the game offers you thousands of ways to maximize your gear, destroy the world and create fun stuff whether its magitech or the gearing system which the game again does not force you to use but it makes your life 100 times easier and much more fun. If you are seeking a challenge in dungeons and bosses only you can have maybe more or less 60-70 hours of game play depending on your difficulty and playstyle though with one thing to note at least (see below)
things like UI, the crafting system, teaching spells to the player and giving the player an easier time understanding magitech and the gearing system need some work (they already do the last one via structures and stuff but sometimes i just need a big fat wall of text to learn how something works, tho im not everyone tbh). UI is kinda tricky to use as opening your inventory kinda disable some of your movement functions and hides your whole view, on top of that getting items from your inventory to another chest is kinda tedious, another thing is that when your main healing items run out from your hotbar you kinda have to go to your inventory to get other ones and doing that in a boss fight can basicly mean death if not careful. The crafting system isnt bad in itself, it just kinda needs polishing, we cant see an item's stats before crafting it and you can only guess the recipe of items currently locked by their shadowed shape in the crafting menu which isnt very intuitive. At last the spell system is great but to a new player you basicly get blasted a bunch of UI, you have no real idea what does what and your best bet if you dont wanna look up or ask is to play around with the buttons and see what happens (you can technically make spells that break blocks [so your base] with that tho usually thats later in game i think) otherwise i think these are the main issues the devs should focus on right now, in terms of polishing theres a lot more though but except if you expect terraria 2 or something playing this game its not really a problem, the game is made by 2 guys, only one being a programmer (so being able to fix bugs), so expect some time to fixes and feature additions, the good thing though is that the devs really do listen to their community, they are actively online on discord and constantly reply to sugestions and bug reports thats why i believe in them.
one thing to note is that i asked for tips and help a bunch of times on the discord which i think is kinda something crucial if you wanna play this game, if you do consider buying it i recommend you join the discord in case you need help or just to search if someone else had the same problem as you: https://discord.gg/xRHXJQN9rn
One thing i do wanna say which is more or less related to the game is this: Modding.
Right now the game has modding support kindof, you can modify files and add new enemies or items, heck i tweaked some monsters to have different attacks, the main dev is very helpful and keen to helping new modders so please if you wanna play the game and make it better, make content, modify stuff or anything, join the discord, you'll have everything to do that there
Should you buy this game
I hate to say that to you but it depends, if like me you like modding, you dont mind asking for help when stuck or just for tips and you dont mind accommodating to inconveniences sure, buy this game right now its on sale and pretty worth the price, but if you are quick to turn down on a game and just think that this is just worse terraria, then i'd say wait 2-3 years before coming back to this this game has a lot of potential and progress is really just slow because its just 2 guys on the game, i played this game with the mindset i would have with terraria 1.0, i dont expect anyone else to do that but from that perspective the game has a great future ahead of it.
Planet Centauri is two things. 1 a terraria clone and 2 unfinished. Does this make it bad? No. If we were to compare it to terraria its about as long and densely packed as the pre hardmode version of terraria. Heres the short version, I like terraria, should I play this game? Yes, you will probably have fun and its shortened length might actually feel refreshing to you. Finally you can capture monsters to use as pets and in fights and later the game lets you transform into monsters, this is Planet Centauris best feature.
I just can't believe how they can send this out to die without a workshop. Terraria, Starbound or Minecraft wouldn't even be a thing right now without mod support.
yay! 1.0 finally here after all these years, time to reinstall and play the hell outta the completed game!
eagerly dive into the change notes, excited to see all the updates and additions... and am immediately done because the only change is making the tutorial functional.
so much for complete, devs calling it 1.0 because they're done, not because the game is
don't waste your time or your money on the devs last ditch effort to squeeze out a few bucks before completely abandoning this
A must play for anyone with even a passive fondness for this genre. A true labor of love, with over 15 years in development (and more to come)!
I've been following this game since I first bought it in EA many years ago and I'm very happy to see it has officially released. I first got this game as a fan of Terraria looking for similar games in the same genre. It definitely scratches that 2D sandbox itch but has a lot of very unique features that makes it stand out from the rest of the genre.
Some of these features include:
-Extremely in-depth custom magic system
-Capturing and leveling monsters pokemon style
-Breeding monsters to hatch the perfect monster pet
-Very unique weapon skill system, combined with an elemental damage system for powerful elemental combat skill
-Transforming into monsters
-A gear / mechanical energy system for special crafting
-A redstone type wire system for those interested (which i have yet to fully explore)
-Unique armor / class skills attached to each unique set of armor
-Gear leveling and rarity system which rewards both grinding for rare drops as well as leveling existing weapons so you don't have to discard a weapon you like when it gets out-classed by newer drops
All of this combined with the progression system featuring many biomes, countless dungeons and challenge rooms to explore, unique bosses and enemies to fight, and unique gear to discover and you have a fantastic game you can sink countless hours into.
There is also a welcoming and helpful community on the games official Discord server which the devs are super active on. I would recommend anyone who is interested in the game to join the Discord to ask questions and learn more.
Overall, I would definitely recommend, especially to anyone who loves 2D sandbox games with very unique and in-depth mechanics you can sink many hours into
PS. the end game area of this game is super cool and is a bit of a twist from the game up until that point, I've avoided mentioning it to avoid spoilers but it was both the most surprising and exciting part of the game for me
An Intricate game That can be Simple to learn, but also has some very complex functions in it to master. Its a lot like terraria if you gave terraria a complex magic crafting system, and combined that with also giving it a complex engineering system (more than it already has). I definitely recommend this to people who liked terraria or minecraft or who are looking for a game like those with more complexity!!
I found this just a few weeks ago, and was rather hyped to see more games similar to my all-time favorite (Terraria). Now it's finally out. One thing's for sure, this game makes me appreciate just how satisfying all the "little things" are in Terraria - it's a game where simply moving around, and looking at/interacting with the world feel satisfying. This game just does not feel all that good to move around in or interact with. On top of that, the visuals clash pretty harshly. The cleanly animated enemies look nice, but the blocks are just ugly. I'm going to keep playing, because I do think this game may have promise, but first impressions are poor.
This game is just amazing... I've played it for a long time on a different account of mine and now I'm back to the game and enjoying every aspect of it.
I love the souls-like aspect of the game, the why you can use different attacks, the RPG elements, the design and all the love that was put into this game.
ark + Terraria very good
I'd Really wait a bit before even thinking about getting this game. best way to put it as an un-polished, clunky, bug ridden mess. not worth it
I am really enjoying this game, bought it twice, once for me and another for my son to play with me. We have been playing multiplayer for 18 hours now and slowly working our way through the game. Very similar to Terraria but different enough to feel fresh and not like a clone.
The dev team behind this game is very small but clearly care about the game as it has been in development for over a decade. They personally answer questions on the discord or reddit forum if you get stuck and appear to be very friendly.
I have not found any game breaking bugs as of yet and the only gripe i have is that sometimes progression is not clear, however they have said this will be tackled soon by a new tutorial which will help.
As of writing this, the game has just finally been released as 1.0 so i can only imagine the game will grown a lot from here on our, especially as they plan to bring Steam Workshop support in the near future.
Very much recommend this game.
I'll probably play it for a bit longer, but, there's not a whole lot of clear progression in this game. You can somewhat follow along with the anvil's levelling system as it puts you through the material tiers. Which, on that note... I don't like it. I'm fine with a boss holding back a tier of gear, but forcing the player to grind so they can go from tin to copper armour is nonsensical. Game's not helped by its obscurity, either, as that just makes it more of a grumble as there are no guides to at least point you in the right direction compared to the obvious point of comparison in Terraria. It has some things to help it stand out, but, they're either not worth pursuing or an, in practice, reskin of stuff from the previously mentioned game. Combat's got a lot of focus with some combo stuff and that, but, not really what I'd call suited for a keyboard game.
Fun but kinda shallow compared to Terraria. I love Terraria, possibly my favorite game of all time. I tried Starbound, Realms of Magic, etc. This compares more to those. Planet Centauri has some good concepts, but lacks that depth and diversity Terraria has. Like there are fewer biomes, enemy types, weapons. BUT it does have some cool ideas around monster capturing/raising and using them for combat, animal rearing, or as mounts. I wish Terraria had those! Still seeing frequent updates to this early access game. Would love to see the developer add more diversity to equipment, enemies, and environments! As it stands on 12/5/24- I'm giving this a 5.9/10!
Category Score Note
Art Design 7.5 Stylish
Story 2 almost non existant
Gameplay 7 fun enough
Graphics 7.5 good pixel graphics or serviceable 3d
Sound 5.5 Music and SFX on par, but not stellar
Total rating 5.9
It Gud
Planet Centauri is a great game for those who like to grind for powerful items. Centauri offers the player various ways of fighting from swords, hammers, bows, boomerangs, and magic alongside offering monster taming and monster transformations as further ways to express oneself in it's combat system. Various armor classes can be chosen and upgraded into the endgame to offer additional customization to how you play. The game bases itself around a tier system from 1-7 with tier 7 items and monsters having greater potential while being much harder to obtain. Further customization can be obtained through runes and manipulable built in effects found on gear and weapons. It can take a lot of effort and patience to grind for the best items or encounter legendary monsters but when you get them their pay off feels very satisfying. Beyond combat, the game offers many technical systems such as cog based machinery, monster breeding, and it's own unique system of magitech, devices powered by the souls you gather from defeating enemies. The game offers a large variety of building materials and many collectibles to gather along the way giving you much to do during your adventure, but is open enough to give players the freedom to explore at their own pace. I definitely recommend giving it a try and seeing just how powerful you can become
If you like Starbound and Terraria, give this a shot. Lovely game, and the devs are very responsive (Quite literally spoke to one, or two).
I do not recommend this game, it has many of the failings of terraria and starbound, while only having one unique upside to itself, that being transforming into monsters, but that isn't enough to justify this game.
It's unfinished, uncut, its missing features shown in the original trailer, and if it's entering "1.0" then I don't see it becoming better.
congrats on the 1.0 release :)
It sadly really doesn´t look good and there is almost no reaction from the things to breaking them. The main game mechanics feel EXTREMELY unpolished, which is extremely sad for an 8 year old game. new content wouldn´t fix it for me sadly, I´d need a complete graphic overhaul
My favorite part of this game so far is that you use several different attacks with melee weapons instead of just swinging it, haven't seen it anywhere else(yet). But anyways good game :)
Disappointing Experience – Poorly Designed Mechanics
I’ve played a lot of games similar to this, but this one just didn’t do it for me. I spent about 3 hours playing and followed the tutorial, but quickly ran into issues.
Imagine this: You complete an objective in a game, and then you get a new quest that asks you to do the exact same thing you just did. Why doesn’t it count? I had to craft two of the same item just to finish the quest. It doesn’t make sense and just feels like padding.
Another big issue: You can’t choose which quest to tackle first. I spent almost 1.5 hours just trying to find a ruby to progress with other quests. You might think, “Just do a different quest,” but that doesn’t work because I was stuck making no progress on other quests until I finished the one I was on. It feels incredibly limiting and frustrating.
I’m sure there will be people who suggest I missed something, or that I should check some tutorial or guide on YouTube. But that doesn’t make the experience any less frustrating.
Overall, it was just not fun. I can’t recommend this game.
i played for 5 hours then died and nothing said anything about losing my invetory permantly just losing 15% of souls in which i lost like 90%, cant even use my world or charater anymore since i had all the starting pickaxes and axes in my invetory, and the diffulcty ratings dont tell you any thing
this game is fun. i'm still not that far in the game but I enjoyed the half hour I spent in the game so far. I'm exited to play the game when I have more time.
quality game great peacefull ambient and spooky music, fun interactions and goes far further then u think it might if u keep on playing, doesnt feel rushed or grindy but can be super hard if u so choose it to be, fast loading supreme quality sprite graphics; theres not a single pocket of fun uncapped ora single immersion breaker revealed, its god wild jukes and mild comedy all in all 10 out of 10
Eu amo esse jogo e como tem sempre coisas novas pra fazer. Super recomendo.
This is a very tough game to recommend, but I think even as is, there is enough of a game there to be worth purchasing. This is a very ambitious Terraria clone that adds in monster catching and raising, morphing, and magic. The dev plans to add mechs and iron man suits. However, it is a long way off from being complete. There are frequent updates, but it seems to be one dude doing all the work, so it is slow going. It's been 8 years at this point. I put an easy fun 50ish hours into this game fighting bosses, exploring, building, and farming. You can catch and ride on a t-rex which is rad and fighting the end game aliens is a fun challenge. So despite being far from complete, if you need to scratch the Terraria itch with something different, this will do it.
I haven't played this game at all but I'm writing reviews for games I own while watching my friend over discord annihilate this dumbass Elphelt as Sol in Guilty Gear going 41 / 9.
It doesn't quite reach the heights of Terraria or Starbound... but its still pretty good for what it is. Also, much Like Terraria, it has been getting consistent updates... so that's a big plus.
I think this is an overall good game. The combat is more interesting than Terraria and manged to avoid some issues I had with such. I like how the armors have their own abilities and the creature catching is a nice feature. The consistent updates are a good sign and having an actual quest system is a good feature. I do wish the questline was more expanded though. Probably has much more entertainment value in multiplayer. 7.5/10.
If you are a fan of Terraria or Starbound, you might like this game as well. Each of the three games have their own strengths and weaknesses. But for this game, it's current biggest weakness is that not many people know about it!
i have not played this for a good while but after seeing the developer still going strong on nice big updates and complete overhauls to old systems i would say its worth the pickup.
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Разработчик | Permadeath |
Платформы | Windows, Mac, Linux |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 78% положительных (836) |