Разработчик: Torn Banner Studios
***No More Room in Hell 2*** — это напряжённое путешествие по кишащей зомби темноте, в котором у вас есть лишь одна попытка. Станьте сотрудником аварийной бригады: выживайте, делайте припасы и выполняйте различные задания в постоянно меняющихся условиях.
В начале игры все появляются в разных частях огромной карты. Ваша задача — во что бы то ни стало объединиться и выжить перед неизвестной угрозой. В каждой тени таится опасность, поэтому ключ к победе — это координация действий и стратегическое планирование. Прокладывайте дорогу к цели, вступая в бой с ордами беспощадных врагов или прибегая ко всяческим уловкам.
Перед принятием любого решения следует тщательно его обдумать, ведь у вас есть всего одна попытка. Расставляйте ловушки, завлекая врагов посторонними звуками, или применяйте грубую силу — выбор за вами.
Начинайте игру в одиночку — продолжайте вместе. Ищите своих товарищей, переговариваясь по пространственному чату, и объединяйте силы. В каждом матче вы пройдете путь от тряски в одиночестве в темноте, слабого и уязвимого, до формирования полностью укомплектованного совместного отряда с штурмовыми винтовками и взрывчаткой. Однако над каждым из вас всегда будет висеть невидимая угроза: если кто-то погибнет, его прогресс будет потерян навсегда.
**Power Plant (Электростанция)** — это первая зона из раннего доступа, где игроков забрасывает на окраину огромной карты в сельской местности Пенсильвании.
Начните в одиночку, найдите союзников и вместе попробуйте добраться до конечной цели в центре карты, подстраиваясь под повышающуюся сложность. Собирайте оружие и снаряжение, которые помогут вам выжить перед лицом растущей угрозы и выполнить главное задание.
По мере того как вы будете увеличивать шансы человечества на выживание и восстанавливать разрушенную инфраструктуру, перед вами будут разворачиваться известные сцены из культовых хорроров — на заправках и КПП, в барах и других местах.
На каждом шагу вас подстерегает смерть — без возможности возродиться.
Добывайте ресурсы, чтобы усилить своего персонажа, если, конечно, ему повезёт не умереть. С каждой вылазкой вы повышаете свои шансы выжить, находя тайники со снаряжением и припасами.
Поставите ли вы под угрозу собственную жизнь, чтобы спасти товарища? По мере того как растёт ваш отряд, шансы найти хорошую добычу увеличиваются, но о смерти никогда не стоит забывать.
У каждого решения есть последствия для всего отряда.
***No More Room in Hell 2*** во всех подробностях показывает, что может стать с человеком, обратившимся в ходячий кошмар.
Один зомби — уже угроза. Толпа — неминуемая смерть. Враги могут не только вас видеть, но и слышат каждый шорох, издаваемый вами, их сородичами и окружением в безмолвной пустоши.
Вы всегда будете стоять одной ногой в могиле, спасаясь от вездесущей тьмы и настигающих вас орд врагов, к которым может присоединиться и бывший товарищ.
У вас будет очень мало боеприпасов (поначалу), и сражения не будут даваться легко. Окунитесь в захватывающий хоррор на выживание с целым арсеналом оружия (как профессионального, так и самодельного), которое поможет отбиться от врага и перехитрить его.
Пробейте ломом череп ходячего мертвеца в динамичном ближнем бою или пустите последний патрон из дробовика в наступающую на вас орду. Натуралистичность изображения позволит прочувствовать каждый наносимый удар и узреть его отвратительные последствия.
Положитесь на свой ум, а не грубую силу: заранее планируйте все стычки с врагами, задействуя неконтактные мины и прочие приспособления.
Делайте всё в своих силах, чтобы не умереть.
Поддерживаемые языки: english, french, italian, german, spanish - spain, portuguese - brazil, russian, simplified chinese
Системные требования
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10, 64-bit
- Процессор: Intel Core i5-6600 or Ryzen 3 1200
- Оперативная память: 12 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce GTX 1650 (4 GB) or Radeon RX 570 (4GB) or Intel Arc 580
- DirectX: версии 12
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 35 GB
- Дополнительно: Experience: 1080p 30 HZ on Low Graphics Settings with Performance Super Sampling
- 64-разрядные процессор и операционная система
- ОС: Windows 10, 64-bit
- Процессор: Core i7-10700K or Ryzen 5 5500GT
- Оперативная память: 16 GB ОЗУ
- Видеокарта: GeForce RTX 2070 (8 GB) or Radeon RX 5700 XT (8 GB)
- DirectX: версии 12
- Сеть: Широкополосное подключение к интернету
- Место на диске: 35 GB
- Дополнительно: Experience: 1080p 60 HZ on High Graphics Settings with Quality Super Sampling
Отзывы пользователей
don't listen to the other reviews...
the game is fantastic and is an amazing co-op game and the atmosphere is crazy. the other reviews are quite critical of the game, its in early access sop it will be unfinished and have bugs. but ignore them, the game is so fun and i would really recommend getting it! the game has loads of potential in the future, i just hope people will start to like it.
This game is really good. I loved the first no more room in hell and this sequel captures many of the same feels. This game is getting better with each update. I highly recommend this game.
What can I say about No More Room In Hell 2. Buy this game. It is and will continue to be worth it.
The game has gone uphill, the hit detection, server load times (despite being low numbers in consecutive players), newly implemented gigs worth of corrections, game updates, new missions, difficulty mode, and weaponry updates.
With hardcore elements of perma-death with intense inventory and health management, fantastic player-base (many laughs from some folks), and with sphincter puckering moments that require focus and time management for risk vs. reward.
I can wholeheartedly say, buy this game.
actually not bad once you can get in a game, obviously needs more map and sdk, and soo on, is it worth 30 dollars no, maybe more like 10-15 at this point. game play loop is fun.
This game is actually quite good, much better than the reviews would have you think. It absolutely has some jank to it, but nothing out of the ordinary for early access. It seems like it was much worse at launch, but they are steadily updating this game, and I really hope they continue to because it is a lot of fun!
My biggest concern going into it was hit detection, but it is actually quite good now. I'm rooting for this game to succeed because I think it has a lot of potential. It has that indescribable X factor that makes a great game, it just needs to get into a better technical state and add more content, which they are actively doing.
I wanted to post this because I think a lot of people might pass this up after seeing the current reviews, but I want to make it known that this game is absolutely playable in its current state, and I think you should pick it up if you're interested. I think the review scores don't paint the full picture in this case. There are absolutely valid criticisms to made, but I also think it's amplified by fans of the original down voting it (which isn't completely unfair, but I also don't think it's entirely justified).
Best of luck to the dev team!
Updates coming out fairly often, now that the launch issues are mostly gone, game is fun and is just missing some features and content.
this is by far a good game but its also not a bad game. you can see what the devs want to do, it was just a really bad launch so people with less then an hour of playtime are going to leave a bad review. the game is better then when it came out, its still buggy and the zombies movement can be janky at times, but i still enjoy playing with a buddy. i don't think its ever going to not be buggy....at least for a year or 2. they are releasing updates every month trying to address issues and listen to the player base. still positive in my books
I loved the first game but this....this is absolute dog shit.
Once things are fixed I will gladly change this to a thumbs up.
Tried over a few days to start it but Easy Anti Cheat always says game security violation detected. Thank God that there are refunds...
NMRIH 2: Contact imminent, out.
As much as I didn't want to admit that I saw this coming, I always did. NMRIH is still, bar none, one of the best zombie games ever put on the Steam platform. Sure, that's my nostalgia glasses being spot welded to my face, but there's still people willing to defend it even to this day and I am one of them. And even I'm not a diehard for a F2P HL2 mod. There's issues that, still in my opinion, necessitated a new game. The shoddy hit detection of weapons, the variations of oddball glitches courtesy of running on the Source 1 engine, there's only so much you can do on a 20 year old foundation. And so the trailers dropped, and a vague feeling of hype built up.
And then I played it and spent the first hour enjoying a complete rubberbanding netcode that had me dead in five minutes.
Torn Banner, you scoundrels, you did it again!
NMRIH 2 is infuriating in a way I haven't felt in a while, because it's a game that at its roots, works. And I know it's sacrilege to say so, given how different this game feels at first to the original. But the core of this game works. The improved combat is much more solid than the previous game, and especially now that all melee weapons are more effective so you're not spending 3 minutes pummeling a zombie to death with a pipe. The weapons are punchy but still feel as ploddingly slow as the original. The inventory system is an improvement, versus just accidentally making yourself overweight and getting mauled to death. And I dare say I do like the one map, and the overall idea of the game. Playing as a bunch of survivors trying to operate "behind the lines" and prevent complete collapses of the power grid in the wonderful world of Berks County, Pennsylvania. It all works well, and heresy as it may be, I think it makes it a worthy successor to the original game on actual improvements.
There are just two MASSIVE issues that kneecap any and all fun.
For one, this game runs like hot burning garbage. My computer isn't exactly the springiest of chickens, but this game struggles to eke above 20 FPS and that's after a lot of updates. On launch, this game ran like a dumpster fire. Skill issue? Hey maybe, but it was shared by my friends at the same time. The optimization for this game is absolutely wack, and it makes all of those flowery copes about the gameplay pretty hollow. Sure the melee is improved, but unfortunately someone blew up a pipebomb and my frames just dropped to 5 so I'm dead either way. To say nothing of the actual server netcode that runs at the pace of a steamroller, with a match taking anywhere from 5 to 15 minutes to connect only to DC. Again, skill issue? Hardware problem? Possibly, still shit either way.
Second issue, and this is a hypothetical on my part, but the level itself. While the original NMRIH can be argued to be an extraction shooter, the level lengths for something like Toxteth, Broadway or so on is a LOT longer than the current one. This, in my eyes, helped make the levels actually more fun, the long haul marches for survival and giving you more of a chance to fuck up or eke out a win against the odds. The new map can be completed in half an hour, if that, and the roadbumps in your way feel a lot cheaper in comparison. True, it's the first level ever made, and true, that might change with the to-be-released Pottstown level, but that doesn't really solve the root issues here. The loop for the game is too quick to allow the kind of fun you'd want from a NMRIH game, and just makes it feel more generic. Even with the improvements, it holds it back by that proxy.
NMRIH 2 is a game that feels chained up, just short of being what it wants to be by nothing else but the development cycle. The actual gameplay improvements are exactly what you'd want from an improved NMRIH, held back entirely by a constantly rubberbanding netcode that makes your one hit kills miss anyway. The map and graphic improvements are leagues beyond flat Source engine lighting and are making the computer catch fire as a result. And while the extraction shooter gameplay isn't all that different from the original's extraction missions, the constant failures to connect and a shorter level layout make it feel cheaper as a result. This isn't some cheap cash grab on a beloved indie IP, there's the framework of an actually great sequel here. The issue is that Torn Banner's sent the game a lil' too raw out of the oven, for a reason I cannot fathom, but some datamining on the company emails will provide.
What worries me is that this is Torn Banner. They've already allowed one game to rot to pick up the pieces of NMRIH 2 and kick it out of the door, and now they have two games barreling towards full on abandonment, due to nothing but their own genius move to try and keep two early access games going at one time, versus finishing one and THEN the other. The potential for this game to die isn't entirely high, but it's there. In the same equal measure of TB getting their shit together, fixing the netcode, making the game better optimized and putting in the right level of improvements and new maps to make the gameplay loop feel better. And hell, maybe do the needful and ADDING A SERVER BROWSER INSTEAD OF A FUCKING QUICK MATCH SYSTEM. That'd SOLVE THE MATCHMAKING PROBLEM WOULDNT IT.
Rant aside, there's a potential for this game to turn around and be fantastic. It wouldn't be the Steam early access world without that potential being present. But for every The Forest, we've had a 7 Days to Die. We've already seen PAYDAY 3 go down in flames, why not get a two for one combo. This game is now on the timer to see if it's able to actually salvage itself, or be the Blood 2 to the Blood 1 that was the original mod. I have my hopes, but I also have my humility.
I truly like playing this game and hope the devs keep working on it and make it like a no mans sky story. there are some things i dont like that i wish they would look at. when doing a side area before the main objective you can get supplies by doing a mini puzzle that rather easy<-- (this i like, keeps it fast and simple) what i would like is in these sub areas for loot i wish if you cleared a area out without guns and used only melee, you were rewarded with little to no zombie activity, it creates this stressful loop of quickly shoot everything, do the puzzle asap, stop, shoot the 3 to 4 that spawned super close by and go back to the puzzle.<--- (not a fan) There some stability glitches but then again what games doesn't have them anymore. while everything seems negative I do enjoy the game, just looking for some lovely quality of live changes
I played the first one and this game is great too. A couple bugs here and there yeah but the game literally says early access when you log in, I cant cry about that. For 30 bucks (wtf is a kilometer) I'd say it's well worth it. At its state now I give it a 7/10. Easily a 10/10 game in time.
At its core, the gameplay is solid and its a lot of fun. Yes, there are bugs. Yes, some of these bugs are weird and they may even kill you or cause certain item usage issues to arise. Yes, right now there's only 1 map that only rotates difficulty and player spawns. Its Early Access though and I bought this with that fully in mind and I still think its an absolute blast. Proximity chat (in any game really) makes things both hilarious and epic while encouraging cooperation. Coordinating with teammates makes objectives and loot gathering way easier, There is a small player base now which means longer Queue times (my longest wait time is like 2-3 minutes during peak hours.) but all the players I've spoken to so far are helpful, will rush to save you if you need it, and are generally good sports which makes working together that much more fun. Skills for your character make each match easier to tackle, the more your character extracts alive, the more badass they become, the more likely they will extract again. I like the permadeath as it gives you some type of stake in staying alive. Its all work-in-progress but its pretty interesting to me as a new player to the series. If you think you'd like this game, give it shot. I did and I do not regret it a bit.
You don't know how disappointed I am as a prequel lover
Was expecting devs to add more things and polish the game
And no, somehow it feels WORSE than launched
There goes my 10 years of waiting
I tried to sludge through this game at launch. 8 friends and I sludge through it despite its broken mess.
Now? It's dead, and the mess is still there. I mean, if the devs can magically fix the main issues (Hit detection and connection issues) then I don't see this becoming a full game.
Also they abandoned Chiv 2 for this so.. Yeah remember, always be aware of who is developing a game and see their track record.
been a fan of NMRIH for over a decade; despite the glaringly obvious issues of an early access title released in such an unfinished state, I don't personally hold any grievances with No More Room In Hell 2's core concept and gameplay. When everything is running as it should, things are tight and intense, the atmosphere is stellar, the world is beautiful yet haunting, there are a million tiny details jammed into every corner and crevice that scream a clear and concise vision echoing NMRIH past. I've seen a lot of people say a lot of really bad things about this game. Janky, unbalanced, a bit buggy? Absolutely. The game runs like ass no matter what I do with its settings. But those are problems I signed up to deal with when I bought into an EA game, and when weighing the negatives versus the positives I find myself still re-experiencing that same spark of terror and excitement I did so many years ago. I can't say I LOVE No More Room In Hell 2; But I really, really like it, and given enough time and care I hope more people can change their tunes
A total disappointment. Have been playing the first game since 2015, had followed the sequel’s development for years before its release. They abandoned the soul of the first game for nothing, It doesn't even measure up with it's 14 year old predecessor. It's nearly 4 months after release and instead of fixing core gameplay issues, they are focusing on changes like making running use stamina and renaming ammunition types, thinking it's progress (meanwhile shots are still not being delivered consistently, zombies are meleeing you 8 METERS away, hitting or pushing zombies don't cancel their animations). Wish this game never existed. It's nothing but a spit in the face of the legacy of No More Room in Hell.
" Up to 8 players zombie horror co-op game "
This game is a sequel to the previous series 1.
Main features
1) If you are attacked by a zombie, you will die from a virus infection
2) Naturally, if the character's health reaches 0%, the game is over due to the character's death
In series 2, it became a reboot game as it became an extraction shooter genre
Also, the game was released as an early access,
but as the game update development period became longer, serious game bugs occurred
( Lantern Glitch, Lantern Glitching)
In addition, there is no game tutorial
In the end, the game became a failure... but co-op games are fun :)
" 최대 8인 플레이어 좀비 호러 코옵 게임 "
이게임은 이전 시리즈1의 후속편입니다.
주된 특징
1) 좀비에게 공격당하면, 바이러스 감염으로 죽게됩니다
2) 당연하게도 캐릭터의 체력이 0%가 되면, 캐릭터 사망으로 게임오버입니다
시리즈2에서는 익스트랙션 슈터 장르가 되면서, 리부트 게임이 되었습니다
(익스트랙션 슈터 = 생존과 탈출 슈팅 게임, 리부트 = 연속성을 버리고 새롭게 제작하는 것임)
또한, 앞서 해보기로 게임이 출시되었지만
게임 업데이트 개발 기간이 길어지면서, 심각한 게임버그가 발생했습니다
(랜턴 글리칭)
게다가 게임 튜토리얼도 없습니다
결국 게임이 실패작이 되었지만... 코옵 게임들의 재미가 있습니다 :)
I had fun, it was full of bugs but I had fun for the time I played it. Then it became repetetive. I was willing to give it couple months to get back on it's feet, however the game is dead now. Peak was 92 players in last 24 hours at the point of writting this review and I do not recommend anybody buying this game.
I can't even get in the game reliably, and if I do manage to I spend the first 10-15 minutes running around through missing textures while the game gains and drops frames at a rate I cannot fathom. (that part stays the entire time) The way this game runs reminds me of the constantly loading and lagging Modern Warfare pages but slower somehow. The state this game has dropped in is beyond "early access" jank, and has made me waste 40 bucks on a game that doesn't even function at the most BASIC level yet.
That being said, as far as I've played I can see and love the ideas for the future of the game. The concept of starting alone in the more sparse and dispersed zombie population areas and converging with others into the horde in the middle is amazing. The way the game keeps you mostly in the dark on the progress of others besides radio calls and actual proximity based verbal communication for major objectives is oh so immersive. When the combat actually does the animations correctly and doesn't make you lag, it feels so responsive and meaty. When you hit a zombie in the face with a pipe, you feel like your character actually used their arm muscles to try and do damage. The gun animations (or at least whatever controls them) are still kinda rough, but the guns themselves feel absolutely diabolical and do the destruction you would hope, and the way their gunshots subtly draw in zombies is so immersive and forces you to think on what you use beyond ammo expenditure. The objectives themselves don't feel insanely played out and like a copy paste task from other games (I haven't managed to get this game to run consistently long enough to see how repetitive it feels once you've done the task before.) Barricading yourself inside still makes it feel like you are living out a Romero inspired horror, and while I felt off about the zombies still looking pretty fresh at first, something about the deformation when you hit them feels more visceral. Other games got me used to seeing these horrifying rotting corpses walking around, but something about it still looking like just a bunch of normal people adds a sadness to it and exacerbates the angst I feel throughout the game.
All in all, while the game is in a pretty rough state to start, I have nothing but hope for the devs behind this passion project. The years I spent playing the original game and other similar zombie extraction games has given me a high standard for this genre, and I can't imagine this game disappointing me when the full release happens. The heights that the creators behind the original reached with just source engine was and still is unimaginable, so to imagine whats possible with this new engine is no small feat. The way the game feels beyond the jankyness and frames is downright lovely, every big action or decision actually means something because you could get yourself killed either now or 30 minutes down the road from infection. Every bullet you fire means more because not only is that one round you don't have anymore, but it could also be the dinner bell for that one zombie that manages to bite you before you get away. And I know a lot of the stuff I described sounds pretty standard for zombie games, but the way the puzzle pieces fall together in-game just makes this feel so much more rich. I have nothing but hope and excitement from this title, and as long as I get to have my bunker down zombie shootout experience, my hopes will have been fulfilled and my excitement answered. I hope to be able to get in game so I can find more stuff and add to my review so it isn't just based off the gameplay experience I could claw from my near half hour of stuttering through.
Edit: This part of the review comes after finally managing to finish a match all the way, and I loved it. So hyped for all the dope updates in the future!
Find a mechete and stack explosives and radios and you'll be just fine. The game is in early access so yeah the bugs are there, but honestly you're just here you kill zombies and this game makes it feel right. The weapon meta changes after each patch so it stays pretty fresh and once you find all the static weapon caches its easy enough to get what you need. Diff 4 and nightmare are actually hard to complete but not impossible (doing it solo still sucks so much though). Just remember that gas station is a death trap and you should just ignore it and you'll do great.
I like it so far isn`t perfect but has potential. Dosen`t excuse the rough launch with issues but i think they can get it too a good spot at a point in the future.
so ill start by saying it definitely needs some love do i recommend the game yes most definitely however a zombie hitting me with only its arms no weapon from 5+ feet away is crazy yet i cant hit it with a weapon an extension of my body that doesnt make sense i understand the game is still in work and thats why im leaving a positive review plus its really fun to play with friends
Unplayable, 10 min queue only to play at max 30 to 50 fps
Char menu cant even load
Texture gone missing time to time
Yeahh, this game is born dead already
This game has so much potential, but asking $30 for this game in its current state is just not okay. There are too many core features of this game not finished/polished to the point that I'm questioning why it released so early. Here's to holding out hope for improvement!
game is dead or its not working. sat there for 16 minutes with game waitng to start. refund requested. would of happily sat there playing alone and dying over and over but the only thing that was dead about this game was my patients waiting to even start my first game. time is limited im not wasting it looking at a timer.
Great concept of a game. Alright execution of said idea. Zombies being able to hit you from 5 plus feet away ruins it tho. Great game to mess around with friends though. Once you get into it and group up with people it becomes easier and more fun. There's quite a few objectives that feel impossible without more than one person doing it. Hopefully the devs prove me wrong and update this game regularly. Solid 6/10 could recommend.
If you're reading this because you're on the fence about buying it; Just know that this is an early access game. They've released it to work out the kinks of the foundation that they've created. You're buying a game that is going to constantly improve(From what I've seen so far).I've watched all kind of gameplay of first release up to now before buying it, and playing it for close to 3 hours. It's improved a lot. Plus, they update it like once every week. PLEASE keep that in mind. I think it's great for what they're going for. Sure it's a bit repetitive, but they're working on another map, plus more game modes. The ambiance is great, super creepy. Constantly on edge when I'm playing it. Some things need to be worked on with the vaulting and things you can/can't jump over. Melee seems a bit slow, but it's not. Just think about it for 10 seconds. Gunplay isn't so bad, but it seems a bit clunky; if you know what I mean. The zombies do hear pretty well but not so well that they hear melee combat from far away. The characters of other players that you see look funky(their movement). That's an obvious one. they'll probably take care of that quickly. Now..... You're gonna see a bunch of guys on here bad-mouthing the game, talking about things that don't matter. Like which company bought another out, and that they're mad that it's different from the first game. They expected a perfectly functioning game from this early access release. Waaa Waaa. Let 'em cry. Knowing all this. I hope you make the decision that is right for you. Whatever that may be. Personally, I like it, and think its gonna be great. I you made it this far. Seems like you really wanna play it. YOU SHOULD!!! You're gonna be the reason that they improve the game the way we all want them to. Thanks for reading. See you out in the field.
Completely dead game. Patches come out once a month (if not less) and fix 5 bugs. It's funny, I think the game will be closed soon, don't waste your money, like I was, I was deceived.
Good fun better to play with a squad of friends still needs some work but I will keep playing looking forward to seeing the improvements.
I bought this game to tell you to please fix the Chivalry 2 servers. Seems like that game may be a more lucrative route to success anyway. Can't find a lobby in this game, go check out Chivalry 2.
The developers are currently pushing out updates to continuosly fix the active glitches. Although, the base game does have enough stuff to keep yourself busy for roughly 20hrs of gameplay, it does become a rinse and repeat with little to no variate each game. I can see this game becoming a 8/10 in a year from now when they add an armory, character progression, new enemies, and more items and locations in the game to keep it fresh for returning players. I would give the game a 6.5/10 for now. I am hopeful the team will keep providing fresh experiences and updates to this game.
this game is early access and it SHOWS. this is not a bad thing necessarily. the devs are *actually* updating the game. they literally changed the roadmap based on feedback. they introduced getting infected and are adding in multiple maps with multiple main objectives..HOWEVER. again. early access. a little buggy, the animations are goofy, there is (at the time of this, 1/20) only one map so its a tinge repetative... but there's a cake here boys... just be patient while it sits in the oven
I have not had a game make me sht my pants in years. this one did it.
im enjoying it as of right now. not too many bugs, things seem balanced.
much better with friends : fight undead and complete tasks : collect items to extract with to level up your character, then pick new skills.
hopefully replayability is a thing with this game.
Game is definitely getting better day by day. Give it a chance, guys. When they fixed the jank, this game would be far superior to the first one.
I really want to enjoy this game, but the current state of matchmaking and the high ping is making it tough. As an Oceania player, it would be great to at least have the option to play solo or host my own non-dedicated matches, its almost impossible to find a playable game after long wait times...this this is a shared issues with the community. Until these issues are addressed, I feel like the player base will continue to dwindle. it's frustrating to want to play but feel held back by these problems, and i mean once the player base gets low enough not even solo players can enjoy the game they spent their cash on.
NMRiH 2 is a good game... At least in theory. The game launched completely bugged out and was almost impossible to play. It has gotten better, but is still lacking. The game is not super replayable in its current state. It's more or less the same repetitive steps to gather loot for the game. There is remnants of soul to the checkpoints in the game, but a lot of it lacks individuality to really have an impact. This could be a lot of fun. But because of how it released its going to be hard for it to make a solid comeback. Currently there's 45 people playing worldwide with a 64 player peak. Finding a match is next to impossible really. I don't understand why they didn't add the classic offline survival and mission modes from the first game. Then it would be playable even at a low player count, and probably wouldn't be as low as it is in the first place. Ill give it a thumbs up because I am hopeful, but really, don't buy it yet.
Thus far, I have been enjoying the game with friends. I believe it has significant potential and encourages the developers to persevere despite the inevitable criticisms that accompany any early access title.
For those who find themselves dissatisfied with the changes from the previous installment, I would suggest revisiting 'No More Room in Hell 1'.
If the goal is to experience an identical gameplay loop, a sequel may not be the ideal pursuit for you.
game design wise, fucking amazing. it is def early access right now so cut it some slack. i love my slow paced coop extraction horde shooter <3
tried playing this game a few times and had trouble ever finding a match, would usually just close the game after 5 minutes. Logged in today and ran my first match, got carried by a guy that knew all the spawns, which weapons to carry and how to do every objective. Managed to extract, filled with new confidence I loaded into a new game accidentally shoved a zombie against a explosive barrel and died 10/10 would play again.
This game is one that seems like it's got a lot of potential but for right now doesn't have the polish or community. Doing research on the game they switched engine and the product they have right now at least visually is a lot more impressive. I think a lot of what fans wanted was left behind in the old version and is slowly coming. I think this game has a long way to go but could be a true spiritual successor like a lot of reviews say it isn't right now. I'm going to keep playing it but I also play escape from tarkov so don't trust my judgement.
Smoother combat, more content, better game performance, and this game will be very good. It's drop dead gorgeous by the way.
Really good game! Feel like it gets a lot of bad press simply because it's not the same as prequel and it's super undeserved. It makes zombie killing fun but keeps the realistic experience that could be expected in an apocalypse.
definitely missing a whole bunch of stuff but the core NMRIH mechanics are there so nonetheless it is fun to play despite bugs here and there
id like to first state this game has heaps of potential. problem is there isn't a lot of repeatability and very few players making the matchmaking take a long time, i have played 4 games first 2 were fun but it got old fast as the only thing that chances game to game is your spawn location and lobby size.
i genuinely loved the game but due to these issues in returned it and may return when they have enough content to justify the price tag
The game kinda sucks, the trailer is very misleading.
the gameplay is buggy and repetitive
it's not well optimized and the graphics are years behind when this came out
it also lacks updates
- Player base is kind to each other, good friends to be made.
- Difficulty is diverse, sometimes an easy run can go bad very quickly, 0 to 100.
- Character levels vs Account level is a good way of balancing permadeath.
- Torn Banner won't abandon it.
- The player base wants more people to play with!
Not even sure if they can fix the game at this point. It's straight garbage.
On paper its a game we all wanted. In reality its a buggy mess that doesn't deliver. Not to recommend in its current state.
Not many games has the immersion factor...
This has it's odd moments but knowing it's Early Access Game it's bloody good. I grew tired of zombies games where you can slide and back-flip off walls to wall bang zombies (Black ops 6). This game brings the fear back into multiplayer zombies and honestly every life or death situation I've been in or witnessed with other players felt like a blockbuster movie moment from a classic zombie film, the ambience this game has is incredible...
This game is headed in the right direction, I hope they keep moving forward as the realism here is unparalleled!
I missed the old days when Early access meant game underdevelopment, not a pile of mess of whatever this crap is.... The melee feedback is wonky, and all the objectives seems really repetitive. I would say this is 2 hrs worth a game play and non-playable. The dev need some extensive "refinement" because compared to the original nmrih that was built upon the source engine. This seems like the logan paul version of lunchable- i.e re branded wishy washy back 4 dead, completely soulless. I would not recommend to any original die hard nmrih player
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Дополнительная информация
Разработчик | Torn Banner Studios |
Платформы | Windows |
Ограничение возраста | Нет |
Дата релиза | 07.03.2025 |
Отзывы пользователей | 55% положительных (3016) |