No More Room in Hell 2

No More Room in Hell 2

Steam Store

Разработчик: Torn Banner Studios

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***No More Room in Hell 2*** — это напряжённое путешествие по кишащей зомби темноте, в котором у вас есть лишь одна попытка. Станьте сотрудником аварийной бригады: выживайте, делайте припасы и выполняйте различные задания в постоянно меняющихся условиях.


В начале игры все появляются в разных частях огромной карты. Ваша задача — во что бы то ни стало объединиться и выжить перед неизвестной угрозой. В каждой тени таится опасность, поэтому ключ к победе — это координация действий и стратегическое планирование. Прокладывайте дорогу к цели, вступая в бой с ордами беспощадных врагов или прибегая ко всяческим уловкам.

Перед принятием любого решения следует тщательно его обдумать, ведь у вас есть всего одна попытка. Расставляйте ловушки, завлекая врагов посторонними звуками, или применяйте грубую силу — выбор за вами.


Начинайте игру в одиночку — продолжайте вместе. Ищите своих товарищей, переговариваясь по пространственному чату, и объединяйте силы. В каждом матче вы пройдете путь от тряски в одиночестве в темноте, слабого и уязвимого, до формирования полностью укомплектованного совместного отряда с штурмовыми винтовками и взрывчаткой. Однако над каждым из вас всегда будет висеть невидимая угроза: если кто-то погибнет, его прогресс будет потерян навсегда.

**Power Plant (Электростанция)** — это первая зона из раннего доступа, где игроков забрасывает на окраину огромной карты в сельской местности Пенсильвании.

Начните в одиночку, найдите союзников и вместе попробуйте добраться до конечной цели в центре карты, подстраиваясь под повышающуюся сложность. Собирайте оружие и снаряжение, которые помогут вам выжить перед лицом растущей угрозы и выполнить главное задание.

По мере того как вы будете увеличивать шансы человечества на выживание и восстанавливать разрушенную инфраструктуру, перед вами будут разворачиваться известные сцены из культовых хорроров — на заправках и КПП, в барах и других местах.


На каждом шагу вас подстерегает смерть — без возможности возродиться.

Добывайте ресурсы, чтобы усилить своего персонажа, если, конечно, ему повезёт не умереть. С каждой вылазкой вы повышаете свои шансы выжить, находя тайники со снаряжением и припасами.

Поставите ли вы под угрозу собственную жизнь, чтобы спасти товарища? По мере того как растёт ваш отряд, шансы найти хорошую добычу увеличиваются, но о смерти никогда не стоит забывать.

У каждого решения есть последствия для всего отряда.


***No More Room in Hell 2*** во всех подробностях показывает, что может стать с человеком, обратившимся в ходячий кошмар.

Один зомби — уже угроза. Толпа — неминуемая смерть. Враги могут не только вас видеть, но и слышат каждый шорох, издаваемый вами, их сородичами и окружением в безмолвной пустоши.

Вы всегда будете стоять одной ногой в могиле, спасаясь от вездесущей тьмы и настигающих вас орд врагов, к которым может присоединиться и бывший товарищ.


У вас будет очень мало боеприпасов (поначалу), и сражения не будут даваться легко. Окунитесь в захватывающий хоррор на выживание с целым арсеналом оружия (как профессионального, так и самодельного), которое поможет отбиться от врага и перехитрить его.

Пробейте ломом череп ходячего мертвеца в динамичном ближнем бою или пустите последний патрон из дробовика в наступающую на вас орду. Натуралистичность изображения позволит прочувствовать каждый наносимый удар и узреть его отвратительные последствия.

Положитесь на свой ум, а не грубую силу: заранее планируйте все стычки с врагами, задействуя неконтактные мины и прочие приспособления.

Делайте всё в своих силах, чтобы не умереть.

Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese

Системные требования


  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10, 64-bit
  • Процессор: Intel Core i5-6600 or Ryzen 3 1200
  • Оперативная память: 12 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 1650 (4 GB) or Radeon RX 570 (4GB) or Intel Arc 580
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 35 GB
  • Дополнительно: Experience: 1080p 30 HZ on Low Graphics Settings with Performance Super Sampling
  • 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
  • ОС: Windows 10, 64-bit
  • Процессор: Core i7-10700K or Ryzen 5 5500GT
  • Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
  • Видеокарта: GeForce RTX 2070 (8 GB) or Radeon RX 5700 XT (8 GB)
  • DirectX: версии 12
  • Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
  • Место на диске: 35 GB
  • Дополнительно: Experience: 1080p 60 HZ on High Graphics Settings with Quality Super Sampling





          Отзывы пользователей

          Не рекомендую 17.12.2024 13:37
          3 1

          Please if you ever do one thing in your entire life do not give these people your money, this is an awful product that's nowhere near completion. If you're looking for nostalgia look elsewhere, be warned. By the way, Torn Banner purged their ranks before last Christmas including the guy that literally composed the first game we all loved so much. Shame on whoever did that.

          Время в игре: 73 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 15.12.2024 21:41
          2 0

          Stop with the stupid "It feels nothing like no room in hell" everybody who has put that review is very clearly nostalgia coping that a game years later has a different gameplay loop from their beloved childhood, no more room in hell was fun but it was not THAT great, people need to realize that yes there's going to be a different game here. The games actually pretty fun, is it difficult? yes, there's a learning curve, is it glitchy? a little, sometimes models of player don't spawn right but it doesn't affect anything and the private matchmaking requires you to alt f4 and reload the game after every match to actually load in with your friends but it loads fast after first launch so at max it takes 15 seconds inbetween games. the combat is slow and heavy and that's intended, it's like no more room in hell 1 in that way, learn to shove when they lunge watch your stamina and stop running everywhere without a gun to kill the inevitable 7 men in their underwear that are going to jump you. overall the games not perfect but its fun, its early access so there's going to be more added but there is plenty of stuff to do right now.

          Время в игре: 319 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 15.12.2024 00:15
          2 0

          im going to make this very very clear, zombies have no business attacking me when i can see their whole arm and hand swing 3 feet away from me, and still damage me, that is what happens in this game ALL THE TIME its the only reason ive died, the range of these guys arms is insane and i cant play it because of that, nerf the zombies, and make them sound like actual zombies, they sound constipated, and the running zombie is just goofy, and i really really mean that, the running zombies are hilarious yet angering, cus yet again that long hit range you cant even juke them like in the first game, you need to shoot them before they reach you, no longer is the distance in any way realistic. ill try it with every update but if they got mr fantastics arm reach, im shelving it, hell if i could id just refund it, like thats happening.

          Время в игре: 92 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 13.12.2024 20:22
          5 0

          This is not a NMRIH game, this is the metal gear survive but worse of the nmrih series.

          Better lighting
          Better graphics
          Some sounds are better

          Difficulty scaling is ruined with new updates - You get less ammo and have to deal with apparently x2-x4 of the runners

          Jank spawning - Zombies will spawn around you in a style reminiensant to left 4 dead, but since this game requires strategy and thought to prevent being overrun and schwaked at higher levels of difficulty you will easily die trying to even attempt those side objectives let alone the main objective.

          No inventory upon extraction - When you leave the game strips you of all your weapons which to me makes no sense, if i extract with a top tier m4 and a bunch of ammo and medical supplies why should i give it up and never get it back when the difficulty gets way higher the more i level up?

          Infection - It being implemented right now with the difficulty setting messed up as it is, basically means you are going to get ganked by zombies and die even quicker then ever before. A good four man team might actually do some good in a run but trust me when i say, with the current entry system of not entering with your squad basically means chances are. 1-2 survivors are gonna be dead before your squad even groups up.

          Guns feel weak - I hate that most weapons feel like peashooters against the dead, in NMRIH1 every weapon was viable if you knew what you were doing. But in this game if your not running a heavier weapon with a high capacity mag your basically doomed when it comes to dealing with anything more then one zombie.

          Melee feels even weaker - In NMRIH1 your melee was a careful consideration as ammunition was scarce. But in this all the melee sucks something fierce, as almost all of them feel like your fighting with a wet pool noodle when your unleveled and are forced to hope and pray you get one of the god tier melee weapons to even consider touching the melee combat.

          Some zombies too tanky - So the problem is red eyes exist they can be walkers or runners and crawlers, they will soak up all of your damage you can give and then some. Which basically means if you get a red eye runner your basically mag dumping their head hoping they drop so you don't run the risk of someone in your team getting infected.

          The map - It's way too barron with so many zombies everywhere which makes no sense when you study any piece of zombie media with a fine tooth comb. Basically they set the spawn regions to be wack as shit as some places make sense. Highways and concentration of buildings would have lots of zombies or if you discharge a firearm then sure have a horde descend upon me. But why does a powerplant have billions of zombies spewing forth?

          Amount of zeds - Way too many everywhere. It's almost like this powerplant was situated right in the middle of new york with how many zombies we need to deal with.

          The feeling of entry and extraction - The game feels like a battle royale quickly re-engineered into a nmrih game due to how they have the entry into the map set up, while the extraction system even makes this feeling even worse due to having to WAIT FOR THE DANG CHOPPER TO ARRIVE AND THEN HAVING TO HOLD OFF THE HORDE.

          In nmrih 1 holding off a horde was easy, runners went down easy and you could funnel the normal zombies with some clever choke points. but with this game's extract, your basically hoping and praying that no red eye's show up otherwise your hold off will quickly transition into the halo reach objective of "Survive"

          Tornbanner in general - They laid off a huge chunk of the nmrih 1 team just before christmas, most likely due to their involvement with the game causing it to fail so harshly. The execs at torn banner most likely kept demanding it to be more similar to warzone or cod zombies mw3 (the open world one) and then kept gutting the project demanding reworks and then as the deadline drew nearer the dev team most likely was burnt out due to basically having to destroy their work of love (Look for older builds of nmrih 2 on youtube)

          Basically think of it like this, If tornbanner just let the nmrih 1 devs cook with some extra staff and some bigger funding we would have gotten something way better than this. But due to their meddling and constant pushing and demands for a release (Probably also due to them having to actually spend more and more money due to their constant "changing of project goals and ideas").

          Anyways. My rating is a smashing, 0/10.
          It's terrible. not worth your money period. and should be studied for what NOT to do when making a game sequel while also saying "We are looking at your suggestions carefully".

          I also think the original team should all get back together to make a new zombie ip that's basically nmrih 1 but way better.
          But my sympathies also goes out to the laid off devs due to them being "Laid off" so close to christmas that it almost feels christmas.

          Время в игре: 77 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 12.12.2024 23:36
          5 0

          The game has some truly unique ideas that are unfortunatly held back by the fact that they took it out of the oven to fast. Imagine you are at a christmas dinner, someone takes a half raw turkey out of the overn and slaps you into the face with it. You imagening it? That is how it feels to play this game. but im a sick fuck and can handle horrid Early acces jank. If you can handle that, its a damn cool game. if you're not into that i would wait a bit longer.

          Время в игре: 181 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.12.2024 22:07
          6 0

          You just got Torn Banner'd...

          Seriously though I had hope for this game and planned on coming back when the infection update drops but after hearing negative reception towards it and seeing the 2021 build that Lever Games had made there is no saving this game. Torn Banner has once again taken a game series beloved by many and shaped it into half assed slop. TB blatantly ignores community feedback and silences those who criticize them while they slowly sink into bankruptcy. Do not buy this game and do not play anything made by this studio because if they won't give their community the time to help them improve the game then they don't deserve our time and money on their games.

          Время в игре: 741 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.12.2024 21:54
          3 0

          >requires constant internet connection to play. If you can't connect to their servers, tough luck, pal.
          >requires at least a friend to play. You can't host a singleplayer lobby like in the original.

          There's definitely no more room in hell, because of the amount of people that are sending the entire dev team over there with prayers.

          You have perfect examples of this sort of stuff NEVER working out (Back 4 blood, Overkill's the walking dead, the list goes on) and somehow or another, an entire team of people with (supposedly) brains go for a recipe that always results in disaster. The mixed reviews on steam are there for a reason, and it shows.

          I've been waiting for a match for 10 minutes. 10 MINUTES. Not even tarkov with their shitty matchmaking makes you wait that long. And to top it off, I've also been kicked out of the game several times due to their servers being down.

          You pay for a game you can't even play. I cannot recommend this to anyone on it's current state.

          Время в игре: 21 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 12.12.2024 16:41
          4 0

          My biggest problem is how u cant be sure ur going to load into a server in your region. all games i played were over 100 ping but some were as bad as high 200s. in a game where a single death can reset ur whole character this is a scary prospect.

          Время в игре: 219 ч. Куплено в Steam Получено бесплатно
          Не рекомендую 11.12.2024 08:13
          9 2

          Before this update this game was very playable and not difficult to navigate. Everything was more or less streamlined and nothing that happened in the game really took you out of an established loop. After this update it all got thrown out the window. You can get infected before you get to your first node and you have no chance to react to getting grabbed. Zombies make no audible sound and they lunge at you at mach fuck from 3 meters away. Then if you're infected you have to ignore picking up anything BUT pills (that are hard to come by) and the even more rare cure for the infection. When you do find these things; you are still without any ammo or heals so now your SOL when you encounter a horde. Oh yeah, and you'll be lunged at again and be infected AGAIN. Terrible update. Fix your zombies first, what the fuck

          Время в игре: 1274 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 11.12.2024 05:22
          8 0

          Why would you add the infection system when the combat is still this laggy and bad? Teleporting zombies that ignore attacks and can infect you was not how you make this game better.

          Время в игре: 1646 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 09.12.2024 18:02
          17 1

          As someone who hasn't played the previous game, I really enjoy the concept of this game and have been having a great time playing it. Of course, there is still a lack of contents and quite a few bugs too. I hope the game becomes more popular with continous content updates and patches in the near future.

          Время в игре: 2736 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 04.12.2024 21:33
          32 1

          At it's current state, do not get this game. There is an increased difficulty that is forced upon you as you level. Once you get a grasp of the game it forces the increase upon you. The increased level brings lower spawn rates for everything, and an increased spawn of sprinter zombies. If you're playing with a group it might be easier to handle, but if you're solo, or in a duo it's much harder, especially when the rest of the lobby dies early. You're then left to defend the end objective with the 30 some bullets you have, while getting ganked by at least 50 sprinting zombies.

          That leads me to the zombies. Sprinter zombies will follow you until you break chase (jumping hurdles; pushing them) or kill them, and difficulty 2+ spawns far too many of them. Zombies in this game don't take head shots properly, and can swing and hit you in between your melee swings that clearly stumble them. Some zombies even take upwards of 10 hits before they go down. Literally just eyes and a jaw and they're still coming for you. They will lull around in a zone that is crucial to be in and actually BODY BLOCK YOU from completing any objective. If you run away from the end objective and come back the zombies will STILL be inside the center area to just be in the way. They can grapple to you from 6ft out, leaving you defenseless and taking damage from nearby zombies. They can swing hit you from the same distance and will surround you RAPIDLY.

          You can't vault everything, you get stuck or have to find the sweet spot to be able to, and sometimes you take fall damage from a 3 inch drop, sometimes you can fall off a building and be fine. The inconsistency is the most glaring issue this game has.

          If you're still thinking of getting it, just wait for a sale. Full price is NOT worth this game.

          Время в игре: 608 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 04.12.2024 21:12
          4 0

          Don't buy it. It's not finished, needs work.

          Too many runners, all Zombies have a magnet-like grapple they can pull randomly to stop you from being able to defend yourself in a horde, shotguns are a total joke and do no damage to zombies despite being point-blank and a direct chest and/or head-shot, some zombies take more than 10+ swings to kill with melee while they can hit you back nearly instantly seemingly randomly, zombies seem to get 'more' distance on lunges and grapples if nobody is watching them and they go for the attack, etc.

          The list goes on and it's pretty shit right now, wouldn't recommend at all.
          Finally, the devs seem to think it's a neat idea to make zombies just randomly roam to the objectives you're meant to defend at even if you're both overwhelmed and outnumbered, so they'll just pile-up even if you're not around. Guessing it's because of sound or something? Doesn't work and just makes a massive mob of runners that pretend to be walkers until a player is close enough, it's just annoying.

          Just lost a duo-run with my partner that involved the two of us getting plant fixed alone, getting to extract, and then the extract was so filled with zombies getting there BEFORE we even knew where it was that we were completely body-blocked out of extract and lost what should've been a duo-win that we really worked for. It's not fun. Shit genuinely made me consider trying to get a refund and I have 9-hours in.

          Время в игре: 660 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.12.2024 02:09
          2 0

          Not worth it at the moment.

          Not a lot of people playing, and you can't just load into a server like NMRIH 1 and just start playing by yourself. You have to wait anywhere between 1min - 4min for a match, and frankly, the game does not tell you anything. Also, you run into the same stupid design philosophy that is zombies are sponges and multiple hits to the head from a giant pipe doesn't kill them.

          Game's performance is very bad, and movement controls and other actions don't feel very responsive at all.

          Lastly, it feels like this game is being developed by people that don't play video games, or maybe they play them casually. Because there are so many signs:

          - 144 FPS is the max you can "cap" your FPS (My dev, it is 2024 and 144hz are not the only high refresh rate monitors out there)
          - Push To Talk is disabled by default, so open-mic for everyone.
          - Mouse sensitivity options are terrible, if you have high DPI, better drop it down for this game.
          - Mouse acceleration that can't be turned off it seems?
          - Q to flashlight, F to shove.

          Время в игре: 176 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.11.2024 02:35
          7 0

          The game is now playable. Thank you for the bug fixes. I am looking forward to see where this game goes.

          Время в игре: 268 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.11.2024 00:04
          10 0

          I tracked this game years ago, little year old me couldn't wait for this to drop. I saw the trailers, felt the hype. I saw the other trailers, felt the hype dwindle at the chance of an unfaithful game. More recently, I saw the videos, read the reviews, and fully expected this game to be atrocious. I'd just bought this when the update released. I played this fully for an hour, the hour of playtime was an almost victorious match.

          I spawned in, kept looking around, exploring the mechanics and surroundings and it was all straight forward.
          Had a few run-ins with death, healed, fought back, retreated, repeated - just as NMRIH 1 was.
          I managed to finish a tough side-mission and was rewarded with a stockpile of guns and equipment in the basement.
          I took the weapons and decided to book it to one of the main objectives.
          Suddenly there were more walkers, and then there were runners.
          I booked it to the bridge, and I wanted to make it through with an unbelievable horde behind me.
          I purposely made use of the vaulting mechanic, and I didn't look back.
          But, by the time I made it to the end of the bridge, I took a glance back, I saw the ridiculous amount, and I knew I was done for.
          That was until I looked ahead, and I saw 2 other players - and I heard the angels sing. We united, this was a relief, they instructed me to stay with them and fight against the zombies strategically, and we moved together henceforth.
          We stuck together until it naturally fell apart, we weren't ready for the hordes at end-game.

          The entire thing, as the developers stated, felt like a zombie movie.

          I don't get the hate. Yes, this is jank, but it isn't unplayable, and it has so much joy. It, by all means, isn't as bad as people make it out to be. If anything this is as authentic as the joy and jank of NMRIH 1 felt like back in the day. Modern day gamers are just a riot. Could it be better? Absolutely. Is it ready for release? Probably not. But if you bought this, seeing the Early Access tag crystal clear, and are still hateful - you kinda deserve it! It's not perfect, but it isn't a disaster. And seeing a growing track record of updates and fixes is hopeful. I felt like a kid rediscovering NMRIH 1 again, it's nerve-wracking - and all my experience in NMRIH 1 was second nature and came in clutch. This game is going for something different, loyalists expected a 1:1 NMRIH 1 remake, this isn't that. It's traditional in the sense that the formula of the original game is present and expanded upon in modern light, but it's different in what it wants to be, and that's absolutely okay. I feel at home, and I'm hopeful for this game. Such a wonderful basis, in due time will be perfected!

          Some bugs, not gamebreaking.
          Framedrop and optimization issues, not impossible to play.
          NMRIH but Tarkov.
          Not the best decision to release the game in this stage, but not the worst.
          Gamers are too negative and entitled on the internet.

          Время в игре: 52 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.11.2024 09:38
          9 2

          DO NOT LISTEN TO MOST OF THE YOUTUBERS. As youtuber Kaif said, the game is a far cry from having everything it should on launch, but has major potential. My personal experience has been great so far. The game is terrifying at time, hilarious voice chat when finding others in trouble or just chatting, and have a VERY solid core. With major fixes, tweaks, 2 new weapons and new systems already on their way at the end of this month (November 2024), the devs are clearly making a heavy effort to get this game where it needs to be. Performance wise it's great unless you go above "High" visual settings (I'm running a 3070). DISCLAIMER: Most common buys you'll come across currently are as follows: multiple zombie visual bugs, invincible crawlers, zombies spawning in front of you (rare), fuses not spawning (also rare), and gun sights... shall we say breaking the fabric of reality. For $30 it's iffy currently, but with the current effort of the devs this game will definitely become well worth $30+ dollars likely I'm the coming year. It's a early access, give it a fair chance if you have the spare cash or are a fan of the developers prior game and work.

          Время в игре: 1024 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 24.11.2024 00:11
          9 0

          It isn't actually very repayable once you've extracted a few times and leveled up your character. There is no point in playing another round because all you're doing is risking your operator for no reward. Permanently losing a max level character you've spent hours leveling up because the game is bugged is absolute garbage. Just about every operator I've lost has been because of a bug.

          This time it was getting trapped in a safe room with crawlers because their hit boxes are bugged making them unkillable and you can't jump over them, and there is no other way out of the saferoom.

          Last time it was because sprinter zombies kept clipping across the map to hit me no matter how far away I was.

          The time before that it was zombies repeatedly spawning within attacking distance, literally spawning in directly in front of my face.

          When the game is fixed I'll change my review, but I would not buy this game at the moment.

          Время в игре: 374 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 23.11.2024 17:06
          6 0

          I have hope for this game, but do not buy it as it stands right now, it is terrible. This game has the gall to call itself as such but has none of the original's elements, aside from the 'shooting zombies' aspect; not just that, but the teamwork and camaraderie that used to be in the first game was also lost. Hell, I was coming up on the watchtower in one of my matches, only to be told to F off by the guy who was already there, since he thought I was going to 'steal his loot', the fun part here is that I didn't have a gun yet. If this was the first game, the guy would have helped me out. The marketing is deceptive and lazy, only to squeeze out a quick buck.

          Время в игре: 86 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 22.11.2024 00:56
          10 0

          This is not No More Room in Hell 2, but a different game by a different development team that's missing the mechanics that made the first game so iconic and enjoyable. I was so excited for the sequel that I would have eaten up a hot, sloppy, buggy mess, but this game is just not at all related to the first. I suppose it could be enjoyable if you're new to the franchise and go in not expecting it to be a continuation or a predecessor to the namesake.

          Время в игре: 44 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 17.11.2024 07:24
          29 0

          I don't hate this game, but rather the fact that they named it a "no more room in hell" game, slapped a 2 on it, and then act like its going to be equal, or a better version of the game. It seems rather greedy to me, and Torn Doesn't seem to want to follow the original game's path. If your looking for a "NO MORE ROOM IN HELL 2" game, this is not it. But if you are looking for a 8 player Co-op zombie extraction game, this is for you. But I would wait 6 months to see it working. It seems that they are just going to abandon it.

          Время в игре: 436 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 16.11.2024 10:05
          12 2

          its just too rough around the edges for me to enjoy, even for an EA game. gore on melee doesnt seem to work, and every time you smack a zombie it looks jank asf. you can tell theres supposed to be a system in which zombies that you hit onto the ground enter a new animation state and try to get up, but because they dont even have downed animations the zombies just do this weird "jolt" on the floor and die that way, it looks terrible and makes melee feel bland and unrealistic. i could deal with that, but then you add on the fact the zombies teleport-lunge at you consistently enough to cause your death through no fault of your own.

          the bones here are good, but torn banner really dropped the ball here by releasing this in the state its currently in. will check up on it in a few months and hopefully change my review

          Время в игре: 18 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 14.11.2024 16:14
          19 0

          Not really a NMRIH game. I feel like if Torn Banner were going to completely redo all the work the original team did on the sequel they should have probably also taken the time to investigate what made NMRIH a game that people still enjoy to this day. They did not, and as such we are left with a tech demo for a unrecognisable mess of a game.

          Время в игре: 376 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.11.2024 23:50
          60 6

          You make friends, then watch them die moments later and never hear them again. Super fun and terrifying, excited for what's to come.

          Время в игре: 191 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 11.11.2024 02:03
          10 0

          Either they have been making some quick hotfixes off of the community feedback, or people are being dramatic/picky. I waited a bit to buy the game due to the reviews, but I can confirm that the game is playable and pretty fun besides the fact that we only have one map to work off of right now. The game holds al ot of potential and I am glad I could get it for the price I did. The zombies do move a bit odd, and at times can be very clunky (which can also mess up shots, etc.).

          What I like to see the most, is the fact that on the main menu they are keeping the players up to date with what they plan on fixing or updating soon (to include more maps, etc.). So the devs are definitely determined to maintain communication and create positive gameplay, which I feel like was something that we saw with Helldivers.

          Overall, it is playable and enjoyable. There is plenty of work to be done as everyone else is saying, but for the price I believe it is still worth the grab in order to play a different game and help a game develop via feedback.

          Время в игре: 174 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 10.11.2024 18:23
          69 3

          No More Room in Hell 1 Veteran here:

          I was excited and immediately bought the game when it first released, played for about 30 minutes. I couldn't kill any zombies no matter the amount of hits to the head I've done (Based on my weapon).

          You also can't just host your own game like in the first one, so you're just in a public map with other players, which gives the impression that I'm playing Warzone Zombies from Call Of Duty (Which is a huge shame).

          I heard from the community of NMRIH that Torn Banner, The Publisher, scrapped the assets and the base mechanics from what the developers were cooking up. If that's true, then that's genuinely disappointing.

          I do like the newer graphics, but the removal of children zombies and other important things from the first game makes this one lose it's value and soul. They gave the first game the gritty and gruesome reality of how the zombie apocalypse would be. It's depressing yes, but that's one of the reasons why the first game is so good.

          The sequel feels like Back 4 Blood as well. Again I haven't gotten that far into the game at all but it genuinely felt that way.

          Also this game should be free or less pricey if you're gonna make it early access. $30 is insane for the quality it has now.

          My Conclusion is that this game needs to have the gritty nature of the first game, bringing back child zombies, allow us to host our own games, have a ton of more maps (At least make them like the first game). The whole character skills thing are kind of throwing me off, but I do see the potential in it since it could base our skills off of our character. Bring back the old characters from the first game and that's pretty much it.

          Right now, I don't recommend this game. It's missing a lot of things that made the first game so great. 👎

          I'm sure there are a lot of other things I've missed but I'm curious to what other players think about my review 🙂

          Время в игре: 32 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 10.11.2024 16:51
          11 0

          Have played about 8 hours worth and it's a great foundation at early access. Refreshing avenue for the zombie genre, can't wait to see how this game turns out at full release!

          Время в игре: 429 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 10.11.2024 08:58
          101 0

          I think I speak for many here when I say that WE want objective and survival maps instead of an extraction shooter. We want better melee combat. We want way more zombie variants. We want ammo calibers instead of generic “light ammo” type stuff. We want infection. We want “Press K”. We want scroll wheel inventory. We want child zombies. Instead of glowing red eye zombies, we want military and SWAT zombies. We want to feel like a hopeless survivor again, not a veteran in a war against zombies. We want No More Room in Hell. Wtf happened to Night of the living dead and Broadway 3?? Showcased on YouTube a while ago as launch maps. That’s the NMRIH2 that we want.

          On top of all that, the game is a buggy horrific mess. Zombies glide around and teleport. Some of them have gibs floating with them. It’s a mess… stay away. Especially if you’re a fan of the original.

          Время в игре: 268 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 09.11.2024 05:34
          142 11

          They threw away everything that defined the first game and made it stand out, in favor of turning the sequel into a soulless shadow of its predecessor in a pathetic attempt to "aPpEAL To MOdErN aUdIenCEs".

          The bleeding and infection mechanics are entirely absent (Supposedly, the latter will be introduced in a future update, but it alarms me how they are not prioritizing something so integral to the NMRiH experience). The reanimated soldiers and children are nowhere to be found. In their place are bloodied zombies with glowing red eyes that are inexplicably much stronger than the others. You can sprint and jump all you want without worrying about stamina, but four swings with a metal pipe will exhaust you (A recent update claims to have tweaked this somewhat, but my point still stands). The diverse cast of civilian survivors desperately struggling for their own survival have been replaced with members of the fictional CRC, all wearing the exact same generic uniform, set out on a grandiose mission to fix the power plant and save thousands of human lives. Losing all your health, instead of killing your character instantly, leads to them being downed and needing a "rEvIVE SyRinGe" or help from a teammate to get back up, as the zombies stomp and beat them instead of simply eating their victim alive. The list goes on.

          The head developer promised us this would be "more of the same, but better". No More Room In Hell 2 was supposed to be a sequel, an expansion of the original concept. It should have introduced new elements that added depth and breathed new life into the franchise, enhancing it in ways that weren't previously possible due to technical limitations of the Source engine, while retaining the same core, spirit, and personality of the original game. And that's what the developers were aiming to do at first, before Torn Banner came in and tossed years of hard work into the garbage bin so they could work on their stupid vision of Hunt: Showdown: Zombie Edition, while crudely masquerading it as No More Room in Hell 2.

          This is a fucking disgrace. It completely disrespects the fans of the first game that have been patiently waiting for almost a decade. No amount of bug fixing or optimizations can fix the absolutely broken foundation of this poor excuse of a sequel. People need to open their eyes and stop encouraging this kind of arrogant behavior from game developers.

          Fuck you Torn Banner.

          Время в игре: 25 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 08.11.2024 03:40
          31 4

          Definitely overhated, but it is not a finished product to say the least. Zombies move junky and often hit you when they are really far away and they might even teleport. Runners often have buggy head hitboxes, alongside normal zombies ocassionally having buggy hitboxes as well. Sometimes, you'll die in weird ways and won't even understand what happened, as well as the game having really weird bugs like floating heads (which was fixed recently).

          Even with all of this, I still had a blast playing the game and it is a unique take on the zombie genre. At first, it is really hard, however it becomes a breeze with more playtime. The developers are actively publishing weekly hotfixes, and it has a promising roadmap, and they actively listen to the community.

          In conclusion, this game will be shaped by the community's feedback, which I really like, so if you want to contribute to this game's success, I would recommend buying it in early access. However, if you are skeptical about buying it currently, I wouldn't blame you. It is a gamble if this game is going to have players (Although I firmly believe it will succeed once it releases), so I cannot objectively recommend it to buy currently, as the game's future is uncertain. However, my personal opinion and the reason that I am upvoting this game is that I believe that it will get the love that it deserves and it will become a fully playable game upon release.

          TLDR: Buy if you want to contribute to the lifespan of the game/and/or the community as the game in and of itself is not that bad, or wait for the full release and make your decision then. And yes, it is DEFINITELY overhated.

          Время в игре: 556 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.11.2024 08:41
          25 0

          Do not buy this game unless you want to be an alpha tester and pay for it. It is a waste of money and there are dozens of other zombie games out there that are infinitely more enjoyable. Some of them even free like the old No More Room in Hell.

          This game is the highlight case of the developer offloading the cost of development (actually not even that, because they didn't spend money developing this: they just bought it and ruined it)
          to its customers. I wish I could refund but they are not obligated to give me back my money because I didn't make the refund request in time.
          I honestly do believe that this developer just released this bag of excrement out there hoping to cash in on whatever nostalgia people have left for the old game, which will probably remain the superior game as it is unlikely Torn Banner will ever get this game into a condition where it is tolerable.

          Couple all of what I mentioned with the fact that there exists footage from the old developer of NMRIH2 that looks way better than.. whatever this is.

          Время в игре: 149 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 05.11.2024 07:07
          69 1

          let me be clear in what I say about this game so that you understand why NMRIH2 isn't NMRIH. The bugs in the game does not represent the final product for the game since it is early access. However, gameplay loops and the gameplay can be judged during early access.
          The gameplay loop of levelling up your permadeath character to create builds through random chance is bad, considering that difficulty scales with the character. If you get a bad set of character perks, the difficulty scaling won't reflect this. Meaning that some characters will just be useless in matches while other players will have the stars align and have a perfect build for something like stamina, health, melee, or guns. So when the players with bad builds eventually die, they make it harder for the people with better characters to extract since a lobby of 8 players could boil down to 3 people. You can't swap to different characters. Getting that perfect build that you like or having a build that can do harder difficulties on will make you stuck using that character until they die, resulting in no room for experimentation around builds. It also raises the problem of being stuck with certain builds because of the random chance. If you lost that build you loved and wanted to get it back. You would have to pray to RNG Jesus to get a similar result through trial and error. It ultimately restricts player freedom in how they want to make their character, if they implemented character slots and added a retire system for characters in the menu instead of throwing themselves to a zombie in a match then it would improve things drastically.
          Holding positions and doing minigame objectives are much easier when you have other players around you because the zombies not indicating when they are near the player when they are out of field of view. This problem gets amplified with the zombie runners since they feel like they teleport behind you, and when the difficulty rises so when every zombie(including the runners) has their hp increased out of the one-shot range for guns. Then you can't kill them fast enough to hold your ground unless you have builds that focus on gun damage. Making defence objectives turn into circle training like COD, and minigame objectives are borderline impossible to do without cheesing pathing and hit detection.
          The Melee in the game is badly implemented, not because of zombies being able to still hit you while you are attacking (bugs), but because of how limiting you can use your melee. In NMRIH you could do heavy attacks for your melee being able to trade more stamina for more damage the longer you hold the charge, depending on the melee weapon (either light, medium, or heavy melee) it made you play differently because of it. For light melee weapons, The different types of melee weapons had their pros and cons, all having good situational use. Light weapons were good to have if you wanted to gain more room in your inventory for other things at the cost of melee not being good in a fight. Heavy melee was good if you needed to defend/do objectives without heavily relying on guns to defend, at the cost of it taking 1/3 of your inventory. In NMRIH2, they butchered melee by making it feel the same and it having no variety to how you can use your melee for your builds, they tend to get ignored and at times will get thrown out as soon as ranged players get their hands on a gun. This implementation of melee was done so that they can fit it into this Call of Duty Warzone inventory system that is in place. This brings me to the main issue for the game, That being the inventory system.

          The inventory for players in the first game was perfect mainly because it was able reflected how much a person could be able to carry random supplies. In the old game, you could carry a random assortment of bullets and they would be reflected based on how many bullets you had, so that if you were carrying small 4 different ammo types, it didn't completely take up 60% of your inventory for the worth of 5 bullets. When you can max a stack of items inside of an inventory slot, you can benefit from it greatly, otherwise, it becomes a hindrance to carry the ammo scraps left by other players. If you don't focus on maxing out most of your slots then you will not survive the extraction process. This ultimately means you are racing against the clock to get all the loot required for later for the main objective of the match while also not being left behind. So this punishes people who are falling behind or people that want to provide for the team through random supplies without having to scout out 3 looting areas. Special deployable like ammo boxes don't carry much ammo, and medical boxes carry around 6 bandages and a medkit, so it is a lot of effort for how little you get in return. All that you have is around 12 slots and the loot provided might be spread out thinly so it isn't able to max the inventory slots. Higher difficulties require you to have more loot because of increased spawns of zombies.
          With NMRIH, resources can be scarce at times, so having a person carrying a bunch of random bullets, medical supplies or empty guns can help the team out. Even if the ammo you get from the people who do this only has 5 bullets of your specific gun, or a person was only carrying a bandage, it was still helpful. Scarcity is what made NMRIH stand out to people like me, it makes you feel the desperation of trying to use weapons and items efficiently and making people have the need to scavenge useful items and supplies around different areas, even if it is 5 bullets to a gun that you don't even use. Because you are ultimately managing character resources and inventory resources in the game. Both melee and sprinting are tied to your stamina, so if you were caught out against a hoard with little stamina from you using too much melee or sprinting, you were pretty much toast. Guns were special because you were able to kill zombies without tapping into stamina, at the cost of bullets, something limited by your inventory or by scarcity.
          By making sprinting unlimited and by having melee not have an overarching downside, it would make melee overpowered for the people who master melee in the game and will ruin pacing for other players. The only reason why people aren't using melee in NMRIH2 is because of how bad it is to use against the zombies, since
          1) zombies sometimes don't get stunned when getting hit. and the shove mechanic doesn't stun them long enough to land a hit.
          2) the overabundance of ammunition one person can hold while using a gun.
          3) without builds, damage from melee is too weak to use nor does it have a fast enough time to kill for it to consider carrying as a way to conserve inventory against hoards.

          NMRIH is a game that should implement the same type of feelings you have watching a George A Romero movie. However, this sequel makes it action-packed instead of survival, which is not NMRIH. The game is about fending off a hoard while things are growing dire, having every mistake, every wasted bullet, every wasted item, every wasted second of time, every wasted action of you not pushing yourself to your limit to live another second against the inevitable marching threat, it will become your downfall.

          From what I understand, the devs heard some of the feedback and plan to create more inventory scarcity by nerfing the amount of bullets you can get in looting areas. They also plan on adding infection into the game at a later date. However, they need to focus on reworking the inventory for the game and implementing character resources around sprinting and melee as well. They also need to increase the time to kill for melee for some weapons and refine melee to make it consistent. Otherwise, balancing will be completely borked and will put more pressure on the RNG certain builds have.

          Don't get the game yet, check back within a year.

          Время в игре: 420 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 05.11.2024 00:55
          28 1

          Wait to buy this. The devs need to fix some bugs. i only recently started playing and the first 2 characters i had were lost because the game froze the camera in certain sections of the endgame, forcing me to quit out the game because no buttons work, getting killed doesn't fix it, you can even revive yourself while your screen is stuck but no other button works so you are forced to leave or wait for your team to extract leaving you for dead. other then that stupid game breaking bug, the overall gameplay loop i do like

          Время в игре: 245 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 04.11.2024 23:58
          47 6

          Game's very good as is. Worth $30. Devs are adding more as time passes. NMRiH was a 10+ year project. Don't buy unless you're a huge fan. Game's half-baked. Janky, studdery and etc. The game only has one map atm. I've played this one map over 40 hrs and am now getting tired of it. I got my money's worth. Run, loot, push zombie, run, do objective, get loot stash, run, push more zombies, do the finale and extract. That's the game. Caution though, it's pretty janky. Game's gorgeous as is, but ultra rough around the edges.

          Время в игре: 2549 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 04.11.2024 18:08
          38 4

          TLDR - Recommended to anyone new to NMRiH. (like me)

          I can see quite a lot of negative reviews are mostly comparing the old to the new. Which is fair enough, I get that. I would agree if I was in the same position. Though this is now a new developer and a new trajectory from the original and for me that's fine.

          I'm coming into this game without having played the first one (that I can recall). From that perspective I am really enjoying this one. I think new players will appreciate what this game is trying to achieve.

          This is early access. It has bugs, glitches, gameplay issues etc, most are minor from what I can see, and like most games these will be ironed out along the way. The map is great, but as big and sprawling as it is, will likely start to get repetitive in early access unless they bring a second map out sooner rather than later, which will happen given more time in EA. With that said, once new maps, characters, weapons, features, customisation etc come into play it will be even better.

          There is a lot of potential for this game. I love the whole idea, starting solo, completing minor objectives en-route to the major one, meeting random survivors along the way and sticking together to complete the minor tasks. After surviving all of that, it is a satisfying moment to find out who else made it from other parts of the map, hoping it's not just you tackling the main objective at the end.

          There is no harm in trying the game, if you dislike it, refund it and spend your money elsewhere on something more suitable to your tastes.

          I recommend it to anyone new to this game, someone who isn't coming from nostalgia or love of the first game. Or just try to treat it as a whole new title if you are. This game has potential and I for one look forward to seeing it's progress.

          Время в игре: 571 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 03.11.2024 08:29
          4 0

          Great game! It's just like the first, but with progression.
          A Solid 9/10 for a Early Access. 7.5/10 for a game.

          P.S: Devs. PLEASE LET ME MUTE THE MAIN MENU AMBIENCE SOUNDS. I wanna take a break and draw, for a bit, and they just irritate me. I have to mute the entire game, and unmute the entire game when I hop back into a match.

          Время в игре: 747 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.11.2024 16:36
          219 12

          Look how they massacred my boy...
          seriously all you had to do was give us nmrih 1 with updated visuals and mechanics with new maps.
          thats it.
          you had a LITERALLY PERFECT formula for a great, challenging, cinematic, immersive and endlessly replayable game that effortlessly made you WANT to roleplay as your helpless survivor.
          it just needed to be modernised.
          instead we got this barely playable prototype build for a boring ass extraction game where the challenge comes from poor server perfomance and awful attack animations from zombies.
          and 40$ for... whatever this trash even is ?
          are you being for real right now ?
          how in hell did yall think this was gonna fly well ?
          the first game is F2P BTW and still superior in every way.
          DESPITE being 13 years old and on the source engine LMAO this is sad.
          i am beyond disapointed.
          Refunded 👍
          steal someone else's money.

          Время в игре: 44 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 02.11.2024 09:32
          51 2

          Would I recommend the game in *this* state it is in?


          Simply put: It's not finished yet. There's MAJOR bugs. MAJOR issues. MAJOR problems.

          1) Animation issues. Such as:
          - Animations dont play for Z's and causing you to get confused, faked out (not intended function) and die (losing your character, forever...).
          - Character animations get stuck, causing you to never be able to run (and die)
          - Aiming animations (can't aim weapons, guns, etc causing weird visuals and blocking POV for players)
          - Input / Action items and devices, being unable to use items or actions, such as healing in a pinch when seconds count to survive, getting stuck, dying.

          Simply you can play but you'll die and lose your character, resetting perks.

          Zombie animations, Running zombies, UNKILLABLE Zombies.
          - Zombie animations can be weird/faked out players as not intended function
          - Running zombies can "Charge" at you and teleport around, attacking you from 40-60-100 feet away, even tho your pings 20-40 and the server is US Based.
          - Unkillable zombies, Some zombies are SIMPLY unkillable. They won't die, exploded, shotguns, rifles, hitting, they simply won't die and when paired with running unkillable zombies while you are uncapable of running due to a animation glitch, you're 100% dead every time.
          - Weird spawning zombies, running zombies, out of thin air. Sometimes zombies will simply spawn out of thin air, running, some unkillable, ending your game unfairly.

          Let's be real: It's a game. It's not that important at the end of the day, but we pay for it and expect a certain level of playability... When you pay for something, you expect some resonable functionality. At this time, the game is literally unplayable sometimes, unfairly punishing you for playing it.

          I have faith the Devs will fix this but it needs to be pointed out and documented. Looking forward to making this a "YES!" Review in coming updates. Standby for the new content... NMRIH 1 was great, this will be greater with the upcoming updates.

          Время в игре: 637 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.11.2024 23:03
          8 1

          game is a big mess rn duo to extreme bugs and overall performence issues which is unplayable

          wait until the game comes to an optimal state and fixes the issues

          Время в игре: 82 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 01.11.2024 17:11
          22 1

          one big map, reused assets same type of buildings in all areas same 6 cars everywhere, game kind of sucks
          first game has way more love put into it

          Время в игре: 52 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 30.10.2024 23:42
          110 5

          Honestly, this isn't NMRIH. They slapped the name on it, but that's mainly where the similarities end. I'm sure it will become a good game once it fully finishes but. With all the stuff with tossing out old devs, and remaking assets into new ones that are more bland and generic, it doesn't feel like NMRIH anymore. It's just a different generic extraction shooter with zombies and coop. The atmosphere isn't there, and even without the region locked servers, it just feels like a mess. Again, I'm sure once it finishes, it will be a good game. But it wouldn't be the sequel for NMRIH.

          Время в игре: 32 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 29.10.2024 02:00
          204 46

          Met a random at the Gas station, stuck together like glue even among the others we found. We finished booting up the power station, started running for the heli.... during the run he got caught by a crawler and multiple sprinters.... he didnt come home.... 10/10 would lose my random best friend again.

          Время в игре: 259 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 28.10.2024 00:23
          95 0

          tl;dr the game is in a very rough and unpolished state. I enjoyed the few hours I've played and hope it improves.

          30 dollars is way too much of an ask for it's current state.

          Время в игре: 256 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 27.10.2024 12:54
          37 3

          So I am not going to talk about the jank and bugs as those have already been covered plenty by other, probably more in depth reviewers. But I'll talk about the core game.

          So for starters the graphics, they are pretty great in most areas of the game. Seeing the burnt out sections of the map, with smoke rising and dissipating into the air. To the light of distant buildings and seeing how the light slowly fades the further it gets from it's source. They are pretty solid for a modern game, though there were some times where textures would look stretched. Little personal gripe being that some of the blood textures on the weapons make them look older. Not in the sense that they look used, when the knife gets bloody the texture looks like it was left to rust for a couple months rather than being freshly bloodied. That and sometimes the skybox doesn't play nice with the lighting of some areas and looks either too bright or too dark.

          Next, the weapons. So I know that currently this is early access so I won't talk about the lack of variety as I know they will add more in the coming months. I will say however that there seems to be a big power difference between certain weapon types, and not in the normal sense. Shotguns in my experience have been bipolar at the best of times. Sometimes they can one shot a zombie and that'll be the end of it, other times the zombie will have no head, no arms and two gaping holes in it's torso from the shotgun and still keep charging me. That and some weapons of the same type also seem to have a big power difference. The M14 seems the be the best gun currently as it shreds through hordes easily no matter where you shoot. But the bolt action seems to have a quarter of the strength the M14 does and worse ammo capacity, making it not worth picking up over the M14 or really any other gun. The magnum, pistol and M4 are all pretty solid weapons that can carry you through the game if used correctly and I have nothing really to say about them. Every gun sounds meaty and loud, as they should, the recoil feels right for the game. The localized damage is a nice touch, making headshots essential to conserving ammo as they are one reliable way of dealing with big amounts of zombies.

          Onto Melee weapons. I am conflicted on them. On one hand, some of them feel very nice to hit stuff with, while others are the most frustrating thing to wield. The starting pipe is okay, it gets the job done and the hits feel like they have weight to them. Though it does suffer from the fact it eats stamina for low damage and no stagger. Even though its a starting weapon it still feels like it should at least be buffed a little bit to help get you to a new one. I also feel that the power of some weapons are the opposite of what you would think they'd be. Like the knife has low stamina consumption, but pretty high damage and three light hits can reliably take down most zombies. While a two handed pipe hammer takes like 5 hits to take down one zombie and eats your stamina after the first two hits. It just feels that the melee weapons need a massive rework to be more realistic or at least more balanced.

          Now onto the gameplay loop itself. I love it. Being dropped into one of I think 8 or so locations with barely anything to protect myself really brings forward a feeling of dread. The dead of night with a quiet environment, only occasionally broken by the distant sound of zombies or dying survivors sets a really grim tone. You are alone, surrounded by a massive horde of zombies and the only light you have is your flashlight and the distant lights of the various points of interest around the map. Along the way you gather minor items until you reach one of the locations around the map. Clearing out zombies, completing some puzzles and opening up an armory that gives some pretty good loot depending on where you go. You by then have more than likely found one or more people and got a group together to trudge towards the main objective of the map. Where teamwork is encouraged and rewarded by having the objective complete faster if you coordinate well. The game can go really quick in around 15ish or so minutes, to almost an hour long because either a lot of people died, or they aren't working together well. This overall works really well for the game in my opinion. However I do have a few reservations. First and biggest thing for me, it feels like the objective gets completed way too quickly. There aren't many steps to get to the endgame objective. With so many operators spread out across the map, at least one of them will always open the way to the reactor and then everyone can get there easily. That and it seems the zombie placement is used incorrectly sometimes. Like in the checkpoints that take you to the reactor, there are a ton of zombies and thats fun. But then you'll be out in the middle of nowhere and there are enough zombies to blot out the sun. Then once in the reactor area it feels like there are none at all. Like you can get a small horde of 10 to 15 going, but it seems they limited how many can spawn during this section. I feel like if they added more small objectives that slow gameplay down a little bit, while rewarding the player to not make it feel too artificial it would improve on the game. You could also make it to where multiple points of interest around the map need to be activated, or cards need to be found there to access the reactor. Rather then having set spawns for the switches that activate the doors. Something that I would like to see personally is more focus put on the early game. Make it to where we can't detect other players unless we are within 50 meters of them so that way they don't immediately rush to one another and complete a POA within 5 minutes of starting. Make the areas between POA's harder to access, put obstacles between players to make linking up a little more difficult. Kind of like the map Verrukt in Call of Duty, where you have to turn the power on in order to unite with the other 2 players. I'd also add more spawns so players can't just rush over to a location and find someone instantly.

          Now onto the map design. It's really good. The individual points of interest all seem well thought out and have some good environmental storytelling. A small little detail I loved to see was when near the burnt section of the map, where trees were on fire, some of them would collapse and create little bridges you can use to get to higher ground. Another cool thing was when you are trying to get up to the firewatch tower and after doing all the objectives to power it up you hear a gunshot. Upon scaling the tower you see the corpse of the ranger and the rifle he used to shoot himself. The spawn locations for items also make sense with their respective locations. You aren't going to see a firewatch tower lookout with an M4, hand grenades and a ton of other types of military equipment. But they will have a shotgun, rifle and maybe some handmade pipe bombs. Each location feels like it belongs and the items that spawn in them reflect the location and it's inhabitants. The distance between each location feels far enough that they don't overlap with one another, but not so far it feels like a hassle to get between each place. It feels like the map designers really knew what they were doing when they designed the locations. Hopefully the next map that is made has the same amount of care thrown into it's development.

          Overall I think the game is looking pretty good, with some solid gameplay, good map design, awesome sound design. What it lacks in weapons and length, it makes up for in content and replayability. In its current state I would give the game an 8 out of 10.

          Время в игре: 716 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 27.10.2024 10:46
          375 20

          This is not No More Room In Hell game. It's just a generic zombie game with the name "NMRIH" slapped on it.

          To start the review, it seems worth emphasizing that I NEVER give negative reviews before. When I buy a game that I end up not liking, I just refund it and don't leave a negative review. Because, well, maybe I just didn't like the game so there's no need to leave a negative review. But this time it's different. I feel the NEED to leave a negative review for this game.

          This is NMRIH 2, a sequel to the classic zombie game which can be said that was a part of my childhood. Me, and other NMRIH fans, have been WAITING for this game for 8 years. People expected this game to be a great sequel and raise people's interest in NMRIH. But instead we get this lame, lazy, soulless game (and buggy too).

          First, lets talk about the cut content (yeah, a cut content for early access game, imagine that). If you just recently following this game, you need to know that Torn Banner has only recently taken over the game's development. Previously the developers worked on this game independently. After Torn Banner took over, they MAKING THIS GAME FROM SCRATCH again and removed all of the previously existing content. You want kid zombie? You want infection? You want su*cid* mechanic? You want character customization? You want weapon customization? You want more map? All WAS exist in the old build BEFORE Torn Banner TAKING OVER the game development. All that 6 years of hard work wasted just like that.

          The second thing that is also very important is that Torn Banner changes the concept of NMRIH 2 into a soulless extraction shooter game. What makes NMRIH so beloved by many (despite its flaws) is that it has a uniqueness that not many other zombie games have. When you play NMRIH 1, you feel hopelessness. You just a nobody, trying to survive the zombie outbreak. You're not immune to the infecion, resources are scarce, and you objective is to save yourself from the chaos that happen. Now compare it to NMRIH 2. You play as responder (the equivalent of cleanser from B4B. Who the hell want that?), spawn already with weapon, a skill (a skill in NMRIH game? What were they thinking?), and tasked to prevent some power plant from exploding. What a fresh and unique concept, right?

          Moreover, there are SO MANY bugs in this game. You think after Torn Banner taking over, the game will be better? It's become WORSE. Zombie teleporting, brain floating, weapon flying, etc., it's still exist even after the hotfix! These guys now they game was so buggy, but they released it anyway. If you said "hey this is early access, so you better expect bug to exist". Well yeah I will expect some bug to exist, but not a infested kind of bugs like this game have. Better call this game alpha build and not early access.

          I wouldn't be this angry and disappointed if this wasn't a NMRIH game. But the dev slapped the NMRIH name to this game, mainly because they know people will play this game because of it. But of course people are expecting a real NMRIH sequel, not this crap, generic, and boring game. I'm not even going to bother at all if the dev polish this game more an release a 1.0 version one or two year later. Because, well, this is NOT a NMRIH game.

          So, thanks to Torn Banner for ruining a beloved franchise and destroying the old dev vision. Go to hell, Torn Banner. But I don't think there's going to be any room in hell for you, Torn Banner.

          Время в игре: 103 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.10.2024 09:15
          213 54

          -Got myself into first match
          -Running to POI area as fast as I don't want to get overrun by zombies
          -Found other survivor
          -Both of us are shocked because almost other survivor are Killed in Action
          -Both of us shared some ammo and medicine we can find
          -Both of us managed to get into power plant area
          -Both of us vaulted a random wall that brought both of us out of bound area that we aren't suppose to be
          -Realization came in that both of us don't have other choice since both of us are clipped out from playable area
          -He said " Well, let's jump into the water I guess "
          -I agreed what he said
          -Both of us jump into the water together


          Время в игре: 257 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.10.2024 08:46
          28 0

          Good game concept however only buy it currently if you know what you getting yourself into. This is earliest early access game I ve played for a very long time. In 1 year from now this most likely will be a lot better in terms of features,functionality and gameplay.

          What it current is as of 10/26/2024 , a pretty bare-bones game where the game mode shines through of what it one day will be. It offers a PVE coop only experience where you drop into one big map and do couple of objectives to gear up and head to the power plant to start it up and then extract. What you get from extracting is all loot the whole team that's alive collected turned into XP so your character levels and gets new perks. This can be played with friends or random as match making will add up to 8 players if your private team doesn't have 8 players. Only difference is that if you pre que with a team you will see them from start in game. But for people that are not part of the team you will need to find them in game and group up to see their name displayed on map.

          Currently there is no extraction of weapons or other items like in tarkov or other similar game types. Melee combat is pretty basic which means 3 hits and the zombo goes down. There are difficulties lvl that are based on all survivors in lobby level currently it gives better xp however the zombies become more bulletspongey which is bad way to go, Adding more zombies or new infected would be better way of progressing the difficulty levels. There needs to be more ways to make it worth to play higher chars, like better loots that can be extracted or only seen on the higher diff. Overall more features and progression of characters and account needs to be added for longevity of the game.

          Время в игре: 357 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 26.10.2024 07:30
          59 3

          Tons of bugs as of 10/26/24, but the gameplay loops is fun as hell. Wait maybe 2-3 months if you're on the fence.

          Время в игре: 1498 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Рекомендую 25.10.2024 15:29
          32 1

          Wow, a lot of fun so far! Some visual bugs with zombie animations but everything game-play wise seems functional. The setting is expansive and has a cool as shit atmosphere. I am excited to see more as the game is developed.

          Время в игре: 121 ч. Куплено в Steam
          Не рекомендую 25.10.2024 12:59
          96 2

          The game isn't bad its just not good id give it a meh at the moment

          The game isn't NMRIH in the slightest it is just using its name for fame its almost like the people saying it is haven't played the first big differences between 1 and 2 is 1 is a point a to b objective run in a closed map while this is more loot in a massive map then do the objectives to extract.
          but it isn't bad the new direction is fresh and game play is good but has glaring issues.

          first of all its open world perma death meaning you will be alone most the time in the big map they have unless with friends most players seem to die at the start making it so its a lot harder to escape you basically need to have friends or be able to find people quick to survive.
          you must play with up to 8 unlike the first where you can play with just 2 people and easy enough get though it in this game you wont. if you are disconnect your char is dead, char bugs dead, server dies dead, there goes all your progress back to level 1 and you can't pick your char/class you have to keep going though a rotation till you get what you want. You also don't pick your difficulty so you can be thrown into nightmare even tho you don't want too.

          no workshop which was a big + for the first this game could and might have it in the future but at the moment it isnt there, workshop in this game would mean people can make there own char looks and be as silly or as serious as they like just like the first.

          so id suggest others waiting for updates and watching the game for now as it's clearly not ready and needs more time and never expect this game to be like the first as it isn't its a new game using the name.

          Время в игре: 251 ч. Куплено в Steam

          Дополнительная информация

          Разработчик Torn Banner Studios
          Платформы Windows
          Ограничение возраста Нет
          Дата релиза 22.12.2024
          Отзывы пользователей 55% положительных (2833)

          Отзывы пользователей

          1,569 положительных и 1,264 отрицательных отзывов
          Обновлено: 18.12.2024 08:20


          Action Indie Early Access


          Multi-player Co-op Online Co-op Cross-Platform Multiplayer