Разработчик: Ice-Pick Lodge

Готовясь угаснуть, душа проходит через Промежуток — серый лимб, который оживляют лишь редкие капли Цвета. Ненасытные, жуткие Братья жаждут Цвет копить; коварные, упоительные Сёстры мечтают им напиться. Когда вы используете Цвет, Промежуток и его удивительные обитатели меняются. А значит, любое действие игрока меняет весь мир.
Быть может, есть и иное применение Цвету. Быть может, с его помощью можно вырваться из вечного цикла Промежутка. Выращивая Цвет в садах, добывая его в рудниках и заповедниках, раскрывая сердца Сестёр и схватываясь с Братьями, игрок готовится услышать Голос Цвета… и достигнуть высшего состояния — тургора.

- Исследуйте Промежуток. Пространство игры разбито на двадцать девять залов, и в каждом — свои тайники и своя атмосфера.
- Растите, охотьтесь, добывайте. У каждого вида покоев — свои особенности: в одних Цвет можно проращивать, в других — добывать иными способами, охотясь на недоростков или разрабатывая жилы в породе. Попасть в новые покои можно, раскрыв сердца очередной Сестры.
- Рисуйте сердцем. Чтобы совершить то или иное действие, рисуйте на экране Знаки. Их действие зависит и от выбранного символа, и от использованного Цвета.
- Познайте Сестёр. Каждая из ненасытных и манящих Сестёр воплощает сочетание двух Цветов; каждая готова раскрыть вам душу и дорогу в дальнейшие покои, если вы сумеете наполнить её сердца.
- Познайте заповеди… или нарушьте табу. Страшные Братья видят в вас своего и готовы делиться мудростью — если вы согласитесь повиноваться их заповедям. Если же нет, готовьтесь к непростым схваткам с грозными врагами.
- Загляните в бездну и почувствуйте, как она глядит в вас. В игре один ресурс — Цвет; используя его, можно добиться многого, но помните, что каждое действие меняет окружающий мир. Например, если скопить в сердце Пурпур, вы станете сильнее, а враги — опаснее. Отыщите идеальный баланс — или просто экспериментируйте.
- Услышьте Голос Цвета и достигните тургора.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, german, polish, russian
Системные требования
- OS *: Windows XP SP2 / Vista
- Processor: Pentium IV 2GHz
- Memory: 512 MB
- Graphics: 128 MB DirectX® 9.0c compatible video card (e.g. NVIDIA® GeForce™ FX 5600 or ATi® Radeon™ 9600)
- DirectX®: 9.0c
- Hard Drive: 6GB
- Sound: DirectX® 9.0c compatible audio card
Отзывы пользователей
on of the few rare hidden gems in the world of games
Hey all,
Well, I loved this game as a teenager and never understood why so many people put it down or make fun of it.
Later I understood, many people don't understand the topic and hate the level of difficulty.
So here in this game everything revolves around the topic of DEATH.
As well as, let's say, the LIFE after. And it's made for horror, but you yes you the player.
Paint the world the way you want it. What is the madman talking about?
Yes, yes, you read that right, you paint. With colors and each color includes a trait that affects your world.
An example if you paint with a color that says "JEALOUSY"
you will have to survive a lot of trouble and attacks in the world. You are what you paint.^^
And what would a hard-hitting horror game be without beautiful ladies, each with a different personality.
Of course, you have to get past their very harsh guardians first hahaha and survive because without color... you die.
Because where else would the fun be?
My advice to you make lots of saving after each Circle is done (the seconds when they reach 0 new cirle).
Draw trees when you have lot of purple color in you and feed the lady´s when you have lot of gold in you.
And believe me with each try you get smarter. A great game to learn beforehand planning.
But be warned if you are Depressed do not play it. If you are easy scared do not play it (jumpscares).
And if you do not like to have to undergo a long way but see 10 different endings in return, you get me right.
THX for this wonderful masterpiece.
A big fan and I still hope I can save my beloved sister Death...will try forever^^
Вырастил Цвет, пришел собрать урожай а меня отпиздили
10 из 10, would never talk to women again
If it seems interesting. Give it a try. It is not for everyone, similar to "Pathologic 2".
The Void might seem like some sexual game, but it is not what it seems. It throws you into a world of which you know nothing similar to Ice-Pick Lodge's well-known title "Pathologic 2". The Void is lesser known, which is understandable since one of the main mechanics is drawing a symbol. You do not need a drawing tablet, but playing this with a controller is likely not convenient. Playing it with a mouse is doable.
The story seems like something abstract on first sight. But there is much to figure out here. It is a incredibly difficult survival game like "Pathologic 2". It is relatively easy to pick up for anyone. These games are an experience. Very different from any other games I have seen. Ice-Pick Lodge has many passionate supporters for good reason. Their games are truly something different. The best aspects usually contain spoilers, so it is best to just try it out.
Various mechanics in The Void aren't well-explained. There is an icon to see how far you can fill up a tree with color, which is never explained. Although it is mentioned that you should fill it up to the tips. Aside from that the controls are clear, and the game itself will teach you more about its environment later. It could have used a bit more development time. Some people experience rare crashes. The Linux version has issues. But fans of Pathologic will likely enjoy it.
This isn't a friendly game.
I saw only a fraction of what it had to offer, but I keep thinking about it. It's beautiful and eerie, like a faery tale rendered on screen.
I hope one day I'll have the determination to go back to it, and delve deeper.
One, to start this is a strangely massively changed version for Germany and English of the original game called Tension. Tension is in many ways a way different game even in story. The gameplay was also massively shifted and made a bit easier in ways. This is unfortunately something that could have been a massive masterpiece, but had development hell, and was delivered heavily unfinished. This undercooked project deserves a remake, a "The Void 2" or whatever Ice Pick Lodge would want to do. The possibilities with the story and characters and gameplay can achieve far more than the final project which ended up feeling empty and well... Void. Ultimately unsatisfying.
If you want more context about how unfinished this game is, there is instructions in game that there are downsides to certain colors but there are 0 downsides actually. The game is lying to you because that content was cut, as are A LOT of things in this game, which were rushed to finish.
This game ends up being the most experimental game you will ever play in your entire life that wants to be an incredible 10/10 masterpiece but instead ends up being a 7/10 at best very rough and undercooked weird game that deserves a second go at in the future. For the love of all the colors in the world Ice Pick Lodge, revisit this game I BEG YOU! After Pathologic 3 maybe? This game can be and should be so much more! Its so beautiful and such and amazing concept that deserves to be more complete and executed WAY better.
That being said, I also have to add this game has serious terrible crashes, glitches where gray screens will occur soft locking you in game by simply collecting colors in certain areas or trying to enter certain chambers.Too many people have serious bugs and issues with the game. Ignoring that even, this game has no tutorial and you will have to look for community assistance or online guides to learn to play, sorry but thats just really bad design. I would heavily recommend that if you expect the game to work perfectly out of the box, not to get it.
7/10 - A very unique game - in story and gameplay. The story is very good and you want to find out what it's all about and what happens next. However, the game is difficult, sometimes unclear and lengthy - something simpler and shorter would have been good for it. Without a walkthrough, I probably wouldn't have played it to the end. Nevertheless, you should give it a try.
The game is unfinished, half-baked and full of shallow poeticisms. It spends more time creating pretense than creating a coherent gaming experience. Spare yourself this nonsense.
This game gets tagged as an 'adventure game' sometimes, but I think the gameplay is better described as 'survival' and 'resource management'. The core gameplay is to grow resources and give some to the main characters, and they will let you to progress further into the game.
Those resources are also what you need to stay alive, and they are always draining away. You can't store an unlimited amount to be used, and anything you are storing for use can't be converted back into 'food'.
The more resources (colour) you spend the more dangerous the world becomes, so you have to learn how to be efficient. You can't undo any decisions, so if you accidentally 'give' the wrong amount of colour (too much or too little) then you can't get it back.
Make sure to save regularly because the only way to recover a playthrough might be to go back several cycles and make different decisions about how you will grow things. If you die once it is completely game over and you go back to the title screen, no checkpoints or autosaves.
I get to meet hot women and kill fucked up men with my gay little colors, it's amazing.
Whatever this place is, clearly wasn't made to sustain human life.
The gameplay is essentially just collecting objects and then filling colors, like helping a kid working on a color book. However, I found it difficult to enjoy the game due to the extremely slow movement and the toneless whisper narrator. The lines might be poetic, but the constant repetition about the importance of color becomes annoying. I get it okay? Tell me something I don’t already know.
Besides, this walking sim needs a proper UI. The color absorbing/giving UI is located on both sides, yet only a small area can be interacted with, and the text is far too tiny to read.
I can’t recommend this game on today's standard.
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Ice-Pick Lodge |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Metacritic | 77 |
Отзывы пользователей | 83% положительных (549) |