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Разработчик: Strange Loop Games

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Трагедия Общин, Игра

Добро пожаловать в мир Эко, детализированную имитацию экосистемы, в которой мирно уживаются тысячи растений и животных. Возводите здания, собирайте урожай, получайте ресурсы из окружающего мира и помните, что каждое ваше действие оказывает на него определенное влияние. Неизбежное столкновение с метеоритом грозит полностью уничтожить все вокруг. Сможете ли вы спасти мир и не уничтожить его собственными руками?

Стройте здания и целые города, ухаживайте за фермой, ходите на охоту, организуйте инфраструктуру и систему транспорта, изготавливайте одежду, стройте электростанции и изучайте новые технологии. Выберите себе профессию и продавайте товары другим игрокам. Развивайте свою цивилизацию, создайте образ своей планеты таким, каким его видите вы.

По мере роста вашей цивилизации вам придется анализировать поступающие данные и оценивать влияние, оказываемое вашими действиями на окружающий мир. Используйте эти данные для внесения новых законопроектов, регламентирующих вредоносную деятельность - но не в ущерб развитию технологий. Вы должны находить баланс между личными нуждами и нуждами вашей общины, в то же время поддерживая благоприятное состояние вашей экосистемы. Будущее вашего мира – в ваших руках.

Неисчерпаемый Мир-симуляция

Каждый организм в Эко существует как часть огромного мира-имитации; нарушение хотя бы одного из звеньев цепи может повлечь серьезные последствия для всей планеты. Срубите все деревья - и вы уничтожите места обитания многих животных. Загрязните реки отходами горного производства - и ваши поля будут отравлены, а урожай погибнет. В экосистеме имеются все ресурсы, которые понадобятся вам и вашей общине, чтобы остановить метеорит. Регулируйте степень загрязнения, количество отходов производства, интенсивность охоты и сбора ресурсов, чтобы поддерживать идеальный баланс в вашей системе.

В Основе - Научные Исследования

Игра Эко разработана как полная разнообразия симуляция окружающего мира. Все данные, собранные в процессе взаимодействия с растениями, животными, климатом и другими игроками, можно изучить и проанализировать с помощью внутриигровых графиков и тепловых карт. Используйте полученную информацию в качестве научного обоснования вносимых законов. Способность успешно вести дебаты, используя научные данные - ваше лучшее оружие против разрушения мира.

Правительство Из Игроков

Разработайте свои законы, автоматически вступающие в силу в игре. Выдвигайте предложения по защите окружающей среды: сократить вырубку лесов в заповедных зонах, стимулировать разработку способов получения энергии из экологически чистых источников, а не из ископаемого топлива, путем системы налоговых вычетов и штрафов. Участвуйте в выборах на должность правителя вашего мира, что позволит вам устанавливать налоги и распоряжаться казной общины. Используйте программируемую систему законов для издания динамичных и гибких правил общины, которые будут приниматься на общем голосовании. Вы можете создать любое правительство: от диктаторского режима со строгими законами до либерального государства по принципу «Заплати налоги и живи спокойно». Вы также можете создать общину без каких-либо законов, где все основывается на взаимном доверии.

Обучайтесь И Выбирайте Специализацию

Ваши навыки растут в зависимости от количества пропитания и качества жилья. Употребляя высокопитательные продукты и построив комфортное жилье, вы быстро наберете очки навыков. Очки навыков можно потратить на навыки – земледелие, охоту, торговлю, разработку, исследования и другие. Добейтесь личного успеха, в то же время делая все от вас зависящее на благо вашего общества.

Экономика, Управляемая Общиной

В экономической системе, управляемой самими игроками, вы можете добиться большего, если будете специализироваться и торговать как товарами, так и услугами. Стройте магазины, чтобы покупать и продавать товары, которые вам нужны в разное время с другими игроками. Создавайте контракты в рамках рынка труда, имеющего в игре вид квестов, агитируя других игроков выполнять для вас задания за плату. Стройте сложные аппараты и механизмы и устанавливайте плату за пользование для других игроков. В ваших руках бурно развивающаяся экономика в игре Эко может стать мощным орудием прогресса или угрозой окружающей среде.

Чтобы смазать колеса торговли, вы можете придумать собственную валюту, поддерживаемую ликвидными и неликвидными средствами. Управляйте стоимостью вашей валюты по отношению к валюте других игроков путем определения курсов на несинхронной бирже валют. Продавайте товар в магазинах и собирайте оплату с других игроков. Мир Эко разработан для безграничной несинхронной игры, в которой множество игроков с разными специализациями помогают друг другу достичь поставленных целей одновременно либо в разные периоды времени.

Мир И Последствия Ваших Действий

Все ресурсы из мира Эко добываются из окружающей среды, на которую оказывает влияние каждое ваше действие. Над головой уже виднеется тень метеорита, который столкнется с планетой через тридцать дней, но ваше взаимодействие с миром также может нести ему угрозу, только менее заметную. Без заботливого отношения к природе ваша цивилизация погибнет гораздо быстрее, чем до нее доберется метеорит. Чтобы преуспеть в поставленной задаче вам и вашей общине предстоит выбрать такие способы управления и развития экономики, чтобы найти равновесие между прогрессом и защитой окружающей среды.

Особенности Игры

  • Многопользовательская онлайн-игра – Сотрудничайте с другими игроками онлайн.
  • Одиночная игра – Постройте собственный мир, куда при желании вы сможете пригласить друзей.
  • Выделенный сервер – Место для вашего собственного мира Эко.
  • Более 30 таблиц крафта, сотни рецептов.
  • Сотни видов предметов, навыков, таблиц крафта и блоков для постройки.
  • Симулятор экосистемы с десятками уникальных видов.
  • Из-за ограниченных возможностей перемещения игрокам предстоит создать транспортные средства и дорожные развязки для транспортировки материалов.
  • Создайте свою фиатную или обеспеченную валюту, используя деньги в качестве способа обмена в вашей экономической системе.
  • Постройте магазины, где вы сможете продавать излишки продукции и получать прибыль.
  • Употребляйте разнообразную питательную еду, стройте более комфортные дома, чтобы улучшить свои навыки.
  • Создавайте контракты-задания другим игрокам, которые они могли бы для вас выполнить. Берите контракты у других игроков, которым требуются ваши умения.
  • С помощью настраиваемой системы разрабатывайте законы для защиты вашего мира или увеличения прибыли. Законы вступают в силу прямо в игре, если их поддерживает население.
  • Проведите выборы и принимайте решения, которые будут иметь последствия для вашей планеты.
  • Изучайте и сопоставляйте разнообразные данные игры, чтобы использовать их для продвижения своих решений во время дебатов.
  • Установите собственность на землю и разделите права на нее.
  • Повышайте и снижайте репутацию других игроков.
  • Найдите баланс между прогрессом и защитой окружающей среды, между личными нуждами и нуждами группы. Успех или неудачу вам предстоит пережить вместе.

Eco is our forever project. We plan to keep growing, expanding, and improving it with the support of the community. Follow our plans and progress through the Eco Tree, which displays in-depth details on current and future features. The Eco Tree can be found on Eco's official website.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, simplified chinese, italian, spanish - spain, french, portuguese - brazil, korean, russian, german, spanish - latin america

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 64-Bit or newer
  • Процессор: AMD Ryzen 5 1500X 3.5 GHz Quad-Core or Intel i5-6500 3.2 GHz Quad-Core or similar
  • Оперативная память: 8 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon R9 290 or NVIDIA GTX 970 or similar (Minimum: 4 GB VRAM)
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 6 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX®-Compatible
  • Дополнительно: Translations included in the game are made by our community on Crowdin, only the english language is official and made by us. Only languages that cover at least 80% of the strings in acceptable quality are marked as available here on Steam, but there are more than these available in the game.
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10 64-Bit or newer
  • Процессор: AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 3.6 GHz Eight-Core or Intel Core i7 9700K 3.6 GHz Eight-Core or similar
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: AMD Radeon RX 5700 or NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 or similar (Recommended: 8 GB VRAM)
  • DirectX: версии 11
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 10 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX®-Compatible


  • Процессор: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 or AMD Radeon HD 5850 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX®-compatible
  • Дополнительно: OSX support is spotty at the moment. If you are running this platform, be aware that you may run into issues. Full support will continue to get better as we complete development.
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX®-compatible
  • Дополнительно: OSX support is spotty at the moment. If you are running this platform, be aware that you may run into issues. Full support will continue to get better as we complete development


  • Процессор: Intel Dual-Core 2.4 GHz or AMD Dual-Core Athlon 2.5 GHz
  • Оперативная память: 2 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GT 440 or AMD Radeon HD 5850 or Intel HD Graphics 4000 with 512 MB
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX®-compatible
  • Дополнительно: Linux support is spotty at the moment. If you are running this platform, be aware that you may run into issues. Full support will continue to get better as we complete development
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-2300 or AMD Phenom II X4 940 or better
  • Оперативная память: 4 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 570 or AMD Radeon HD 7750 with 1 GB VRAM or better
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 2 GB
  • Звуковая карта: DirectX®-compatible
  • Дополнительно: Linux support is spotty at the moment. If you are running this platform, be aware that you may run into issues. Full support will continue to get better as we complete development

Отзывы пользователей

Рекомендую 13.01.2025 01:57
0 0

Complete sandbox economy. Everything matters and no game mechanic is added just to slow a player down. Food for instance is necessary in order to work which is required to do anything in the game. It all just gives every profession importance and you feel like you contribute to the greater society on the eco planet.

Время в игре: 86094 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.01.2025 12:32
2 0

Eco is an ambitious game with a fantastic concept: a fully simulated world where players must balance resource gathering, technological advancement, and environmental impact. Unfortunately, the execution falls short, leaving players frustrated with half-baked systems and a lack of polish. The outdated in-game wiki is a major issue, often containing incorrect or obsolete information, making it nearly impossible to figure out how to craft essential items or progress efficiently. The tutorial is riddled with bugs and rigid objectives that can render progression impossible due to unclear guidance or terrain constraints. Essential resources are unnecessarily difficult to locate, forcing players to rely on trial and error or external guides to move forward. Even after 8 years of development, many features feel disconnected, clunky, and poorly implemented. While the interconnected crafting systems and environmental simulation are genuinely impressive when they work, the overall experience feels unfinished. Additionally, the developers have a tendency to overcomplicate the crafting of simple items, such as spending hours trying to craft a waterwheel, which should be a straightforward task. Eco has immense potential, but in its current state, it’s hard to recommend unless you’re extremely patient and prepared to struggle through its flaws.

Время в игре: 745 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.01.2025 23:18
0 0

it is fun IF you have friends that can help out since the specializations are needed to progress id recommend at least 5 or so depending on the server

Время в игре: 1812 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.01.2025 02:41
6 0

After almost 1100 hours on this game, I can no longer stand to play it, let alone recommend it. It started as a study in ecology and mans affect on it. Now, it is just another city builder with the threat of a looming disaster.

Even with all the thematic changes to the game, what really pushed me away is all the changes to require more "collaboration". In reality, they have just made the game so much more tedious than it needs to be. In the past, you would have to get aid from another profession to assist in things, but usually after the starting phases were over. Now, to do anything beyond chopping a tree or hitting a rock, you need multiple other professions to even attempt it.

In the past, you would need to go and buy mostly the equipment for your profession. Now, you need to buy the equipment from one store, and then other items from multiple stores just to get started on trying to do your profession.

Example: I was going to be a Basic Engineer: In order to make even one windmill, I needed to buy hewn wood from one guy, linen cloth from another, and then lubricant from yet one more. Then, to even get the table to work that makes the windmill, I have to go buy more hewn wood or stone blocks from other people, just to get the table in a good enough room. That's a minimum of three different people with specific professions that have also made the items and placed them in a store for sale.

By the time you get all that going, you are going to need to repair your tools. Well, now they can only be repaired a certain percentage of what they used to be. This would be cool and all, but there's literally no way to get rid of anything in this game. When that tool inevitably becomes useless, all you can do is throw it in storage. Otherwise it becomes trash and pollutes the environment. This is the game creating ways for the player to fail. I could even understand tools and such being trash if on the ground. However, how is a seed, or a vegetable trash? They are in this game. If you drop as little as one tomato, it will become a pile of trash and harm the ecosystem.

TLDR: They have over-engineered the game to an unplayable place.

Время в игре: 64448 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.01.2025 22:46
1 0

Excellent game. What amazed me about this game is that it's a new game with each cycle of a server even playing with the same players doing the same professions. It's literally a "write your own story" game. Fresh and new each time. It's definitely worth getting. Another aspect that I like about this game is that it's not a FPS type of game. Most of those games do not appeal to me. I'll put it out there. Im 56, of the original gamer generation, and this is the best game Ive ever played.

Время в игре: 2132 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 08.01.2025 22:38
1 0

The game is great, addictive. But it has some big drawbacks.
The main problem is that servers die out after a few days, leaving desolate cities, or the server completly unplayable.
The developers really got to try to solve this, I don't got a solution, but it is a huge problem.
Where is the motivation to grind and cooperate when all your work is wasted in a few days?

Время в игре: 9685 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.01.2025 14:31
8 0

It's one of those games that expects everyone to play on the same server but fails tremendously at said task

Sandbox games have always been in a very weird spot of "what if the unemployed guy of the server logs in and plays 15 hours a day, completing the game in a day" but now this game is even funnier cause every action has a consequence, short or long and lo' and behold you will not enjoy when the so-called cooperation devolves into a server wide rule of "you can only play 3h a day" unless you go to sleep and find out the water level has risen up by 3 meters

Potentially, if you are unemployed, if you have only a single game, if you have someone able to host the game 24/7, if DOZENS of people are willing to play, yeah sure this game's alright, the focus is put on making a government and living together more than ultimately finishing the tech tree but I simply cannot find more than maybe 3 people to play the game with and no, I am NOT playing on a public server

If you're expecting a game to play with a handful of friends? Game's not for you, it becomes more frustrating than it is good and the design choices are equally as horrendous, every action costs food, which isn't the end of the world if you have a dedicated food guy, getting exp to learn new recipes is time gated which isn't an issue if you play around server settings

Also ~30€ for a game that needs 30+ people to be enjoyable, which on top has an ingame shop for buying blocks? man...

Incredible concept wasted by the simple fact that no one in their right mind would play a sandbox with the dedication of a second job

Время в игре: 1874 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 08.01.2025 06:04
2 0

-With a well managed server with a good infrastructure you may actually glimpse what the game was supposed to be

-Shipwright was a good move. Boats are cool.


-Devs still haven’t fixed issues from 2 years ago.

-Turns into a slog after your 3rd star attempting to keep up with the close groups and the folks with too much time on their hands.

-Most players focus on themselves or share within their group instead of trying to make infrastructure and the economy work.

-Too much cooperation required for simple tasks. Why does a clay mold require a gatherer when I am a potter? Clay is my job and I cant make a mold?

-Too many progression issues to count. Fishing with a fishing pole doesn’t provide xp for fisherman. Fertilizers and Farming should be one profession. Painters as a profession but not road workers, plumbers, or even landscapers? No trains or mining carts? I guess the devs don’t really know what it takes for a society to function.

-Pray your cart full of heavy items doesn’t fall off the floating road that the insane engineer made

-If you take any profession besides carpentry or masonry you will struggle to get that room bonus early on and afford that later tier fishing boat.

-Prepare to sell one or more of your organs for a truck.

-You will eat enough food for a small country in order to complete basic tasks.

-Attempting to find anything about this game online is pointless. It’s all outdated by a year or so.

-Why are there no apples, oranges, or bananas? Orchards for farmers?

-This is NOT a role playing game. The only role playing you will be doing is grinding your life away doing unexciting tasks to support a possible goal of not dying. You can play mayor but you will still work. You’re role playing as a member of a labor camp.

Время в игре: 10207 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 07.01.2025 07:10
0 0

Game is now fully broken and I can't even carry an ax. It tells me my inventory is too heavy even if I have an empty inventory.

Время в игре: 985 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 06.01.2025 23:16
0 0

Your mileage may vary is the best way to review Eco.

Eco is not a consistent game in quality. It is one that entirely (not just highly) depends on which people you play it with. Unless you have an entire friend group willing to suddenly pick up this game and by chance all remain equally invested - you'll need to join a server. Assuming that's where most of us will end up i'll be reviewing the experience with servers.

It really is a gamble. It's not easy to hop in, see if a server is good or bad, and then decide. You have to invest a good chunk of time to even get a feel for your neighbors and how your gameplay is going to be. If they are great, Eco is an incredible game. If not, you'll be wishing you didn't even buy it.

Unfortunately without spending an extreme out of time it is hard to give a good review for the game as a whole. A lot of reviews you'll see of around 0-30+ hours are likely someones experience with just one server. So this review is just for the server I am currently in. Right now I would give it a 6/10. Remember though, it is a coin toss.

I'd buy it on sale and give it your all to find a good community to play with.

Время в игре: 665 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 05.01.2025 19:11
3 0

I've tried so many times to like this game and I just can't. There is a reason there is barely a community on this game, it's just terrible. Do not buy.

Время в игре: 39003 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 13:18
0 0

Growing and friendly community, frequent updates, continuous development;

Game description basically :
Economics simulator (trading and marketing dumbed down) with minecraft elements (and without mobs or PVP) and with each player having their 'role' on the server. Can be highly dynamic and competitive (like 1 to 2 week servers, fast), or just collaborative fun effort (mostly long term 30+ days servers).

Время в игре: 61063 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.01.2025 12:51
5 0

Kinda torn between recommending and not recommending the game. The game itself in my opinion is really good and the idea awesome. What makes me question if I should recommend the game is the people playing it (as it is with most games). The game itself is very playable, despite being in early access.

The idea of the game is to stop and asteroid from hitting the earth. Meaning you need to progress technology wise fast enough to do so and not destroy the planets ecosystem while doing so. However I have never seen the planets ecosystem been destroyed or even severely damaged as most servers have pretty large maps compared to players playing the game (as most players leave the game pretty early on leaving a handful of players on a huge planet that no matter what they do they can't make that big of an impact as to destroy its ecosystem).

If you play on online servers with others, the pattern is pretty much always the same. A ton of people join the server on first two days. On third day about half of them are still playing, on day four about half of those are still active and it keeps going on like that until there a at best a few groups of friends and few solo players left. The problem is that if you don't play with friends whom you can make inside trades and really cooperate in building your community, you will become irrelevant in the progress of the game (which contributes to people leaving). So the players mainly go into three groups of players. There are those that join the servers as a group, and know exactly what to do, and they can pretty much finish the game by themselves. The rest are there just to tag along a few steps behind the entire game. Then there are those that join the game and start demanding everything right away and usually for free or for fraction of the price that the people offering the items are asking for, if they don't get what they want they start flaming until they leave the game. They also tend to start telling people what to do. And then there are those that join the server, try their best to play nice and fair, but ultimately fall short for not being part of that group that makes all the advances far before anyone else and ultimately most of these will also abandon the server after noticing that they play no part in the progress of the game. I have started on like 20 servers, the only game I finished was one with just friends joining in on. And that way the game can be fun and enjoyable. All the other games I either quit as I fell so much behind that there was really nothing to do, or that others left and there were only handful of people left on the server and there for made no sense to continue.

Many say that its a cooperative game, and in away i suppose that is so, but I do believe that it's also a competitive game that is just not played correctly. I do think that it should be a competitive game amongst several towns/countries, just as in real life. But sadly most games just end up with one huge blob of people and then few smaller groups that are left without a chance against that one large mass (which will in a few days be only that handful of people that will keep on going). If you play with random people there are very few that actually contribute to your town, but instead go for that personal gain and just picks up the raisins from being a part of a town without actually making any contributions towards it.

I think the game really needs npcs or ai of any kind. At least for me who is sick and tired of the community that surrounds the game, and servers dead by the day 10. I would much rather bang my head against the wall with crappy AI rather than online players. The single player is kind of a bore alone, but with npcs i think it would be pretty great and more alive, especially if they knew how to create their own towns/countries, etc. Though I don't think this will be possible anytime soon, or ever.

Время в игре: 37619 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 31.12.2024 20:07
4 0

DO NOT GET THIS GAME FOR SINGLE PLAYER. There are no NPCs and you will be completely alone.

Время в игре: 272 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 31.12.2024 19:48
0 0

Eco is a brilliant simulation of environmental management and societal cooperation. Its clever detailed and offers plenty of depth for those who enjoy balancing nature and politics. But let’s be real Mountain Pass deals with enough disasters without also babysitting a digital ecosystem.

While it’s not quite my style i can confidently say Eco is excellent and worth your time. Just remember if your planet falls apart, the insurgents won’t be too happy about it.

“Great game—just not for the Governor’s desk.” Governor approved.

Время в игре: 4845 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.12.2024 23:25
1 0

Yes and no? Initial setup is important as it allows you to unlock more stars/faster which you need to unlock more skills. This means building your house and decorating it. Also diet is important it increases the rate you accumulate the stars as well.

If you are going in solo nah it can be manageable but you rely on other players to open their stores and not have crazy high prices on things. So they buy your logs for .05 and sell something you want for $25.. well that is going to be a grind and a half, especially if they are a ways away from where you are.

The game is meant to be tedious finally finishing that road or tunnel can feel a bit rewarding.
Ideally you team up with 1 or 2 friends or more and work together on your skills so you don't overlap so you can progress up to higher tier buildings, food and decorations quickly.

It is really not a game you log in to for 15 minutes a day or a couple times a week or you will not get anywhere before the server is restarted.

I have never tried a solo play on my pc, I know you can change the setting so you get stars quickly, transport items over long distances via storages Most servers do not have easy mode turned on, at least that I have encountered.

Время в игре: 29983 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.12.2024 14:43
0 0

takes Alot of free time and dedication, for good rewards but is good overall

Время в игре: 672 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 26.12.2024 16:13
1 0

The servers are incredibly unoptimized, broken. The game does not have support on steam deck despite it being “playable”

Время в игре: 59 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.12.2024 13:21
0 0

One of the first games I have come across that has all the components of a survival game APART from the melee and fighting part, which I LOVE. Especially in a game focussed on the environment and politics, with the fighting concept taken out, it makes the game a lot more calm and allows groups to decide on factors without having to fight to the death. There's only just a couple of bugs that slightly disrupt the game. 9.5/10

Время в игре: 378 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 25.12.2024 18:33
0 0

Eco is one of the most unique and collaborative games ive ever played. The game is really one of its kind and really scratches your itch for adventure in a real world as town form its fun exploring them on different sides of the planet. Being able to help the community and contribute to the final goal is awesome.

Время в игре: 5432 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.12.2024 20:01
0 0

its been fun watching it evolve as they update it

Время в игре: 4540 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.12.2024 17:10
0 0

The game has some good ideas about what you do in the world has an impact on the environment. The game has improved a lot since I bought it. But some updates have ruined my past world map saves. There is plenty to do, set up your own server to make it less of a grind.

Время в игре: 7884 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 17.12.2024 21:40
7 6

If you're looking for a substitute for doing actual productive things without having any actual fun. You've found it.

Время в игре: 4489 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 17.12.2024 02:38
32 14

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ "Saving the World... from Myself"

I started Eco with noble intentions. I was going to build a sustainable utopia, live in harmony with nature, and prevent an asteroid from wiping out all life. Instead, I ended up deforesting half the map, poisoning the rivers, and realizing I was the environmental villain all along.

Day 1: I cut down a few trees to build my cozy little house. Just a few! By Day 3, my cozy little house is a sprawling mansion, and the landscape looks like it was attacked by a herd of chainsaws. The local wildlife now gives me judgmental stares. Sorry, deer, I needed that lumber for my 14th crafting bench.

I tried farming to live sustainably. Turns out, I’m as good at farming as I am at impulse control. I tilled so much land that I accidentally triggered a dust bowl. My wheat field grew two stalks before the soil gave up and became barren. Who knew crop rotation was important? Certainly not me.

Then there’s pollution. Oh, pollution. I built my first kiln and thought, “What harm could one kiln do?” By Day 5, the sky was a brown haze of regret and the air quality was rated “lung apocalypse.” I swear I saw a squirrel with a gas mask.

And the asteroid? Yeah, it’s still coming. I was supposed to research technology and work with my friends to save the planet. Instead, we spent 10 hours arguing about where to place the outhouse. Priorities.

Multiplayer is a blast, though. Nothing says teamwork like accidentally polluting your friend's water supply or clear-cutting their backyard while they scream, “I WAS SAVING THAT TREE!” It’s like a group project where everyone is equally incompetent, but you still have to save the world.

But you know what? I love it. Eco is a perfect simulation of trying to balance progress and sustainability while slowly realizing you're the reason we can’t have nice things. It’s educational, it’s stressful, and it makes you reflect deeply on your life choices while you watch the asteroid get closer.

5 stars. I didn’t save the planet, but I learned to accept my inner eco-villain. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a forest to accidentally destroy.

Время в игре: 20137 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 14.12.2024 18:43
0 0

I played this game a few years ago, initially I did not think it was a great game. It was buggy, professions seemed bare-bone, and the tutorial didn't explain any of the other game mechanics. Now, however, after 90+ hours of play, I can definitely say this is a game worth checking out. If you have an itch for playing a game where your actually forming a society with other players, this game is it. Nothing you do is easy, even building a house, which can take a lot of resources. However, you're a tailor so you need to buy the hewn logs from a logger so you can build your house to an appropriate level to use your specific crafting table. And the developers added a detailed guide in game that explained a lot of the unexplained concepts.

Something new players should know, this game required patience and dedication. I've seen too often someone getting upset over another player having a similar business near by. However, what people fail to realize, if one player is gone for two or three days, nobody beside the other person is doing that profession. That or they may be too far, because walking a cart over and back will take too much energy. And just like in real life, the economy can collapse if people drive their prices up too high, or if a product is made super cheap that it over satisfies the demand. The game works upon the flow of goods. A perfect example is creating a mint and charging taxes, and then setting up commissions on boards using the local currency you all created so people have jobs and aren't just sitting there.

There are a few bugs and connection issues but if you get stuck somewhere the developer added a "/unstuck" command to help. If you play this game, don't expect minecraft because of all the blocks. The logistics of this game far exceeds minecraft when it comes to relying on another person's profession. The game is still being worked upon, so I look forward to seeing future updates.

Время в игре: 6054 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 12.12.2024 16:23
0 0

Having a fun time destroying planets and then putting it all on the line to bring it back.

Время в игре: 3157 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 12.12.2024 11:31
2 0

Too buggy. It will piss you off at one point or another, just from game play. After a certain amount of time you can't do anything on your server because of an exhaustion limit. This is can be toggled off but annoying if you use it up on another server on you only time off. Server crashes, stockpiles blocked by invisible carts. You'll get stuck way to much. Carts, wheelbarrows and machinery all glitch out or get stuck. Game play is similar to stacking a skateboard and scraping your genitals on gravel. The game looks beautiful.

Время в игре: 25531 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 11.12.2024 01:16
3 0

Found a biome to start a farm. Cleared and flattened the area. Set up a farmhouse, started growing things. Turns out the area is SLIGHTLY too cold to grow the crop I wanted to grow. The only place that I can grow the crop I want are on these slanty rough plains or in these tiny pockets of green.

Everything about this game is tedious, granular and annoying, even if you're playing on the easiest, most forgiving mode.

THIS GAME IS NOT FUN. There is no fun to be had here even if you enjoy it. There is only complexity and tedium. Please, please just play Ark or something.

Время в игре: 799 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 11.12.2024 01:09
2 0

Complex game that requires lots of collaboration. Biggest issue is finding a server that keeps people engaged. Too many people quit after a couple days, rendering your world dead and all your time wasted.

Время в игре: 27872 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 05.12.2024 07:00
0 0

Very fun if you have a private server you can play on or know someone else who also plays. That being said the community on public servers can be pretty hit or miss. Most people are cool and will help you learn if you're new, but like any game there are some people who won't.

Highly recommend if you have friends that will play or can find a community to join.

Время в игре: 4132 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.12.2024 20:40
0 0

Decided after 1000 hours I should probably leave a review. I like it. Updates are regular. There is a server for everyone whether you like modded or vanilla. Playing really makes you feel like you are part of a community and after playing countless games I have only ever had one bad experience (which I promptly left and joined a new world!). If you want an experience knowing you are affecting the world in 100's of tiny ways and to work together towards a common goal I would recommend. There isnt a game like it!

Время в игре: 55231 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 04.12.2024 15:03
1 0

Love Love Love, I normally dont like survival games Im and Fps guy, but holy shit this is fun!

Время в игре: 4605 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 03.12.2024 15:25
0 0

A very chill sandbox game, with steady progression through the technology tears so it always feels like there's something to do and something to work towards.

The skill system focuses the need on community effort to advance, as beyond the base tier items there's a need to use materials from multiple skills to craft. Unfortunately on some public servers this can be problematic but in good community servers it's not an issue at all.

One criticism I do have is that in the update that added boats/ships to the game, they are very lacklustre and because there are 'deep sea' areas that prevent building to encourage using ships for transport between continents it prevented people from building creative and interesting bridges between landmasses, or undersea tunnels, and instead forces people to either take additional type to move items to a boat, or load up vehicles on barges, slowing things down, and encourages undersea tunnels to just be plain carved out rock instead of anything creative.

Время в игре: 59697 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 03.12.2024 14:27
0 0

It will take a very long time to build anything that is even like the store page. Youll find yourself lost and trying to figure out how it all works.. It has a speed learning curve in the game.

Время в игре: 2429 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 13:22
1 0

Very fun society simulator in minecraft :)
Recommend slower speed servers like DadSpeed!

Время в игре: 33249 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 01.12.2024 02:44
0 0

This game gets better and better with each update, and in its current form is in an excellent place. More incentive for building beautiful structures was what I always thought was missing. and with the addition of culture generated from structures that is now heavily incentivised.

Pick it up and come play with a great community!

Время в игре: 95372 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 30.11.2024 01:57
1 0

The future is grim if my friends and I are responsible for the future of the planet. And yes, I have a friend.

Время в игре: 37139 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 29.11.2024 23:36
2 0

hard pass, any active server is full of rules that prevent you from playing the game freely. Game is (and I can't stress this enough) LOADED with visual immersion breaking bugs. You have to overlook a ton in order to be able to enjoy this to begin with only to be told that you can't play the game as intended because some neck beard wants to have a perfectly ran server. That means they'll basically tell you everything you can and can't do up to hard locking the ability to literally trading with your friend.

Время в игре: 76 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2024 16:28
3 0

After nearly 200 hours I can only say one thing about this game:

Well, that is not all of course...
When I first bought this game it looked very different to what it looks like now. It put me off at first when I discovered how complex this game and its mechanics were. But now, after many hours of great fun, I want to let everyone know that this game is so much more than just grinding.

Find a relaxed server and start talking to people. You will quickly find someone who is either friendly and really experienced and wants to help you, or someone who is really friendly and new to the game and wants to learn with you.
I made a lot of friends on the ECO servers that I play with a lot.
And getting the hang of how things work in ECO is just great and motivating.
When someone buys your stuff or asks you for help, you feel appreciated.

The developers are constantly working and updating the game, which now feels much more polished than before.
After many years of "free" development, they never took money for in-game purchases. This has now changed.
They have added a marketplace where you can buy cosmetic variations of items that do not affect gameplay in any way - this is the kind of game where I think it is justified, as there was no way to contribute to their insanely passionate project.

Just keep playing and you will start to love the game to the point of no return :)
Greetings from Germany,


Время в игре: 9746 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 29.11.2024 04:10
0 0

THIS GAME IS STILL DEVELOPING!!!! just have to get that there for everyone know there are bugs there are some Jainky things it happens in this game. but its the best building game that teaches the basic's of economics. you got to deal with pollution, pricing, demand, making the items and more with all real people buying and selling building the building all around. from roads to houses to the food to the tool and many many many more. its wonderful game in many ways. even your kids are able to play sent's that's the true intention so come one come all enjoy learn and having fun doing it. Warning this game is addictive so please don't be me and get sucked into it playing 14 hours in 1 day.

Время в игре: 148171 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.11.2024 13:35
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ECO is an tough one to review. It has a lot of highs and lows, some based on game design choices, others by player interaction.

Straight out of the gate, I do not recommend this game for single player or coop game. It's a complex beast that requires loads of professions working in tandem to make things work. There are settings to make this incredible easy for a solo/coop player, but you are doing yourself a disservice by playing the game that way. The real strength of the game comes from community play. I've tried some 'normal' community servers to learn the game, but it's too chaotic for me and a lot of it is 'self-centered'. Most of my playtime, I play the majority on the Dadspeed server - Seasonal economic play for 6-12 months, no meteor. It's a lot 'slower', has a couple server rules to enhance the longevity of economic gameplay, some custom items, and no one can work a whole industry on their own. This works for me, as a dad, because I don't have hours a day to play game anymore, and there is more community sense because of it.

Anyway, back to the game, The game requires you to balance economics and ecological effects through your decisions. Some professions create pollution, while others thin out the flora and fauna. Meanwhile, another group is trying to put governmental laws and guidelines in place to limit the effects. It can be quite something to wrap your head around and when you are new to the game, it can/will feel overly complex. As the technology level of the server increases the reasoning behind some of these complexities are laid bare, for the most part. There are also enough examples of overly complex design decisions by the devs which get in the way of the fun or are there in anticipation of a future update, but currently are just annoying.
Another thing people should realize. It is NOT a building game, it's not a Survival game. Yes, you can and will build yourself a house/workshop. Yes, you will forage for food in early game and later buy or make this to get your nutritional balance and calories right. However, this is only there to do things within the world. Everything cost a certain amount of calories. The main place where you burn calories is at your profession's crafting table. Only you as a certain profession, like Logger, Campfire Cook, or Blacksmith, can deliver a specific type of labor. This together with the materials needed, which are often created by other professions, will make your end product. Some tasks can be performed by anyone, like logging or mining, however, a Logger or Miner get a decreased calorie burn on the activity and making them more effective for the task. This is only a small snippet of what the game details, but it is often the part that people misunderstand and come in with complex Minecraft or Conan Exiles expectations and then get burned. This is not a survival game or building game. It's an economic and ecological simulator where you can (re-)build governmental systems and economies and see what happens. At times it feels like a social experiment each season I play, because some variables changes and whole societies/towns react different.

Which bring me to the most important point of all. This game is a community game. The community you play this game with will make or break the game for you. I've spent 200 hours in the last season being part of an agricultural town as a logger. My average gameplay loop when login in was chop down two carts or trucks loads (depending on tech level server) of wood, eat different foods to stock up on calories and put work orders on the workbenches and replenish stocks. Check the economy if any price changes happened on a local and global level and adjust pricing in store. Grocery shopping in town or nearby town. Plant sapling trees on location where previous trees were. Do whatever I want after that one or two hour routine, like work on my house, get new furniture for an xp bonus, work on governmental projects, help a neighbour out, etc. It's like a second job. I can't spin it to be something else. But it's the community sense and fun times you have together that make it all worthwhile. Because my carpenter friend need something only I can make, which he can turn into beautiful furniture. Because we have a new settler in town and this person need building blocks that aren't to expensive, which I can produce for this player. It's the collaborative nature of this game that really make it shine in my honest opinion. But where there are people, there are lemons, bell-ends, opportunists, and delinquents. So you will see your fair share of drama, ego clashes, and egocentric play styles that could ruin the fun for you or another player. As I mentioned before, it's like a social experiment. I know I had my fair share of flare-ups when clashing with a rival logger, which pulled me into a price war that was unsustainable. It happens. Just be a grown up about it and have a proper discussion with the player and see how to fix it. This game tosses you into many situations that will test you on a personal level. It's fun!

Nevertheless, I wholeheartedly recommend this game to anyone that isn't afraid of complex game design, the lack of QoL, and isn't shy to insert themselves into big sprawling online communities. Also, you will lose many hours of your life when it hooks you in. It's nuts how they did that. Best 30 bucks I ever spent.

Время в игре: 15047 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 28.11.2024 09:42
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This is a fun variation on the survival game, where you need to work together with a world full of people to advance. You specialize in a few skills and trade with others to get the materials you need to survive, build your house, and discover new technology. It's surprising addictive!

Время в игре: 31306 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 27.11.2024 19:58
0 0

A game i cant stop going back too, always fun and relaxing. no stress and easy going

Время в игре: 21980 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 26.11.2024 17:43
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One heck of a timesync if you can find the right group. This game is all about major cooperation with other players.

Short and sweet of it: Everyone can take jobs and have specific skills, but to progress, you'll need items from other players. While this heavily encourages cooperation, if those people leave who have those skills and items you need, you're basically stuck with progression. Literally, one person can make or break a game session (with the meteor enabled).

Время в игре: 45100 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 23.11.2024 16:07
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This is like a funky version of minecraft that needs a whole server to function. I have no bloody idea how this game is properly meant to work but its cool regardless

Время в игре: 2579 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 22.11.2024 00:50
0 0

Very good game.

Quite grindy, play on a populated server.

Playing through Season 11 of Dadspeed,
Hell yeah!

Время в игре: 11862 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 20.11.2024 12:57
1 5

How *Eco* Destroyed My Peace

I remember the first time I booted up *Eco*. It seemed like a perfect escape, an opportunity to dive into a virtual world where I could build, create, and thrive in a community. The promise of an interconnected, eco-friendly society where I could contribute to something greater than myself was alluring. I’d heard the game was all about cooperation—working together to survive, managing resources, and ensuring the planet’s sustainability. It sounded like exactly what I needed at the time: a quiet, community-based game where I could lose myself for a while.

At first, everything seemed fine. The world of *Eco* was beautiful—lush forests, wide rivers, and expansive landscapes. The in-game weather shifted from bright sunny days to rainstorms, the seasons changed, and the wildlife flourished. It felt like an organic experience, one where every action I took had consequences, where every resource mattered, where I was part of a living, breathing world. I built my small hut near a river, planted some crops, and started crafting tools. There was this initial sense of peace, of calm, like everything had a place.

But that peace was short-lived.

The first crack in the illusion came when I joined the game’s community server. It didn’t take long for me to realize that the world wasn’t as harmonious as it first seemed. There were other players—many of them experienced, playing for months, maybe years. They had already established towns, built roads, and even started mining deep into the earth. They seemed to have their own ecosystems, their own little colonies, while I was left struggling to survive on the outskirts of it all.

The game had this relentless pressure to *do more*—to farm, to mine, to build, to contribute to the global effort of stabilizing the planet. But it wasn’t just about making sure we didn’t destroy the environment—it was about *fighting against* it. *Eco* constantly reminded me that if I didn’t act fast enough, if I didn’t help gather enough resources, if I didn’t build enough infrastructure, the world would inevitably collapse. There was no “winning” in *Eco*—only a ticking clock, a constant countdown to environmental disaster.

And that clock? It was unforgiving.

It wasn’t long before the world began to show signs of strain. The forests started to thin as people cleared land for farming and building. Rivers became polluted as industrial zones expanded. The air grew heavier with carbon dioxide, and the once-thriving wildlife began to disappear. The game’s mechanics were clear: if we didn’t act together, the ecosystem would collapse, and the world would be destroyed.

This was where things started to get intense.

At first, I tried to keep up. I mined for resources, planted trees, and contributed to collective projects. But it was never enough. The server’s population grew, and the pressure to contribute mounted. The global effort to stave off environmental collapse wasn’t just a metaphor—it was real, tangible, and brutally unforgiving. If you weren’t constantly active, constantly grinding, you were falling behind. Other players were quicker, more organized, and already established within their own towns. My own progress felt like a slow, painful crawl, a desperate attempt to catch up with people who already had more resources than I could ever hope to gather.

As the days passed, the game became more of a chore than a fun experience. I started to feel overwhelmed, like the game was watching me, waiting for me to slip up. Every moment felt like it was too late. The environmental damage continued to worsen. The game constantly warned us that time was running out. The once peaceful rivers grew dark with pollution, and the forests turned into barren wastelands. I remember the day I saw my small patch of forest, the one I had carefully tended, slowly turning into a desert, stripped of trees and wildlife. My heart sank.

But the worst part wasn’t the environmental collapse. It was the way the other players responded to it.

Some of them were frustrated, too. The pressure to do everything, to fix everything, to *save* the world felt unbearable. And some of them began lashing out. Arguments broke out between players—fighting over resources, accusing each other of mismanagement. There was this constant, underlying tension that permeated every interaction. The peaceful community I had imagined was fractured, torn apart by fear and frustration. I tried to talk to people, to build bridges, to make things work, but it was like talking to a wall. They didn’t care. They had their own priorities, their own agendas, their own little empires to protect.

One day, I logged into the game to find that everything I had built—every crop I had carefully tended, every tree I had planted, every structure I had crafted—was gone. The server’s economy had crumbled. The ecosystem was on the brink of collapse. And I was blamed for it.

The moment hit me like a punch in the gut. It wasn’t just a game anymore—it felt personal. The guilt, the shame, the crushing weight of responsibility that I couldn’t bear—everything I had worked for was destroyed. The constant barrage of environmental warnings, the pressure to act, the demands from other players, all of it had left me mentally and emotionally exhausted.

I logged out that day and never returned.

At first, I thought I could brush it off. It was just a game, right? It didn’t matter. But the aftermath lingered. I couldn’t shake the sense of guilt. I couldn’t stop thinking about how everything I had done was ultimately meaningless. The pressure I felt from the game seeped into my real life. I began feeling like a failure, like nothing I did ever amounted to anything. The crushing weight of responsibility, the fear of failing the people around me—it followed me into every part of my life. I began to withdraw from friends and family. My work suffered. I couldn’t focus, couldn’t concentrate. I couldn’t sleep without feeling like the world was crumbling around me.

The emotional toll of *Eco* didn’t end with logging out. It followed me into my waking hours. I couldn’t escape the anxiety. I started having panic attacks, my heart racing every time I thought about the game. The sense of impending doom, the fear of losing everything, it became a constant companion. Every time I saw a tree or a river in real life, I couldn’t stop thinking about the pollution in the game, the dying ecosystems, the collapse of everything I had tried to protect.

I sought therapy, but the trauma lingered. My therapist told me that the game had become a reflection of my own inner fears and anxieties, magnifying them to an extreme degree. The pressure to “save” the world, to constantly be working, to always be doing more—it had seeped into my own psyche and left me feeling overwhelmed and powerless. It wasn’t just the game’s environmental collapse that got to me—it was how it reflected my own sense of inadequacy, my fear of failure, my inability to keep up with the world’s demands.

The PTSD was real. Every time I closed my eyes, I saw the ruined landscapes, the barren forests, the polluted rivers. And every time I tried to move forward, I felt like I was trapped in the same never-ending cycle.

*Eco* was supposed to be an escape. It was supposed to be a way to relax, to create, to be part of something. Instead, it became a mirror that showed me the worst parts of myself, a constant reminder of my own inability to succeed, to fix, to save. And in the end, it wasn’t just a game. It was an experience that triggered something deeper within me, something I couldn’t escape.

To this day, I’m not sure if I’ll ever go back to *Eco*. Maybe I’ll try another game, maybe not. But the scars it left, the anxiety, the trauma—it’s something I carry with me. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the things we turn to for escape can end up doing more harm than good.

Время в игре: 1050 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 19.11.2024 11:14
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This game is Extremely Addictive. a very Intricate Creation with great attention to Economical Details. It is Essentially the Superior of Minecraft, More aged, More thought out More intricate - More fun. your choices do matter. As a gamer of 28 Years, and playing a new game almost weekly, This is Generally one of the Best games i have played in a long time and has kept me Gripped and Intrigued for almost a month with no sign of letting up. The Developers seem to keep regular updates too, in both content and communication. They also added store purchase items, which are non intrusive (You dont get hounded with ads for them) and are left down to the individual to either purchase or bypass as an individual AND a server admin. Great Job Strange Loop Games. This is how Games should be done.

Время в игре: 18472 ч. Куплено в Steam
Не рекомендую 19.11.2024 11:12
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it had a lot of potential, but servers die off every time a new one starts, which is made worse by a dying fan base as the games taken too long to get really good. i tried playing recently and couldnt even find a decent high pop server.

Время в игре: 19128 ч. Куплено в Steam
Рекомендую 18.11.2024 15:12
0 1

This is one of the most underrated games of all time. The depth of this game is incredible. I wish it had more players!

Время в игре: 1462 ч. Куплено в Steam

Дополнительная информация

Разработчик Strange Loop Games
Платформы Windows
Ограничение возраста Нет
Дата релиза 18.01.2025
Отзывы пользователей 79% положительных (6111)

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4,826 положительных и 1,285 отрицательных отзывов
Обновлено: 13.01.2025 09:26


Indie Simulation Early Access


Single-player Multi-player Co-op Online Co-op LAN Co-op Steam Achievements In-App Purchases